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Re: Between The Covers (AU, M/L, MATURE) Part 48, pg 5, 3/10

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 8:53 am
by Heavenli24
Part Forty-Nine

“Liz!” I hear a frantic shout as the taxi pulls up outside of the halls and Maria and I step out.

I look up to see Isabel running towards us, an anxious expression on her face as she wraps her arms around me in a tight hug.

“Are you okay?” she asks worriedly as she pulls back and looks down at me with concern. “We were so worried about you.”

“I’m fine, Iz,” I give a small smile as she links her arm in mine and we begin walking towards the building where James, Alex and Mike are waiting for us. “The whole night is just kind of a blur… I don’t remember all that much about it.”

“You should totally report that fucker to the police, Liz,” insists Michael, as we reach him and the others. “Who knows what he would have done to you if we hadn’t been there?”

“I don’t know if I can, Mike,” I shake my head sadly. “All I know is that his name is Dave… I bet there are tons of men named Dave in this city. I don’t even know if he’s a student or not.”

“I still think you should try,” he replies. “What if he tries it on someone else?”

“I know,” I murmur. “I just don’t know how I would go about finding out who he is.”

“Maybe you wouldn’t even need to do that,” suggests Maria. “Even if you don’t know his surname, we all got a good enough look at him to give the police a description… and I bet Max would be happy to give them evidence too – after all, he did give him a black eye over it.”

My head snaps to her in surprise, “He did?”

“Yeah,” Maria nods, “When you collapsed in the club, Max was there in a heartbeat. He punched the guy and had him pinned against the bar… but then he let go when he realised you needed help, and the bastard got away.”

“I didn’t know that,” I murmur softly, my head spinning with this new information.

“Look,” says Isabel then, “I think we should go down to the police station and tell them what we know anyway… maybe the police will be able to find him.”

“Okay,” I agree with a nod and although I’m not entirely sure I’m up to it, I allow Maria and Isabel to slide their arms in mine as the six of us walk down to the nearest police station to report what happened to me.

It’s a long, nerve-wracking experience, talking to the police, but afterwards I feel much better for it, especially when the police officer taking my statement assures me that they have had several similar reports over the last few months and are on the verge of catching the offender, and as we head back to the halls an hour later, my friends do the best they can to distract me.

“Hey, are you okay?” says James softly, reaching out to touch my arm comfortingly as we walk. “You did great in there just now.”

“Thanks, James,” I smile gratefully. “I’m okay, I think… I’m just tired and glad it’s over.”

“Don’t worry, Liz,” encourages Maria, as she grabs my arm. “We’re gonna cheer you up, okay? We’re gonna have some fun today and get your mind off things, alright?”

“Sounds good to me,” I nod, stopping for a moment to look around at everyone’s kind expressions. “Thanks, guys.”

“Right,” announces Isabel as we reach the halls. “First on the menu for today is a pamper session in your room and then this afternoon we’re having a barbecue.”

As Maria and Isabel drag me inside the building and up the stairs, I can’t help but smile at how wonderful they’re both being to me today.


“Okay, who wants a burger?” asks Mike from in front of the barbecue later that afternoon, as he holds up a plate of freshly cooked beef burgers.

“Ooh, me, please!” calls Maria, from her position on the blanket we’ve laid out on the ground for sunbathing and general lounging around.

“And me,” adds Alex.

“Me three,” says Isabel.

“What about you, Liz?” wonders Michael, holding the plate out me in invitation.

I shake my head, “No, I’m okay, thanks, Mike. I’ll wait for a hot dog.”

“James?” he asks then.

Beside me, James shakes his head, “Hot dog for me too, mate.”

He shrugs, moving back towards the barbecue, “Suit yourselves.”

“So, Jamie-boy,” starts Maria then, propping herself up on one elbow to take a look at James, “who is this Helen girl, then? You two seemed pretty cosy in the club last night.”

Ducking his head slightly, as he sends a sheepish smile in my direction, James shrugs, “She’s just a girl.”

Maria rolls her eyes at that, “Yeah, right, ‘just a girl’! At one point I thought the two of you were gonna suck each other’s faces off.”

I make a face, “Thanks for the mental image, Maria.”

“Okay, fine,” sighs James slightly reluctantly. “If you must know, she’s my girlfriend. We’ve been going out for about three weeks now.”

“Really?!” I sit up straight at his blunt confession. “James, that’s great! I’m so glad you finally got together.”

“Why didn’t you tell us?” wonders Isabel, looking at James in confusion.

He shrugs, “Well, I didn’t want to jinx anything by announcing it too soon. She’s a postgrad, you see, and it took a bit of persuading for her to see me as more than just a fresher, so I wanted to keep things quiet until we had worked things out properly.”

“Good for you, James,” I smile, before adding silently, at least things are going well for one of us.

“Thanks, guys,” he smiles.

“Right then, here we go,” announces Mike a moment later. “Burgers for Maria, Alex and Iz…,” he hands them each a burger. “And hot dogs will be ready in a few.”

“Thanks, hun, you’re the best,” grins Maria as she takes her burger from him.

As Mike returns to the barbecue again, Isabel pipes up, “Hey, is it just me, or is something missing here?”

“It’s not just you, I was thinking that too,” agrees Maria, looking puzzled for a moment, before snapping her fingers in realisation. “Music! That’s what’s missing… we need music.”

“We could use the radio from our room again,” I suggest, climbing to my feet. “I’ll go and get it.”

“Thanks, Liz,” grins Maria.

“Back in a sec.”

I make my way around the side of the building, heading for the door, but just as I reach for me key to open it, a movement from the path catches my eye and I turn in surprise.

There he is, standing just a few feet away, hands in his pockets and an anxious expression on his face.


“Hi,” he says softly, as he takes a few steps towards me. “I just wanted to…” he trails off uncertainly, before asking, “How are you?”

I nod, “I’m okay.”

“Good. That’s good,” he says with a nod, his voice holding a hint of relief.

“So, um, how did your exam go this morning?”
“Okay,” he shrugs, obviously not that bothered about it.

I nod, unsure of what to say now. We stand there in uncomfortable silence for several moments, before I find myself awkwardly blurting out, “Thanks for last night. For saving me, I mean.”

“You were in trouble,” he shrugs self-consciously. “I couldn’t not help.”

“So does this mean you’re talking to me again now?” I query, unable to keep the sarcasm out of my tone. “That you’ve deemed me worthy of your presence?”

His eyes snap to mine as a fretful expression appears on his face and he takes another step towards me.

“Liz,” he murmurs, with a shake of his head. “I meant what I said last night. I’m sorry. For everything.”

“Is that so?” I raise an eyebrow. “Didn’t seem that way when you were deliberately ignoring me and refusing to answer my calls.”

Although half of me is tempted to give into the sincere, almost pleading expression on his face, the other half is still pretty pissed off with him.

“Please,” he says, lifting a hand to touch my arm. “Just let me explain.”

I watch him carefully for a moment, my heart torn between wanting to let him explain and feeling like I should be punishing him for hurting me, before I let out a sigh.

“Okay, fine. Explain.”

“Not here,” he mutters, looking around at our exposed position where anyone could walk past.

“Fine,” I sigh, moving away from the building entrance and round to a small, isolated corner, as I indicate for him to follow me.

My eyes involuntarily rake over his body, taking in his well-fitting T-shirt and snug jeans, as he comes to a stop in front of me and I feel my stomach clench in response. Apart from last night, when I was too out of it to realise what was going on, I haven’t been this close to him since that morning in the laundry room the other week… and his nearness now is wreaking havoc on my senses.

“So…?” I ask, self-consciously crossing my arms.

“So,” he says softly. There’s a tension-filled pause, before he speaks again, “God, Liz, you scared the life out of me last night. Seeing you collapse like that and realising what could have happened if I hadn’t been there…God…”

I nod in understanding, “Well, I’m glad you were there. Thank you.”

He looks at me, concern in his eyes, “I don’t know what I would have done if I’d lost you.”

Despite his soft tone, I can’t help feeling a little angry at his words, “Really? The way you’ve been acting the last few weeks, I wouldn’t have thought I mattered to you one bit.”

“Liz, that’s not…” he trails off, seemingly searching for the right words.

“You’ve spent the last four weeks pretending that I don’t even exist. You’ve been ignoring my calls, refusing to come to the door when I try to talk to you and deliberately avoiding me,” I argue. “I don’t see how I can mean anything to you at all when you completely cut me out of your life like that.”

“Well, I’m fucking sorry, okay?” he retorts, stepping closer to me. “Excuse me if I’m having some issues at the moment.”

I sigh, “I know you’re having issues, okay? That’s not the problem here.”

“Then what the hell is the problem?” he returns, his voice sounding distressed now.

“Max,” I say gently. “The problem is that you seem to think that dealing with your issues means shutting me out of your life and refusing to talk to me.” I shake my head sadly, “Sophie was right; you’re being a stubborn idiot about all this.”

“God, she got to you too?” he raises an eyebrow incredulously. “Why can’t that girl just butt out of my life for once?”

“Because she’s worried about you, Max.”

“I’m fine,” he mutters.

I sigh, “You’re not fine. That much is obvious.”

As if I’ve said something he doesn’t want to hear, he stiffens suddenly and takes a step back, “I, uh, I’d better be off now. Just came to make sure you were okay…”


“… And to tell you I was sorry about before… but I guess that idea was kinda pointless, huh?”

“No, Max, wait,” I protest, breathing a sigh of relief when he stays where he is. “Look, I know I was wrong to say anything to Isabel and I also know that you have a lot to deal with right now. I understand that none of this is easy for you, but you shouldn’t have shut me out like that. You should have talked to me and let me explain.”

He lets out a sigh, raising his eyes to the heavens.

“I know that now… and I really am sorry,” he tells me, his expression anxious. “It was just that… everything got so overwhelming and… I didn’t know how to handle what I was feeling, so I guess I took my frustrations out on you.”

“Yeah, I really appreciated that. Thanks,” I mutter, unable to prevent the feeling of hurt that his words invoke.

“Liz, please…”

“Sorry, Max,” I shake my head. “It’s just that you can’t make everything better just by saying you’re sorry… or by saving me from that lunatic last night. It’s gonna take a bit of time, and a lot of you making things up to me, to make it all right again.”

“Liz,” he murmurs, fixing me with a pleading expression that causes my insides to begin to melt, but I have to stay strong.

He’s been acting like a bastard for the last few weeks and he can’t expect me to take him back just like that.

“I need some time, okay, Max,” I tell him.

“Hey, Liz, have you got that radio yet?!” Maria’s shout from round the corner interrupts the tension-filled atmosphere between us and I sigh, realising that this isn’t the time or place for serious conversation. “We’re all waiting.”

“You should go,” I say softly.

“But…?” he frowns in confusion.

“Look, they’re starting to wonder where I am,” I explain. “I need to get back.”

“Right, okay,” he nods reluctantly. I start to move in the direction of the hall entrance again, but his fingers catch my elbow, “Wait a sec… can we meet later?”

I close my eyes briefly, “Max, I don’t know if–”


He’s giving me puppy-dog eyes again and with a sigh, I nod, “Okay, but I can’t today… how about tomorrow morning?”

“Yeah, tomorrow’s good,” he gives a small, relieved smile. “I’ll buy you breakfast… or brunch?”

“Sure,” I murmur softly. “I’ll meet you at that little café on Eastbury Street at nine-thirty tomorrow, okay?”


As I look up at him, my heart begins to race in response to his intense gaze and I feel my resolve crumbling. Despite everything that’s happened recently, he still has the power to make my knees go weak with just one look and right now I’m finding it hard to resist the call of his perfect lips. But it is with great difficulty that I take a step back from him and give a firm nod.

“Bye, Max.”

With steely determination I extract my elbow from his grip and walk towards the A block door to fetch the radio. Once inside, I lean my head back against the wall and let out a heavy sigh. Everything is so confusing right now; I just hope I’m doing the right thing here.


The next morning, I turn up at the café a few minutes early with the hope of securing a table and maybe consuming some much-needed caffeine before Max arrives. Unfortunately though, my plan flies out of the window as soon as I spot a familiar face standing just outside the small café… looks like he got here first instead. I just stand there, several feet away, as I observe him for several long seconds, before exhaling heavily and making my way towards him.

“Still smoking, huh?” I say with a small smile.

“What?” he looks over at me, slightly startled, before glancing down at the lit cigarette in his hand. “Oh… yeah.”

“So, I know I’m here early, but you wanna go in now?” I ask.

“Okay, sure,” he replies. “Let me just…”

He nods towards the cigarette, and I wait patiently as he lifts it to his lips and takes a long drag before dropping it to the floor and putting it out with his shoe.

“Okay, let’s go.”

We enter the small café and choose a small, isolated table in the corner so we can talk relatively undisturbed. Max orders two full English breakfasts and a pot of tea, but as we wait for the food, the atmosphere between us is awkward and tense.

“So, um, how are you?” asks Max eventually, as he fiddles with the small container of sugar packets in the middle of the table.

I shrug, “I’m okay. You?”


There’s another pause, the uncomfortable silence stretching between us once more as the pause gets longer and longer until eventually I can’t take it anymore.

“So, uh… how are things going with Isabel?”

“Yeah,” he nods, his eyes still fixed on the sugar packets. “They’re going well.”

“That’s good,” I smile. “It’s good that you two are talking again.”

“Yeah?” he looks up and raises an eyebrow at me. “I bet you’re loving this, aren’t you? After all, you are the one who ‘got the ball rolling’.”

I close my eyes briefly at his slightly sarcastic words, before shaking my head, “Max, you have to understand… I never meant to deliberately go behind your back, but Isabel was so upset and confused, and you wouldn’t talk to her… I just thought maybe if I gave her a small hint, it would be enough to get things in motion. And it was, right? I mean, you guys are doing pretty well now.”

“That’s not the point, though,” he murmurs, his attention on the sugar packets once again. “You promised you wouldn’t say anything… and you did.”

“I know… and I can’t apologise enough for that,” I tell him, leaning forward in my seat. “But you wouldn’t even let me explain, Max. You just totally shut me out of your life. What happened to communicating and working things out?”

With a heavy sigh, he lets go of the packets and lowers his head, pinching the top of his nose between his thumb and forefinger.

“I don’t know,” he mutters to himself, before looking up at me again, his expression anguished. “I don’t know, okay? I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”

“Max…” I murmur softly as I reach across and lay my hand on his arm.

“It wasn’t my intention to hurt you,” he admits. “But it all happened so fast – the shock of finding out that you’d said something; the whole story coming out; finally talking to Isabel again – I was all over the place and you ended up being the one who got caught in the fallout. I’m sorry.”

“Hey, it’s okay–” I start, but he cuts me off.

“No, it’s not okay,” he bites out harshly. “What the fuck was I thinking? I’ve been going around directing all this anger towards you and you were only trying to help. Shit.”

“Max,” I try again. “Look, you’re dealing with so much stuff right now, and it’s obvious that you’re not handling things very well…” I hesitate for a moment, debating whether I should voice my thoughts or not. In the end, I decide to just go for it, “Do you think maybe you should talk to someone about it? Get some help?”

Straightening up, he shrugs my hand off his arm and shakes his head, offering me a small smile, “No, no, I’m fine. I can deal with it myself. I don’t need to talk to anyone.”

“Are you sure?” I question, a slight frown of concern on my face. “It might do you some good.”

I don’t want to push him into anything he’s not comfortable with, but at the same time, it’s pretty obvious that he’s struggling to deal with his emotions right now.

“I’m sure,” he smiles again, although it doesn’t quite reach his eyes. “I’m okay. Honest.”

“Max…” I murmur gently, looking up at him worriedly.

“Liz,” he shakes his head. “Don’t worry about me; I’ll be fine.”

“Okay,” I agree reluctantly, although it’s kind of obvious that he’s more troubled than he wants to let on.

We sit there in another awkward silence for a few moments, before the waitress returns to the table with our pot of tea and food. I smile and thank her, grateful for the distraction, and as she leaves I begin tucking into the large plate of bacon and eggs.


“Yeah?” I lift me head to find Max looking at me searchingly.

“I miss you.”

The declaration is so blunt and emotion-filled that it tugs at my heart and for a moment, all I want to do is wrap my arms around him and tell him how much I’ve missed him too, but then the memory of how difficult and lonely the last few weeks have been flits through my mind and I find myself shaking my head.

“Max…” I murmur sadly.

“I know you said you needed some time,” he acknowledges, “and I know that I’ve hurt you, but I just miss you.”

As I look into his sad eyes, I find myself admitting, “I miss you too.”

A small smile appears on his face as he reaches across the table and covers my hand with his, “You do?”

“Yeah,” I nod. “But, Max, I really do need some time.”

His face falls and he quickly removes his hand, “Yeah… right. Okay.”

I sigh, “Look, I know you’re sorry, Max and I understand that this is a hard time for you, but it’s not as simple as all that. Like I said before, you’ve got some making up to do.”

“Okay, I get it,” he sighs, looking down at his plate. “Well, I’m buying you breakfast this morning… surely that counts for something?”

I can’t help but smile as I say softly, “It’s a start.”

He gives a small smile in return and he nods, “Okay, then. It’s a start.”


Re: Between The Covers (AU, M/L, MATURE) Part 49, pg 8, 3/17

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 11:06 am
by Heavenli24
Part Fifty

We eventually leave the coffee shop about eleven a.m. and surprisingly by that point we’re actually getting on well, the awkwardness from earlier almost completely gone by the time we finish eating. Not really in the mood to go back home right away, I suggest that maybe we could hang out for a while, so we end up walking around town just chatting and talking. An hour later finds us sitting on the grass beside the clock tower on campus as we soak up the warm sun.

“You know what I wish?” murmurs Max, looking out over the campus, his arms resting on his knees, which are propped up in front of him, his feet flat on the ground.

“What?” I ask, bringing my gaze up from where it was focused on the grass, watching my fingers picking at the small daisies there.

“I wish the last few weeks had never happened. I wish we could just go back.”

“Max,” I start, partly wishing that too, but also knowing that it wouldn’t really do any good anyway. “You and Isabel have made so much progress the last couple of weeks… even if we could go back, you wouldn’t want to lose that, would you?”

“I guess not,” he shrugs, before turning his face towards me. “But if I could do it over, I would definitely do things differently.”

“Look,” I say gently, “we’ve both made mistakes here, and we’ve both apologised for them. All we can do now is work through those mistakes and try to get back on track again.”

“Hmm,” he mutters, not sounding entirely convinced.

“Hey,” I smile, nudging him lightly with my elbow. “Enough with the serious talk for today, okay? Let’s talk about something fun.”

He scrunches his nose up in confusion, “Fun? Like what?”

“I dunno,” I shrug, belatedly realising that I haven’t quite got that far in my thinking yet. “How about… the rugby match on TV last night?”

He turns to look at me with one eyebrow cocked, a disbelieving expression on his face, “Since when are you into rugby?”

I just stare at him for a moment, before giving a scoff, “I’ll have you know that I do watch rugby on occasion, actually. I find it very interesting.”

“Right, okay,” he nods, obviously humouring me, before fixing me with a suspicious look. “Are you sure it’s the game you find interesting and not just all those fit rugby players running around?”

“Hey!” I exclaim, my mouth falling open in protest at I give him a playful whack on the arm. “I watch it for the sport, thank you very much.”

“If you say so,” he says airily, his sombre mood fully waning now.

I frown in mock-annoyance, “I do say so, actually…. And anyway, like you’re telling me you enjoy watching women’s tennis purely for the ball play?”

“Ah hah, I knew it,” he grins, pointing an accusatory finger at me. “You so watch it for the men in shorts.”

With a sigh, I admit defeat; the game is up, “Okay, fine, I watch it for the fit men… but who could blame me, really?” I lean towards him, “After all, there’s definitely something to be said for fit rugby players.”

“Oh, yeah?” he retorts, a flirtatious smirk spreading across his lips. “And what’s that?”

“Oh no,” I sit up straight again, shaking my head. “I couldn’t tell you that.”

He pouts, and I can’t help thinking that it’s the most adorable thing in the world, “Aww, come on… you know you want to.”

“Nope,” I shake my head. “Sorry, mate, you’re out of luck on that one.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure,” he murmurs with a smirk, moving closer to me. “I have ways to get it out of you.”

Before I even have time to blink, his fingers are digging into my side as he starts tickling me. I let out a sharp gasp as I try to twist away from him, but it’s no use. His fingers hit a sensitive spot at the side of my ribs and I can’t help but giggle in response. I should have known that he wouldn’t forget the fact that I’m extremely ticklish.

“Max, stop!” I manage in what I hope is a firm tone, but he doesn’t let up and soon I find myself flat on my back in the grass as he towers over me, focused on his attack.

“Max,” I try again a moment later, between gasps of laughter and trying to grab at his hands. “P-please.”

He leans further over me, not stopping his tickle assault and then our eyes lock. The laughter fades away as his fingers cease their movement and I notice how close we are, breathing heavily, our faces barely two inches apart. My gaze drops to his mouth as his tongue darts out to wet his lips and suddenly all traces of the fun, playful atmosphere are gone, replaced with… well, something else entirely. We stare at each other for several long moments as the tension begins to builds. I am very tempted just to say ‘to hell with it’ and give in to what I’m feeling right now, but then suddenly everything comes crashing back and I find myself remembering why I’m trying to keep my distance.

“Ahem,” I clear my throat, fidgeting beneath him as I lift a hand to his chest and gently push him away.

“Right,” he mumbles as he flops down onto his back beside me, his hand running through his hair as he lets out a heavy sigh.

“Sorry,” I murmur in apology, but he just shakes his head.

“No, I’m sorry,” he replies, looking up at the sky now.

There are a few moments of tension-filled silence, as I contemplate what could have just happened here, but it’s not long before I start to relax again and notice, with a glance in his direction, that Max is doing the same. Eventually, the previous light atmosphere returns once again and we find ourselves engaging in easygoing conversation again.

“So, did I tell you that Mike has our cleaning lady completely wrapped around his little finger? She’ll do practically anything for him …”


“Hey, Liz, there’s someone here to see you,” grins Maria as she pokes her head around the door to our bedroom the next night. “I bumped into him downstairs on my way back from the shops.”

With a frown of puzzlement, I close my magazine and get up from the bed to see Max entering the room with a secretive smile on his face and his hands behind his back. My eyes widen and I feel my jaw drop as I take in his appearance… he looks good enough to eat in a white button-down shirt with the top couple of buttons undone and the sleeves rolled up to just below his elbows and a pair of dark slacks.

I swallow, “Max?”

“Hey, Liz,” he grins.

“What are you doing here?” I wonder with a smile.

He shrugs, the grin still on his face, “I wanted to surprise you. These are for you.”

I gasp as he produces a small bouquet of pink roses from behind his back and holds them out to me.

“Wow, Max…” I murmur as I take the flowers from him and inhale their aromatic scent. “Thank you.”

“Well, I’m taking this making-up thing very seriously,” he says playfully. “And the roses aren’t the only surprise…” He takes a step towards me and holds out his hand, “You and I are going dancing tonight.”

“What?” I wonder in surprise, looking down at my old T-shirt and baggy sweats. “Dancing? Uh, Max, I’m not really dressed for dancing.”

He just grins and shrugs again, “So, change.”

I watch him for a moment, a smile tugging at my lips, “You serious?”

“As a heart attack.”

“Wow… okay, um,” I look around for somewhere to put the roses. “Just give me a minute.”

“Here, let me,” says Maria, taking the flowers from me. “I’ll put them in some water. You get ready, okay?”

“I’ll wait in the kitchen,” smiles Max. “See you in a minute.”

Still feeling slightly bemused, I nod as he leaves the room, before shaking my head to clear it and then heading for my wardrobe to find something suitable to wear. As I change into a knee-length dress with a floaty skirt and a pair of low-heeled shoes, I can’t help but wonder where Max is planning to take me tonight. I know I said it was gonna take some time for me to forgive him completely, but suddenly I’m very, very tempted to say fuck the plan and just jump him right now.

Only kidding… although I have to say it is an attractive prospect.

I can’t keep the smile off my face as I brush my hair and apply some lip-gloss and then head for the kitchen, where Max is sitting at the table and talking to Maria.

“Okay, I’m ready,” I announce. “So, where are we going?”

“Wow, you look great,” says Max, standing up from the table and moving towards me. “Remember that tapas bar we went to?” I nod. “Well, they do a salsa night every Sunday…”

“We’re going salsa dancing? Really?” my mouth drops open in surprise. “Wow, I’ve been wanting to try salsa for ages.”

“I know,” he grins, holding a hand out to me. “Shall we go?”

“Okay,” I send a quick glance in Maria’s direction as he leads me out of the kitchen and she gives me a thumbs-up in return.

It’s not until we get outside that Max releases my hand and we begin to walk towards town in relatively comfortable silence. Eventually we start making small talk, but both of us seem to instinctively avoid mentioning anything too serious, preferring to stick to safe, easy topics instead. When we arrive at the tapas bar, Max takes my hand again and leads me inside. My eyes widen in surprise at the large number of people there; I never knew salsa dancing was so popular here.

“So, here we are,” he says softly as we make our way through the crowd to a small space on the makeshift dance floor. “You ready?”

I glance around at all the dancers strutting their stuff beside us, and raise an apprehensive eyebrow, “I’m not sure… I’ve never done salsa before.”

“Neither have I,” he reminds me.

“I’m just not sure I can do it.”

“You’ll be fine,” he says reassuringly, sliding his arms around me and pulling me close. “You’re an amazing dancer; I’m sure you’ll pick it up just fine. Me on the other hand…” he makes a face as he trails off. “Well…”

I chuckle, “I guess we’ll just have to work it out together, huh?”

He smiles, “I guess we will.”

It takes several minutes and a few false starts, but we eventually begin to get the hang of the unfamiliar dance style. As my certainty over the steps grows, so does my confidence and it’s not long before I am sensually twisting and turning in Max’s arms, really letting myself get lost in the music. At one point, I am so focused on the rhythm of the music that I fail to notice that Max is not moving with me. Instead, his hands are firmly gripping my waist as I dance with him. With a slight frown, I look up at his face to see his lips pressed together firmly and his dark eyes gazing down into mine with a fiery expression.

“Max?” I wonder. “You okay.”

He nods curtly, swallowing harshly before speaking, “I’m fine.”

“Are you sure?”

He gives me a tight smile, “It’s just that, um, you looking all gorgeous and moving against me like that is having… an effect.”

“Oh,” I murmur with a small frown, not getting it for a second… but a moment later it clicks, “Oh!”

“Yeah,” he rolls his eyes at himself.

“Oh, um, okay… how about we go get a drink or something; you know, cool down a bit?” I suggest, feeling my cheeks redden in response to his comment.

He nods, his grip on me loosening as he turns me around so that I’m facing away from him, “Sounds good.”

We head over to the bar, Max’s hands placed on my waist as he walks behind me, and order some cold drinks. When the tension between us has calmed enough, we decide to make our way back to the dance floor again, but this time I’m careful not to get too carried away. However, there is one point where Max dips me down towards the floor and as he brings me back up to standing, I find myself eye-to-eye with him, our noses almost touching and it’s everything I can do not to launch myself into his arms and get rid of all my pent-up frustration right there and then.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it, we are interrupted by the voice of the DJ over the loud speakers announcing that the evening is almost over and so Max releases his hold on me and I reluctantly take a step back from him as we decide that now is a good time to be heading home.

As we leave the bar and start walking back to campus, I notice that he seems to be in a much better mood than he has been in recent weeks and I am slightly surprised when he begins to talk about some of the time he has been spending with Isabel recently. I listen attentively as he tells me how she brought him up-to-date with her life, showing him photos of her friends and things she’d done; how they spent an entire evening at his house talking about all kinds of things and how Isabel had met his friends that night too; and he even admits to me that he willingly sat and listened one afternoon as Isabel told him how his behaviour had been affecting her parents all this time.

“Have you talked to your mum and stepdad at all recently?” I find myself asking after he says the last part.

He doesn’t look at me, but instead just focuses on the road ahead as he shakes his head, “No.”

“Do you think you’re going to?” I ask, hoping that I’m not overstepping my bounds here.

“No… maybe… I don’t know,” he sighs, before pausing for a long moment and then exhaling heavily. “I probably should talk to them, I know that, but I just don’t know if I’m ready for that.”

His tone sounds both sad and slightly distressed and I can tell that the idea of confronting his parents about this is troubling him, so with a soft smile, I reach out and touch his arm.

”Hey, it’s okay, you don’t have to do it right now or anything,” I say reassuringly. “It’s just something to consider.”

“Yeah, I know,” he nods, exhaling slowly. “But I don’t even know what I would say to them.” He shakes his head as he looks around at our surroundings – we’ve reached the driveway leading up to my hall. “Well, we’re here.”

“We are,” I agree, turning to face him. “You don’t have to come all the way to the door, though; I’ll be fine from here.”

“No, it’s okay, I want to.”

“Okay,” I nod, as we continue walking towards the hall building.

When we reach the outside door to the hall, I stop and face him once more, “Thanks for a lovely evening, Max. I really enjoyed it.”

He gives me one of those amazing half-smiles that never fails to make me melt inside, “Me too. Thanks for agreeing to come.”

I take a step closer and with a playful grin, I say, “As if I could resist those eyes.”

He chuckles, “Good to know.”

I lean in towards him teasingly, “I know I said I needed time to deal with everything, but just so you know, you can feel free to surprise me again anytime.”

“Well, I’ll bear that in mind,” he responds softly as he looks down at me.

His expression tugs at something inside of me and I find myself rising up onto my tiptoes and gently pressing my lips to his cheek, before I turn and head towards the door.

“Goodnight, Max.”

“Night, Liz.”


Tuesday dawns gorgeously hot and sunny and so Maria suggests we all spend the afternoon relaxing by the outdoor pool on campus. Although sunbathing by the pool sounds like the perfect way to spend a summer’s afternoon, I still have some studying to do for my last exam on Thursday, so I am reluctant to go. However, Maria refuses to take no for an answer, claiming that I can’t be wasting such a beautiful day stuck in the library, so one p.m. that afternoon sees me dressed in a turquoise bikini, denim shorts, strappy top and flip-flops, lugging a bagful of books to the pool, with everyone else from our floor.

We set up camp in a free space on the grass a few feet from the pool and I get settled on a towel, textbook in my lap, while Maria, Mike, Isabel and Alex jump into the pool. I manage to get in about twenty minutes of studying before James, who has laid out his towel next to mine, decides that enough is enough and drags me into the water too. At first, I keep glancing back towards my books, wondering if I should be having fun in the pool when my exam is less than two days away, but then Maria grabs my arm and excitedly pulls me into a game of tag and my worries are quickly forgotten as I find myself thoroughly enjoying myself.

However, about ten minutes later, my world goes off kilter slightly when Isabel suddenly jumps up out of the pool with a happy smile on her face and heads over to greet someone at the pool entrance. My stomach gives a twist and I feel as though the breath has been knocked out of me as my gaze takes in a shorts-and-T-shirt-clad Max, a towel flung over his shoulder and flip-flops on his feet, giving Isabel a smile as he runs a hand through his unruly hair. He follows Isabel over to our spot and places his towel on the ground on the other side of mine, before pulling his T-shirt over his head. I swallow audibly as inch after inch of delicious tanned skin is exposed to my gaze and I find myself wondering how on Earth he manages to stay so tanned in a country that only sees the sun twenty-five percent of the time.

I watch as Isabel says something to him before turning and making her way back over to us in the pool. Max’s eyes follow in her direction and I suck in a breath as his gaze lands on me, our eyes locking suddenly. Time stands still for several moments as we stare at each other, but eventually I can’t take the weight of his heated gaze any longer and I have to avert my eyes, taking a calming breath as I return my attention to my friends in the pool.

“Hey,” murmurs Maria in my ear a couple of minutes later as she swims up to me. “Max is looking at you.”

“He is?” I whisper back, chancing a look in his direction.

She’s right; he is looking at me.

She nods, “He hasn’t been able to take his eyes off you since he sat down.”

I bite my lip as I try not to grin; although I have to say that it is kind of strange to have all his attention directed towards me again after going so long without even an acknowledgment. I try my best to concentrate on having fun in the water, but I’m not having much luck, so as a distraction I decide to get something to drink and swim over to the edge of the pool. As I pull myself out of the water and walk across to the changing rooms, where there are some water fountains, I feel Max’s eyes on me and I try not to think too much about the fact that I’m wearing nothing but a bikini.

I round the corner of the small changing facilities and walk across to the water fountains, pressing the button and lowering my mouth to the stream of water. I close my eyes as I take a much-needed drink, savouring the refreshing feel of the cold water flowing down my throat. However, about two seconds later my eyes fly open in surprise as I feel a hand on my waist, and I quickly straighten up; but before I get a chance to do anything else, I feel myself being spun around and pressed up against the wooden wall of the changing rooms by a warm, half-naked body.

“Max?” I breathe in surprise as he traps me between himself and the wall, one hand still on my bare, wet waist and the other braced against the wall beside my head as his heated gaze bores into mine.

“Hey,” he murmurs softly, a small smirk playing on his lips.

I shake my head good-naturedly as I smile up at him, “You’re supposed to be giving me time here, not pinning me to the wall with your incredibly hot, swim-shorts-clad body.”

“I thought you said I could surprise you any time?” he grins teasingly.

“This wasn’t exactly what I meant,” I retort with a smile.

“Sorry, couldn’t resist,” he murmurs softly, raking his eyes down over my body. “You have no idea what seeing you in that bikini is doing to me right now.”

I raise an eyebrow, glancing downwards, “Oh, I think I have some idea.”

“Liz…” he mutters throatily in response.

I look up again and ours eyes lock. My heart begins to pound in my chest at the hungry expression on his face and before I can even contemplate the significance of what I am doing, his mouth is on mine, hot and demanding. A thrill runs through my entire body as I lose myself in the kiss; it’s been way too long and I can’t get enough of the feel of his warm, bare skin pressing up against me, the bright sun beating down on us and adding to the already heat-filled atmosphere. It’s only a matter of seconds before my I start feeling light-headed and dizzy.

“Shit…” breathes Max when we finally part several long seconds later. He rests his forehead against mine, as his dark eyes lock with mine, “You wanna get out of here?”

“Yeah,” I nod eagerly, no longer caring that I was trying to take things slow between us.

“Come on then, let’s go,” he grabs my hand and begins pulling me toward the exit.

“Wait,” I place a hand on his chest. “My stuff.”

He sighs, but nods and lets go of my hand, “I’ll wait here for you.”

I give him an indulgent smile before going to get my things. I wrap my towel around my body and then quickly gather up my stuff, grabbing Max’s T-shirt and towel from the ground as an afterthought. I meet him by the changing rooms again and hand him his things. He takes them before fixing me with a lust-filled look and before I know it, his fingers are around my wrist and we’re half-walking, half running out of the pool area.

“We can go to mine,” I tell him. “There’ll be no one there – my whole floor is at the pool.”

“Great,” he shoots me a grin and then quickens his pace.

It feels like it takes forever to get to my hall, but in reality it can’t have been more than about three minutes or so, and as soon as we reach my empty floor, a wicked idea occurs to me and I grab Max’s arm, pulling him down the corridor and into a small room on the right. I close the door and lock it behind me and a grin spreads across Max’s face, a mischievous glint appearing in his eye as he steps closer and pulls off the towel wrapped around me. His arms wind around my waist as he presses me against the wall, his lips finding mine once again. I lose myself in the feel of his kisses and before it know it, my legs are around his waist and he’s pulling me to the other corner of the room. As his tongue begs entrance to my mouth and I part my lips to let him in, I reach around and twist the knob on the wall, allowing a cascade of warm water to flow from the showerhead and drench our heated bodies.

Max lets out a small groan into my mouth as his hand slides up my back to gently releases the strings at the back of my bikini top, before moving to my neck and tugging at the tie there too. I shiver with pleasure as he tears his mouth from mine and watches as the top falls to the floor, exposing my breasts to his gaze.

“God, Liz,” he mutters. “I’ve missed this; missed you.”

My eyes slide closed and I let my head fall back against the wall as his hand covers my left breast, his fingers gently teasing the sensitive skin there, before he cups me, squeezing gently.

“M-me too,” I manage, my voice coming out as a throaty whisper, as my head begins to spin. I clutch at him, my fingers digging into his muscled shoulders as he turns his attention to my other breast, his head lowering to taste my wet skin. “It’s been… God… it’s been a long few weeks.”

The water continues to beat down upon us as Max slides his hand down my stomach and deftly unties the strings of my bikini bottoms, pulling the material away and letting it drop to the floor alongside my top. My hips jerk sharply and I let out a gasp as his thumb brushes against my clit and then a split-second later his fingers begin stroking me intimately.

“Fuck,” I grind out, my orgasm building rapidly in response to the relentless torment that his fingers are releasing on my body. “Don’t… stop.”

His mouth is still covering my breast, gently teasing my nipple with his tongue and that torture, combined with the movement of his hand between my legs, is enough to send me over the edge. I come with a moan, my hips bucking against him as I frantically try to quell the ache inside my body.

“Max…” I mumble, my breathing laboured as I slowly come down from the incredible high. “Need you… now.”

I move my hands down his back and he supports me as I tug his swim shorts down over his hips. He kicks them off and I suck in a breath as I feel him pressing into me. My hips move against him involuntarily as his hand comes up to tuck several loose strands of wet hair behind my ear. He smiles at me softly before leaning in and brushing his warm, wet lips over mine in a brief, closed-mouth kiss, which he repeats once, twice and then a third time before pulling back to look into my eyes.

“I don’t have anything with me… you know, for protection.”

Me either,” I manage, my voice breathy as I struggle not to lose control. “But it’s okay… I’m on the pill, remember?”

“Are you sure?” he murmurs.

“Uh huh,” I nod, leaning in so that my mouth is close to his ear. “Make love to me, Max.”

“With pleasure,” he grins, positioning himself as my entrance and gently pushing inside.

I let out a gasping moan as he enters me fully, my eyes sliding shut again in response to the wave of intense pleasure that flows through me.

“Shit,” he grinds out. “You feel… so good.”

We begin to move together under the pulsing stream of hot water, slowly at first but quickly gaining speed as the pressure builds. A stab of desire shoots through me, quickly intensifying as the friction of our wet bodies moving together increases, and an involuntary moan spills from my lips.

“Yes… Max…”

Everything just seems so much more intense, more powerful than ever before and I find myself shuddering almost uncontrollably as I feel my climax approaching.

“I’m… I need… God…”

Even though I’m having trouble getting my words out, he seems to know exactly what I’m asking and, supporting my bottom with one hand, he slides his other hand between our bodies, his fingers easily finding my clit. I gasp, my hips bucking against him as he strokes me and with a cry, I find my release. I stiffen in his arms as it washes over me like a wave crashing on the beach and then barely a few seconds later, Max follows, his head buried in my shoulder and his breathing harsh as the pleasure engulfs him too. We stand together, clutching each other as we catch our breath, for several long moments, the water from the shower still beating down on our feverish bodies.

“Wow,” I murmur, feeling very light-headed now. “That was incredible.”

“Yeah,” manages Max, his voice muffled against my wet skin.

I run my hands across his shoulders and down over his back, savouring the feel of his naked body pressed so intimately against mine. It’s been way too long since we were close like this and despite everything that has happened since then, today has made me realise that I need this, need him, so much. Sure, there’s still a lot that we need to work through, but I believe that we can get through it all… together.


Re: Between The Covers (AU, M/L, MATURE) Part 50, pg 9, 3/24

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 3:31 am
by Heavenli24
Hey, everyone, thank you for your feedback :):

HELL YEAH!!! Glad they finally said fuck it with the plan!! Reckless abandon, I loved it. And what is it about pools and swim suits....gets everyone all hot and horny.
I don’t know what it is about pools and swim suits, but it definitely had an effect here, lol.

begonia9508 – Thanks :).
We all knew they would find their way together again but they took time and it's great so.....
Loved Max's idea of going dancing salsa!
Yep, they’re finally working things out again – and that night of dancing definitely helped loosen things up ;).

Christable – Thanks :).
I knew Liz couldn't resist him for too long Glad that Max is trying to make things right. He is really turning around.
Yeah – the thing is that Max really isn’t a bad person, he’s just kind of emotionally screwed up because of his parents, so he has trouble dealing with his problems face-to-face. Let’s hope he can work out those issues soon though :).

sunrise102 – Thanks :).
LOL. Umm, ok so it looks like Liz has no self control! Not that I blame her in any way of course.
Lol ;).
And I give props to Max for finally growing up a little. Long overdue, IMO.
Yeah, he’s finally stopped being an idiot and is starting to act more like an adult instead.
It made me a little sad when Liz reflected on the fact that it felt weird having Max focus his attention on her after going so long without even an acknowledgment of her existence. Then it made me mad again. Because that at point it was like his anger at her was stronger than his love for her.
To be honest, I think he actually got over most of the anger pretty quickly, but after that was too stubborn to admit he was wrong, so he hid away from it and tried to convince himself that he didn’t care :roll:.
And then of course, he's about to graduate and move several hours away so that was a month wasted that they could have spent together. Great timing.
Yeah, it was a month wasted, but at the same time Max will only be living about 100 miles away from Liz next year and if he gets himself a car, then he could probably see Liz on the weekends :).
BTW, Salsa dancing? That's what I'm talking about. I'd be all over that. I got the feeling that Max wasn't too comfortable with the dancing, but it was nice to see him step out of him comfort zone. For Liz. Now that's progress.
Lol. Yeah, Max wasn’t all that comfortable with it :P, but he knew Liz wanted to go, and it was significant in that the dancing took place in the same bar/restaurant that they went to on their first date :).

DreamerM&L – Thanks :).
WOW! That was
Finally they gave into each other!!
Lol – yeah, they did ;).

yayaliens – Thanks :).
that was SO amazing! And I think it's what we've all been waiting for since the fight/break-up
Yeah, it was definitely a long time coming :).

pookie76 – Thanks :).
Wow...that was hot,hot,HOT!!! More of that please!
Some more coming up…

destinyc – Thanks :).
Whew! That was incrediably hot!!! And-yea!-so glad Liz said screw the plan.
Yeah – she really couldn’t hold out for much longer ;).

Natalie36 – Thanks :).
fanfrickntastic. I'm glad they are back together or are they
We’ll have to see, but it’s looking pretty promising :).

Alien_Friend – Thanks :).
Well, even though she didn't last long trying to take things slowly I have to say if I were her I probably would do the same. Why not have him when ever you want since you can? Not everyone is that lucky.
Yeah, I agree :).
I just hope he continues to show her that he understands they have some ways to go before they can go back to the way they were or better than that.

I think he’s finally understanding that now :).
That was a terrific part! Very intense and passionate. I wanted to be mad at Liz at first but then I couldn't. Max totally convinced me and then it helped that I wish I was Liz. lol But don't we all.
That we do, lol!

omwf – Thanks :).
Hi. I know I never leave feedback, and I'm sorry for it, but I've been following this story and I like it very much, so since I had a day off, I finally left feedback.
I've enjoyed many of your stories, but this one is my favorite thus far.
Thank you – it’s always lovely to hear from lurkers/new readers :).
P.S. : Have you ever seen the real life Max Evans play rugby? I think he's amazing, even though his brother Thom usually gets the attention. If you haven't, he plays center for Glasgow and Scottland.
I have to admit that I’d never even heard of the real Max Evans (or his brother) until your post! I’m not really much of a rugby fan unfortunately. However, I did check them out via a Google search the other day :).

kay_b – Thanks :).
I'm really glad that Max was relentless in his pursuit. While I still think he should have dealt with his issues first, I only think that way because of how he reacted towards Liz, taking his anger out on her and all. I certainly don't want to see a repeat of that.
He will deal with his issues, but he will also be with Liz at the same time :). It could take him months, or even years, to fully come to terms with his problems and work through them completely, but there are only a few weeks left until Max graduates, so he’s sorting things out with Liz right now.
Here's hoping that things will run smoothly from here on out.
Let’s hope so :).

Dreamerlaure – Thanks :).
That was a nice part. It was great seeing them growing closer again before they went back between the covers.
Yeah, I felt they needed to spend some time together, working a couple of things through before hopping back into bed again :P.
They have hot chemistry, and I love seeing how that unfolds.
I'm surprised we're on Part 50! Wow! This is a great story though and every single part has been enjoyable.
Thank you - I almost can’t believe we’ve made it to part 50 either – this is by far my longest story yet (so far, it’s 75,000 words/200 pages longer than Always and Forever – my previous longest story!), but luckily the creative juices are still flowing for this one :).

Tamashii – Thanks :).
Hi, it was nice to see them to get close again. I really liked the date, specially because he remembered that she wanted to learn Salsa.
Max seems more open to talk with her.
Yeah, Max is learning how to open up to Liz and not just bottle all his feelings up and pretend his problems don’t exist :).

mary mary – Thanks :).
well, so much for taking it slow.
Yeah, that didn’t exactly go too well, did it?

DaleStateShorty – Thanks :).
Oh good god that was a HOT update!! It was sure as hell a long time coming for Max and Liz to get that sexual tension adhered too lol!
I honestly thought it was going to happen while they were out Salsa dancing but then that was just the start of what was to come and boy did it come alright!

I’ll admit that I was tempted to have something happen on the night of salsa dancing, but I already had the pool part planned ;).
I'm glad that they still realise that they have issues to work through for both of them but it is even better now that they know working together will help them achieve what is needed as opposed to working through things indiviually.
Yeah, they’re not going back into things blindly – they recognise that there are still issues to be worked through, but they are going to take things one step at a time and get through them together :).


Part Fifty-One

“How long do you think we have?” wonders Max breathily, as he nuzzles my neck, peppering my hot skin with tantalising kisses, his hand sliding up my back, pulling my body close to him.

“Not sure,” I mumble, my eyes drifting closed as his assault on my skin causes curls of desire to swirl in my belly. “But the door’s locked and I put a hair band on the door handle, so Maria won’t come in.”

“Good,” I feel him smile against my skin.

He shifts on the bed as he slips one of his legs between mine and his lips nibble a path up my neck and to my mouth. He kisses me slowly, languidly and my hands drift up to bury in his hair, still damp from our adventures in the shower earlier. I can’t help but smile against his lips as a bubble of excitement rises up in my throat; I almost can’t believe that he’s really here with me right now.

“Mmm,” I mumble against his lips as his grip tightens on me until we’re chest-to-chest. “This is nice.”

He smiles, giving me one last kiss before pulling back to look into my eyes.

“Nice?” he raises an eyebrow.

“Okay, more than nice,” I amend with a grin. “I’ve definitely missed this.”

“Me too,” he agrees, before his expression turns serious. “Liz…?”

“Yeah?” I let my hand slide down his cheek and onto his bare chest as give him an indulgent smile.

“I know I reacted really badly before and I shouldn’t have taken it out on you… but I wanted to say thank you.”

“Thank you?” I frown in puzzlement. “For what?”

“For getting me to finally talk to Iz,” he admits with a sheepish smile, gently rubbing his nose against mine in a tender gesture. “I know I’ve been a total arse lately, but the truth is, if you hadn’t said something, I wouldn’t have worked things out with her.”

I roll my eyes, “That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you all this time.”

“Like I said: total arse,” he raises his eyebrows before shaking his head seriously. “I’m sorry.”

“I’m sorry too,” I tell him softly. “It was completely wrong of me to go behind your back like that. It was just that… I hated seeing you hurting so much over it and I didn’t know what else to do.” I pause for a moment, pressing a gentle kiss to his chest. “Remember the night of Dan’s party, when we were in your room?”

“Y-yeah,” he nods, his voice slightly throaty.

I lift my hand to cup his cheek, running my thumb over the light stubble there, “You looked so sad and vulnerable that night; and then when we talked on the beach the next day… Max, you’d been dealing with so much for so long and all I’ve ever wanted to do is help you get through it… however I could.”

“Liz…” he murmurs, his voice barely above a whisper as he lowers his mouth to mine once more, capturing my lips in an urgent kiss. “Thank you.”

I nod, lowering my hand from his face and slipping my arm around his back as I let my head drop to his shoulder. I brush my lips across his heated skin and he sighs above my head, resting his chin against my hair.

“So, um, does this mean we’re back together now?” he questions, his voice low and slightly tentative.

I still, my lips pressed against his shoulder, as his words register and I admit to myself that I haven’t exactly thought much further ahead than right now. Slowly, I pull back, lifting my head to look at him again; he’s watching me with a hopeful expression on his face.

“I, um…” I struggle with my words, not really knowing what I want to say, but before I get any further, his smile disappears and he clears his throat uncomfortably.

“Right; that’s okay… I get it.”

“No,” I shake my head frantically, wanting him to understand my hesitation. “Wait, Max, I didn’t mean… it’s just…”

“Just what, Liz?” he sighs, shifting away from me a little as he looks down at me with hurt in his eyes.

“I want to get back together with you; of course I do,” I try to explain. “It’s just that maybe we shouldn’t rush right back into things?”

His expression softens as he frowns in puzzled amusement, “Um, I hate to tell you this, Liz, but I think what we just did could definitely be classed as ‘rushing right back into things’.”

I roll my eyes, “I meant emotionally, Max. I don’t think we should rush back into things emotionally. The last few weeks have been the longest and hardest of my life and it still hurts a bit to think about them.”

“I told you I was sorry about that,” he murmurs softly, with a frown of concern.

“I know,” I give him a small smile. “But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t still hurt though, you know? It’s gonna take me a bit of time to get over it, that’s all.”

“Okay,” he nods in understanding.

“I really do want to make this work, Max,” I reassure him. “But if we’re going to do that, you have to promise me one thing.”

“Anything,” he vows, his expression serious as he reaches up to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear.

“Promise me that you’ll never do that to me again,” I lay down the rules. “You can’t just shut me out whenever something goes wrong; you need to talk to me about it, okay?”

“I promise,” he says earnestly.

I smile, giving him a grateful nod, “If we’re gonna be together, we have to trust each other.”

“We do have to trust each other,” he agrees. “Which also means you have to promise me that you won’t betray my trust again like you did with Isabel, okay?”

I feel a stab of guilt run through me at his words and I nod emphatically, “I promise. I won’t go behind your back again.”

“Thank you.”

We share a look of mutual agreement and suddenly I feel lighter and happier than I have since this whole ordeal began. I shift a little beside Max and the movement makes me very aware that we’re both lying naked in my bed. I look up into his eyes, which have darkened in response to my movements, and an indulgent grin spreads across my face.

“So,” I murmur, running my hand over his bare chest once more as I lift my head so that our lips are mere millimetres apart. “Where were we?”


“Hey,” greets Max with a grin as I step outside of the exam hall on Thursday afternoon. “How did it go?”

“Hey,” I smile, rising up on tiptoes to give him a quick kiss. “It went okay, I think… so glad it’s over now though.”

“You’re finally free,” he quips, slinging his arm around my shoulder as we leave the building. “No more exams… and two weeks left to just chill out and have fun.”

“Yep,” I agree enthusiastically. “Good times.”

“So, you have any plans for tomorrow yet?”

I shrug, “Not really.”

He looks down at me incredulously, “You don’t have any plans? Liz, it’s your birthday!”

I shrug again, “Well, we’re all going out to celebrate Saturday night, but there’s nothing definite planned for tomorrow.”

“Well, in that case,” he hugs me closer. “May I suggest that you and I spend the day together tomorrow?”

“What did you have in mind?”

“How do you fancy going on a little trip tomorrow?”

“A trip?” I wonder in puzzlement. “What sort of trip?”

“This sort,” he replies, reaching into his pocket and pulling out two tickets.

He hands them to me and my eyes widen as I realise what they’re for.

“Alton Towers?” I gasp with a wide smile. “We’re going to Alton Towers?”

“Yep,” he grins. “Sophie’s letting me borrow her car tomorrow. We’ll have to leave early though, ‘cause it’ll take about four hours to get there.”

“Wow,” I murmur. “This is so cool.”

Alton Towers is my favourite theme park ever… well, apart from Disneyland, of course… but it’s still up there with the best. With a happy grin on my face, I think back to the conversation we had on campus the other week, just before we bumped into Maria, about how Max grew up only a few miles from the theme park, but had never been there before. That day, Max had agreed that we would go after the exams had finished and I could show him the best rides.

“So, I was thinking that you could stay over at mine tonight; that way we can get going early in the morning,” he says then.

“Sounds good,” I smile up at him, before a thought occurs to me and I frown slightly in confusion. “Hang on a sec, you only just asked me a minute ago if I had plans tomorrow, yet you’ve already bought these tickets – what would you have done if I had said I was busy?”

“Ah, well,” he looks sheepish. “I kind of already knew that you didn’t have plans. I asked Isabel the other day and she agreed to make sure you would be available.”

“Oh,” I murmur, understanding dawning on me now. “That’s why she insisted on us celebrating on Saturday instead of Friday. She told me that she had this really important society meeting to go to tomorrow and couldn’t get out of it.”

“Yep,” nods Max. “So you up for a trip tomorrow, then?”

I grin, looking up into his warm eyes, “Definitely.”


Friday morning arrives bright and early when Max’s alarm clock starts blasting away at five-thirty a.m.. We calculated that in order to arrive at the park at opening time – ten a.m. – we would have to leave here by six. It was a good idea at the time, but now that Max is nudging me awake at this ungodly hour, I’d like nothing more than to snuggle back under the covers and get at least three more hours of sleep.

“Liz, come on, it’s time to get up,” he murmurs in my ear.

“No, go ‘way, I’m sleeping,” I grumble, burrowing my head further into the soft pillows.

“Come on,” he coaxes, his fingers gently tracing patterns on my thigh. “I’ll make it worth your while.”

Unable to prevent the grin from appearing on my face, I pry my eyes open turn over in the bed to face him, “You will?”

“Yep,” he smiles, looking down at me with what I like to call his bedroom eyes. “C’mere.”

Despite the obvious danger of morning breath, he leans down captures my lips in a breathtaking kiss, his hand burying up under the large T-shirt of his that I wore to bed last night as he pulls me flush against him. I sink into his embrace, deepening the kiss as my lower body comes into contact with the evidence of his arousal. I let out a soft moan against his lips and I feel him smile in response, before breaking the kiss and murmuring softly,

“Happy Birthday, Liz.”

“Thank you,” I open my eyes and gaze up at him with a smile, before gently rolling my hips against his. “You think we have time for a quickie?”

He grins, eyes twinkling, “Well, not really, but it’s your birthday so who cares if we’re a few minutes late?”

He reaches behind him to grab protection from the bedside table and within seconds he’s sheathed inside me. I wrap my arms around his neck, digging my fingers into the warm, taught skin of his shoulders as we move together, slowly at first but then quickly gaining pace as we both near completion. It’s fast and frantic, and over all too soon, but I don’t care… it just feels so good to be close to him like this again. Afterwards, Max’s lifts himself up onto his elbows to look down at me and with a warm smile he presses one last kiss to my now swollen lips.

“Okay, we really have to get up now,” he tells me softly. “Why don’t you go and take a quick shower and I’ll start getting things ready.”

I nod in agreement and he shifts so that I can slip from the bed and head for the bathroom. Just before I leave the room, I turn back to find him watching me with hooded eyes as he lies back on the bed. I give him an indulgent smile before opening the door and slipping through. I have what must be the quickest shower of my life and barely twenty minutes later, after Max has had a quick shower too, we’re out of the door and sitting in Sophie’s car.

“Right,” Max turns to me when we’re ready to leave. “You have the map, right? You know where we’re going?”

“Yes, I know where we’re going, Max,” I reply with a playful roll of my eyes. “I aced map-reading in Geography lessons at school.”

“Great,” he flashes me a grin. “Let’s get going, then.”

We pull away from the curb and head along the road. It takes him a couple of minutes to get used to Sophie’s unfamiliar car, but by the time we reach the motorway ten minutes later, he’s driving it like a pro. The journey starts off relatively energetically, with Max turning up the radio to listen to Chris Moyles’ breakfast show on Radio 1 and the two of us making silly small talk, but as Max continues to drive and I bury my nose in the map to make sure we’re know where we’re going once we leave the motorway, the atmosphere becomes more subdued and I find myself struggling to keep my eyes open. It’s only when Max pulls into a service station almost three hours later and nudges me awake that I realise that I’ve fallen asleep.

“Hey,” he smiles when I open my eyes to find him watching me. “We’ll be coming off the motorway soon, so you’re gonna have to navigate for me.”

“Sure,” I nod, stretching and then lifting my hand to my mouth as I try to hide a yawn. “Okay.”


We spend a few minutes in the service station, going to the loo and picking up something to eat in the car, before continuing on with the journey. It only takes another forty minutes to get there and luckily we arrive at the park just a few minutes after the gates have opened. Collecting our bags and jackets, we board the monorail which will take us to the park entrance. As we show our tickets to the attendant and walk along the grass-lined path into the main area of the park, I can’t help but smile at our surroundings.

What I really like about Alton Towers is that it’s not just a ‘theme park’, it’s actually located within the grounds of an old stately home and one of the attractions here is the ruin of a nine-hundred-year-old castle. So, rather than having a large open concrete space with thousands of metres of unattractive metal rollercoaster track all over the place, the park is spread out over 500 acres and you have to either walk through the gardens and woodland or take the Skyride cable cars to get to the different rides and park areas.

“Okay, so where to first?” asks Max as we reach a crossroads in the path a couple of minutes later.

“Well, it depends what you’re in the mood for,” I say, opening up the park map to take a look. “But we should probably leave the water-based rides – like the rapids, log flume and Ripsaw – for later, ‘cause we don’t want to be walking around wet for the rest of the day.”

“Why don’t you choose, since you’ve been here before and know what the rides are like?”

“Okay,” I smile, closing the map and pointing towards a sign for the X-Sector. “Let’s go on Oblivion first.”

“Oblivion?” he asks, catching up beside me as I begin to walk. “Isn’t that the rollercoaster with that big vertical drop?”

“Yep,” I nod. “First one like it in the world.”

“Umm,” he swallows audibly. “Are you sure? Maybe we should try something a bit more tame first.”

I stop and look up at him with a suspicious frown, “Max, are you scared to go on Oblivion?”

“N-no, of course not,” he replies unconvincingly. “It’s just that maybe we should work up to it?”

“What, and go on it after lunch instead?” I blanch at the idea. “Max it’s best to do these sorts of rides on an empty stomach. Plus, the sooner you take the plunge and do it, the better.”

“Right, okay,” he nods reluctantly, taking my hand. “Let’s go then.”

We walk through the grounds hand-in-hand until we reach the area of the park known as X-Sector and I drag Max over to the queue for Oblivion. The park isn’t too busy yet, so we only have a ten-minute wait for the ride, but as we reach our turn and we take our seats, Max doesn’t seem too sure of himself anymore.

“You’ll be fine,” I tell him, strapping myself into a seat. “It’s gonna be fun, okay?”

“Yeah, okay,” he doesn’t look convinced, but before he can say anything else, we start moving, the car beginning its slow ascent up to the top.

The car stops at the edge of the vertical drop, tilted so that we can see over the edge, but are suspended right at the top. A ball of nervous excitement appears in my belly as I count down the seconds before the car will begin its high-speed descent.

“Three, two, one…”

And with that, the car is released from its suspended state and we begin hurtling towards the ground at full speed. Beside me I hear Max yell a terrified, “Shit!!” but I am too busy holding onto the bars of my seat harness for dear life to manage a reply. As we approach the ground, we disappear into the dark hole at the bottom and then breath collective sighs of relief as the car emerges from the other side going at a much slower pace.

“Wow,” breathes Max as the ride comes to a stop and we climb out of our seats. “That was incredible!”

“It was great, wasn’t it?”

“Can we go again?”

I laugh at his eager expression, “Sure, but we still have lots more to do today, remember.”

“Great, let’s go,” he decides, grabbing my hand and pulling me back towards the ride entrance.

Ten minutes later, we step off the ride for the second time, Max looking exhilarated as I reach for the map to determine where to go next. We decide to head over to Ug Land to experience Rita - Queen of Speed, a drag-racing themed roller coaster, which accelerates you from zero to sixty miles per hour in 2.2 seconds – and then after that, we make our way over to the Forbidden Valley, which has my favourite rides – Nemesis and Air.

After almost two hours of roller coaster fun, Max decides it’s time for a break… and for food… so we head over to the Burger King in Forbidden Valley for lunch. I grab a free table for us and check my phone while Max is ordering our food. I am surprised to find a total of seven new text messages – I haven’t checked them since before we left this morning – wishing me Happy Birthday, and a voicemail from my mum. Seeing that Max is still waiting in the queue for food, I decide to call Mum quickly.

“Hey, it’s me,” I say, when she picks up.

“Lizzie,” she greets happily. “Lovely to hear from you – Happy Birthday, sweetheart.”

“Thanks, Mum.”

“So, how’s your day going? Having fun? Did you get the birthday package we sent you?” she bombards me with questions.

“The day is going great and I’m having fun,” I nod, a smile appearing on my face as I glance over at Max to find him watching me. “But I haven’t got your package yet because I haven’t checked the post – Max surprised me with a trip to Alton Towers today.”

“Well, aren’t you lucky,” she quips on the other end – Mum knows all about my Alton Towers obsession. “So, you two are getting on again now, then? I know you were having some problems - did you get it all sorted out?”

“Yeah, we did,” I tell her. “I mean, there are still a couple of issues we need to work through, but we’re back together at least.”

“That’s wonderful to hear, honey,” she tells me and I can hear the smile in her voice. “I hope very much that we’ll get to meet him soon?”

I roll my eyes at her lack of subtlety, as Max approaches the table with a tray full of Burger King goodies and takes a seat.

“Yes, Mum, you can meet him soon,” I say, as Max looks up at me with a knowing grin. “I promise.”

“I’m looking forward to it.”

“Sorry, Mum, I’ve got to go now – we’re about to eat lunch.”

“Okay, then, dear,” she says. “I’ll talk to you again soon. Bye, sweetie.”

“Bye, Mum.”

I turn off the phone and place it back in my bag before straightening up to find Max watching me with an amused look on his face.

“So, that was your mum, huh?”

“How’d you guess?” I deadpan with a roll of my eyes as I reach for my food. “She was wishing me Happy Birthday.”

He smiles, “So, are you having a happy birthday?”

“I am,” I nod. “This is so cool… thank you.”

“My pleasure,” he grins, tucking into his fries.

We eat quickly, hungry from all of those fast rides, and so after lunch we agree to go on something slow and leisurely while we wait for the food to digest. We opt to use the Skyride cable cars to take us across the park towards the ruins of the castle – known as the Towers – for the Hex ride, based on old stories and legends of the castle being haunted and then, as it’s a warm, sunny day, we walk over to Katanga Canyon to go on the water rides – the Congo River Rapids and the Log Flume – as well as the Runaway Mine Train.

By the time we’ve worked our way around all of those rides, it’s mid-afternoon and we only have a couple of hours left until the park closes. Max decides he wants to ride Oblivion at least once more and I’m keen to go on Nemesis and Air again, so we go back to the X-Sector for two more Oblivion rides, before ending up back in Forbidden Valley. We go on Ripsaw, the other wet ride, first and then have a couple more rounds on the other two rides. By five-thirty p.m., we’re both starting to feel tired, but with only half an hour left until the park closes, Max persuades me to go back over to Oblivion for one final ride.

It’s just gone six o’clock when we arrive back at the car again after an amazing, fun-filled day of roller coaster action and we collapse into the vehicle with aching legs and barely any energy left to move.

“Are you sure you’re up to driving all the way back to uni again tonight?” I ask as Max turns the key in the ignition and puts the car into gear.

He turns to me with a secretive grin, “See, here’s where part two of your birthday surprise comes in.”

“Part two?” I shake my head. “You’ve already done enough.”

“Believe me, you’ll like part two,” he grins. “And just so you know, there’s a part three coming up too.”

“Max,” I bite my lip. “You really didn’t need to go to all this trouble.”

“Yeah, I did,” he smiles, as he puts the car in gear and begins to manoeuvre it out of the car park. “I’ve kind of had this planned for a while.”

“You have?” I wonder, my heart skipping a beat at his admission.

He nods, “Yeah; ever since you mentioned Alton Towers that day on campus. But then everything happened and I wasn’t sure if it would still be going ahead.”

“Oh,” I murmur in understanding. “So, what’s part two, then?”

“You’ll see,” he grins as we leave the car park and head out onto the main road.

We drive for about fifteen minutes, before Max pulls into the car park of a quaint little pub-slash-bed-and-breakfast along one of the country roads.

He turns to me with a grin and announces, “We’re staying here tonight.”

“What?” I look at him in surprise. “Max, this is too much.”

He rolls his eyes in amusement, “Liz, it’s your birthday… just sit back and enjoy it, okay?”

“Okay,” I agree reluctantly, although part of me still feels a bit guilty that he’s gone to all this trouble.

“Come on, let’s go in,” he nods towards the bed and breakfast building.

We grab our bags from the boot of the car and head across the small car park to the reception area.

“So, this is why you suggested I bring a change of clothing,” I murmur in realisation a moment later.


“And here I thought you were just overly concerned about us getting soaked on the water rides.”

“Nope,” he chuckles, sliding his arm around my waist and pulling me close so he can kiss me softly. “I had ulterior motives. Let’s check in and then we can get some dinner in the pub next door.”

We do just that and two hours, lots of food and a bottle of wine later, we arrive back at our small, cosy room on the first floor of the bed-and-breakfast place. Max turns on the TV and relaxes back on the bed while I perch on the edge and rummage through my bag for a hairbrush.

“Um, Max?”


“I don’t have anything to sleep in tonight – I wasn’t expecting to need pyjamas at a theme park.”

He sits up, catching my arm and moving towards me so that his mouth is barely two inches from my ear, as he murmurs suggestively, “Who said anything about wearing clothes in bed tonight?”

My stomach does a little flip and I feel heat begin to pool in my belly at his words as I turn to him in surprise.

He’s looking down at me, his eyes dark as he lowers his mouth to mine in an intense kiss that I feel right down to my toes. I lift my hand to cup his jaw, but barely a second later he pulls back and stares into my eyes.

“I think it’s time for part three.”


I wake up the next morning feeling more rested than I have in a long time and with a big smile on my face, I pry my sleepy eyes open to find that I’m snuggled up against Max’s side, my head resting on his bare chest. He’s sprawled out across his side of the bed, one arm hanging palm-up over the edge and the other around my back, holding me close to him. With a contented smile, I watch him for few moments, marvelling at how adorable he looks when he’s asleep, like he doesn’t have a care in the world, and then, with a bubble of happiness rising in my chest I look down at my wrist, around which part three of my birthday surprise is currently fastened.

I bite my lip, trying to contain my emotions as I think back to last night, when he reached into his bag and pulled out a long, thin, rectangular-shaped present, which he handed to me with a grin. Hands shaking with anticipation, I unwrapped the gift to find a jewellery box containing the most beautiful silver bracelet I had ever seen – delicate and thin with small, studded flowers – and as Max lifted it out of the box and fastened it around my wrist, I couldn’t help but reach for him and kiss him with everything I had. We didn’t leave the bed again after that, desire taking over as we made love slowly and tenderly, taking the time to explore every inch of each other’s bodies – something we hadn’t had the chance to do in weeks.

With the memories of last night still fresh in my mind, I rest my hand on his torso, the bracelet around my wrist brushing his warm skin, and lift my head to shower his chest with tiny, soft kisses. He stirs beneath my hand, his right arm tightening around me as he rubs the hand that was dangling over the edge of the bed down over his face.

“Mmm,” he mumbles, still half-asleep.

His hand drops down to his chest and his eyes remain closed, but I have the urge to wake him up rather than let him sleep, so I gently walk my fingers down his torso and over his flat stomach, as I lift my head to kiss his neck. Just before my hand disappears beneath the bedcovers, his eyes fly open and he jerks fully awake.


“Morning,” I grin, lifting my head to look at him.

“Hmm, morning,” he replies, sucking in a breath and glancing downwards as I move the hand on his stomach lower still. “Sleep well?”

“Very,” I murmur, pressing my lips to the underside of his jaw.

His hand moves from his chest to wrap around my wrist, pulling my arm upwards and away from his lower body. For a moment, I’m confused, but then he reaches for me and I take the hint, moving to straddle his waist. His mouth finds mine and we kiss leisurely, his hand flattening on my upper back, trapping me against his warm, naked body.

“So,” I murmur between languid kisses. “What’s the plan for today?”

He stills beneath me and, puzzled, I lift my head to look down at him, “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” he murmurs, looking slightly unsure of himself. “It’s just that, I’ve been thinking about our conversation the other day and well, my mum only lives about an hour from here… I was thinking, if you didn’t mind, maybe I could…”

He trails off uncertainly, but I understand what he’s trying to say.

“Maybe you could go and see her?” I finish.

“Y-yeah,” he nods. “I’m not sure if I’m totally ready yet, but maybe I should just get it over with… that is if you don’t mind taking a detour so I can do it.”

“Of course I don’t mind,” I tell him with a small smile. “When do you think we should go?”

“We?” he looks surprised.

I give him an incredulous look, “You don’t think I’m gonna just stand by and let you handle it alone, do you? I’m going in with you.”

“Liz, I…” he starts to protest, but I fix him with a no-nonsense look and he sighs in defeat. “Thank you.”

“It’s no problem at all, Max,” I assure him. “Besides, it’ll be nice to see your mum again.”

“Again?” he looks startled. “Since when do you know my mum?”

I chuckle, dropping a brief kiss to his lips, “Since January. She and your… sorry, Izzy’s… dad came to drop her back at the beginning of the spring term. I seem to remember them getting on quite well with my dad too.”

“Oh my God,” he mutters, running a hand through his hair. “That’s just great.”

“What?” I frown. “What’s wrong with me having met your parents before?”

He rolls his eyes, as if it should be obvious, “They know you as Isabel’s friend… which means they’re gonna think that us being together has something to do with her.”

“Why would they think that?” I wonder, leaning down to nuzzle his neck.

“Because, I kinda went out with a couple of Isabel’s friends when I was in Sixth Form,” he admits. “It got to be a bit of a pattern.”

“Oh my Lord,” I mutter, rolling my eyes as well, as I lift my head from his neck. “Max, weren’t your sister’s friends about fourteen when you were in Sixth Form?”

“Yeah, so?”

“Well, three years is a big age gap.”

He looks puzzled, “There’s three years between us.”

“Yeah,” I acknowledge, “but being eighteen and twenty-one is a lot different from being fourteen and seventeen.”

“Yeah, okay, I get it,” he mumbles. “Still doesn’t change the fact that they’ll think I’m with you because you’re friends with Isabel.”

“So, what does that matter? You introduce me as your girlfriend and if they ask about it, you just tell them that we met before I knew Izzy… which is almost true anyway; I only met her two days before I met you.”


He still looks doubtful, but I’m eager to put his mind at ease and also make the most of the time we have left in this room, so with tender kiss to his lips, I climb off him and hold out my hand.

“You feel like joining me for a shower?”

At that, his face lights up with a wide smile and he sits up in the bed, “Sure.”

He stands up and takes my hand, as I lead him towards the walk-in shower in our small en-suite bathroom. We step inside, closing the door behind us and I spend the next few minutes washing away all of his worries.


Re: Between The Covers (AU, M/L, MATURE) Part 51, A/N, p13, 4/3

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 4:16 am
by Heavenli24
Hey, everyone, I’ve just realised that today’s update marks the 1-year anniversary of this story :D – I can’t quite believe it’s actually been a year, since I didn’t imagine that the fic would end up being this long, lol.

Thank you for the feedback :):

begonia9508 – Thanks :).
I was already shivering about all these rollercoasters they used!!! I hate these things!
Lol – I love them! Well, except for the vertical drop ones – like Oblivion and the Tower of Terror at Disneyland…can’t stand those ones :P.
He made her a great present and to go see his mother was really the biggest and best surprise he could made to her: it's mean that he is ready to act against his old problem with his family, maybe even trying to talk to them!
Hope it goes right!
Let’s hope so :). He’s finally realising that he can’t just keep pretending that nothing is wrong.

DreamerM&L – Thanks :).
The rides were just amazing although i dont think i would be able to handle

but i was planning to go Alton Towers with some friends it sounds good but terrifying at the same
Alton Towers is amazing :)! I want to go back soon, actually – it’s been 2 years since I last went.
glad to see things getting back to track and I think Max meeting his mother shows how he wants to sort things out...
hoprfully it works out and goes well
Yeah, he’s finally ready to talk :).

Natalie36 – Thanks :).
i hope the meeting goes well
Let’s hope so :).

destinyc – Thanks :).
What a great birthday! And now he's going to see his mother--hope all goes as well as could be expected. At least Liz will be by his side.
Yep, Liz will be right there with him too :).

trulov – Thanks :).
Loved waking up to a new part!
I'm so glad things are going good between them again. And I'm thrilled that Max finally thanked Liz for her help in reuniting him and Isabel.
Yeah, he finally got over his stubbornness and admitted that what she did actually helped in the end.
I can't wait to see how the meeting goes down with his mother - I have a feeling there's going to be some fireworks there.
Read on to find out…

sunrise102 – Thanks :).
Wow, well, when Max decides to wise up he doesn't do it by half measures! So great to see him grovel properly.
Lol :P.
And can I just mention the relief at the fact that they at least reconciled before Liz's birthday? I can't even imagine if they had still been on the outs, I mean it's the first birthday celebration as a couple.
Yeah – it wouldn’t have been a great day if they hadn’t sorted things out :(.
Anyway, I'd also like to mention that Max's fixation on Liz betraying his trust is slightly unfair. Even he acknowledged that if it hadn't been for Liz, he never would have begun talking to his sister. Will he acknowledge that if he had listened to her the first dozen times Liz was trying to get him to talk to Isabel, she wouldn't have had to cross that line? Maybe doesn't excuse the breach of trust, but I think it's still valid. But I digress.
Maybe he has been a bit unfair with it – but he obviously does have big trust issues due to his parents, so it’s been hard for him to deal with coming from Liz. I think that he’s finally realising his mistakes and his issues, but at the same time trust is very much a big thing for him. Let’s hope that he will acknowledge that it wouldn’t have happened if he’d listened to Liz in the first place though.
I have to say that I'm proud of him for taking that step to see his mom. He still has a lot that he needs to deal with and not push under the rug, but this is an important first step. And he's even letting Liz help and support him through it! What a novel idea...
Lol – he’s getting it… slowly but surely :P.

Dreamerlaure – Thanks :).
I loved his birthday surprise for her, and I was pleased that she reminded him that she was still hurt over everything that happened before when he was all but ignoring her.
Yeah, there are still some hurt feelings there, but both of them are willing to give things a go again.
Hmm, that is longer I am not complaining though! I've enjoyed every part of it, and reading your updates on Tuesdays for the past year has been a fixture in my downtime
Thank you :). I can’t believe it’s been a whole year though – it’s crazy :P!

mary mary – Thanks :).

ur back!!! and i am so far behind on feedback but ive been reading this and loving it
Thanks :).
wow and now max is off to meet w/the folks well what a long step from about a month ago
Yeah, he’s making progress :).

Alien_Friend – Thanks :).
Awww I loved it! That was sweet of Max to be planning all of that for her all this time. Now they are meeting the parents. It's funny how he has a thing for Izzy's friends. Especially since they never knew they knew each other for a long time.
Well, Max’s thing with Izzy’s friends happened only shortly after he found the diary in the attic and the rift between he and Izzy developed. They were still attending the same school and living in the same house, so Max would have had ‘easy access’ to her friends, as it were :P.
I'm glad Max is really trying and he seems sincerely sorry and willing to make a mends. I'm glad they had a talk and got it all out in the open. It gives me hope that Max is deciding to be a big boy about things and actually going to go talk to his mom instead of running away from his problems. It's great to see. And him wanting to take Liz a long is a step too.
Yeah, I think seeing Liz collapse in the nightclub and then getting closer to her again after those long few weeks has made him realise that life’s too short. Let’s hope that he can continue to make progress with his emotional issues.

rrcnva – Thanks :).
Coming out of lurkdom to tell you that I LOVE this fic. Somedays it is the only reason I go to work on Tuesdays - your update is my reward.
Wow – thanks :). I’m glad you’re enjoying the story :).
Hopefully, Max is learning to reach out to others since he is taking Liz to see his Mom. Maybe he can learn to trust her with his feelings and then make some strides towards reconciling this situation in his own heart.
This is a definitely a step forward for him – he is willing to go and see his parents, he’s taking Liz with him and he’s starting to face up to his issues. Let’s hope he can continue to move forward :).

DaleStateShorty – Thanks :).
Alton Towers sounded amazing! I was envisioning the rides and everything! I really wished I was actually there taking a spin on that Oblivion ride lol. Then BK's for lunch, YUM!
Alton Towers is amazing – I love going there (although it’s been a couple of years now) :). The Oblivion ride was actually the first ever vertical rollercoaster… in the world! Unfortunately, I’ve only been on it twice though (a few years ago) as I don’t like fast vertical drops :P.

You can see the rides in these pictures:

Rita - Queen of Speed
Then on to the next phase of the Bed and Breakfast! Now that was actually something that suited with the day they had, it kind of added the homely feel to it all, then the pub for dinner, pub dinners are always nice and usually cheap/affordable.
Yeah, it was also suited to the area of the country they were in. The park is right out in the countryside and Alton itself is only a small village, so there’s not much around apart from farmhouses, pubs and B&Bs!
Then to top off the evening a beautiful bracelet accompanied with some HOT, SEXY loving!!!! Gotta love the simplest birthday ideas and gifts!
A perfect end to a wonderful day :).
I wonder how Max and Liz are going to be received by Max's mother and step-father? I hope they don't get on his case about the whole Isabel and Liz being friends drama, that would totally bite. But then bearing in mind that Max was a bit of a free spirit with himself so to speak lol, who can blame them for thinking the most obvious.
We’ll have to see what happens…
As always, I cannot wait until you make time out of your busy life and hectic schedule to update this fantastic story of yours for us all to gasp, gawk, envy, and all that good stuff over reading it! Please please please post when you get a chance (surely a little bit of begging couldn't hurt right? lol).. Toodlez
Well, it’s Tuesday, so here’s a new part :). I’m crossing my fingers that the updates will still go as planned every Tuesday, although I have a job interview in a couple of weeks that is requiring a lot of preparation (online personality test, security clearance forms to fill out (it’s a government organisation), reacquainting myself with the meteorology I studied when I was in high school… and then on the day, I have to take a maths and physics test, prepare a presentation, give the presentation to a panel of interviewers and then get through a technical/scientific interview - scary!)

sarammlover – Thanks :).
What a spectacular birthday! I loved it. Max, what a sweet gentleman....and what a delicious evening at the bed and breakfast.
I can't wait to see what happens when they meet max's parents.....even though Liz already knows them!
Keep reading to see…

Tamashii – Thanks :).


Part Fifty-Two

“Okay, are you sure about this?” I ask Max as we pull up outside his parents’ house later that morning.

He looks towards the house for a moment before nodding firmly, “Yeah, I’m sure. Let’s just get this over with, shall we?”

We step out of the car and Max locks it before taking my hand in his as we walk up the path to the front door.

“What are you gonna say?” I murmur softly, as we come to a stop outside the door and Max presses the bell.

“I don’t know yet,” he shakes his head.

“You’ll be fine.” I smile, squeezing his hand reassuringly.

He might not want to admit it out loud, but I can tell that he’s apprehensive, and probably quite nervous, about the whole thing.

Just then, the door opens and Mrs. Stevenson appears, “Hello, how can I help – Max?”

There’s a beat of silence as she stops, her hand on the half-open door as he stares at Max in surprise.

Max clears his throat awkwardly, “Hi, Mum.”

“This is a surprise,” she says, her surprise quickly giving way to a smile. “We weren’t expecting you.”

“We were in the area,” he shrugs, glancing over at me as he tightens his grip slightly on my hand. “Mum, this is Liz. My girlfriend.”

“Liz?” questions Mrs. Stevenson as she turns her attention towards me. “Haven’t we met before?”

Feeling Max’s eyes on me, I nod, “Yes, we have – I live in Davis Hall with Isabel.”

“Ah, of course, that’s right,” she smiles, and I catch her sending Max a speculative glance. “How are you doing, Liz?”

“I’m fine, thanks,” I smile politely. “It’s nice to see you again, Mrs. Stevenson.”

“You too, Liz,” she replies. “But please call me Diane.”

“Okay,” I nod.

Diane looks at us for a moment, before giving another smile and opening the door wider, “Why don’t the two of you come in?”

“Thanks,” I reply, as I wait for Max to take the first step inside, but he seems frozen to the spot, his expression unreadable, so I decide to make the first move, entering the house first with Max tagging along behind, our hands still clasped together.

“Why don’t you go on through to the living room?” she suggests, mostly addressing me as she indicates towards the door to our left. I’m guessing that she’s used to Max not being very responsive to her. “I’ll just put the kettle on for some tea.”

She disappears into another room, which I can only assume is the kitchen, leaving Max and I alone in the hallway. I start to make a move for the living room, but Max tugs me back.

“What’s wrong?” I ask in concern.

“I don’t think I can do this after all.”

“Hey,” I step closer to him, keeping my voice low. “You can do this, okay?”

“But what if it ruins everything?” he murmurs anxiously.

“Max, they deserve to know,” I say gently. “It’s not fair on them or on you to continue keeping the truth from them.” I rise up on tiptoes to kiss him gently. “I’ll be right here with you the whole time, okay?”

He lets out a shaky sigh, “Okay.”

“Oh dear, what are you kids still doing standing out here?” tuts Diane as she emerges from the kitchen, carrying a pot of tea and some mugs on a tray. “Come and have a seat in the living room.”

She breezes past us into the room, leaving us to follow behind her.

“Martin, dear,” she greets Max’s stepdad as we move inside the cosy living room. “You’ll never guess who’s dropped by to see us.”

Beside me, Max exhales slowly before stepping further into the room. I stand just behind him as he greets his stepfather.


“Max!” exclaims Martin, his face lighting up with a friendly smile. “What brings you here?”

“We were in the area,” he repeats his earlier words.

“Martin, this is Liz, Max’s girlfriend,” explains Diane, sending a warm smile in my direction as she places the tray down on the coffee table and takes a seat in the other armchair. “She lives in the same hall as Isabel.”

“Right,” smiles Martin with a nod, as he glances at me with recognition. “If I’m not mistaken, I seem to remember having a nice conversation with your father a while ago.”

“Yeah,” I nod. “You did.”

“Why don’t you both take a seat?” invites Diane warmly.

“Thanks,” I smile at her, as Max gives a slight nod and leads me over to the sofa.

We sit down together on the soft cushions, but while I try my best to relax into them, Max sits straight and tense, resting our linked hands on his knee. Diane seems to notice the tension and attempts to lighten the atmosphere by offering everyone some tea.

“So,” she says brightly, settling in her seat once more. “How are you, Max? Long time, no see.”

“Yeah,” he murmurs quietly. “I’m, uh…”

He trails off, glancing at me briefly, before letting out a sigh and turning to face Diane and Martin.

“Okay, here’s the thing,” he says, his voice louder and more self-assured this time. “Liz and I came here today because I have some things that I need to talk to you about…”

Diane leans forward in her chair, “Max, you know you can tell us anything, don’t you? We’ve always told you that.”

“Yeah, I know,” he murmurs, looking down at our entwined hands. He looks up at Diane again, his expression uncertain, before he exhales heavily, “Shit. This is hard.”

His mother frowns, “What’s wrong, Max?”

I turn my gaze towards Max as his fingers tighten around mine and I hear his breathing become harsher.

“A few years ago, I went up to the attic to look for something for one of my coursework projects,” he starts, his voice low, “and I came across and old diary of yours.”

“Diary?” she looks confused.

“Yeah,” nods Max. “I was curious, so I, um, I took a look through it, and I read some stuff that I really wish I hadn’t.”

“What stuff?” she asks gently, obviously trying to figure out what Max means. But it only takes a moment for the penny to drop. “You don’t mean…?”

Max nods stiffly, “I know the truth about that night… the night my dad died.”

“Oh, Max…” Diane shakes her head, her hand coming up to cover her mouth.

He sucks in a shaky breath, “I know that you two were having an affair. And I know that you were… together… that night.”

“Oh, sweetheart,” murmurs Diane, and I see unshed tears shining in her eyes as she exchanges a meaningful glance with her husband. “I’m so sorry you had to find out like that. Is this why you’ve been shutting us out all this time?”

Max doesn’t answer, but just looks up at her, a hurt expression on his face, “How could you do that, Mum? How could you do that to Dad? If you had come home that night instead of being with him,” he nods towards his stepfather. “Dad wouldn’t have gone out to look for you and he wouldn’t have been in that crash.”

“Listen,” she says, sitting forward in her seat. “It wasn’t as simple as all that. There’s more to the story than you know.”

Max snorts.

“Oh, I think I know a fair amount of it. Let’s see,” he releases my hand and starts counting on his fingers, “you had an affair behind Dad’s back; instead of working late that night, you were shacking up with him; Dad died because he was worried about where you were and went out to look for you; and as he lay dying in that car, you two were busy conceiving a child - Isabel.”

Diane sighs, leaning forward so that she is only a couple of feet away from us.

“Max, how much of the diary did you actually read?”

“Enough,” he makes a face. “Well, as much as I could stomach anyway.”

“Honey, the truth is that, well, things hadn’t been working between your dad and I for a while,” admits Diane softly. “We tried to work things out; we took holidays together and tried marriage counselling for a while… we even thought that a baby – you – would bring us closer together, but the truth was, we just weren’t compatible.”

“What, so that makes having an affair, okay, does it?” Max practically spits out. “‘Oh, well, it’s not working out anyway, so why not go behind Philip’s back and commit adultery?’ – is that it?”

“That’s not how it was,” Diane explains calmly, and I have to admire her for keeping her cool. “You don’t know the whole story, Max. All you know is what you read in that diary – the diary in which my therapist suggested I write down my account of that night to help me deal with Philip’s death.”

Max is silent for a moment as he takes that in, but then his eyebrows raise expectantly as he asks, “So what is the whole story then?”

Diane looks to Martin again, who nods in agreement, and then exhales slowly, “Your father knew, Max. He knew about Martin… and about my relationship with him.”

“What?” exclaims Max sharply, his face paling in response as I blink in surprise. “What do you mean, he knew?”

“Philip and I were honest with each other about everything,” she admits. “I met Martin during a work conference just after your second birthday. At first, we were just work colleagues and friends, but a few weeks later, I realised that I was falling for him. My relationship with your dad wasn’t much of anything by that point – we were friends, don’t get me wrong, but we both agreed that we weren’t meant to be together in the romantic sense and that if either of us met anyone else, we would be honest about it.”

“I don’t understand…” Max looks lost and seems thoroughly confused now. I slip my fingers between his once more and give his hand a gentle, reassuring squeeze. “You just told him that you were falling in love with someone else and he was okay with it?”

“Well, yes,” says Diane. “Of course, it wasn’t easy for either of us, especially when we had you to think about as well – our pride and joy – but at the end of the day, we’d agreed not to keep secrets from each other.”

“I can’t believe this,” murmurs Max, glancing down at our joined hands for a moment. “He just sat back and did nothing while you were with another man?” He frowns in confusion, “But if he knew, then why did he think you were working late that night? Why was he out in the car looking for you if he knew you were with Martin?”

Diane lets out a shaky breath, causing Martin to lean over and lay a hand on her arm, “I was working late that night, and that’s what I told your dad, but then Martin surprised me at work and we spent the evening together at his house. Philip and I had an arrangement that we would always call if we weren’t going to be home when we said we would, but that night I forgot to call. He didn’t know that I was with Martin and so when I didn’t come home from work, he thought something had happened to me, so he got in the car and went looking for me.” She stops for a moment to take a calming breath, as a tear escapes from her eye, “Afterwards, all I could think about was that I hadn’t called him; he was in that crash because I forgot to pick up the phone and make one simple call.”

“Hey, it’s okay,” murmurs Martin soothingly, rubbing Diane’s arm comfortingly as her voice catches. He turns to Max for a moment, “Your dad’s death was hard on all of us, Max. Your mother may not have been in love with him anymore, but she did care for him very much… and I certainly didn’t wish for anything to happen to him.”

Diane nods. “After Philip… passed away… all I wanted was for you not to suffer because of it, Max. At first, I struggled to come to terms with the accident and Martin and I broke up for a while, but then I found out I was pregnant and it made me realise that I truly loved Martin.”

Max makes a face, “You married him barely six months after Dad died. Wasn’t that kind of disrespectful?”

”You have to understand, Max,” sighs Diane, reaching up to brush her tears from her face. “I wanted to give my children the most stable life I could. Perhaps if I hadn’t been pregnant, it might not have happened so soon afterwards, but it would have eventually. I wanted to give you a father figure and I also didn’t want your sister to be born out of wedlock… so we decided to get married.”

Max nods slowly, although his grip on my hand increases slightly as he does so, causing me to look over at him in concern. He drops his eyes to his lap again and I frown as I witness a tear leaking from his eye and making its way down his cheek as he sucks in a shaky breath.

“Max?” I ask, my voice barely above a whisper. “You okay?”

He exhales heavily, glancing at me with tears in his eyes, before he starts to speak.

“I’ve been so angry all this time,” he murmurs, his voice cracking slightly as he talks to Diane. “I’ve been angry with you, with Martin, even with Isabel, because you all were the reason that I didn’t have a father.”

“Max, honey, you do have a father,” she tells him softly.

“Him?” he nods towards Martin, an incredulous look on his face. “He’s not my father.”

“Okay, so Martin may not be your biological father, Max, but he is your father in every other way that counts,” says Diane. “He loves you and has raised you like his own son for the past twenty years.”

He presses his lips tightly together, his brows furrowing with emotion.

“All I wanted, all my life was to have my real dad back,” he says, his words coming out as a shaky sob. “It was bad enough that he died before I was old enough to remember him, but to find out the actual circumstances of his death… God, I just couldn’t handle it.”

I can only watch, rubbing his arm comfortingly with my free hand as he breaks down, his shoulders shaking with emotion and tears sliding down over his cheeks as his chest rises and falls with hiccupping sobs.

“Oh, sweetheart,” murmurs Diane, moving to sit on the other side of her son as she slides her arm around him, hugging him to the side of her body. “I’m so sorry. You’ve been carrying this around on your shoulders for so long. I should have realised that something was wrong, but we assumed that you were just experiencing the usual teenage angst – we should have tried to help you instead.” She sighs softly, tightening her embrace around Max slightly, “Why didn’t you say something when you found out? You could have talked to us about it, you know.”

“I didn’t know what to do,” he admits in a barely audible mumble, as he lifts his free hand to wipe the tears from his face. My heart clenches in sympathy for him. “All I could see was the three of you being this happy, real, blood-related family… and I just felt like the outcast; like I didn’t belong.”

“Of course you belonged, Max,” Diane murmurs, her expression sad. “You’re as much a part of this family as the rest of us.”

“Max,” says Martin then, shifting forward in his seat and resting his arms on his knees. “I know I’m not your father and I would never wish to replace him in your eyes, but I do love you very much… I love you like you’re my own son… and you are and have always been a valued member of this family.”

“Even when I was being a complete bastard to everyone?”

Martin smiles, catching Diane’s eye as they share a look, “Yes, even then.”

“You have no idea how much it pained us to see you drifting away, refusing to speak with us, and having no idea why,” adds Diane. “We wanted to help you, but we didn’t know how – you were so stubborn and determined to be strong and not to let anyone in.”

“I’m sorry,” mumbles Max then, his eyes fixed on his lap again. “I’ve made such a mess of things, haven’t I?”

Diane shakes her head, “You’re only human, Max. We all make mistakes.”

Max nods, although I’m not sure that he really believes what Diane is saying. He looks so dejected and broken that it’s all I can do not to reach out to wrap my arms around him, holding him to me as tightly as I can and never let go… although, somehow I don’t think that would be very appropriate in front of his parents.

“But I was so wrong about everything,” he lifts his head to look up at her. “All this time, I’ve been blaming you for ruining it all… Dad’s life, my life, all of it. I was so hurt and angry that I could barely even stomach being in the same room as any of you.”

“It’s okay to be hurt and angry,” assures Diane. “It must have been a big shock for you to read what I had written.”

”Yeah,” he nods.

“But now that you know the truth, we can start dealing with it… together… okay?” she smiles softly.

Max nods again, taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly, “Okay.”


There’s a moment of silence as the significance of the conversation sinks in, before Diane gently removes her arm from Max’s shoulder and sits up straight.

“Well, I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m getting hungry,” she announces. “Max, would you and Liz like to stay for some lunch?”

Max looks at me questioningly, but I just smile and nod, “That would be lovely, Diane… if that’s alright with Max?”

“Yeah,” he nods, giving me a small smile, before turning back to his mother. “That’s okay with me.”

“Great,” she smiles. “Let me just go and see what we have in the kitchen… Martin would you give me a hand with this tray?”

She smiles at her husband who nods, reaching for the barely-touched mugs of tea on the coffee table and the two of them head out of the room, leaving Max and I alone.

“Are you okay?” I ask softly, letting my thumb run over the back of his hand in a soothing gesture.

“I don’t know,” he sighs, glancing over at me briefly. “This is all just so much to take in.”

“I know,” I murmur. “But at least you know the whole truth now.”

“Yeah, I guess,” he shrugs, his expression sombre and his shoulders slumped.

“Hey,” I murmur gently, “you did the right thing here; you talked to them, you got out your frustrations. Now you have the chance to work through your issues properly.”

“I feel like crap,” he admits, shaking his head. “Everything I put them through… God…”

“Hey, it’s okay,” I soothe, releasing my hand from his as I shift on the sofa to face him. “Come here.”

With a smile, I reach up and wrap my arms around his neck in a comforting hug. He’s stiff against me for a moment, before I feel his body relax and his arms come around me, holding me tight against him. I close my eyes and a small smile tugs at my lips as I feel Max rest his forehead against my shoulder as he inhales slowly and then lets out a heavy, shaky breath.

“It’s gonna be okay,” I tell him when we part several long seconds later.

I look up into his eyes as I lift my hand to his hair, running my fingers through his soft locks. I give him a reassuring smile before leaning in and lightly brushing my lips against his.

“You’ll be fine.”

We sit together in relative silence for a few minutes, before Diane calls us into the dining room for lunch.

“So, Liz, how did you and my son meet?” she asks with a casual smile as she dishes some salad out onto her plate and then hands the salad bowl to Martin.

“Well, actually, we first met at a club in Fresher’s Week back in October,” I tell her, as I debate how much of the story to reveal. “But we didn’t get together until just before the Easter holidays.”

“Ah,” nods Diane, as a wistful look appears on her face. “At first, I assumed you had met through Isabel, but then, I don’t think Max really spends much time with his sister these days.”

“Hey, I am right here, you know?” grumbles Max, only half-seriously, as he cuts up a piece of cold ham. “You don’t have to talk about me like I’m not.”

“I’m sorry, dear,” smiles Diane sympathetically. “I’m just trying to get to know your girlfriend.” She turns back to me, “What were you saying, Liz?”

I glance at Max quickly, but he’s pretending to be fully engrossed in his lunch, so I start talking again.

“I actually didn’t know that Max and Isabel were related until just before Max and I got together,” I explain.

She nods, “So, what are you studying at university, Liz?”

“Oh, um, Biology,” I tell her, a little surprised by the sudden change in conversation direction.

Diane’s eyes widen, her smile widening, “Wow, a scientist. Max, I’m impressed.”

“Can we change the subject, please?” I look over at Max again and hide a smile as I see him rolling his eyes.

Diane notices too and gives a light chuckle, “Okay, then. So tell me, what are you two doing so far from uni?”

Beside me, Max relaxes a little and gives me a small smile, “Well, it was Liz’s birthday yesterday, so I surprised her with a trip to Alton Towers.”

We proceed to fill her and Martin in on our eventful day yesterday; leaving out the more… personal… parts of course, and by the time we’ve finished lunch and Max and I prepare to return home, the atmosphere between Max and his parents has lightened considerably. The seem to be getting on much better now, although there is still some tension between him and his step-dad, but overall I think Max is starting to come to terms with things.


The journey back home is fairly uneventful, with both of us tired from the events of the past thirty-six hours. Max is uncharacteristically quiet for much of the time, his eyes fixed on the road and his face pretty much expressionless, but that’s understandable after his conversation with Diane and Martin this morning. He must have a lot on his mind right now.

As we drive, I content myself with flicking through a magazine that I picked up at a petrol station earlier as I half-listen to the radio. However, about two-thirds of the way back home, Max suddenly decides to pull off the motorway and stop at the services. He pulls into a space in the car park, but when he doesn’t make a move to get out of the car, I look over at him in confusion to find his hands gripping the steering wheel, his breathing heavy as he stares out of the windscreen.

“Max?” I wonder with a concerned frown. “You okay?”

He doesn’t look at me, but instead just shakes his head and mutters one word, “Isabel.”


“I told Isabel what I found in that diary, remember?” he elaborates, finally turning his face in my direction, his eyes full of guilt. “God, she thinks she’s the result of an adulterous affair.”

“Oh,” I murmur in understanding.

“Shit!” he exclaims, suddenly thumping the steering wheel with his fist in frustration. “I’ve screwed everything up.”

“No, you haven’t,” I tell him softly, turning in my seat to face him as I reach out to rest a comforting hand on his lower arm. “You made a mistake, but it’s not the end of the world. We’ll just explain to her that you got it wrong; I’m sure she’ll understand.”

He sighs heavily, letting his head fall back against the headrest as he runs a frustrated hand through his hair, “My life is such a total fucking mess.”

“No, it’s not, Max,” I deny softly. “You’re just dealing with a lot right now.”

“I don’t know,” he murmurs. “Sometimes it feels like it’s never gonna end.”

I nod, “Okay, so it might take some time, but you’ll get through it and it’ll all be okay. I know it.”

He gives a humourless chuckle, “I wish I had your optimism.”

“You’ll be fine, Max,” I assure him again, giving a small smile. “Come on, let’s get out of this car for a bit. How about we go get a coffee or something?”

He nods and with another sigh, he opens his door and climbs out of the car. I follow suit and we head for the coffee bar inside the service station building. After ordering a strong coffee (for Max), a hot chocolate with whipped cream (for me) and a double chocolate muffin (to share), we settle down on one of the comfy sofas to enjoy them. We don’t talk much as we eat and drink, at least not about anything too heavy, and the short break from driving causes the slightly sombre atmosphere between us to dissipate. Once we’ve finished the muffin and our drinks, I decide to pay a visit to the loo, while Max goes outside for a quick cigarette.

On my way back from the bathroom, I pop into the shop and purchase another magazine and a bottle of water for the rest of the journey back and by the time I make it back outside, Max is almost ready to go. I smile and wait patiently for him to finish his cigarette, before turning to head back to the car again. However, I barely manage to take two steps before I feel his hand on my arm, preventing me from going any further, as he spins me around to face him.

“Thank you,” he says sincerely. “For coming with me today. I’m really glad you were there.”

I smile softly, “It was my pleasure, Max. I didn’t want you to have to face it all alone.”

He nods, his expression serious, “It means a lot.”

I nod, but before I have a chance to reply, his arms come around me, crushing my body against his in a warm, tight hug. Wrapping my arms around him, the bag containing my magazine and water dangling from my wrist, I let myself sink into his embrace. My stomach gives a little flip in response to the feel of his body so close to me and I close my eyes, a smile on my face. The hug seems to go on forever, although it’s probably only been a minute or so, and when we part, Max looks down at me tenderly, his fingers lightly brushing my cheek as he leans down and covers my lips with his. For a brief moment, I savour the feel of his mouth against mine, but then the smell of smoke and taste of tobacco hit me and I pull away.

“Ugh, Max, you taste of fags,” I scrunch my nose up in mock-disgust. “We have to get you to stop smoking.”

He looks down at me with a twinkle in his eye – one that he been noticeably absent lately – and pouts, “Aww, but what if I don’t want to?”

I raise an eyebrow as I try not to grin, “Well, it’s either that or I’m gonna have to restrict your kissing privileges.”

“No, that’s not fair – you can’t do that!” he protests, his eyes wide with mock-outrage.

“Just you wait,” I reply with a grin.

He looks down at me with narrowed eyes for a moment, before flashing me a smile and slipping his arm around my shoulders as we head back towards the car, “I’ll do my best, Liz, but I can’t promise anything.”

We get back into the car and set off again, the atmosphere a little lighter now than before. About an hour and a half later, Max pulls into the small car park outside my hall to drop me off so I can prepare for the big night out with my friends tonight. As he turns off the ignition, I turn to him with a smile.

“Thank you for an amazing birthday surprise, Max,” I tell him softly. “I had a great time.”

“It was my pleasure,” he returns the smile. “I’m glad you had fun. And thank you, for coming with me today.”

“It was my pleasure.”

We share a quick grin and I lean forward to kiss him one more time before I have to leave his company and go inside.

“I’ll see you later?” I ask as I reach for my bag and prepare to get out of the car. I’ve invited him to join us for the rest of my birthday celebrations tonight.

“Yep,” he nods with a smile. “Just give me a call when you’re ready and I’ll come and meet you.”

“Great, see you soon, then.”

We share one last kiss before I reach for the door handle and get out of the car. As I wave goodbye and watch him drive away from the hall and down the driveway, I let out a contemplative sigh. It’s really been a crazy couple of days, but I really hope that Max’s conversation with his parents was worth it and that he can now start working through his emotions properly. All I want is for him to be happy and at peace with himself and his family.


Re: Between The Covers (AU, M/L, MATURE) Part 52, pg 13, 4/7

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 3:49 am
by Heavenli24
Part Fifty-Three

“Happy Birthday, Liz,” slurs James with a drunken grin as he slings his arm around my shoulders in the club several hours later. “Having fun?”

“Of course I am, James,” I reply happily. “All my friends are here…” I gesture to the rest of the club’s dance floor where everyone is laughing and dancing together. “And my wonderful boyfriend is here…” I smile, looking over towards the bar and catching Max’s eye. He returns the smile with a nod. “I’ve had an amazing birthday.”

“That’s great,” he continues to grin. “I’m having lots of fun too.”

I laugh, turning to look at him, “James, you’re so drunk!”

“I know!” he exclaims, sticking his tongue out playfully as he grins.

I chuckle and roll my eyes at him as he continues to lean on my shoulder, swaying slightly from the alcohol.

“Hey,” says Max just then as he approaches me with two glasses of water. He hands one to me, “Here’s your water… and I thought someone else looked like he was in need of some too.”

“Thanks,” I reply gratefully as he nods towards James and proceeds to carefully hand the glass to him.

“Are you okay, mate?”

“I’m…I’m good,” he mumbles only semi-coherently, the water sloshing over the side of the glass as he stumbles.

“Maybe you should sit down for a bit?” I suggest. “How about we go outside for some air?”

“Yeah, that’s a good idea,” nods Max, sliding an arm around James. “Come on.”

It takes a bit of effort, but we manage to get James out into the fresh air and sit him down on a low wall just outside the club.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” I check as he takes a long swig from the glass of water.

“I’m fine,” he mutters. “Just… had a bit too much to drink.”

“You got that right,” I smirk as I raise an eyebrow. “Silly boy.”

“Hey, is everything okay out here?” asks a new voice – Isabel – as she and Maria walk out of the club arm in arm and make their way over to us. “We saw you heading this way.”

“Yeah, we’re okay,” I say, standing up and taking a couple of steps towards Isabel as Maria spots James trying to keep himself upright and makes her way over to him. “James here has had too much to drink, so we came outside for some air.”

“Oh, okay,” nods Izzy in understanding, as she glances over at James and Maria. “Is he alright?”

“He’ll be okay, I think,” says Max, coming to stand beside me. “Once he sobers up, that is.”

“That’s good,” she replies, before turning her attention to Max and I. “So, did you two have a good time yesterday?”

“It was amazing,” I grin. “I can’t believe Max went to all that trouble though.”

At that, she smirks and raises an eyebrow towards Max, “Oh, I can.”

“Isabel,” says Max warningly, but she just smiles innocently.

“Did you do anything fun today too?”

“Well, um…” I look to Max, wondering how much I should say here.

“Yeah, actually there’s something I need to talk to you about,” Max takes over. “This morning, Liz and I went to see Mum and Martin.”

Isabel blinks in surprise, her mouth falling open slightly, “You did?”

“Yeah,” he admits. “We were pretty close by anyway and I thought it was about time that I talked to them properly.”

“And? What did they say?” she questions curiously. “Did you tell them about what you found in the attic?”

“Yeah, I did,” murmurs Max softly.

“How did it go?”

“It went… um… ” he trails off, glancing towards Maria and James for a moment before moving slightly further away from them. “Well, Iz… there’s something you need to know.”

She frowns, following him as he moves, “What is it?”

“It turns out that I got some things wrong about the situation,” he admits.

Isabel frowns in confusion, “What do you mean?”

“Well, those things I told you about Mum having an affair behind my dad’s back and you being a result of that… well, um, it wasn’t… exactly like that,” he stumbles over his words slightly. “I didn’t know the whole story.”

“Okay, so what is the whole story?” she wonders.

“Apparently, Philip knew about Mum’s relationship with Martin.”


“Yeah,” he shrugs sheepishly. “Mum told me today that their marriage hadn’t been working for a long time and that they’d fallen out of love, but were staying together for my sake.”

“Oh, no… Max,” Izzy’s expression turns sympathetic. “I’m sorry.”

Max just shakes his head, but I have to wonder if he’s really as calm about it all on the inside as he seems to be outwardly, “She said they’d agreed to be honest if either of them met someone else and so when Mum fell for Martin, she told him.”

“Wow,” she murmurs, surprise evident on her face.

“The night… the night of the accident, Mum really had been working late, but then Martin dropped by and they went to his place… but she forgot to call Dad to let him know that she’d left work,” Max explains, his voice pretty much void of emotion now. “So, he got worried and went to look for her, thinking something had happened to her… but he never made it to her workplace.”

“Oh my God,” exhales Izzy, as she fixes Max with a concerned gaze.

“All this time, I’ve been blaming Dad’s death on their affair… and on you,” he looks over at her guiltily, “when it turns out he knew about the affair all along!”

“Max, I’m so sorry,” mutters Isabel as she reaches out and lays a hand on his arm.

Max frowns, looking confused, “No, wait, I’m the one who’s sorry. I was the one who told you about the diary in the first place. God, I let you think that you were the product of adultery, of a secret affair, when that wasn’t the case at all.”

Isabel watches him with an unreadable expression for a moment before letting out a sigh, “Well, I guess I can’t say it’s not a relief to find out that I was conceived in slightly less controversial circumstances than we thought, but Max, that’s all in the past, you know? It’s not like we can change what happened.”

At her words, a small smile crosses his lips and a strange look appears on his face, on of… admiration?

He shakes his head, “God, I wish I could be as strong and forgiving as you, Iz. I’ve been freaking out all this time, yet you… you’ve taken it completely in your stride.”

“Wow, Max…” her eyes widen in mock-surprise, a small smirk playing on her lips. “Was that… did you just pay me a… compliment?”

Max shrugs, rolling his eyes, “I guess I did.”

She chuckles, “I guess you really are starting to deal with everything… you know, it’s nice to have the old Max back again. I’ve missed him all this time.”

He manages a smile, exhaling slowly as Isabel returns the smile, before pulling him into a hug. He stands there stiffly for a moment, his arms at his sides as he glances at me questioningly, but I nod encouragingly and begins to relax, bringing his arms up and around his sister.

“I’m sorry, Iz,” he murmurs softly as they embrace. “I’m so sorry.”

They stand together like that for several long moments, before a frantic shout from Maria forces them apart.

“Umm, guys? Some help here, please?”

I turn around quickly to see her leaning over and rubbing James’ back as he proceeds to throw up on the pavement.

“Oh, great,” mutters Isabel quietly, before pulling away from Max and making her way over to James.

“I think we should get him home,” says Maria then, as she makes a face.

“Yeah, good idea,” agrees Isabel. “I’ll call a taxi. Alex and I can go back with him if you guys want to stay?”

“Oh, no, it’s okay,” I shake my head as Max steps up behind me and slips an arm around my waist. “I’m about ready to go now anyway – it’s been a long couple of days and I’m knackered!”

“Me too,” nods Maria, “I’m all danced out now.”

“All right then,” says Isabel. “Let’s go round up Alex and Mike and we’ll head home.”

Maria heads back into the club to find the guys and while Isabel calls for a taxi, Max and I stay with James. In the end though, they only have one cab available, so Max suggests that the others all go back to the halls with James, and he and I will just walk back to his place instead. Ten minutes later, the five of them are piled into the taxi and on their way home, as Max and I start walking towards Barrow Road, hand in hand. By the time we get to his house twenty minutes later, I’m struggling to keep my eyes open and Max is practically carrying me.

“So, did you have a good night?” he asks as he opens his front door.

I nod against his chest and mumble, “The best… but now I need sleep.”

“I’m not surprised,” he chuckles softly. “Come on, let’s go to bed.”

We make our way upstairs to his room and within five minutes we’re undressed (I’m wearing an over-sized T-shirt of his and he’s in his boxers). As we climb into the bed, his arms come around me and he pulls me snug against him. My arms slips around his back as I relax into his embrace, but just as I’m on the verge of drifting off to sleep, I feel him let out a shuddering breath as he buries his face in my shoulder.

“Are you all right?” I whisper, tightening my arm around him.

He nods against my skin, but I feel his shoulders shake as his breathing becomes laboured. It takes me a moment to understand what is happening, but as he clings to me tightly, it all makes sense.

He’s crying.

My heart clenches in my chest and my stomach gives a flip as realisation dawns. He’s been through so much today – it must have been so emotionally draining for him to talk to Diane and Martin this morning, but he must have been holding it all in all afternoon and evening.

“Hey, it’s okay,” I murmur comfortingly, running my hand up and down his back as he breaks down in my arms. “It’s okay. I’m here… just let it out.”

We lie together like that, just holding each other, until he starts to calm down, his sobs giving way to small sniffles, before finally falling asleep together. As I feel my body relaxing and my eyes drifting shut, I come to the realisation that I don’t ever want to be apart from him again. He means way too much to me.


“Hmm, this is the life,” I sigh contentedly, leaning back against Max as we relax on the grass in the student bar beer garden.

It’s Sunday afternoon and after the late night we had last night, I was in the mood for a nice, relaxing, chilled out day, so when Max informed me that his friends were all going to the Alternative Music Festival in the beer garden this afternoon, we decided to tag along too. So now we’re soaking in the warm afternoon sunshine as we listen to the student bands playing in the small tent at the other end of the garden.

“Hmm?” murmurs Max from behind me, obviously only half-listening as he laughs at something his housemate, Craig, is saying.

A smile tugs at my lips as I lift my upper body slightly and turn my head to look at him, “I said, this is the life.”

He smiles widely as he leans down to kiss me softly, “You got that right.”

“Mmm,” I sigh against his lips, lifting my hand to cup his jaw and prevent him from pulling away so that I can kiss him again.

“Ugh,” comes a disgusted snort from beside us. “God, get a room.”

“Shuddup, Craig,” murmurs Max, lifting his head to shoot his friend a look before turning back to me again with a grin. “Now, where were we?”

He lowers his mouth to mine once more, but our lips have barely touched before another voice intrudes on the moment.

“Having fun there, Liz?”

My eyes fly open and I straighten up suddenly to find Kyle grinning down at me in amusement, his hand linked with Serena’s, who is standing beside him with a big smile on her face.

“Kyle!” I exclaim happily, as I move away from Max and stand up to greet them both with a hug. “Ser! How are you guys?”

“Good, thanks, Liz,” smiles Serena.

“Yeah,” grins Kyle. “Exams are over and we’re taking advantage of the sunshine.”

“I know,” I agree, “the weather is so gorgeous.” I gesture towards our spot on the grass. “Why don’t you join us?”

“Thanks,” says Serena, as Kyle lets go of her hand and she moves towards where I was sitting.

“I’ll go get us some drinks,” says Kyle. “I’ll be right back.”

Serena take a seat on the grass and I follow suit, settling down in front of Max again, who slides his arm around me and pulls me back against him.

“Hey, Max,” greets Serena as she gets settled. “How’s it going?”

“Hey,” he smiles. “Not bad, you?”

“Can’t complain.”

“Hey, Liz,” she turns to me. “Did Sophie tell you about the committee social on Wednesday night?”

She nods towards Sophie, who is sitting a few feet away from us, engaged in conversation with Jackie. Both Serena and I made it onto the dance society committee for next year – me as the Treasurer and Serena as the ballet class representative.

“Yeah, she did,” I nod with a smile. “Eight-thirty at Walkabout, right?”

“Yeah, that’s right,” she confirms. “It’ll be fun, getting to know all the new committee members and saying goodbye to the old ones.”

“I’m looking forward to it.”

“Okay, here we go,” announces Kyle a couple of minutes later as he approaches us with a pint of beer in each hand.

He gives one to Serena and then takes a sip from the other as he comes to sit down beside her.

“So, Liz, how did you find that last exam?” he asks as he gets settled on the grass.

“Well, it wasn’t too bad,” I admit. “But I think I could have done a bit more work for it though, ‘cause I got stuck on a couple of the questions.”

“Tell me about it,” Kyle rolls his eyes. “I had to skip over half the exam and then go back and try to answer the questions later.”

“I’m just glad it’s all over now,” I smile. “No more exams until next January – yay!”

“Yeah,” Kyle chuckles, “But we’ve still got the results to come too. I think they’re releasing the grades at the end of next week, on the last day of term.”

“Don’t remind me,” I sigh, rolling my eyes. “I’m guessing it’s too much to hope that I’ll get a First this year… I’ll probably have to settle for a 2:1 grade instead.”

“Oh, I don’t know, you’ve been doing pretty well this term,” Kyle shakes his head. “I mean, you were on, what, sixty-eight percent average after the January exams?” I nod. “So that means you only need to up your average by another two percent to get a first. Unlike me, who needs to get at least sixty-five percent on each exam to average a 2:1.”

“I’m sure you’ll be fine, Kyle.”

He just shrugs noncommittally, before turning his attention to Max now, “How about you, Max? On course to graduate next month?”

“Yep,” he replies Max from behind me, his breath tickling my ear as he speaks. “Hoping for a First too… I got seventy-five percent for my dissertation, but I’m not sure about the exams yet.”

I turn and smile back at him, “You’ll get a First, no problem.”

“I dunno,” he shrugs. “I was pretty distracted during my final exam last Friday... it didn’t go too well.”

I frown at his words; last Friday… that was the morning after the foam party. The morning after he rescued me from that guy.

“You told me it went okay,” I say in confusion, shifting my position to face him fully.

He gives an apologetic shrug, “I didn’t want to worry you after what happened.”

I roll my eyes, “Max.”

“I’m sorry, okay,” he holds up his hands in surrender, although a tiny smile tugs at his lips anyway. “I won’t do it again.”

“After what happened?” wonders Kyle.

I sigh, turning round again, to explain, “We were all at the Warehouse foam party the Thursday before last and this guy spiked my drink.”

“What?!” exclaims Serena, her eyes wide. “Oh my God, Liz, did anything happen? You’re okay, right?”

“Yeah, I’m okay,” I nod. “The guy tried to get me out of the club, but then I collapsed and luckily Isabel saw what was happening and she and Max came to my rescue.”

“Wow, that’s scary, Liz,” murmurs Kyle, his expression concerned.

“You got that right,” agrees Max, his arms coming around me once more, hugging me to him. “She scared the life out of me. I got her to the hospital as soon as I could and they got her sorted out. I stayed for as long as I could but I had to leave in the morning for my exam. It didn’t go as well as it could have though, ‘cause I hadn’t slept in twenty-four hours.”

“Max,” I murmur, as his arms tighten around me. “What were you thinking? You should have gone home and got some sleep. You didn’t have to stay with me.”

“Yeah, I did,” he tells me softly. “I couldn’t leave you.”

My heart gives a flip at his words and I feel my body flood with warmth in response. I can’t believe he jeopardised his exam grade for me.

“Max…” I whisper, lifting my head to look into his eyes.

He smiles down at me gently, before lowering his head and brushing my lips with his in a tender kiss. I move to deepen the kiss, but then I hear a throat clearing behind me and I pull away in embarrassment.

”Um, guys?” says Kyle uncomfortably. “We are in public here.”

My eyes widen as my gaze flits around the tens of people spread out around the garden.


Max chuckles as I duck my head and then urges me to relax back against him again. The conversation soon turns to lighter topics as we settle back into soaking up the sunshine as we enjoy the music. However, soon Kyle and Serena drift into a private conversation a few feet away, Craig heads over to talk with some guys from his course and Sophie and Jackie head inside to the bar, leaving Max and I alone. I smile as Max covers my hand with his own, linking our fingers as he discretely begins tracing small patterns on my thigh with his other hand.

I shiver in response to the delicious sensations his fingers are eliciting in my body and I let a contented smile drift onto my face as my eyes slide closed and I let my head rest in the crook of his shoulder.

“Liz?” he whispers gently.

“Yeah?” I murmur.

“I love you.”

At that, my eyes fly open in surprise and I shoot upright again, twisting round to face him. He’s looking at me with intense eyes, his expression slightly apprehensive as he watches me.

“What?” I manage, my voice barely above a whisper.

“I love you,” he says again, his voice still quiet. “I know I’ve been a complete idiot lately and I probably don’t deserve you, but I can’t help it. I can’t imagine not having you in my life.”

“Max,” I whisper breathily, shaking my head and willing myself not to cry as intense emotion swirls through me.

It’s no good though; suddenly everything bubbles up to the surface and I feel my eyes filling up with moisture as my breath catches in my throat and my heart begins to race.

“Max, I–”

He holds up a hand, “It’s okay, I’m not expecting you to say it back or anything. I just wanted you to know.”

“No, Max,” I smile through my tears. “That’s not what…” I stop, taking a deep breath before I speak again. “I love you too.”

He stills, “Really?”

“Yeah,” I nod, my smile widening. “I know we still have some issues to work through, but I do. I love you, Max Evans.”

“Liz…” he shakes his head slowly, a smile playing on his lips as he lifting his fingers to my cheek in a tender gesture.

There are no more words as he slowly lowers his head towards mine, capturing my lips in a kiss that is both fervent and incredibly sweet at the same time. I sink into his embrace as the kiss intensifies and, wrapping my arms around his neck, I rise up onto my knees, pressing myself up against him. I let out a sigh as he pulls my bottom lip into his mouth, suckling it gently before tracing his tongue over the swollen skin. Smiling against his mouth, I part my lips and grant him entrance.

“Hey,” murmurs Max, running his fingers through my hair when we part several long moments later. “You wanna get out of here?”

I grin, “Definitely.”

“Come on then, let’s go.”


Re: Between The Covers (AU, M/L, MATURE) Part 53, pg 15, 4/14

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 7:07 am
by Heavenli24
Part Fifty-Four

Monday morning dawns bright and sunny and I wake up snuggled in Max’s arms. I let out a soft sigh as he nuzzles my neck, tightening his arm around my waist.

“Morning,” he whispers, sliding his hand up over my warm skin to cup my breast, his thumb gently brushing across my nipple.

“Mmm, morning,” I reply with a smile, keeping my eyes closed as I concentrate on the feelings his ministrations are inducing in me.

“Sleep well?” he murmurs, his hand sliding down to my stomach now, his fingers tracing gentle circles across my skin.

“Very,” I sigh, as his hand moves lower, the tips of his fingers brushing my hip.

I feel him press his lips against the curve of my neck, before he begins to kiss a trail down over my shoulder and a grin tugs at my mouth as I shift in his arms and turn to face him.

“Hi,” I grin, lifting my mouth to his for a good-morning kiss.

His arms slide around my back, pulling me close as his mouth devours mine hungrily.

“Hi,” he replies several moments later, leaving my head spinning and my toes tingling as he pulls back to gaze into my eyes.

“I’m so happy right now,” I murmur softly, bringing my fingers up to trace the small growth of stubble just above his jaw before replacing them with my lips.

I feel him smile, as his hands brush up and down my bare back, “Me too.”

My breath catches in my throat as a sudden wave of emotion threatens to overwhelm me and I lift my head to look at him, “I love you.”

His smile becomes a grin, “I know.”

“Hey,” I cry in mock-offence, giving him a playful pout. “You’re supposed to say ‘I love you, too’!”

He chuckles throatily, rolling onto his back and pulling me with him so that I’m laying half on top of him, “I love you, too, Liz.”

“That’s better,” I mumble, although I can’t help hiding a smile as I do so.

His hand comes up to rest on my hip, his thumb gently stroking across my hipbone as I lift my lower leg over his, letting out a contented sigh at the feel of his warm skin against mine.

“Mmm, I don’t ever want to move,” I murmur, letting my fingers tangle in the small dusting of hair on his chest. “Do you think we could just stay like this all day?”

“It’d be nice,” he says wistfully, “but you promised Maria you’d be back this morning so you guys could hang out, remember?”

“Yeah, I remember,” I pout in disappointment, before a thought occurs to me. “Hey, do you think she would buy it if I told her you were keeping me hostage in here and were refusing to let me leave until you were completely sated?”

“Ooh, now there’s a thought…” he murmurs contemplatively, tapping his chin with his fingers, before letting out a dejected sigh. “Oh, who am I kidding; there’s no way she’d buy it.”

“No, you’re right,” I concede. “Chances are she’d bust in here and drag me right out of the bed!”

“Bugger that!” he exclaims, giving a firm nod. “I am getting you back to your hall on time if it kills me.”

“Oh, well,” I give a sigh, snuggling closer against his side. “It was worth a try.”

“You know, we still have more than an hour,” his tone is suggestive as his hand slides down over my hip. “So I propose we make the most of it.”

A grin spreads across my face as I look up into his eyes, “Oh, I’m definitely up for that.”

He returns the grin briefly, lowering his head and capturing my mouth in a heated kiss as he grabs my waist and pulls me on top of him. I smile against his lips as I stretch out along the length of his body, revelling in the feel of his warm skin against mine. One of his hands moves up to cup the back of my neck, his fingers tangling in my hair, as his other hand slides down my back and over the curve of my bottom. A flicker of heat ignites in my belly when I feel his length pressing against me and I can’t help but let out a low moan in response.

Of their own accord, my hips begin rocking against his and as Max slides his tongue into my mouth, I shift, letting my legs fall either side of his legs so that I’m straddling him. Without breaking the kiss, Max reaches out to grab a condom from the bedside table and I take it from him, as I sit up on his thighs and roll it on. Just then, I feel his hands on my waist and I look up to find him looking at me with that same intense expression he was wearing right before he kissed me in his living room the day we got together. I shiver under his passionate gaze and I find I cannot look away… it’s a look that has me so mesmerised I couldn’t avert my eyes even if I wanted to.

Without a word, he lifts my hips and I sink down onto him, a whoosh of air escaping my lips at the intimate contact. We make love slowly, deliberately, the whole time looking into each other’s eyes and it’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever experienced. Nothing could compare to the way I feel right this very moment, the way Max is making me feel. We maintain eye-contact the entire time and it makes everything ten times… no, a hundred times… more intense, more passionate, more exciting than ever before and as I tumble over the edge, my heart pounding and my breath coming in short gasping pants, I wish I could freeze this moment and stay with him like this forever.

Afterwards, it takes several long minutes for the world to return to normal as I collapse on Max’s chest in sated exhaustion, his arms holding me close. I feel so light-headed and dizzy that I can’t even bring myself to move; I just savour the feel of being held in his tight embrace for as long as possible.

Eventually though, reality comes knocking and we have to leave the comfort of his bed for the real world… before Maria starts calling to find out where I am. With a sad sigh, I climb off him and slide out of the bed, pulling on one of his T-shirts while I search for my clothes – which are scattered across the floor. Partway through pulling on my underwear and the skirt I was wearing yesterday, I turn to find him propped up on one elbow and watching me, a small smirk playing on his lips.

“What?” I ask, suddenly feeling slightly self-conscious.

“Nothing,” he smiles. “Just remembering…”

“Remembering what?” I enquire with a smile of my own.

“How we used to be before,” he admits. “When I was doing my best not to let you affect me and when you were avoiding me like the plague.”

“Oh, yeah,” I let out a small chuckle. “How things have changed, huh?”

“Yeah,” he nods, reaching out to grab my wrist and tug me closer, pulling me down for a sweet, but poignant kiss. “But they’ve definitely changed for the better.”

“Can’t argue with that.”

We share a moment, just staring into each other’s eyes, before we realise that we really have to get going and so I move to let Max get up. He gets dressed quickly and thirty minutes later, after a quick breakfast, we arrive back at my hall. As predicted, Maria pounces on me almost immediately and I barely have time to breathe before she’s trying to get me ready for the day. It turns out that the gang have decided to head down to the beach for the day and I’ve arrived home just in time to leave with them to get the train.

Of course, Maria also insists that Max comes with us too, but as soon as she mentions it, I feel his hand tighten around mine and I look up to find his jaw clenched.

“What’s wrong?” I frown.

“I can’t go to the beach,” he says stiffly. “Not after last time.”

“Why not?”

“I told you, I only go there when I’m feeling depressed,” he shakes his head. “The place has bad memories for me.”

“So, we’ll make new memories,” I murmur softly, curling my fingers around his elbow. “Happy ones.”

“Liz,” he shakes his head. “I don’t think–”

“Please?” I cut him off, giving him my best puppy-dog expression. “For me?”

“Aww, Liz, that’s not fair,” he moans, as I see his resolve waver. “Using your feminine charms against me.”

“So you’ll come?” I ask hopefully.

He sighs, “Yes, fine, I’ll come. But just so you know, I’m only doing it for you.”

“Thank you,” I grin triumphantly, as the others suddenly emerge from the hall, ready to go. “You’ll have fun, I promise.”


“It’s been such a lovely day,” I sigh with a smile, as we walk along the beach-front together several hours later. Max’s arm slung over my shoulder and my arm around his waist as we bask in the lovely summer’s evening sunshine. I turn my head to glance up at him. “Aren’t you glad I persuaded you to come?”

“Never thought I’d say this, but yeah, I am,” he returns the smile, hugging me close and he drops a soft kiss to the top of my head as we continue to walk.

It’s been a wonderful day, actually, what with that amazing start to the morning and then spending the day with my friends and Max. When we arrived at the coast this morning, Maria and Isabel decided to set up camp in the middle of the beach, spreading a collection of towels out on the sand for us to sit on and then pulling out a vast array of beach accessories from their bags to set the scene.

To start with everyone got settled on the towels, Maria pulling out her portable radio and Isabel reaching into her bag for a handful of magazines, while the guys reached for their sunglasses and tried to look cool, but not long after, James and Mike began to get restless and so we ended up engaging in a game of makeshift beach-volleyball. After a good hour on the beach, Alex and Max both declared that they were hungry and we gathered up our things and headed off in search of a café to get some lunch. By some strange coincidence, Maria and Isabel chose the very same café that Max and I came to that day back in February and so the meal was kind of surreal for the two of us.

After lunch, we decided to split up into groups and go and explore the town. Maria, Isabel and I went to browse the clothes shops, while I believe Alex, James, Mike and Max ended up playing video games in on of the beach-fronts arcades. We all met up again on the beach a couple of hours later, but then Maria wanted to show Michael something that she’d seen in a shop, so all we decided to go separate ways for the last part of the day and then meet up in time to go home. Which is how Max and I ended up walking along the beach together right now.

“I can’t believe there’s only a week and a half left of term,” I say, as I think about the event of the last few weeks. “This year’s gone by so fast.”

“I know,” murmurs Max softly.

“God, I’ll be moving out of my room and going home next week.”

“You will?” he sounds surprised.

“Well, yeah,” I can’t help but give him a ‘duh’ look. “They kick us out of halls at the end of the year, remember?”

“My parents are coming down next Friday to pick me up.”

“Right,” he nods, his voice sounding far away as his gaze fixes on something down the beach.

I frown, “You okay?”

He sighs, looking down at me as his arm tightens around my shoulders, “Yeah, it’s just… it didn’t occur to me that you would be leaving so soon, you know?”

“I’m sorry. I would stay if I could, but you know, I have a job sorted out for the summer and everything already,” I explain. “Plus, I’d have nowhere to live if I stayed here. Our housing contract for next year doesn’t start until September.”

“You could stay with me,” he suggests casually. “I don’t have to move out until the end of the summer.”

I glance up at him in surprise, my heart skipping a beat at the implication of his words, but then reality sets in and I find myself shaking my head.

“Max…” I sigh. “I can’t.”

There’s a pause, before he asks tentatively, “You can’t as in ‘you can’t’, or you can’t as in ‘you don’t want to’?”

I roll my eyes, giving a small, incredulous smile, “Of course I want to, Max, but it’s just not possible. I have responsibilities to get back to at home… not to mention the fact that I haven’t seen my family since Easter – they kind of miss me, you know? And I miss them.”

He lets out a slightly dejected sigh, although his tone is light, “Fine. In that case, I guess I’ll just have to make the most of you while you’re still here.”

I grin, sliding my arm down so that I can slip my fingers into the back pocket of his jeans, “Sounds good to me.”

He stops walking then and I follow suit, lifting my head to look up at his just as he lowers his head and captures my lips in a hungry kiss. My eyes slide closed as I concentrate on the delicious feelings snaking through my body in response to he ministrations of his mouth.

“You know what?” I mumble when we part several moments later. “Fuck the job, I wanna stay here with you.”

He chuckles and presses a gentle kiss to the tip of my nose, “It’d be nice, wouldn’t it?”

“Yeah,” I sigh wistfully. “But I have to work over the summer – otherwise I won’t have any money for next year.”

“Yeah,” he agrees, reaching down to tuck my hair behind my ear before we start walking again. “It was a nice thought though.”

“So, tell me more about your new job,” I request, realising that with everything else that’s been going on, we haven’t really spoken about what’s next for him. “What exactly will you be doing?”

“Well,” he starts, reaching up to scratch his ear, “It’s not exactly what I thought I’d be doing after uni, but I’m going to be working for the Southampton Maritime Museum.”

“Wow,” I blink, a smile forming on my lips. “That sounds cool.”

“Yeah, I think so,” he nods. “It’s nothing high-flying or anything, but it’s a chance to get some experience and use my degree while I’m at it.”

“Yeah,” I nod in agreement. “And work experience can only be a good thing.”

“Got that right,” he agrees, slipping his arm around my waist. “So, do you have any idea what you want to do after uni?”

“Hmm, you know, I’m not really sure yet,” I admit. “When I was at school and trying to figure out my future, I always wanted to become a molecular biologist, but now that I’m actually studying it at degree level, I’m not so sure anymore. It’s so much more in depth than I imagined it would be, you know?”

“Yeah, I know,” he nods. “It was like that for me too when I started my degree. After the first year is over, you get more settled though and the work becomes less daunting.”

“That’s good to know.”

There are a few moments of comfortable silence between us then as we walk along the sand together, before I lift my head to look up at him.

”So, are you looking forward to graduation?”

“Yeah, I am,” he nods. “Although it’s hard to believe it’s less than four weeks away now.”

“Yeah, the year’s gone by really fast,” I agree. “Are you all prepared for the ceremony?”

“I hope so,” he replies. “I’ve reserved my gown and hood and the ceremony tickets and information pack came through in the post the other day, so I’ve been reading up on what to do on the day.”

“Cool,” I smile.

“So, um, you’ll come to the ceremony, right?” he asks then, his expression slightly nervous.

My eyes snap up to his in surprise, “You want me to come?”

“Of course I do,” he smiles down at me. “I have four tickets for the ceremony and you’re welcome to come if you like. In fact, I’d love it if you were there.”

“And I’d love to come,” I accept with a grin. “So, is your family coming too?”

“Yeah, they are,” he nods. “When I applied for the tickets a couple of months ago, I didn’t really want anyone except you to be there, but then Mum called and left a message on my phone about coming to the ceremony no matter what and so I went ahead and applied for four anyway.”

“Well, I’ll definitely be there,” I confirm. “I’m looking forward to it.”

“There’s something else too,” he adds. “I also have two tickets for the Graduation Ball at the end of Graduation Week, if you wouldn’t mind accompanying me?”

“Wouldn’t mind?” my eyes widen incredulously. “Max, I would love to go… thank you. Another ball at Hampton Castle? Yes, please.”

He chuckles softly, before leaning down to brushing his lips across mine briefly, “Well, okay then.… Graduation Ball, here we come.”

“I can’t wait!” I exclaim excitedly. “My first ever graduation experience… it’ll be so great seeing you walk across that stage all dressed up in your robes and everything. Oh, and I’m gonna have to bring my camera too… I wanna get lots of pictures.”

“Oh, man,” groans Max beside me as I start trying to think of a suitable outfit to wear. “Why did I think it was a good idea to invite you again?”

I stick my tongue out at him playfully, “Because you love me.”

He shakes his head in defeat, “That I do, Liz. That I do.”

I let out a soft laugh at his woeful expression as we head back along the beach to where we arranged to meet the others to get the train back to uni. But as we walk together, I can’t help but feel a slight tug in my chest as I think of his graduation being just a couple of weeks away. Soon he’ll have left uni for good and be starting out in the real world, while I’m stuck here for another two years. How am I gonna survive without seeing him every day? I’m not sure I even want to think about it.


Re: Between The Covers (AU, M/L, MATURE) Part 54, pg 17, 4/21

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 3:35 am
by Heavenli24
Hey, everyone, thank you for your feedback :). Just wanted to let you know that I’ve signed up for an Author’s Chat over at Roswell Heaven on May 10th (Sunday) at 5pm EST/2pm PST (10pm GMT). Hope to see some of you there :).

kay_b – Thanks :).
Oh no I totally forgot about that. I wonder what will happen to their relationship, with them being away from each other.

Does this fic have Dreamer insurance? Please tell me that it does.
Yes it does, so don’t worry :).

begonia9508 – Thanks :).
Don't start to already distress us when we are so happy that Max and Liz are happy!....
Oh no, it wasn’t supposed to distress you :P!
I don't know how far away Max is going to be from Liz but it's not the end of the world..... even if for her it seems to be!
No, it’s not the end of the world. Max is only going to be about 100 miles away from Liz, so they will be able to see each other on the weekends :).
They have found each other - even with obstacles at the start - and have a great relationship and it's mean.... work on it!
Don’t worry, they’ll still try to maintain their relationship.

DreamerM&L – Thanks :).
Damn!! I totally forgot about that! I cant believe he is going to graduate soon!
Aw...hopefully things do not change too much!
Let’s hope not :).

sunrise102 – Thanks :).
This feels like a transition period for M & L. They're moving into new phases in their lives. Max graduation and starting his career. Liz still in school and reassessing what she wants to study and do. How will their relationship weather the changes? Yes, they love each other, but will it be enough? Not trying to sound ominous! I'm sure it's dreamer insured. Right?
They are moving into new phases and things are changing for them now. We’ll have to see how they get through being apart now. They do love each other so let’s hope that love will persevere :). This fic is definitely dreamer insured though :).

mary mary – Thanks :).
And reality rears its ugly head!!!!
Yes, it does!

Natalie36 – Thanks :).
oh man that sucks what will they do.
We’ll have to see.

Alien_Friend – Thanks :).
Awww I really really adore the way you're writing Max and Liz right now. They have this nice warm and fuzzy natural flow that's just what I've come to love about them in this story. I hope they can maintain things when they have to be a part.
Aww, thanks :). I’m enjoying writing them like this :). Let’s hope they can stay this way after the term ends :).

POM – Thanks :).
loved the new chapter...but it's sad too, just what will happen when Max does Leave and Liz stays there at school.
Wonder how the first two weeks will go? Hopefully, it doesn't break them up.
Let’s hope not :).

destinyc – Thanks :).
Ugh! Reality sets in. The price you pay for loving an older man, I suppose. I wonder how this will work out for them???
sarammlover – Thanks :).
and things are just about to get really hard for them. remind me again how far liz lives from school??
Liz lives about 160 miles/2.5 hours’ drive from the university. Not too far away in the grand scheme of things, but despite how small our country is, it’s very expensive to travel around it (it can be cheaper to fly from London to NYC than to get a train from London to Scotland!)
and max, even though he'll be working when she returns in the fall, he'll still be around right?
Max will be living in a different city about 100 miles away from Liz in the fall, but they will get to see each other on weekends etc.

Tamashii – Thanks :).
Ohh I really hate the fact that they have to separate now when they are so great together.
Unfortunately, that’s life – real life is getting in the way now :(.
I wonder how it will go for them to be in a long distance relationship, because last time it was different they were just starting to see each other.
Yeah, we’ll have to see what happens.


Part Fifty-Five

The next week passes extremely quickly and before I know it, it’s Thursday morning and I’m sitting here in Max’s room, waiting for him to collect his degree results from the History department. I wanted to go up to campus with him to get them, but he insisted I stay in bed while he went by himself. He told me it was because I deserved a lie-in, but secretly I think it’s because he was scared of what would be in that envelope and didn’t want me to see him open it.

While I wait for him to return, I find myself wandering around the bedroom, browsing through his extensive DVD collection and smiling at the collection of photos he has pinned to the notice board on the wall. A smile lights up my face as I finger the latest edition to the board – a picture of Max and I at the university’s Summer Ball last weekend, arms wrapped around each other as we smile into the camera. We had a blast that night, dancing until the early hours of the morning in the Great Hall, playing poker as the casino tables, taking rides on the dodgems and spinner rides in the fairground section and finally staying up for the Survivor’s Photo at six a.m. on Sunday morning. Maria and Michael made it all through the night too and just before the Survivor’s Photo was taken, Maria snapped his particular shot of Max and I together.

This past week, we’ve spent as much time together as we could and I have to admit that I’m getting used to going to bed with him every night and waking up next to him every morning. But now the end of term is approaching very fast – my parents are coming to pick me up tomorrow afternoon – and there’s definitely been something of an anxious atmosphere between us the last day or so as the end of the week has been getting nearer and nearer.

With a wistful sigh, I turn from the photograph and move over to Max’s CD player. Flicking through the jumbled pile of homemade CDs on top of it, I reach for one and slide it into the player. The sounds of Leona Lewis’ version of Run filter through the speakers, I let myself sink down onto the bed, a smile drifting onto my face as I let the strains of the music swirl through me. I can’t believe Max actually has this on CD – it’s not really his kind of music. It was one of the songs we danced to at the ball last weekend and as we swayed together on the dance floor, I told him how much I loved it and how I thought it was a beautiful rendition. After that night, he must have downloaded it and burned it onto a CD.

However, barely halfway through the song, I hear the front door slam closed downstairs, and I immediately sit up, my smile widening into a grin as I wait for Max to climb the stairs; I know it’s Max and not one of his housemates because we’re the only ones here today – the others have either gone home for a while or gone away for a long weekend. After what seems like forever, the bedroom door finally opens and he walks in, his expression unreadable.

“So?” I ask eagerly, crossing my legs beneath me as I sit in the middle of the bed. “What did you get?”

“Well…” he starts, his expression still not giving anything away. “It’s not what I was expecting…”

“It’s bad?” I ask hesitantly, fearing the worst.

“Here,” he thrusts the folded piece of paper into my hands.

With a slight frown, I take it from him and unfold it, quickly scanning the words before me. But then I stop, my eyes widening in shock as I take in the result printed in the centre of the page. My head snaps up to meet his eyes.

“Oh my God, Max!” I gasp. “You got seventy-eight percent! That’s a First!”

Suddenly, he breaks into a grin, “I know.”

“Wow,” I breathe, before springing up from the bed and flinging my arms around him. “Congratulations!”

His arms come around me, hugging me tight as I jump up and down excitedly, my arms tight around his neck, before I pull back and press my lips against his eagerly.

“I’m… so… proud… of you,” I tell him between enthusiastic kisses. “You got a First!”

I feel him grin against my lips as his arms tighten around my back, pressing my body into his and suddenly the excited energy in the room becomes something else entirely. I pull back and look up into his eyes to find him staring down at me intently, his pupils dark and boring into mine.

“Liz…” he murmurs throatily.

And that’s all it takes. We fall to the bed in a tangle of limbs, mouths devouring each other, hands everywhere. Max tugs and pulls at my clothes impatiently as I fumble with his belt, my fingers unable to grasp the leather properly because my hands are shaking with anticipation. Eventually, I manage to get it undone and we undress each other frantically, desperate to be as close as possible right now. I run my hands up over his torso, my fingers tracing each ridge of his stomach carefully as I revel in the feel of his hot, hard skin against mine. With deep, ardent kisses and eager, exploring hands, we make love passionately, as the beautiful voice of Leona Lewis continues to play in the background.


“Mmm, this is good,” I murmur with a contented smile as I sink back into the couch two hours later, licking Mint Choc Chip ice cream off my spoon before eagerly dipping into the tub for more.

Beside me, Max shakes his head, glancing down at the tub of Cookie Dough in his hand, before smirking at me, “Nope, mine’s better.”

“No way,” I counter. “Mint Choc Chip is the best flavour ever.”

“Is not,” he sticks his tongue out at me, before shoving a spoonful of the cold, creamy concoction into his mouth.

“Is too,” I counter, digging my spoon into the tub again and then holding it out to him. “Here, try some.”

He raises an eyebrow, shooting me another smirk, “Thanks… I’d love to.”

He reaches out, wrapping his fingers around my wrist and bringing the spoon to his lips. Our gazes lock and I feel my face heating up at the seductive look in his eyes as his tongue snakes out for a tiny taste of the ice cream. A shiver runs through me as I watch the spoon slide into his mouth and I can’t stop the small moan from escaping from my lips in response.

“Actually,” he murmurs a moment later, looking up at me mischievously, “It’s not all that bad.”

“Told you so,” I grin triumphantly.

“But, now you have to try mine,” he responds, loading up his spoon with the strawberry ice cream and holding it out towards me.

“Fine, if I must,” I roll my eyes good-naturedly.

I lean forward, parting my lips at the same time as Max moves the spoon in my direction and we clash, the ice cream missing my mouth and running down my cheek instead.

“Oh!” I gasp in surprise at the feel of the cold substance coming into contact with my warm skin.

“Oops,” chuckles Max with a sheepish shrug.

“Thanks a lot,” I exclaim with a laugh.

“Let me get that for you,” he murmurs, placing the spoon back into the tub as he leans forward, placing his fingers beneath my chin as he leans in and captures the rapidly-melting ice cream with his mouth.

I suck in a sharp breath and then exhale with a sigh as his lips graze my skin over and over, cleaning up the sticky mess. My eyes slide closed as I lose myself in the tingling sensation of his mouth and tongue on my skin, but barely two seconds later, I stiffen, my eyes flying open again as I feel something cold and wet against my neck.

“What?!” I exclaim in shock, my wide eyes looking into Max’s as he grins wickedly and then lowers his mouth to the curve of my neck, lapping up the trail of melting ice cream that is running down towards my shoulder… and the edge of the T-shirt I’m wearing… his T-shirt. “Max…”

“Sorry, couldn’t resist,” he murmurs against my skin. “You just looked so delectable.”

“Yeah, okay,” I reply in amusement, my fingers coming up to bury themselves in the hair at the nape of his neck, the tub of Mint Choc Chip going forgotten in my other hand as I shiver in response to his ministrations.

Without breaking contact, he reaches down over the edge of the sofa to place his ice cream tub on the floor, and then proceeds to slide his hand beneath the T-shirt I’m wearing and across my heated skin.

“Oh!” I exclaim, flinching in surprise as his hand, cold from holding the tub, brushes across my bare breast, causing my nipple to hard in response.

He just grins and reaches out his other hand to take the Mint Choc Chip tub from me, regarding me seriously before demanding, “Take off your shirt.”

I raise an eyebrow at the authoritative tone, but I’m so turned on now that I eagerly comply, lifting the T-shirt over my head so that I’m naked before him, apart from my knickers.

“Hmm,” he murmurs thoughtfully, as his gaze peruses my bare upper body. “Liz and ice cream, two of my favourite things in the whole world. I wonder how they would taste together.”

My eyes widen at the statement, yet my stomach contracts in anticipation and I watch as he dips two fingers into the half-melted ice cream and then, with a wicked grin, brings them to my breast, spreading the cold, sticky liquid across my hot skin.

”Max,” I gasp, my back arching slightly in response.

His eyes fixed on mine, he gives a smirk, before leaning in and capturing my nipple between his lips, gently cleaning the ice cream from my skin.

“Oh, God,” I murmur, my hand drifting to his neck and holding him there.

“Not so fast, Liz,” he tells me, pulling back to smear more of the minty ice cream onto my skin, before leaning in to lap it up with his tongue.

I shudder, letting out a soft moan as I shift on the sofa, sliding down into the cushions so that I’m practically lying beneath him. He adjusts his position too, so that he’s half-lying on top of me, supporting himself on his elbows either side of my body.

He continues his ice cream assault on my body, his tongue dipping into my belly button more than once on its journey down towards my knickers, and before long I’m writhing beneath him, gasping for release, yet also in need of something else.

Ah, yes, that’s it.

A wicked smile crosses my lips as I reach down for Max’s discarded tub of Strawberry ice cream and dip my fingers in the gooey substance. I shiver as Max’s tongue hits a particularly sensitive spot just above my hipbone, but I will not be deterred from my mission. With a grin, I lower my hand and brush my ice cream covered fingertips across his bare chest. He starts in surprise, his head snapping up to look at me, but I just shrug and smirk down at him. He shifts upwards slightly as I lower my head and suddenly the tables are turned; I’m the one seducing him now. It’s not long before our bodies are tangled together in a sticky mess of limbs as I urge his sweatpants down over his hips and he pulls off my knickers, and suddenly I’m very glad that we’re the only ones home today.


“Okay, I think we’re almost done,” I announce tiredly, as I close the last box and then sink down onto the edge of my now-bare bed. “Just have to pack up the stereo and then I think I’m good to go.”

“I can’t believe you have so much stuff here,” says Max then, looking around the disaster zone that is my room.

Maria already left for the summer this morning and now, in the process of packing, my stuff seems to have migrated over to her side of the room too.

“It’s not that much stuff,” I defend, glancing over at the four cardboard boxes, two suitcases, two backpacks and three big shopping bags of my belongings.

Max shoots me an incredulous glance, “Not that much? Liz, when I moved out of halls, I left with two boxes and two cases.”

I narrow my eyes at him suspiciously, “You did?”


“I don’t believe you.”

“It’s true,” he insists, although his expression is just a little too wide and innocent for my liking and I continue to stare him down with a disbelieving look, until he shifts under my gaze and gives a shrug. “Okay, so maybe it’s not quite true.”

“I knew it,” I grin.

“But I did leave with two boxes and two cases… it’s just that I’d moved the rest of my stuff into the house the day before,” he admits then.

“Well, in that case, you have no right to criticise me,” I retort with a smirk.

He sighs, “No, I guess I don’t.”

I get up from the bed and move towards my desk.

“Can you help me with this stereo?” I ask. He nods and joins me at the desk. “My parents will be here soon and I want to have everything ready to go.”

“Are you really that eager to leave?” he asks playfully, although his voice holds a hint of something else.

“What?” my head comes up to observe him as I fiddle with the wires at the back of the stereo. “No, of course not. I’m just trying to be organised so we can pack everything into the car easily.”

We pack up the stereo and place it on top of one of the boxes, before I turn to look out of the window for any sign of my dad’s car. Suddenly Max’s arms slip around me from behind as he rests his chin on my shoulder.

“You know, the offer’s still open for you to stay with me,” he murmurs softly, his palms flattening against my waist as he nuzzles my neck. “It wouldn’t be a problem at all.”

“I know,” I sigh, “And I wish I could, but you know I can’t.”

“I know,” he says. “But it was worth a try, I guess. I’m gonna miss you.”

“I’ll miss you too,” I reply, turning in his arms to face him. “So much.”

“It’s only two weeks until Graduation,” he reminds me then. “You’ll be coming back down then.”

“Yeah, I will,” I smile up at him, leaning up and pressing my lips to his for a moment. “I can’t wait.”

He grins and brings his mouth down to mine as we kiss again, this time more thoroughly; but just as I start to lose myself in it, he pulls back.

“What time are your parents coming?”

I look down at my watch, “Any minute now.”

“Will it be both of them?” he asks, sounding slightly worried.

“Yeah, I think so,” I nod, before narrowing my eyes in suspicion. “Why? You’re not scared to meet them, are you?”

“No, of course not,” he scoffs, shrugging off the question, but I can see the apprehension in his eyes.

“Max, there’s nothing to be scared of, okay?” I assure him. “They’re very nice people.”

“I dunno,” he mutters. “It’s ‘meeting my girlfriend’s parents’, you know? What if they don’t like me… what if I say or do something stupid?”

“Relax,” I tell him with a smile. “You’ll be fine. They’re looking forward to meeting you.”

As if on cue, my mobile rings and I reach for it. It’s Mum, informing me that she and Dad are five minutes away.

“They’re almost here,” I tell Max, when the conversation has ended. I place a hand on his arm, before moving to get the last of my things ready, “It’s gonna be fine.”

Exactly five minutes later, my parents’ car pulls into the small car park and, giving Max a quick reassuring kiss, I head downstairs to greet them. They’ve barely stepped out of the car when I practically run across the car park and wrap my arms around them both at the same time, unbelievably happy to see them again after almost three months away. Barely thirty seconds later, I find myself chatting away enthusiastically about the things I’ve been doing this term and filling them in on the news, and I don’t even notice that Max has appeared behind me, carrying a box in his arms, until my dad clears his throat awkwardly.

“Oh!” I exclaim in surprise, spinning round to find Max grinning at me, his nervousness from earlier apparently gone now. I turn back to face my parents again, “Mum, Dad, this is Max. My boyfriend.”

“Oh, Max, it’s lovely to finally meet you,” says Mum, stepping forward and holding out her hand.

Max looks around sheepishly before placing the box down on the ground and reaching out to shake her hand.

“Nice to meet you, Mrs. Parker.”

“Oh, please, call me Nancy,” she smiles warmly, before gesturing to my father. “And this is Jeff.”

“Good to meet you, Max,” smiles Dad, as he steps forward to shake Max’s hand too.

“So, Liz tells me you study History, Max,” pipes up Mum then.

“Yes, I do,” he nods. “Well, actually, as of yesterday, I don’t technically study it anymore.”

I smile, “Max got his final results yesterday. He’s going to be graduating with a First in a couple of weeks.”

“Wow,” my mum’s eyes widen. “A First – you must be very bright, Max.”

“Well,” Max shrugs modestly, “I try my best.”

“He’s amazing,” I tell her proudly, although it earns me an eye-roll from Max.

“You’re one to talk, Liz,” he returns with a grin. “I’m not the only one who can get a First.”

“You got your results, Liz?” asks Mum.

“Yep, this morning,” I nod in reply. “I just scraped a First this year with seventy-one percent.”

“That’s excellent, sweetie,” she exclaims happily. “Congratulations.”

“Very well done, Lizzie,” agrees Dad. “I think this calls for a celebration. How about, after we’ve got the car all packed up, we take you and Max out for dinner to celebrate your results?”

“Really? Wow, thanks, Dad. That would be great – right, Max?”

“Yeah,” he smiles, although he looks a bit nervous at the prospect. “It would. Thanks, Mr. Parker.”

“Okay, then, that’s settled,” he agrees. “So, how about we start getting this car loaded up?”

We spend the next half an hour shuttling boxes and bags from my room into the car and by the time we’re done, it’s after six p.m. Due to the car being so full and also because the evening is nice and warm, my parents suggest we leave the car at the hall and walk into town for dinner.

As we head off campus, I turn to Max and ask quietly, “Are you sure you’re okay with having dinner with us? It’s been a long day for families.”

He shakes his head, “I’m fine, Liz. It’s fine.”

I nod, although I have to admit that I’m starting to get tired myself. The day has been long, starting with heading up to campus to get my results first thing this morning, before returning to the hall to do some packing. Then around lunchtime, Max’s parents came to pick up Isabel and somehow we both got invited for lunch with the family… which was, shall we say, an interesting affair. And now, after an afternoon of packing, lifting and moving things, we’re going out to eat with my family.

When we arrive in the city centre, we decide to eat at a small Italian restaurant on the Cathedral Green and thankfully dinner is a rather laidback, enjoyable affair. Max seems to get on really well with my parents and there’s very little awkwardness in the conversation – apart from when the subject of Max’s family came up, causing things to get a little uncomfortable for us all, but other than that, it goes all very well.

But, now, as I’m standing with Max back in the hall car park, my parents patiently waiting in the car for me as we say our goodbyes, I begin to feel tears welling up in my eyes. I can’t believe the whole first year is over – this is it now; I have to leave. I don’t want to though – it don’t want it to end. As stupid as it sounds, part of me wants to keep being in first year forever… just everything continuing on as it is instead of changing like it will as soon as I leave Max’s arms and step into that car.

“I’m gonna miss you so much,” I murmur, my breath hitching in my throat as I try not to cry. “I don’t wanna go.”

“You have to,” Max looks resigned. “Your parents are waiting.”

“You’ll call me, right?” I ask, my voice coming out uncertain, even though we’ve already arranged that we’ll talk on the phone whenever possible.

“Of course I will,” he smiles down at me softly. “I promise.”

I nod, unable to speak for a moment.

“C’mere,” he mutters then, pulling my body tightly against his.

I bury my face in his chest, my arms coming around his torso as I breathe in his masculine scent.

“I love you,” I mumble against his chest.

“I love you too,” I hear his voice murmur from above my head.

I pull back to look up at him and our gazes lock, staring into each other’s eyes for a long moment, before the distance between us closes and then we’re kissing like there’s no tomorrow. It’s with a heavy heart that I finally, reluctantly let go of him and make my way towards the car.

“I’ll see you soon, okay?” I tell him, forcing a smile onto my face.

“See you for Graduation,” he nods.

And that’s it – I’m in the car and we’re pulling out of the car park. I watch him through the window until we turn the corner and he’s out of sight. With a sigh, I turn back to face the front of the car. Only twelve more days until I see him again. That’s not too long. I can get through twelve days without seeing him… right?


Re: Between The Covers (AU, M/L, MATURE) A/N, pg 7, 5/10

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 3:47 am
by Heavenli24
Hey everyone, thank you for your feedback :). Sorry for the wait.

begonia9508 – Thanks :)
When you're in love, twelve days are like..... twelve years!!!
Loved the new part!... wondering how their love story is going to evoluate with Max's already working!.... bc he is going to isn't he?...
or maybe going on with study? Is he going to leave?
Yeah, Max will be working next – he’ll be moving to a new city in a couple of months’ time :(.

DreamerM&L – Thanks :).
Aw...those 12 days are going to be long for her!!
like 12 lifetimes!!! lol!!! (couldnt resist saying that) ...
Lol – you know, it didn’t even occur to me that it was ‘12 days’ until I read your reply :P.
great new update!! just what I needed as a break from revision!!
Glad I could help :P. Hope your revision is going well – wow, it’s getting near the end of the academic year now, isn’t it?… the time’s gone really quickly!
I hope the seperation doesnt cause too many problems!!
Let’s hope not :).

destinyc bittersweet. Long-distance reality begins!

Yep, but at least they’ll see each other again soon at Graduation :).

Natalie36 – Thanks :).
oh boy here we go they are going to go through withdrawls
I’m sure they will :).

sunrise102 – Thanks :).
Well, that was heartbreaking. But it's not like it was goodbye forever!
No, it wasn’t, but they’ve only just found each other again, so it seems like it right now :).

rrcnva – Thanks :).
Love this fic! Once again, you made it worthwhile to come into work today.
I’m glad :).

kay_b – Thanks :).
I'm with EVE. To someone who's head over heels in love, 12 days is like 12 lifetimes....

Hmmm, where did I hear that before?
Lol – yeah, I didn’t notice the ‘12 days’ connection until I saw the FB for the part :).

mary mary – Thanks :).

Alien_Friend – Thanks :).

I don't know Liz. I couldn't do it. lol Though I wonder how Max will handle it. He seems so attached to her lately. You can tell how much he cares about her and wants to be a part of every aspect of her life. Love the whole meet and spend time with folks thing. It's great knowing they get a long with each others families.

Tamashii – Thanks :).
So Max meet the family
I am so happy that he got good results.
Yep, it all went smoothly :).

sarammlover – Thanks :).

So sad. It was very bittersweet...glad they are so in love but sad they are now apart. 12 days will seem like FOREVER. Excellent update and thank you very much for the distance clarifications! hugs< Sara

DreamerLaure – Thanks :).
Great update, I'm glad they've both met the fam.

And, I don't know if I've told you yet, but you're doing a terrific job on this. It's so touching seeing how happy and in love they are.
Thank you – I’m glad you’re enjoying the story :). The last few weeks of RL have been pretty hectic, with work and interview preparation (I only have 4 days off work in 3 weeks at the moment) so it hasn’t been easy to get all the updates ready on time

OMG I like so missed 2 crucial updates!! WTF is wrong with me? Oh yea RL caught up with me ..
Lol – I know what that’s like :).
Anyways enough of me, what's good with you?? It's been officially well over the 3.5 days of waiting for the interview .. So the question hanging around is .. How do you think it went? Did you manage to get yourself all prepared? Did you take up some much needed chill out time and get some R & R?? I sure hope you did! I'm glad you had an awesome Easter weekend.
Yep, it’s been over a week since the interview now :). I think it went pretty well in the end – apart from the fact that I got barely any sleep the night before and then had to get up at 5.50am to drive to the interview (had to be there for 8.45am and it was 85 miles away)! I was in there for about 2 hours – 30 minutes spent doing the Maths test (I didn’t notice any Physics in there actually :roll: ) and preparing my presentation (a scientific explanation of how certain types of clouds form, then about 75 minutes of interview time (including the presentation, analysing weather maps and discussing equations)! I didn’t exactly get much time for R&R afterwards though :( - I had the rest of that day off work, but since then I’ve had to go to work Sat, Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon and Tues!
Did you do anything for Anzac Day? I just woke as usual for dawn parade all cuddled up in winter clothes sporting my red poppy, scarf, beanie and gloves ..
Umm…. I’ve never heard of Anzac Day! (Just looked it up – it’s an Aus/NZ thing, right? I’m in the UK and so it’s not something we celebrate).
When do you hear what the deal is on the job prospect? .. Let me know when you come back ..
It’s gonna be a while before I find out if I got the job – about another month. The job itself won’t start until October 12th and if I get it, it’ll get about 3 months for full government security clearance as the company is part of the UK Ministry of Defence! The good news is that because it’s a training scheme, they are taking on about 10 people, so hopefully I have a good chance of getting it :).
Now onto some FB - High fives for Max being the mischievous litlle bugger he is lol, I really thought that he had flunked out on getting a first. Shit, that is like a really good accomplishment for Max considering everything that he has been through since being at Uni.
It was a surprise to him too :) – he really did think he’d mucked up that last exam, but I guess his other grades were so good and he did well enough in that one that his average still stayed high :).

Liz is totally awesome! She has got to be the most stable rock in his life right now, not sure how it's going to work out for them being seperated from each other for almost 2 weeks!
Well, first there’s the two weeks until graduation… but what about after that? There’s another 2.5 months to go until Liz goes back to uni, but then Max will be moving to a different city. How will they cope with that separation?
In love and away from the person you can't bear not waking up beside is surely going to hurt and that can only lead to heartache, depression and then minds working overtime thinking up all kinds of shit, right? Lol, I really thought too much into that I think hahahaha ..
Lol – we’ll just have to see how it goes.
The beach scene was so awesome, that sounded just like what Uni students would do with a day at the beach with mates. What is it with guys and kicking it at the video arcades? I think it must be a male genetic thing or something yea? What do you reckon?
I think it must be, lol.
Jeff and Nancy suprised the hell outta me with being so open and friendly to Max even inviting him to join them in the celebratory dinner!
Well, they’ve already know about Max since Liz told them about him at Easter, and they’re both fairly laid-back parents who trust their daughter’s judgement :).
As always I head over heels love the M/L initimacy and SEXiness they ooze when ever I read their ministrations!!!!! Nice moves Max, sly but nice .. Thanks so much for the fantasticly (lol is that even a word? oh well if it's not it is NOW!! ) long chapter updates! I can always count on you to come through in the time of need .. Hope everything is all good with you!!! Look forward to reading some more soon!! .. Be good, take care and be safe!!!! .. Toodlez
hayley85 – Thanks :). I'm glad you're enjoying the story. Sorry for the lack of update last week.


Part Fifty-Six

“Boring, boring… more boring, load of crap, boring,” I mumble to myself as I flick through the channels on my parents digital TV box.

I keep going for another ten channels, but then come to the conclusion that there is absolutely nothing on TV worth watching on a Thursday night. With a roll of my eyes, I finally settle on one of the many music video channels, where Beyoncé is belting out Halo, but it’s not long before the lyrics hit home for me and I feel my eyes welling up with lonely tears.

I miss him. So much.

I know it’s only been a few days, and that we’ve been talking on the phone as much as possible, but it’s just not the same as actually being together. Maybe it’s because it’s the end of the year and everything’s about to change, but it just feels like things will be different from now on. Like we’ll never be able to go back to exactly how things were before because our circumstances have changed now. Maybe that’s not such a bad thing; after all, we can only move forward now, but I know that I have to cherish the time we’ve spent together the last few weeks and months because I’m never going to have that back.

“Hey, honey,” says Mum as she enters the room, interrupting my moping. “Dinner’s going to be on the table soon.”

“Okay,” I mutter, my eyes fixed on the TV screen as I take a deep breath and try to get my emotions under control. “Fine.”

“Hey, what’s the matter?” she murmurs in concern as she takes a seat on the edge of the sofa, upon which I am stretched out, my head propped up on the arm rest. She reaches out to place a comforting hand on my back. “You okay?”

“I’m fine,” I mumble, afraid to say anything more in case I start crying.

“Oh, sweetie,” she murmurs softly. “I’m sorry. I know you’re having a hard time at the moment, but you’ll see him again in a few days.”

“I know,” I sigh. “I just miss him.”

“I know you do,” she replies kindly.

“And I don’t even want to think about what’ll happen when I come back after graduation,” I suck in a shuddering breath. “It could be months before I see him again”

“But it’s not the end of the world, you know… if things don’t work out between you two. You’re still very young, Liz; you have your whole life ahead of you to meet someone and settle down. This is a time for you to have fun and enjoy yourself before you go out into the real world.”

“But I don’t want to meet anyone else. I don’t want to have fun; I just want Max,” I cry, my emotions finally spilling over as I sit up. “I love him, Mum.”

“I know, honey,” she says, pulling me to her in a comforting hug.

“And he loves me,” I sniffle. “Mum, I can’t imagine wanting to be with anyone else.”

“Well, if it’s meant to be, it will be,” she says philosophically, rubbing her hand up and down my arm. “Tell you what… why don’t you invite Max to stay for a few day sometime this summer?”

I sit up straight, turning my head to look at her in surprise, “Really? You wouldn’t mind?”

“Yes, really,” she nods with a smile. “Your father and I aren’t stuck in the dark ages, Lizzie.

“Wow,” I murmur, unsure what to say to that.

“Although he will be sleeping in the spare room, okay?” she gives me a pointed look.

“Okay, I got it,” I nod in understanding. “Thanks, Mum.”

“I just want you to be happy, sweetie.”

I nod again and she gives me one final squeeze, before standing up from the sofa, “Dinner’s in five minutes, okay?”


She leaves the room and I sink back against the sofa cushions with a sigh. This being apart thing really sucks.


After what seems like a month, but is actually only a week, Wednesday morning finally rolls around and I find myself on the train back down to uni again for Max’s graduation. His ceremony isn’t until tomorrow afternoon, but I managed to get a couple of days off work, so we’ve arranged for me to stay with him for the rest of the week.

I can’t wait!

I’m filled with nervous anticipation for the entire duration of the journey, unable to keep still in my seat for more than a couple of minutes at a time, and by the time the train pulls into the station, I have to bite my lip to stop myself from letting out an excited squeal. Grabbing my bag, I leave the train and make my way off the platform, half-walking, half-running towards the exit. I hand my ticket to the controller and as I walk through the barrier, I let my eyes scan the front of the station for Max.

And there he is in the corner; wearing his trademark jeans and rugby shirt, his hands shoved into his pockets as he grins at me, eyes shining from beneath the locks of hair falling haphazardly over his forehead. I break into a grin as I move towards him, my heart quickening as our eyes lock. The moment I reach him, I fling my arms around his neck, hugging him tightly as our mouths meet in a frenzy of passion. I feel his arms come around me in response, one hand splayed out across my lower back as the other one moves up to bury in my hair, cupping my neck so that he can deepen the kiss.

A low moan escapes my lips as I revel in being this close to him again after almost two weeks apart and he tugs me even closer, his hand flattening on my lower back, just above my bottom, pressing me against him. However, just seconds later, the sound of a wolf-whistle from behind registers in my mind and my eyes fly open as I remember where we are. Unwillingly, I pull back, breaking the kiss and opening my eyes to look up at Max sheepishly; but I’m not prepared for the expression on his face as I do so, his dark eyes seem slightly glazed as he stares down at me, the look in them taking my breath away and causing my knees to go weak.

“Hi,” I manage with a happy smile.

“H-hi,” he returns, his voice slightly unsteady as he returns the smile… which quickly turns into a smirk as he realises where we are.

“I’ve missed you.”

“Me too,” he grins, his hands sliding down my back to cup my bottom, squeezing gently as he presses me up against him. “God, it’s been way too long.”

“Max!” I exclaim, my eyes widening in surprise. “We’re in public.”

“So?” he raises an eyebrow. “I don’t care.”

With a smile, I roll my eyes and shake my head, “Come on, let’s get out of here.”

“With pleasure,” he leans down to give me one more kiss before reaching for my bag, slinging it over his shoulder and then looping his arm around my shoulders as we exit the station.

“So, I was going to get us a taxi back, but it’s such a nice day out today that I thought maybe we could walk instead,” he says as we step out into the warm summer sunshine.

“Sounds good to me,” I agree. “As long as you don’t mind carrying my bag all that way because it’s too heavy for me.”

“Oh, please… this?” he nods towards the bag with an arrogant shrug. “It’s light as a feather.”

“If you say so,” I raise an eyebrow, humouring him.

As we walk, Max tells me about the big ‘end of uni’ night out that he had with his housemates two nights ago. Apparently Ollie, Dan and Craig decided to get him drunk in an attempt to take his mind off missing me and the evening turned into a bit of a disaster, with them abandoning him in the middle of town at two a.m. with no shirt on and only his keys in his pocket. I can’t help but crack up with laughter as he describes how he spent over an hour trying to find his way home whilst being so drunk he could hardly stand up.

In turn, I tell him about the last couple of days of my life, although it’s nowhere near as entertaining as his story. On Sunday night, I got together with a few of my old school friends for a girl’s night and then on Monday, while Max was busy getting plastered, I went to the theatre with Mum and Dad to see a touring production of Grease.

However, as wonderful as it is to finally spend some time with him face to face again, the closer we get to his house, the more conscious of his close proximity I become and by the time we reach his street, my body is humming with anticipation.

“So,” I murmur, trying to sound casual. “Are your housemates home today?”

“No,” he shakes his head. “Dan’s ceremony is this morning so he’s on campus right now, Sophie and Ollie are graduating this afternoon and so they’re spending the morning with their families and Craig’s graduating in the same ceremony as me tomorrow, but his parents came down today, so he’s out entertaining them for the day.”

“So… we have the house to ourselves, then.”

“Yep,” he grins with a sly nod. “All to ourselves.”

We share a heated look and that’s all it takes; one minute we’re just walking along casually and the next we’re practically running towards his house. The moment we get inside, Max drops the bag and pushes me up against the front door, forcing it shut as his lips connect with mine hungrily.

Everything happens so fast that we don’t make it further than the living room before we’re frantically tearing off each other’s clothes, desperate to feel each other again after almost two weeks apart.


“Wow,” I sigh happily as Max and I lie together in his bed later that afternoon, relaxing as the sun streaming through his window and bathing us in its warm rays. “That was just… wow.”

“Yeah,” he murmurs with a smile as he runs his fingers down my arm, before entwining them with mine, bringing my hand to his lips. “‘Wow’ sounds about right.”

A grin slides onto my face as I shift and move to straddle him, “You up for another round?”

He smirks, raising an eyebrow, “Definitely.”


“Yeah,” his hands grasp my hips.

I lean down to kiss a trail from his lips, along his jawline and down to his neck. He lets out a low groan, turning his head to the side as his hands move to my back.

“Shit,” he exclaims just then, moving to grab my hips again. “Shit, Liz – we have to stop.”

“What?” I lift my head in surprise. “Why, what’s wrong?”

“It’s three o’clock – we’re supposed to be meeting Sophie on campus in half an hour for post-graduation drinks,” he explains. “Her ceremony was this afternoon, remember?”

“Bugger, I forgot about that,” I sigh as I climb off him and start looking around for my clothes. “I guess we should get dressed.”

“Yeah,” he sighs, letting his head fall back against the pillows for a moment before propping himself up on one elbow. “But we’ll finish this later, okay?”

I stop in the middle of reaching for my skirt and turn my head to glance up at him with a sly smile, “I’m gonna hold you to that.”

He just grins and watches as I pull on my clothes and run my fingers through my hair, before he makes a move to get up himself. As he gets dressed, I reach into the holdall I brought with me and pull out my make-up bag, moving to the mirror on his wall to make myself look more presentable and less like I’ve just had sex with my boyfriend.

“Come on, let’s go,” smiles Max as I return the bag to my holdall and within a couple of minutes, we’re on our way up to campus.

We end up arriving outside the Great Hall a few minutes before Sophie’s ceremony finishes, so we spend some time walking around the campus and taking in the atmosphere of the day while we wait. However, on our way back to our meeting place, we bump into Dan and his parents, who have just returned from the Graduation barbecue being held in the union bar beer garden. Max gives Dan a hug, patting him on the back as he congratulates him, before greeting his housemate’s parents as I take the opportunity to offer my own congratulations.

“Thanks, Liz,” nods Dan, flashing me a grin as he pulls me into a quick hug. “And good luck to you for the next two years.”

“Thanks,” I reply with a smile.

“I mean it,” he tells me, slinging a casual arm around my shoulders. “It was great being your dance partner and getting to know you this year… of course, you had to go and shack up with Maxie-boy here but, hey, can’t win ‘em all.”

“Thanks, Dan,” I roll my eyes good-naturedly.

“Hey, hands off my girl, man,” comes Max’s half-amused, half-annoyed voice then, as he narrows his eyes at Dan.

Beside me, Dan lifts his arm from my shoulders and gives a chuckle, “Okay, chill out, man – she’s my friend too, you know.”

“Whatever,” retorts Max, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me close.

“Can you say ‘jealous’?” I mutter under my breath, as I roll my eyes at the display.

“What was that?” asks Max.

“Oh, nothing,” I reply sweetly. “Nothing at all.”

He narrows his eyes at me suspiciously, but doesn’t say anything more and instead turns his attention to the Great Hall.

“Hey, it looks like the ceremony is over now – let’s go find Soph, shall we?”

“I’m just gonna hang with the family for a bit,” says Dan, nodding to his parents, who are in conversation with another couple. “But I’ll meet up with you guys later, okay?”

“Sure, see you later,” I smile, giving him a quick wave.

“What was that about?” murmurs Max, as we head towards the throng of people now exiting the building.

“What was what about?”

“You and Dan being all chummy and hugging like that.”

I roll my eyes, “You know, jealousy is very unbecoming.”

“I’m not jealous,” he denies unconvincingly.

I grin up at him, shaking my head disbelievingly, “You so are!”

He shoots me a look, although I can see the amusement in his eyes, “Come on, let’s go find Sophie.”

“You’re changing the subject,” I accuse, but he just shrugs and gives me a smirk before taking my hand and leading me through the crowd.

It takes a couple of minutes, but eventually we find Sophie chatting with her parents just inside the building entrance and after all the hugs, congratulations and introductions have been given, the three of us head up towards the collection of marquee tents on the grass outside the Great Hall and order a jug of Pimms to celebrate.

Pretty soon, some more of Sophie’s friends join us and we spend the rest of the afternoon and early evening laughing and joking together, while getting drunk on the Pimms and eating barbecue food.

By the time we arrive back at 28 Barrow Road later that night, I’m feeling more than a little tipsy from the alcohol, but at the same time incredibly happy as I lean into Max’s warm body. His strong arms support me, holding me upright as we climb the stairs to his bedroom and then collapse tiredly onto his bed.

“So, are you looking forward to tomorrow?” I ask as he begins to peel off my clothes, peppering my skin with soft kisses as it is revealed to his gaze.

“Definitely,” he grins up at me. “I can’t wait.”

“Me either,” I admit, running my fingers through his hair, before bringing his head up so I can kiss his soft lips. “I can’t wait to see how handsome you look in those robes.”

He gives me a warm smile, as his fingers trace gentle patterns on my stomach, “I’m so glad you’re here, Liz. I’ve missed you so much the last few days.”

“I’ve missed you too,” I smile up at him as he settles his body atop mine, his hips resting between my legs. “But I’m here now and we have the rest of the week entirely to ourselves… well, almost entirely, anyway. I think we should definitely make the most of it.”

“Oh, definitely,” he murmurs, his gaze dropping to my lips. “I plan to spend every moment I can over the next few days showing you how much I’ve missed you.”

“Really?” I raise an eyebrow, as I give him a smirk. “I think I like the sound of that. And you should know that I plan on doing the same for you.”

He looks up, his eyes locking with mine, “I love you, Liz Parker.”

“And I love you, Max Evans.”

And it’s with those words that I realise that right here, right now, my life is perfect.


Re: Between The Covers (AU, M/L, MATURE) A/N, pg 8, 5/18

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 3:48 am
by Heavenli24
Part Fifty-Seven

“So, you ready for this afternoon?” I ask Max, taking a sip of orange juice as we share a large plate of bacon and eggs in his kitchen the next morning.

“Yep, definitely,” he grins, reaching around me for a piece of bacon. “Can’t wait.”

“What time are your parents and Izzy getting here?”

“Not until half-eleven,” he grins holding the bacon out to me. I smile, shifting on his lap so that I can take a bite. “Which means we have a bit more time to ourselves before we go and meet them on campus.”

“What will we do with ourselves?” I return the grin, before feeding him a forkful of egg.

“Oh, I can think of a few things,” he murmurs, his eyes locked on mine as he leans forward and kisses me teasingly.

“Yeah?” my breathing is slightly laboured when we part.

“Absolutely,” he grins, shoving the plate to one side as he slides his hands under my legs and deftly lifts me up onto the kitchen table.

He kisses me hungrily, but just seconds later, we’re interrupted by a tut and a groan and I open my eyes to find Sophie standing in the kitchen doorway, rolling her eyes at us.

“Shit,” Max mutters against my mouth, before pulling away and sinking back down onto the chair, leaving me perched on the edge of the table.

“Ugh, other people have to use that table too, you know,” she grimaces as she tries not to look at us.

“Sorry,” I mumble a quick apology.

“Any chance you guys can take it elsewhere?” she asks, entering the kitchen now. “Some of us have to eat breakfast in here.”

As she walks past us and opens the fridge, Max rolls his eyes at me and I have to conceal a giggle.

“Fine, we’ll go,” he sighs, standing up and reaching for my hand. I take it, hopping off the table as he mutters quietly, “Even though we were here first.”

“Hey, I heard that!”

“Sorry, Soph,” he calls out, sounding anything but, as he gives me a grin, pulling me out of the kitchen and up the stairs.

“Come on,” he says as we reach the top of the stairs.

I frown in confusion when we pass his room and he leads me into the bathroom instead. Before I have time to comprehend what’s going on, the door is locked behind us and he’s pressing me against it, his hands wandering beneath my – well, actually it’s his – T-shirt as he captures my lips in an eager kiss.

“Hmm,” I sigh against his lips, my stomach muscles contracting as his fingers skim across my skin.

My hands find their way to his hips and I grab fistfuls of his T-shirt as his hands move up to cup my breasts.

“What’s all this in aid of?” I wonder, as his mouth leaves mine and he kisses a trail down my neck.

He stops and looks up at me with a smirk, “What, I have to have a reason now?”

“No,” I smile, shaking my head.

“Well, okay, then,” he grins, returning to his earlier ministrations, his hands reaching for my t-shirt and easing it over my head.

In return, I pull his shirt off too and clad in just our underwear, we stumble towards the shower, Max’s lips meeting mine hungrily. He takes a step back and reaches out for the shower knob, fumbling slightly with it before turning it on.

“You joining me?” he nods towards the running water

I just give him an incredulous look, raising an eyebrow.

As if I’d say no.

He grins, pulling off his boxers, “Come on then.”

I can’t help but grin along with him as I step out of my remaining clothes and we climb into the shower together. I’ve barely stepped beneath the hot stream of water when Max’s arms come around me, pulling my naked body close as his mouth covers mine once again. I eagerly sink into his embrace, savouring the feel of his wet skin pressing against mine.

“Mmm,” I sigh happily, sliding my arms around his shoulders and burying my fingers in his hair as he nuzzles my neck, placing hot kisses along its length. “God, I’m gonna miss this.”

“Me too,” he mutters, his breath hot on my skin. “Don’t know how I’m gonna survive the summer without you.”

“We’ll still see each other,” I say determinedly.

“Yeah?” he stops his ministrations and lifts his head to look at me, his hand coming up to smooth my wet hair away from my face. “How do you figure that? You’ll be working and I’ve arranged to do some work for the student union over the summer.”

“Well,” I smile. “My mum has already said I can invite you to stay for a few days this summer, if you want.”

His eyes widen, “Really?”

“Yeah,” I nod in confirmation. “She even suggested it.”

“Wow,” he murmurs, leaning in to place a soft kiss on my lips. “That’s very… lenient of her.”

“What can I say, I have a cool mum,” I shrug. “Although she does have one stipulation…”

“What’s that?”

“You’ll have to sleep in the spare room.”

“Right,” he nods, his smile fading somewhat at that. “Okay.”

With a wicked smile, I lean up to whisper in his ear, “But I think we can be sneaky, don’t you?”

His eyebrows raise and the grin returns, “Oh, I’m sure we can.”

I can’t help but return the grin as Max’s hands slide around my waist and move round to cup my bottom, pressing my lower body up against his. I suck in a breath as I feel his hardness come into contact with my stomach.

“So, when would this be?” he murmurs, his lips finding the curve of my neck once more.

I smile, my eyes sliding closed in response to his kisses, “Whenever you have a few days free and fancy a break.”

“Great,” he mutters, his voice distracted now as his mouth moves downwards.

“Oh, and don’t forget your birthday’s coming up too,” I remind him breathlessly. “We’re gonna have to do something special.”

“Yeah?” he looks up from his task with a smirk.

“Yeah,” I nod.

He gives a small chuckle before returning his attention to my skin. My head falls back against the shower wall as his mouth finds my breast and his hips press against mine more urgently now.

“God, yes,” I murmur, getting lost in the sensations he’s invoking in me. “Max…”

He grins against my skin before sliding his hands round to my bottom and lifting me up. I wrap my legs around his hips, letting out a small moan as his arousal comes into contact with my centre. My heart quickens as his attention moves to my other breast before he slowly enters me and I cling to him as we begin to move together. I feel tingles shooting down my spine as we make love urgently, yet tenderly at the same time and I find myself wondering if anyone would actually miss us if we decided to stay in here all day.


Alas though, reality eventually sets in and we have to get out of the shower and get ready for the rest of the day… although that’s not to say that we don’t take our time doing so. Although I know I’m supposed to be getting dressed, I can’t help but watch as Max steps into a pair of black suit trousers and then pulls on a white dress shirt that fits him perfectly. He then reaches for a navy tie, but it’s not until he slides it around his neck that he realises that he’s being watched and his head turns in my direction.


“Nothing,” I shake my head and flash him a smile. “Just enjoying the view.”

“I could say the same thing myself,” he smirks, fumbling with his tie as his eyes rake over my underwear-clad body. “You’re not planning on wearing just that, are you?”

“Of course not,” I roll my eyes, taking a step towards him and reaching for the tie. “Here, let me.”

He lets the silky material slips from his fingers as he allows me to tie his tie, his hands reaching forward to rest on my hips.

“You know, I wouldn’t object if you wanted to go in your underwear,” he murmurs, his eyes dark as his gaze drops to my chest.

I grin, “I’m sure you wouldn’t, but I think the rest of the student body might have something to say about that.”

“You’re right,” he sighs dramatically, his arms coming around my waist now. “I guess I’ll just have to make the most of you in private then.”

“Okay, all done,” I tell him, straightening the tie into place.

“Thank you,” he smiles, leaning down to press a soft kiss to my lips. “What would I do without you?”

“Go to your graduation ceremony without a tie?”

“Ha ha, very funny,” he retorts, kissing me again.

“Okay, I really have to get dressed now,” I murmur, pulling away before I get lost in his embrace.

“All right,” he agrees, letting go of me reluctantly. “And I have to call my parents to check what time they’ll be here, so I’ll leave you to it while I use the phone.”

He leaves the room and I hear him descending the stairs as I reach for the outfit I’ve chosen for the ceremony. Pulling it on, I reach for my cosmetics bag and set about doing my hair and make-up. By the time I’m ready, it’s almost eleven o’clock and time for us to leave. Grabbing my small handbag and checking my appearance in the mirror one last time, I head downstairs to find Max waiting for me by the front door.

“You look great,” he compliments as I reach him.

“Thanks,” I smile, giving him a quick twirl. “You like?”

“Definitely,” he nods, holding out his arm to me.

I grin at his appreciative expression and curl my fingers around his forearm as we leave the house. After much debate over my outfit before I left my parents’ house the other day, I eventually decided on a summery strapless bodice top and matching flowing skirt, with strappy sandals – a wise choice, it seems.

We arrive on campus just in time for Max to collect his robes before his parents and Izzy arrive. I accompany him into the student union building where the robing room has been set up, but apparently they are only letting graduating students in so I have to wait out in the corridor for him while he has his robe and hood fitted. Luckily it’s not too busy in there and I only have to wait a couple of minutes for him to return… but when he does, I can’t help but gasp at his appearance

“Wow, you look amazing!” I exclaim. as he emerges from the room dressed in his black robes and red hood, mortarboard tucked under his arm. “Very distinguished.”

He grins, coming to a stop in front of me, “Yeah?”

“Yeah,” I nod, stepping forward to straighten his hood and smooth my fingers over the thick material covering his chest. “So, you looking forward to the ceremony?”

“I am,” he nods, before giving a small grimace. “Although perhaps not so much to having to spend the afternoon with my family.”

“I’m sure it won’t be that bad,” I try to assure him. “I know things are still a bit strained between you, but this is your graduation, Max; it’s your day. You should just enjoy it, you know?”

“Yeah, okay,” he manages a smile, as he slips his hand in mine and we make our way outside. “Enjoy it. Right.”

“Come on,” I roll my eyes at his lack of enthusiasm. “They should be here by now.”

We head out across the grass and towards the guest car park, but we don’t have to go far before we spot Max’s parents standing on the pavement, looking around for us.

With a quick squeeze of my hand, Max acknowledges them with a nod and we make our way over to them.

“Oh, Max, look at you!” exclaims Diane as she takes in Max’s appearance. “You look so grown up.”

Max manages a small, slightly awkward smile as she reaches out to straighten his hood, “Thanks, Mum.”

“We’re very proud of you, Max,” adds Martin. “Congratulations.”

“Thank you… Martin.”

There’s a moment of uncomfortable silence as the three of them look at each other awkwardly and I can’t help clearing my throat in an attempt to diffuse the tension.

“It’s nice to see you again, Diane,” I smile, holding out my hand in greeting, but she just tuts and shakes her head before pulling me into a hug.

“Come on now, Liz, there’s no need for all this formality,” she admonishes when she steps back. “It’s great to see you… and don’t you look lovely today?”

“Thanks,” I smile, feeling a slight blush rising in my cheeks.

Out of the corner of my eye I see Max rolling his eyes and in response I give him a gentle elbow in the ribs. His eyes widen, but he just nods slightly and doesn’t say anything.

“So, what’s the plan then, Max?” asks Diane. “Your ceremony isn’t until two, is that right?”

“Yeah, that’s right,” he nods. “Well, we have lunch booked for twelve, so I guess we should head over to the marquee soon.” He frowns, looking around in puzzlement, “Where’s Isabel?”

“Oh, she’s around here somewhere,” murmurs Diane, glancing towards the throng of people in front of the Great Hall. “She was here just now but then she saw someone she knew and disappeared on us.”

“Hey, why don’t you three head on over to the marquee and I’ll go and look for Izzy?” I suggest in a perhaps not-so-subtle attempt to get Max to spend a little time with Diane and Martin.

Diane agrees with an appreciative nod and a thank you, before motioning for Martin and Max to start walking with her. Martin falls into step beside her and Max eventually follows, but not before shooting me a pained look, which I pretend to ignore in favour of pulling out my phone to call Isabel. Almost immediately after he’s gone, I feel a stab of guilt over leaving him to deal with his parents alone, but in the end, it’s for the best.

Unfortunately for me, Izzy’s not answering her phone, so it takes a full five minutes of searching the crowd before I find her chatting away to a girl I recognise from our hall.

“Hey, Iz,” I say happily as I tap her on the shoulder.

“Liz, hey!” she turns around in surprise, flinging her arms around me in greeting. “It’s great to see you – how’ve you been?”

“Not bad,” I reply with a shrug, not really wanting to get into the whole ‘missing Max’ thing right now. “How about you?”

“Pretty good,” she grins. “So, is my brother around here somewhere?”

“He headed over to the food marquee with your parents a few minutes ago,” I inform her. “I said I’d stay here and wait for you.”

“Thanks, I appreciate it,” she nods, linking her arm through mine. “Come on then, let’s go… I’m getting hungry.”

We meet the others over at the marquee and take a seat around the table they’ve picked. I grin as I realise that I have Max on one side of me, with Isabel on the other. Although there’s some awkwardness at the beginning of the meal, with Max obviously slightly uncomfortable and both Diane and Martin trying to make pleasant conversation, pretty soon the tension eases and Max relaxes a little. By the time the meal is over and we make our way over to the queue for official photographs, the conversation is flowing much more easily and I find myself soaking in the atmosphere of graduation.

When we reach the front of the queue, Max poses for photographs alone, before the photographer calls his parents and Isabel up too for a family shot. He looks a little uncomfortable when the photographer poses them alongside him but I give him a nod of encouragement and he reluctantly smiles for the camera. However, before he leaves the small room so the next in line can step up, he gestures to me and insists that we have a photo taken together as well. A feeling of warmth spread through me as I slip my hand in his and he pulls me to his side to pose for the photograph, and as the camera flashes, I decide that this is definitely a moment to cherish.

Thirty minutes later, I say goodbye to Max and give him a quick good luck kiss as he is directed into the Great Hall to take his seat alongside the other graduands, and then Diane, Martin, Isabel and I enter the hall a few minutes later, taking our seats in the section reserved for guests. While we wait for the ceremony to begin, Isabel and I take the chance to catch up on the gossip from the last two weeks, as she tells me how Alex drove up to see her last weekend and that they’ve arranged to meet up again at the end of the month.

Our conversation is cut short when the ceremony finally begins and although I’m both interested and excited to see what happens in an actual graduation ceremony, I soon discover that actually, the whole process is kind of boring. It starts off with a speech from the Vice-Chancellor welcoming us to the ceremony and then quickly progresses to handing out the diplomas. Each student is announced in turn from the side of the stage and is then required to walk across the front, shake hands with the Vice-Chancellor and then walk off again to collect their diploma… which you might think would be fairly painless, but then when you factor in that there are well over two hundred students in the Great Hall and Max is right near the bottom of the running order, it gets boring fairly quickly.

About a third of the way through I feel myself getting restless and I turn in my seat to look for Max amongst the sea of graduation robes and mortarboards. It takes a few moments, but eventually I spot him near the back and I can’t help the smile that crosses my face when my eyes meet his. He grins and nods and I feel my insides warming up as we share a long gaze. However, our staring match is interrupted when they take a break from announcing names and the guest speaker stands up to make his speech. Eventually though, the name-calling continues and finally Max steps up onto the stage, ready to walk across. Both Isabel and I find ourselves cheering as he shakes the Vice-Chancellor’s hand and I feel a burst of pride for him as he walks off the stage, catching my eye briefly on his way.

After the ceremony is over, we meet Max outside on the grass and I fling my arms around him in congratulations, as Martin produces a bottle of champagne to celebrate. Max and I share a lingering kiss, before Izzy clears her throat and we have to turn our attention back to his family. We spend the rest of the afternoon relaxing on campus, chatting amicably with Diane and Martin and laughing with Isabel (well, actually, I do most of the chatting and laughing, but Max does try his best).

It’s early evening before Martin announces that they’d better make a move if they wanted to get back to Nottingham before it got too late, so with a few hugs and kisses, Max and I wave him, Diane and Izzy off and then head home ourselves. After the late night we had last night, the long day today and the Graduation Ball coming up tomorrow night, neither of us is up for a big night out, so we decide instead to curl up in his bed with a movie… although I have to admit that not a whole lot of movie-watching actually takes place in the end.


The next day passes kind of slowly and, to be honest, rather dull as well, mostly due to the fact that the ‘graduation high’ has worn off now, but also because we wake up to a dark, cloudy, wet day.

It’s funny how the weather can affect your mood so much – yesterday morning, I woke up with a huge smile on my face as I leisurely stretched beside Max, feeling the warm sun from the window sneaking through the curtains and hitting my back; but today when I pry my eyes open, the room is shrouded in dark, the and I can hear the rain steadily pounding against the window and my heart just sinks. I bury my head against Max’s chest, trying to snuggle up to him as much as possible as I try to pretend that the rain is just a figment of my imagination.

We remain in bed for over an hour longer than we would normally and when we do finally get up, it’s only to make a cup of tea and then dive back under the covers again. We spend most of the day just lounging around the house, not doing much in particular and only going outside into the pouring rain when Max realises that he is out of milk… and bread… and several other food items, and we have to make a quick trip to the supermarket. At one point, I even wonder what’s going to happen with the ball tonight – after all, it is being held outside with only a couple of big marquees to shelter us, but thankfully the rain stops around late afternoon and the clouds begin to disperse, allowing some blue sky to peek through.

By the time we’re ready to leave for the ball, most of the puddles have evaporated and the wet day has turned into a pleasantly warm, mostly sunny evening. We arrive at the Graduation Ball without incident and I take great pleasure in actually walking through Hampton Castle with Max on the way out to the grounds where the ball is being held. Once there, we meet up with his friends by the dodgem cars and spend the next hour experiencing the fairground rides and trying to play poker in the makeshift casino, before sitting down to a three-course meal and free drinks.

After the food, we mingle with some of Max’s Athletic Union acquaintances and then heading out to enjoy the fairground attractions once more, before ending up swaying together on the dance floor, making the most of being able to spend time with each other like this. As we dance, my mind wanders to the wonderful few days we’ve had together and I find myself gazing up at Max with a blissful smile as he grins down at me, soulful eyes looking right into my soul.

“This has been such an amazing night,” I sigh. “Perfect ending to a perfect week.”

“I couldn’t agree with you more,” he replies, his expression tender as his thumb drifts up to brush my cheek, the action sending shivers down my spine.

“You’re a university graduate, Max,” I murmur in wonderment. “That’s just… wow, I’m in love with a graduate.”

“Yeah,” he grins, before lowering his head and capturing my lips in a heart-stopping kiss.

I tighten my arms around his waist as we continue to move together slowly. I’m so caught up in the feel of his lips on mine, his tongue dipping into my mouth as he deepens the kiss, that I don’t give a thought to the fact that we are in public. I’m just concentrating on him.

“Liz…” murmurs Max when we finally part, his dark eyes full of barely-veiled desire.

My heart skips a beat when a memory of him looking at me like that once before flashes through my mind… that hazy night of the varsity match, just before he kissed me for the first time.

“God, I can’t believe my first year is over,” I let out a sigh as that memory brings back a whole host of others.

“I can’t believe my final year is over,” he responds.

“Do you remember when we first met… and I didn’t want anything to do with you?” I reminisce with a small smile. “So much has happened since then.”

“I know,” his arms tighten around me, holding me close, before he admits, “God, I went into my third year determined to have as much fun living the bachelor life as possible… The last thing I ever expected was to fall in love with the most beautiful girl in the world.”

“Max…” I feel a blush rising in my cheeks and I can’t help but lower my head self-consciously at his words.

“I mean it,” he tells me, his breath hot against my ear. “You changed my life, Liz.”

I look up into his eyes again and swallow, feeling a lump in my throat, “You changed mine too.”

We share a private smile.

“God, all that time I thought you were this egotistical, arrogant bastard and you turned out to be the most amazing person I’ve ever known.”

Max nods, before giving me a playful smirk, “Just goes to show that you should never judge a book by its covers.”

“Believe me, I get that now,” I tell him sincerely. “It’s what’s between those covers that really counts.”

“Is that so?” he raises an eyebrow suggestively.

“Yes it is,” I smile. “But why do I get the feeling we’re suddenly not talking about book covers anymore.”

“’Cause we’re not,” he grins cheekily, his hands drifting lower on my back as he looks around the dance floor briefly. “Hey, you think we can get out of here yet?”

“No, we cannot,” I admonish, giving him a playful shove. “Max, this is your graduation ball and we’re gonna make the most of it, okay?”

He rolls his eyes, but eventually relents with a good-natured sigh, “Fine. Let’s keep dancing then.”

I can’t help but laugh as he looks down at me with puppy-dog eyes before grinning and lifting me off the floor, spinning me around. Our eyes lock and the laughter suddenly dies on my lips as the expression on his face makes my heart skip a beat. Gently lowering me to the ground, his lips find mine once more and I sink into his embrace.

“I love you, Max Evans,” I murmur when we part.

“I love you, too, Liz Parker,” his eyes are shining as he speaks. “And I know the next year is going to be even better than the last.”

“Even though we’re gonna be apart?”

“Even though,” he confirms with a smile. “We’ll make it, Liz. I know we will.”

“Yes, we will,” I decide determinedly.

We share a promise-filled kiss before relaxing into each other’s arms again and dancing the rest of the night away.

The End

Sequel to follow soon...