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Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 2:43 pm
by Corina Star

I help Luna as she adds her stressfull comment. "Ya, you know how it is. We have to work real hard and then go right back to studying some more. It's a pain in the neck. You can't bust for trying to take a little break." I say with my chraming face. We all know the principal will buy right into it.


Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 2:34 pm
by DreamerLaure
Her words ring in my ears as she walks away...the truth is Ally has never had the time. She spends her time shopping, and going to the mall and seeing her “real” friends. She travels around in this pack of the most popular girls and boys at our schools for what? They aren’t genuine people at all, and they’ve spread more than enough harsh words about us and everyone else who’s not one of them at our school.

The past few years, all I’ve heard are things about her exciting new life. We’re all going through the same thing, and for whatever reason she’s always found ways to distance herself from us. We need to be strong now more than ever as one group. I watch as she turns and walks away; she’s always going somewhere else.

I glance over my shoulder at the principal’s office which is only a few feet away. I’m curious as to what’s going on; they messed up and that’s true and all, but consequences at this level, the human level aren’t even what’s worrying me. I’m not too worried about what our parents are going to say. It’s pretty predictable by now. They’re going to throw around words like safety, protection, under the radar, and acting normal. It’s all been said over the years. The priority has always been to protect our secret and our identity all the time; nothing else is supposed to matter.

The task at Metachem has probably only added more questions than give the answers it was meant to, and right now it’s the first thing on my mind. It definitely ranks higher than anything the principal is going to say or even our parents.

The hallway empties out when the bell for our next class rings, but I linger by the principal’s office, sitting on the floor around the corner. I put my backpack beside me and I sit, waiting. Algebra class, and seventh period can wait; this is much more important.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 6:10 pm
by OnDragonflyWings

I feel a little more relaxed after Ryan chimes in. The principal almost always finds him to be charming. I only worry a little that I might get a speech from the principal, or even my parents about falling in with a bad crowd or something. Because I used to be kinda predictable, more well behaved.

"Can we go back to class?" I finally ask her. I don't want to be rude, but the silence is killing me. And she hasn't said anything yet about whether we're in trouble, or what.

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 8:07 am
by DreamerLaure
OOC: I hope this is okay.


"Can we go back to class?" Tara asks, and I turn to look the principal dead-on. She gives each of us a look that could wither us, but I don’t flinch or blink; she just has to make up her mind – either she’ll let us go off easy or give us a little grief for it.

I hope she goes with the former, though her image as a tough principal whose not a “pal” might slip if she does. We can keep this quiet though; I mean I don’t want a hundred people to even know I skipped class.

“Should we find our teachers and make up for the work we’ve missed?” I ask tentatively; maybe she’ll at least admire us for trying, and she’s got all three sides of the spectrum here: Ryan’s got a smile on his face that could charm anyone, and Tara’s visibly relaxed in the past minute.

She gives us a curt nod, scribbles something on a slip of paper, rips that one off and hands it to Tara, and then gives one to Ryan and me too.

Then she sits back in her chair and I hesitantly stand, eyeing her warily.

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 4:21 pm
by rpchick2006
I saw that Maria was being tempted. I was wondering if I could take her if the person that doesn't temp her mind. If they do then I'd understand, I just thought that I should ask. :D