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Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 2:48 am
by Zendorox

In need of BETA

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 9:01 pm
by Corinne_85
Been toying with an idea and have finally started writing, but will need a beta soon once I finish punching out my first couple of chapters. Figured it would be good to post this now in hopes of having a beta set up for when I'm done.

The story is AU w/ no Aliens, it will be my first fic so I figured I should go easy with a comedy/fluff piece, not sure if it is going to go mature or not. It will be Liz POV and UC more then likely polar. I'm not sure if it will stay fluffy or if I will take it deeper. Still conceptualizing (look at that monster of a word! My college tuition is finally paying off woo hoo) the whole story.

I will mostly need someone for grammar, spelling, and any inconsistencies within the story, with a look out for my magically changing tenses.

Basically it is close to liz's b-day and they (Alex, Maria, Kyle and Liz) are going up to lake cabin to celebrate her 21st and their last summer as students. They will all graduate from college that next spring so they plan to live it up. There they meet the pod squad in an unusual way. Naturally mayhem and love happens.

Here is a excerpt of what I have started writing:

‘What is that smell?” Maria asked as she turned around from the front seat.

And that’s when it hit me, it was a mix between a dead animal and rotten eggs, truly horrible. ‘Oh my god Maria he took his shoes off!’ I cant help but screech. I thwack Kyle as hard as I can in the arm to wake him up. “Put those shoes on now!” I point at his feet while attempting to hold my nose, as well as use my elbow to press the button to roll down the window, in a wild search for fresh air.

“No need to get violent Liz, though I kind of like it when you hit me. Hit me again baby!” Kyle says while winking in my direction.

“That is soo nasty! I do not need to be reminded of the time the two of you lost your minds and dated back in sophomore year of high school. I still have nightmares.” Maria whines. I can only sit and roll my eyes as I watch Maria shutter for added emphasis.

-End quote-

Any takers?

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 4:03 pm
by vegas312
Hi! :D

I'm in the process of completing one story and getting ready to switch my focus to another work in progress. I pretty much need someone to correct my grammatical errors and let me bounce ideas off them. The story I need a beta for is Apocalypse

It's a CC fic that's pretty much a time traveling fic that starts years after Departure and goes back to The End of the World. If interested then just pm'd me. Thanks a lot.


Beta wanted...

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 6:27 pm
by keyelee
The fic is called Failure by Design. I have the first 2 parts posted, and it is AU without aliens, M/L & CC. Please PM me if you are interested.

Thanks :D

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 7:55 pm
by jbangelo
vegas312 wrote:Hi! :D

I'm in the process of completing one story and getting ready to switch my focus to another work in progress. I pretty much need someone to correct my grammatical errors and let me bounce ideas off them. The story I need a beta for is Apocalypse

It's a CC fic that's pretty much a time traveling fic that starts years after Departure and goes back to The End of the World. If interested then just pm'd me. Thanks a lot.
PMed you, Cam. :D

Need a beta

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 6:41 pm
by Ladeia3
Hey all..

I'm extremely embarrassed to realize that I've been MIA for TWO years! I just cannot believe how fast time has flown. One thing or another has gotten in the way.

Anyway, I'm starting to work on my fics again and realized that I desparately need a beta if I'm going to repost them. The one I'm focusing on now is Heart's Desire . In Word this fic is already at 140 pages and it's only about half way done. If someone wants to help me clean what I already written and beta future chapters, I would really, really appreciate it.

Thanks so much

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 8:22 am
by Lulù
Hi everyone! I'm Italian and my name's Lulù. I'n new on this board so I hope to not get wrong posting here :oops: I'm crazy for Roswell and Max&Liz are my sweet drug :roll:

I wrote a fic in Italy and it's already complete. My Italian friends insist that I have to post that here too. So now I'm starting to translate the fic into English for you. The title is "Second life". It's canon, M/L and CC, post Graduation, 51 parts + epilogue.

Now I need a beta reader VERY patient to correct my sure grammatical errors.... I previously apologize for my bad English :(

Can you pm, if you're interested? Thank you as of now :wink:



Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 5:36 pm
by Luvya
Hi I need a beta for my fanfic Simple is as Simple Comes.

Basically it's a Dark Angel XO with Liz as X5 execpt she doesn't remember anything prior to the escape. There is more plot to it but I don't want to give it away so if you're interested PM me and I'll pm you the rest of the plot.

Idealliy I'd like someone for spelling and knowledge of both shows as I've only watched a couple of eppys of DA.

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 12:16 am
by Flamehair
I'm in need for a new beta, 'coz my current beta hasn't the time anymore. It's for my story "Fear and love" . It should be someone with a lot of patience since my mothertongue isn't english but german and I make a lot of grammatical mistakes :lol:

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 6:27 pm
by Behrystrwbry
Never mind on this for the time being

I am going to need a beta for an AU CC fic without aliens. I don't have a title for it yet, but I know what it will be about.

I want to write a fiction about the possibility of a Roswell movie. Not continuation of the Roswell canon mind you, but a behind the scenes look at what might go on.

I know what you are thinking; 'how is that possible without going against he rules and involving the actors?' Well what I plan to do is use the characters from the show. Meaning Max Evans would play a J. Behr-like character, and Liz a S. Appleby-like character etc... of coarse adjustments will be made where necessary. I don't want to give too much away but I'd be using some aspects that are purely fictional, and others will be based on rumors and gossip I've read about in one place or another.

What I need is beta will listen to my crazy ideas while I bang out an outline. And once I start writing, check over parts as they come, and suggest revisions.

Anyone who thinks they could seriously be interested please pm me for more details.
