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Post by madroswellfan »

"Yeah, whatever bro, See ya soon." he says slapping me one the back. I take off in the other direction and head back to my room. Now Ive gotta work out on which bit of floor my elder brother is going to sleep on. God I cant believe I did that. Im such a idiot. How am I ever going to get any work done with him and his girls and his moaning about bad things to kill. If he gets too much brother or no brother I will kick him out.

As I make it up to my apartment I see my roommate has left temporarily, thank God. Well since he wont talk to me he wont mind my brother in here. I sigh as I make my way over to the bathroom and splash my face with water. Im such a fool. How am I going to manage at this party tommorow...

I stand up straight and leave the bathroom to see Charlene standing in my dorm. "Hey, sorry the door was unlocked and you didnt answer so..."
I smile. "No no its no problem." I say nervously. "Whats up?"
"I was just walking by...just thought Id see how you are...if your still coming tommorow..."
I smile. "Im good yeah...and nothing could keep me away from it...unless you...don't want me there...."
"No no!" she says quickly. "I definitely want to be your date Sam" she says.
I grin. I havent heard her use that word before.

"Hey, Sam! Open up."

Oh crap. I swallow. "Whos that?" Charlene asks.
Oh great. God if he flirts with her I will kill him! "Its my brother" I say.
"Oh Dean, I remember." she says. I scowl that she as such a good memory of him. She sees it and smiles. "Sam, I like you not him" she says. I can feel my face flush, and I nodd before going to open the door. "Hey Dean" I say. "I don't know if you remember Charlene..." I say as I step out of the way.
"Hey Dean" she says with a smile. I look down at the floor. He's gonna take her away from me isnt he....
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Post by StormWolfstone »


Joey smiles and shakes Xander's hand as she greets him, "Hey, nice to meet you, we were just talking about you."

"Hey, only good things I hope!" Xander replies and I smiled and shrugged, as though to tease him.

After my look to one of my best-friends, he gives me a similar look before asking, "Do you need any help with those Will? They look heavy."
"Sure thing," I reply with a grin. "I'm definitely up for the help of a strong man." I tease back.

"I could help too if you want, I mean I use to lift heavy things at my sisters bed and breakfast..." Joey offers and I shake my head as though to reply but Xander beat me to it.

"No! I just got here. You dont want to do any more unpacking. Let me. Us males should go and do something for a change."
Xander tries to turn it into a joke and I grin, feeling suddenly really tense.
I turn to look at Joey, "Sorry, I appreciate the offer and all, but I'm kind of anal about the books. Xander and I go almost all the way back to the playing in sand boxes type of things. Besides, he doesn't have the chance to do much for me lately. We don't ever get much time to hang lately." I comment, hoping to difuse things and wondering if Buffy would also arrive to hang out. I missed my friends a great deal.

"You rest, Joey. Once Xander and I get these done we can go on that tour." I reply before looking at Xander, "So, is Buffy going to hang out?" I ask, hoping that things will work out to know one way or the other. "Word has it that there's supposed to be a party and as much as I often stay away from them now that I have a great deal of studying to do, I'm thinking that it would be a good idea to cut loose tonight. I'd like you, Buffy and Angel to be there." I turn to Joey, "And, you should plan on coming along. I think you should take the chance to get to know the lay of the land before getting started with classes on Monday. Besides, with how classes will be you'll end up too exhausted to completely enjoy yourself if you don't let yourself start with being relaxed."
A List of All My Fics

My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by StormWolfstone »

ooc: just so everyone knows... Isabel has left a message at the house for Maria, Max, Michael or Kyle to get...



After reading the letter for a third time, I felt a tightness in my chest that I couldn't stand to think about. Someone had killed Mr. Hanlin. I knew that. I could feel it. And this Lockewood lady had a part in it. I stood and placed the note in my pocket as I began pacing, the room feeling smaller and smaller as I thought about the implications of what was happening. I wished that there was something I could do. When no one picks up at the house, I get the machine. "Hi... it's Isabel. I'm going to be late getting home. I have a meeting with a client. When I get home, I need... I need to talk to everyone. There's something going on."

I hang up the phone and close my eyes as I pace even more. Damn, Damn Damn. How could they not pick up the phone? I would feel much better about having one of them with me for this meeting. The rest of the day, I forced myself to get into as much of the work before me as I could. I had to do everything that I could. An hour before I normally would have closed the shop, I stood and went out front. "Alright, everyone go ahead home. I'm still going to pay you a full day. I just... need some time. I'll close up."

As they all gathered their things, I picked up the phone and called a contact of mine while I lock the door before heading toward the office again. "Rain, do me a favor. I need you to research the following pieces. Any leads you get keep discreet. You help me find them and you'll get five thousand for every piece I recover."

"I like the sound of that, Isabel. You've got yourself a deal. What do you need me to find?"

"The Greek pieces known as the Fates, Muses and Siren's. It's imperitive Rain, that you be very careful. There's a chance that a killer is also following the trail." I tell her, knowing that it won't bother her because she's used to dealing with the rough sort.

"Even more interesting. Alright, I'm on it. I'll see what I can find. Private line, or business?"

"Private." I reply with a sigh, closing my eyes for a moment when I hear the door suddenly open. I know I'd locked it. "Gotta go, Rain. I'll catch you later."

"Later." I hung up the line and walked out of the office and into the front of the store. There before me stood a man that could have stepped out of a magazine. Long black hair framed a sun-kissed complextion. His eyes were emerald and his lips seemed perfectly sculpted. "Can I help you?"

"Miss Brighton, I'm Malachi." The accent sounds so fabulous, especially now that I'd had the chance to see the man that went with the voice.
"What can I do for you? You said something about Richard willing to seek out something for you...?"

When he reached into his pocket I tensed but all he did was pull out a small bag which he removed a small statuette from. When I saw what it was, I couldn't keep from gasping. "Aglaophonos, The Siren known as the one with the brilliant voice." He removed another piece and handed it to me. As I looked it over I saw the determining marks of one of the Three Graces. "I can hardly believe these exist." I glance up at Malachi who holds out the Siren to me as well.

"Take them, hide them. Don't let the woman get them. They are more then they appear. Swear to me, you'll keep them safe and hide them. I'll pay you to find the others and when you have all of them, we can meet again." Malachi says and the urgency in his tone catches my attention.
"She killed my boss didn't she?" I decide to ask, unable to keep from trying.

"I'm afraid so. Richard has one of the pieces somewhere. I'm not sure where. You might have the only access to it. He was going to give it to me when we met. Here's the proof in case you don't know if you should trust me." He held out a letter and I read it carefully.

I found Lachesis. I will give her to you during our meeting. Be careful, I think someone's on to me. If anything happens, you can trust Isabel Evans... she goes by Isabel Brighton to everyone else.

I glance up at him and shrug, "I don't know where he could have hidden Lachesis. I haven't gone through his estate vaults yet, but I'll check those out. I've already enlisted someone to help find the other pieces."
"Thank you, Isabel." He turned to walk away, "I've got to go before it's too late. I don't want her to catch me with you. I don't want you in danger."

As Malachi left, I found myself shaking and instantly went to lock the door again before I closed my eyes and leaned against it. I wished Alex were there. I wished that he could give me the comfort that only he ever had been able to give me. Or even Jesse who gave me a different type of comfort.
A List of All My Fics

My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by Fehr'sBear »


After what feels like hours, Sam opens the door. "Dude, I was beginn--"

I start, but he interrupts me with a "Hey Dean." I glance around, and notice that he's standing next to Charlene, and he's got this look on his face that makes me think he's worried I'm going to launch myself at her or something. "I don't know if you remember Charlene..."

"Hey Dean," She says, smiling. I walk inside the door and throw my duffel bags in the corner.

"Hi Charlene, nice to see you again." Might as well put on my good manners face, so Sam doesn't kick me out on the spot.

"Hey bro," I add with a grin, standing there a little awkwardly. Well, this should be fun. "Hope I'm not...interrupting anything."
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Post by madroswellfan »

~~~~~joint ZANDER and JOEY~~~~~
"You rest, Joey. Once Xander and I get these done we can go on that tour."

Joey smiles and sits on her bed, but cant help but wonder why there both so over protective about some old books. 'They're obviously very VERY important...' she thought to herself.

"So, is Buffy going to hang out?" Willow asked Zander.
"Word has it that there's supposed to be a party and as much as I often stay away from them now that I have a great deal of studying to do, I'm thinking that it would be a good idea to cut loose tonight. I'd like you, Buffy and Angel to be there."
Zander looked thoughtfully. Of course the moment Willow said "party" Zander knew he would be going. But whether Buffy was going to hang...he had no idea. He hadn't seen her this morning. Nor had he seen Giles or Angel...not that he was complaining about not seeing Angel!

"And, you should plan on coming along. I think you should take the chance to get to know the lay of the land before getting started with classes on Monday. Besides, with how classes will be you'll end up too exhausted to completely enjoy yourself if you don't let yourself start with being relaxed." Willow added to Joey.

Joey smiled. "A party? I don't know...erm...I guess I could. My friends will definitely be there....there always up for a party." she replies. "Im not normally a "party" sort of person...but hey...when in college"

Zander smiled at her. This Joey girl seemed cool enough. "Thats the spirit" he told her. He looked back at Willow. "I don't know about Buffy. I didnt see her or the others this morning... who knows where she is today" he said shrugging.
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Post by madroswellfan »

"Hi Charlene, nice to see you again." he says as he walks inside and dumps his bag on the floor. Just like my brother to clutter up the place.

"Hey bro," he says with that ruddy grin of his. "Hope I'm not...interrupting anything."
I roll my eyes. Oh yeah..."interrupting" thats going to happen.

"No no you didn't" I tell him.
Charlene looks over at me and smiles. "Well Id better get going...Ive got some work to do. See you later Dean."
She walks over and kisses my cheek and I can immediately feel myself flush.
"Bye Sam"

I smile. "Bye Charlene" and with that she turns and is gone.

I shut the door behind her. For a second I stand with my back against the door. Then I remember my company and swiftly grab his bag and move it over so that it lies by my wardrobe. "Don't want clutter all over the place" I mutter.
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Post by Fehr'sBear »


"No no you didn't," Sam says, a little annoyed. Charlene looks at him, smiles, and kisses him on the cheek, leaving for work or something. Well, hope I didn't scare her off.

"Bye Charlene," my brother says, looking a little flushed. Possibly from embarrassment? He shuts the door and then grabs my bag, moving it over towards his wardrobe, muttering about clutter.

"Sorry, Sam, I didn't know Charlene would be here," I tell him, sitting on the bed. "I coulda come back later." The dorm room seems nice enough, with Sam's nearly spotless half, and the other one a little more cluttered, but with a hardly lived in look.
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Post by madroswellfan »

"Sorry, Sam, I didn't know Charlene would be here," Dean says as he sits on my bed. "I coulda come back later."

I shake my head at him. "No no, its fine. Its not as if I would have had the courage to...never mind" I mutter, catching myself before I said the words 'kiss her'.

I sit down on my desk chair and look at him. "You get everything you needed?" I ask. "Oh I should warn you about my room mate....I get the feeling we dont see eye to eye...well since he doesnt talk to me and glares a lot"
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Post by Buffsteraddict »

He, just wanted to drop by and let you know that I just sent the my Bio's for Max and Lana to Madroswellfan. Hopefully I'll be able to post as soon as she gives me a response.

Steph :)
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Post by Fehr'sBear »


"No no, its fine. Its not as if I would have had the courage to...never mind" Sam says, cutting himself off. Before saying what? I'll have to look into that...

"You get everything you needed? Oh I should warn you about my room mate....I get the feeling we dont see eye to eye...well since he doesnt talk to me and glares a lot" Sam adds, sitting down in his desk chair.

"Yeah, this is all my stuff," I say, nodding towards the bags. "Everything else is in the trunk." Looking around the room again, I notice that there is absolutely nothing on Sam's side giving away what we do. That's good for him.

"So, he have any idea you've got a brother?"
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