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Re: Family Secrets (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 15 9/20/16

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 12:31 pm
by Michelle17
This is interesting and go Serena. More please

Re: Family Secrets (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 15 9/20/16

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 1:50 pm
by keepsmiling7
I'm so glad Liz has the block can never be too safe from Tess.
It appears that Liz and Serena still have a ways to go before coming real close.
Loved Serena showing Michael who she was.
This is gonna be fun!

Re: Family Secrets (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 15 9/20/16

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2016 5:42 am
by Roswelllostcause
Michelle17 Thanks! Serena is great isn't she?

Carolyn Yes Liz having the block is good. It will take time for Liz and Serena to become close. Michael learned not to mess with Serena didn't he?

Part 16

"Liz why don't you sit down?" Asked Nancy

Liz nodded and sat down in the same booth as Max. Nancy took a deep breath and began her story.

"First thing you need to know is that our home planet of Antar was not always a united planet under the rule of one King and Queen. It was for a very long time divided in half. Half the planet was call Cantar the other Pantar. Now for the most part everyone got a long. From time to time there were uprisings and wars. But they were few and far between. Now let's get to all of you. Pantar was ruled by King Riker and Queen Shava. They had two daughters that I watched grow into lovely young women, Elexa and Trina. You now know them as Liz and Serena. Cantar was Ruled by King Victron and Queen Laydra. They also had two children Zan and Vilandra. That would be Max and Isabel. Now I didn't know them that well, most of what I know comes second hand. My sister had been their nanny."

Nancy closed her eyes and tried to pull herself together.

"Now both Riker and Victron thought that to keep peace that it would be in their best interest to unite the two kingdoms. So when she was nineteen Elexa was sent to live in the Cantar palace and during that next year she would court both Zan and Kivar a high ranking Duke. You saw a little of Serena's temper a few minutes ago. But Elexa had an even bigger one. When her father told her this she sent a wave of energy through his office causing all the glass to break, including his bottle of two hundred year old antarian scotch."

Max just looked at Liz and raised an eyebrow. Liz just shrugged only sort of remembering the event.

"Elexa went and started courting both men. Elexa hated Kivar from the moment she met him. What you should know about Kivar is he is very cold and has a midevil mindset. Women are only there to serve men and raise their children. He expressed this belief to Elexa every chance he got. Now Zan on the other hand always treated Elexa like the true princess she was. Treated her as his equal which is what she was. Elexa during that time was very slowly falling in love with Zan. Now Riker left the choice of Elexa's husband in the hands of Victron. After watching her with both of them made his choice after nine months. Elexa and Zan would marry and antar would be full united."
"What about the rest of us?" Asked Isabel softly
"Well you were Vilandra and Zan's sister. She was such a kind heart to those who knew the real her. But it took a while to get through the wall she kept around her heart. But her friends and family knew the truth. From what I was told by my sister Lonnie as she liked to be called, was secretly seeing the son of one of her father's advisors. The young man was named Gathron." Said Nancy
"Who was Gathron?" Asked Alex

Nancy smiled at the young man who she watch grow as one of Liz's best friends.

"You Alex."
"So what my dad was an advisor?" Asked Alex
"No your mother was. Your father was the general of the army before your brother took over."
"Brother?" Asked Alex
"Serena already told you who the general was under Zan."

Alex and Michael looked at each other in shock.

"We're brothers?" Asked Michael and Alex at the same time.
"Well Space boy there you go you got the family you always wanted." Said Maria
"Not now Maria." Said Michael
"Well Maria let's move on to you and Michael. Michael was general Rath. While you were Dana the daughter of Queen Shava's assistant Lady Tasha. You were trained to be Elexa's assistant. After it was decided that Zan and Elexa were to wed you joined her in Cantar that is when you met Rath. You both acted much like you do now. Fighting a lot but you had to be blind not to see how much you two loved each other."
"What about me?" Asked Kyle
"Well Kyle, you are Maria's brother Jathron."
"What?" Asked Kyle
"Dana and Jathron were brother and sister. Jathron did not follow in his father's footsteps. His father was a member of the Pantar Royal guard. Jathron studied the ways of meditation and inner peace. Sort of like Buddhism. Which he ended up needing to deal with his wife."
"Who was his wife?" Asked Kyle
"Me." Said Serena softly
"You?" Asked Kyle
"Yeah whatever."

Serena got up and headed through the door to the backroom.


Re: Family Secrets (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 16 9/21/16

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2016 1:28 pm
by keepsmiling7
Liz's temper continues to be a source of conversation.
Alex and Michael brothers........not that really is a shock.
Meditation and inner peace........Jathron/Kyle, no change there.
Can't wait for Nancy to tell them more,

Re: Family Secrets (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 16 9/21/16

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 1:19 am
by Michelle17
Oh Boy, the boys better not Piss off Liz. I'm glad Michael has some family. I need more.

Re: Family Secrets (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 16 9/21/16

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 5:59 am
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn Everyone is surprised that Liz had such a major temper. Yes Alex and Michael being brothers is a bit of a surprise! No Kyle hasn't changed.

Michelle17 No the boys shouldn't piss Liz off! Tess really should watch out!

Part 17

Liz watched her sister go then got up and went after her. Serena was sitting on the steps to the apartment when she got back there.

"What's wrong?" Asked Liz
"Serena, something is bothering you."
"Liz, you are slowly letting me in. I knew it would take time once you found out about me. I didn't expect Isabel or Michael to welcome me with open arms. But I didn't think Maria would be so cold to me."
"The three of us were close on Antar?"
"Four of us. Kyle was always with us. I think that is why he and I fell in love."
"And you don't think he is happy to hear that you were his wife?"
"I know he isn't. One of my powers is empathy."
"So tell me what I am feeling about you then."
"No Serena, tell me!"
"Fine! You're scared, confused, hurt oh and you don't love me."
"How can I love someone I don't know? Someone until a week ago didn't know was alive?"
"I don't blame you for the way you feel. But even though we only just met I do love you Liz. You are my sister and that is enough for me to love you."

Both girls looked up when they heard footsteps coming up to them. They saw Kyle standing there.

"Uh Liz can I talk to Serena alone?" Asked Kyle

Liz looked at Serena who just nodded. Liz got up and headed back to the others.

"What do you want?" Asked Serena
"I'm sorry if my reaction hurt you."
"You can't help what you feel."
"Well I don't know how much you been told. But I only found out that aliens were real a couple weeks ago. I got shot and Max saved my life."
"I know. I know about almost everything that has been going on here. Kal has people watching."
"So uh you know that I dated your sister."
"Yes. But I also know she dumped your ass."
"Kyle, I am not expecting us to jump right back where things left off on Antar. We are not the same people we were then. Yeah we got these memories in our heads from them but we aren't really them."
"So uh want to get to know each other?"
"That would be good."
"Besides for some reason I think I would like learning these powers from you rather than Evans or Guerin."
"I think we can work something out."
"By the way loved how you knocked Michael off his feet."
"Yeah well once he learns control that might not happen again."
"Just be gentle with me OK? I don't think my ego could take it if I got knocked around by a girl."
"Big bad football player scared of little old me?"

Just then Maria walked back and glared at them.

"OK Buddha boy, bitch Princess cut the flirting." Said Maria
"Maria that is uncalled for!" Said Kyle
"Kyle, go let me set things straight with Maria." Said Serena

Kyle nodded and headed out.

"Maria, I don't know what the hell crawled up your ass, but don't mess with me! I don't give a shit that you are Liz's best friend. You don't know me at all!" Said Serena
"I know that you are going to take Liz from me."
"Damn it Maria! There is still a lot of shit you don't know."
"It doesn't matter."
"Yes it does! Tell me how you and Liz met."
"It was in kindergarten."
"Ok. What else?"
"We were on the playground and found a baby bunny that was hurt."
"The two of you bonded taking care of it right?"
"History has a way of repeating itself."
"What are you talking about?"
"Elexa, Trina and Dana met in a very similar way. You and Liz were seven I had just turned five. Liz and I were playing under the watchful eye of our nanny. Two days before you and your family moved into the palace. You came out to the garden, where under one of the bushes you found a corta, Antar's version of a rabbit. Something had bitten it. The little thing was dying."
"What happened?"
"You brought it over to Nanra, uh Nancy and showed her. Then Liz and I came over and we took it inside fixed it up and the three of us took care of it until it could live on it's own. The three of us were best friends after that. Kyle soon joined us and it wasn't until Liz went away that we were apart for any length of time."
"How do you know this?"
"Kal unlocked my memories a year ago. I don't remember much. But since I have been in Roswell they have been coming clearer."
"So I could remember this stuff too?"
"Yes, but with unlocking your memories so will your powers. Maria, you will always be Liz's best friend. All I want is to know my sister and help make sure Kivar doesn't win again."
"Ok. Truce?"
"Truce. Now come on before the others think I fried you."
"Wait for the rest of the history lesson."

Maria and Serena walked out to join the others.


Re: Family Secrets (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 17 9/22/16

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 7:58 am
by keepsmiling7
Serena is needing to give everyone more time to get use to her and all of the new found information.
After all she mentioned Kal unlocked her memories a year ago.
Are there any more surprises left??

Re: Family Secrets (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 17 9/22/16

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 9:52 am
by L-J-L 76
Everyone needs to get to know Serena as Serena needs to get to know them. So Kal unlocked Serena's memories. And now that Serena is with her family and friends she is remembering more and more and helping Nancy tell Max, Liz and others about their history. Is there anymore surprises? What are Max, Liz and others going to do to stop Kivar?

L-J-L 76

Re: Family Secrets (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 17 9/22/16

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2016 5:33 am
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn Serena deep down knows that the others need time to adjust to the news. But she wants to feel like she belongs too. Oh there are more secrets to come!

L-J-L 76 Serena understands that everyone needs to get to know her. Seeing as she has some of her memories from before she sees things in the others that remind her of who they use to be. There are more surprises to come!

Part 18

Maria and Serena came back out to find everyone waiting for them. They took their seats and Nancy resumed the meeting.

"Now Zan and Elexa married almost two years after they first met. Kivar was not happy about losing the princess. So he set his sights on Trina. He wanted power. But Trina was so much in love with Jathron by this time, and without her father's knowledge had bonded herself to him." Said Nancy
"When you say bonded what does that mean? Is that like getting married?" Asked Max
"No. On Antar a couple could be married without being bonded. Bonding is a very personal and intimate act. The only ones on Antar that could do a bonding are the native Antarians, who are not that different from humans. My race the Braydons can not bond. Our ability to change our shape prevents it. Shape shifting causes some suppression of our emotions. Other than when Max and Liz were in the accident earlier this year I haven't shape shifted in nearly twenty eight years, well other then to make it appear that I am aging like a normal human. There is one other race on Antar. They are called the Nex. Now the Nex for the most part are very loyal to Kivar. From what I have heard from our sources is they came after all of you. But Earth is harmful to their race. So they had to create these suits they call husks so they could come here. Also they aren't shape shifters and there is no way they can pass for human."
"What do they look like?" Asked Maria

Nancy had to think for a minute so she wouldn't scare the high strung girl.

"Well they are blue, with pointed ears and kind of look like giant lizards with purple hair."
"No way! That is just to freaky!" Said Maria
"Would you like me to show you?" Asked Nancy
"Uh that's OK Mrs. P. We will just take your word for it." Said Alex
"Kal showed me once. I was nine. Had nightmares for two months after that." Said Serena
"It's getting late. I don't want you kids to get in trouble with your parents. But there is still a lot to tell you. But before you leave, I am going to ask that each of you let Serena place a block in your mind. It will stop anyone from mind worping you." Said Nancy
"When will we meet again?" Asked Max
"Tomorrow at ten in the morning upstairs."
"Serena, what do you have to do to place the block?" Asked Isabel
"I make a connection, it doesn't have to be deep then I basiclly put up a wall that blocks anyone uninvited into your mind. It won't stop you from dream walking any of us. But it will stop anyone from messing with your mind." Said Serena
"Not sure I like the idea of someone I don't know in my head." Said Michael
"Michael, I won't see anything you don't want me to see. I already did it with Max and Liz. I saw nothing from Max. But since Liz and I are sisters there was no way to prevent a deep connection. But it won't happen with you."
"I'll go first." Said Maria

Everyone looked at her in surprise. Serena just nodded and the two of them went over by the counter and it took only a few minutes and Serena was done. Everyone else went until Michael was the last one. He huffed and went over to her.

"Remember just the block no poking around."
"Trust me I don't want to know what is going on in your head general."

Once she was done Serena headed upstairs to bed warn out from using her powers. Everyone headed out until only Liz and Max were left.

"So Liz, I seem to remember telling you that you were my destiny." Said Max
"Yeah. Max, I can't do this tonight."
"OK but we will talk about us."
"I mean it Liz. I will not drop this until we talk everything out."
"I promise that we will. But we are both tired and had a lot of stuff thrown at us."
"Yeah. Good night Liz."
"Goodnight Max."

Max grabbed Liz and pulled her into a passionate kiss. Liz faught it at first but soon gave into it. They only broke when the need for air became to much. Max then smiled at her and left to join Isabel in the jeep to go home. Liz made sure the door was locked turned off the lights and headed up to bed.


From the alley across the street from the Crashdown Tess watched as everyone left. They had been in there for a long time. She had to wonder what was going on. The only thing that she knew was that she could not let Max and Liz get back together. But she was also under orders not to kill Liz. Her brother wanted her. Not that she really cared as long as she got Max. Sure Max was going to die but not before she had her way with him. But first she would have to kill that bitch Trina or whatever her name was now, just like she did back on Antar.


Liz walked into the apartment to find her dad waiting for her.

"Lizzie?" Asked Jeff
"What dad?"
"Your mom knows that you are hurt that she hid so much from you."
"She lied to me."
"Liz, she was doing her job. Keeping you and the others safe is her first priority."
"Well where was she when Max was captured by the Special Unit?"
"Liz, I admit I fail when that happened. But once they had him it would have become very hard for me to get him back. I would have had to kill people who were only doing their jobs. I have never killed an innocent human. Not like the one you call Nasado." Said Nancy
"So you were going to leave Max to die?"
"No. Kal had sent a team of soldiers to rescue him. But you kids and Nasado got him first."
"Whatever. I'm going to bed."

Liz went to her room slamming the door.


Re: Family Secrets (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 18 9/23/16

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2016 5:56 am
by L-J-L 76
Wow that was a lot to learn. But it is good that they are knowing their past. So glad that Serena put blocks on everyone. Now Tess can't mess with their heads. Oh no Tess is planning something. Now that is bad. Liz still mad at her mom for lying But Liz need to realize that Nancy was trying to protect all of them from Tess, Nesado, Kivar. Wow that was a hell of kiss Max gave Liz. Hoping Max and Liz talk soon since Liz is his wife and destiny.

L-J-L 76