Princess Of Antar 2{CC,Mature}The End Pg17 9/11/15

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L-J-L 76
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Re: Princess Of Antar 2{CC, Mature}Chapter 87 Pg17 9/9

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Chapter 88:

“Yes, we are going to bed. What are you guys going to be doing?”Serena asked.

“We were thinking of getting the club ready for the Halloween parties,” Cal said.

“Cal, the Halloween parties are in two days,” Ava said.

“I know. We’re trying to make everything easy,” Cal said.

“Whatever, good night,” Liz said.

Liz and Serena went upstairs to their rooms while Ava walked into the dressing room and lay down on the couch. While the girls were asleep the guys started working on their Halloween set ups. Greg, Cal, Larek and Steve started to put some of the kid’s decorations up for the party. It took the guys a couple of hours to get some of the kids things set up. After they had things set up Greg went to lay down in the office with Ricky. Larek went up to the apartment and lay down with Serena. While Cal walked into the dressing room and woke up Ava to take her home.

In the afternoon
Liz was sitting at the bar looking at a book she bought when Ava walked into the club. Ava walked up to Liz and sat next to her. Liz turned and looked at Ava.

“Hey Ava, what is going on?” Liz asked.

“Nothing. I wanted to know if you were going to have more visions hit Max and the others while they are in the dream world with us.” Ava asked.

“Ava, the visions have been happening without me starting them. We will have to wait and see what will happen. But you never know,” Liz said.

“That is true. So what do you think of what the guys did?” Ava said.

“I still can’t believe they have all the decorations for the kids party set up already. The party is after tomorrow though,” Liz said.

“I know, all that is left for them to set up is the games,” Ava said.

“That is every true,” Liz said.

“Do you know how many kids will be here?” Ava asked.

“I think I heard Greg say about 30 or more kids,” Liz said.

“That is a lot of kids coming to the kid’s party,” Ava said.

“Yeah, I know. But I think it will be great for Ricky to have some friends,” Liz said.

“Yeah, that is true. I wonder what Max, parents and friends are going to dress as at our Halloween party in the dream world,” Ava said.

“Who knows? All I know is it better be fun,” Liz said.

“I agree with you there,” Ava said.

Ava notices the smile on Liz’s face.

“Ok. What are you smiling about?” Ava said.

“I just thought of something we can do for Max and everyone,” Liz said.

“And what would that be?” Ava asked.

“We are going to get them some costumes for them to wear in the dream world Halloween party," Liz said.

” That sounds like a great idea. But how are we going to find out what size they wear?” Ava asked.

“We’ll figure that out. So what do you say?” Liz asked.

“That sounds like a great idea. So what are you going to dress as for the dream world Halloween party?” Ava asked.

“I’m thinking I’ll wear one of the dresses from when I was on Antar,” Liz said.

“That sounds good. Do you know which one?” Ava asked.

“Yeah, I know. All we got to do now is figure out what Steve, Stacy, Greg, Serena, Larek, Cal and you are going to dress as,” Liz said.

“Liz, for me it is easy I’m going to dress as a town person,” Ava said.

“Who is dressing as a town person?” a voice asked from behind.

Ava and Liz turned and saw Greg and Cal standing behind them.

“Who is dressing as a town person?”Greg asked.

“I am dressing as a town’s person from Antar in the dream world Halloween party,” Ava said.

“What are you going to dress as, Greg?” Liz asked.

“I think I’ll go as a town’s person too,” Greg said.

“What about you, Cal?” Ava asked.

“I think I will dress as what I was in our past life,” Cal said.

“What was that?” Greg asked.

“I was a lord on Antar. As was Liz, Michael and Serena’s father,” Cal said.

“Who was the king?” Greg asked.

“Max, Isabel’s past life father,” Cal said.

“Who is ruling now?” Greg asked.

“That will be Max and Isabel’s mother the queen,” Liz said.

“Does the queen have a name?” Greg asked.

“Yes, she has a name. But she has never told anyone. So they just call her the queen,” Cal said.

“Did Max, Isabel and Michael know it in the past?” Liz asked.

“No one but the king knew the queen’s real name,” Cal said.

“You know that doesn’t seem right,” Greg said.

“Yeah, but that is how it was,” Cal said.

“So when is Stacy coming?” Ava asked.

“Who knows? I guess we will have to wait and see,” Liz said.

“Does anyone know where Larek and Serena are?” Ava asked.

“No. They could still be in bed or they could out somewhere, you never know with them,” Cal said.

“Greg, where is Ricky?” Liz asked.

“He’s up in his room playing the Wii system, “Greg said.

“That sounds fun, “Liz said.

“I hope Ricky is having fun,” Greg said.

An hour later Larek and Serena walked up to Liz and everyone. Everyone turned and looked at Serena and Larek.

“What is everyone talking about?” Larek asked.

“We were wondering when you and Serena were going to come downstairs,” Greg said.

“Well, we are here,” Larek said.

“So what are we going to do today?” Serena asked.

“Larek and I have something to do,” Liz said.

“What do we have to do?” Larek asked.

“Larek, remember you asked to help you with something for the wedding,” Liz said.

“Oh, yeah, I did,” Larek said.

“So what are the rest of you doing?” Liz asked.

“Ava and I are going to go shopping for some things for the wedding and for the Halloween parties,” Serena said.

“Greg, Steve and I are going to get some more things for the Halloween parties,” Cal said.

“Cal, remember the first party is for the kids. The adult party starts a little later,” Greg said.

“I know, don’t worry. We still got to do some more things around the club to for the parties,” Cal said.

“When is Stacy suppose to be here? “ Liz asked.

“I don’t know. Steve never said. I’ll ask him when I see him,” Cal said.

“I still can’t believe we haven’t seen Steve and Stacy in almost 4 months,” Liz said.

“I know. I still can’t believe that it has been that long,” Serena said.

As they were talking they didn’t notice Steve and Stacy walking into the club. Liz turned to look behind everyone and saw Stacy smiling. Liz stood up and walked up to Stacy and gave her a hug. Stacy hugged her back. Then Liz and Stacy took a step back and looked at each other.

“It is so good to see you,” Liz said.

“It is good to see you,” Stacy said.

“So how far are you?” Liz asked.

“I’m due anytime now,” Stacy said.

“I can’t believe you’re here,” Liz said.

“I know. So how have you been? Have you talked to Max and friends?”Stacy asked.

“I have been fine. I have been dream walking them and letting them know what is going on. Oh, before I forget, you and Steve must come to the Halloween parties we are having,” Liz said.

“When?” Stacy asked.

“Well, the parties are the day after tomorrow,” Liz said.

“How many parties are we having?” Stacy asked.

“Well, we got a kid’s Halloween party, and then we have an adult party. After both parties are over and we all go to sleep and we go to the dream world Halloween party,” Liz said.

“Wow, that sounds fun. I can’t wait,” Stacy said.

“Stacy, come on, I want you to meet some people,” Liz said.

Liz and Stacy walked up to Cal and the others. Cal and the others turned and looked at Liz and Stacy.

“Hey everyone, this is Stacy. Stacy and Steve were the townspeople that helped us with the war and everything else,” Liz said.

“Hi, my name is Ava,” Ava said.

“Hey, wow, you look different,” Stacy said.

“Is that good or bad?” Ava asked.

“It is good,” Stacy said.

“Then thank you,” Ava said.

“Hi Stacy, it is good to see you again,” Serena said.

“Good to see you too,” Stacy said.

“Hello, Lord Cal. It is very nice to see you my lord,” Stacy said.

“It is good to see you, Stacy. I see you’re about to be a mother. Are you happy?” Cal asked.

“Yes, I am happy. But I feel like I am a beached whale right now,” Stacy said.

“I don’t think you look like a beached whale,” Cal said.

“Thank you, my lord, that is very nice of you,” Stacy said.

“Stacy, here I am Cal. No more my lord, ok?” Cal said.

“Yes sir,” Stacy said.

Hi, I’m Greg. I own this place,” Greg said.

“Hello, Greg. Your place is nice,” Stacy said.

“Thank you,” Greg said.

“So what is everyone up to today?” Stacy asked.

“Stacy, you are going to stay with me while everyone is gone,” Liz said.

“Cool,” Stacy said.

Cal looked at his watch and notice what the time was. He looked up at everyone.

“Come on Greg, Steve, we need to go. We have things to do,” Cal said.

“Yeah, we better go too. Larek, be nice to Liz and Stacy. Don’t bother them,” Serena said.

“Yes, dear,” Larek said.

Liz, Larek and Stacy watched as everyone left the club. After everyone was gone Liz turned and looked at Larek.

“Are you ready?” Liz asked.

“Yes, I am ready,” Larek said.

“Ok. I’m going to turn on the radio. Get ready,” Liz said.

“What are you and Larek up to?” Stacy asked.
L-J-L 76
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Re: Princess Of Antar 2{CC, Mature}Chapter 88 Pg17 9/14

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Chapter 89

“I’m teaching Larek how to dance. So he will be ready to dance for his wedding,” Liz said.

“I think that is really sweet. So how is he doing on the dancing?” Stacy asked.

“He has been stepping on my feet a little. But besides that he is becoming a good dancer,” Liz said.

“That is good to hear,” Stacy said.

“Stacy, I have a question I wanted to ask. Steve told me you were due in 2 months and you told me you were due anytime now. Which is right?” Liz asked.

“Hold on and let me ask my doctor,” Stacy said.

Stacy reached into her jumpsuit pocket and pulled out her cell phone. She dialed the doctor’s number. A few seconds later she had her doctor on the phone.

“Hello, Doctor Hopemen, I was wondering, do you know when I am due?” Stacy asked.

“Hello, Stacy, um you are due to have the baby anytime now. Have you been having pain already? Are you leaking?” Doctor Hopemen asked.

“No, I have not had any pains in my stomach. And no, I am not leaking. I just wanted to let make sure on my due date,” Stacy said.

“OK. You have a good day. And I will see you soon,” Doctor Hopemen said before he hung up the phone. Stacy closed her cell phone and turned and looked at Liz and Larek.

“Well, I just talk to my doctor and I am due at anytime,” Stacy said.

“What?” Liz and Larek yelled.

“I’m here because I want to help all of you in the war,” Stacy said.

“Stacy, what will happen if you go into labor during the war?” Larek asked.

“Don’t worry I got everything handled,” Stacy said.

“Are you sure?” Liz asked.

“Yes, I am sure,” Stacy said.

“Ok,” Liz said.

Liz turned and looked at Larek.

“Larek, are you ready to dance?” Liz asked.

“Yeah, I am,” Larek said.

“Good, let’s start,” Liz said.

Liz walked up to the CD player and pushed the play button. As Liz walked up to Larek All the Right Moves by One Republic began to play. Liz and Larek stood in front of each other. Liz reached out and grabbed Larek's hands. She put one hand on her upper back while she held his hand out. Liz put her hand in Larek's.
“Larek, we start with a box like dance,” Liz said.

“What does that mean?” Larek asked.

“Follow me, I’ll show you,” Liz said.

Liz took a step forward then back and side to side. Larek followed Liz’s lead. Then Liz looked up at Larek.

“Ok, Larek, we are going to change it,” Liz said.

“Change it how,” Larek said.

“Follow my lead. Ready?” Liz asked.

“Ok. How?” Larek asked.

“We are going to add a little Antar and earth music to the dance,” Liz said.
“Ok,” Larek said.

Liz and Larek stood side to side holding hands then they let go and put their hands behind them and put their left foot out then right foot out. Then Larek and Liz turned and touched hands and did another box step. After the box set Larek and Liz spine and turned while they danced. When the song ended Liz and Larek turned and saw Stacy looking at them.

“That was good. Do you think you will remember how to dance like that for the wedding,” Stacy asked.

“That is what I am hoping for. So what is next?” Larek asked.

“You need to learn slow dancing next,” Liz said.

The CD changed and a slow song began. The song that began to play is Because You Loved Me by Celine Dion. As the song began to play Liz had Larek put one hand on her hip while the other hand held hers. Liz and Larek started to sway to the music.

“Larek, there are 2 ways to dance to this song,” Liz said.

“There is. What is the other way?” Larek asked.

“The other way is you have both hands on her hips and she has her hands on your shoulder. You need to let Serena show you how she wants you to dance with her, ok,” Liz said.

“Ok,” Larek said.

“And remember to smile and be happy,” Liz said.

“Ok. I will remember,” Larek said.

“Good,” Liz said.

When the song ended Liz and Larek took a step back. Liz turned and looked at Stacy.
“What do you think of the slow dance?” Liz asked.

“I agree with Liz. You let Serena decide how she wants to be held by you while you dance. What dance do you need to learn next?” Stacy asked.

“The only dance left is salsa dance, and like hip hop dancing. I don’t know if we should try that now or later,” Liz said.

“I think you should wait a little,” Stacy said.

“Ok, I guess we will wait. Because the salsa dancing and the hip hop dancing may be a little hard for you Larek,” Liz said.

“Ok. I think we should wait too,” Larek said.

“Ok, that is the end of it then,” Liz said.

“So what are we going to do then?” Stacy asked.

“Easy, we are going to go shopping for some costumes for Max and the others,” Liz said.

“When are you going to see them?” Stacy asked.

“We are having a Halloween party in dream world. So we need to get your and Steve’s costumes for the parties. So are you ready to go?” Liz asked.

“Yeah, let’s go shopping,” Stacy said.

Liz and Stacy grabbed Larek and dragged him out of the club and got into the car. When they got into the car Liz drove off. A few minutes later they were at Party City. Liz, Stacy and Larek got out of the car and walked into the store. When they walked into the story they started to look for costumes for the parties. A few seconds later they found 13 costumes. Liz walked up to the register and bought the costumes. After they got the costumes they walked out of the store and got into the car. Liz put the costumes on the backseat and got in the car and drove off. A few minutes later they were back at the club. When they walked into the club they saw Serena, Ava, Greg, Ricky, Steve and Cal all sitting at the bar. Serena and Ava turned and saw Liz, Stacy, Larek walk in with 8 bags.

“Where have you been?” Serena asked.

“We went to get costumes for the Halloween parties,” Liz said.

“Oh, really what is Stacy dressing up as?” Serena asked.

“Oh easy. For the kid’s party I’m dressing up as Princess Jasmine. The adult party I’m dressing as a Flapper. And for the dream world I’m dressing up as a baby. We even got Steve’s costumes too,” Stacy said.

“What costumes did you get me?” Steve asked.

“Your kids costume is Aladdin. The adult party is Gangster. And the dream world party you are also dressing as a baby too,” Stacy said.

“What about the other costumes?” Ava asked.

“Oh, they are for Max and the others,” Liz said.

“What did you get them?” Serena asked.

“Max is dressing up as a Biker; Michael is dressing up as a boxer; Maria is dressing up as a hippie; Alex is dressing up as a Prince Charming; Isabel dressing up as a Princess; Kyle is dressing up as a Football Player; Tess is dressing up as a Beauty Queen,” Liz said.

“I like what you guys picked out. I can’t wait to see if they will wear the costumes,” Ava said.

“I know that is what I am wondering about too. But if Max doesn’t want to dress as a biker he can dress up as a basketball player,” Liz said.

“Still, that is a good idea,” Ava said.

“Thanks,” Liz said.

“So did all of you get everything done?” Liz asked.

“Yes, we did. I still can’t believe everything is finished for the parties,” Serena said.

“What is left to do?” Ava asked.

“All that is left to do is train your powers and training,” Cal said.

“Cal, the day after tomorrow is the Halloween parties. We should get a chance to rest before the parties,” Ava said.

“I know that everyone needs to rest. But you never know when Senior Rath, Khivar the mystery man and their men will attack,” Cal said.

“Cal, did you get everything you needed for the Halloween parties?” Greg asked.

“Yes, they should be arriving tomorrow,” Cal said.

“How much?” Greg asked.

“Oh, I think about 10 boxes,” Cal said.

“What?” Everyone yelled.

“They should be here tomorrow. So be ready to start setting some things up for the kid’s party tomorrow,” Cal said.

“Oh, boy,” Liz said.

At that moment Milly and the queen appeared, standing in front of Liz. Cal and the others turned and saw the queen standing in front of them.

“Milly, where have you been?" We have been very worried about you,” Liz said.
L-J-L 76
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Re: Princess Of Antar 2{CC, Mature}Chapter 89 Pg18 9/19

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Chapter 90
“Sorry I had all of you worried. The queen and I had to vanish for a while,” Milly said.

“Why? What was wrong?” Liz asked.

“Senior Rath, Khivar and the mystery man had someone in our hiding place. We didn’t know about it till it was too late,” Milly said.

“Too late?” Ava asked.

“The person they sent killed 4 guards. We never found out who it was. The person cut off their head and took them with whoever it was,” Milly said.

“Oh my god,” Serena said.

“Where is the queen? Where are you both staying?” Liz asked.

“I was hoping to talk to Cal about that,” Milly said.

Cal walked up and stood next to Liz, Serena and Ava.

“What can I do for you Milly?” Cal asked.

“Cal, do you know a place the queen and I can hide?” Milly said.

“I have 2 places that are very safe and nothing can get through,” Cal said.

“Where are the 2 places?” Milly asked.

“The first place is my house and the other place is here,” Cal said.

“Let me talk to the queen and find out what she wants to do,” Milly said.

“Milly, will you please bring the queen here? I would like to see her,” Liz said.

“I will see what she says,” Milly said before disappearing.

Liz, Serena, Ava and Cal all looked at each other then looked around. A few minutes later Milly and the queen appeared and looked at Liz, Serena, Ava and Cal. Liz walked up to the queen.

“It is really good to see you. Are you ok?” Liz asked.

“I’m fine. Come here and give me a hug,” Queen said.

Liz reached out and wrapped her arms around the queen. The queen hugged Liz back. After the hug they pulled back and looked at each other.

“Are you really ok?” Liz asked.

“Yes, I’m fine. Serena and Ava come here and give me a hug,” Queen said.

Serena and Ava walked up to the queen and gave her a hug. The queen hugged them back and smiled. After the hug they took a step back and looked at each other. Milly and the queen saw Liz, Cal, Serena and Ava all had smiles on their faces.

“So what did you both decide?” Cal asked.

“We decided that we will be staying a couple of weeks with Cal then stay a couple of weeks with Liz, Serena and Ava. What do you say?” Queen asked.

“That is great. When do we start?” Ava asked.

“Right now. Liz, have you been having Max and the others remember what happened on Antar?” Queen asked.

“Yes. We decided that we are going to have them remember when we see them in dream world,” Liz said.

“How many times do you think it will take them to remember?” Milly asked.

“We don’t know, we have to wait and see,” Liz said.

“Hopefully it will not take long for them to remember what happened on Antar,” Queen said.

“When do you see them? How many times do you see them?”Milly asked.

“We are supposed to see them tomorrow night and then again sometime next week. We see them maybe about 1 to 2 times a day,” Liz said.

“Good. I want you to keep it up. Hopefully the more you see them the more they will remember,” Milly said.

“Why do you want them to remember more quickly?” Liz asked.

“Because Senior Rath, Khivar, mystery man and their men are trying to find them. We found out they were looking for Max, parents and friends in Florida, Texas, Nevada, New York, and Georgia,” Queen said.

“Great, now we have them breathing down our necks,” Liz said.

“I know what you mean,” Milly said.

“Question, why are you seeing Max and the friends tomorrow night?” Queen asked.

“Tomorrow night is our Halloween parties. I thought it would be fun to have a Halloween party with Max and the others,” Liz said.

“That does seem fun. Can we be there? I would love to see Max, Isabel, Michael and Tess,” Queen asked.

“Sure, you and Milly may come. You never know, you may have fun,” Liz said.

“Do we need to wear costumes?” Queen asked.

“Yes, we will get some costumes for you,” Ava said.

“I got an idea. Do you and Milly have your gowns you wore when you were on Antar?” Liz asked.

“Yes, we do, why?” Queen asked.

“Those will be your costumes. All we would have to get you is a mask to wear and you will both be ready,” Liz said.

“Thank you. It will be nice to see the others,” Queen said.

“I think they will be surprised to see you. But happy too,” Liz said.

“We hope so,” Milly said.

The Queen turned and looked at Greg. Greg looked at the queen and Milly and smiled. The Queen and Milly smiled back at Greg. Liz walked over to Greg and Ricky she pulled them up and took them to meet Milly and the Queen.

“Queen and Milly, this is Greg and his son Ricky. They have been helping us. We all train together and we all but Ricky and Cal work here and live here,” Liz said.

“It is very nice to meet you Greg and Ricky. Thank you for helping Liz, Serena, Larek and Ava,” Queen said.

“It was no problem,” Greg said as he looked at Ava.

Liz and Serena noticed the way Greg and Ava were looking at each other. And realized that Greg and Ava were falling for each other. Cal even noticed the way Greg and Ava were looking at each other. When Cal saw the look they were giving each other he knew that he was losing Ava to Greg. He knew it was a good thing not a sad thing that Ava and Greg fell in love.

“Um, Queen if Ava is our cousin, who do you have to ask for her hand in marriage?” Liz asked.

“Well, I think the person would have to ask Milly and Cal for Ava’s hand in marriage,” Queen said.

“Thank you for letting me know. I was just wondering,” Liz said.

“So what is everyone doing today?” Milly asked.

“The guys decided they were going to start decorating the club for the kid’s Halloween party tomorrow night. Since that party is first,” Liz said.

“What are you and the girls going to do?” Milly asked.

“Easy, we are going to find you and the queen some mask for the Halloween party in the dream world,” Liz said.

“Um, question what clothes are you wearing?” Queen asked.

“These are the clothes we wear on earth. We got to change your clothes before you go with Cal to his house,” Liz said.

“What are they going to wear?” Ava asked.

“Easy,” Serena said.

Serena walked up to the queen she waved her hand over the dress the she was wearing. A few seconds later the dress turned into a pair of jeans and a white short-sleeve t-shirt. Serena stood back and looked at the queen. When Serena looked at the queen she saw that the queen was shocked but happy.

“How do you like your outfit, queen?” Serena asked.

“I like it. It is very different from what I wear. But it is very comfortable,” Queen said.

“Good, I am glad you like your outfit,” Serena said.

Liz walked up to Milly and waved her hand over the dress she was wearing. A few seconds later the dress turned into a pair of jeans and a blue short-sleeve t-shirt. Liz stood back and looked at Milly. When Liz looked at Millie she also saw that Milly was shocked but happy.

“So, Milly, how do you like your outfit?” Liz asked.

“I love it. Thank you,” Milly said.

“I’m glad you like it,” Liz said.

“My Queen and Milly, are you both ready to go to my house to get some rest?” Cal asked.

“You know that sounds like a really good idea. Thank you, Cal. That is very nice of you,” Queen said.

“You’re welcome, my queen and Milly. Come with me and we should get into my car and go to my house,” Cal said.

“Thank you. Liz, we will see you all tomorrow night in the dream world,” Queen said.

“Ok, we will see you then. Good night,” Liz said.

Everyone watched as Cal, the queen and Milly walked out of the club and got into Cal’s car and drove off. After they were gone. Everyone looked at each other.

“So that was the queen, huh?” Greg asked.

“Yes, that was the queen. What do you think of her?” Liz asked.

“She seems very nice. And very motherly towards you, Serena, Stacy and Ava,” Greg said.

“She is. But you also need to know that in our past life Milly was my and Serena’s mother. The queen was also like a mother to Serena, Ava and I,” Liz said.

“So she cares about you girls. I think that is very nice,” Greg said.

“Thanks,” Liz said.

“Ok, while you are gone we are going to get started on decorating the club for the kid’s Halloween party,” Greg said.

“Ok. Have fun. Don’t work yourselves too hard,” Liz said.

Liz turned and saw Serena, Ava and Stacy standing in front of her.

“So who is coming with me to get the masks?” Liz asked.
L-J-L 76
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Re: Princess Of Antar 2{CC,Mature}Chapter 90 Pg18 9/28

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Chapter 91

“I’m staying here so I can get some sleep,” Stacy said.

“Are you sure you want to stay here?” Liz asked.

“Yeah, I am sure. I just need to lie down,” Stacy said.

“Come with me and we will find you somewhere to sleep,” Liz said.

Liz and Stacy walked into the dressing room. Liz waved her hand over the couch and turned it into a bed with sheets. Afterwards Liz helped Stacy lay down. Liz pulled the covers over Stacy.

“Stacy, if you want I’ll see if Greg will be ok if we turn this into a bed room for you and Steve,” Liz said.

“That will be very nice. You better go out there and go shopping. I will be fine here while you’re gone,” Stacy said.

“Are you sure?” Liz said.

“Yeah, I’m fine. See you girls in a few,” Stacy said.

“Ok,” Liz said before walked out of the room.

Liz walked up to the bar where the guys were. Greg and the guys turned and looked at Liz.

“Greg, I turned the couch in the dressing room into a bed for Stacy. I hope that will be ok with you,” Liz said.

“That is fine. I’m ok with what you did,” Greg said.

“Will you guys please keep an eye on her while we are gone?” Liz asked.

“You know we will. You girls better go. Party City closes in a couple of hours,” Larek said.

“Ok. We will see you guys later,” Liz said.

Liz, Ava and Serena walked out of the club and to Liz’s jeep. They got into the jeep and drove off. As they were driving they were listening to Britney Spears greatest hits. A few minutes later they were at Party City. Liz parked the jeep and they got out and walked into the store. When they walked in they went to the mask aisle and started to look for something for the queen and Milly to wear. Liz found a solid white mask and a white mask that had white roses all over it. Ava found a black mask and a black mask that had black lace over it. Serena found a gold mask, a silver mask. After the girls got the masks they went to pay for them. After the girls bought the masks they walked back to Liz’s jeep and got in and drove off. A few minutes later they were back at the club. The girls walked in and saw the club was ready for the kid’s party. The girls saw the spider webs on the walls and bar with spiders on them. A couple of glow the dark Skeletons hanging on the wall next to the stage. On stage Liz, Ava and Serena saw a Skeleton on the drums, a skeleton on guitar, and a skeleton on the microphone. The skeletons look like they were a band. Liz, Ava and Serena looked at each other then turned and saw hands on a table. Ava walked up to the table to see what they would do. Ava reached her hand to touch on of the hands on the table. One of the hands grabbed Ava’s arm and held on tight. Ava tried to get her hand free but no luck. Ava turned and looked at Liz and Serena.

“Help me, this thing won’t let me go,” Ava said.

Liz and Serena ran up to Ava and tried to help her get her arm free. A few seconds later Ava’s arm was free. Ava looked at the hand and then looked at Liz and Serena.

“Please tell me this was one of the guy’s tricks?” Ava asked.

“I don’t know if was. But I think we should find out,” Serena said.

“Larek, Greg, Steve and Cal, get down here right now,” Liz yelled.

A few minutes later Larek, Greg, Steve and Cal all came running up to Liz, Ava and Serena. When the guys stood in front of Liz, Ava and Serena they saw Ava holding her hand to her.

“What is going on?” Steve asked.

“Did you mess with these hands a few seconds ago?” Liz asked.

“No, we didn’t mess with the hands, why?”Larek asked.

“You want to know why? Because one of them grabbed me and wouldn’t let go of me,” Ava said.

“What? Are you serious?” Greg asked.

“Yes, we all saw it happen,” Liz said.

“Are you ok?” Greg asked.

“I’m fine. I just got scared,” Ava said.

“Are you sure you’re ok?” Greg asked.

“Yes, I am really fine,” Ava said.

“Wow you guys did great on decorating the club,” Serena said.

“Thanks. We put a little of the kids decoration and the adult decorations up. So that way it will be ready for both parties,” Greg said.

“How much more do you guys need to put up?” Liz asked.

“Just a few more and we should be ready,” Cal said.

“What else do you guys need to put up?” Serena asked.

“Sorry, we can’t tell you. It is a surprise,” Greg said.

“You will have to wait and see,” Cal said.

“Have you guys checked on Stacy?” Liz asked.

“Yeah, I did. She is doing well,” Steve said.

“Good. Has she been sleeping since we have been gone?” Ava asked.

“Yeah, I’m going to go check on her,” Steve said before walking away.

Liz and everyone watched as Steve walked into the dressing room. After Steve walked into the room everyone turned and looked at each other.

“So what is going on?” Liz asked.

“Nothing much. So do you really like the decorations?” Greg asked.

“Yes, they are really good. Are you guys sure you didn’t make that hand move?” Ava asked.

“We promise we did not have the hand move,” Greg, Larek and Cal said.
“Well, someone did,” Liz said.

“Who would do that?” Serena asked.

Liz closed her eyes and called for the spirits of Zan, Rose, Ava, Rath and Lonnie. A few seconds later the spirits appeared. Liz opened her eyes and looked at them. Serena and the others all turned and looked at them.

“Hey Lizzie, what can we do for you?” Zan’s spirit asked.

“Were you guys here a few seconds ago?” Liz asked.

“No, we were not here. What is going on?” Rath’s spirit asked.

“Ava walked over to the table where these hands were and all of a sudden one of them grabbed her. And we are trying to figure out how that could happen. The guys didn’t do it and you didn’t do it. So the question is who did it?” Serena asked.

“Who knows? But whoever did it scared the crap out of me,” Ava said.

“It even scared us too,” Serena said as she pointed to herself and Liz.

“Liz, what are we going to do?” Ava asked.

“I don’t know. All I know is whoever did that is going to be in so much trouble,” Liz said.

“Liz, don’t worry we will help you try and find out who did it,” Zan’s spirit said.

“Oh, before I forget, I wanted to let you know Milly and the queen are here,” Liz said.

“Where are they?” Rose’s spirit asked.

“They are staying with Uncle Cal for a while,” Liz said.

“Are they protected?” Rath’s spirit asked.

“They are safe. There is a shield over the house and I have bodyguards everywhere in the house. And I have video cameras everywhere. They will be very much protected. And if they leave they will have people with them,” Cal said.

“Good. I’m glad that you are being very protective of them,” Rose’s spirit said.

“Um, what is going on here?” Lonnie’s spirit asked.

“Oh, um we are having 2 Halloween parties here,” Larek said.

“What are Halloween parties?” Ava’s spirit asked.

“That is when everyone dresses up and goes to a party,” Greg said.

“Dress up as what?” Rose’s spirit asked.

“For the kid’s party I’m dressing as Giselle from Enchanted. Then for the adult party I’m dressing up as a Genie,” Liz said.

“Wow. So people dress up on Halloween?” Lonnie’s spirit asked.

“Yes,” Serena said.

“Sounds interesting,” Rath’s spirit said.

“Can we please talk about the hand that grabbed me?” Ava asked.

“I swear we didn’t do it. Something is going on. But I swear it was not us doing it,” Zan’s spirit said.

Serena and Ava saw Liz had a scared look on her face. They knew something was bothering Liz. But they didn’t know what it was.

“Liz, what is it?” Serena asked.

“What if it was Senior Rath, Kivar or the mystery man trying to scare us,” Liz said.

“If it was them then that means they are coming soon,” Cal said.

“Cal, do you think we are ready to face them?” Ava asked.

“I think we need to train a little more. But besides that I think we may be ready for them. Liz, are you ready to have Max and friends remember their past and what happened on Antar?” Cal asked.

“Yes, I’m ready for them to remember. I just hope they will not be mad at me or everyone,” Liz said.

“Liz, don’t worry, everything will be ok,” Larek said.

“I hope you are right. Because when they find out all hell will break loose,” Liz said.

“Hey, I just realized that. I hope your brother and Max won’t kill me,” Larek said.

“Don’t worry, we will try and protect you,” Serena said.

“Gee thanks, that makes me feel better,” Larek said.

“Liz, are you sure you want Max and the others remember their past?” Zan’s spirit said.

“Yes, I want them to remember. Oh, before I forget, be ready for the dream land visit,” Liz said.

“Why? What is going on in the dream land?” Zan’s spirit asked.
L-J-L 76
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Re: Princess Of Antar 2{CC,Mature}Chapter 91 Pg18 10/3

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Chapter 92

“You guys are going to come to a Halloween party we are having with Max, friends and parents,” Liz said.

“Does that mean we get to dress up?” Rath’s spirit asked.

“No. You guys come as you are,” Serena said.

“Do you think we are going to scare them dressed as we are?” Rose’s spirit asked.

“No. I don’t think it will. They don’t remember seeing you when they were on Antar,” Liz said.

“Ok. But who will you say we are?” Zan’s spirit asked.

“You’re going to be yourself,” Ava said.

“Why? What are you girls up to?” Lonnie’s spirit asked.

“We are going to have them remember their past and what happened on Antar,” Liz said.

“Why?” Ava’s past spirit asked.

“Milly and the queen were attacked. And you know what that means,” Liz said.

“That means that Senior Rath, Khivar and the mystery man could attack at anytime,” Rath’s spirit said.

“Right. That is why we are going to have Max and friends remember a little sooner. So that way they can find us and maybe help us fight in the war,” Liz said.

“Do Max and the others know a war is coming?” Zan’s spirit asked.

“No. We need to let them know what is going on,” Serena said.

“You do know they may get mad over all of this?” Ava’s spirit asked.

“We know. But they need to remember what happened on Antar and what is going on,” Liz said.

“When are you going to have them remember?” Lonnie’s spirit asked.

“I was thinking I’m going to dream walk them tonight and start the memory. Hopefully it will be easy,” Liz said.

“Liz, if you need help we’re here for you,” Serena said.

“Oh, all of you will be helping me,” Liz said.

“What are you going to do?” Ava asked.

“You are going to help me with their memories,” Liz said.

“That should be easy,” Serena said.

“Let’s hope so. But you never know with Max and the others,” Liz said.

“Does Michael still have a temper?” Ava asked.

“A small temper. But when they remember who knows how Michael’s temper will be,” Liz said.

“Hopefully he won’t try and hurt someone,” Larek said as he walked up to the girls.

“You never know he might be nice and forgiving,” Liz said.

“I doubt that,” Larek said.

“Larek, calm down, ok,” Liz said.

“Whatever,” Larek said.

“So are you ready to do this?” Serena asked.

“It has to be done,” Liz said.

“All I am going to say is good luck,” Larek said.

“Larek, shut up,” Liz and Serena said.

Larek raised his hands to let the girls know he was giving up. Greg, Ricky and Cal all walked up to Liz and the others.

“What is going on?” Greg asked.

“Liz is going to be dream walking Max and the other and start their memories,” Serena said.

“When are you going to be doing that?” Greg asked.

“Tonight,” Liz said.

“Do you guys realize what time it is?” Greg asked.

“No what time is it?” Ava asked.

“It is 9pm,” Cal said.

“What time was it when you last dream walked them?” Zan’s spirit asked.

“I think it was close to midnight when I dream walked them,” Liz said.

“So that means we’ve got 2 hours,” Larek said.

“Yeah. So is everything set for the Halloween party’s tomorrow night?” Liz asked.

“Yeah, everything is set,” Greg said.

“Cool,” Ava said.

“So what are we going to do now?” Serena asked.

“Wait, what do we have to drink and eat for the kids?” Liz asked.

“Easy, we are going to be having hot dog and hamburgers for the kid’s party; Then for the adult party we are having pizza,” Greg said.

“So you are going to be making the hamburgers and hot dogs?” Liz asked.

“Steve, Cal, Larek and I are going to be making the hot dogs and hamburgers. We are going to start making them an hour before the party,” Greg said.

“Ok. Sounds good,” Ava said.

“What are you going to have in the dream land for food?” Larek asked.

“Easy, all my friend’s favorite foods,” Liz said.

“Do you remember what they like?” Cal asked.

“Yes, I remember,” Liz said.

“Cool. I can’t wait to see what you have,” Serena said.

“You will have to wait and see,” Liz said.

“Liz, good luck with Max and the others,” Greg said.

“Thanks, I don’t know if I am going to need it or not. But it could not help,” Liz said.

“True,” Greg said.

Liz turned and looked at Cal. Cal turned and looked at Liz.

“How is everything going with Milly and the queen?” Liz asked.

“They are doing well. Right now they are telling the housekeeping how they want the house cleaned. Telling the cooks how they want their food fixed,” Cal said.

“Cal, are you ok?” Liz asked.

“No, Milly and the queen have taken over everything in the house. They are telling the cleaning people what to do. They are telling the cooks how to clean. They are telling the yard people how to the yard should look. And they are telling the people that do laundry how to do laundry. They are driving me crazy. But I promise they will stay with me till you are ready for them to stay with you,” Cal said.

“Thank you,” Liz said.

“No problem. You know Max made the right choice when he bonded to you. I think you are a sweet, kind and caring person. I’m glad you were my niece in the past life and you are Max’s queen in this life,” Cal said.

“Thank you. You are a great friend and uncle in this life and past life. You’re a caring, sweet and kind person. You’re a really great uncle and you’re always there when we need you. And I’m glad that you are very protective of us,” Liz said.

“Thank you,” Cal said.

Liz and Cal gave each other a hug. After the hug Liz pulled back and saw Cal had tears in his eyes. Liz reached up and wiped the tears away. After the tears were wiped away they smiled at each other.
“You know I will always be protective of you, Serena, Ava and Ricky right?” Cal asked.

“Yes, I know. And I’m glad that you are protective,” Liz said.

“Liz, it is 11:30pm. You need to go, it’s almost time,” Cal said.

“I know. I’ll see you later,” Liz said.

“Good luck,” Cal said.

“Thanks,” Liz said before walking away.

Liz walked up the stairs and down the hallway to the apartment. Liz walked into the apartment and went to her room. Liz walked into her room and shut the door. After Liz shut the door she went and lay down on her bed. As Liz lay down she closed her eyes and thought about Max, parents and friends. A few minutes later Liz was fast asleep.

Dream World:
Liz was standing in the clearing wearing a sky blue spaghetti strap dress that fell to her ankles. Liz’s hair was in curls. Liz looked around to see if Max and everyone were there. Liz closed her eyes and tried to get them. A few seconds later Max, parents and friends appeared and saw Liz. When they saw Liz they thought she looked very beautiful. Liz smiled at Max, parents and friends. They smiled back at Liz. Maria, Isabel, Tess, Nancy and Diane all ran up to Liz and hugged her. Liz hugged them back. Then all the guys but Max went to hug Liz next. Max and Liz both looked at each other. Max walked up to Liz and pulled her towards him. When they were face to face Max leaned in and kissed Liz. The kiss was full of passion. After the kiss Max and Liz both looked at each other.

“Hi,” Max said.

“Hi,” Liz said.

Max and Liz both smiled as they looked at each other. They were about to kiss again when someone made a sound. Max and Liz both turned and looked at the parents and friends.

“Sorry, to um, interrupt. Not that we are not happy to see you, Liz. But what is going on? Why are we all here?” Michael asked.

“Michael, we have not seen Liz in a while. Let Max and Liz have their moment,” Maria said.

“Maria, it is ok. I called you all here because we have a major problem. And it is time for everything to come out,” Liz said.

“What?” What do you mean for everything to come out?” Michael asked.

Liz looked at Michael and then looked at everyone. Liz knew this may be hard for them to hear. But Liz knew they needed to know everything that is and was going on.
L-J-L 76
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Re: Princess Of Antar 2{CC,Mature}Chapter 92 Pg19 10/7

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Chapter 93

“What do you mean it’s time to remember everything? What is going on?” Michael asked.

“I mean things are happening,” Liz said.

“What kind of things?” Max asked.

“Max, Milly and the queen were attacked,” Liz said.

“Are they ok?” Isabel asked.

“Yeah, they are staying with Cal. Are you ready to remember?” Liz asked.

“Yes,” Max and friends said.

“Then let it began,” Liz said.

Max and friends all looked at each other when all of a sudden they got a vision.
The Vision:
Liz was about to reach for her walkie-talkie when she saw four white lights come towards her. Liz reached for the walkie-talkie and turned it on. As the white lights got closer to her she took a step back. Liz looked around for a second. When she turned back she saw four ghosts standing in front of her.

"Oh, my god," Liz said.

Meanwhile in Liz's room Serena, Max and friends heard what Liz was saying:

"What is going on?" Max asked.

"I don't know. We need to be quiet and listen," Serena said.

Meanwhile in the dungeon:

"Oh my god, you're Zan, Lonnie, Rath and Ava," Liz said.

"Yes, we are. We know who you are too, dear one,"Zan said.

"Who am I to you? And how do you know who I am?" Liz asked.

"Dear one, you lived before like we did. And we know you because you were here like we were," Rath said.

"What are you talking about? And why are you calling me dear one?" Liz asked.

"You lived before. And the reason I am calling you dear one is because me and you were close in a past life," Rath said.

"Ok. I must have hit my head harder then I realize," Liz said.

"You didn't hit your head. You are the same and you’re safe," Ava said.

"Um, ok. This is crazy. I can't be talking to ghosts," Liz said.

"Yes, you can. Question is, what are you doing down here?" Zan asked.

"I'm here to get Larek. He is down here somewhere," Liz said.

"Oh, we must help you find him. And it is a must that we help you in your war," Ava said.

"Yes, we must help you. Isn't that right, Zan and Rath?" Lonnie said.

"Yes, we need to help," Zan and Rath said.

Liz looked at all four of the ghosts and gave them a smile. Then Liz pulled out her walkie-talkie.

"Serena, are you there?" Liz asked.

"Yeah? What is going on? We hear voices," Serena said.

"Oh, let’s just say I'm meeting the past. When this is over we are going to have a talk. Which way do we go to get Larek?" Liz said.

"We?" Serena asked.

"Yeah, um the ghosts of Zan, Lonnie, Rath and Ava are down here and are claiming they want to help find Larek and win the war, “Liz said.

"That is crazy. They’re spirits of Max, Isabel, Michael and Tess," Serena said.

"Yeah, I know that. Why do you think I'm freaking out here," Liz said.

"Just calm down. I don't know what is going on," Serena said.

"That makes two of us. Zan, what the hell are you looking at?" Liz asked.

"You. My god, you’re still as beautiful as the last time I saw you," Zan said.

"Ok. This is getting crazier by the minute. Serena, which way? Tell me," Liz said.

"If I was alive would you marry me?" Zan asked.

"Serena?" Liz asked.

Meanwhile in Liz's room:
Max, Serena and friends all looked at each other.

"Serena?" Liz asked.

"Um, you need to go to the middle door and open it," Serena said.

"I'm, Zan I'm married to a wonderful guy. I think you should stop staring at me," Liz said.

"No, not till I meet your husband," Zan said.

"Um, oh god. He is so freaky and crazy," Liz said.

Liz opened the door and that is when a dead body fell at Liz's feet. Liz screamed and stepped back.

"Princess, what is it?" Serena asked.

"Dead body. And I, I, oh god," Liz said.

Meanwhile down in the dungeon Liz turned and got sick. Liz threw up two times. After she got cleaned up she looked up and saw Zan's hand held out to her.

"What?" Liz asked.

"Give me your hand and you will see and find out what happened to us," Zan said.

"Can it wait till we get Larek?" Liz asked.

"Sure. Come on," Zan said.

Liz, Zan, Ava, Rath and Lonnie walked down a long dark hallway. When they got to the end of the hallway there was a door. Liz opened the door and walked in. When Liz walked in the room all she saw was skeletons everywhere.

"Oh my god. No this can't be right," Liz said.

"What is it?" Serena asked.

"I found skeletons everywhere. I think I know how Zan, Lonnie, Rath and Ava died," Liz said.

"You know how who died?" Max asked.

"You, Isabel, Michael and Tess," Liz said.

"You need to find Larek, remember," Serena said.

"I know. Serena, there is another door. I'm going to open it," Liz said.

"Ok. Be careful," Serena said.

"I promise I will," Liz said.

Liz opened the door and snapped her fingers and the lights came on. When the room was full of light Liz saw Larek. Liz ran up to Larek and shook him.

"Larek, wake up," Liz said.

Larek woke up and looked down and saw Liz. They both smiled. Larek and Liz turned and saw Zan come in and walk up to them and unlock Larek. Larek feel to the floor. Liz helped Larek stand up. Larek looked at the ghost of Zan and then looked at Liz.

"Um, princess, what is going on? And am I seeing things?" Larek asked.

"I um, came to set you free. And um, this is um, the ghost of Zan. Lonnie, Rath and Ava are here too," Liz said.

"Ok. So I'm not seeing things then," Larek said.

"No. Larek, they want to help with the um, war," Liz said.

"Please tell me you didn't tell me they want to help with the war?" Larek asked.

"Um yeah, they do," Liz said.

"No," Larek said.

"Yes," Liz said.

Larek and Liz kept arguing as they vanished from the dungeon and appeared in Liz's room. Max, Serena and friends stepped back and watched.

"Larek, they are going to help us. I don't care what you say," Liz said.

"No. They are not going to help. They are dead. What will happen when they meet Max, Isabel, Michael and Tess?" Larek asked.

"They can help somehow. I don't know what will happen when they see or meet Max, Isabel, Michael and Tess. It is better to have some more help," Liz said.

"What are they going to do? Scare and go into bodies?" Larek asked.

"I don't know. Why don't you ask them and not me, “Liz said.

"Oh my god, you’re crazy as they are. What the hell has happened since I have been gone, Larek said.

"Oh, you know, killed a skin that looked like you. Um, told someone the truth and then came and got you, Liz said.

"All that has happened since I have been gone," Larek said.

"Oh um, we already sent a signal to the Queen. I'm going too, um, bye," Liz said.

Max and friends were shocked at how fast the princess ran from Larek.
That is where the vision ended. Max, parents and friends all turned and looked at Liz. Liz looked at Max, parents and friends.

“Did that really happen?” Alex asked.

“Yes. It was kinda shocking for me too. Seeing your past spirits was, I don’t know,” Liz said.

“Are we going to be remembering more? When are we going to remember more?” Max asked.
L-J-L 76
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Re: Princess Of Antar 2{CC,Mature}Chapter 92 Pg19 10/7

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Chapter 94
“Yes, you are going to be remembering more. You will start remembering tonight, tomorrow and so on till you remember and find us,” Liz said.

“Will we be able to find you?” Maria asked.

“Yes, you will find us,” Liz said.

“Ok, then let’s remember,” Tess and Isabel said.

“Are you sure you’re ready?” Liz asked.

“Yes, we’re ready to remember,” Everyone said.

“Ok,” Liz said.

Liz closed her eyes then opened them. Max, parents and friends watched as they had another vision.
Liz walked into her room and changed while Lark, Serena and friends stood there looking at each other.

"What did she just say about the queen? Princess!" Larek said.

A few minutes later Liz walked out of her room wearing a princess looking flowery nightgown with her hair in curls. She stood in the doorway looking at Max and friends. Max and friends turned and saw the princess standing in the doorway.

"What now, Larek?" Liz asked.

"What did you say about the queen?" Larek asked.

"I gave her the signal. They and the people are on their way here," Liz said.

"Question, did you know where the queen was or is?" Larek asked.

"I think I'll pass on that question," Liz said.

Liz was looking at Larek and Serena when she felt something touch her cheeks. Liz looked around then looked at Serena. Serena looked at Liz with a question look on her face.

"Zan! Come out come out wherever you are now!" Liz said.

"Why are you calling Zan?" Serena asked.

"He asked me a question. And plus I kind of made a deal with him," Liz said.

"What kind of deal? And what did he ask?" Max asked.

"You don't want to know. Zan, Lonnie, Rath and Ava appear now, please?" Liz asked.

"What are you hiding?" Larek asked.

"I'm hiding nothing," Liz said.

Zan, Lonnie, Rath and Ava all appeared and smiled at Liz. Liz smiled back at them.

"Ok. Zan, Lonnie, Rath and Ava meet Max, Isabel, Michael and Tess. Max, Isabel, Michael and Tess this is your past selves Zan, Lonnie, Rath and Ava. Zan, Lonnie, Rath and Ava meet your selves in the future," Liz said.

"I look like this guy. Please tell me I'm not an asshole and I'm not mean to you or anyone?" Rath asked.

"Rath, you’re not always an asshole or mean to me or people. You’re just um, very protective is all," Liz said.

"Are we all at least friends?" Ava asked.

"Yes, we're all friends," Liz said.

"How long before you and me were friends?" Rath asked.

"Um, that is a little tricky. Right, Michael?" Liz asked.

"Um, yeah it is," Michael said.

"Ok. This is really creeping me out," Isabel said.

"Maria, don't worry, after the war you won't have anything to worry about. Um question, what did you tell the parents?" Liz asked.

"We told them the truth about aliens. And we were staying at Michael's before we got here," Max said.

"Ok. Let’s see, they have been here for, what?" Liz asked.

"4 days if we count Antar way. But if we count Earth way they have been here for a week," Larek said.

"Oh, wow. Ok, now I get it," Liz said.

Right at that moment Li's cell phone rang. Liz turned and picked up the cell phone from the table and flipped it open and answered it.

"Hello. Oh, ok. Um, the kids need to be in the room joined to mine. And um, can you come in here? There are a few surprises waiting. No, you will be as surprised as I am still. Ok, see you in a few, bye!" Liz said.

"Who was that?" Larek asked.

"Oh, you will find out in a few minutes," Liz said.

Larek saw a smile on Liz's face.

"You know I hate it when you smile like that. Who were you talking to?" Larek asked.

The door opened and everyone turned and saw the queen looking at them. The queen saw Liz and walked up to her and hugged her. They both pulled away and looked at each other.

"I'm so glad that you are safe. The people are here and ready to fight," Queen said.

"Good. I can't wait till this is all over with," Liz said.

"I agree with you there, my dear. All the children are asleep in the other room," Queen said.

"Good. Now we just need to start and set the game," Liz said.

"Are you thinking what I am?" Queen asked.

"Oh, of course. I just need to figure out his plan. I know what he wants. But how far is he willing to go is the real question. Unless …" Liz said.

"Unless what?" Queen asked.

Liz and the queen turned and looked at Zan, Lonnie, Rath and Ava's ghost.

"What are you looking at us for?" Zan asked.

"Are you four ready for a little trouble?" Liz asked.

"What kind of trouble?" Rath asked.

"Rath, you know, the only trouble you and Zan can do. So are you ready?" Liz asked.

"Yes," Rath, Ava, Lonnie and Zan said.

"Great," Liz said.

"Let's do this," Lonnie said.

Liz and the queen turned and smiled at each other then looked at everyone in the room. Max and friends looked between the princess and the queen.

"What are you up to?" Max asked.

"Oh, we're just going to have some fun with some people," Liz said.

"What kind of fun?" Max asked.

"Trust me you don't want to know what kind of fun," Liz said.

"Why do I have a bad feeling about this?" Maria asked.

"Oh, don't worry, we know what we are doing," Ava said.

"Ava, that is how Maria is," Liz said.

"Really? Weird. I thought you were always like that," Ava said.

"No, remember Zan was the one who was worried and concerned about things," Liz said.

"Hey!" Zan yelled.

"Oh, yeah. I do remember. And Zan, shut up," Ava said.

Liz, Serena and Ava started to laugh. While Max and the others watched and tried to figure out what they were laughing at.

"What is so funny?" Michael asked.

"Me, Serena and Ava are laughing because of Zan," Liz said.

"And Max is a control person. Zan and Max are the past and future but are the same person," Liz said.

"So dear, how far do you think Kivar is willing to go?" Queen asked.

"All the way to get what he wants. But if I play a little part he will never know what I'm up to," Liz said.

"Dear, what are you up to? And what are you going to do?" Queen asked.

"Remember that one time I dressed as everyone else did out in town? And you didn't know what I was doing. I told you I was secretly helping the people," Liz said.

"Yes, dear, I remember you did a great job. The children have learned a lot," Queen said.

"That was the plan. Making people equal like they are on Earth. We almost have it. We need to stop Khivar from destroying it," Liz said.

Right at that moment a little girl walked into the room. She rubbed her eyes and looked around. The little girl saw a lot of people then she saw the princess and the queen.

"Izzie," the little girl said as she ran to the princess and the queen.

Liz and the queen turned and saw the little girl running towards them. Liz bent down and had her arms opened as the girl ran to her. As the girl hit Liz's chest they both fell back laughing. Max friends and ghost watched the princess and the little girl. Liz sat up with the little girl in her arms. Liz and the little girl looked at each other.

"Bella what are you doing up? You should be asleep," Liz said.

"I couldn't sleep. I missed you so much," Bella said.

"I missed you too, my dear. Where are your brother and your sister?" Liz asked.

"Right here, my lady," the little boy said.

Liz turned and saw Bella's brother and sister standing in the doorway looking at them. Liz smiled as she opened her arms to them. The boy and girl both ran to the princess and gave her a hug.

“Did that happen?” Max asked.
L-J-L 76
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Re: Princess Of Antar 2{CC,Mature}Chapter 93,94 Pg19 10/12

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Chapter 95
“Yes, that happened. You will be remembering more soon. And when you do, please be calm?” Liz asked.

“Why? Is it going to be bad?” Maria asked.

“All I will say is some of the things you remember will make you upset and mad. So please don’t get mad or upset,” Liz said.

“We promise we will be calm,” Isabel and Tess said.

“Thank you,” Liz said.

As they were standing there talking another vision happened.
The Vision:
After the hug Liz and the 3 kids all looked at each other.

"Alright, what is going on?" Liz said.

"Rob and Maria said that we will get hurt if we stay here," Alice said.

"Rob, that is not true, you're safe here. I would die protecting you and the other children. Don't ever forget that," Liz said.

"But?" Rob said.

"But nothing; you know what I say is the truth," Liz said.

"Sorry, we were just worried and scared. We don't know what we would do without you," Mary said.

"Don't worry, you will never find out, my dears," Liz said.

"Who are they, my lady?" Rob asked.

Liz, Alice and Mary turned and saw rob pointing to Max and friends.

"These are some friends that are going to help and fight evil," Liz said.

"Do they know about the double tricks?" Rob asked.

"No. I'm the only one that knows and who will know," Liz said.

"Good question, why does that guy look like your and Serena's brother?" Rob asked.

"Brother? Rob, I don't know what you’re talking about," Liz said.

"Yes, you do, come and look," Rob said.

Rob and Mary grabbed Liz's hand and took her to her bedroom. They walked to a wall and tapped it, and it opened. When it opened they took Liz to a picture. Liz looked at the picture and it was of the past. The picture had a person that looked like Liz, Michael and Serena standing by a house out in the country. After Liz looked at the picture she looked down at the kids. Liz and the kids walked out of the room into her bedroom where she bumped into Michael. Liz and Michael both looked at each other. Michael looked into Liz's face and saw what the kids were saying was true. Liz turned away and walked away from Michael. Liz put the kids on her bed and then walked out onto the balcony. Liz looked at the stars.

A few minutes later Larek walked out on the balcony.

"So Michael and Serena are my brother and sister? Wow," Liz said.

"I didn't know how to tell you," Larek said.

"God, Larek, my husband and friends are in the next room. They don't know who I am. And to top it off I have a brother and a sister. This is so ... I don't know what or how am I supposed to handle this?" Liz asked.

"Liz, you need to stop worrying; we have a war to win. Afterwards we wait and see," Larek said

"Yeah, like that is so much better," Liz said.

"Liz, what do you want to do?" Larek asked.

"I don't know. All I do know is that we have to save people and we have to save everything. So we better deal with this or we wait," Liz said.

"We should wait until the war is over," Larek said.

"What do I tell Max and my friends when the war is over?" Liz asked.

"We tell them the truth about who you are and why you're here," Larek said.

"So the truth; I can handle deal with that. First promise me when this is all over you, me and Serena go on vacation?" Liz asked.

"I promise. Come on, we better go," Larek said.

As Liz and Larek walked out of the room, they didn't see Max standing against the wall. Liz and Larek walked into the room where their friends were waiting for them.

"I have an idea. Queen, do you still have that necklace I gave you?" Liz asked.

"Yes. Why dear? Oh you're going to… That might work," Queen said.

"Let's hope. Larek remember how you said I was the smart one? When I got here I did something that made you worry," Liz said.

"Yeah, why? What are you up to?" Larek asked.

"Let's just say I know how to get to Khivar," Liz said.

"You wouldn't do that to me," Larek said.

Liz just smiled at Larek. Larek looked worried.

"What is going on? And why does my husband looks like he is about to lose it?" Serena asked.

"Well, I decided to do what he wants but the difference is I’ll do things my way," Liz said.

"What? Oh god. This is crazy," Serena said.

"Yeah, but it will work," Liz said.

"Yeah, that is true. Maybe it will work," Serena said.

Max walked into the room and walked up to the princess, queen, Larek and Serena. They all turned and looked at Max.

"What?" Liz asked.

"Can I talk to you alone, Princess?" Max asked.

"Um, sure," Liz said.

Liz and Max walked into the hallway. Max turned and looked at the princess. The princess looked at Max.

"What?" Liz asked.

"Who are you really?" Max asked.

"I'm the princess," Liz said.

"Stop playing games. Tell me the truth," Max said.

"I don't know what you are talking about. I need to get back," Liz said.

Liz was about to walk away.

Liz? What the hell are you doing here?" Max asked angrily.

Liz stopped and turned and looked at Max. Liz walked up to Max. They stood face to face.

"I don't know what you’re talking about," Liz said.

"Stop playing with me. I heard you and Larek talking. I know who you really are. Now what the hell are you doing here?" Max asked.

"I'm here because I want to help fight a war. I want it to stop. And the reason why I didn't tell you is I thought it would be better if you didn't know. And plus I'm trying to keep you, friends and family safe," Liz said.

"You still should have told me," Max said angrily.

"I'm sorry, Max. This is how it has to be. This war is going to be bad," Liz said.

"Liz, what do you mean?" Max asked.

"Max, Khivar wants me and your kingdom. For some reason he thinks that you, Isabel, Michael and Tess are dead," Liz said.

"Why, does he want you? And why does he think we're dead?" Max asked.

"Max, the reason he wants me is because I'm the princess with powers. The second reason is because that is what we want him to think," Liz said.

"You and my mother have both lost your minds," Max said.

"We wanted you and our friends safe," Liz said.

"When this is over we all are going to have a talk about this," Max said.

"Yeah, if we live through this you mean," Liz said.

Then Liz thought of something. Liz turned and looked at Max. Max noticed Liz had a smile on her face.

"Max, how long do you think it will take to learn a few tricks?" Liz asked.

"Why?" Max asked.

"You and all your past selves are going to learn a few things while I do something with Alex, Maria and Kyle," Liz said.

"What are you up to?" Max asked.

"Come and find out," Liz said.

Liz and Max walked back into the room. Liz walked up to the ghost. She closed her eyes and whispered something. Then Liz opened her eyes and took a step back. Max and friends watched as a bright light surrounded the ghost. Then it was gone. Liz started to feel dizzy. Max caught Liz before she could fall. Max and Liz both looked at each other.

"What did you do?” Max asked.

“So that happened too?” Maria asked.

“Yes, that really happened,” Liz said.

“Are you, Serena and I really related to each other?” Michael asked as he looked at Liz.
L-J-L 76
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Re: Princess Of Antar 2{CC,Mature}Chapter 93,94 Pg19 10/12

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Chapter 96

“Yes, you, Serena and I are related. We are also related to someone else in the group,” Liz said.

“What?” everyone asked.

“We are related to someone else in the group. Even though the person doesn’t know yet,” Liz said.

“Liz, honey, besides Milly and the queen being attacked what else has happened?” Nancy asked.

“Nothing. Everyone is getting ready for the war,” Liz said.

“Are you and the others ready in case of a surprise attack?” Kyle asked.

“Yes, we are. We have been training for a while now,” Liz said.

As they were talking Max and friends got hit with another vision. The parents watched as Max and the others were having another vision.

Zan, Lonnie, Rath and Ava appeared and looked at Liz and her friends. Liz turned and noticed them staring at her.

Easy. I gotta change before talking to Khivar," Liz said.

"Good luck with that," Rath said.

"Yes, I want this war over forever. Did you get into the computer system?" Liz asked.

"Yes. Here are their systems. It seemed that they’re like Earth's," Rath said.

Liz walked into her room and changed. Liz put on an off the shoulder gown that showed a little of her breasts. The dress ended at her feet. Liz walked out of her room. Max, Michael, Alex, Kyle, Zan and Rath all turned and looked at Liz.

"Well, I'm ready," Liz said.

"Oh no you’re not. You need to go change clothes," Rath said.

"No. I'm not. I'm wearing this," Liz said.

"No, you’re not," Rath said.

"Yes, I am," Liz said.

Right at that moment Larek and Serena walked into the room.

"What is going on?" Larek asked.

"Tell Liz she is not wearing that," Rath said.

"What is wrong with it? It looks nice for a call to Khivar," Larek said.

Liz walked up and stood beside Serena. Serena turned and looked at Liz.

"How long has Rath been arguing about your outfit?" Serena asked.

"For 10 minutes now. Can you get him to shut his trap?" Liz asked.

"You know that is how he is with us. Come on, let’s go to your room and call Khivar," Serena said.

Liz and Serena walked away and walked into Liz's room. Liz pushed a button and called Khivar. A few minutes later Khivar’s face showed up on the screen.

"Hello Princess! What are you up to?" Kivar asked.

"Hello Kivar. I was wondering what you are up to," Liz said.

"Nothing. I was just thinking of you. Would you like to go on a date tomorrow night?" Kivar asked.

"Yes, that sound great," Liz said.

"Great, I'll pick you up at 8pm," Kivar said

"Ok. See you then," Liz said.

After the screen was turned off Liz and Serena smiled and walked out of the room. When they walked out of the room they heard:

"I don't want her to do this," Rath said.

"Why? You know she will be safe," Max said.

Maybe she will, but still she.... she’s.... she's my sister, alright," Rath said.

"She's your what?' Michael asked.

"Rath, don't," Liz and Serena said.

"Liz and Serena are my sisters. Which means they are your sisters too," Rath said.

"Oh boy," Liz and Serena said.

"Say that a ... a ...again?" Michael asked.

"We were your sisters in our past lives," Liz and Serena said.

Larek walked into the room and looked around seeing everyone shocked and a couple of people mad.

"Serena, honey, what did I miss?" Larek asked.

"Larek, Michael knows we’re his sisters. He just found out from Rath a second ago. Um, Larek, now would be a good time to run. If you know what I mean," Liz said.

"Oh no. I'm going to stand by you girls," Larek said.

"What is Larek to you girls?" Michael asked.

"Larek is my husband and your brother-in-law like Max is," Serena said.

"I just found out I have 2 sisters and they're married. I think I need to sit down," Michael said.

Michael sat down on the couch while Liz turned and looked at Max. Max and Liz looked at each other then Liz walked out on the balcony. Liz looked out at the land. All of a sudden Liz got a vision. Liz tried to sturdy herself but fell down. Max rushed to her side. Max and Liz looked at each other.

"Max, sorry I never told you," Liz said.

"Liz, it will be ok. God, this is crazy," Max said.

"Tell me about it. I thought I had a protective husband. And now to find out I have a protective brother who is, I don't know," Liz said.

"Come on, we better go in and see how Michael is," Max said.

"Yeah, that is true," Liz said.

Max and Liz stood up and walked back into the room. When they walked back into the room they saw Serena and Larek on one side and on the couch Michael and Maria. Isabel, Alex, Tess and Kyle stood against the wall across from Serena and Larek.

Serena and Larek looked at Liz then walked up to her. They were standing side by side.

"So what happened in your room?" Serena asked.

"I talked to Khivar," Liz said.

"What happened when you talked to Khivar?" Larek asked.

"He wants to meet with me in private to um, talk. And I um ... agreed to it," Liz said.

"Are you sure you can handle this? With our brother here and all," Serena asked.

"Yes. I just need to make sure that Zan and Rath do their parts," Liz said.

"You know they will," Larek said.

"I know, but sometimes I worry," Liz said.

"Have you told Max the plan yet?" Serena asked.

"No, I'm waiting or things to calm down before I tell him," Liz said.

"You better tell him today," Larek said.

"Larek, you know I will. I can't believe you wanted them here to fight this war with us," Liz said.

"You thought it would be good if we all got together for this war," Larek said.

"You know, you’re an asshole," Liz said.

"Thanks," Larek said.

"Will you two stop arguing and try to be nice," Serena said.

"He started it," Liz said.

"Did not," Larek said.

"Did too," Liz said.

As Liz and Larek were arguing Max and friends watched them. They didn't know what to think of Liz and Larek arguing.

"Why did you marry him, Serena?" Liz asked.

"Because he was there when I needed him. Plus, he promised to love me forever," Serena said.

"Oh, yeah, I remember that. Gee, who knew he would be an, I don't know," Liz said.

"Liz if you’re not careful you will be sorry," Larek said.

"Oh, yeah. All I have to say to you is bring it," Liz said.

Liz snapped her fingers. She was wearing black stretch pants and a black tank top. Liz crossed her arms over her chest and looked at Larek.

"Well?" Liz asked.

"We are not doing this," Larek said.

"Fine. Serena, do you have my computer?" Liz asked.

That is when the vision ended. When the vision ended there stood Liz with the spirit of Zan and Rose on either side of her.

“Who are they?”Nancy asked.

“What are they doing here?” Tess asked.
L-J-L 76
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Re: Princess Of Antar 2{CC,Mature}Chapter 95,96 Pg20 10/13

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Chapter 97

“This is the spirit of Zan and Rose. They are here to see you again,” Liz said.

“Wait, see us again? When did we see them?” Alex asked.

“They were on Antar. They were in the dungeon when I went to go get Larek and they also helped us in the war,” Liz said.

“What are they doing here now?” Michael asked.

“Ask them,” Liz said.

“What are you both doing here?” Isabel asked.

“We are here to see Max,” Spirit of Zan said.

“Why are you here to see me?” Max asked.

“Because we know your past. And we know you may have some problems with everything you are remembering,” Spirit of Zan said.

“Ok. But why is Rose here?” Max asked.

“Max I’m here because I am Liz’s past. And Zan is your past. When we were alive we loved each other very much. But we had to hide our love because of my brother and father,” Rose said as she looked at Michael then Max again.

“Why do you keep looking at me?” Michael asked.

“Because Michael, in your past life you were Rath, my very protective brother,” Spirit of Rose said.

“So the vision and now you are telling me Liz is my sister?” Michael asked.

“Yes. You also have another sister and a cousin you were very protective of,” Spirit of Rose said.

“I know Serena is my other sister. But who is my cousin that I was protective of?” Michael asked.

“Michael, you already know who your cousin is,” Spirit of Rose said.

“I know her?” Michael asked.

“Yes, you need to trust your feeling you will know,” Spirit of Rose said.

“Will someone please tell me what she is talking about?” Michael said.

“Michael, all she is saying is our cousin is with you, Max and Isabel If you think about it you will know,” Liz said.

Liz closed her eyes and thought about Michael. After Liz pictured Michael in her head she looked at Michael. As Michael stood there thinking about what Liz said he suddenly heard Liz’s voice in his head.

“Don’t flip out. I found out this is how me, you and Serena can talk to each other. Michael, think about whose name I didn’t say. When you think about it you will know. Oh by the way, when are you going to let me ride your motorcycle?” Liz asked.

Max and everyone turned and looked at Michael. Michael saw Liz had a smile on her face.
“Michael, what is going on? What was never about?” Maria asked.

“I um... I don’t know how to say this, but I heard Liz talking to me in my head. She asked me if she can ride my motorcycle and I said never,” Michael said.

“You said that out loud,” Liz said.

“Liz,” Michael said.

Then all of a sudden Michael thought about the name Liz didn’t say. He turned and looked at Liz then looked at Tess then Liz again. Tess looked between Michael and Liz. Tess didn’t know what was going on but she now knew they were talking about her. Liz noticed the looks Michael was giving her and Tess.

“Michael, did you figure it out yet?” Liz and the spirit of Rose said.

“Oh, I think he just did,” Spirit of Zan said.

“Zan, be nice,” Liz and Spirit of Rose said.

“Sorry,” Spirit of Zan said.

“So Michael, do you know?” Spirit of Rose asked.

“Do you mean to tell me that she is our cousin?” Michael asked.

“Who is your cousin?” Spirit of Zan asked.

“You mean to tell me Ava is our cousin?” Michael asked.

“Yes,” Spirit of Rose said.

“Wait, what?” Tess asked.

“Tess you and Ava are the cousins of Rose, Michael and Serena,” Zan said.

“Really?” Tess asked.

“Yes. You are related to Rose, Rath and Serena,” Spirit of Rose said.

“What about in this life?” Tess asked.

“That is up to you. Do you want Liz, Michael and Serena to be related to you?” Spirit of Zan asked.

Tess looked at Liz and Michael and smiled. Liz and Michael smiled back. Tess turned and looked at the spirit of Zan and Rose.

“Yes, I want to be Liz’s, Michael’s and Serena’s Cousin. They are family after all,” Tess said.

“Then so be it,” Spirit of Rose said.

“Wow, now the family is getting bigger,” Kyle said.

“Of course. Kyle, you do realize that we are all family,” Liz said.

“Yes, I do know that. And I am glad that our family is getting bigger,” Kyle said.
Right at that moment Serena, Larek, Ava, Greg and Ricky all appeared. Everyone turned and looked at them.

“What is going on?” Liz asked.

“Nothing. Cal went home to handle Milly and queen,” Ava said.

“What happened?” Liz asked.

“The queen and Milly wanted to learn to cook so Cal’s cook was teaching them when they started a small kitchen fire,” Larek said.

“Oh boy,” Liz said.

“So how is it going here?” Serena asked.

“Oh, it is going fine. They had some visions and we talked a little. Ricky, come here for a second,” Liz said.

Ricky walked up to Liz. Liz and Ricky talked a little then Ricky walked up to Max, parents and friends. Max, parents and friends all looked at Ricky. Ricky walked up to Max, parents and friends and handed them their invitations to a Halloween party in the dream world. Everyone opened the invitations and read them then looked at Liz, Larek, Serena, Ava, Greg and Ricky.

“So you are going to have a Halloween party here tomorrow night?” Michael asked.

“Yes. Will you all please come?” Liz asked.

“You know we will be here. What are we going to do about costumes though?” Isabel asked.

“Don’t worry, you will have costumes here waiting for you,” Serena said.

“You will,” Maria said.

“Yes. So don’t worry,” Liz said.

“Ok. But can you please make them look like something we would like?” Isabel asked.

“Don’t worry you will like the costumes we picked,” Serena said.

“Ok, I guess we need to trust you,” Isabel said.

“Lizzie, are you ok?” Jeff Parker asked.

“I’m fine. We have just been really busy lately,” Liz said.

“Don’t work yourselves too hard,” Nancy said.

“Yes, mom,” Liz said.

“Liz, since everyone is here we have to talk,” Serena said.

“Ok, what about?” Liz asked.

“Liz, we decided to get married sooner,” Serena said.

“What?” Ava and Liz asked.

“Larek and I decided to get married sooner,” Serena said.

“Um, does that mean our dresses change? The decorations change?” Ava asked.

“No, everything is the same. But the date will be changed,” Serena said.

“Why did you guys change the date of the wedding?” Maria asked.

“Because we don’t know when Senior Rath, Khivar, mystery man and their men will attack us. So we decided to see if we can try to get married before the fight comes to us,” Larek said.

“I can understand,” Liz said.

“Have you guys figured out what Senior Rath, Khivar and the mystery man up to?” Michael asked.

“No. We think they are planning something big if they have not showed up yet,” Serena said.

“Aunty Lizzie, I found something,” Ricky said.

Liz walked over to Ricky and looked at what was by his foot. Liz bent down to pick it up whatever it was up. As Liz stood up she saw it was a paper rolled up. Liz unrolled the paper and looked at it. She realized it was a letter from Senior Rath, Khivar and the mystery man. Liz turned and looked at everyone. She saw everyone was looking at her.

“Liz, what is it?” Serena asked.

“It’s a letter from Senior Rath, Khivar and the mystery man,” Liz said.

“What does the letter say?” Max asked.
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