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Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 10:15 pm
by Luvya

"Cable I might be able to do." I say with a slight smirk, "only if you can give me G rated reasons for it besides football." I state. I take a second look at Liz and wonder if anythings wrong. She doesn't swear for any reason. However I dismiss it.

"I'll wait for Ria. Someone needs to be the welcoming party" I state with a wild grin, "Can I put in a request for pop tarts? As payment of course"

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 9:32 am
by isabelle

I start going through "Liz"'s pockets but there isn't much to find. An ID card that says her name is "Liz Guevara," twenty-three dollars forty cents, and a plastic bottle of pills. Nothing with an address but I know where she is. In a warehouse. I'll head down to the industrial section and search every lot until I find the place that I saw.

"Triptophan," I say, reading the label. What the heck is Trioptophan? It doesn't sound like a street drug. It looks like medicine but for what?

Michael comes out of the kitchen, wiping his hands on the apron before tossing it into the corner. I guess he's managed to get off work. "What now?" he asks.

"She's living in a warehouse. I saw it. I think I can find it," I tell him. Michael shrugs. "Let's go then."

I'm about to shut the locker when suddenly Mrs. Parker walks into the back and who happens to be with her, but Liz, herself. My heart leaps into my throat, wondering how I'm going to explain that I'm going through her locker. It turns out that it's not going to be a problem because I can see Liz is sweating and shaking. No sooner does she clear the doorway but she collapses onto the floor, convulsing.

“Someone call a ambulance!” Mrs. Parker screams.

I take a step back, not sure what to do. I sure as hell am not going to use my powers in front of Mrs. Parker. Especially not to help her. She's one of them. She helped the people who were hurting me. She tried to do things to my mind. She ...

She didn't kill me when she had the chance.

I squeeze my hands tight and suddenly I realize that I'm still holding the bottle of pills. "Do you need this?" I ask. She looks at me but she's shaking to hard to speak. I can't tell if she's nodding or shaking her head, she's quaking so badly. I do notice that her eyes are green again.

"You go call. We'll take care of her," I say to Mrs. Parker as I drop to my knees next to Liz. I start to open the bottle but I still don't know why I'm doing this. Michael kneels down next to me, his eyes staring into me as he pins the girl to the ground. "What are you doing?" he asks, his voice a harsh accusing whisper.

I don't have any answer for him. I tell myself it's so we can question her but I know that's not it. How many pills? One? Two? More than that? I shake out one and put it under her tongue. Looking up, I see that Mrs. Parker has left, probably to get the phone. "We have to get her out of here," I say.

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 1:30 pm
by Athenea

"You go call. We'll take care of her," he says and I wish I could laugh hysterically at this moment but seeing I can’t even speak that doesn’t seem to be an option. Yeah I just bet he’ll take good care of me…right off a cliff.

I am surprised though when he slips one pill into my mouth. I swallow it and am thankful at the moment. I would usually take five or six but at least this will keep me from going into a coma and dying which is a plus but under these circumstances I’m not so sure.

"We have to get her out of here," he says to the brute who is pinning me down. The convulsions have now slowed enough so I can speak, that or I’m just very motivated. “I’m…Not…Going...Anywhere…With…You…” I say through gritted teeth. That’s it, be defiant till the end, even if at the moment I’m completely helpless. Maybe Miss. Parker will come back in. But then I’ll go to the hospital and I will be in even more trouble there. My options aren’t looking so good.

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 6:42 pm
by isabelle

I could almost laugh at Liz's refusal. I would if I weren't so scared of what was happening. If she brings the FBI back here then I'll be back that place. Well, not Manticore. Manticore was destroyed. But some other place that would be just the same. And Michael, Isabel and Tess will be in danger, too. I'm not going to let that happen.

"Tess, don't let Mrs. Parker call the ambulance. Make her forget," I suggest in a stage whisper that I hope Liz either can't hear or can't understand.

Then I turn back to Michael. "We gotta get her out of here before someone starts asking questions." I stare at Liz, coldly stating. "She needs to answer our questions first."

"Yeah, okay," Michael says. "I got some questions, too." He pulls Liz up and we start heading towards the door.

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 4:10 pm
by Loxyanissa14

"I'll wait for Ria. Someone needs to be the welcoming party, can I put in a request for pop tarts? As payment of course" Alex asks and I grin.

"Sure thing. Strawberry I assume." Knowing it's his favorite. I make my way outside and back to the store. I have a vague feeling that something isn't right but I shake it off.

I push my buggy down the eisles throwing in things we need. Such as Tooth brushes and paste and things we don't need so much, Such as potatoe chips and dip. This town isn't so bad. It's just very small. I think as I push my buggy to the check out.

"158," the blonde cashier says. I hand her the money. The stripper's money isn't going to last as long as I thought if I have to keep supporting our needs, I think with a sigh. Living in the real world sucks I think to my self shoving an application for the mini mart into one of the bags. I'll be damned if I work at a mine mart but Alex could use a job. I grin at the thought of him in that green apron as I make my way to the warehouse

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 11:34 pm
by Luvya

As I fiddle with an old television that I've found trying to get Cable while waiting for Maria, I can't help but wonder about Liz. Why did she swear? She doesn't do it for any reason- the only ones who really did that was Kyle and Maria.

I think back to how she looked and how she was acting and suddenly my mind clicks.

"Shit..." I echo Liz's statement. Why the hell did I dismiss it? I start to pase hoping that either Maria or Kyle show up soon. If Liz didn't have her pills on her- which I'm willing to bet she didn't. Who knows what was happening.

I bit my lip, cable now completly out of my mind. Should I see if I can find her? Or wait?

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 10:23 am
by isabelle

Surprisingly, Liz doesn't object as Michael and I start heading out of the back room half walking and half carrying her into the alley. "Where's the jeep?" I ask Isabel. She was the one driving it. Even as I ask, I see it parked on the street and start walking that way.

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 7:22 am
by Athenea

We head outside with the oaf carrying me. I try to say something, anything but I am shaking too bad and if getting a little painful so I try to concentrate on not passing out because I’m not sure I would wake up if I did.

I am put into the back of a black jeep and I just sit there and try and think about something else. I can dish out whatever these people got for me. I was trained to withstand torture of any kind. Of course I’ve never had to do it while having seizures.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 4:19 pm
by StormWolfstone
ooc: sorry for not posting sooner, there has been a bunch of irl stuff happening and for a time I was even thinking I might have to quit RF RP's altogether...



I'm riding with Amy when I suddenly feel a familiar connection and close my eyes even though I know who it is and I really don't want her in my head at all. I know she had to be the one that set things up, but she didn't even bother checking on us. I know because I remember the type of access she had. I should be thrilled that someone from my family is alive but until images of Alex and Kyle flash into my mind, I am unmoved. Seeing images of them however and seeing a place in my mind causes me to know what I have to do.

Nodding, I open my eyes and look at Amy, "I really appreciate everything, but I need to go my own way for a while. I will find you again though and pay you back for all the help you've given me." It's almost like the human is reluctant to stop, but she does and she holds her hand out, putting money in mine.

"Take that with you and if you need anything, anything at all, come see me." I can see she's actually wanting to cry and don't understand why.

"I will. Thank you again." I tell her and then watch as she drives off before I draw in a deep breath and let my mind go over the directions Liz gave me. Damned bitch was going to hear it when I saw her. After what she did, she'd be lucky if I didn't tear her apart. I wanted nothing more then to kick her ass and take her life.

Running toward the place where she'd shown me though, I was looking forward to seeing my brothers again. I'd always been closer to them then I was to Liz but I still can't believe her betrayal. When I reach the warehouse building, I don't bother knocking, I just simply enter and look around seeing the expression on Alex's face. "Alright Alex, what's up? Why the hell do you look so fucking worried? What the hell has happened and where is the bitch and Kyle?"

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 1:39 am
by Luvya

If I was consentrating I would roll my eyes at Maria, "Right well Kyle's out getting food and stuff for us and at current point I don't know where Liz or bitch as you call her is but I could almost garentee she's having a seizure. Hi Maria how are you." I finish off my rant.

"PS. She's said she's sorry, she was your comander and also would you rather be in there than out here?" Okay maybe I wasn't as finished as I thought I was.

I need to work on my timing.
