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Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 10:33 am
by starlady
Hi Dream On,

I don't know much about Irish Tales but Scottish Highlanders make my knees weak!! LOL!

Nora Roberts has an excellent Irish Trilogy called just that The Irish Trilogy.
It's composed of Jewel's of the Sun, Tears of the Moon and Heart of the Sea. It's about three siblings and how they find love with a little help from a couple of ghosts. Wonderful books!!

Other Suggestions are Scottish stories:
Diana Gabaldon: The Outlander... I have a post on the Book Reviews about her series...
Jude Deveraux:The Velevet Series (The Velvet Promise, Highland Velvet, Velvet Song ang Velvet Angel). The stories are meant to be read in order. The events take place one after the other, some even taking place at the same time another book is playing out. Excellent Series!
Karen Marie Moning: All her books are related to Highlanders, all seem to be related as well.
Janet Chapman: Charming The Higlander, Loving the Highlander, Wedding the Highlander and Tempting the Highlander. This series has a bit of Fanatasy in them but they are just wonderful to follow.
Julie Garwood also has a few Scottish tales but don't remember off the top of my head the names of them all but I know, The Bride and The Wedding are two of my favorites!!

You might want to check out this site: for a listing of other Irish and Scottish Tales!


Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 12:42 pm
by Jezebel Jinx
I have to admit that I have a slight obsession with romance books myself.

When I was about 13 I started reading them because my friend lent me her book Public Secrets by Nora Roberts just so I could get a taste of something not horror. And I have been reading romance ever since.

The romance authors that I find myself buying/borrowing all the time are:

Christine Feehan: I just fell in love with the Carpathians, and now if I even see a new book by her I don't even bother to look at the back, it just goes right in with the other books I'm buying.

Nora Roberts: I have a soft spot for this author since one of her books was the first romance I ever read. But I like how in most of her books I can somewhat relate to one or more of the characters. Her characters are just so real to me.

Sherrilyn Kenyon: Again, I fell in love with her Dark Hunters. I guess I'm a sucker for paranormal romance.

Susan Johnson: I love her characters most if not all the women in her stories are strong and sort of defy convention in her historical romances.

Bertrice Small: The Skye O'Malley series is one of my favorite series. I've read almost all the books in the series, hopefully I'll get to read the rest of the series soon.

I know there are some more authors but these are the only ones I can name off the top of my head. But all these authors I don't even have to read the back to know that I'm going to love what they write.

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 12:54 pm
by dream on
Hi, Starlady! Thank you so much! :D

:lol: Next to Irish stories, the Scottish ones are the best. Seems like I've got a lot of reading to do. Thanks for the link. Will be checking that out right now.


Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 4:45 pm
by Crystalbehr
Hello my name is Crystalbehr and I'm a hardcore romance reader.

Everybody all together say "HI Crystalbehr"

I work at the library so I think I've read or glimpsed at every romance author on this freakin board.

Have any of you read Lynsay Sands, she's funny.

Umm how about Thea Devine I mean talk about steamy. Emma Holly is great and steamy too. So is Christine Feehan and Kinley Macgregor.

A less popular author I like that I've read is Cherl Howe, she's good too for any of oyu into pirate romance novels. For all you contemporary readers, I suggest two words

Cherry Adair I mean she's damn good

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 1:42 pm
by starlady


I have read Lynsay Sands' vampire series. It was hilarious!
For those that are not familiar with this series it's order is Love Bites, Single White Vampire and Tall Dark and Hungry.

In Love Bites we meet the baby of the clan. He is being stalked by a guy that is bent on killing him. Twice he almost succeeds and twice he ends up in the morgue where Rachel works. Rachel, who was ill the first time Etienne shows up with a bullet a few millimeters from his heart, thinks she hallucinated the whole, dead guy wakes up and walks out of the morgue. The second time Etienne shows up, he is a crispy critter, since he has been burned to "death". The stalker shows up, determined to chop off Etienne's head to assure himself that the vamp stays dead but Rachel gets in the way and is mortally wounded, forcing Etienne to turn her in order to save her life. Follow up this bizarre intro to the Argeneau family, with Buffy the vampire Slayer jokes and a matchmaker mom that is determined to have her baby boy living happily ever after.

Here are teh other two write ups I have on the series:
Single White Vampire: Lucern is Etienne’s older brother. He is the family’s historian. He has chronicled the love stories of both his brother and sister. They are published as paranormal romances. His new editor Kate Leever wants him to agree to some publicity work but Luc is against it until she shows up at his door. After a few days with her he realizes that he must get her away because the attraction to her is driving him crazy. After taking her to Etienne’s wedding, he agrees to do one publicity stunt. Following his mother’s suggestion, he agrees to do the Romantic Times Conference; not knowing it’s an actual conference. The story takes off from there and the situations he finds himself in just go from hilarious to bizarre. The poor guy gets confused for gay when Kate walks in as he tries to feed off her male coworker, he gets his codpiece stuck on a tablecloth during the renaissance ball and her insistence on him using a condom takes him on a merry chase around the suite and has him ordering room service for the items. Although published first this is a sequel to Love Bites.

Tall Dark and Hungry: Last in the Argeneau series. The story of Bastian the middle brother who is a workaholic. Not as enticing as the first two books, this one was more subdued. It was still great to see the family get together for Lucern and Kate’s wedding. Chris was so accident prone it was at times funny. We get introduced to Vincent in this book and, as with Thomas, we fall in love with the cousin. It will be nice to read his story. Terri was just to nice and Bastian fell for her just too quickly for me to give it an A.

I have read one or two from Thea Devine and I have some Holly and Feehan in my TBR pile. I have heard great things about all of them.

I discovered another great author. It's actually a team of two writers that write under the name Sheridon Smythe. I just finished reading Mr. Hyde's Assets and loved it!


Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 9:11 am
by Crystalbehr
EEEEWWW Mr. Hyde's Assets what's that about??? I've actually never heard of that author.

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2004 5:35 pm
by Innocent Eyes
I've started to fall in love with Nicholas Sparks' books. :D

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 8:05 pm
by Crystalbehr
Ulala nice Avatar

Didn't Sparks write The Notebook and A Walk To Remember?

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 4:36 am
by Innocent Eyes
Yeah, he did.
I've read "A walk to remember" and I loved it, it was so sweet and romantic. I would like to see the movie now, but in all the forums I've been they say the book is so much better.
I'd like to read more of his books now, like "The Notebook" (which is in movie now too, and I'd like to see it as well :wink: ), "Message in a bottle" and one that I can't remember the original title but that also sounded really appealing to me. :wink:

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 10:42 pm
by Lessie
Hope you all don't mind me jumping in. I too love romance novels, and they are one of my many guilty pleasures. *lol* Sparks is so talented and I agree, all his books have made me cry and truly touched me. :cry: I'm a sucker for sweet sappy romance. Yes, I indeed am a hopeless romantic :D But I also love all types of stories and novels that deal talk about love and it's many facets and wonderful things. :D All kinds of love stories. Time travel romance. Once in a lifetime love. Out of this world love :wink: :D Love and it's healing power; the one most powerful emotion/feeling :D

Have any of you read This Heart of Mine by Susan Elizabeth Phillips? Or anything by her? All her work is amazing. She's so good at what she does. I loved This Heart of Mine because it was such a quirky, and different kind of love story. I totally recommend it. :wink:
