What Real Life's Like Thread 3 (CC TEEN) TESS OPEN

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Post by isabelle »

OOC -- I rather thought the most likely person Kyle would have called would be Liz, but if Sugarplum's not around, I guess Max can take it.


I'm more than a bit surprised to see Alex coming in. I was just imagining him starting a long term relationship with Ashley. What was he doing back so soon?

"Hello sweetie," I say, mocking him. "Be nice or you won't get any of the world-famous Parker-Evans chocolate chip cookies." I pick up both trays and slide them into the oven and then setting the timer.

"What brings you back so soon? Everything okay with Ashley?" I ask, raising one eyebrow in question.

Just then a cell-phone begins to ring. I think it's mine. I reach for a towel and quickly wipe my hands before reaching into my pocket to get it. "It's Kyle," I say, my puzzlement evident in my voice. Hitting the button, I put the phone to my ear. "Hello?"
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Post by Sternbetrachter »


"Hey Max, how's it going?"

Great start Kyle, really great!

"Uh, listen, could you or Tess or Liz or Maria come and get me from the … uh, San Anna drive? About five minutes away from the house when you drive."

But it'd certainly take me 20 minutes or more to walk. Hopefully, Max won't ask too many questions or send Michael - that would be damn embarrassing.
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Post by Sternbetrachter »


"Be nice or you won't get any of the world-famous Parker-Evans chocolate chip cookies. What brings you back so soon? Everything okay with Ashley?"

Before I can answer, Max's cell starts ringing so I shrug and reach for a cookie, only to have Liz slap me and ignoring my wounded look. I'm a growing boy who's hungry after all.

"It's Kyle." Max says then.

Kyle? But Iz's car is already back? Did the date go not well? Not that I'd be happy about that.
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Post by isabelle »


I glance at Liz and Alex, unsure what to think about what Kyle is telling me. The call from Isabel a few minutes ago gave something of head's up, but I didn't expect anything like this. I see Alex reach for a cookie only to be rebuffed by Liz. I'd smile at that, if I weren't still trying to sort out Kyle.

"You're stranded?" I ask, partly to inform the others of Kyle's side of the conversation. "Did something happen to the car? Where's Isabel?" I ask. I'm a bit more worried about her than him. Not that she can't take care of herself, but he hasn't even mentioned her. He didn't say that 'we' needed to be picked up. Only 'me.'
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Post by Sternbetrachter »


"Did something happen to the car? Where's Isabel?"

"Uh, funny that you ask ... you see, Isabel kinda ... left without me." I stutter then I hear someone saying.

"Isabel's car is outside."

"Was that Whitman? He's already home?" Oh god, I'm dead, if Max or Tess don't kill me (Liz doesn't seem like the killer type) then Alex will. Maybe I should just hang up and run.
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Post by isabelle »


"She's home?" I ask in surprise, looking up at Alex. Both of them home early from their dates. I wonder what that's supposed to mean. I would guess that Isabel is here because things weren't going well, based on her earlier phone call, but I don't know yet why Alex is home so soon.

I also wonder where Isabel went when she got home. She didn't come to the kitchen and I don't imagine her joining Michael to watch the game. Is she upstairs with Tess? I hope she's getting some idea of where Isabel's mind is right now.

But that still leaves the problem of Kyle. "Was that Whitman? He's already home?" he asks.

"Yeah. He's here, too," I tell Kyle, still looking at Alex. I ask him, "Do you want to come with me to pick up Kyle?"
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Post by Sternbetrachter »


"Do you want to come with me to pick up Kyle?"

"NO!" I yell before I can control myself. "Ah, I mean, it's so not necessary that Alex comes along too, I'd really prefer if he isn't coming along. I know it sounds weird but ... well, that's how it is."

I don't think it would be good if Alex and I are in the same car when he learns of what I did. Better have him far away.
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Post by isabelle »


"Woah. Okay, nevermind, Alex," I say, startled by Kyle's intense reaction. I really don't feel like going after him. If he's done anything to hurt Isabel ... but no, going to a sports bar doesn't exactly count as malicious behavior. Still, I've been driving all day and I'm just not into it. Not to mention having to leave Liz's pleasant company. -- Not that that was was going to go anywhere, afterall, in spite of Isabel's 'instruction.'

"So where are you exactly?" I ask Kyle. He gives me some directions and I realize he was right. He's not very far away. This really shouldn't take long so I guess I don't have any good reason to beg off. "Okay, I'll be there soon," I say and then hang up the phone.

I smile at Liz as I pick up three cookies, still warm from the oven. "I guess our time has expired on that kiss," I say warmly since Isabel has in fact returned. I hope my disappointment doesn't show through the smile. "I'll just take these 'to go'. Be back soon. ... Maybe you can talk to Isabel and see what happened." I suggest hopefully.

Last edited by isabelle on Mon Feb 20, 2006 1:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Sternbetrachter »


My eyebrows rose when Max asked me to come and then after listening to Kyle, backtracked from that. Oh well, gives me time to eat cookies and have a chat with Isabel I guess.

"I guess our time has expired on that kiss, I'll just take these 'to go'. Be back soon."

"Bye!" I wave after Max before turning to Liz. Isabel can wait for another minute I think.

"What exactly did he mean, talking about kissing, my dear?"
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Post by Sugarplum7 »

<center>~*~ ~*~ ~*~ Liz ~*~ ~*~ ~*~</center>

Everything seems to go by at a frantic pace once Alex walked through the doorway of the kitchen. All this information keeps rushing at me so fast that I am barely able to keep up with things. Alex and Izzy are back early, and Kyle’s stranded without a car somewhere because Izzy left without him.

“I guess our time has expired on that kiss,” Max says with a smile as he picks up some cookies that are cooling. “I’ll just take these to go. Be back soon.”

“Bye!” Alex calls after Max as he’s halfway to the front door. He turns to with a question I actually expected. “What exactly did he mean, talking about kissing, my dear?”

“Izzy,” I answer and he looks almost more puzzled than he did before. “Izzy called me earlier tonight. The date with Kyle was starting off as a disaster. Max helped her out, so she told me to give him a kiss for her in thanks. Max was referring to the fact that since Izzy is back, she can give it to him herself.

“And you saw her car outside? She already came back and didn’t say anything. Something had to go wrong. Even more wrong than just a bad date if she didn’t even see us in the kitchen before she went upstairs.” I take a plate out of the cupboard and place a few cookies on it before moving to the fridge to pour a glass of milk to accompany her cookies. “I’m going to take these up to her and see how she’s doing. You can have some, but don’t eat them all,” I tell him with a warning tone before walking upstairs to our room.

What happened? Why didn’t she come in and see us and tell us how it went? I don’t really know her all that well. I don’t know how she handles things yet. Does she seek the solace and comfort of friends? Does she prefer to be alone when she handles things? All these things I don’t know about her yet.

I lightly knock on the door before opening it. The room is dark and I can make out Izzy’s vague shape on her bed. I can’t tell if she’s sleeping or if she’s lying there awake. “I . . . This is the first batch of cookies. We heard you were back and I thought that you might like them warm. I place the plate of cookies on her nightstand with the milk. I walk back to the door, but turn back to her, “I’m here when you want to talk.”
We Meet At The Lights
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