Alliances (ADULT/CC) Thread 2

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Post by littleroswell »


I frown as well. That doesn't seem right. Then I brighten. "Well, maybe she's just been too busy and too happy to have much time to contact home. I'm sure they'll hear from them soon." I sigh. "I'm glad to hear that they are a close family. After watching my parents and how close they were and with how close my family is, I'd hate to think what a lonely life I would have on Antar if they weren't. I admit that as the time approaches, I'm nervous about it all. What is the Prince like? I've heard much about the current King Xan but Prince Xan is still a bit of a mystery. I don't think he gets quite as much attention as he will once he's king."

I am trying to be casual but really I need to know more about the man I'm going to marry sight unseen.
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Post by KarenEvans »


"I'm sure you will like them Princess,they are warm and welcoming.Prince Rath from Reschvet is like a member of the family.He's great friends with Prince Xan and Princess rather Queen Vilandra.The King and Queen treat him like a second son."

I can understand about her being nervous,after all no one from her family will be there unless Lady Maria intends to accompany her and stay for an extended period of time.

"What is the Prince like? I've heard much about the current King Xan but Prince Xan is still a bit of a mystery."

I try and thionkof how best to describe Max,"Well...he's actually a very quiet and reserved individual but his position forces him to socialize which he does but just what is required.He's very concerned about doing the right thing all the time,and I think that is stressful for him but he'll never admit it.Oh...he's a good looking guy.' I grin as I say that
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Post by littleroswell »


I look at him a little sharply at that last observation. He thinks the prince is good looking? I shake my head, laughing at myself silently. I'm being silly. I felt his attraction to Maria earlier. Too bad that he didn't act a little better towards her. I think they'd be a cute couple. Anybody would be better for her than that awful Sir William.

I nod. "That's right, I remember the big deal that Vilandra's marriage to King Kivar was. In fact, it's her case that gave me courage to face my own impending marriage to accept it so easily. I've heard they are very happy. I'm glad." I think about his description of Prince Xan and smile somewhat. "Sounds a lot like me. I'm glad I'm not the one who was the born first here on Eurolgan. The pressure to rule correctly has always been so heavy on Alex. I just keep reminding him that his position allows him to do so much good if he uses it that way and it makes him feel better. I suppose I'll be saying the same things to Xan to help encourage him. It's nice that he and Prince Rath can be so close. I'm sure that Rath would be able to understand his concerns."

At that moment, the maid comes in carrying a tray of tea. "I'm sorry to take so long, your highness, but I had to make the tea from scratch when a spider dropped in the teapot just as I was placing the lid on it."

I laugh. "It's alright, Sarah. Would you mind terribly taking a cup into Lady Maria please? She is waiting for the doctor to come and look at her ankle."

She curtsies quickly and makes a cup of tea up for Maria before leaving us alone again.
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Post by madroswellfan »

I bow to Maria politely before exiting the room. I quickly head back to Liz... thinking all the way about how so far I love what I've seen.

I enter the room, bowing deeply to Liz. "Lady DeLuca is getting some help from the maid" I tell her. "Can I get you anything Miss?"
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Post by littleroswell »


I wave away Max's inquiry. "No, no, Max, not a thing, thank you. Please come and have some tea with Michael and I. He was just telling me about his family and the royal family of Antar...and about the prince. I'm interested to hear what your opinion of Prince Xan is. What is he like, based on your observations of course?" I smile at him as I pour another cup of tea. "You don't have to worry if you want to say not quite praiseworthy. I'm interested to know just exactly what I'm getting myself into."

I hope to hear good things of course, but I don't mind hearing some of my future husband's faults. It will help me get a complete picture of him. Although, I seriously doubt that any of his personal guard is going to tell me anything negative about him.


Sarah comes in with a cup of tea and I thank her for it, sipping it and allowing it to calm my nerves. I hate being left alone with only my thoughts for company. Shasta jumps up in my lap and I happily start petting her, trying to take my mind off the memories that are always just under the surface of my thoughts, waiting to spring to the forefront.

Luckily, I don't have long to wait for company as the doctor proceeds to come in only minutes after Sarah leaves. He smiles as he comes in. "My lady," he says warmly with a deep bow. "How may I be of service?"

I chuckle. "Doctor, you don't have to bow before me. You brought me into this world after all." I turn my attention, and his, to the problem at hand. "I'm afraid Basil stopped short in front of me and I tripped over him. I think I might have sprained my ankle."

He starts to examine my ankle and I chatter along, happy to have someone to talk to again.
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Post by KarenEvans »


"Maybe you could send a ship with a cloaking device, something Kivar won't be able to detect?"

I think about it for a second and nod my head even though she can't see me,"Yeah I can do that,send a small craft for just one or two people.I know the scientists have prepared cloaking devices for several of our ships.I'll back to you first thing in the morning."

I look at my watch and know that it must be really late in Antar,"You get a good night's sleep and then go meet your friends.Isabel will have to go to another planet Tess.As much as I would like to have her here,this is the first place Kivar will look."

As I say that an idea starts forming in my head,"I think I might have a place in mind but let me do some checking up first.I'll talk to you tomorrow after you've met with your friends and spoken to Kivar.Also tell Isabel she'll have to go take refuge on someplace other than Valentia.Take care sweetheart! Goodnight!"
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Post by KarenEvans »


After saying goodnight to Tess,I go to my transceiver and connect to Alex's transceiver in Eurolgan.Thankfully we set up this private line just for the two us last year.Who would have thought it would come in handy while smuggling a person to safety.

"Alex,are you there?"
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Post by Sternbetrachter »


Sitting in my office, I'm currently trying to write a letter to an ambassador. Easier said than done - those guys are so freaking ... sensitive, one wrong word and they'll be feeling like they are not being taken serious for months.

"Alex,are you there?"

Grateful, I look up at my computer, immensly thankful for the distraction.

"Sure Kyle, I'm here." I reply, thinking to myself, 'It's not like I have such an exciting life to be constantly around, "What's up?"
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Post by KarenEvans »


"Good,I was hoping I'd catch you." I type in quickly
"I need a favour and wanted to see if you'd be able to help me.Tess contacted me a while back and said that one of her dear friends is in trouble.Isabel,is her friend's name.Her husband has been hitting and her and is well...quite a psycho,a powerful and well connected one at that.She wants to leave him for good.Tess is going to help her but she needs to be sent to some place safe and was hoping you would be able to shelter her for a while.Can you?"
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Post by Sternbetrachter »


I quietly read Kyle's message, thinking about it for a few minutes.

"I'd like to help but ... I'd really like some more information about this *Isabel*. Like ... how high are the chances that the husband will come to Eurolgan and start trouble. Father wouldn't be happy about that since Elizabeth's wedding will be soon. And ... when you said one of Tess' friends ... I assume you mean a royal friend?"
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