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Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 6:57 pm
by RiaRath101

I would know even without being Kindred that Ava was affected by my actions of my tongue. Smelling her only makes me harder which I know she is completely aware of. Hearing her ask, “My question iz are yous ready for me?” I smirk knowing she wants to play one of our regular games.

Not gonna be me, I think as I nod my head yes. I know Ava can her me since not only is she an alien but because of this connection that we have formed. "Iz off in five. Think you can hold off that long?” she said while letting her eyes linger on the bulge in my leather pants. I nod my head yes and rspond, "Can ya?"

Five minutes gives me plenty of time to plan on how exactly I am going to make her beg and squirm once we get back to the crib. I let my eyes move slowly down her body thinking about how she will look cuffed to the bed with her hands above her making her small but firm breasts stand out. Her breasts were too small or too big fitting perfect in the palm of my hands when i cupped and teased them.

Ava always made the cutest noises when I played with her piecings. Thinking about her piercings had me thinking how the silver chain would look connected from each nipple ring and then another silver chain running down over her flat stomach and abdomen. Ava should have carried the heir to antar's thrown and I imagined that she would look stunning pregnant. She had in our past lives though Zan had been stupid with her back then too.

Bringing my thoughts back to my plans, I would connect the chain to her clit ring that I had pierced for her. I smirked knowing she hadn't expected me to give her the piercing. We had talked about it but everytime I asked her she made some excuse about needed a captive ring. I had been out and found me a cool purple curved captive bead ring with a black stone. Ava was hanging on the edge when I pierced her clit making her climax again and again.

Forcing my thoats back to the present, I smirked. Breathing in deeply, I said, "Five minutes."

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 7:06 pm
by StormWolfstone
bumping, where is everyone else?

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 5:27 pm
by madroswellfan
StormWolfstone wrote:~Maria~

"That was really good you know," I hear a male voice say from beside me and turn to look at a rather good looking stranger. And I know he's a stranger because he sure as hell didn't grow up here in Roswell. I would have known him. "The band are good but... you were amazing..."

I can't stop from smiling when I see the blush on his cheeks as he seems to kind of stammer, " you get that all the time... people randomly coming up to you and saying, 'Hey your brilliant.'"

"Thanks... it's not really everyday when someone says it with the sincerity you show. Most simply say things because... well, they just say it as though it's expected." I reply and turn slightly so that I'm facing him more, "I'm Maria... welcome to Roswell... hope you don't find it to be... boring or too mediocre like some have been known to."

A hand falls on my shoulders and I tense for only a moment before hearing the familiar voice of Jim. "Thanks for coming and joining us again, Maria. It's so good to have you home for a while."

"Thanks, Jim. I'll have to make it a habit. By the way, don't forget to meet me in the recording studio on Wednesday. We have to record that song we wrote last time I was here." I smile at Jim who beams proudly as he assures me he will and then walks off as he sees someone that wanted his time.

I can't keep from shaking my head and smiling at the fact that Jim was still so excited about music. I always enjoyed coming back and singing with him. Even if it was only an every once in a while thing. "Sorry about that," I say to the guy that was next to me.
"Thanks... it's not really everyday when someone says it with the sincerity you show. Most simply say things because... well, they just say it as though it's expected. I'm Maria... welcome to Roswell... hope you don't find it to be... boring or too mediocre like some have been known to."
Maria.... the name suits her. Its nice.
I watch her curiously as she talks to someone in the band. I keep my attention on my drink, but I still listen in, just incase I hear this "spaceboy" guy again. But they don't. When the guy leaves she turns to face me again.

"Sorry about that,"
I smile at her, "Not at all.... so how did you know I'm not from Roswell?" I ask. "How long have you been here? If your a local....can I ask you a question?" I say with a smile. I lean in and say, "Ever met an alien?" I watch her reaction very closely as I lean back and laugh.

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 9:25 am
by StormWolfstone
As much as I have loved Rping here, I’m afraid I will not be able to continue. This game is not closing however, I have convinced a friend, savitaromegrion to take over the game. If the first post needs to be changed, then she’ll message me and I will change it.

She will be taking over, some… of my characters, but that will mean casting will be needed for others.