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Post by madroswellfan »

I don't know if this will work, but wanted to see if anyone liked this...

Title: Planes of existance
Rating: ADULT
Disclaimer: Nope, not a thing
Couples: CC/UC

Summary - What if when Nicholas transported the humans to a different plane, something goes wrong - and the humans from a different plane switch to there plane.

(For simplicity, on the other plane, slightly different names / full names will be used.)

Plane 2
On this plane, Maxwell never healed Elizabeth. Instead, she has been in and hospital since, due to the fact that the bullet shattered her spinal chord, rendering her unable to walk. Elizabeth and Kyleth are still together.

Michaelangelo and Isabelle have been following destiny. Tessa and Maxwell have been too....but Tessa has been seeing Alexander on the sly. She still plans on taking the aliens to antar and ultimately to there death.

Marianna on this plane has been feeling left out, and therefore has been in New York, with Bill (aka Billy). They are a singing duo, and are both known for being party animals. But when Maria's mom dies unexpectantly, she returns to Roswell.

Nick and the skins on this plane tried to shift the humans at the same time and the combination made only the humans close to the aliens switch (aka Liz, Kyle, Maria and Alex with Elizabeth, Kyleth, Marianna and Alexander)

In the future -
At somepoint Tessa will realise she is pregnant and the child will be Alex's.
The humans will have to decide if they want to stay or not - (there can not be the two same humans on the same plane
(Possibly in the future that Maria and Kyle will switch back making both versions of them on plane one - but they can't do this for long or they will both fade out of existance)

Couples -
Depends on the players, but there will be at least some of the following
Max/Liz Maxwell/Tessa
Michael/Maria Michaelangelo/Isabelle
Alex/Isabel Alexander/Tessa
Kyle/Tess Kyleth/Elizabeth

Plane 1
Max -
Liz - madroswellfan
Michael -
Maria -
Isabel -
Alex -
Tess -
Kyle -
Nicholas -

Plane 2
Maxwell -
Elizabeth - madroswellfan
Michaelangelo -
Marianna -
Isabelle -
Alexander -
Tessa - madroswellfan
Kyleth -
Nick -

1) Long posts (at least two paragraphs) with expression.
2) I'd like sample posts
3) No rushing! No drastic changes to the story line unless you've contacted me and other players involved.
4) If you aren't going to be a round for a while, please say so I can arrange a temp. If we don't here for you for a while and you don't tell me I will recast
5) If you would like to play BOTH versions of a character thats fine, but i will need sample bios for both.
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Post by littleroswell »

Ok, I posted this idea a while back and got like no interest except madroswellfan so I thought I'd try again since it's been some time. I really hope that you guys are interested now. Let me know if you are and I'll post it and we'll try to start it up.

Title: A Thing for Aliens

Category: X-over with Smallville, UC
Couples: Liz/Clark, Tess/Max at first changes to Max/Lana and Tess/Lex, Kyle/Chloe, Alex/Isabel, Maria/Michael

Rating: Teen (may go up to Adult but probably not, depends on the interest I receive)

Summary/Setting: Set after prom in Roswell and I have no idea for Smallville but I want them to all be about the same age. Um, let’s say it’s just kind of general for Smallville. Lex and Clark are still great friends, and Pete knows Clark’s secret. Um, Clark doesn’t know where he’s from or anything about his home planet. Clark still likes Lana and she’s fighting her feelings for Clark since he insists they can’t be together. Chloe is the jealous friend but wants them to be happy.

Liz’s world is falling apart and she can’t get Sean’s words or “theory” out of her head because she knows he’s right...she’s suffocating. (See quotes below the characters from “Heart of Mine”) Not long after prom night, Sean was caught breaking and entering and had a beer and marijuana on him he’s in jail for a long time so he’s no longer in the picture. Liz’s parents, especially her mother are worried about her as she seems to be losing weight and withdrawing from everyone.

Jeff and Nancy come to a decision to tell Liz the truth about herself…that she’s not Jeff’s daughter. Liz is Nancy’s daughter but Jeff couldn’t have children and when he found out he couldn’t, he and Nancy had a rough time. Nancy met a mystery man who took advantage of her misery and vulnerability and ended up fathering Liz. That man was Lionel Luther. Liz is devastated by the news but realizes that now she realizes that maybe she needs to learn about herself and what she might have inherited from Lionel. So she contacts him and is brought to Smallville for a while to supposedly get to know Lionel and Lex.

Several scenes will be happening at once during this as things will be happening in Roswell as well as Smallville. I want Liz and Clark’s relationship to be something that comes between Lex and Clark’s friendship. I want all our characters to be good guys with the exception of Lex and Tess and Lionel but they aren’t out and out bad, but complex characters. We might even save them in the end.

Lionel wants nothing to do with Liz really but he’s afraid if he treats her badly, she and her parents will try to take legal recourse and stake a real claim to his money. So he takes her to Smallville and tries to smooth talk her while keeping her identity as his daughter a secret, hoping that she’ll find the answers she’s looking for and then go away.

The connection between Antar and Krypton will be established that they had been trying to establish peace between the two worlds but Kivar sabotaged that somehow. Liz and Lana were prophesied to be the one to help with these negotiations and help establish peace. (I’m really not sure exactly how but eh, we get the idea.)

I want Liz and Lex to become pretty close, relate to each other. Liz and Max should eventually have a talk about what happened at prom and agree to be friends. I want Max to really try being with Tess and Tess to be the one who ends up breaking it off when she cheats on him with Lex. Liz and Clark’s friendship should develop before they just start really liking each other, and Liz shouldn’t find out about Clark’s other worldly status too quickly. Depending on how well this all goes, we might end up having to jump ahead in time with a kind of Lois and Clark storyline but we’ll deal with that if it comes up. I will take auditions by PM if you are interested in a character or characters. Please feel free to take more than one.


1. No rushing the story.
2. Post often and grammatically correct as much as possible. An error now and then is ok but please use punctuation and be clear.
3. Be descriptive in your posting. Let us know what your character is thinking, wearing, etc. Please post in paragraphs not just a couple of sentences if possible.
4. If you want to add or change a major part of the story, please PM me or ask in an OT or “aside” so that we can all agree to it. Do not assume a major character or plot change is ok.



Liz Parker/Luther
Max Evans
Nancy Parker
Jeff Parker (someone can play both parents or we can simply leave them open to anyone using/writing them as needed)
Maria DeLuca
Michael Guerrin
Isabel Evans
Alex Whitman
Tess Harding
Kyle Valenti


Clark Kent
Lex Luthor
Lana Lang
Chloe Sullivan
Pete Ross
Martha Kent
Jonathan Kent (again someone can play both parents or we can leave them open to everyone)
Lionel Luthor



From “Heart of Mine”:

Sean: So, um, can I tell you my theory?

Liz: Can I stop you?

Sean (chuckles): You and I are…are really different people.

Liz: That’s your theory?

Sean: But the thing is, that if we’re so different, then why do I feel so much every time I look at you? I mean, it’s not completely one sided is it? This town. Everybody’s always looking at me, like…there's Sean, just got back from juvie. What's crazy Sean gonna do next? And that's what I figured out about you. You're not that different. I mean this whole arrangement you have with Max, it's like you're not together but you're not apart. I mean I bet you can't even talk to me without wondering what Max is gonna think about it. But meanwhile, you're not getting what you need from him, are you? You're suffocating Liz. We both are.
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Post by littleroswell »

Had another undeveloped idea and wanted to run it by you guys. Would anyone be interested in a Superman/Roswell X-over RP? Not a Smallville x-over. It would be simply based on the concept/idea of Superman and his story. I was hoping for a UC RP with Clark/Liz and Max/Lois. Obviously, it would have to be after the gang from Roswell had grown up. I'm keeping this idea very undeveloped in the hope that people would be interested in the concept. I have some ideas for it but wanted to see if anyone would want to know more first.

Beth aka littleroswell
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Post by madroswellfan »

Both sounds great to me and I'd love to play Clark in either.

But you may need to be more specific when you say "Superman". Do you mean the movies?
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Post by littleroswell »

Yeah, I was thinking maybe picking up somewhere after the first Superman movie. I thought Liz could be a scientist that Superman saves and that she ends up trying to help him learn more about himself and his abilities or something. Would anyone else be interested? I would also include the other Roswellians too of course.
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Post by littleroswell »

Had another idea for a RP and wanted to run it by everyone. What do you guys think?

Title: All Bets Off
Category: CC AU with or without aliens, not sure yet
Rating: hmmm, I want to say MATURE or ADULT but if we need players, I’ll change it to TEEN

Summary: Liz Parker is a happy-go-lucky rich girl who always gets what she wants. She’s beautiful, smart, flirty, has a great sense of humor, and isn’t afraid to go after what she wants. She also is blessed with a good heart and a handful of great friends, not to mention a good relationship with her father, a widower who is usually busy on business. There is only one major fault that can be found in her, she loves games. Normally this isn’t a fault and lord knows that her friends find her ways entertaining, but her playing these games has left her wondering if she is capable of finding true love and recognizing it when it comes along. She is constantly making fun wagers, usually for stakes a lot more fun than money, flirting with all the good looking guys, and playing practical jokes on people, though they are harmless. Her fun ways leave her friends and the guys she dates doubting her sincerity in matters of the heart.

When Liz is at a classy bar/club with her girlfriends (Maria, Tess, and Isabel), she makes one of her famous wagers that she can make any guy fall in love with her, to the point of wanting to marry her, within a month. Her conscious sort of pricks at her that she would make a bet that normally she would consider cruel but her girlfriends insist that guys would not take her seriously as anything other than a fun time and a couple of fun dates. She is so sure that she can win that she allows the girls to look around and pick any man in the club. She’s never met Isabel’s brother, who has been away at college and then medical school ever since she’s known Isabel. Therefore, when Isabel sees her brother in the club, she knows that he will be able to help her win the bet and chooses him as Liz’s prey.

Max Evans is a renowned surgeon who has no time for a real relationship. He’s rich and handsome and likes a good time but is usually pretty serious minded. His friends tease him that he is the only man they know that goes to clubs and bars avoiding relationships. Admitting that eventually, when his life calms down, he would like to have a real meaningful girlfriend, he is content for now to keep the serious females at bay and to enjoy the good times he has with the flirts. So when he and his friends (Kyle, Michael and Alex) are at a classy club and he gets approached by a beautiful brunette, he is quick to try to avoid her until Kyle sees who it is that he is talking about and assures Max that she is exactly his type and will never get serious about a relationship. He relaxes at this as he is attracted to the girl and she seems like fun.

The other characters, I’d like to leave who they are and what they do and their personalities up to the people who want to play them. I think it would be cool to have Michael and Maria seem to dislike each other and obviously argue a lot but they end up going out because of a lost bet or something. Just an idea.

Couples: M/L, M/M, K/T, A/I

Anyone interested?
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Post by Fehr'sBear »

I'd be interested. :D
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Post by Sternbetrachter »

me too :) especially if I could be Alex :D
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Post by madroswellfan »

I'd be VERY interested, especially in Max ;)
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Post by ~Ruby~ »

Last edited by ~Ruby~ on Mon Oct 23, 2006 11:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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