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Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 5:30 pm
by isabelle

"Pretty much," I say as Dominick asks if everyone's here. I glance at the newbies. They're all watching but I turn away, ignoring them. Dominick is the one important here.

Nick does look a bit better. He's catching his breath and seems a bit less dizzy now that he's sitting still. Sometimes it takes less time to recover from a testing session than others but it's never easy. I hate those people. I hate this place. There's just no way out. How can they do this to us?

“Is he going to be alright? Shouldn’t he be lying down?” LIz asks and I'm almost amused as Nick says, 'no.' Nothing is alright around here. Haven't they figured that out yet? Nick asks about them next.

"Don't really know yet. They haven't said. Becca had to show off for them and they didn't seem too surprised," I say. The last had been odd. I wish I understood more about these newbies. They've never taken so many at one time before...


I watch the others helping Nick and I feel -- strange. Like there's something I should be doing. Or maybe something I shouldn't be doing. I wish I could remember what. Nick is talking about electric shock and I feel something heavy and hard in my stomach.

"I should help him," I say out loud to Liz, but loud enough for Michael and the others to hear. I don't know if it's true or not. I don't even know what the hell I could do. He doesn't know me. He doesn't trust me. His friends are helping him. Let them take care of him.

And yet, I leave the words out there, wondering if anyone here can make sense of what I'm feeling. Maybe they can tell me what I shouldn't do...

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 5:53 pm
by OnDragonflyWings

I stare in shock as a boy stumbles into the room. He looks horrible. And when he almost hits the floor before Phillip catches him, I jump up and move over to Max. I feel kinda safe with Max. More safe than with anyone else...except maybe Kyle.

And then Max says that he thinks he should be helping him. "Help him how max?" I question softly,"What coudl you do that they aren't already doing?" it seems like a sensical question, but I feel like I'm lying, or betraying him as I say it. And that doesn't sit good in the pit of my stomach.

Electric shock? it takes a while to sink in, but that's our future. Our future is testing and captivity and electric shock. There may be a vast nothingness outside, but it ahd to be better than that.

"We ahve to figure out a way out of here," I say to him, and the otehrs, my voice shaking a little. Something that I thought was uncharacteristic. I hated that sound in my voice. And I knew we could escape. Maybe. We ahd flying girl. And all of them with their I'm crazy powers.

Maybe we had powers to. Maybe we were jsut supposed to be a source of revolution, the brains of the operation, the ones that still ahd hope.

Either way, staying ehre and being tested was not an option. We had to...protect our secrets?


I would tell Dominic to be nice, but right now, well all of these questions are anoying me. I look away from him and cringe. Electric shock. it ahd to be awful. I want to hug him, to tell him it'll be okay, it'll get better, easier, but I don't want to lie.

I give him a small smile,"This too shall pass..." When he seems unresponsive, I nudge him gently,"Yeah?"

I look back at the others again,"Don't really know what's going on with them. They don't really rememebr anything either, I don't think. They seem...normal..." Which made them being brought here even weirder.

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 8:06 am
by isabelle
"Help him how, Max?" Tess asks from my elbow. "What could you do that they aren't already doing?"

"I don't know," I say, closing my eyes and dropping my head for a long moment. I really don't know. "I just feel like there's something I can do." I look back up at Tess, trying to make sense of things in my own head. Am I an EMT? No, that's not it. It's something-else. If I went over there to try, maybe I could figure it out. I just don't know if I should. There might be a good reason not to but I can't understand what it would be.

Then Tess changes the subject to escape. Probably a good hint that she doesn't think that trying is a good idea. Yes. She's right. We have to get out.

I look over at the others, wondering if they can all fly. I'm guessing they never get a chance to do it outdoors or they'd be over the wall in a minute. If we could just get through an outside wall. But then, do any of these walls face outside? I haven't seen a window.

"You're right," I tell Tess. "We need to get them out, too."

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 9:57 pm
by Fehr'sBear

“Took me just… after I went… to my room… didn’t let me… sleep. They pushed as… always. This was electric shock day…” Dom says, and I know that he alone sympathizes with me sometimes. I just nod as he mentioned the electric shock. He's the only one I told about last week. They must have burned a fuse out somewhere they used so much electricity. I don't know where they get off doing this stuff to us. I mean, the least they could do is ask. Or give us warning, or let us sleep and eat first. Not that eating is a good idea before they shock you...

“What’s their story?” he asks almost immediately, changing the subject, and I look to Rebecca and Phillip. I can't really answer.

"I've just been keeping an eye on them from across the room," I mutter, not really caring who hears me. "But Phillip and Rebecca have been talking to them..."

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 10:03 pm
by Fehr'sBear

“Alright, let me get dressed, scamp.” he grumbles playfully, and I smile as I feel him get up.

“Eliza, chill. I’m moving… I’m moving.” Keith says slowly, and I wait impatiently as I hear him wander around the room, changing, brushing his hair, and taking his own sweet time.

“Alright, Eliza I’m ready. Your eyes are in order now," he says placing a hand gently on my shoulder, and I pop up with a smile. He's a great friend, and we've been near inseparable for the past few years. I don't know how I got by during the day without his descriptions or someone to lean on when it's too much.

"About time," I say with a teasing grin. Then, with him leading me, even though I could get to the rec room on my own, we reach the doorway, and all the voices are almost crazy. "What's going on?" I whisper, edging into the room, feeling a tension in the air.

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 11:35 pm
by OnDragonflyWings

I shake my head at Max. This feels familiar. Him wanting to help people. I don't know why I'm so scared, or why I'm so mistrusting, but I feel like we don't need to save them. Especially since they don't want to save themselves.

"WHy Max?" I ask him,"I mean you heard them. They don't even want to try..."

I sigh,"We have things, things..." WHat things? Things to hide? Why hide? What?

I take a deep breath. I guess it doesn't matter how we leave so long as we leave.

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 6:44 am
by isabelle

I look up at Tess as she tries to explain reasons that she can't remember. I know the feeling well. We've all been feeling the same thing. And yet, I think I know what she's trying to say even if I don't understand it.

"Yes, we have things..." I say. I don't know what the things are, but I know we have things. Things that make us 'different'. How are we different and why? "... but they can do things. You saw her fly. We might need their abilities to do this."

I glance over at the group. It's still really hard to sit here while that other boy is hurting. Nick doesn't seem to be doing any better yet, but his friends know what to do. He doesn't need me.

I look back at Tess, Michael and Isabel, then as my eyes fall on Kyle and Maria and the feeling changes. It's still one of belonging and friendship, but I don't know why it's slightly different -- although I do wonder if there isn't somebody missing. A guy with dark hair and a goofy smile. With any luck that 'somebody' will be missing us and trying to find us. And maybe our parents, too. We do have parents, don't we?

My hand rests on top of Liz's and I give her fingers a little squeeze as I look at Tess again. My voice drops to something just over a whisper. "Maybe we can ... do things ... too."


Eliza and Keith show up, looking oddly cheerful. Well, maybe that's not so odd. They do seem to get along and they don't know about what happened to Dominick although I can see from Keith's face that he's taking it in. He asks almost the same question that Dominick did although Keith's question includes Nick, I think.

"They hurt Dominick," I say quietly, silently adding 'again'. They've hurt all of us before and they'll do it again and again and again. Sometimes the tests are easy and painless but more often than not, they hurt.

"As for the newbies, I don't know. They seem normal but there has to be something more there." I can't imagine why they'd bring them all here if they were normal. The strangest thing is seven of them at once. It's just about doubled the population here. Wait, is that it? Could it be that they really are normal and they brought them here to 'breed' with us. My stomach starts flipping over at the thought and I can't say it out loud.

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 3:23 pm
by OnDragonflyWings

I glance up at Max when he says maybe we can do things too. That's how I feel. I can't explain it, but that seems right. How could something so far fetched seem right?

I nod at him,"I feel like maybe we can..."

Then I glance back over at the others, the people we're being held captive with. Max is right, we might need their help, but are they willing to help? Is it safe to let them?

"We can't make them help..." I point out, feeling helpless to argue, but still feeling a strong need to not include them. They don't belong with us.

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 6:46 pm
by StormWolfstone

Damn noises, they just have to come and awaken me. My room is far too close to the recreation room for my liking. I’ve tried to sleep through it but the last couple of mornings I’ve had far too much… far far too much. I wake and move through my room like a whirlwind, moving through my room and dressing rapidly though I really couldn’t care less about what the other think.

I never do, but though I’m awake and annoyed with the noises I surprisingly feel like dancing. Yes, Dancing sounds nice… maybe I can get someone to dance with me. That would be interesting since we really don’t have good dancing music. Not really. At least, I think so. I mean yeah I can dance to any of it, but it doesn’t always make me happy. Stepping out of the room, I stride as gracefully as my animal counterpart through the hall and into the recreation room, seeing those that were like family standing or kneeling about Dom who looked weak and ill.

Then, I see the strangers. I’d had a brief glimpse of them but really didn’t pay much attention. Then again, animal senses and all… well, as I look them over I can’t keep from narrowing my gaze seeing three standing so closely to those I call family. “What the fuck have they done, Dom?”

“It was the doc’s again…” Keith replies instead to me and I glance at him, where he stands beside little Eliza. He cringes slightly and I smile which seems to relax him.

I never understand why he tenses so much, I’m in a good mood right now… well kind of.

“Damn fucking people need to leave us all alone.” I respond and turn to look at Phillip and the others. “So, what is everyone doing sitting here? Anyone wanting some grub? Or for that matter, to dance?”

Dom’s gaze lifted to look at me slightly weakened, “Maybe I’ll dance… later.”


Kieran begins by responding to me with, "I've just been keeping an eye on them from across the room," he mutters and I smile slightly, "But Phillip and Rebecca have been talking to them..."

I’m more then glad when Phillip decides to also respond to my questions. The more familiar voices I heard at the moment, the better I’d feel. "Don't really know yet. They haven't said. Becca had to show off for them and they didn't seem too surprised," his words cause me to feel confusion though.

I glance at Becca, "This too shall pass..." I simply look at her, wanting to warn her to be careful but she nudges me lightly and I nod, "Yeah?"

“Don't really know what's going on with them. They don't really remember anything either, I don't think. They seem...normal..."

“What would the doc’s want with normal people?”


"About time," Eliza begins and I guide her to the rec room where we both stop. "What's going on?" She whispers and I place an arm around her shoulders gently.

“It appears that Dom’s been tested badly again. Three of the new kids are standing near him, Phillip, Kieran, and Becca. One of the kids is a girl with dark brown hair and slightly pale skin…” I continue to describe each of the people to Eliza, something I’m used to doing before I speak up toward the others, “What’s going on?”

"They hurt Dominick," Phillip begins and I turn to look at him, keeping Eliza close because I’m very protective over her, the others being nearby our group worries me since I know nothing about them.

"As for the newbies, I don't know. They seem normal but there has to be something more there."

“Dom, you getting strength back?”

“I’m getting there.” Dominick responds as I question him.


"I should help him," I hear Max say from beside me and I can’t keep from looking at him, concerned. I don’t know how he could, but I can’t help but think that if he could, it might be a good thing. But then, somehow I have the sense that secrecy has been important to him, to all of us.

"Help him how max?" I vaguely hear Tess question, "What could you do that they aren't already doing?" Sensible question though it was, I get the feeling Max didn’t want to hear that response.

"I don't know," Max replies closing his eyes and his head falls forward. Instantly, I can’t keep from reaching out and placing a hand on his back. "I just feel like there's something I can do."

"We have to figure out a way out of here," her voice seemed to shake as the subject was changed and I looked at her for a moment, looking back at Max as I tried to weigh what I should say.

"You're right," Max replies to Tess. "We need to get them out, too."

"Why Max?" Tess asks and it doesn’t sound like she’s happy with the fact that he still wants to help the others, "I mean you heard them. They don't even want to try..."

"We have things, things..." Tess began and I shook my head, turning to look as other entered the room. I had no idea what to expect here, but I knew that I wanted to find out what our purpose was for being here.

"Yes, we have things..." Max’s voice draws me back just as I’m losing focus, "... but they can do things. You saw her fly. We might need their abilities to do this." I move my hand to his shoulder, my own way of making certain he knew I was there, I’d support his decisions, though I didn’t know quite why. When his hand squeezes mine gently, I give him a light smile, "Maybe we can ... do things ... too."

Tess seems to nod, "I feel like maybe we can..." She trails off glancing at the others.

"We can't make them help..."

“Maybe we can’t make them, Tess… but what right do we have to exclude them without giving them the chance to get to know us. We have a measure of trust between us because somehow we had to have known each other, but they have no memory of us, no feeling of familiarity or trust. They can’t just jump into trusting us… trust is earned, not given.” I decided as I started to talk to let my voice become normal so that the others could hear me too if they chose to listen.

“We’ll get out of here, we have to find a way, but until we do, we also need to remember that they’ve been here longer then we have, we can learn from them. Already we’ve had some warning of what we could expect while we’re here… even if it is scary, we know… I’m certain there are more things for us to learn. But, trust needs to be earned…” I looked at Max, hoping I hadn’t overstepped, but also knowing that I couldn’t not say what needed to be said.

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 10:40 am
by isabelle

Liz’s hand on my back makes me feel safer. Stronger. I know I’ve known her before, I just don’t know how. So many conflicting thoughts and feeling are running through me and it’s impossible to make a decision when I don’t remember anything. I don’t know what’s important or even what’s real. Still, Liz’s voice cuts through the confusion.

“Maybe we can’t make them, Tess… but what right do we have to exclude them without giving them the chance to get to know us. We have a measure of trust between us because somehow we had to have known each other, but they have no memory of us, no feeling of familiarity or trust. They can’t just jump into trusting us… trust is earned, not given.” she says.

I look up at her, surprised. I remember something. A man in a uniform. “Before you can expect somebody to trust you, you've got to trust them first. Whenever you're ready, Max.” It sounds like good advice although it’s the opposite of what Liz just said. Maybe trust does have to be given before it can be earned. If we want to work together, somebody has to reach out.

Liz raises her voice, inviting the others to listen, I think. “We’ll get out of here, we have to find a way, but until we do, we also need to remember that they’ve been here longer then we have, we can learn from them. Already we’ve had some warning of what we could expect while we’re here… even if it is scary, we know… I’m certain there are more things for us to learn. But, trust needs to be earned…”

I lift my head and look at the others. Inside, I’m quaking, not sure if this is right. It’s still possible that some, if not all, of the others are plants – only pretending to be prisoners. But that girl didn’t pretend to fly and Dominick is really hurt.

“Before you can expect somebody to trust you, you've got to trust them first,” I say, quoting the person in the memory fragment. I get to my feet, wondering if I’m making a big mistake. I bet the person who said to me felt the same way and I feel like he became a friend.

I get to my feet and start to walk deliberately over to the other group. “Let me see him, I say,” getting close. “Maybe I can help.”