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Post by isabelle »


"You don't want to cause a scene?" I repeat angrily. I want to hit something. I want to hit everything. I can't believe that I just watched Liz die.

I grit my teeth together and stare out across the water for a moment. I know this spot well. Michael and Isabel and I come here for privacy occassionally when we have something special to talk about. We've searched so much of this desert looking for some sign of where the ship might be, even speculating that it might be under this very body of water, although it's more likely in some government warehouse. Also out here somewhere is that cave where we were born ten years ago... There are so many answers that we don't have. Answers we might never have.

But none of that is important right now. What's important is Liz dying. I know it was stupid to even imagine anything but there were so many nights I lay dreaming about things that could never be. Things that involved Liz Parker. My dream girl...

I pick up a rock and throw it towards the water with all my strength. It goes in too hard and at all the wrong angle to skip. It goes in with a splash that's not nearly as satisfying as I had hoped.

"I could have saved her," I say at last. I'm sure it's true. If only I could have gotten there sooner!
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Post by AntarPrince04 »


I feel bad for Max, at least to an extent. Max is family, the only family I really have aside from isabel and I hate hurting him like this. I know he could save Liz, but I also know the consequences: Putting us all on edge constantly making us look over our shoulders, Max getting captured... I never want to see Max like that ever again, so I do what I must.

"I know Max", I sigh. "I get it - I really do." I go quiet looking out over the water and whisper, "It's better this way."
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Post by isabelle »


It's better this way, he says. How could it be better? A person is dead for no reason. A random gun-shot. It's not right. It's not fair.

Still, I think I know what he's thinking. Using our powers in public is against all the rules. Someone might have noticed. Well, Liz would surely have noticed. It would have been ... impossible. But I still wish I could have helped her. If it was a stranger it would be easier, but it was Liz. It was Liz and I didn't help her. I wasn't there.

"I know, I know," I say with disgust. "Stay low. Blend in. Follow the rules." It makes sense, I know. The rules have kept us safe this long. But that doesn't make it any easier.

"Big bonus for you, 'though, isn't it? You never did like her," I say, bitterly.

That's understatement, I know. He's disliked her intensely. Almost hated her. All these years Michael has been coming to me for help, crawling into my room at night. He wanted more than safety, I know. He didn't push. Not too hard, anyway-- but I know what he wanted. What he still wants. And he hated Liz. Or rather, he hated the fact that I liked her. I'd tried to deny it, but he knew.
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Post by AntarPrince04 »


"I know, I know," He say's snidly. "Stay low. Blend in. Follow the rules. Big bonus for you, 'though, isn't it? You never did like her," He says accusingly, bitterness evident in his voice.

I came here and I expected this, I won't lie. I expected bitter accusations; I expected yelling, even a physical fight, but I never had the greatest temper and to hear him say that I did this for my own benifit pisses me off more then I expected. Yes it crossed my mind as a bonus; I'd be an idiot if it hadn't, but I wanna hear him say that when he's strapped to a table being disected by the fucking Specail Unit.

"You Ungreatful Prick", I snarl not realizing I was saying it till after it was said. "Yes I admit, the thought has crossed my mind and no I'm not too owefully torn up about it...", I pause and glare at Max. "But at least my proirities are in order."

"What about you?", I accuse. "Putting Three lives at risk, Just to save one?"

"I do what I have to to protect us Maxwell and if that means sacrificing one life to do so, so be it! And I will not have you breaking those rules - rules that have kept us safe for years - just so you can get your dick wet!" I snarl. "How dare you call me selfish when you have No room to talk..." I sneer.
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Post by isabelle »


"It's not like that!" I shout at him. I hate it when he talks like that. All vulgar language and nasty assumptions.

"You know it was never going to be like that. She was a friend. I won't have you inslut her!," I say through gritted teeth.

There was never going to be sex. I know that. He knows that. Why does he have to keep on like that? Hasn't he ever heard that you shouldn't speak ill of the dead? Why does he make it sound like helping her would mean the three of us would die? I know we have to stay low to be safe, but it's a bit of stretch to say that our dying would be a direct result. I've helped humans before without them knowing it.

"I'm tired of this crap where you act like humans don't matter. They're people -- just like us. A person just died. Someone I cared about. Would it kill you to pretend to care a little bit even if you didn't like her?" I turn and take several angry steps away from Michael. I'm already worked up over what happened. I'm so close to cursing him out or even hitting him. Maybe it would be a better idea to just get back into the jeep and leave him here. I don't want to be having this conversation.
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Post by AntarPrince04 »


I stand there and I listen to him rant and I know he doesn't understand. He doesn't understand that it is Parkers fault. He thinks that I don't care, which okay, If Im honest with myself I don't care - not about Liz...

He wants to pretend it's okay, pretend that he's normal and that's okay. He was raised human and this is his home; I get that, but it's not mine. This is not my home; and while I was raised here, I was reminded each day that we are different.

"God Maxwell", I laugh with suppressed anger. He's more impulsive than I am at times. "What is it about her that you have never scene in me?!" There it is, the question I aways leave unasked, but always under the surface with us. It's my problem and my issue yes, but its still there.

I go quiet and turn away to calm's not working and my power gives its first pulse in response. Thanks to Tess training me however, I rein it in quickly. "You want the truth Maxwell - the harsh, childish truth?

"No Im not too torn up about Liz 'Fucking' Parker", I say tightly. "And yes I fucking hated her! You wonder why I can't pretend to care, that's why. I want you and you couldn't give a Shit! But that is not why I stopped you and you really are a prick if you think otherwise."

Okay...not what I planned but its what came out
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Post by Zanssoulmate08 »


"She's dead, oh God, she's dead." The words keep coming out of my mouth, long after rest of the customers left. I've repeated them so many times that they've begun to lose their meaning. I couldn't even bring myself to call 911 when Max Evans had told me to.. It's like the best part of me has died. Like all the reason that balanced out my personality is gone. She was my best friend, and she was murdered.

I'm sitting in the ambulence while the paramedics check my vital signs. They won't even let me see her! Mr. and Mrs. Parker have already left to talk to the Sherrif and my heart is breaking for the pain they must be feeling.

A tall, dark-haired man steps into my line of view, "Maria DeLuca?" he calls softly.

I blink, my mind still in a fog, "She's dead." I whisper brokenly.

"I know." The man's voice is full of sympathy and he takes my cold hand into his, "I'm sorry."

He sends the paramedics away and turns to me again, "My name is agent Daniel Pierce, and I'm looking into your friend Liz's death. Do you think you could tell me everthing that happened this morning?"

Once upon a time in a faraway kingdom,
Man made up a story, said that I should believe him.
Go and tell your white knight that he’s handsome in hindsight,
But I don’t want the next best thing.
So I sing, I hold my head down, and I break these walls ’round me.
Can’t take no more of your fairytale love.
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Post by magikhands »

I hope this is an ok way to introduce Isabel. Since Tess is coming in different (without Nescado) I figure they can meet differently too :) Let me know if you don't like it and I can change it


Putting one foot in from of the other, thinking only of my pace, I run through the streets of Roswell. I really don't like to run but it really helps keep me in shape and heaven help us if there is ever a need for us to run...literally. Us, I am meaning Michael, Max, and myself. But I push that thought out of my head and focus on my breathing.

I had passed the CrashDown earlier and as usual my love-sick brother was there along with Michael. That was a lost cause. Max was too enamored with little mousey Liz Parker to take notice of Michael. I don't know how I know these things, but as I watch them together I know that Michael is pinning over Max. I have to wonder if it's an alien curse. To want what you can't have. It seems that whoever created us gave us a major defect when it comes to happiness.

I stop running and bend at the waist, resting my hands on my thighs. I've ran four miles but it feels more like ten today. Catching my breath I look around. It's a decent neighborhood. On the good side of town unlike Michael's trailer park.

Down the street I see a truck parked on the side of the street. A breeze still carrying summer's heat blew over my damp skin sending a shiver down my spine. I get the sudden feeling that somehting is different. Goose bumps pop up on my arms and I get a strange foreboding feeling in my stomach. Soemthing is changing.

Just then a girl exits the truck. She's of short statue and bright blonde hair. She leans against the truck and I can't tear my gaze from her. There's something about her. Something almost...familiar, but she doesn't look like anyone I've ever seen before.

Before I can think about it my feet start walking...toward her.
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Post by magikhands »


I stopped when I was only a few feet from her. I don't notice anything else around me but her. What do I say? Why is she making me feel so strange? The feeling is so familiar yet...different. Like I know her, but I've never seeen her before.

I open my mouth but nothing comes out. What is wrong with me, I think. I'm Ms. Cool. The Ice Princess of Roswell. I always know what to say. Why do words fail me now? What is it about this other girl that makes me so spacey. The pun I use to myself is enough to ignite a smile. That's good. A smile is a start. Now what?

I finally tear my eyes from her and look around. There are two men talking not far from us and there is a For Sale sign in front of the house. Just moving here.

"Hi." I force the words out of my mouth and am glad that my smile stays in place. "'re new here, right?"

I sound such the geek but I couldn't help it. This girl was making me feel very strange.
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Post by AntarPrince04 »

Hi guys,

alizaleven has informed me that since Pairing arent yet set perminately She would like to try her hand at Isabel/Tess femslash instead and I quite agree as I wont have to do Het and whats been posted does have great slash subtext, as Im sure you notice Magik...

But as this affects more than just me: Magik, do you have a problem with this pairing? Anna, do you wanna Pair Kyle w/ Alex(Me)?
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