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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 5:15 pm
by killjoy
AU All Human
M/L,K/T,M/M and A/I
Any rating is fine

The idea is that Kyle and Liz have dated all thru high school and college and are now young adults.They are engaged to be married.But deep down they are not right for each other.Oh they're both good people and they care for each other but they're not in 'LOVE' as they think they are.

As the wedding date grows closer two things happen.One Liz meets is up too you...but meeting Max opens Liz's eyes.When she's with Max everything is passion,happy and over the Love is supposed to be.Liz feels guilty at first but starts to make up lies so she can be with Max.

On the flip side as the wedding grows closer Tess(Kyle's best friend) realizes she's in love with Kyle and must find a way to tell him and stop the wedding.

Must Haves

No evil Tess...simple :wink:

Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 1:35 pm
by killjoy
All Human
M/L,K/T,M/M and A/I
Any Rating Is Fine

In this idea Tess is an Evans,younger sister to Max and Isabel.Max and Isabel could be twins or one is older...doesn't matter..all that matter is that Tess is the baby of the family.While growing up Tess's best friend was Liz Parker.....While Max's best buds were Kyle and Michael

Growing up both Liz and Tess were kind of geeky...braces, straight A teacher's pets..that sort of thing.Now Max ever the big brother was a bit of an ass and kind of picked on Liz and Tess.Nothing overly mean as in evil but just the overly pain in the ass that some brothers could be.Now even though it wasn't evil as I said it still was a major pain and a bothersome to Liz and Tess.

Now after years of Max picking on them time has moved on.Kyle and Tess who have been dating secretly are now getting married.Max is already dealing hard with the fact one of his best buds has been dating his baby sister on the side and is now getting married to her.But guess his shock when Liz comes in a few weeks early for the wedding.Gone is the geeky brace face teacher's pet he used to pick on.No there is a very hot young woman who can't stand the sight of him!!

Now Max has to do a lot of working and butt kissing in order for Liz to forgive his past and see that he might not be that big pain in the ass who picked on her in her childhood.


No evil Tess that's a major one

Liz went off to college so Max never saw her turn from nerd to hot woman so he's shocked when he first sees her.

Max has some mean nick name for Liz that he called her growing up.A nick name that comes back to bite him later down the road when Liz remembers it...actually never forgot it!! :lol:

Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 7:21 pm
by mddk98

What if instead of max coming back from the future they sent the kids back. Tess is not evil and she did leave. She felt like she had no place there if she wasn't with Max. But before she left she slept with Kyle because Liz never interrupted them. She left not knowing she was Prego. Ends up having a boy Named Sam. She was captured by the skins. Night of the Gomez concert happened and that results in Claudia. Maria and Michael happen to have a boy named Micah. Alex did die though and it was alien related maybe the skins forced Tess to do what she did to Alex to keep herself and her son safe? Isabel had a daughter with Jesse her name is Alexis. Max and Liz had 2 other kids Josie and Zander. Serena sends the kids back in hopes of stopping Tess from leaving and being taken by the skins. By the kids coming back they are able to save Alex. The kids have powers.

The kids ages are Couples will be as follows
Sam 6 max/liz
Claudia 6 Michael/ Maria
Micha 4 Isabel/Jesse
Zander 3 Alex/Serena
Alexis 1
Josie 2 weeks.

Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 8:50 pm
by dreamon
379) AU no Aliens mainly M/L with a dose of the other characters

Max is a troubled kid who has been in the foster system since birth.

He got into the wrong crowd: running drugs, doing drugs, being in a gang, getting into fights, shop lifting etc
He's been abused and battered and puts up a strong/violent front in order to hide his pain.

He gets a break after his 3rd bust and hes been in and out of juvenile facilities...a judge notices that that isn't helping MAx and hes just a kid and he has time to turn his life around so he sends him to a program at camp.

This is where Max meets the gang.

I have some other details to go with this challenge. if you are interested please pm me.


Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 11:36 pm
by dreamon
380. This is a mainly dreamer centered challenge but I want the other couples in it as well.

The basic plot is Liz is a socialite. She comes from old money. Her grandfather is a criminal judge in his last year of service. Jeff is a billionaire in his own right. He is an entrepreneur. Liz is spoiled and she gets off the hook for just about anything. But after a night of partying her grandfather with whom shes close to has enough and when she’s caught with her 2nd dui he has his judge friend send her to probation so that she can learn. So she has to do community service, etc. So shes volunteering at a local YMCA in a rundown poverty driven area. And this is where she meets 16 year old Isabelle who volunteers there herself.

Max is Isabelle’ brother. There mom dies when Isabelle was one. And their father was killed in the line of duty. Max hates the police and he blames them for their fathers death and the fact they were never able to find his killer and they left max and Isabelle to fend for themselves. Max is gifted kid…hes a genius but he got caught in the life of gangs, drugs, and hot money. At the age of 23 hes the youngest member of the most feared gang. All he knows is the life of crime, but he shields Isabelle from it. He has her set up living the good life and he doesn’t tell her what he does. When he comes to see Isabelle one day sparks fly between him and Liz. Liz sees him as the tattooed covered bad boy and she’s really attracted to him.

There are some other details that I have that go with this challenge so if you are intersected let me know and I’ll tell you the other conditions. This fic is going to be adult in nature due to the drugs/violence nature of the challenge.

Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 10:21 pm
by dreamon
381. AU with aiens CC, mainly dreamer centered

What if tess, Isabelle, and Michael came out of the pods at the same time and were found by the Evans who adopted them and Max emerged a week or so after them. The only problem...the news of the 3 kids being found in the desert made it to piece's desk who has been following alien related news ever since his dad was murdered by them. So he has people set up in the area where the kids were found. And surely enough they come across Max covered in goo. They take him in and basically study him. He's a lab rat, confined to the facility with no contact about the outside world, they teach him things, they figure out he can learn things really fast and they make him book smart, etc. Pierce is cruel to him, blaming him for his father's death even though he is a kid. The others working for him aren't afraid of Max since hes just a kid and theres nothing dangerous about him. They have him in the facility for years until the project gets cut since they haven't made much progress over the years and Max isn't deemed a threat. Pierce is livid and when he finds out he plans on killing Max who at this time is like 17. They were actually told to wipe Max's memories and let him loose since he wasn't a threat and he was human. (his blood and everything was basically same except a slight abnormality in his blood cells that could be written off to a blood disorder.) Pierce is in the middle of carrying out that plan, he actually beat Max up and shot him in the knee as the struggle continued, Pierce's supervisor saw what was happening and tried to stop. In the midst chemicals in the lab fell a fire started and the building had to be evacuated, pierce dies. The supervisor who was always kind to Max helps him get of the building and just tells the injured Max to run and live. So a injured Max flees from the burning facility into a world he knows nothing about and he stumbles across the gang on their camping trip at Frasier woods. (somehow the humans know that tess, isabelle, and michael are aliens)

You can go from here. You can write about how the gang doesn't know how hes different and how they later find out. How Max reacts to the outside world, how he adjusts, how he copes with the memories from the white rm etc. I don't want any destiny crap and no evil tess.

Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 10:18 am
by Sundae
AU All Human
Title – Ten years down the road.
Rating – At least mature, though Adult is preferred.
Parings – M/M, A/I, M/L, K,T

This story takes place in two parts.
• First part will focus on the gangs' senior year of high school. Their ups and downs, hopes and dreams, relationships and problems and all ends on their graduation day or somewhere close.
• Second part will focus on the individuals ten years later and where they are now. They are all reuniting for their ten year high school reunion and the rest of the story will focus on the reunion and the time after.

Alex – Alex and Isabel went out in high school. Isabel was the cool/popular girl that every girl wanted to be. Alex once having started dating Isabel became cool…but only by Isabel. They have a steady strong relationship and are utterly and madly in love with each other. At one point…Isabel becomes pregnant with Alex’s child. She’s scared – her parents are going to kill her, what will her friends think, and what about her dreams? She’s not ready emotionally to be a mother, she got accepted into dream school and has a scholarship…what is she going to do? Mostly, she’s scared of what other people and her parents will think about it. Scared, she gets an abortion without telling Alex. Alex didn’t even know she was pregnant and so when he finds out, he’s devastated. They break up and go their separate ways.

Ten years later, Alex is in a wheelchair. He’s bitter, mad, angry, and has a chip on his shoulder. Liz and Maria are his only friends. About a year before, he was in accident that left him semi-paralyzed waist down. The accident occurred in Maria’s car and while it wasn’t Maria’s fault and he doesn’t blame her for it, he can’t help but take his anger out on Maria. He owns a construction company that is currently making a loss since he couldn’t uphold his contracts to his former clients because of the accident. He cannot have children. At the reunion, how will Isabel react to seeing Alex the way he his. I have details on Isabel.

Tess – High Power CEO of a fashion Magazine. She’s ruthless, powerful, and perfectly primed and proper. Envy of every girl, enemy of every woman, friend of high society. She aims to always look her best in public and aims to be successful. However, she is NOT bitchy – on the contrary, she’s very nice. She has everything in the world, just no friends or family – (military brat and her dad may or may not be alive). Everybody wants her in public but in her personal life, she has no friends and no family. In high school, she was the nerdy girl that everyone made fun of for one reason on another. Kyle Valenti made her life a living hell. She was the geek and he was the jock and it hurt Tess. After Tess graduated high school, she aimed to never be that girl ever again. She turned her image around in college to what she is seen as today – she pushed to work hard to be successful. Though internally, she’s pretty insecure and lonely. What Kyle did to her hasn’t left her.

At the reunion, Tess almost has a panic attack when she see’s Kyle. Her insecurities and fears are multiplied and are taking over. When she runs into Kyle, it’s almost de-habilitating for her. She cannot seem to think straight or keep her composure when it comes to him. Kyle on the other hand has no idea who she is and is instantly attracted to her. I have details on Kyle.

Michael – Michael Guerin, bad boy entrepreneur…or well, in high school at least. In high school, Max and Michael are best friends. Max comes from a nice, loving family, Michael doesn’t – foster care, abusive etc. Michael and Maria end up dating in high school, its explosive and they both are madly in love with each other. Problem is, Maria doesn’t know anything about Michael's foster care situation or that Hank hurts him. In fact, no one knows except for Max. He’s situation is pretty bad, and it doesn’t look like he’s going to pass senior year. One night, Hank and Michael get into it, it’s a pretty bad fight, Michael is bloody and on the floor, Max is able to intervene and get him to safety and to the hospital. Maria hasn’t heard from Michael in a week, they’re relationship is sort of like the show. They care about each other, but she never knows what’s going on with him or where he is at any time. Anyways, a week later, Michael shows up to school after no word and breaks up with Maria. No explanation, no reason, he tells her he doesn’t like her anymore or something (you can give an excuse, but whatever it is, NO cheating).

Ten years later Michael is a pretty successful business owner, rich, nice, great guy, happy, very big heart – does a lot for charities and foster care homes. All around nice guy. He runs into Maria and what happens? I have details of how Maria reacts to Michael and I also have a sub-plot to Michael/Max relationship.

Liz – In high school, Liz is as she was on the show. In with the cool kids and down with the nerdy kids as well. She was very well liked and all around great person. She and Max never went out but always had this flirty, relationship with each other. He pulled, she pushed etc. They both liked each other, but never went that one step to go out. Meanwhile, Liz is dating different guys and Max is dating different girls but they always come back to each other. Prom night, both their dates sucked or something and they ended up spending most of the night together…got drunk, lost their virginity to each other and got the mega of cliches – tattoos of each others names somewhere. Ten years later, Liz works for a publishing company that could soon be going out of business if a larger, competitive publishing company moves in across the street from them. Max is the silent owner of that company – problem is, he doesn’t know the market in that area very well, nor does he know much about publishing etc. (His business deals with various things – Max basically invests in companies, makes them profitable, reaps the rewards and then starts something new.) At the reunion, Max finds out Liz works or owns the publishing company he wants to take over or drive out of business. Liz doesn’t know this. I have more details on Max’s character and the plot here.

I have character synopsis of all the characters and more plot points and details than what I have here. I only put half…so if you’re interested, you can pm me. My only stipulation is if you want to do this fic, it has to include all couples equally or somewhat close. I don’t want 80% Max and Liz and only 20% devoted to all the other couples. And you're free to take out ideas and change them around a bit if it fits your needs.

Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 10:48 pm
by killjoy

Tess Parker who is off to college comes home for Christmass...Or when ever..bringing home her new boyfriend for everyone to meet...Max Evans.

The idea is that Max meets the Parker family and over time gets to know them.But much to his shock finds himself falling for his girlfriend's sister...Liz.

While Max is falling for Liz,Tess runs into her old high school flame Kyle Valenti and finds much to her shock that the heat and feelings are still there.

So in the end we have Kyle/Tess and Max/Liz.Why Liz never went off to college or out of town for college is open to the taker.Tess can be a twin of Liz or older or younger that is also open.

Must haves.
No evil Tess or Tess bashing.

Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 8:29 pm
by dreamon

After watching the movie Salt i figured why not make a spy challenge. This is not going to be like movie though.

AU without aliens

The main plot:

Liz is a spy who is sent to some country to infiltrate a drug cartel. This drug cartel is run by Max's uncle and Max is his right hand man and the son that he never had.

Liz meets Max and uses him to infiltrate the circle but along the line she sees another side of him and falls for him. They get married.

You can include the other couples into this too.

This is the general plot and I have some other details that I want to incorporate in this. So if you are interested let pm me.



Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 11:16 pm
by killjoy

AU all human
Any rating is fine
CC...M/L,M/M,A/I and K/T

The idea is that Liz is a big city hot shot doctor.She works for some big fancy hospital working on hearts and is the star.Liz has a big head and thinks she's top stuff.Everyone bows and scraps to her in the hospital and she makes the big money.

On the way to some fancy swanky hospital convention(where she's supposed to be the guest speaker of course) Liz is driving her fancy car a bit too fast and gets pulled over by the cops.She's hauled before the judge and lets her mouth and big head get the better of her.Expecting to pay a small fine and leave the Mayberry hick town Liz is shocked when the judge punishes her with community service instead!

The judge tells Liz she has to stay in town until she spends (x) amount of time helping out the small town's local doc....Max.

How is Liz going to handle A) working in a backwoods small town when she's used to the most fancy equipment money can buy? B) Living in said small town when she's a big city girl? and C)taking orders from what she sees as a failed small town hick doc when she's THE Dr Parker of all people!!

Must haves......

When Liz is sentenced to community service she has to have a place to stay in town...she must stay in a room in one of the other main character's house...or hotel they Liz is always around one of them and that must be in the story....for example(Liz has to stay in the small upstairs garage apartment of Michael and Maria while serving her sentence)

Some kind of small town party or holiday(such as....The local Pumpking Dance or Fair...) That Liz gets dragged to by Max and is shocked to have fun at.

NO EVIL all.