Fleeing Roswell (AU, CC, TEEN)

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Post by isabelle »


I approach the bank, cautiously, wondering if I should call Dad's office to tell them who's here, but then, it's not like they actually told me anything about what's going on. They just let an FBI agent come and hold me prisoner in my own home.

Instead, I walk forward, trying to see who's inside. There seem to be three or more people in the small glass-walled lobby, but the one by the door is Maria.

"Maria?" I ask, walking closer and now seeing that Isabel and Alex are there, too, but no sign of Max or Liz. "What's going on?"
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Post by CandyDreamQueen »


“Don’t worry…I’m ok Max…”

“Are you sure that you’re aright Liz?” I ask her. I know that she’s worried about something, but she’s keeping it from me. I don’t want to push her, but I really wish that she would tell me what was bothering her.

“Liz if something is wrong I need you to tell me.” I say

“I promise, whatever it is, I can take it. Just tell me what’s bothering you?”
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Post by Roswell4ever1 »


"Oh it's big Kyle. You better call the press. We got paid yesterday and are now cashing our checks before taking the order of oils we just picked up from Essence City back to mom's shop." I rolled my eyes. Technically it wasn't a lie. I had just picked up an order of oils from Essence City for mom's shop. Two days ago. But they were still in my car so I could prove it. Thank God Essence City was here in Mountain View. It made it much easier to answer Kyle's questions.
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Post by KatnotKath »

OOC: hoping this works


Max can obviously see that I’m upset and I guess I should know better than to lie to him. He knows me too well I guess… Then again, the last thing he needs are my worries right now. How do I come out and tell him that I told Valenti the truth…how do I admit I broke my promise, and how do I say I would do it again in a second if it meant saving him.

We nearly lost him…
The words go over and over in my head. I know that I’m repeating myself, but I just can’t help it… I swallow and shake my head, reaching out to guide a stray strand of hair away from his eyes and dipping my head to kiss him gently. “Not now Max…please…don’t worry yourself…just concentrate on resting and regaining your strength…” I tell him softly. I squeeze his hand and go to get up. “I’m gonna be right back, but I just need to talk to Michael a moment…I’m not leaving, I’ll just be over there, and I’ll be back in a moment, I promise…”

Michael is the one person that might be able to tell me something more at the moment. I need to know what he knows about what happened to Valenti after he was shot…and he’s also the person I need to make understand… I need to make him see that me telling Valenti wasn’t something I did lightly, it was a last resort…I did what I had to in order to try and save Max...
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by isabelle »


I'm trying to watch the front door, to keep an eye out for trouble and also to try to give Max and Liz their space. I don't really want to watch that, ya know? Even 'though it would only take a small turn of my head to see them and I can still hear most of what they're saying, although they're talking quietly. I wish I could heal him. Make it better. But I've never been good at that...

I wanna blame all this on Liz, but it's really Max's fault. Still, I can't deny that the two of them seem to really have something. How come he can make it look so easy and Liz is always so happy? Maria seems to be annoyed with me a lot of the time, sometimes even yelling, although when she's feeling friendly, it's the best thing on Earth. I'd never admit it, but I'm glad she's coming with us.

I'm glad to be running, 'tho. Max and Isabel finally understand what I've been saying all along. We aren't safe. We can't be safe. We gotta be on our guard all the time. We should run in September. Max never would have been hurt like this, if we did.

'Course, I wouldn't have known Maria, either...

I wanna step outside, but I think it's better in here. With both cars gone, there's no sign that anybody's around. I don't want to adversize our presence.

Then I hear Liz and see that she's coming towards me. "How's he doing?" I ask, quietly.
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Post by KatnotKath »

OOC: hope this works for you Isabelle


“How’s he doing…?”

Michael asks quietly as he turns towards me. I look back biting my lip at the sight which meets me. He looks so weak, helpless…so unlike the Max we all know. He’s been through something absolutely horrific… We can tend his physical wounds…maybe when he’s feeling stonger he can even heal them for himself, but the fact is that the emotional ones will remain, and only time will heal them… I just hope he knows I’m there for him…and I will be always... Whatever happens, I'm not going to split from him because it's dangerous...I want to be with him, and that's not going to change.

I shake my head at him. “He’s not good…” I shake my head. “I-I want to help him Michael, but I’m scared that I’m just making it worse for him. He’s picking up on my fears and taking them on as his own… I’m trying to hide them, but I just can’t…he knows me too well…” I blink back a few tears.
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by CandyDreamQueen »


Not really feeling up to going back to sleep I shift on the cot and just lay there for a moment. Something is wrong with Liz. I can feel it, and I know that she’s too worried about me to tell me what it is. I turn around and watch as she approaches Michael. And I can’t help but think how thankful I am that he is looking after her while I…can’t.

I squeeze my hand wondering if my powers have finally returned. It’s been a while since I was last injected with whatever it was that Pierce injected me with to block my powers. I lift my shirt up and place it over the wound on my chest and then close my eyes and concentrate. The cut isn’t that deep, so it shouldn’t take to much of an effort to heal, but after trying for some time not much seems to happen.

Damnit, I’m completely useless this way. How am I supposed to protect Liz, when I can’t even heal myself?

I close my eyes and try again. Some part of me thinks that if I can do this. Just this one small thing, then everything is going to be alright.
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Post by isabelle »

Not deep? Didn't they use a scapel to cut him????


I'm not surprised when Liz tells me that Max really isn't doing well at all. Well, not yet. I'm sure he will be, in time, but I know it's too early to expect a big change. Still, I was hoping he'd at least get a little rest, physically and emotionally. I know he needs it.

I don't know how easy it's gonna be when we actually get on the road. How close are the FBI? We know they're desparate and ruthless. It'll be a very bad scene if they catch up with us before we're ready to defend ourselves and to do that well, we need Max rested and ready, too.

“I-I want to help him Michael, but I’m scared that I’m just making it worse for him. He’s picking up on my fears and taking them on as his own… I’m trying to hide them, but I just can’t…he knows me too well…” Liz says, her voice shaking.

"Yeah," I say, simply, wrapping my arms around her. "He's like that. Always so busy trying to watch out for all of us. I don't think he's used to being taken care of."

Isabel's told me how even when they were both little and newly placed with the Evans, he was always trying to be strong, independant, protective. He tried to protect Isabel, holding her back from things he felt were dangerous -- which was pretty much everything, including the Evans -- always going the extra mile to keep their secrets.

Not that we ever did that great a job of taking care of him when he needed it. When he was scared about what Tess was doing to him, I hardly even believed him. When we came after Nacedo to rescue Liz, we all just let him separate from us and that let him be captured. I should have been doing more -- kept us all together, or at least with a partner. This was my fault, too.

"It'll be okay. I promise," I say. I'm gonna make sure this is better. I'll get him away from here. Get everyone safe. I don't know how yet, but I'm not going to let Max down again.

Liz leans into me for a moment and I squeeze her briefly as I look over her shoulder at Max. He's moving around a bit and I frown. "Hey, Maxwell," I say, releasing Liz and taking a step in his direction. "You gotta rest."
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Post by KatnotKath »

OOC: hope I'm not stepping on your toes here Isabelle...


I’m a little surprised as Michael wraps his arms around me. “Yeah…he’s like that… Always so busy trying to watch out for all of us. I don’t think he’s used to being taken care of…”
That’s so right… Max is the person that holds it together usually, who we all turn to for help…not the other way around…

Now he needs the help though…he needs to be taken care of, and I want to do that… I want to be there and love him…I want to help him through this… I don’t want to be making this worse…

I swallow and look up at Michael.

“It’ll be okay. I promise…”

Without thinking too much about it, I lean towards Michael for a moment, grateful for this show of support. He squeezes me briefly – nothing romantic, I hasten to add, just supportive…

Suddenly he steps away from me though, moving towards the back of the room and as I look round, I see Max. He doesn’t look good… For some reason he has his shirt open and I can see fresh blood coming from the wound. In a second, I realise what he’s been doing and feel a huge pang. He was trying to heal himself… And not having been able to, he looks so… I don’t even finish my thought, reaching out for Michael’s arm. “I’ll do it…” I tell him softly, walking back across the room quickly and stopping when I reach Max’s side.

“Max…please…you need to lie back down…rest…” I tell him softly, looking around for something clean I can use to wipe the wound. My eyes fall on my bag and I pick it up, rooting through until I find a pack of tissues much like those Maria provided earlier. Pulling one out, I reach forward, doing my best to clean up the wound again and almost wincing, knowing it could be painful for Max.

I lean forward and dip my head for just a moment, kissing him gently on the lips. “Let me do this Max…let me take care of you for once…”
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by isabelle »

It would be nice if Alex, Tess or Isabel posted, too. I kinda wanted to know if Tess was gonna do any mindwarping... But I'll assume she's not doing anything and give you a Kyle...


Something about Maria's attitude is a bit odd. I mean, she's sarcastic and flippant, but she seems more annoyed than anything. Why would she be acting annoyed?

And what's with Alex and Isabel and Tess being here, too? "All four of you are picking up oils for your mom? In two cars?" I ask, tilting my head to one side. If it was just her and Liz, that would make sense, seeing as they would both get paid at the same time and were likely to run an errand together. But, strangely enough, Liz is the one person who isn't here. "Where's Liz?"



I frown but manage not to growl as Liz cuts me off and goes to Max ahead of me. Max is my friend, too. My brother. I move forward, standing behind her as she tends to him. I can see the objections in his eyes, but I glare at him and he falls back onto the cot, allowing her to clean him up.

I wish I could do something to ease his pain, to heal him, but I've never been good at the healing or anything that requires a lot of detail work. Compared to him and Isabel, I can't do much of anything. I know my powers are strong, I just can't ever seem to control them like they do...

"Better rest while you can," I tell him, crossing my arms. "It'll help you heal. I don't know how much rest you'll get once we all get on the road."
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