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Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 9:57 pm
by isabelle

“I don’t know about those two dozen people. And you sound so sure, make is sound like traveling with me is so great. What about you, Max? Would you go everywhere with me?” Liz asks.

In a heartbeat, I think, my spirits soaring as I imagine it. I open my mouth to answer but manage to stop myself before those words escape.

"Yes," I say, seriously, leaning close so she can hear me over the crowd noises. "I think you'd be a fantastic travel companion." How I would love to watch the snow fall from the top of the Eiffle tower with her in my arms. Or walking across an Egyptian desert, hand-in-hand, to see the pyramids. Strolling along the Great Wall of China. Or scuba-diving off the coast of Australia. I'm sure she didn't mean it that way, but honestly, it would be a dream come true.

Suddenly, I realize where my hand is. Reluctantly, I pull back. I hope she doesn't complain to Alex about that later. I have to focus here. I know she doesn't like me like that.

"I guess we haven't had a lot of one-on-one time here but I always enjoy your company," I say, hoping I'm not getting into more trouble. "You shouldn't have any trouble finding someone -- I mean, if you really were going on a trip."


Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 10:43 pm
by Sugarplum7
<center>~*~ ~*~ ~*~ Liz ~*~ ~*~ ~*~</center>

He said yes. He’d like to travel with me, to see other countries, other sights, all those places . . . and I could see them with him, all with him. Perfect.

But then his hand is gone, and suddenly mine feels cold and lacking. I try to hide any disappointment behind a faint smile, not knowing what to do with that hand, whether I should move it? Leave it there? I definitely shouldn’t sit here staring at it like I miss his hand covering mine.

It’s only when I look up I notice that he’s talking. And that he’s taking back what he said, offering other people that I don’t really know up in his place as substitutes. I was stupid to think that he meant what he first said, to believe that he’d like to go with me.

“I mean, if you really were going on a trip.”

“Yeah,” I say, trying and not sure how successful I am at hiding the dejectedness from my tone. “All imaginary, right?” And the dream fizzles out just was fast as it began. “What about you?” I ask. “Where would your destination of choice be on your imaginary trip? Who would you take?”

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 6:23 am
by isabelle

You. I would take you anywhere and everywhere your heart desired.

No, I can't say that. I can't be a stalker. She's just humoring me -- making conversation. I try to focus, looking at her face but that only makes it worse. Her soft lips and smooth red cheeks. I want to kiss her, to touch her ...

"There are so many places," I say, debating how specific to get. I'm tempted to say 'everywhere' just like she did -- not to avoid answering but because it's so much the truth of how I feel. So many things to see.

"'Everywhere' is a good start," I say with a smile. "I would love to see any of the monuments and landmarks -- historic places. The Tower of London, the Parthenon, Macchu Picchu, Egypt. But I like outdoorstuff, too. I've never seen the Swiss Alps, Uluru in Australia, Angel Falls, or so many other places." I leave out the Eiffle Tower and other 'Romantic' destinations, although they're on the list. Actually, Angel Falls would be kinda romantic, now that I think of it.

"What sort of things are on your 'Everywhere' list? History? Natural wonders? Architecture?" I raise an eyebrow and add, "Shopping?" She hasn't struck me as a shopaholic so the suggestion is meant in humor although she might surprise me.

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 12:18 pm
by Sternbetrachter
great M/L posts :)

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 12:40 pm
by Sugarplum7
<center>~*~ ~*~ ~*~ Liz ~*~ ~*~ ~*~</center>

“There are so many places,” he says at first. And I’m tempted to say, ‘I know. Believe me, I know.’ But instead, I bit my lip and wait for him to continue, wondering where his first destination would be. Somewhere in Europe? Asia? Somewhere in the US?

“Everywhere is a good start.” I notice the smile he gives me, and I’m not sure if he’s teasing my inability to choose. “I would love to see any of the monuments and landmarks—historic places. The Tower of London, the Parthenon, Macchu Picchu, Egypt.” And just like that he lists things that I’ve only dreamed of seeing. “But I like outdoorstuff, too. I've never seen the Swiss Alps, Uluru in Australia, Angel Falls, or so many other places. What sort of things are on your 'Everywhere' list? History? Natural wonders? Architecture?”

And with a raised eyebrow he adds, “Shopping?” and it makes me laugh.

“Oh, shopping in Paris, definitely,” I answer dramatically and flutter my eyelashes. I’m not able to stay serious enough to hold in my laughter. “No. I really want to see so many things all over the world. I want to see things like the Pantheon, the Parthenon, the Coliseum in Rome, Notre Dame. And of course I want to do things like ride the London Eye and take a gondola around Venice, the Eiffel Tower. Oh! And then there are the pyramids at Giza! And I want to see Sphinx, of course. I’d love to see the sunset over the Grand Canyon, and I’ve yet to really see the Statue of Liberty or the Liberty Bell, the Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial . . . Umm, The Golden Gate Bridge. And there’s the Great Wall of China, the Imperial Palace in Japan, and the ruins of Machu Picchu. The Great Barrier Reef in Australia would be so amazing. Just . . . everywhere. There’s just so much out there. And I want to see it all.”

And then I realize how crazy that must sound and laugh at myself. “That sounds so crazy. Still want your name on my list of possible traveling companions, having me drag you all around the world?” I ask even though he already offered up nameless people in his place. I guess I haven’t accepted that he doesn’t want to see all that with me yet.

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 2:30 pm
by ~Ruby~

“Aww, poor baby.” He says, rubbing my shoulders.

I try to hide my pained smile because he’s touching me and I want to melt into a puddle of goo. This is so wrong.

"Are you feeling better now? Is there anything I can do to make it better?"

Kiss me. Kiss me. Kiss me, stupid. He leans forward and brushes his fingers against my temple. I stare up at him, wishing I could form the words to tell him how confused I am about my feelings. I wish I had the guts to ask him if he still felt something for me. I wish he would stop this torture.


My words trail off as I close the gap between us, pressing my lips against his. I couldn’t not kiss him and I couldn‘t wait for him to kiss me. I need this, right here, right now. Its not the most passionate of kisses. Its not all tongues and teethes and grabby hands. Its nothing more then a brush of my lips against his, but its enough to send a sparkle through my body. Enough to make me completely aware of Alex in a way I’ve never been before.

I pull away, unable to believe that I had made the first move. And with Alex. My friend. Or not now. Not after I stomped all over his feelings then kissed him.

“I’m sorry.”

The words tumble from my lips before I can stop them. I turn and start walking away. What did I just do?

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 2:39 pm
by Sugarplum7
Oooh! Kisses! ::claps and twirls::

Alex and Izzy love. I'm giddy. Can you tell I'm giddy? Alex better not mess this up because yay Alex/Izzy!kisses!

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 2:42 pm
by Sternbetrachter

Isabel looks thoughtfully at me for a moment and opens her mouth to say something ... “Alex…”

Yes, c'est moi. She gets silent again after saying my name and I have about a second to glance down at her slightly opened lips before said lips are suddenly kissing me.

Before I can start wondering if this is really happening or if I fell into a coma and am having one wonderful fantasy, Isabel pulls away again, staring at me in ... surprise, I guess. She probably can't believe she did that either.

“I’m sorry.” she mumbles before turning to leave.

I know, I should let her walk a few feet and then catch up with her and either ask what this was about or pretend it never happened.

I know I shouldn't read too much into it.

I know that my heart has no right to be all estatic.

I know that I'm going to make a huge mistake right this moment but I couldn't care less because really, I might never have the chance again to do this and she *did* start it after all.

Before I actually start to really think about the kiss and the consequences of my actions, I take a hold of Isabel's arm and draw her back to me while also moving closer so that our bodies are actually touching.

"I'm not sorry, Isabel."

With that, I put one hand behind her head and lean in, kissing her with all the pent up frustration and longing that I have been holding in check in the last weeks.

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 2:43 pm
by Sternbetrachter
Sugarplum7 wrote:Oooh! Kisses! ::claps and twirls::

Alex and Izzy love. I'm giddy. Can you tell I'm giddy? Alex better not mess this up because yay Alex/Izzy!kisses!
oh, so you like it? :P

... ... hey, why would Alex mess that up? :lol: ... even though ... hmm ...well, he *is* a guy after all ... hm ... forget that I asked :lol:

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 2:59 pm
by isabelle
I have to smile as Liz flutters her eyebrows at me. She looks so amazingly adorable. Then she goes on to list even more sights and activities than I did. She includes a number of the ones I mentioned and many more that I had in mind and didn’t mention. Every one of them is a place I’d love to go. Going with her would just make it perfect. If she offered to lead me on a tour of the sewers of Miami, I’d still say yes in a moment. I’d love to be anywhere with her.

“That sounds so crazy. Still want your name on my list of possible traveling companions, having me drag you all around the world?” she asks.

“Absolutely,” I tell her with complete sincerity. “All of those places sound marvelous and traveling with you couldn’t be bad. I’ve actually been to one of the places on your list. I saw the Grand Canyon when I was thirteen. I’d love to go again. I’ve also been to the Alamo when I was more like ten, but that’s about as much sight-seeing that I’ve done. Well, unless you count going to college and coming here. Oh, and the fact that I pretty much live in a tourist trap.” I give her a crooked smile, tilting my head slightly.

“We could start more locally. I’d love to see Disney world and Cape Canaveral. Have you ever been there yourself?” It occurs to me that since she’s from Georgia, Liz may have had a chance to make a visit to those places at some time. It’s not that very far off.