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Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 12:17 pm
by killjoy
Well Riley was Mr Macho.Unlike Angel and/or Spike he couldn't handle the fact his girlfriend was tougher and stronger then him.

Plus their whole hunting styles were way off from one another.Riley would wear all the dark clothing,military sneak around in hopes of surprising the vamps.

While Buffy would wear short bright clothing and be loud in hopes of drawing the vamps in with her 'oh I'm just a poor lost little girl' act.When she did than she would kick their ass :lol:

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 5:26 pm
by Sternbetrachter
Spike *shrugs*: "I don't want to be this good-looking and athletic. We all have crosses to bear."
best line ever :lol:

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 3:47 pm
by Bubblegal
To those who are a Buffy/Angel fan - Head Here!

If you want to join - you'll need to ask Dark Star for an invation code but you don't need to join straight away. Check it out and see what you think.

Guys - what was your fave Episode and why?

Mine: Earshot - mostly due to Buffy's fun at being able to hear everyone's thought and her and Angel's conversation. *Sighs* Too sweet.

Re: Buffy?

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 11:39 pm
by Effluent Elegance
hey all! i'm a recent convert to the buffy series thanks to a friend who owns the dvd set. because of this i am totally out of the loop! i would love to read buffy fan fic, but cannot find any sites besides, which is not my favorite site in the world. anyone know where i can get some good stories?

Re: Buffy?

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 4:46 pm
by April
Every summer I re-watch this fabulous show. All 7 seasons. And I never get tired of it.

Does anyone else have a hell of a hard time picking a favorite episode, though? I have a number of them. Prophecy Girl, Innocence, Passion, Becoming Pt. 2, Graduation Day Pt. 2, Restless, Fool for Love, The Gift, Once More With Feeling, Tabula Rasa, Dead Things, Lies My Parents Told Me, Touched, Chosen . . . I could go on.

Anyway, in my mind, this is the most genius show to ever be on television. Ever.


Re: Buffy?

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 4:37 pm
by ashleyt
April wrote:Every summer I re-watch this fabulous show. All 7 seasons. And I never get tired of it.

Does anyone else have a hell of a hard time picking a favorite episode, though? I have a number of them. Prophecy Girl, Innocence, Passion, Becoming Pt. 2, Graduation Day Pt. 2, Restless, Fool for Love, The Gift, Once More With Feeling, Tabula Rasa, Dead Things, Lies My Parents Told Me, Touched, Chosen . . . I could go on.

Anyway, in my mind, this is the most genius show to ever be on television. Ever.

Hey April! I forgot you were a Buffy fan. I never have a hard time picking my favourite episodes because my top 10 never changes.

2. Surprise
3. Amends
4. Passion
5. Becoming Part 1
6. Innocence
7. Becoming Part 2
8. The Yoko Factor
9. Pangs
10. Him

Re: Buffy?

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 10:07 pm
by Vael
With everything about this show i disliked, it's amazing that i never missed an episode and love watching them again when i have the chance :oops:

I never liked Buffy overly much :shock: disliked all her relationships, but i was open to Buffy/Spike pairing by the end. Riley he worked better than sleeping pills when i wanted to fall a sleep, i really disliked Angel ( though loved him throughout the Angel series).
Didn't like Cordelia, Dawn oh i thought Riley sucked, but she was worse :lol:

Loved Xander, Willow ( good & evil :twisted: ) Faith, Dru, Jonathan, Andrew, Caleb, Glory & Spike & The Demon who liked to eat Kittens :lol: ( forgot the name )

Favorite Episodes?
Tabulsa Rasa
School Hard
The Zeppo
Beer Bad
The Wish

Re: Buffy?

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 1:24 am
by Ansleyrocks
Watching Riley on the show was hard, every time he entered the scene I wanted to cry it was like he sucked all the fun out of it. Xander was my all time favorite and I always hated how the others just took him for granted and never let him into the loop they just thought he was going to get in the way but then when they needed him they buttered up to him and that always made me mad.

Cordy well she is just blah. Every show has a character like her and I am sick of it, when she left the B!t@# role went to Glory and Harmony but I mean come on she was just there to throw out sarcastic comments. I hated it when she went to Angel her character brought nothing to that show as well and she just got in the way when it came to story lines.

Angel was too stuck on himself and I could do without him same with Dawn and Joyce.

Faith I liked she added a little spice to the show and threw the other characters into a tizzy. Her darkness brought out the darker side of Buffy and that was interesting to watch. Eliza really worked well in scenes with Sarah and the way the two played off each other just left views with this sister/enemy vibe even when they were fighting and it worked very well.

I liked how in each season there was a different bad guy and how at the end they all made a little camio it was neat to see. I think my favorite bad guy was Adam because he was just so smart and was always a step ahead. I like that he was a product of human manipulation and I liked how he sort of sent a message saying this is what you all get for messing with something that should not be messed with.

Favorite couple on the show has to be Tara/Willow because they seemed like the only two people who were actually in the relationship for the love of each other and truely felt it to the bone and would die for each other. The complex nature of their relationship as it went on was interesting and was real unlike the others. They were lovers and friends and were there for each other even when they were not together and that made their couple just that much more powerful. The way they loved and hurt each other just sucked me in and I could not stop watching. I loved how their relationship came about, it was different than the others who just sort of came together out of circumstance. Willow and Tara came together out of a slow progresson of feelings and built on trust and time.

My favorite episodes are

Who Are You?
Conversations with Dead People

Each of them brings out a fear or wish that I always had or just plain made me laugh. Nightmares was my first fav. I had always wondered what would happen if all of our fears came to life and well I got my answer and I can safely say I never want that to happen. Halloween I just loved the idea that they turned into their costumes it was new and I loved it. Ted played on the whole fear every girl gets when their mom or dad start dating again, are they going to like the new person or love them and the fact that he was trying to get Buffy out of the way and turned out to be a killer wa great. Passion just blew me away, the death of Jenny and seeing Giles passionate for the first time was great add in Angel telling Joyce about his sleeping with Buffy and they had a winner. Earshot was just too cool, being able to hear what others are thinking has to be an amaing gift but the fact that they showed the downside as well was great. Hush was just brilliant I mean to do a silent episode really took some great acting and music skills to pull off and after watching it over and over the fear of not being able to scream when you are in trouble still sends chills down my spine. The others I just love because they made me think or I just thought were so out there I could not help but love them.

Re: Buffy?

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 2:29 pm
by Jezebel Jinx
Effluent Elegance wrote:hey all! i'm a recent convert to the buffy series thanks to a friend who owns the dvd set. because of this i am totally out of the loop! i would love to read buffy fan fic, but cannot find any sites besides, which is not my favorite site in the world. anyone know where i can get some good stories?
I know some really good sites but it depends on what kind of fics you're looking for? Is there a certain ship or certain genre you're most interested in?
Bubblegal wrote:Guys - what was your fave Episode and why?
Fav eps are hard to choose for the simple reason that I love most episodes for something different, also because my favorites change as re-watch an episode that I hadn't seen in a while. So I'll go by the ones I watch the most.

(In no particular order)

1. Bad Eggs-Huge Angel/Buffy fan and they had plenty of lip-locking in this ep. Also I liked that Joyce was actually being a parent. I have major issues with her character, namely the fact that she was so blind to what was going on with her daughter for three years (including the year before she came to Sunnydale) and that Buffy seemed to be rather low on her list of priorities.
2. Passion-Angelus...nuff said.
3. Becoming pt I & II-Got to see Angel being turned by Darla, loved that she was back even if was only for a bit. Plus the Spike/Buffy/Joyce interactions.
4. Wrecked-Spuffy. Although I'm a big B/A fan there will always be a place in my heart for Spike/Buffy. And this was when all that anger and passion got released.
5. The Body-Angst city. Love angst and this fit the bill quite nicely.
6. Empty Places-This episode brought all the Scooby hate (my potential hate was already at the surface so this ep just made me want to kill them more) back with a vengeance. They kicked her out of her own damn house, now while I hated that, I loved the angst that it gave Buffy.
7. Amends-Got to see some of Angelus's victims and hear how Angelus killed them. B/A dream sharing and their moment up on the hill.
8. Him-Every once in awhile I need a little comedy and this fit the bill. Anya and Willow's conversation/banter after the kid with the jacket came to the door was hysterical.
9. Lessons-Great opening for the final season, since S6 was fairly dark it got back to the lighter side of things. Dawn got some new friends (but oddly enough didn't see them again after that), and Buffy's banter with the ghosts and saying that she's the sister who dated dead guys but that they were hot.
10. Graduation Day pt II-This ep for me had everything, laughs, drama, angst, romance, and fighting.

Re: Buffy?

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 2:37 pm
by April
It's interesting that Passion is an episode that seems to show up on a lot of people's fave episodes list.

Which season of Buffy do you guys like best? I myself can never decide.
