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Re: The Double Trouble Team - ISABEL in TIC TAC

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 11:10 am
by Double Trouble
Jesse will be in it too?!? Should be interesting
Well, not really, lol. In our fic he is called Richard, we just used Jesse clips for it, since they fit well. Confusing huh? :p
It seems that most of the realtionships are at the same point at the moment - hate-hate point
we gotta have lots of looooveeee as well :mrgreen:
this is going to be my next best fanfic ever!
Awww, thanks Eva. Yeah, it will take a while until we get to know all the characters well enough to tell, who they really are.
Something tells me it will be pretty intense
Intense and loud. LOL
Hmm I can't wait to read in Isabel/Alex scene, since obviously he's not basing his opinion on truths.
True, bad bad prejudices! But it's so much fun to work with them here.



Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 4:05 am
by Double Trouble
Kyle is on the menu today ;)

One more to come... Maria next week and then... POSTING ;)




AGE: .........................................................................................22

LOCATION: ..........................................................................New York

OCCUPATION: .............................Firefighter in the New York Fire Department

FAMILY: .................................................................Jim & Sarah Valenti

FRIENDS: ....................Maria DeLuca, Michael Guerin, Max Evans, Isabel Guerin

ROOMMATES: ................................................................Michael Guerin

HOBBIES: .................................................Sex, parties, mountain climbing



Kyle’s a party animal, a chick magnet, and the kinda friend who’s always gonna have your back. He’s a guy who isn’t worried about tellin’ you when you’re wrong but even if he doesn’t agree with you he’ll still support you. He’ll just tell you later after whatever’s come back to bite you on the ass that he tried to tell you. Seriously though, Kyle’s the one good thing that came out of the darkest time in my life. It brought us together and that’s one thing I’ll always be grateful for. Wait, you don’t have to actually print that part, do you? It sounded a little too emo for me. Hey, why’re you laughin’? That’s not funny! Okay, well, maybe you can edit it up or somethin’, huh?


“Kyle and I are good friends. He loves to party an’ have a good time and he’s no slouch where women are concerned. He’s not at the same level where Michael is when it comes to sluttin’ around, but he definitely has his share of female… hmm… companionship. He’s a guy, ya know? He’s got a high-stress job so when he gets off the clock and he can relax and let loose, hell I have no problem with how he chooses to get rid of that tension. He’s careful and it’s not like he’s out doin’ drugs or somethin’ so what’s the harm? He works hard and he plays hard. He’s a guy who loves life and he enjoys living it to the fullest. It’s somethin’ everyone should do, ya know? Life is a fragile thing and should never be taken for granted. Hmm? No, I’m fine, sorry, kinda drifted there for a minute. Everyone should have a friend like Kyle on their side. There’s no amount of money in the world that could ever provide that kind of safety.”


Companionship? Um, not exactly the word I’d use for it. But, okay, whatever. I’m not about to pass judgment on him for tryin’ to get under any skirt that catches his eye. He’s young, he’s… well, basically single… you try to figure that one out. Well, yes, I know that was cryptic but I’m not here to give you the dirt on my friends. Anyway, you interviewed Kyle, right? So he probably told you that the two of us bet over everything… yeah, thought so. You’d think he’d stop tellin’ people that since he loses the majority of the time. He’s protective of the people he’s close to, he knows how to listen – something that is remarkably rare in men, and if you’re in a bad mood or just down he’ll cheer you up. One of these days someone’s gonna realize what a great guy he is and put an end to his sex-a-thon. No, I don’t care if you print this interview as is, it’s all true… and besides, that part about someone finally getting him to settle down, it’ll make him nervous as hell… care to make a bet on that?”


“Wait, he just compared me to a gross piece of gum on the bottom of his shoe? Well, unlike all of Kyle’s fans I really can’t think of too many flattering things to say about him at the moment. He’s blind, I do know that. Inconsiderate most of the time. He can be a major asshole when it suits him. Okay, yes, I do know most of that only occurs when I’m around, but can I help it if I’m sick of seein’ him get into the panties of every woman in NYC? I know everyone else seems to be just fine with the way he screws any willing female around, but he could certainly do better. I came back here hoping that things would be different but things are the same… only worse. Kyle Valenti may be the hero, he may be all the things that everyone else has raved about, but as far as I’m concerned he’s just a blind, inconsiderate asshole!”

Re: The Double Trouble Team - KYLE in TIC TAC

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 4:48 am
by Double Trouble
Eva wrote:Is there somebody jealous? The Tess-Kyle banter is going to be very fun to read, I can tell that already!
Hm, somebody is jealous. Not saying who of them though, lol.

Re: The Double Trouble Team - KYLE in TIC TAC

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 5:19 am
by Double Trouble
Alien_Friend wrote: So 2 more weeks huh? Yay!! :D
YES, we are almost there :mrgreen: .

Re: The Double Trouble Team - KYLE in TIC TAC

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 5:20 am
by Double Trouble
Oh these trailers are just teasing and getting very very very mean. I'm so glad you guys are going to posting this soon, because I'm already bouncing on my toes waiting. Think you could post the next trailer a little early and start posting a little early too? Pretty please?
Lol, sorry it wasn't possible to post earlier, but hey, we finally reached the last character today! Next week, we gonna start posting! :)
Is it jealousy speaking through Tess' words !?!
Kyle seems to be a great friend. The one you can rely on and be proud of.
I can't wait until finally geting to read this story...

Maybe ;).
Kyle is very cool, we are totally in LOOOVE with him in this story, lol.
I just saw the trailers and I'm itching to read it...can't's going to be GOOOD!!

Welcome to DT-world Angel eyes. :)

Last trailer today and next week we will start posting!

THANKS GUYS! Here we go with Maria...

Re: The Double Trouble Team - KYLE in TIC TAC

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 5:54 am
by Double Trouble
We finally reached the last character of TIC TAC :)



AGE: ........................................................................................21

LOCATION: .........................................................................New York

OCCUPATION: ........................................Modeling, teaching fitness classes

FAMILY: .........................................................Amy DeLuca, Cody DeLuca

FRIENDS: ......................Kyle Valenti, Michael Guerin, Max Evans, Isabel Guerin

ROOMMATES: ...........................................................................None

HOBBIES: .............Visiting Broadway Shows, clubbing, dancing, relaxing, sleeping

Trailer: MARIA


“Maria an’ me, we’ve been best buds since… hell, since forever. I don’t even know how long it’s actually been. Most of our lives though. A lotta people are surprised that we’re just friends, which neither of us gets, but, that’s their deal an’ they’ll get over it. You asked me to describe her in one word and really there isn’t a single word that captures her adequately. She’s passionate, funny, selfless… oh, don’t get me wrong, she’s no saint an’ in an argument she could give Iz a run for her money, but she’s the one person who’s always taken me just the way I am. She might give me shit about it, but you can bet your bottom dollar that she’d take on anyone else who did the same thing. She’s the one who got me through a few years back… Hmm? Oh, sorry, kinda got caught up in the memories there for a second or two. So, when do we get to see these interviews for ourselves? I’m kinda wonderin’ what RP said about me. What’s RP stand for? Nope, not givin’ that one away ‘cause she’d kick my ass into next week and I’ve been on the receivin’ end of a DeLuca ass-kickin’ before… it’s not somethin’ I’m eager to experience again any time soon. Ya still want that one word, huh? Heart. The girl’s all heart.”


“You want a single word for Maria, huh? Lemme think about that an’ I’ll let ya know at the end of this thing. I’ve seen more suffering than anyone should ever see and what kills me is that Maria’s seen it too. No, it’s not the same thing but there’re countless ways that suffering and pain can take shape… humanity can be cruel and so can fate. She handles it though and when it gets to be too much, we all know who she goes to. She faces the challenges head on and in the time I’ve known her I’ve never once seen her back down or give in. She doesn’t have it in her. I admire the passion she has for life and I think sometimes I’m a little jealous of it. She’s not afraid to stand up for what she believes in, she’ll fight for anyone who can’t fight for themselves, and she’s got an inner strength that just amazes me. You want one word to describe Maria DeLuca? Survivor.”


“Maria’s just about as perfect as a girl can get. Ya know, a friend who’s also a girl… nevermind. Anyway, she and Michael, they’re kind of a package deal. If you get one of ‘em you get ‘em both. I’ve never known either of ‘em to really have friends that the other one didn’t like. Tess doesn’t really count ‘cause she’s Michael’s sister so he kinda has to like her, ya know? Maria’s the kinda girl who’d do anything for you an’ that isn’t just limited to her friends. She just cares about everybody and if she sees someone struggling she’ll try to help out, that’s just who she is. She’s a fighter. Loves ‘er family, takes on extra jobs to help out with the situation at home… you couldn’t ask for a better friend than Maria. One word? Fighter.”


“I’m probably not the best person to ask for an interview about Maria… we haven’t been that close lately. She’s got her own thing goin’ on an’ I kinda took myself outta the picture for a while. We were tight before I left but she hasn’t forgiven me for takin’ off in the first place and I guess I can’t really blame her for that. Wait, are you gonna print all of this? Okay, well, maybe just scratch everything I said before and just say that Maria’s not the person you should cross. Is she gonna do anything to you if you cross her? Doubtful. But, then again, why would she have to do anything? Everyone else would beat her to the punch and Michael would be leading the charge. And right behind him you’d have Kyle and Max and an odd assortment of others. You want one word for Maria? Inspiring.“

Re: The Double Trouble Team - MARIA in TIC TAC

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 7:14 am
by Double Trouble
TIC TAC is posted! FINALLY!!!!!! ;)

We hope ya enjoy the first part!

Angel & Steffi

X-mas fic

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 12:00 pm
by Double Trouble
We posted a small x-mas ficlet.

Two Double Dates At Christmas


Re: The Double Trouble Team - x-mas ficlet

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 12:37 pm
by Double Trouble
Hey everyone!



to all of you who nominated us in the portrayal categories! You rock!

To all nominees: Congrats!! :)

Re: The Double Trouble Team - 1/18/11

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 4:00 pm
by Double Trouble
Thanks guys!! :D