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Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 11:03 am
by M

I really don't get Kyle today. He seems intent on being the biggest ass he can be. 'Why wouldn't everyone be ok with bowling? And if they weren't why would they go? Kyle, if you want, feel free to stay home on Saturday, while the rest of us go and have a good time'

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 4:56 pm
by isabelle

I shake my head, not sure why everyone suddenly seems so tense. "No need to fight about it. I'm sure we'll all be there. It'll be fun." I say.

I hope it will be. It would be so great if Liz, Michael and Maria were able to integrate into our group and we could all be friends. I know it'll be kinda unlikely, concidering how Serena, Isabel and Tess have felt about the three of them. Still, I can't help but hope, even if those hopes are completely unfounded...


I see a couple at the register so I head over there to collect their money, trying hard not to grit my teeth as these stupid antennae bounce over my head. How much longer until my shift is over? Almost two hours! How in the world am I going to survive it? Maybe I can fake an illness... nah, Liz'll never fall for it. She knows we don't get sick.

I hand over the change and glance at Max where he's sitting with his friends again. I still don't know exactly what to make of that so I settle my gaze on Maria. Now there's a pretty sight. I can't believe she's actually my girlfriend now. I should have said something a long time ago...

I come up with an excuse to walk past her and gently bump into her arm. "Looking forward to our date," I say grinning before moving on down the aisle.

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 5:48 pm
by M

No need to fight about it. I'm sure we'll all be there. It'll be fun.

"As long as Mr Personality over there keeps it in check I'm sure it will be fine. Listen Serena, I told Alex I would work with him on a... history project, so I'm gonna go call him. We still on for later?"

Serena and I have a standing date to watch the OC so I figure after talking to Alex I'll stop by and have dinner with the Evans and then I might try talking to her about what we discovered last night. I know Alex said not to, but I just have this feeling that sharing with my best friend is the right thing to do. She nods and I smile back, giving her a ghost of a wink.

"Oh, and Kyle? I'm sure it won't be that bad watching your brother have a blast with a beautiful girl while you are sitting there all alone" I smirk and leave, heading out the door before he can respond.

As I head to the car I pull out my phone and dial Alex, not sure where he hangs out after school.

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 6:52 am
by isabelle

I reluctantly get up and leave with Tess and Kyle and Serena. It would have been nice to spend some more time with Liz, although I guess that would be easier if she weren't working, anyway. Maybe I can call her later tonight. Would that be too forward? I mean, we do have a date and all...

With an effort, I bring my attention back to the conversation at hand, but there doesn't seem to be much to respond to. Tess wanders off to do some project with Alex, promising that she'll be by to our house later to hang out with Serena.

"You gonna come back to our house, Kyle?" I ask. I don't have a lot of homework so I can probably finish it later.