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Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 12:47 am
by StormWolfstone

I see a small smile lift Tess' lips as she replies, “You’re probably right but not everyone would agree with you. Just be careful with your new friends,” she gestures toward Liz and Isabel and I simply nod as she continues, “Its easier to blame the cracks on strangers and newcomers then take credit for your own foolhardiness.”

"I'm always careful Tess. When you don't allow yourself to trust, you don't get hurt." I find myself commenting and then realize that I might have sounded strange. "I mean, you can't let yourself trust too easily. I barely know anyone and until I do, trust isn't even a part of things. It takes a long time before I'll believe I can trust anyone."

Okay, I think maybe I should just shut up. If I don't watch it I'll be pulled into the middle of whatever's going on between their little group. "Anyway, I hope you have a good day, Tess. Don't let negativity bring you down. I've learned to enjoy every day to the fullest because you'll never know what might try to rip that happiness from you or if you'll die."

I mentally kick myself and then sigh, "Well, I need to get back to work..."


"Alright Iz, what's up?" Liz asks as she takes a seat when I indicated it. I look across the table at her for a moment trying to contemplate what to say and do. "Have I done something else? I'm sorry I'm not nicer to Tess but she just rubs me the wrong way, ya know?"

I can't help be feel tense about her words. I know I brought Tess into the fold. I can't keep from blaming myself for that. "Be that as it may though, I shouldn't put you guys in the middle. I'm sorry."

I shake my head and lift my hand to halt her from saying anything else. "Liz... this isn't about that... not completely. Look, I know I never wanted the secret to be out. I wasn't happy when Max risked everything for you... The fact is, you've grown to be someone I trust. I respect you, Liz. And... as far as I'm concerned Destiny can be damned. You and Max... you love each other. I say, you should welcome that love and forget about destiny."

Okay, I can't believe I just said that, especially with how strange I still feel having learned that Michael and I were supposed to be together. "I wish I could turn back the clock and not bring Tess around. She was a friend and... even with everything going on... a part of me still thinks she might have the potential to continue to be a friend. But, no matter whether she and I have a friendship or not, don't think for one moment that I don't want to see you and Max happy whether it be together or apart."

There, I'd said my piece and finished just in time to see Michael walk in. "I've said my peice, Liz. And... no matter how gruff Michael might be, he's probably going to agree." I comment and then lift a hand to wave toward Michael. I watch as Lexi walks over toward him and I wonder again why I feel so odd around her.

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 4:00 am
by ~Ruby~

"I'm always careful Tess. When you don't allow yourself to trust, you don't get hurt." Alexandria states and I can’t help but wonder what has happened to her to make her have trust issues. "I mean, you can't let yourself trust too easily. I barely know anyone and until I do, trust isn't even a part of things. It takes a long time before I'll believe I can trust anyone."

I nod my agreement. Since I came out of my pod, Nasedo had told me how important it was not to trust anyone, not even the other three aliens and especially not humans. He had told me in graphic detail what would happen to me if the truth was ever found out and I had seen first hand what had happened to Max. Just thinking about it now makes me feel sick.

"Anyway, I hope you have a good day, Tess. Don't let negativity bring you down. I've learned to enjoy every day to the fullest because you'll never know what might try to rip that happiness from you or if you'll die." She says and again I left wondering what had happened to her. I mean, its pretty damn obvious that someone uses her as a punch bag. The dark sunglasses being a huge give away. But I can’t ignore the feeling that there is something else going on with her. That she is hiding a much bigger secret.

Sighing, she says. "Well, I need to get back to work..."

I nod again, suddenly feeling awkward. I don’t know why. I can’t explain it. Maybe its because Alexandria didn’t treat me with the usual contempt that I receive from the waitresses of The Crashdown. Maybe its because that now I’m not talking to Alexandria, I’m painfully aware that Isabel and Liz *coughslagbagcough* Parker are talking about me. What a surprise. I roll my eyes. I really need to get out of this place.

As I head out of The Crashdown, Michael walks straight past me, his attention focused on something behind me. I don’t even bother glancing over to see what is so interesting. Instead, I head straight to the car park and stand beside my car. I wonder what Kyle is up to at the moment. Maybe he could use some company.

Grabbing my cell phone, I quickly dial his number and wait for him to pick up.

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 10:42 am
by NightshadeIsis

Heavy crowd today. People are staying pretty busy around here. I still can't spot any familiar faces at first....until I see Liz and Isabel, Iz's hand up in the air, waving me down. I wave back, trying to fight my way through the crowd either leaving their tables or going to new ones.

Keeping my eyes glued to Isabel and Liz, I pay no attention to the uncomfortable stomach lurch I feel. I know that Iz doesn't like the recent events that had smacked us in the face. I'm not exactly jumping for joy about them either. How do you factor into your thinking that someone you love like a sister is supposed to be's just too much to handle thinking about. It just doesn't make sense.

No wonder everyone was so up in the air lately. With everything going on, the slightest word would be ready to make anyone ready to jump and pop someone in the face.

Someone suddenly steps in front of me, pulling me from my thoughts. Normally, I would have given them lip. I don't like people purposely blocking my path, stepping in to stop me. Not their job to tell me where I'm supposed to be going. But this time, I was honestly thankful. It pulls me from an annoying train of thought. Looking into her face, it turns out to be that new waitress at the Crashdown. Seen her before...not talked to her much. She doing a good job at playing the staring game, though.

Looking at her, I raise my eyebrows, shrugging sarcastically.

"So are we going to stand here doing this all day?" I ask. "I'll give you a tip...I'm stink at this game, so you win."

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 4:33 pm
by maougha
Oh cool this rp is still going. i thought it was closed, sorry for not posting storm. Am i still Nic? or have i been replaced?

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 7:14 pm
by StormWolfstone
maougha wrote:Oh cool this rp is still going. i thought it was closed, sorry for not posting storm. Am i still Nic? or have i been replaced?
Yes, you are still Nic

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 2:41 am
by Anna-Liisa
I think I need to give Kyle away. I'm sorry for keeping him without posting :cry:

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 1:39 am
by StormWolfstone
I'm going to be trying to get something out here this week... being ill has really screwed up everything the last few weeks... still don't know what's wrong even after having a CAT scan.

Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 12:23 am
by StormWolfstone

"Sorry, sweet-cheeks, but if she wants to come along and look around with me, that's fine. But last time I checked, Sly did NOT need a glorified babysitter. You're the only one in the group that dares to give me a spanking." Sly gives his trademark sly grin and I can’t help but smirk in return. "And that's only if you ask NICELY."

Walking over to him, I put my arms around his neck as I speak to him quietly, “Let her believe what she wants baby. I need to make certain that you aren’t taken unaware by enemies that are bound to be here. More then that, she needs watchin’. When you get back from checking out the town you and I have a bit to do.” I lift an eyebrow suggestively as I lean up and kiss him with my usual ardor for a moment before drawing back. “Now, here’s the deal pretty boy. Take her with you and get her out of my hair for a bit and when you get back I’ll be doing something for you. I need ya to check things out, job openings, restaurants, common hangouts, places where the other set hangs, if possible, where they live. I’ll make it worth your time.”

As I finish speaking, I look in his eyes while my hand rubs over his bulge to make my point. “Who knows, maybe you’ll make a contact with someone we can use to get close to the other group while you are out there.”

I had another thought about something that might make him more willing to deal with Lonnie. “And, if you want answers to what happened that night… I’ll be ready to explain when you get back.” He’d tried asking a few times since the night I’d killed his father. The plan hadn’t really been for me to kill him, I’d just intended to beat some sense into him. I’d wanted to make his dad realize that he’d never have the chance to hurt Sly again and that if we ever heard of him doing anything to Sly’s mother I’d be back.

I hadn’t even told Sly what had been said before his father let me in or what his father had been saying before he ended up coming in and slamming into his father. I’d kept a great deal from Sly mainly because I didn’t want him to decide to leave us… to leave me.


Lost in thought about things, I saw Michael come in and glanced around noting that yet again Agnes had vanished and walk over toward him. However as I stand in front of him and he looks at me I can see his annoyance and it causes me to have a moment where I can’t do anything other then look at him. "So are we going to stand here doing this all day?" He asks and I feel myself flinch at the tone in his voice glad that he can’t see my eyes behind my sun glasses because I’m certain if he could he’d see my fear, “I'll give you a tip...I'm stink at this game, so you win."

Drawing in a deep breath I speak quickly, “I was just going to ask if you wanted your usual so you wouldn’t have to wait until Agnes got around to coming back or waiting until someone else had the chance to check with you.” I end up saying finally and step back away from him, “I… I’ll get your drink and then you can tell me…” I end up saying before swiftly moving away from him.

While I’m getting him the cherry coke, I notice Brand looking at me with a curious expression and I look away. Picking up the glass I move my wrist the wrong way and cause my fingers to release from the pain, the glass breaking. Moving to quickly clean up the mess I made I can’t help but feel like I’m an idiot. Although, they can certainly see why I say I’m accident prone.

“Lexi, are you alright?” I hear Brand ask as I’m bent over cleaning up the glass shards behind the counter.

“I’m fine.” Yet even I hear the tone in my voice that belies my words.

“Did he say something to you?”

“No… no, really Brand it has nothing to do with anyone here. I’ll be fine. My latest tumble caused me to injure my wrist a bit.” I lie once again as I finish getting all the glass together and then stand with it in the dustpan and dump it into the trash. “Really, I’ll be fine.” I tell Brand again as I look at him, glad he can’t see my eyes.

Moving back over, I try getting Michael’s drink again.

Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 12:44 am
by StormWolfstone

I can’t help but smirk as I watched my General’s response to my touch; it was just too much fun.

“Of course.” I do have to say, I like this look better then the one that was originally going to be used. Of course, the one we were going to use originally would have been good for the simple fact that no one would have expected a little kid, but I wasn’t about to do this with someone that looked like a child. Especially when Nicholas is almost as old as I am. “We have a lot to deal with before the two royals meet.”

”Yes we do. However I am certain that Dani will be taking care of a great deal. She’s so easy to manipulate.” I respond as I continue to stroke his leg, through the infernal fabrics.

“That could wait though I’d like a chance to get settled in.” The look in his eyes is exactly the one I wanted to see and I thread my hand into his hair, pulling him to me as I kiss him hungrily for a long moment before drawing back.

“Settling in is my first desire.” I tell him, my other hand now resting above the bulge in his pants. The car pulled up to the hotel and with a teasing squeeze I release Nic and get out of the car, ordering the driver. “See to it our things are brought in.” With that I walk inside to the front desk where I request one room with one large bed and get a strange look from him when he notes the two men that were with me. “Only one is staying with me.” I grin at him as I hold out the money to pay for the room and walk away with the key in hand.

Going back over to Nic I purposely make a show of kissing him in front of the concierge simply because I enjoy shocking people. Not to mention, I’m sure they’ll be even further surprised if Nic and I were to bring a woman back with us. “We’re in room two twenty two.” I comment toward our driver and motion for him to rush as I lead Nic to the elevator. “This town is going to be far too easy to wreak havoc in, Nic.”

Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 8:38 pm
by maougha
OOC- hey I mentioned that time Nic made all the humans disappear in Roswell, that still happened right? Or would you like me to change it storm?


”Yes we do. However I am certain that Dani will be taking care of a great deal. She’s so easy to manipulate.” he replies continuing to stroke my leg.

“That could wait though I’d like a chance to get settled in.” this is obviously what he wants to hear because before I know it Khivar is pulling me towards him capturing me in a long heated kiss then he releases me.

“Settling in is my first desire.” He tells me running a hand through my hair while the other rests on my er lap. Oh is that the hotel? I see we are pulling up to a large building now. Khivar smirks and with a final tease he is out of the car. “See to it our things are brought in.” he calls back

I take a minute to compose my self before stepping out of the car and heading into the building my self. Did I mention that I really like this body? Even the ticklishness is bearable, under the right conditions.

Khivar is walking over to the driver and I now wearing a grin that to anyone else looks harmless enough but I can’t shake the feeling he is up to something. Grabbing me and making a big show of kissing me there in front of I didn’t really see who was there actually. Oh well I don’t mind putting on a show as I kiss right back.

He breaks away and says. “We’re in room two twenty two.” he leads me towards the elevator. “This town is going to be far too easy to wreak havoc in, Nic.”

I can’t help but snicker at that. “Might be more interesting with the humans around.” I do have the good grace to look down at that, I did fail after all. Not only did I lose the remaining few skins I had but somehow Tess had became stronger then I even knew. Must be that four squar thing I keep hearing about? Anyway beaten by a bunch of humans and those stupid clones I’m surprised Khivar didn’t kill me on the spot when her first arrived. Not that he has spoke much about Tess, I wonder does she still intend to owner her guardian’s bargain? And do we even need her too when we have Zan already in our grasp?

But most importantly, I glance over at Khivar. If he was angry he wouldn’t be stringing me along right? He would I don’t know make an example or something. I would ponder this more but all to soon we are to our room. In side he gives me a feral grin and captures me in another kiss.

OOC-sorry for about not posting in a while so i tried to make this a long one lol