Where Once Stood Kings (Mature, Max) (Complete)

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Obsessed Roswellian
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Part 47 – March 15, 2006

Post by DMartinez »

Part 47 – March 15, 2006

Max rolled over to a pair of knees. He blinked and the knees were still here. "Happy Birthday, handsome."

Lifting his gaze, Liz was staring at him. "Morning."


"Just a little. Turns out setting things right was a little more involved than I thought." He struggled to sit up. "Been up long?"

"I've been to the rehab room and back. Tess slacked it today." She leaned forward to press her lips to his forehead. "What are we going to do today?"

"We…" Max gripped her and rolled her onto the bed. "are going to stay in and order room service."

"Oh really?"


"Mom and Dad might not like that. They wanted to buy you lunch today."

"It's past lunch."

"So now they want to take you to dinner."

"Until then, we'll lay here… together… and sleep." They lay in silence, just looking the other over, and breathing in time for a very long time. "Do you still want to marry me?"
"Can you think of a reason that I wouldn't?"

"Since you've known me and what I am… you've been on the run from evil aliens, been shot, stuck in a coma and nearly eaten by a very large dog." He pointed out softly.

"The alien thing… I think comes with the territory… the getting shot thing… was a fluke… as was the coma but in a better way. The nearly eaten by a very large dog… is an exaggeration. Duke is just a very enthusiastic puppy who loves to show affection." Liz lifted her legs carefully for a better position. She picked up his left hand and pointed to the ring. "I've gained closer friendships with some of my friends. I've communed with an alien. I've been introduced to a future family that… blows my mind sometimes. Sisters-in-law, brother-in-law and his wife, all the nieces and nephews to spoil. This knowledge I carry is very heavy but worth it. We're not alone in the universe and if we were… I'm not sure where I'd be right now. I could be married to Sam, Max. Sam… while a lovely man… just… didn't do it for me… emotionally."

"Emotionally?" Max thought that over. "But physically?"

"Oh. Wonderful. Great."

"Stop it."

"But he was… great." Liz cupped his face. "But I'm going to marry you after I can walk down the aisle myself. If I can do a goodly paced wedding march, we will set a date. I didn't take off the ring while you were gone."

"While you were asleep, the only time I took off my ring was on set for scenes in New Zealand." Max promised and leaned in. He hadn't kissed her, not really kissed her, since she had woken up. He had been afraid to but it was time to take his own advice. He had a life. It was time to really live it.

"Hey Kid. Get down here. I gotta do this birthday thing quickly and then I gotta go. Big meeting and I need you to set up a time to go do some looping for the DVD release of the last movie." Kal's annoyed voice traveled over the intercom, ruining the moment and requiring an appearance out of both of them.

"I haven't seen him since I woke up." Liz whispered. "Do you think he knows what he did?"

"It's probably why he stayed away." Max sat up and picked her up to set her in her chair. "I'll meet you down there. Let me get dressed."

"Okay." Liz took a deep breath before she aimed her chair for the door.

March 18, 2006

Max sat on the countertop while Zan adjusted his razor. He had a lot of trimming to do and Max was curious what the new look would be. "You still tired?"

"Yeah. You?"


Zan scraped at one cheek and examined the effect. "Some minutes feels like a dream. Not a bad one or a good one but a dream. Other minutes s'like I still there."

"Why did you leave in such a hurry?"

Zan cleared his throat and Max thought the man was blushing beneath his beard. "I might've started another war."


"It was an accident." Zan shook his head and tried to shave again. "We got through the worst of it aight, you know? It was hard. I's fightin' the minute I got there. Ev'ryone's tired of it an' we still had some ground to cover. Shapeshifters, Skins, people like ours… it was chaos. We hadda get through this valley and I made a deal wit this leader witout readin' the fine print."

"Oh shit." Max shook his head and drew his knees to his chest. "What happened?"

"The battles were over for the mos' part an' I's institutin' some new laws. Trynta unite what was left of the world. The leader guy… Gaylis was his name… he came to cash in… I never had any intention of renegin' on our deal but…" Zan stared at his reflection. "I didn't tell anyone that I was married or that I had kids. They threw this party an' I's the guest of honor an' I spazzed out before they introduced me. I was so sad that I walked right into the lake. The sun was settin' an' I dove in and somethin' 'bout that lake… I had been there b'fore an' I r'membered an' then I was even sadder because Davis was dyin'. Then somethin' 'bout that lake boosted my powers an' I could feel you, I could feel her an' we was workin' t'gether to get her back. I stayed in that lake for hours afte'ward an' when I came out… soldiers were waitin' for me."

"What happened?"

"There's a physical. They thought I was sick. Then I hadda tell 'em what had happened. Gaylis freaked. He accused me of lyin' an' there's a debate 'bout whether anythin' I said was true. I was confused 'bout most of it." He paused to get at a tricky spot on his chin. "Turns out when I negotiated passage through the valley, I agreed to 'a marriage of political convenience.' She's such a nice girl. Young, though, and smart. She was pissed off when she found out she had been pawned off. She ran away. It bought me some time to think though… and some of my buddies seemed to think she was ugly an' wanted to get me out of it. We put our heads t'gether."

"She was ugly. How could you tell?"

"I couldn't, to tell the truth, but the guys all seemed to think marryin' her was a fate worse than death. I went on, negotiatin' for peace an' the like 'til they find her. She's been livin' with the enemy an' her daddy don't like it. He makes her let him rifle through her brain to find out what they've been up to. It helps us in the last battle. The only thing left to do was get Gaylis to consent to let the marriage thing drop. He doesn't. My advisor guy tells me, 'suit up. You're getting married.' An' I'm thinkin'… what in the hell am I gonna tell Brock when I get home. 'Hi baby, you're my Earth wife and Perlyni is my Antar wife.' Oh, she'd've kill me if I had gone through wit it. I was an hour away."

"An hour?"

"They cut it close. Real close. I's fixin' m'self up. Trynta look my best for the new wife when they grab me. I almost killed a coupla my own men. They kidnapped me and shoved me into the tiniest spaceship I've ever seen. They hit the button an' off I go. These needles pop out but I don't feel 'em, I'm spinnin' so fast. They knock me out but I still dream. I think maybe I'm conscious part of the time."

"You were." Max confirmed. "You sang to yourself a lot. I guess since you were technically asleep, I could feel you stronger."

"I get a lil dizzy just thinkin' 'bout it. I ain't hear nothin' so I think it's cool but maybe Gaylis is startin' shit up there."

"Kal hasn't said anything."

"So, I'm just gonna get on with my life in the meantime. Make some movies, make some bucks, make some love." Zan ran a hand over his messy chin to clear the shavings and to trim what was left. "How do I look?"

"Like your dog."

"Aight." Then he pointed to his head. "I was thinkin' 'bout a Mohawk."

"I'd talk to your wife first."

"Maybe. Leave it long?" He pulled at his longish locks.

"You look like a vampire."

"I'll get a tan." Zan cleaned up his mess and reached for his shirt. "Please tell me you been takin' pictures of the kids."

Max nodded and listened while Zan talked as if he had just learned that his voice could project. He talked a whole lot more than he used to but Max couldn't blame him. He had somehow expected to find Zan had changed somehow but he hadn't. At least, not in any way that Max could tell. He didn't know if he could say the same about himself if he had been put in the same positions.

March 24, 2006

"Oh my God! Liz!" Maria exclaimed and Max had to shake his head to get the screech out. All he could do was watch as they got reacquainted with each other. He was content to doze and recover in a chair where he could hear Liz talking in her slow but more confident voice. Her parents were puttering around somewhere but they were all getting along. He could hear Tess and Drew cooking dinner together. It was their time. Between their respective classes and family obligations, dinner preparation was theirs to share and to be together. "Let me see the ring. Last time I saw it, I was traumatized so I didn't get a good look."

"You came up?"

"Of course I did. I got one of my feelings and I called your parents but the cook said they had been flown to Connecticut because someone shot you. Alex and I hopped the next flight up. Oh! I have to tell you. I am this close to living my dream. You remember Billy? He's in New York and I've been staying a few weekends here and there. We are so hitting it off. You should see him, he's not the geek he used to be in band camp and… Liz… I think this is it. I think this is what was meant to be. You come up here and marry this rich guy and I'm still your wacky sidekick, only I'm working with my boyfriend, singing in bars and at clubs and totally living the starving artist life just one state over so we can keep in touch."

"That's crazy, Maria. Really? You're gonna move in with Billy and play for quarters?"

"It's the plan so far. I'm gonna waitress to pay rent but we'll be writing together. You know that he was the only other person I could write with. It'll be great. We'll be able to visit all the time."

"I don't know how much fun I'll be. I'm wheelchair bound for awhile…"

"I heard your therapy is coming along. You'll be walking in no time."

"She better be. We're setting a date when she walks unaided." Max didn't open his eyes but he could feel Liz's eyes on him.

"Thank you. I wanted to tell her." She tossed a throw pillow at him and he let it fall to the floor without even flinching.

"Setting a date? So you're going through with this… with him?"

"Maria, of course. I love Max." Max never got tired of hearing that phrase fall from Liz's lips with such conviction.

"What is with him? Does he always sleep during the day? What is he, a vampire or something?"

"Maria, he's been sick." Liz leaned over and touched his leg. "Why don't you go lay down upstairs if you're tired?"

"The babies will be here soon." Max shook his head but didn't open his eyes.

"You're such a baby hog."

"That's what they tell me."

"Babies?" Maria cut in.

"Max's brother Zan has three kids. They come up on the weekends. Aja is so cute. He's just learning to read so he's always got stories to tell when he gets here. He remembers absolutely everything he reads, he's so smart. The twins are so adorable, Maria. Scott and Davis. Max can't seem to get it through his head that he doesn't have to hold them every second they're here." She tossed another pillow at him, this one he caught and clutched to his chest. "He's overeager to be daddy."

"Not so. I've been raising children since I was a child." Max opened his eyes to look at them. "I got the hard parts out of the way. I just like my brother's kids. They have to love me, I'm their window to culture. Zan'll have them speaking his special brand of street and I intend for Aja to do great things."

"Max, the great manipulator. He has a father. Aja will make that decision when he's able." Liz shook her head at him.

"I heard that." Zan grabbed the pillow and hit Max over the head with it. "Special brand of street?" He had his younger son in one arm and repeatedly hit Max over the head with the pillow in the other. His group had just arrived. "Man, that mini-van is such a buzzkill. I just came off a shoot this mornin'. I's flyin' high on the attention and doin' great in the Vanquish and then I get home and we gotta pile up the soccer mom ride."

"I like the van." Brock kissed her husband and kept moving into the room. "Don't mind him. He's been yapping since he got home. I miss his old terse days."

"Woman." Zan started but backed off. She was right. "Aja and Duke're outside. That cool?"

"Yeah." Max nodded even as he was reaching for Davis. "Maria, my brother Zan, his wife Brock and their children Davis and Scott. Aja is out that window there running with a beast of a dog."

"Nice to meet you. Oh… they are so adorable. You know people say that and don't mean it but they are. Oh…" Maria cooed across the coffee table. "Liz, hurry and get your ass walking so I can get some babies to coo at." She shook hands with the proud parents and finished the introduction. "I'm Liz's friend from high school." Then she paused and stared at Zan, then at Max and back at Zan. "You're him."

"Him?" Zan shook his head and looked to Max.

"You are. You're him. You're Bane and Mr. East. I saw that movie eight times." Maria exclaimed. "Liz, why didn't you tell me?" She turned to her friend and back to the man in front of her. "I am such a big fan. And the new one. Oh my God! Brilliant."

"Look, honey, a fan. You've finally got one." Brock nudged her husband as she took a seat.

"Two. That's two fans." Zan corrected. "I ain't act'ly seen the new one." He told Maria as he found a seat. "Been out of the country."

"I heard. Somewhere I read you were kidnapped by terrorists. Somewhere else said you went off the deep end and bought a private island." Maria gushed.

"There's an idea." Zan nodded and stretched out so he could see where Scott was crawling and still participate in the conversation. Brock stared at her husband as he went on. "Buy an island. No reporters, no Kal, no agents."

"No family. No wife because I'm not leaving the city." She told him in no uncertain terms.

"Bane." Maria told Liz. "I met Bane."

"And Mr. East." Max prompted her.

"I met him long time ago. He didn't impress me."

"Ha ha." Zan chuckled and looked to his brother.

"You could have met Bane earlier if you had ever come to see me before I got shot in the head." Liz scoffed. "Bane. I always hated that character's name."

"Me too." Zan stopped Scott from wandering off with his foot. "Slow down, Chief. You'll get to run 'round when you grow up."

Max bounced Davis on his knee and shook his head at them. He played with Davis until she got fed up with him and then he played with Scott until he got sleepy. He ignored everyone around him for a couple of hours. They talked, or rather… Liz and Zan chatted, Maria interrupted with Bane questions, Brock commented on the conversation until the twins got hungry, then disappeared to feed them. Then they got the call.

"Dinner's ready." Tess told them, her face flushed.

Max glanced at his watch, then tilted his head at his sister. "Just now?"

"Yes, just now. I'm gonna go wash up and I'll meet you all in the dining room." She disappeared as Drew appeared, freshly washed up from the stairs. Zan disappeared to retrieve his child from the outdoors but found the munchkin in the kitchen, chowing on his specially prepared dinner with the dog.

"Hey, no sharin' food with Duke. He has his own food."

"Tess and Drew was kissing in the frigerator."


"They was."

"That right?" Max leaned into the kitchen after his brother.

"Uh-huh. Drew gave Tess a present and they was kissing." Aja let his father take his plate to join them at the table.

"God." Max banged his head on the doorframe. "They had better wait until we can explain things to his parents."

"You think Kal'll walk her down the aisle?" Zan snorted and rejoined the dinner party. Liz and Maria were reminiscing, talking about mutual friends and where they were now. Brock had set her children down for a nap and set the monitor near her plate. Drew was silent but had a calmness around him that Max envied. He had done it. Max felt he was getting left behind the game. He and Liz were stuck behind everyone else until he and/or Zan could get enough strength to try healing her atrophied limbs and her sluggish neural pathways. Max hated to be jealous of his own sister but it was the way he felt.

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Obsessed Roswellian
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Part 48 – March 25, 2006

Post by DMartinez »

Part 48 – March 25, 2006

Max lounged in the sun room with everyone. Somewhere in the last seven years he had gotten over trying to be the life of the party and learned to sit back and enjoy it. Maria and Liz were still catching up when Zan and Brock made their appearance. Children tucked away with Tess to watch over them, the couple hadn't let more than a breath between them all day. Maria sighed heavily and pointed to them. "They are so mismatched."

"What?" Max shook his head in confusion.

"Zannamens, they don't look like they go together."

"Mohawk's new." He shrugged, not really knowing where Maria was going with this topic. Liz seemed just as intrigued. They were just the same as they had always been. Zan in his torn shirts that all the money in the world couldn't cure him off, the pants that ceased to have holes in them but continued to assure his manliness. Brock in her classily skimpy wear, just enough skin to make heads turn but not enough to make wives cover their husband's eyes when she passed.

"No. Not just the hair. You can tell that he's seen the darker alleys in the city but that she's Central Park in broad daylight only… High-rise balcony and Cristal. Tequila shots and mosh-pits. Vivaldi. Virus. Mozart. Manson." Maria gestured from face to amused face. "Black tie affairs and midnight raves."

"I'd like to see them combine the two. Midnight black tie moshing." The voice floated over their heads, a bodyguard just behind him to prove that he had been ushered in to ensure his validity. "But that's just me."

"Alex!" Maria and Liz both screamed but only Maria leapt to her feet and launched herself at her friend.

"I heard this was the place to be. I hopped a plane at the nearest convenience to my overbearing employer and here I am to use up some hard-earned vacation time." Alex hugged Maria and then moved around to Liz. "Hey you."

"Hey you." Liz hugged him as hard as she could. "It's been a long time."

"Nice to see you again, Alex." Max rose to shake his hand. "My brother, Zan, and you remember his wife, Brock. Guys, Alex."

"Nice to see you again and to meet you." Alex stared at Zan and then looked apologetic as he asked his question. "Did Maria go all Bane-crazy?"

"No." Maria scoffed.

"Yes." Max, Zan, Brock and Liz all answered.

"Anyway." Maria ignored them. "As I was saying. The Married Couple is mismatched. Don't you think?"

Alex studied the couple on the couch and shook his head. "I don't see it."


"I mean, your point, Maria. Perfectly matched to me." He pointed to Zan. "Movie star, excuse me, movie star slash model if I recall and…" He pointed to Brock. "Hot babe."

"Thank you for saying so, Alex." Brock smiled at the man and elbowed her husband.

"What? I told you that you were beautiful this mornin'." Zan gripped his side. It had been taking quite a few hits these days.

"But Alex said Hot." Liz clarified. "She gave birth to two of your children and might I say that I can only hope I bounce back that quickly when my time comes. Hot is a very important word for a mother."

"You gotta be kiddin' me." Zan turned to his wife in her itty-bitty outfit. "You're gorgeous. I always say so. And now, after the babies… more curves than before. It's a miracle I get out of bed anymore."

"Hello!" A voice boomed from inside the house.

"Isabel?" Max called out.

"Isabel?" Maria turned to Liz.

"Is there an echo?" Isabel appeared, followed by her harried husband. She paused inside the sun room. "Oh. Look. Roswell threw up in here."

"Isabel Evans?" Maria exclaimed and gestured wildly to the rather large bump of flesh on the taller girl. "Oh My God."

"It's Isabel Ramirez and what the hell are you gawking at?" At the very immediate shift in Isabel's tone, Max wanted to hide somewhere. He was almost certain that her head might start spinning around. Jesse began nervously fidgeting with his tie as if it were the most fascinating thing on the earth. Isabel strode up to Maria. "You never seen a beached whale up close and personal?"

"Honey, calm down. Blood pressure." Jesse muttered under his breath. "I think you're beautiful."

"Lovely." Max chimed in and rose to offer his big cushy seat. "How are you feeling?"

"Like I'm gonna pop. Doctor says my blood pressure is high so I'm not supposed to get worked up." She let herself be seated then turned to say hi to her friends when her gaze fell on Brock. Suddenly she began to sob. "I hate you."

"Izzy, why?" Brock sat up, obviously hurt by the words. They were best friends since they worked together.

"Cause you're wearing that and you look hot and you're not fat and your husband obviously lusts for you." She hiccupped loudly and Jesse looked rather uncomfortable as he studied his tie more intently. "I'm fat and ugly."

"You're neither, Isabel. You're pregnant and glowing." Jesse told her softly. "In a month or so, you'll meet the baby and you'll see. This isn't so bad."

"It's not so bad?" She stopped crying and turned to her spouse. "You carry the baby and tell me it's not that bad. Hormones charging out of control all the time, eating every five minutes because you're always starving and gaining weight… peeing every two minutes because your bladder is flattened against your spine and the baby likes to kick it for fun." She resorted to sobbing again. "I haven't seen my feet in weeks."

"And they're gorgeous feet." Jesse pulled a chair next to her chair and began whispering in her ear, stroking her hair.

Max looked to the room and everyone was just as dumbfounded as he was. Brock seemed to sympathize and she reached forward. "What's it gonna be, Izzy? Boy or a girl?"

"Oh. That." Isabel took a deep breath, calming a little. "Boy. Little boy."

"Aw. A little Jesse?" Liz smiled brightly and looked to the proud father. "Bet you were hoping for one all along."

"Actually, I was growing fond of the image of a little blond girl but… uh… boys are good too." Jesse nodded to Liz's comments but never took his eyes off his wife.

"He's got it all planned out." Isabel smiled finally. "Little baseball and gloves and bats. Pictures of Hank Aaron, Babe Ruth, and one A. Rod or another. There are too many to keep up with."

"I'm a fan of the sport."

"And if it were a girl?" Liz pressed.

"I would do the same. Softball." Jesse defended himself.

"Not baseball?" Maria cut in.

"I do believe there was once a professional women's league. Baseball."

"Made a movie about it if I recall."

"I always liked that movie." Alex nodded in agreement.

"Okay. I'mina check on the kids." Zan extricated himself from the couch and motioned for Max to help him. They got halfway up the stairs when Zan stopped their movement. "Was Brock like that?"

"Sometimes… not quite that bad and horrifying but sometimes bad." He didn't really know what his brother was fishing for. "The months you were gone… those were the worst and I wasn't always there, you know. She only came up the day they were born."

"I do really wish I had been here… But then you would have been up there."

"Hey. I'm good. You've got a knack for picking the strong women. Ace… she holds it all in…"

"Hey… I'm really sorry I left you with all my shit to deal with."

"Zan. Stop." Max turned to see Tess blatantly eavesdropping with a baby on her hip. "Look. We love you… and I really think the right person went up there. I might have actually married the little girl and Liz would really, really hate me."

"What?! You went to Isabel's wedding but you didn't come see me?!"

Max turned at Maria's screech. "I'm gonna hide in there with you, Tess. That okay?"

"Sure." Tess nodded.

"Me too… and I'm not really sure why." Zan entered and shut the door.

"For Max?!" the screech made it through the door.

"She already hates me." Max told Zan. "She can't be mad at a best friend in a wheelchair but she can hate me forever… and she loves you. We'll just stay in here until she goes away."

"Good plan." Tess nodded. "Oh… Max… since I have you trapped in a room with no possible escape…" She froze when the men crossed their arms and waited. "Who told you? I didn't tell any one…. Anyone."

"Aja." Zan shrugged and leaned on the changing table. "You forgot you had just set him up with a meal when you accepted the ring that is not at all hidden by that shirt."

"Mrs. Parker saw you admiring your rock his morning and had a chat with me." Max advanced on his sister. "I just want to you think very carefully about your game plan. You have to tell the Lazcanos about you."

"I know."

"Tess." Max waited until she looked up. "I am happy for you."

"We're not getting married right away. Drew has to finish school and I have to get basics out of the way and… my M.D…. don't forget."

"I know." Max nodded and hugged his little sister. "I know."

May 25, 2006

"How does that feel?" Tess looked up at Liz. Braces were all set and the real test was coming.

"Good… Stable." Liz nodded and couldn't seem to look Max in the eye. She had forbidden him to bring out his camera for this. If Liz could do this… no more wheelchair. This was monumental.

"Alright, Liz. Stand up." The doctor ordered. "Lean on the crutches all you want. Good. Good." Liz pulled herself to her feet and let out a breath. She smiled as she shifted her weight from the crutches to her legs. "Good."

"Yeah." She laughed out loud.

"Try to take a step."

Liz was hesitant to lose the feeling she had just captured but she moved the crutches and moved one leg, then the other and put the weight back on her legs. "Good, right?"

"Very good. I think this is going to work. Now, I just want to you move around the room… slowly and get a feel for the braces and how to maneuver yourself around objects. It, like everything else, will take some adjustment and we'll adjust your home therapy accordingly. I think your progress has been goodly timed."

"Us too." Max rushed forward to kiss his fiancée. "How does it feel?"

"Like this wedding is actually going to happen." Liz let a tear slip out of her eye. "You should have brought your camera."

Tess did a funny little dance as she hurriedly tried to retrieve her vibrating cellphone from her too-tight pants. She snapped it open and listened. "Now?"


"It's Isabel. The baby's coming."

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Obsessed Roswellian
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Part 49 – May 26, 2006

Post by DMartinez »

Part 49 – May 26, 2006

It was the middle of the night when Jesse came out of the delivery room. He looked tired and relieved. Max jumped to his feet. "Well?"

"Definitely a boy. They're both doing fine." Jesse shook his hand. He turned to the ladies. "I'm a dad."

"Congratulations." Resounding voices piped up from all over the room. Jesse remained composed for all of ten seconds longer but he had to do a victory dance that got cheered on by his family and friends.

"Did we miss it?" Phillip Evans came barreling through the visitor doors with his wife in tow and Michael a few steps behind.

"Just in time to catch the proud father looking like an idiot." Tess snorted but greeted Michael with a big hug. "Long time no see, stranger."

"Is she okay?" Michael looked to Max but spoke to Tess.

"It's alright, Michael. Just because she's the first to give birth in a hospital doesn't mean something bad's going to happen. She's fine."

Max recognized the alternating concern and revulsion flashing through Michael's eyes. He patted the man's shoulder and returned to his seat next to Liz. "We'll get a room and come back tomorrow to see the baby, sound good?"

"Do I look tired?"


"Good answer."

"Are you jealous?"


"How's the head?"

"Light on the pounding, just above a throb."

"Wanna call the doc?"

"Some sleep first." Liz nodded. "Do you think we ever sound like an old couple?"

"These days, a lot." They snickered together. "You think you'll ever get sick of me?"

"Hasn't happened yet." She brushed his lips with hers. "You're stuck with me. I'll go to all of your premieres and make fun of your movies and you won't be able to shake me."

"Was that supposed to be a selling point?"

"You're not getting the ring back."

June 10, 2006

Max groaned. Liz had been on the phone with Isabel for two hours. Tess was spending the day with the Lazcanos so he had taken over therapy. He had stopped trying to distract her an hour ago. Reassembling her braces, he started to leave her to the fascinations of second-hand parenthood. "Hey Max, on your way back, can you bring me my books?"

"No problem." Max had felt the pressure. Isabel called nearly everyday during Jesse Jr.'s long nap. He had gotten her a new headset so she could talk and do her exercises at the same time. They had three weeks before he was due on the set of some movie or another and he had planned for them to enjoy the day. He didn't know what he was going to do when she went back to school. When he passed the kitchen, the refrigerator was open. "Hello?"

"Geez, you have any normal food? I just wanted a sandwich." The green haired alien hopped up on the counter. "Your bodyguards are nosy."

"Could it have been the hair? Last time it was a different color."

"Was it? Huh… it's been a long time."

"A year and a half." Max nodded and pulled out fixings for her sandwich.

"I guess. Where's Zan these days? Heard he came back."

"Yeah. He's back… This week he is…" Max had to stop to think about it. "Spielberg? Cameron?" He scratched at the back of his head. "Canada, I think."

"I figured he was away. That redhead is still subletting, I guess." She took a bottle of hot sauce and drenched a piece of bread.

"No… he still lives there."

"No, I stopped by. Redhead with kids."

"Ava… when was the last time you talked to Zan."

"After he said he was going Starman. He told me he was gonna track down the Wonderbitch and then he was going."

"You haven't talked to him at all since New Year's of last year."


"Ava… Zan's married."

"You're joking. Come on." She stared at Max. "Zan's not married."

He was going to kill Zan. He had to be the one to tell Ava this and he was going to exact some pain from Zan. "Right after he went back to the city… he let Isabel fix him up with the redhead… Brock… They got married. He left and while he was gone… she had his twins."

"Those were Zan's babies?" She looked like she was going to cry for a second. "I'm gonna kill that good for nothing. It's not like he don't know how to find me and tell me he's getting a ball and chain." She took the sandwich from Max and stared out the window. "Anything else happen I should know about? Everyone still alive?"

"More or less." Max went about making more sandwiches for Liz. "Just passing through?"

"You know. Gotta touch base every now and then… Married." She snorted. "Hey, you and Liz married yet?"

"Not yet… that's quite a story."


"Secretly engaged."

"Cool. Isabel?"

"Just had her baby."

"What is with all the kids? Everyone eager to be old or what? Michael?"

"Not much new. He's going back to school. Independent studies so he can be with the baby. She's really running around these days… I hear… Michael's kind of like you… comes around once in a blue moon."

"Am I the only one roaming the fields?"

"Looks like. Hey… you and Ace should go partying some time."

"Me and Wonderbitch. You gotta be kidding." Ava took a huge bite out of her sandwich. Her blue eyes were heavily lined in black and purple. There were a few new tattoos. "I shop alone."

"Ava!" Liz exclaimed, ambling her way into the kitchen on her crutches.

"What fucker did that to you? I'll kill him." Ava stared at the braces.

"This is old news. How are you?"

"Check out the guns on the girl." Ava squeezed Liz's arms. "Max, think she can bench you?"

"Soon." Liz winked.

"Max, why haven't you fixed this yet?" She demanded.

"He's been trying… but it's mostly brain stuff… so we're being careful. Legs are getting stronger everyday. Synapses are starting to fire normal again. I'm going to run down the aisle… next June." Liz turned to Max. "How's your schedule next June?"

"It's clear and if it's not… I'll make it clear." Max kissed her forehead.

"Aw… I'm gonna cry." Ava sniffed loudly and took a huge bite out of another sandwich. "So… I want to hear it all and I need someone to get my boy on the phone."

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Part 50 – June 25, 2006

Post by DMartinez »

Part 50 – June 25, 2006

Kal stared at his charge. He seemed genuinely surprised and that confused Max a little. "You gotta be kidding me."

"We start the planning when I get back. Small thing. Her family, ours… some nice park somewhere. Next year." Max moved some objects around on the desk. He felt so weirdly nervous having this discussion with Kal.

"Then what, we plan Tess's wedding? Don't think I don't know about that." Kal lit a cigar and sat back in his chair. "Tell you what… I'll foot the bill."

"What's the catch?" Max narrowed his eyes.

"I got a few pictures need a body or two… You get your bod back into shape, I send you in. You do your thing… you make me some money."

"What's wrong with my 'bod'?" Max turned to the mirror. He didn't think he looked any different.

"You've lost definition. Lounging around, eating rich food. You gonna do anything with your degree?"

"Finish getting it for one."

"You really want to take pictures?"

"I already take pictures. You're the one that wants me to make pictures."

"They don't call 'em pictures anymore."

"You do."

"I'm old. I've been around since they were." Kal set the cigar down. "What do you say? You throw your blushing bride the wedding of her dreams and you make three more movies for me."

"The longer I wait to answer the more movies I have to do?" Max turned to the window. The thought of going on location right now bugged him. He'd miss Liz's progress. He wouldn't be there to see if he could help her any further. "Five movies… for a wedding and a house."

"I was only going to suggest four but five it is." Kal cleared his throat. "What's wrong with the house you're in now?"


Zan kicked a can into the gutter and turned to Max. "How long he got you for?"

"Three years."

"Long time." Ava muttered.

"I'll be goin' again by then." Zan adjusted Duke's leash in his hand as the dog wandered between the three of them, sniffing shoes and car tires.

"What?" Max sank against the fence.

"It's about that time and they've figured it out. I skipped out on marrying the girl. I gotta go make diplomatic peace." Zan stared up at the building in front of him. Aja's private school. They had about twenty minutes until the final bell rang.

"I'm goin' wit you." Ava announced and rushed to keep him from forbidding it. "If they see me… they might let you slide on the girl thing. Besides… I've about had my fill of human interactions… maybe some of them aliens is hot."

Max exchanged a look with Zan. "Ava… they don't look like us and we don't really know what they find attractive."

"Well, we'll figure it out when we get there. You, my friend, are not havin' no more fun without me." She jabbed him in the gut harshly. "Wife and two kids and you don't even call."

"Didn't know where you were."


"I wanted to tell you in person but you never wandered back, now did you? You could've picked up a phone." Zan dodged his dog when the huge animal leapt up to lick his face. "Down, boy."

"That dog's gonna get all depressed again." Max shook his head sadly.

"Ah, he's a good boy." Zan knelt to pay the dog some attention. He'd been highly excitable since Zan's return. "Looks after my lady and my babies."

"Lookit there." Ava turned to the school yard filling with children. "Little Zan."

Aja ran around the corner and handed Zan his stuff, his attention on the dog immediately. Zan snorted and tried stuffing loose papers back inside the little backpack. "No, 'hi Dad'?"

"Hi Daddy." Aja giggled when Duke licked his face. "Mr. Riley said you gotta sign my paper."

Zan groaned and fished through the backpack to find the paper. No doubt one of the ones he had just shoved back in. "Are you in trouble?"

"I don't know." Such a lack of patience for his old man.

Max swallowed a snicker and knelt next to the boy. "Was your teacher happy or mad when he gave you the paper?"

"I don't know."

"Did anyone else get papers?"

"No. I don't know."

"He's a regular font of knowledge." Zan grumbled as he examined the paper. "Huh…"

"What's it say?" Max ruffled the boy's hair as he straightened.

"That he's a regular font of knowledge." He cleared his throat. "Apparently, he needs to be tested so that they can either keep him with his class or move him up with the kindergartners… maybe even the first graders."


Max was setting the table for dinner when he heard the curse. Ava peeked out of the kitchen and down the hall but Zan never emerged though they could hear the steady stream of curses. Zan had gone to check on the babies before Brock came home with dinner. "Zan?"

"I'm okay. Ava? Can you come keep an eye on them?"

She made her way down and backed up when Zan emerged with a hand over his eye and blood on his shirt. "What happened?"

"You know… Brock told me that I should take out some jewelry after I put it all back in." Zan lifted his hand and showed Max the torn flap of flesh over his eye. "Can you salvage it?"

"I'll see what I can do." Max first stopped the bleeding and then examined the flap. "I won't be able to leave the hole."

"It's okay. Ava can repierce it. She did it the first time." Zan winced a little when his skin reattached itself. "Hey, man, thanks for stayin' for dinner. Brock doesn't really like Ava and it's been a little awkward."

"She's staying here? Where?"

"The couch." Zan took his slightly bent hoop to the sink to rinse it off and to take care of his bloody shirt. "I'm tryin' to help her understand my relationship with Ava but she can't see past the…"

"The whole part where you used to be lovers who used to be the king and queen of an alien planet?"


"Understandable. You and Brock… are still kind of new. You have history with Ava. Brock isn't the kind of woman to let the other women in your life have a stake in it. Ace she puts up with because of Aja but she's made sure that Ace isn't welcome for long periods of time."

"Yeah." Zan hopped up on the counter and pocketed his hoop. "It's harder than I thought it was gonna be. Balancing everything. Wife and kids and work and friends and you guys. Why'd I think I could do this?"

"Maybe you thought you wouldn't come back… stick me with all the work." Max joked and returned to setting the table.

"Hello!" Brock burst through the door with a large bag. Zan rushed to her side to help with the bags and to get her settled and be that guy he promised to be. "Max! Hi!"

"Hey Brock. You're looking gorgeous."

"Thank you. You look good. You're joining us?"

"You bet. Let me get Ava." Max was startled at the sudden look of disgust on Brock's face. Zan wasn't kidding when he said Brock didn't like Ava. He wondered if there was some sort of basis for the hatred.

August 5, 2006

Max looked down onto his fiancé's face. She was beautiful. She giggled as she wiggled her toes against the bottoms of his feet. Today she had allowed his teasing to lead to the first time they had made love since she had been shot. "What are you thinking about?"

"You mostly."

"oh." She nodded and giggled again. "Do you know what today is?"


"I was aiming a little more specifically than that." She pinched him playfully.

"Okay… It's not your birthday. It's not mine." He kissed her neck with a moan. "It's not an engagement thing because… I'm not really sure which day really counts for that. It's not the anniversary of our first date…" Max shook his head. "I don't know."

"You were getting close, Max." She bit her lip. "We met five years ago today. I was your replacement waitress. Tuesday is the five year anniversary of our first official date."

Max nodded and nuzzled her cheek. "And Thursday… it will be five years since we first made love… the day I knew I would never be the same… even if I didn't know it yet."

"You know… I haven't really been feeling myself… since the whole… waking up from a coma thing but today… I just… I saw them putting down a foundation up the road… up on that hill and… I just thought… Somebody's getting a house. Maybe a little old couple just retired or some wealthy guy getting his wife a second house or maybe they're just starting out and getting their first home. Then I got to thinking that we'll be doing that…"

"And then you had some good dreams for once and you woke up in an extremely good mood."

"Something like that." She stared up at him. "You knew about the dreams?"

"For a good long while now… Something about a man firing a gun at you. Poking a hole in your head. Waking up alone and with a tube in your throat." Max shrugged a little. "You gasp in your sleep. I talked to Isabel. She looked into it… told me not to wake you… you'd talk about it when you were able."

"I'm able but not today. Today… I just want to be with you." Her eyes fluttered closed. "We're never going to finish my exercises."

"Your exercises are what got us in trouble, Missy." Max sat up and pulled her with him. His hands ran down her back. "Can I see? If there's anything I can fix?"

"Just a peek. So no snooping around, mister."

He slipped his fingers into her hair along her scalp. Surface thoughts clung to him as he sent his mind to her physical mind. Love. Thoughts of him. There. A few limp synapses doing more harm than good in their present state near the scar tissue. A little energy to revive and reactivate those cells. Then he was just staring at her.

"I don't feel any different." She accused him with a kiss. "I think it's all an excuse to stare at me."

"There are worse things."

"Really?" She lay back down and stared out the window. "I changed my mind about the wedding."

"Oh?" Max tilted his head at her.

"I want it next year. One year from today."

"Whatever you want.

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Part 51 – July 4, 2007

Post by DMartinez »

Part 51 – July 4, 2007

"Can I get some help? Someone?" Zan called over. Max just snickered and focused on the important task. Grilling of the beef. He had one task and it was a manly task. Even grilling of the beef, chicken and hot dogs, whatever the hell was in those.

"You're doing great, sweetie." Brock called over without looking up from her oasis on the other side of the short fence. She and the ladies were enjoying their mixed drinks and sun-tanning. Max had to turn and see. Zan had Aja squirming to escape under one arm, Scott wriggling under the other and he was trying to corral a runaway Davis with his foot. Duke wasn't helping, he kept looking for an opportunity to jump up and lick his master's face. Max really couldn't help it anymore and burst out laughing. Brock whistled sharply and the dog raced for her, leaping over the fence and skidding to a halt at her feet. She reached over to scratch his head and let him lick her hand. "How's my precious boy? Huh? How's my Duke? Duke's a good boy."

"Thanks, babe. That really helps." Zan glared at her, moving Aja so his flailing arm's didn't hit Scott.

"Ace, I seem to recall this big burly man telling us that he would take care of the kids today so we could have some fun. Don't you?" Brock looked to the dozing drunk woman.

"What she said." Ace mumbled, taking the glass of iced tea when Liz offered it to her. Her head was pounding. A night with the redhead would send anyone to drinking. Hair of the dog wasn't working so maybe some caffeine would help.

"What's the matter, Zan?" Liz leaned over the fence. "Can't handle your kids?"

"Commandin' an army of alien warriors was easier." Zan muttered and Max couldn't help but laugh again. "You know what?" He straightened and set the kids down. "Go. Play. But you don't eat, don't start cryin'." He strode back to the patio, muttering all the way. "Legions of evil aliens and I don't crack but three kids under six and I can't command a freakin' dog."

"They're just having fun. No worries about broken glass and needles in the park." Brock shook her head at him.

"Was I not shot down when I suggested we buy an island somewhere? Who said no?" Zan leaned over the fence to hear her better. "What was that? Oh, you! Right."

"I love my job." She bit out and stopped herself. "You're cranky… and probably sun stroked. Come sit in the shade. We can see them from here."

"My turn!" Liz hopped to her feet and tagged Zan on her way out into the yard to chase after the kids.

"No one told me about the tag-team rules." Zan muttered as he fell onto a lounge chair after shooing the dog away. "They got uranium fuel capsules in 'em or somethin'?"

"This figure?" Ace pointed to her voluptuous body. "Comes from chasin' after your son. I don't need a gym membership."

"You look and you die." Brock snapped her fingers at her husband, eyes flashing. Max snickered. If he hadn't seen it, he never would have guessed Brock would have jealousy issues. Then again if Liz had a child with an ex who came around to share time, he might be a little testy if she looked at him too often, especially if he were as handsome as Ace was gorgeous.

"It's okay. He remembers." Ace leaned over and set down her drink. Stretching overly and taking advantage of her bikini and ample cleavage. It was probably a move she'd made a time or two before.

Max turned to look at Ace and then at Zan, who had covered his face with both hands. The alien king was in a particularly toasty sort of hell this merry 4th. "I'm gonna have to put a cap on your tab, ladies." He pointed his barbeque fork at each in turn. "You can finish your drinks but no more until after the sun goes down."

"Aja! Come eat." Ace called over the fence. The boy dutifully bounded over, sweaty and dirty, looking for food. "Wash up and we'll get you a hot dog."

Zan looked at Max, who shrugged. "It's gotta be a mommy thing. You just don't have the chromosome it takes to control the offspring."

"I come bearing children." Liz bumped the gate with her hip and handed one child to his mother and the other to her father. "Giggle twins are corralled and ready for a meal." She giggled herself when Davis blew a wet raspberry on Zan's cheek. He tried to look annoyed but that little girl was somebody's princess. Liz wandered over to her fiancé and bumped his thigh with her hip. "Hey handsome."

"You done playing referee?" He bumped her back.

"Sh. They don't know that's what I was doing." She hissed and slid her arms around him. "They were getting along when Zan was running around after the kids, the second he popped up on this side of the fence, they got all cat-fighty."

"Jackie still kind of has feelings for Zan. Brock doesn't want so many reminders of his loose and free lifestyle hanging around. And Zan… just wants to make it through every day alive." Max kissed her lips lightly. He pulled back at her puzzled expression. "What?"

"Jackie?" She blinked at him.

"Ace. Whoops." He winced. "She doesn't tell people her real name."

"She told you." Tone pointed, brows raised.

"She was… inebriated. Don't say anything to her."

"Ok." She squeezed him. "Where's the potato salad? Those kids went inside… almost two hours ago." She glanced at her watch and looked to the house, mouth hanging open. "Are they… again?"

"Always." Pulling a few pieces off the grill and onto plates, Max stared up at the house. "In the beginning… it was almost cute. They'd hole up in her room for hours on end. I didn't even have to think about it because I didn't have to see it. Now… I feel like I have to knock before I enter a room. You're lucky. You've got classes and your labs… you're never home…"

"Hey! Hands off the cook. He'll burn my steak." Zan interrupted them. "Anything besides medium on the side of rare and it'll be ruined."

"Look at those chubby little faces." Liz wandered away to get washcloths to clean their dirty little faces. "I can't believe they're almost two."

Max pulled everything off the grill and moved the plates to the table they had set out. He picked up his camera and snapped off pictures. Ace and Aja on their lounge, sharing their meal. Tess and Drew trying to sneak back out to the party as if they hadn't taken a siesta. Zan holding Scott and trying to get him to eat. Davis babbled between bites of food from Brock. Liz posed with a drink and a plate. He slid the view finder down to her braceless legs.

"Max, stop." Liz laughed but sashayed her way to him, hips swinging, showing off those lovely stems. Brace free for six months, at which time, both Max and Zan had fixed whatever was left. Still, she was the only one in the lab who could bench her own weight. She was once again a student at Harvard. Two weeks at school and a weekend with Max at home… when he wasn't filming. Sometimes, he spent the week with her. It was a temporary situation.

"Ladies and gents… the entertainment has arrived." The voice came from the house. Alex. The lanky man smiled broadly as he took in his childhood friend.

Liz ran over and threw her arms around him. "I'm so glad you made it up again."

"Hey, you look good and I see the legs are once again doing what legs should do." Alex set her down and looked around at the other nine people. "Cozy."

"Come on. Have a seat. Food's on the table." Max gestured. Snapping a picture of the friends before setting the camera down within easy reach.

"Yes. Come sit. Talk." Liz instructed, pulling him over to their set up of chairs and flat eating surfaces. "Oh. Alex Whitman… this is Ace."

"How's it goin'?" Ace nodded to him, barely glancing at him. She was busy, she had a hungry boy to tend to.

"Nice to meet you." Alex held out his hand as he crossed to her. "I'm an old friend of Liz's."

"Yeah. I'm an old friend of Zan's." She looked up at him warily, taking his hand lightly. New face.

"Good God." Alex looked the woman over then turned to Zan. "You don't know any normal looking girls?" His eyes turned back to Ace. "You're gorgeous."

Max quickly grabbed his camera and caught it. Ace was blushing. Then Aja broke the connection. "This is my MOMMY."

"Hey little guy. You remember me?" Alex held his hand out to the boy.

Aja took it and covered it in ketchup. "I'm Aja."

"Alex. Nice to meet you." Alex stared at his hand. "Again."

"Sorry." Ace handed him a stack of napkins. "You hot?"

"Pardon?" Alex snapped his eyes back to her face.

"You're wearing like… too many clothes for this heat. The guys have been half naked since noon." She gestured to the three other men.

"Well, see, the crux is..." Alex took a seat near her and took the plate when Liz handed it to him. "It's this. I'm a computer programmer. I spend zero time in the sun and less time in a gym. Getting half naked is liable to blind someone and make me feel inadequate… especially next to these guys."

"Love is in the air…" Liz sang into Max's ear as she sat. "It's too cute."

"Did you plan this?" Max pinched her side.

"No… but look." The two singles were chatting amiably as they ate, Aja planted firmly between them. Alex charming the girl. Ace enchanting the guy. Kismet.

"Hey missy!" Brock called over to Liz. "We haven't talked in a awhile. You still going through with the wedding? I got the invitation but… marrying one of these guys…"

"Yes." Liz grinned proudly. "Next month we get married, we honeymoon and then… I'm a Harvard graduate student." Then she grimaced. "Have you any idea how weird it is when you tell people you're engaged and then they ask what he does… and you answer part-time actor? I mean, we're scientists. Molecular biologists and 'this is Elizabeth Parker. A stellar student… she's marrying an actor.'"

"I know. They get this tone. At work, new people are like. 'Oh you're married, what does your husband do?' I tell them and they're like. 'Oh, so… you're the bread-winner.' Like it's a horrible thing… until they see the picture on my desk and they ask for autographs and stupid stuff." Brock shook her head. "I don’t get paid enough to baby-sit star-struck teenagers."

"I got fans at your work?" Zan turned to her, a bouncing kid on each knee.

"Short-timers. I give them your agent's number." Brock watched her kids bounce up and down. "Not too much, sweetie, you'll make them sick."

"No wonder she's always pissed at me." Muttered under his breath and eased the bouncing of the twins. No projectile vomiting today.

"Get a real job. Make me proud." Liz snickered as she ribbed Max.

"I have a real job. I'm an artist. You'll see. My pictures… be famous." Max pulled her against him. "Hey Zan, keep your kids downwind."

"I got it. I got it." Zan waved them all off and picked up his giggling babies and disappeared into the house.

"So, what did he do?" Max finally asked Brock.

"Nothing." She shook her head and gathered her family's trash.

"It's the tabloids." Liz snickered. "They caught Zan walking Aja and Ace home from a game. They looked like they were having a serious talk and he hugged her on the street. They made it look very intimate."

"I'm not upset." Brock shook her head. "They only printed a sentence or two that implied my husband was having an affair with an old lover in a magazine that my mother reads. Ugh, the phone calls from everyone in my family for weeks…"

"But look." Tess pointed past them. "I think they hit it off."

Alex and Ace seemed to be deep in conversation and even Aja had left them to it, bored with guarding his mother. Then Alex hopped to his feet with the remainder of their meal to toss. He bounded over to them with a grin on his face. "So… Jackie and I are… uh… gonna take a tour of the grounds…" He smiled broadly. "She's not… seeing anyone is she?"

"No." Liz shook her head. "Your only competition is five and ten months."

"Okay. Cool. Be back soon."

The lanky man trotted off and pulled Ace to her feet. The duo only made it to the edge of the fence before Aja had joined them, taking each of their hands to keep them separated. Max had to snap a picture of that. "She told him her real name."

"So?" Brock shook her head.

"That makes three people since she left home." Max informed her. "Alex must have really impressed her."

"He has that effect on people." Liz nodded and pulled the camera from Max's hands. "I hope they hit it off."

"Long distance?" Max furrowed his brow. "She's in New York, he's… where?"

"Arizona. He hasn't dated anyone seriously in years." She stared wistfully after them. "In high school he was the Ducky, you know? Now he's this hot shot programmer for… video games or something. He's doing well for himself and he's learning how to dress for success… only a matter of time before he gets a pretty gal."

"They should hook up. She should move to Arizona." Brock crossed her arms as they watched the trio disappear around a group of trees.

"I give. What we starin' at?" Zan came up behind them with a sleepy child in each arm. Kisses to their heads, light rocking to lull them further into dreamland.

Tess kicked him where she sat with Drew. "You're in my way. Ace and Alex went for a walk."

"She told him her real name." Max informed his brother.

"How do you know?" Zan's eyes narrowed.

"Do you know her real name?" Brock asked her husband, eyes hunting for a fight.

"Well, yeah… she don't liked to be called by it, though." He shifted uneasily under her gaze and looked away from Max's wide eyes.

"Jackie." Liz supplied. "He told us… doesn't realize we didn't know that before, I guess." They all waited and watched Zan.

"So now she just tells everyone her name?" Zan muttered and moved away from them to lay the kids down in the pen set up in the shade. "She knows this guy for… an hour, suddenly they're best friends?"

"Honey, careful about your tone there." Brock glared at him.

"Gee, Zan, were we enjoying the attention of the two women who bore your children?" Liz laughed as she sank back into her seat.

"Ace always says she doesn't get to meet anyone worth her time." Max joined Zan as he stared out into the woods.

"He's not her type."

"Cause that type she was into before, that did her so much good." Max lowered his voice. "She's not yours, Zan. She got over you a long time ago. You being in her life now is just a reminder of some good times. You're the father of her son. Her pride and joy is a part of you and that's why she hangs around. That's why she's here today. She's here to spend the day with her son, who wanted to spend the day with his dad."

"I know that… the kid hates me, though. He loves Brock and he helps with the babies and he loves that damn dog… but he hates me."

"He doesn't really know you. He met you and then you went away for a year."

"And for the last year, I've been there. Walkin' him from school everyday I could. I go to all those parent things at that school. He's in the second grade this year and I gotta convince the teachers that I'm not makin' him be this smart and that he just is this smart. Ace… she puts up a fight about havin' me there but she never wants me to leave and… it makes me feel good because… I wasn't there when she really needed me."

"Why don't you want her to be happy?"

"I do… but… if she hooks up with someone… if they get married… if they move… Aja goes… where does that leave me?" Zan sighed. That was his problem. He was going to miss enough of his children's lives, going back and forth between planets. To not have them be around while he was on the planet would be harder. He really was trying. It sucked being an alien king.

"Zan… even if she doesn't hook up with Alex… in two years, you're leaving… for no telling how long and she could find someone… Ace brought Aja around while you were gone. She'll do it again."


Max helped Tess and Ace put away food while Liz and Zan taught the babies to swim. Max caught up with Ace inside. "So… Alex."

"He's a nice guy." Ace nodded, loading the refrigerator. "I don't meet too many of those. He lives far away, huh."

"Yeah…" Max affirmed and ripped out sheets of foil. "He's coming to the wedding."


A spark of interest? He could work with that. "Maybe I talk to Kal… see if he's not on the market for a programmer…"

"Pulling strings?" She bit out. "I said he was nice. You'd uproot him just cause I might like him."

"Might." He scoffed at her. "He called you Jackie."

"He asked." She whispered with a smile. "No one ever asked before. They just say Ace cause I tell them that." She cleared her throat and tried to hide a smile. "He says he's working on this video game and they're going to start creating this warrior woman and… he said I'd make a good model for her. I'd just have to get myself to this place in the city where he could scan me. You think?" She looked up at her ex-lover's brother. "I mean… me… in a video game?"

Max pretended to think it over, turning his head to look her over. He might get shot if Liz caught him but Ace was asking his opinion. "Hey, be immortalized. You'll be in the spank bank of every teen in the country… hey. Maybe the world."

"Ok." Ace readjusted the girls and her bottom half and marched back out there. Well, it was more of a saucy saunter. If he were unattached, he might give Alex a run for his money. Where was his fiancé?

Camera in hand, Max watched the pool scene. Alex had finally submitted and borrowed a suit to swim. He was helping Liz and Brock keep the babies afloat. He had an extra hand when Ace dove in and swam over. Snapping all the way around the pool, Max captured Zan and Aja. The boy clung to his father as he learned to hold his breath underwater. The boy laughed as they darted across the deep end. Zan was wrong. That boy loved his father. A sharp scream caught his attention and he had just enough time to snap a picture before the lens got wet.

"Drew! I'm gonna kill you!" Tess screeched when she resurfaced.

Drew looked at Max and shrugged. "She needed to cool off." Then he dove in after her.

"Hey mister." Liz called out to him. "Now that your camera is wet, put it down and come participate in the fun."

Max stared at her, hair plastered to her head, bikini showing off her figure, a bright smile on her face. His breath caught. He was the luckiest man in the world. Setting the camera down on some towels to dry off, he kicked off his sandals and dove in, he plunged beneath the kiddies in the deep end and resurfaced next to his bride-to-be. T minus 32 days

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Part 52 – August 5, 2007

Post by DMartinez »

Part 52 – August 5, 2007

The simple ceremony had been turned into a small extravaganza. Liz had invited her entire known family and every friend she had ever met since she was five. Not to be outdone, Kal had invited all of Max's companions over the years, plus some execs he was schmoozing. It was a property Kal had acquired just for the occasion. There were so many people. Zan clapped a hand on his shoulder, lending his strength to his brother. Max just couldn't wrap his head around the day. "Maybe we should have just eloped to Vegas."

"It's gonna be okay. Brock's jealous now. When I get back… from… I think I'm gonna renew or somethin'. Do somethin' special for her." Zan nodded to himself. Max turned to his brother. He had slicked down the Mohawk, which was good but it was strange to see him in a tuxedo.

Both of them transferred their attention to the little dark-haired girl who approached. Little Anna Murphy. "Mom and Dad said that the bride is ready and for you guys to get your… Daddy used a word that I can't say… in gear and in place."

"Yeah, Mikey's a wonderful role model." Zan clucked his tongue and followed the girl back to the processional line, leaving Max to find his way to the altar. Max nearly turned around and hid when he saw a congregation of ladies near the opening of the tent. It was the ex-girlfriend club. He was going to kill Kal.

Max tried to sneak passed them but they all seemed to sense him and turn as one to offer insipid smiles. Yeah, they were just here to see the bride. They had no love lost for him. He cleared his throat and tried to smile at them. Oh God… He'd know that evil smile anywhere. He was caught. "Max Evans, I never thought I'd see the day."

Kal was dead. "Sara, it's so good to see you."

"Don't lie." The actress was nearing 30 and Max couldn't recall having heard of any movies she'd been in since that night in '99. Nothing good, anyhow. Not that his career was shaping up any better. "Why'd you even invite me? Wasn't our night… a night?"

"Um…" Max was definitely going to find a way to kill the shape-shifter with his bare hands. If he denied knowing she'd been invited, he'd be a selfish dick. If he admitted to inviting her, he was a selfish, self-important dick who wanted to rub his happiness in the noses of former conquests. "I… actually… I'll talk to you… later. I have to…"

"Get married?"

"Yeah." Max nodded and tried not to run to the altar. The music was starting. There came the bridesmaids. Some cousin whose name he couldn't remember just now and a buddy of his from school. Isabel and Jesse. Michael and Kathryn. Alex and some other cousin. Tess and Drew. Zan and Maria. Then came little Anna with the flowers and Aja with the rings… He was going to pass out. Liz and her father.

"Breathe, breathe." Zan hissed.

Right. Breathing. Air. Good. Good Lord, how could he have never known breathing was so good? Glorious air.

"Who gives this woman?"

"Her mother and I do." Jeff managed around tears.

Liz hugged her father then took Max's hand. All he could do was stare at her. He didn't hear a word the minister said until Zan jabbed him in the back. Right, vows. "I, Max Evans…" He fumbled his way through the vows. Why was he so nervous? This was just a formality. This woman already owned him and this was just the legal seal on it all.

"You may now kiss the bride."

He felt like he was 14 again, going in for his first kiss. When he pulled back, he could breathe. It was done. "I will love you, until the day I die… and then maybe a few more days."

Liz chuckled and leaned on him. "I will love you until the universe explodes."

"Guys, the mikes are still on." Zan hissed.


Maria lifted her glass into the air. "I remember the day Liz and Max met very clearly. It was six years ago today. We were waiting tables at the Crashdown on a slow Sunday, kind of like today. This tall, dark, handsome, and completely snobbish guy wandered in, definitely out of his element. Had I not been completely rude to him, Liz would have never had to wait on him and I think they both owe me for the introduction." The room filled with chuckles. "I thought he was no good for her and I held onto that for a long time while they didn't date and stayed friends and were so obviously hot for each other. Liz tried to hide it from me and she did a pretty good job for a while. Then…" Maria sniffed loudly. "My God. This man stepped in front of a bullet for my best friend. Changing the angle of entry for the one that could have killed her. I was completely horrible for four years to this man and then he goes and gives me back my best friend. Provides for her until she came back to us. I would just like to say that, Lizzie, Max loves you. I have no doubt about that anymore and I know he'll be good to you. I love you guys and I hope you have the happiest marriage ever recorded in the history of man."

Applause broke out and Zan got to his feet and blew out a breath. "I was 20 when I met my little brother for the first time in recollection. A complete accident, passin' of strangers in a subway. Since that day, I've never had anyone closer to me. Not long after that, I met Liz. I got to see this whole thing happenin'. This flirtin' and not datin' and finally the gettin' together. But hey, because of the two of you, I met my wife… and we wish you all the very best."

Max looked at Liz and they had to kiss. Dinner, cake, dancing. It all seemed to fly by. Kal had done his penance by entertaining all the exes. He looked like an old guy but the alien was nothing but charm. Still, Max had to explain when Liz asked. "Max, honey… who are all those girls over there?"

"Kal's guests." Max tried to smile but he couldn't lie to his wife on the first day. "Um… actually… he invited them but they're all… my… uh…"

"Ex-girlfriends… Oh. I think I recognize a few of them. They were in your portfolio." Liz nodded. "They're hot."

"Not really."


Maria leaned on Billy, her eyelids drooping, barely facing the camera. "Lizzie… I love you, Liz. You looked so beautiful in there today. Max… not half bad… You take care of my Lizzie. I'm trusting you buddy. I want her to win a Nobel Peace Prize so you gotta be the one to stay home with all the beautiful babies that you're gonna make. Have lots and lots of sex… and make it good." She sobbed on Billy's tie. "So you can have lots and lots of little Lizzies and if you want a little Max too. I love you guys… I'm so happy for you." She hiccupped abruptly. "Don't make me leave New York to kick your ass."


"Max, you got a great girl there. Treat her right." Michael nodded to the camera. "I'll kill you if you don't."

"No, he won't." Kathryn shook her head at the camera. "I wish you at least half of the happiness that this man has brought me. I wish the two of you all the best."


"Hey guys." Ace slurred only slightly into the camera. Alex tried to keep her upright while she spoke. "Thank you for inviting me, cause me and this hunk are… going great and you look great Liz, girl. Thank you for introducing me to this man…" She squeezed Alex and kissed his cheek. She turned back to the camera. "He's got an 8 in—"

"Okay! Hey!" Alex clapped a hand over her mouth and looked to the camera man. "We're going now. Erase that last bit, will you?"


Zan blinked at the camera. "Yeah. You two look good together. I… got me the best wife in the universe. I give her grief but I don't mean to… I love her. I mean… I made two of the most perfect little people with her…" He swayed a little on his feet. "I hope you do that too. It's an amazing feelin'… Just don't piss her off, man. It'll be the most miserable time of your life. Just thinking about her mad at you… It kills you. Keep her happy. Do whatever it takes to keep her happy. Congrats, lil bro."


Tess stood in front of the camera looking perfect. She had had years of practice to stand in exactly the right light. To smile just enough. Those wide blue eyes reached through the camera and inside. "Max, my big brother. All my life you've been there, taking care of me, watching me, teaching me… putting up with me and protecting me. You don't have to do that anymore. I can take care of myself… and this time I mean it. Don't worry so much about me, you've got a new job now. You're a husband and I know you're going to be just over in the next state if I ever need you but… I can do for myself now. You need to take your camera and live for yourself now… just like you've been telling all of us from the beginning. Congratulations, Max."


Max closed the door and watched as the party went on without them. Then the scenery began to fly by and he was alone with his wife for the first time. "Tired?"

"No." She leaned into him.

"Your dancing shoes?"

"In pieces." Liz smiled proudly. "I've danced them to tatters."

"Well, then. We'll just have to get you some more." He reached down and pulled her legs across his lap. "We've got twenty minutes until the airport."

"Not in a limo." She shook her head at him, little wisps of hair escaping their pins. "Our first time as husband and wife will be in a bed, so that when I face our future children, I won't have to tell them they were conceived in a rented vehicle."

"Miles? Think we can speed up the ride?" Max called ahead to the bodyguard.

"Miles is on vacation." A voice retorted and the partition rolled down all the way.

"Max." Liz gasped, hands clutching his arms. Miles wasn't on vacation. He was supposed to aid the driver. All they could really hope was that the bodyguard was not dead.

Max reached for his cell phone but the head in the driver's seat turned. He couldn't help but stare. "Hey, aren't you…"

"No, I'm not. It's good to see you again, Zan. When you wiped out Kivar's army, you should have finished the job or just not come home at all."

Shit. They thought he was Zan.


Zan shot out of his seat. His blood was racing through his veins. Brock shrank back involuntarily at all the tension in his body. The way he seemed so aware of his surroundings so abruptly. He propelled himself across the dance floor and burst into the conversation Kal was carrying on with a group of Max's exes. "Max is gonna miss his flight."

"Pardon me, ladies." Kal jumped to his feet and grabbed Michael on their way out the door. The former war commander fell in line without a word or a glance back at his family. Moments later, Isabel and Tess burst out the doors on their heels, ignoring their significant others and focused on the crisis at hand. Their loved ones had bodyguards to look after them.

The guests didn't even notice as their hosts rapidly vacated the premises. They were a small army but all they had to do was get Max and Liz back. They took two cars and Kal just seemed to know exactly where to go. Zan didn't like this one bit. "Who is it, Kal? I thought you had a truce?"

"Nicholas." The protector bit out and crushed his cigar between his fingers. "He doesn't exactly abide by truces. His side lost and he can't go home. He thinks Max is you." A string of curses flowed out of his mouth. "They're both gonna die."

"No." Zan shook his head. "Not today."

"You just got a feeling?"

"We're still connected. He's freaked." Zan's hand didn't even shake. This was no different than being on Antar. There was a fight and he was going to meet it head on. "They're okay right now but he's taking them somewhere."


"You really should have married the girl. Now, I've got friends on Antar again. I'm going home and I'm going to deliver your head on a platter to Gaylis."

Max let that roll off him. "You really are out of the loop. Gaylis doesn't have any real power. He's just using you to get rid of me. He's not sending a ship for you or anyone else left on this planet."

"Maybe but you'll still be dead and your sweet blushing bride, too. How many girls you gonna marry, Zan?"

"Just the one."

"Slick. Trying to get out of marrying the beast by saying you had a wife and kids back on Earth. You should have just married her."


"Up ahead." Tess told Michael, who was steering their car. "Keep an even flanking with Zan."

"Hey! I commanded legions of warriors in my past life. You're going to give me strategies?" He barked at her.

"Michael, calm down." Isabel hissed at her brother. "We need you with a level head. Can we catch up?"

"I'm working on it. He's smart. He's headed for a specific destination and he's not slowing down…" Michael stared at the car. "Shit. He's speeding up. He's almost there, wherever he's going. Isabel, lean out the window, see if you can hit the back tires."

"The car is moving."

"Then let Max and Liz get taken."

"Fine." Isabel rolled down the window and leaned out the window, hand out and aiming for the back tires. "I'm going for the left tire."

"Thanks for warning me." Michael muttered and prepared to swerve as she let the blast out… as the same time as Kal did from Zan's car. The limo swerved into a field and kept going, its rear bumping and bouncing all the way. The two cars pursued and then they saw the ship, hidden behind some trees. Michael punched the gas, grabbing for Isabel to keep her from falling out of the car.


Liz cried out as she hit her head on the ceiling. Max held out a hand and aimed directly for the engine. Nicholas turned and ducked just in time. The car moved forward of its own momentum as its engine combusted. The heat hit their faces immediately. Max threw himself over Liz to protect her from the flying bits.


Zan leapt from the car and raced toward the burning limo. Kal was already beside him, looking for Nicholas. A few seconds later, their numbers were complete. The five of them surrounded the wreck. Then Liz stumbled out of a door and Tess immediately shot forward to pull the distraught bride out of harm's way. A few moments later, Max emerged but Nicholas had his hand on his back.

Zan stared at Max and Max stared back and only once flicked his eyes toward Liz. Kal caught the look and stepped in before the former kings could confirm their plan of action. He acted fast, shape-shifting to his true form and taking Nicholas's head in his hands. The sound was horrific. Max was thrown clear. He rolled over and watched in horror as Kal killed Nicholas.

Liz clung to Tess and watched, her mind trying to tell her something but there was something she just wasn't getting. Something she knew. Isabel stepped behind her brother. Watching Nicholas writhe under Kal's hands was disturbing to watch. Zan kept his shield up. He had put it up when Kal tossed Max out of the way and he was going to keep it up until Nicholas was dead. It didn't take much longer before the little alien was just a cloud of flakes drifting back to the Earth.

Max was sobbing, crawling his way to the shape-shifter, who sank to the ground against the limo. "Why'd you do that?" Those big black eyes just blinked at him. "Why? You stupid son of a bitch? Why'd you do it?"

"Because I had to." Liz whispered, her brow furrowed. She had heard Kal's thoughts before but in the coma. She didn't think she could still understand him. "It's my job to protect you."

"We had a plan." Max sobbed, ignoring the heat from the burning limo. "You didn't have to do it."

"Your plan would have gotten you killed. One or both of you. I couldn't let that happen." Liz's voice caught in her throat.

The flames saddened fanned low and the ship rose in the air. It hovered over the group and then shot straight up into the air, a mere speck before they could blink. Isabel and Michael just stared after it. Zan lowered his shield and moved to help Max to his feet. "It's okay, chief. It's his job."

Max couldn't stop sobbing and swearing at the shape-shifter. Tess helped Liz up, who kept whispering. "I'm not sorry."

Max shoved Zan away and got to his own feet and picked up the shape-shifter in his arms as if he were a child. He looked Zan in the eyes. "He hasn't shifted out of human form in 60 years. He could have killed himself doing that. He might still die."

"I'll be okay. I just can't be seen for a good long while." Liz responded and looked to Max with huge eyes. "I'm going to lose business because I can't show up and I can't shift again for a while. It's all up to you to keep everyone safe when Zan goes back." She looked to Tess and Zan before looking back to Max. "You're in charge of the company until I can be human again."

"How did you do that?" Michael stared at Liz.

"Because he tried to heal me when I got shot and it didn't work." Liz gathered her dress around her and started the hike to the cars. "We've got to get him home before someone sees him."

Max followed her, griping out his protector. "All those years of work, down the drain. You've never been this selfless in all our time together, why now? Huh? We could have taken him."

"No, you couldn't. Only a shape-shifter can take out a Skin… and sometimes, not even then." Liz resumed speaking for Kal and the others slowly gathered their wits to return to the cars to get back to the wedding and their worried families.

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Obsessed Roswellian
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Part 53 – September 3, 2007

Post by DMartinez »

Part 53 – September 3, 2007

Max hated this. He had known that Kal was a compulsive multi-tasker but this was ridiculous. Three companies who all needed Kal's final word to do anything. It had taken two weeks with the attorneys to get Max into the right position to take over. There had been loads of speculation in the rags about it. Where was the mighty mogul? Was there foul-play afoot? Max's refusal to comment didn't bode well for him but someday in the near future, Kal would get out of bed looking like himself and put all the ugly words to shame.

The last time he had seen his wife awake was on their four day honeymoon in Cancun. Then he had transferred Kal to his new home in Boston and taken over Kal's responsibilities, which never got him home when Liz was conscious. The planes and time differences and phone conferences. He was lucky he didn't need so many hours of sleep. Max was careful. He did everything that Kal would do because he didn't want to hear about it when Kal was back to himself.

Max sank onto the bed and pulled off his shoes. He had to be up in two hours for a meeting but it was only a teleconference and he didn't need to be dressed for it. Liz was sleeping, of course, a pencil in her hair. He reached over to pull it out. She stirred slightly. Her laptop was still glowing on the nightstand. Carefully, he reached over to hit save and to shut it down. When he rested, her eyes were open. "Didn't mean to wake you."

"I fell asleep early." She yawned and tried to sit up. "You too tired to canoodle with your wife?"

"It pains me to say yes."

"Come here." She made him rest his head on her chest. "Don’t worry so much. It'll all work out. Kal will get better, you won't have to do this forever." She sighed at the feel of his arms around her. "I've missed you."

"I see you every night and you're asleep and I have really missed your voice." She smelled so good. He needed the sleep but he wasn't going to miss Liz just so he could sleep.

"Have I told you how much I love this house?"

"No but I'm sure you would have had I been home… ever since we moved in. I'm sorry I didn't get to help with that."

"No, you're not and besides… Isabel's specialty is moving furniture. Or… ordering Jesse to move it where she specifies. Michael came over and we got a few more rooms squared away."

"So everyone knows I'm not around?"

"You're taking care of us. Kal's money takes care of you, Tess and now me… and keeping Kal's situation out of the papers. It pays for all our bodyguards. It needs to be done. This isn't going to be forever and eventually, I'll get my husband back."

"Is he doing alright?"

"He sleeps for 18 hours a day. The other six… he acts like a baby though. 'Liz, I don’t feel good.' 'Liz, it's too bright.' 'Liz, it's too hot.'" She shook her head. "He's fine."

"You do know that he can't actually feel, right? He doesn't feel sensation the way we do. He's just being a pain in the ass."

"You have to clear the weekend out. Zan and Brock are coming down to see us."

"I would very much love to."

"Come on. Miles is dying to do something. Delegate. Let him go at it on Saturday. He's been paying attention."

September 8, 2007

Max scooped up the tots as they escaped their father in the driveway. Zan looked like he was about to collapse. "Dude… I can't do this. They're like… runnin' all the time. We couldn't find them yesterday… they were in the elevator. The doorman found them."

"Because somebody left the door open." Brock inserted and rushed over to hug Liz as she was coming out of the house. "How are you?"

"I'm fine. Mr. Interim CEO of three companies over there is exhausted." Liz smiled broadly.

"You need me to help out?" Zan offered. "I don't have anything to do for three months, then I got some big action movie."

"I got it. Miles is helping as of today. If he survives, I'm gonna let him take some responsibility." Max planted kisses on both babies. "Where's Aja?"

Zan just stared at his brother. "Where? Ask Liz."

"What?" Liz reached Zan to hug him but he just turned to stare at her. "Zan."

"My boy is in Tucson for the weekend. It's your fault."

"Ace went to see Alex?"

"He's been an absolute bear for days." Brock rolled her eyes but wrapped her arms around her husband. "When Aja calls, he goes on and on about the games Alex gives him."

"I could write a game. It's not hard." Zan bit out.

"But you… have waged war. You… are a hero. A savior of a people." Brock reached up to kiss his jaw. Max could see him relenting. Then she whispered something in his ear that made him choke.

"Are we not jealous of people anymore?" Max teased Brock, who only glared at him.

"I have nothing to be jealous of." She took her son from him and joined Liz to take a tour of the house. Liz took Davis and away they went.

"She still jealous?" Max asked Zan.

Zan stood there for a moment trying to compose himself. "Not so much. Ever since the wedding… After we got back and I told her all that had happened, she's just… been all over me. The other night she asked me about the wars on Antar. The more she knows, the more she wants me. I'm not talkin' about sex. It's not just sex. It's… there's got to be a better word for what she does to me."

"She's a war-groupie?"

"I guess. I wish I had known this sooner. When I came back, I didn't want to talk about it. And then when she started to turn on Ace, I could have prevented many ugly scenes between those two. Now, they get along fine, with or without that skinny guy." Zan followed Max around the back of the house, still talking. "I mean, I knew she had it in her to be wild but this… is just… intense… like… warrior sex. Like medieval times, hero slays the dragon and they give him the prettiest virgin in town who happens to be the best lay in the world. Pretty fuckin' intense."

"Your words sound good. Your tone suggests you've got a problem with all the amazing warrior sex." Max chuckled at this obviously worn out man.

"I just… I'm tryin' not to make another mistake. Connect and conceive as it were. I don't want to leave her pregnant again. Next time that happens. I want it to be right after I get back so I don't miss a minute."

"You growing up? How did that happen?" Max teased but Zan took the question seriously.

"It snuck up on me, man. How did I get to be the one with all the kids and you just got married? I've got a fuckin'… career or somethin'. You know that chick from that movie that we saw that time?"

"You're going to have to be more specific than that."

"Anyway. Dude… she called me. At home. I thought Brock was gonna spazz then it turns out she saw potential in Bane. She's thinkin' of a similar action hero to fuckin' franchise. A franchise starrin' me. You believe that?" Zan went on. "That movie is on DVD now and shit. I get stopped walkin' the frickin' dog. I got teenage girls in the buildin' stakin' out the apartment tryin' to run into me."

"Guess you missed all the excitement when the movie came out, fighting evil aliens and all. You really have girls staking out your apartment?"

"They had me do this interview. They took some pictures in the lobby. The doorman was in the back. I guess they figured out I was livin' there. Downstairs neighbor's daughter is always hangin' out by the elevator. I have Brock do sweeps before I leave so she can deal with them. I don't know what to do."

"Enjoy being famous while it lasts."

"I guess. How much of a pain has Kal been?"

"Not too much for me but Liz is the one that has to deal with him when she's home. He tried to tell her that it was cold in his room."

Zan snickered and found himself a seat in the sun. His Mohawk was growing out and it looked like he was going to let it. "You ever need a break. Let me know. We'll come up and you and Liz can jet for a week or somethin'."

"Tess has already offered. I think she actually misses Kal."

"That girl's crazy. She could have any man in the world and she stays with that little punk…" Zan trailed off and sat up. Max turned in time to see Liz run into the glass door. He started to laugh when Liz shoved the door open, out of breath. "You okay, darlin'."

"Max, Zan. Upstairs now. It's Kal." Liz motioned for them to follow her back up to the suite where Kal kept himself company most days. Liz motioned for Max to stay in the doorway, out of Kal's line of sight. Brock was seated by the bed, her children oblivious to what was happening on the bed.

Kal looked tired, even in his natural state it was clear he was exhausted. Liz cleared her throat and spoke. "Zan, my king, come forward."

"Doring?" Zan took a seat on the foot of the bed. "That you?"

"Yes. I've got news. We didn't have time to prepare a human host. This one's mind was easier to take hold of. He must have been the one who stopped Gaylis's plot. That is why I've made contact."

"You knew about the hit?"

"Gaylis wanted you alive. We got a report that he was bringing your bride as well. We tried to make contact sooner but he had sabotaged our transmitters. We couldn't get a signal out until the ship was on its return path. We were relieved to hear it was a failed mission."

"I've got a small army. We do okay. We have this shapeshifter. He… put his life on the line. We're grateful." Zan nodded to the alien, unsure if Kal would even remember any of this conversation.

"Gaylis has been stripped of his power for betraying the truce we had formed after your departure. He was to wait until you had returned. The coward enlisted Kivar's castoffs to do his work. Perlyni will be taking over the valley."

"But she's too young."

"Did you say she was smart?" Max called into the room.

"Yeah but she's young."

"She is… smart as you say." Liz went on, motioning for Max to keep quiet and out of sight of this emissary. "We trust her. She only asks one thing."

"Name it."

"Termination of the engagement." Liz leaned forward. "He seems really happy about that. Why?"

"Doring seems to think that Perlyni is not very attractive." Zan winced before he realized that Brock had hit him. "Ow. What was that for?"

"You got engaged on Antar?" She glared at him.

"It was an accident. I didn't know what I was agreein' to." Zan defended himself. "Doring helped me escape before it happened. There was an interstellar hit put on my head because I left her at the altar. Doesn't that count for somethin'?"

"But you didn't tell me." Brock smacked him again and Davis giggled.

"I take this to be your bride." Liz was trying to keep a straight face but she was also dealing with alien laughter.

"Terminate the engagement. Let Perlyni have the valley… so long as she aligns her army with ours."

"Very good, sir. The host is trying to regain control but the good news is that you can return at your leisure. We will be in contact." Liz stared at Kal as the alien regained control of his sense. "You okay?" She rolled her eyes at his response and didn't repeat it to the room.

Max leaned in the doorway. "Return at your leisure, huh."

"Yeah…" Zan nodded but his eyes were fixed on his wife. "I guess we'll find out what that means when Doring contacts us again."

"Okay, guys? Kal is in a really bad mood. Let's leave him alone." Liz began to shoo them from the room.

Max hung back to walk with Liz back to the main house. "What just happened? I mean with Kal."

"He likes the freedom he has here… on Earth. You're the only one who can tell him what to do and you don't because… you care about him. They didn't even ask. They just took control and … he says he feels violated." She wrapped her arms around her husband. "He's still ranting about it. He says if they wanted absolute compliance, they should have never relied on programmed beings. Beings with sentience tend to get pissed off when their free will is challenged."

"You think he'll be okay?"

"We'll find out if he calms down. You knew about Zan's engagement?"


"For how long?"

"Just since he's been home."

"If you ever do something like that. I will kill you."

"I'll hand you the knife." He reassured her.

"You think she's gonna kill him?" Liz gestured to the arguing couple hissing at each other in the kitchen.

"I think he's going to remind her that there was a war going on. Then she's going to be huffy all afternoon. They may ask us to take the kids for the night and we will." Max nudged her. "Then they'll make up."

"I don't believe you." She shook her head even as it seemed as if Zan had just reminded Brock of the war going on at the time. "Oh my God. I can't believe that."

"She's going to catch on eventually and the novelty of having a warrior king for a husband will wear off." He kissed his wife's lips but then had to rush to keep an exploring Scott from running away.

"I don't know about that. I still get a little high off of that one." She crossed her arms to watch him play with the little boy.

"Me… I'm not a king… I'm… just…"

"A reincarnated warrior king who is putting his photography career on hold so he can make movies and pose as interim CEO for three production studios." She smiled just a little, her bottom lip between her teeth. "I also like seeing that… you loving all these babies that keep popping up."

"How long do you want to wait?"

"I'm a strong believer in letting things happen as they will."

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Obsessed Roswellian
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Part 54 – November 20, 2007

Post by DMartinez »

Part 54 – November 20, 2007

Liz clapped her hands sharply. "One more time." Kal just lay there, staring at her with his big oval eyes. "Do it. I'm not going away until you do it. I know you can. You almost had it." She crossed her arms at stared at him. "Don’t give me that nonsense. You're tired sure but you're stronger than you were." She stomped her feet with two loud clicks. "It's not for me or for Max. This is for Tess. She loves Thanksgiving. Just think about how happy it'll make her if you were in human form and could pretend you enjoy her cooking. How big her smile will get. She'll get that twinkle in her eyes…" She scoffed at him. "Don't give me that. You know you love her and that's what it is. You're a grumpy old alien with a mushy human heart. When I get back, you'd better be in human form… you big baby."

Max looked up from a stack of contracts when Liz stormed into his office. "Is he disagreeing with you again?"

"He can shape-shift. He almost had it. He's acting like a five year old." She climbed onto his lap. "Go… kill him."

"I could give you something to make him shape-shift." He nuzzled her throat.

"What's that?" She waited while he handed her the stack of contracts. "What's this?"

"They're all signed and ready to go. They need to be delivered by tomorrow. I'm sure you'll think of something."

"Thanks." Liz heaved off of him and took the papers with her. "Alright. You want to play dirty. You're going to lose… 80 million dollars if I hang onto these until after Thanksgiving." There was a long pause. "If you're going to be stubborn about it, I'll flush them. Piece by piece." Max could hear Liz's heels click on the hardwood. "What's this? A joint venture with Spielberg? And this one? A TV show bound to shoot everything else out of the water… hey… I'm upset about it too… I want to watch this show… This one is good. This… this is the money-maker. This one gets you money all around. Your production company, your star actor, a three movie franchise… at the very least. You could hemorrhage money off of this one alone. You renege on this one… and you'll lose it all."

Liz's heels clicked rapidly and she raced around Max's chair, dropping the contracts in his lap. "It was his idea."

Kal stumbled around the corner, in human form, looking exhausted. "If you don't drop those contracts in the FedEx box today, I'm going to kill you."

"You will not." Max shook his head at Kal. "We were just trying to get you out of bed."

"Are they signed?" Kal leaned on the doorframe.

"Yeah, I was about to send them off."

"They really buy Zan as a star in a three-movie franchise?"

"They like him."

"Ok… I'm going to bed. I'm exhausted. When do we leave for Tess's?"

"In the morning."

"Wake me up before we go."

Max waited until he heard the door shut to turn to his bride. "That went well."

"I thought he'd murder me to get his hands on those contracts."

"So you gave them back to me." He picked them up and set them on the desk and set about labeling the FedEx envelopes.

"He won't kill you. He can't." Liz crawled onto his lap once more. "We have to celebrate. I'm thinking… you get me drunk and take me upstairs."

"You have to be drunk for me to take you upstairs?" He leaned back and slid the contracts into their individual sleeves and those into their shipping envelopes.

"No… but maybe I'll give you a sip and we can get a little crazy… like that second night in Cancun." She bit her lip and pulled the envelopes out of his reach.

"I don't remember that night. It's not fair. We get all wild and freaky and you're the only one who knows about it."

"Well, you, me and the bellboy. He was fun too."

"You're not funny."

"You don't know… the maid was fun too. You really liked her."

"Stop it."

"I'm just playing." Liz bent to capture his lips with hers. "I love you."

"So, no bellboy?" His lips grazed against hers.

"Nope…" After a few moments, she lifted her head. "You're not going to ask about the maid?"

"I was just planning to assume she was there and really hot. I've got some fantasies revolving around those two thoughts. Ow." Max rubbed his nipple. "That wasn't a loving touch."

"Then think about dropping the hot maid from your fantasies."

November 21, 2007

"Mom!" Liz threw her arms around her mother. "I've missed you."

"My little girl is married. Look at you." Nancy held her away to look her over. "I see he's been kind to your closet."

"More like she compensates for my absences by keeping my credit card warm." Max interrupted to hug his mother-in-law.

"Well, you can stop being absent." Kal grumbled from his wheelchair. "As soon as I'm on my feet again, you and Miles are gonna stop mucking up the works. You got low-balled on that last picture and it's coming out of your inheritance."

"When did you get here?" Liz ignored Kal's harping.

"This morning. Tess was kind enough to send her fiancé to get us." Jeff moved around to shake hands and to hug his daughter.

"Drew's here?"

"Drew is banned from the kitchen." The young man appeared with loud sigh. "I interfered with the master and she kicked me out."

"She's not cooking tonight is she?" Max turned to the kitchen.

"She's been cooking for four days. She's been moody as hell." Drew called back to the kitchen.

"Put a lid on it, Lazcano." Tess's voice called out to them.

"And she's been calling me that for a week." He looked to his future brother-in-law. "And she won't tell me what it's about." He motioned for Max to walk with him, leaving Liz to catch up with her parents and Kal to sulk by himself. "Max, I don't know what's going on with her." He lowered his voice a little, noticing the intercom in the room. "She's been leaving those on in all the rooms. I… updated my parents… unofficially on what's been going on with us. That Tess is better, that she had a break-through and that we're in love. They're upset. They think I'm just infatuated and that Tess couldn't possibly know what's real. Do you think you could talk to them? Explain… something to them."

"Do you think this is because of your parents? Her moodiness?" Max crossed his arms. It sounded bad enough but this wasn't Tess. She didn't care what people thought of her anymore.

"Mood swings." Drew clarified. "One minute she's all over me, the next… she's all over me. She loves me, she hates me. She's trying to jump my bones, then she's on my back about something. I don't what to do. I'm worried." He shrugged. "Do I think it's about my parents? Not really. Could that be affecting her attitude, definitely. They seem to think that she'll go off the deep end and murder me in my sleep or something. We've had dinner a few times and they don't say anything in front of her but they unload on me when her back is turned."

Max nodded and made his way to the kitchen. Tess was definitely cooking up a frenzy. She looked like she hadn't left the kitchen in days. She looked… scared. "Heya Tessie."

"Hi Max." She never stopped chopping, never looked up.

"No hug for your brother? I haven't seen you in awhile. Kal's here… in human form."

"That's good."

Suddenly she stopped. She looked about to cry and then she scooped up her vegetables and dumped them in a huge pot of boiling water. "Tess?" She carefully cleaned up her mess. She wiped down the counter. She put her utensils to wash. She sat down at the kitchen table and began to sob. "Tess? What's wrong?"

"I…" She hiccupped loudly. Her blue eyes were hidden behind squinted lids, tears pouring out. "I have… three semesters to go, Max."

"I know. I'm proud."

"I'm doing good. I'm… Drew told his parents and we're getting ready to set a date… to make plans." She tried to smile but her words stuck in her throat.

"That's good news, sweetie."

"I think I'm pregnant, Max." She sobbed loudly. "When Brock's here or Michael's here or Isabel, I just watch. I don't know how to take care of a baby. I was a baby for fifteen years, Max. You did everything for me. How can I take care of one? I was here when they all gave birth. I heard their screams. What if I can't take going through that?"

"Oh, Tess…" Max pulled her into his arms and she hid inside his jacket the way she used to, before. He held onto her, rocking her until her sobs subsided. "Can I see?" She nodded slowly, lifting her blouse. Max fit his hand over her firm stomach and gently eased a connection. At first, he didn't feel anything and then there was a fluttering. Just a small movement. "How long have you thought?"

"Week and half."

Max felt a smile break out on his face. "You feel that? It's so small." She shook her head so he connected with her so she could feel what he felt. "So small. A little Tess or a little Drew."

"A little what?" Drew stood in the doorway, frozen. "What? Little what?" Reaching in, he slapped the intercom button to shut down the system. "You said what?"

"I'm pregnant." Tess cleared her throat. "I didn't know for sure until just now." She sniffed loudly, rising to her feet. "I'm scared, Drew."

"Come here." He opened his arms to her and she launched herself into them. "It'll be okay. We'll figure things out…"


Liz sat with Max in their old bedroom, feeling his arms wrapped around her. "I'm jealous."

"I'm sorry. You want to try harder?"

"Maybe start trying?" Liz whispered, the windows were frosty. "You can stay home with him or her and I can get started on my research."

"So we're going with Maria's plan then?"

"I don't like having this feeling. I'm happy for Tess and Drew and I just want to feel that too." Liz just lay there, flexing her toes as she had done since awakening from her coma. Keeping the blood flowing. "Is it me? Is that why we haven't gotten pregnant? I haven't been on birth control since before I got shot. All this time… nothing happened." Her toes wriggled against his shins.

"It's me. I'm just afraid to lose you." He brushed her hair out of her face. "When do you want to start trying? Tonight?"

"No. Not with my parents in the same house." She shook her head and snuggled closer. "I'll do the math. Optimum conditions. We'll be ready… soon."

"So we're going to go about this scientifically?"

"Of course." Liz took a deep breath and breathed in his scent. "I'll go to the doctor. Do all those preparatory things. I'll get an ovulation chart done, we'll set a schedule." She moaned. "I'll check things out at work. See how long I can work while pregnant."

"Liz… you okay?"

"Sorry." She tilted her face to his. "Just… thinking about all the fun we'll have trying…"

"You tease…"

November 22, 2007

The table was crowded but less so than on other Thanksgivings. The Ramirezes and Evans had gone to Roswell. That left the 'Zannamens', Parkers, Lazcanos, Kal, Ava, Liz and Max. The meal seemed to be going okay until Drew stood up. "I'm glad that everyone is here. I know that Tess and I promised to put off a date until after she graduated… she's close. We've decided that… in three months, we'll tie the knot."

"Andrew Lazcano. Have you lost your mind?" His father stood up.

"Yes, there is a reason that we've decided to rush our plans." The young man went on. "I know that there are many factors that everyone is considering but we feel this is best because… Tess is pregnant. We're going to have a baby."

"You little…" Kal wanted to rise from his chair but he was still weak. He looked to Tess, whose eyes were shining.

"Sorry, Uncle Kal."

"Hey…" Kal shrugged and sat back. "It happens. It's what people do." He stared at Mr. Lazcano, daring him to speak up. "They'll live here until they get their feet under them. We'll baby proof the house. The wedding will be planned. Three months. No later than February. If the financial is a problem. I'll take care of it." He looked around and picked up his fork. "This is delicious, Tessie. I'm not feeling well but I believe I'm up for seconds."

"Congratulations, guys." Liz reached over to squeeze Tess's hand. "I'm happy for you."

"We've got plenty to be thankful for." Max spoke up. "Newly wedded bliss. Impending nuptials and the promise of new life. My in-laws. Tess's future in-laws. It's perfect."

"I'll get you the number of my doctor. Maybe we can find you someone closer to home." Brock promised with a smile. "I'll help you out. Get this place in ship-shape soon enough."

"Why are we still talkin' when there's still food on the table?" Zan cut in, serving Kal another plate and then himself before taking his seat again. "If we finish eatin' soon, the game's on."

Max was grateful for Zan's train of thought. It got the conversation going again. Mr. Parker and Zan argued over the teams. Liz confided in her mother about her desire to start a family. Drew and his mother sat next to each other talking in low tones. Kal even got a few details out of Zan about the new project.

Tess nearly brought it all down again when she asked Kal an innocent question. "Can I call Vera about my dress?"

"I thought you had her on speed dial?" Kal pulled out his phone to scroll through the numbers.

"I've been busy."

"Vera, please." Kal waited, he had Mrs. Parker's attention. "Kal Langley." There was a pause and a murderous look crossed his face. "It most assuredly is. I'm not dead. What asshole said that?"

"Vera… as in…" Mrs. Parker looked to her daughter.

"Yeah. Her." Liz nodded and picked up her fork.

"Tell Vera to call me. She's got the number… a reason? Her former favorite model needs a dress." Kal tossed the phone on the table. "I gotta undo all that gossip now, too, huh." He reached forward for the lemons that were always kept near his plate and drowned it all. He couldn’t taste it but habits were hard to break. When he realized he wasn’t tasting the lemon at all, he put the plate in his lap and rolled himself into the kitchen where he sulked like a child.

“He’ll be back to his ornery self in no time.” Max reassured Tess, he leaned in to whisper. “He tried to let us pretend he did it for his business but he did it for you.”

Tess gave him a wan smile, her left hand resting on her stomach. The more she felt it the more convinced she was that Max was right. She could do this. “He’s 21. He could leave me for some teenager.”

“And give up a hot 24 year old former model? Not if he thinks he’s a man.” He kissed her cheek lightly. “Besides… he had his shot at a normal life. He told her goodbye. He wanted Tess.”

“He did, didn’t he.” She smiled at Drew across the table from her. They could do this.

Max turned his eyes to his wife. She was impatient to have that glow herself. He’d have to swallow his pride and try to give it to her. The thought of her carrying his child was… intoxicating.

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Part 55 – February 22, 2008

Post by DMartinez »

Part 55 – February 22, 2008

"That was good." Liz sighed and lay her head back on the pillow.

"That's it?" Max scoffed at her and rolled away. "I work up a good supply of life starter and all I get is 'that was good?'"

"Max…" She rolled over to lean across his chest. "That's not what I meant. I meant… the sex is amazing and the waiting for it was great and the possibility is so good if we did everything right."

"I see. I'm just the sperm donor."

"How do we know if we did it right?"

"We don't." Max shook his head and leaned down to kiss her sweaty face. "Zan and Michael said they didn't even know they had done anything… it just… happened. All four times were an accident."

"Then how do we know that it's an alien thing and not a human thing that keeps us from conceiving?" She slid herself across his body. "I think this alien hard-wire business is just an excuse. You're just trying to make me feel better."

"It's true. Ask Kal. We bond."

"You bond with your mates. You make some sort of connection that even you can't detect." She sighed heavily, resting her head on his chest. "What if we did bond? What if we still can't make this happen?"

"You know… I'm being open. The most open I've ever been with you. Maybe you're right. Maybe it is you. Are you holding back somehow?" Max rolled them over. "Maybe you don't trust me? Maybe you're afraid?"

"Of what?"

"That I might have to leave… if Zan can't make himself go back."

"I'll go with you." Her hands sliding up around his shoulders.

"You can't."

"Why not?"

"Thing called oxygen… or the form that you are able to breathe."

"But you can."

"Thing called alien biology."

"Your planet sucks." Liz shifted under his body weight, getting him settled right where he could be most useful. "What about our kids? Aja, Davis, Scott, Jesse Jr., Gracie?"

"Don't know. Maybe."

"When do you leave?" Liz gasped when he attacked her neck.

"After the wedding. Hopefully I'll only be gone a few weeks." He let out a long moan as they came together once more. "Kal said it’s a quick flick. My part’s not so big. I think I die."

"Really?" Her arms wound around his shoulders, breathing deeply. "What do you do?"

"I’m a martyr… unh… I rile people up, there’s a coup… I think… I get killed and the leading lady has to bring the… public around to the truth… or something… to that… unh… effect."

"So, how many scenes?"

"Six or seven… I expect three of them will get cut... if the movie runs long."

"Why gone… so long?"

"There’s a break in shooting… I figured I’d check out… the landscape instead of rushing home… only to rush back… Didn’t think you’d mind."

"No… oh… it’s okay… oh… You’re seriously going to… oh… pick up that camera of your own accord again?"

"Hey… ah… I’ve been taking pictures." Her flesh slipped in his hand as the sweat built between their bodies once more.

"Of the family. Ow…"

"Sorry." Max winced and tried to shift a little.

"Ow… what did you do?"

"I don't know. Sorry."

"Ow… well don't do it again. That pinches."

"Better?" All he got in response was a moan. He couldn't take his eyes off her face. Watching every grimace and gasp, listening for her breaths and moans. He could hear her nails on the sheets, her fingers gripping the headboard. Keeping one hand beneath her shoulder, he reached for her hand with his other one. Fingers intertwined, Max suddenly couldn't catch his breath. Her cries echoed in his ears until they were still once more.

February 24, 2008

Zan stared at Max. They were supposed to be running a commentary but their third party hadn't arrived yet. "You stopped breathing?"

"That's what it felt like."

"Like… when… then?"

"No… before then. I was still… you know but it was like I couldn't breathe."

"Don't know. I don't usually remember much goin' on after a certain point. The whole time before and after… then… I just kind of… enjoy it."

"How do you mean?"

"I mean… that part feels so good on so high a level that I ain't askin' too many questions about it. Reports have always been good."

"I'm here boys." Their costar walked into the room. "Let's get started."

"Maybe you been doin' it wrong all this time and you finally got it right." Zan shrugged and took his seat. "I got things to do. Let's get this done."


Max watched Liz carefully as she sat at their kitchen table with her laptop, keys tapping away. He followed Tess's recipes to the letter but his attention was on his wife. "The other night was… different."

"Huh? Yeah." Liz barely glanced away from her screen. "There was some… umph in that last round, I think."

"You feeling okay?" she had been distracted all evening.

"Nothing stayed down today."

"You're not sick, are you?"

"I don't think so." She shook her head, fingers still tapping steadily on the keyboard. "Maybe just a bug. That smells good though. I'll keep it down if it kills me." She rolled her shoulders and carefully readjusted her bra straps. "Maybe it's just p.m.s. I'm due any day now."

"You okay with that?"

She smiled to her screen, laughter in her voice. "We'll get pregnant when we get pregnant, Max. I've been getting periods regularly since I started sleeping with you. I think I'll deal. You're in a mood, tonight, Mr. Evans. You feeling all broody and full of self-loathing?"

"The other night just… felt different."

"You said yourself that the boys couldn't tell. It's always good for me, honey."


"Trying it out."

"What are you working on?"

"My thesis. I need six chapters by my review… I'm almost there."

"You're catching up pretty well?"

"Very well. I don't know if it was all that alien infusion but I am surpassing my former pace with my absorption rate. You know, now that I understand Antar-speak it's opened other little doors in my brain. By next year I'll be where I want to be."

"Even with a baby on each hip?"

"Keep dreaming pal. You're gonna be the one with the babies on hip."

Max shook his head and served them both plates. When he set Liz's down beside her laptop, she leaned over to inhale the scent and then bolted from the room. "Liz?" A few moments later, he could hear her retching. Racing to find her, he nearly tripped over her. "Didn't make it?"

She shook her head back and forth, still dry heaving. Max pulled her hair out of the way. Finally her body stilled and he could take her into his arms. "I'm starving, Max. I want to eat but when I thought about eating I just…"

"It's okay. You're not feeling good." He kissed her head and lifted her shirt, fitting his hand over her abdomen. "I'm just gonna see what's going on in there." She nodded and leaned into him, watching his face as he concentrated. The corner of his mouth tipped up. "Max? What?"

"Well… you're not sick." His smile grew wider as he stared at something only he could see. He kissed her head and rocked her in his arms. "It's growing fast but it'll slow down soon… and then you can eat."

"Max?" She felt the tears prickling her eyes. "Can I see?" Her hand slid over his. When he formed the connection all she saw were a bunch of cells. "Is that it?"

"It's been two days. It's been busy… joining… multiplying. A lot of work for two days… right?" He broke the connection and just stared at her. "What's it called right now? It's not a fetus yet, right?"


"Yeah… we made a zygote."

"I knew I was ovulating and you didn't believe me." Liz sighed happily though she was still nauseous. "I can't believe how sick I feel."

"You'll be okay." Max shut his eyes. "I just wish I didn't have to leave so soon after the wedding."

Liz did the math and let out a giggle. "Better pray he or she is early or late."

"Why's that?"

"Due date is roughly Halloween." When he leaned down to kiss her, she put a hand over her mouth. "Not until after I brush."

"Good idea."

March 2, 2008

Max watched Tess dancing with Drew and couldn't be happier for her. She had gotten her Vera and her wedding and now she was happy. Tess Lazcano. He had already run out of film and he just sat… enjoying the festivities with his arm around his weary wife while she picked at her cake. Morning sickness had plagued her heavily for almost a week but she was getting better.

He could hear Kal schmoozing at the table behind them. Some ties he'd had for a long time. "She was… borderline if I understood the docs correctly. Just a step behind… complications at birth. You know me… I keep up with the sciences. Some therapy we'd been working on for a while. Vast improvements in no time."

"You get a patent?"

"It's… experimental. She had just the right circumstances. You should see her test scores. She's got a future in medicine. Physical therapy for now but she's ambitious. I see her going for that M.D."

Max shook his head and kissed his wife. "Want me to see if I can scrounge up some soup?"

"I'm okay." She let out a deep breath.

"You want to leave? She'll understand."

"Everything okay over there?" Kal turned to eye them.

"We're okay." Max nodded, pulling her closer.

"What'd you do? Knock her up?" The alien started to turn back to his colleagues.

"Funny you should ask." Max turned slightly.

"Oh for…" Kal rolled his eyes and looked to the members of his table. "There's got to be something in this east coast water. Everyone's pregnant. The bride, the newlyweds behind me… my leading lady… just informed us of her impending… we have to cast a body double and a stunt double. It's an epidemic."

"He sounds mad." Liz whispered.

"Don't know why. I told him it was only a matter of time."

Brock appeared at the table with a glass of some indiscernible liquid. "Drink this."

"What is it?" Max frowned at it. "It's… brown."

"My morning sickness cure. Zan just told me. I saw how pale you look. It lasts about two weeks. This helps." The red head nodded to the glass. "Drink."

Liz tentatively sipped the concoction. "Where's your… other half?" She followed the direction of the manicured finger to find Zan standing in a quiet corner rocking back and forth with a toddler in each arm, each on the verge of falling asleep. "Aw…"

"They wanted their daddy. They want nothing from mommy today." She rolled her eyes at them. "Little monsters."

"Where's Aja?" Max rubbed Liz's back. She seemed to be relaxing as she drank that oddly thick liquid.

"Running around. Last time he let me catch him he was stealing more cake." Brock's eyes scanned the tables. "He's in here, somewhere… plotting… He's smart."

"You don't sound too happy about that." Max chuckled.

"He's working Zan over. He doesn't get his way and he brings up Arizona and all the things Alex lets him do. Before you know it, he gets his way and then some. Zan caves faster than a woodshed under an elephant." She took a deep breath and let it out. "We're moving to a bigger apartment now. Same building so that little Aja can have his own room for his new… Game Square Octagon contraption." She narrowed her eyes as she spotted the devil-spawn. "But the important thing is Ace is happy."

"And keeping her hands off Zan?" Liz smiled at her friend.

"I'm not jealous." Brock shook her head. "Zan is in love. Zan's needs are taken care of."

"So I hear." Max nodded with a wink. "He brags."

"Good." Her eyes wandered back to her husband. "Where are the photographers for US Weekly when he does this? Why do they always have to print that he's having an affair or checking out the ladies? Half of the pictures they print are old… from before we got married."

"How can you tell?"

"One of his tattoos… he changed it… and he didn't put back all his piercings in the same places. It wouldn't be a big deal if my aunt wasn't constantly calling my mother and telling her what a louse Zan is." Brock sighed and reached for the nearest glass of champagne. "I swear, if I didn’t love him…"

"But he’s not doing anything." Liz protested. "They’re trying to make money off of him."

"But he’s the one who chose to be an actor."

"And that’s the only reason you saw his picture and the only reason you drooled over him and got Isabel to introduce you and the only reason you’ve had his children…" She pointed out and sat back, sipping the brown mess and finding herself almost cured. "What is in this heavenly drink?"

"Bananas, peaches, Tabasco, clamato, and cinnamon." Brock shrugged. "When I made it for myself, it started out as a Bloody Mary and some compulsion made me add the other stuff and skip the hair of the dog. Now I know that the alien babies took me over. Working?"

"Like a charm." Liz took a large gulp. "It looks disgusting but you want to try it?" She held the glass up to Max.

"No thank you. When I get pregnant and get morning sickness, I’ll ask for the recipe." Max made a face and scooted away from his wife. "I don’t know about that stuff. You sure it’s safe?"

"It doesn’t feel like it’s going to come back up." Liz sighed contentedly. "Thanks Brock, you’re a life-saver."

"At least you know what’s going on. I was freaking out. I mean… to feel the effects so immediately. Did you do your math?"

"Late October, early November." Liz grinned. "I can’t wait. I really can’t."

"Zan keeps hinting but we’ve got our hands full already." She turned to find her husband still standing, rocking from side to side, Scott drooling on one shoulder and Davis rubbing her eyes on the other shoulder. "He says he doesn’t get tired doing that but I couldn’t hold both for this long."

"He built up stamina on Antar." Max shrugged.

"Well, I knew that." She grinned evilly at them. "I would know better than you."



"Go mother your children."


"I've got my very own love goddess right here."

"You know what also helps?" Brock leaned in as she rose to her feet. "Some hot alien lovin'…"

"Thanks for the tip." Max swatted her with a napkin. "What do you say? We go apologize to the bride for skipping out and go make you feel better."

"Let's wait until they go. She looks so… radiant." Liz sighed and turned her eyes back to the couple still dancing away. “We should be here until they go. I can make it… especially thanks to my new best friend the Peachy-Banana Bloody Mary.”

“That’s so gross.”

“You who imports the most disgusting chili peppers from around the world?” Liz snuggled with her husband who didn’t say anything, he just held her tighter. “I love you.”

“I love you more. Honey.”

“Ok, no. Honey isn’t going to work for us.”

“Baby. Sugar. Dumpling.”

“Never mind. No pet names for us.”

“Oooh. Pets. Kitty, my tigress… rowr.”

“That’s disgusting. Stop it, Max.”

“I love you.” Max smiled down at her then let his eyes wander to the happily wedded couple. He wished he had thought to bring more film.

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Obsessed Roswellian
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Part 56 – March 15, 2008

Post by DMartinez »

Part 56 – March 15, 2008

Max picked up the phone in front of him and slid his credit card through the slot. The number he dialed by memory but he had to wait a long time for the pick up. "Evans residence, the gentlemen and lady are out of the house, can I take a message?"

"Miles, that you?"

"Hey Max." Came the easy greeting.

"Why didn't you let the machine pick it up?"

"Your wife threw it against the wall. I was just picking it up when I heard the phone ring. I had to figure out how to plug the phone back into the wall without this pile of plastic."

"Is Liz okay?"

"Mood swings or something. She was fine when she came home. Then she got a message from the lab and she just flew into a rage. She's there now. I got James on her."

"I'll be there soon. We finished up sooner than I thought, I'll be in tonight. Send a car?"

"Will do."

"Thanks, Miles."

"No problem, Boss."

Max ended the call and stared out the window. Mood swings? This early?


When Max entered the house, he was not greeted by his loving wife. She was stalking the kitchen with a plate of donuts drenched in Tabasco. "You can't have them. They're mine."

"Liz, baby, are you okay?"

"That bitch screwed up the control group and I'm starving. Leave me alone."

"Do you want something more? I could order something or go pick something up. Whatever you want. I don't think donuts constitute dinner." Max approached her slowly.

"You're home." She tilted her head at him, suddenly, as if just seeing him.

"Yeah. Just got in." Max nodded with a smile.

"Oh my God!" Liz set down the plate but kept the donut she was working on in one hand and threw her arms around him. "Happy Birthday! You're right. We should go out to eat."

"No, if you don't feel good, we can stay in."

"No… it's your birthday. I just had a bad day but you're here and it's better." Liz leaned into him, careful to keep her snack from dripping on him. "I didn’t know you were coming home today. You said next week."

"They cut a scene or two. They didn't need me. I hopped on the plane as soon as they would let me." He brushed her hair out of her face. "I don’t need to go out. I just need you. We can do pizza, Thai… Chinese… whatever." He bit back a laugh when she took a big bite of her gooey donut. "You craving anything?"

"Everything." She pecked his lips. "You order what you like… for two… this spicy-sweet thing… is a delicate balance that I don't quite get yet… you know what she'll like."

"She?" He shook his head at her. "You can't know yet."

"I feel it. I sense it." Liz smiled softly and nuzzled his neck. "Not in any human part of me but that part that understands Kal… I feel it there."

"Baby girl Evans?" Max leaned his forehead against hers, eyes closing.

"Yeah… Max?"


"I really love this moment we're having and all but I am starving."

July 4, 2008

Tess watched Max take the baby from Drew. "They told me I can't get out of bed for a few days."

"You rest as long as you need to." Max told her and just stared at his newest nephew. "Look at that… oh… he's handsome. His eyes?"

"Blue." Tess grinned.

"I got here as soon as I could."

"I know."

"Before or after midnight?"

"11:57, July 3rd." Drew cut in. "He didn't want to share with the country." The proud father sat on the foot of the bed. "We were worried because he's three weeks early but there were no problems. Kal says he's perfectly healthy."

"What's his name?"

"Andrew Devlin Lazcano."

"Baby Drew." Max smiled at the wrinkled little boy who was still too tired to open his eyes.

"We're gonna call him Devlin." Tess nodded and slid down in her bed. "How's Liz?"

"She's fine. Starving all the time and cranky but by the last week in October, this little guy will have a little cousin." He couldn't take his eyes off the little addition to their family. "She wanted to come but she's had some back aches and her physical therapist thinks it's best if she doesn't travel a whole lot until after she's born."

"She's still seeing the physical therapist?"

"We were taking precautions, just in case I didn't get it all… just in case. Liz was only walking unaided for a year or so before she got pregnant… the weight is a strain on her back but she's doing okay. Her arms are still in shape and she uses all her old techniques to get up and down. I moved us downstairs so she can get to the kitchen okay when she's by herself." Little Devlin opened his eyes just a crack to see his uncle and gave a baby sigh before shutting them again. "I'm sorry little Dev. Uncle Max talks too much sometimes."

"I called my parents… they said they'd try to make it over." Drew's happiness seemed a little tainted but Max could understand that. The Lazcanos were not in a state of mind to welcome the idea of an alien marrying into their family. They could barely accept the age difference, not to mention the suddenly not mentally-deficient part and the married far too young part.

"They'll come around. This guy is just too much to miss for even a moment." Max let out a breath he didn't know he'd been holding. "You guys are doing okay?"

"We're good." Tess nodded. "I did some shoots a few days ago, for some maternity wear. Maybe I pushed it. I haven't been on my feet like that since before I cared."

"Kal offered me a job working in his company." Drew announced. "I have to go intern with Isabel's office for a year first though. If I can keep up with the ladies over there, I've got job security with him."

"Sounds like Kal is thinking these things out now." Max nodded and allowed Drew to take his son back. Tess looked happy and tired and like she wanted to jump out of bed already. He pulled out his phone and snapped a few pictures to send to Liz before pulling his camera out of his bag. "I'm gonna take eight rolls."

"Promise?" Tess grinned.


Liz sighed into the phone. "He's so handsome, Max."

"How are you feeling?"

"Like a whale." She laughed to herself. "Should I be this fat so early on?"

"Maybe it's twins."

"It's not." Her incense made him smile.

"Maybe she's just making room for herself later… you know… she'll grow into it."

"I hope so. I don't know if I can get any bigger."

"You're beautiful."

"Max… come on… tell me all about the baby. I want to know how much he weighs, how long he is, what color his eyes are, if he's got any hair on his head and if yes, what color. Does he have any birthmarks?"

"You can see most of that from the picture I sent you."

"I can't see his eyes if he's asleep."

"They're blue, like Tess's." Max stretched out on his borrowed bed. "He'll have dark hair though. He's got a few wisps up top."

"They could always fall out and grow in blond."

"That they could." He listened to her breathe for a few moments. "I miss you."

"I miss my toes." He could hear the pout in her voice.

"You'll probably slow down for awhile. Not grow so much until the very end."

"I just need you."

"I'll be home in a couple of days. Are you alright?"

"Yeah. Mrs. Miles came and she cooked. I told her not to but you can't tell that woman 'no'."

"Now how you pictured her?"

"No, I was expecting this small warm woman with a belly and five kids following her around. She's a giant, a model, her kids are in training for a war. I guess that's what happens when your father is a bodyguard and your mother is a former Marine drill sergeant." She giggled. "Oh! Isabel and Jesse are bringing Jesse Jr. for a visit next week. You have to be here."

"I will be. Promise."

July 10, 2008

"I can walk, Max. Put me down." Liz groaned but he carried her all the way to the living room where Isabel and Jesse were trying to wrangle their toddler. "Oh, he's so big."

"He's a handful." Jesse grunted when he finally got his hands on the boy.

"We went to see Michael the other day and his daughter tortured Jesse, Jr. I honestly don't know what he's teaching her." Isabel huffed and took a seat.

"Well, I'm sure it's not Michael teaching Gracie as much as say… Anna and Damien…" Max surmised for his sister.

"Anna's a sweetheart." Isabel shook her head and reached for her glass of tea.

"Yes but Gracie is her baby sister. I'm sure Michael has to separate them at least once a day. Think about it. Did you and Michael always get along growing up together?" Max readjusted Liz's pillows. "Liz doesn't understand. She was an only child."

"I'm only doing this again if the next time… I can walk on my own." Liz bit out, and smacked her husband with a pillow.

"What did the doctor say?" Isabel leaned forward.

"I'm doing okay but there is more strain on my back than they feel there should be at this point. I've been ordered to bed… have been for a month. I can do work on a laptop in bed but I can't sit up at a desk. I can't risk losing control of motor function in the lab. I can converse with my colleagues… but not for too long. I'm restricted to hour long conversations to keep my blood pressure down. If I'm overheard on the phone, I have to get off."

"Overheard?" Jesse looked to Max.

Max winced. "I don't get the whole… scientist thing. I don't go in there when she's on the phone with the lab. If I can hear her in the dark room, she's too loud and she has to get off the phone."

"Max has to sanitize himself when he gets out of the dark room now. He doesn't notice when he smells like that… silver halide stuff but I want to lose my lunch now."

"When I was pregnant, the cologne that I loved for Jesse to wear, we couldn't even keep in the apartment. I love it again but…" Isabel leaned over to kiss her husband and son.

"I have to wear one of those belly belts to control the pull on my back. I think I'm too big but the doctor just smiles and ignores me."

"I thought you were looking a little small." Isabel shrugged.

"This is small?" Liz snorted.

"You've got a small frame, you look bigger than you are. When Tess was this far long, I thought she was going to collapse under the weight of her belly and then she got bigger." Isabel rolled her eyes. "Remember? After the wedding she just… ballooned. How is she, by the way?"

"They're great." Max nodded and handed Liz her glass of water. "Worried about his parents but otherwise, they're awesome… just inspiring. Kal's been there but he won't admit he likes being there."

"That's just Kal." Liz shook her head at him.

"I know… but you watch, I'll catch him on camera holding Devlin before the year is out."

"I feel a bet coming on." Jesse leaned forward.

"Jesse…" Isabel groaned but looked intrigued. "How much are we talking?
