School For Troubled Teens (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt38-Epil Complete 3/7/16

Fics using the characters from Roswell, but where the plot does not have anything to do with aliens, nor are any of the characters "not of this Earth."

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Re: School For Troubled Teens (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 11 10/1

Post by keepsmiling7 »

This Zack is a really bad character. He doesn't seems to care for anyone except himself.
I'm scared for Liz.......she appears to be a marked target.
Glad Pam Troy detained Zack for a while.
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Re: School For Troubled Teens (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 11 10/1

Post by begonia9508 »

Oh my! I can't believe this guy; sex addict is a too weak word to talk about him!
Someone should give him a moral lesson... otherwise he is going to be really dangerous...

Thanks EVE :? :mrgreen:
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Re: School For Troubled Teens (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 11 10/1

Post by saori_1902 »

I hate you, Zack :lol:
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Re: School For Troubled Teens (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 11 10/1

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Great Chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max, Liz. Poor Tess she may have gotten STDs from Zack. And now Zack is going to be giving it to Pam. Zack needs to have his dick cut off. Cool Max and Liz are talking and being nice to each other. glad Max and Liz will tell each other the truth. Will Max hang out with Liz? Will Max stay close to Liz? Will Max and Liz talk more? Will Max and Liz fall for each other? Will Max and Liz admit their feeling for each other? Will Max be able to protect Liz from Zack? Will Zack try and get Liz alone? Will Liz be able with Zack? Will Max, Alex and Kyle be there to help Liz? Will Liz tell the teacher and deans about Zack? Will the teacher and deans believe Liz? Will the teacher and Dean protect Liz? Will Zack get caught by teacher or dean? What will happen when Zack gets caught? Who will catch Zack? Will Max and Liz see each other during breaks from school? What will happen during the breaks between Max and Liz? Will Max kiss Liz? Will Max hold Liz's hand? Will Max and Liz sleep together while at school or when they are at home away from school? Will Max and Liz have a happy ending together? Will Liz become pregnant? Will Max and Liz get married and have kids?

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Re: School For Troubled Teens (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 12 10/18

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Carolyn Zack is a very bad guy! He only does care about himself. He is after Liz. But she does have someone who is looking out for her.

Eve Zack is a very dangerous boy! You have no idea how dangerous he really is!

saori_1902 Go right a head and hate Zack!

L-J-L 76 No one knows if Zack has a STD, if he does and passed it on to Tess or Pam then they are partly to blame for agreeing to have unprotected sex. Just have to wait to see what happens with Max and Liz.

Part 12 Christmas break

Liz walked through the airport with Max, Isabel, Maria, Kyle and Serena. Max and Isabel lived in Hondo, Serena in Dexter, Maria in Bitter Lake and Kyle like her in Roswell. They had just arrived in Las Cruces. She was not looking forward to seeing her parents. She took a deep breath when she saw her parents. She walked up to them and her mom pulled her into a hug.

"Honey we missed you." Said Nancy Parker
"Elizabeth." Said Jeff
"Mom. Dad." Said Liz

Liz followed them with her carry on the only bag she brought home from school with her. Once they got to the car Liz got in the back seat her parents got in the front.

"Liz how was the flight?" Asked Nancy
"It was fine mom."
"You're still cutting classes I hear." Said Jeff
"They send us weekly progress reports." Said Nancy
"Your attitude hasn't improved either." Said Jeff

Liz bit her lip trying to keep from snapping at her father. She knew that this wasn't going to be an easy visit.

"Elizabeth are you going to explain yourself or not?" Asked Jeff
"Jeffrey! Leave her alone. She has been gone nearly three and a half months!" Said Nancy
"I will not let this drop. I am paying good money to that school to straighten her out."

Liz could feel tear burning in her eyes.

"Dad, I don't want to talk about this right now." Said Liz
"Fine but we will talk about this."

The rest of the drive was quiet. Nancy glanced back at her daughter and could see that she that there was pain in Liz's eyes. A pain she had been trying to hide since Jessica died. The two girls had been so close, even with the three year age difference. Nancy let her mind drift back to when both girls were little.

Nancy watched as her two girls came out of school. Liz her hair in braids didn't look happy. Today was the first day of first grade for the six and half year old. While her sister had started fourth grade. She watched Jess come up and wrap her arm around her younger sister. When they reached the car Jess helped her sister get in.

"Hi girls. How was the first day?" Asked Nancy
"I hate first grade!" Said Liz
"What happened?"
"Carlos Cruz tried to make her eat a worm at recess." Said Jess
"Who is Carlos?"
"He is in my class." Said Liz
"I stopped him. Told him if he messes with my sister any more I will tell his sister Rosa, she is in my class on him. She in turn will go to their father who will punish him." Said Jess
"Other then stopping a boy from feeding your sister a worm any other news?"
"Yeah, my teacher wants to put me in fifth grade math." Said Jess
"Yeah, you or dad has to sign the permission slip. I would go to one of the fifth grade class rooms for it." Said Jess
"I guess I can sign it."
"Thanks mom."

Nancy remembered how proud Jeff had been when he heard that Jess was going to be in fifth grade math. He was always proud of everything Jessica did. But pushed Liz aside like she was nothing. Liz won a reading award that year. The best reader in her class and the most books read. But he didn't give her any praise for it. So she wasn't to surprised that Liz didn't respond well when her father finally took notice after Jessica died and started to put pressure on Liz to follow the path that Jess was going to. Once they arrived home Liz took off for her her room. Jeff started to go after her but Nancy stopped him.

"Jeffrey, leave her alone. I will talk to her." Said Nancy
"She is my daughter! I will get answers from her."
"You are only pushing her away! Until Jessica died, you never treated Liz like anything she did was good enough! Now that she is the only daughter you have left she has to live the life Jessica wanted. Liz, is not Jessica and never will be! By the way you are sleeping on the couch tonight!"

Nancy walked off down the hall and knocked on Liz's closed door.

"Liz, sweetie it's mom may I come in?" Asked Nancy
"Yes." Said Liz

Nancy walked in to find Liz sitting on the window seat. She looked like such a little girl.

"Liz, are you OK?"
"Why can't he love me for me?"
"I don't know."
"Mom, I know I screwed up."
"Honey, I love you. I want you to be happy. But when you started to hand out with those troublemakers I got scared."
"I know mom."
"Will you be honest with me if I ask you a very personal question?"
"Depends on what it is, and if you will tell dad."
"I won't tell your father."
"Yes I will be honest."

Nancy pushed Liz's hair back from her face.

"I guess I will just get to the point. Are you or have you ever had sex?"

Liz bit her lip. She knew that she had to be honest.

"No mom I have never had sex. I am not going to say I haven't thought about it. Or I haven't been pressured to. But I want to wait until I am sure it's the right guy."
"OK thank you for being honest with me. Now promise me one thing. When you make that choice promise me that you will be safe."
"I promise mom."

Nancy kissed Liz and then headed out to start dinner.

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Re: School For Troubled Teens (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 12 10/1

Post by begonia9508 »

What's an ass! :twisted:

She is the only daughter they have and he still compare her to Jess!
At least, Mrs Parker is realistic and was right to react the way she did, because he is ruining Liz's life and is not even aware of it! :twisted:

Thanks EVE :mrgreen:
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Re: School For Troubled Teens (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 12 10/1

Post by Natalie36 »

jeff is a dink
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Re: School For Troubled Teens (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 12 10/1

Post by Natalie36 »

zack needs to go :x
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Re: School For Troubled Teens (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 12 10/1

Post by saori_1902 »

Poor Liz. I'm glad that at least Nancy is starting to change.
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Re: School For Troubled Teens (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 12 10/1

Post by keepsmiling7 »

We are beginning to get the picture that Liz's parents have been her problem in the past.
Why do parents not realize this when they compare their children.
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