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Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 12:01 am
by M

'Hello? I'm sitting right here! God Kyle, could you be any more rude? If you don't want to come you don't have to. Stay home, or waste time trying to find a date if you want.'

I turn to my best friend 'Serena, he is right, no dates, just people having fun- that was of course until your brother invited the freak squad. I'm wondering the exact effect of cedar oil on the bowling balls ability to roll straight?' You're his sister- can't you do something?'

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 1:31 am
by Luvya

"Hey I was just being Honest. I thought Woman prefered honest men" I retorted back. God she could annoy me at times, "And I never said I didn't want to come. Max can invite who he want's to. You never know you could actually like them." I can't believe I'm actually saying this but for some weird reason I'm feeling a connection to Liz. (although Tess is pretty cute....)

"Serena, Tess you two don't even have to be in the same bowling lane as them, but you know something? I'm not the one being rude. You two are. You should get to know a person before you talk to them, have you two even had a conversation with those three?" I ask.

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 8:37 pm
by isabelle

"Fine," I sigh, turning away from Michael. He's obviously not happy about this but he seems to be done with me and I realize I should probably leave him to his work.

As I put my hand on the door, I hear a slight sound and I know he's pulling something off the shelf. He's already dismissed me from his mind, but I know we didn't really settle anything. I turn back quickly. "Michael?"

"Yeah?" He answers roughly.

I move a little closer. "I know you feel you don't have any reason to trust me. I know this is a secret you've kept for a long time. It must be hard to see it slip out of your control. But please believe me. I really care about your sister. I'm not going to let anything bad happen to her or to you." I care about my sister, too, I think. I'm gonna do whatever I can to protect all of you. Right now, that just means keeping quiet, but I hope it'll also mean that they can talk to me when they need someone to listen. I wish I could tell each of them about the others, too. But I guess that's a plan for another day.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 3:19 pm
by M
Serena, Tess you two don't even have to be in the same bowling lane as them, but you know something? I'm not the one being rude. You two are. You should get to know a person before you talk to them, have you two even had a conversation with those three?

'Actually Kyle, I tried once, but passed out from the fumes emenating from Maria. She's always sniffing some kind of oil. And Michael is always angry at the world. I think if I tried to talk to him he'd bite my head off. Speaking of, Serena- do you think Max is ok back there? Or was he called back there so Michael could like abduct him or something?''

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 4:07 pm
by isabelle

Michael leaves to go back to his job without another word to me. I only hope he believed what I told him because everything I said was the complete truth.

With a shrug, I leave the back room and head back out onto the diner floor. Serena, Tess and Kyle are still sitting there talking to each other. I slide back into my seat, not wanting to interupt anything but it seems that they're all looking at me.

"Hey. I'm back," I say, unnecessarily. "Did I miss anything?"

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 10:00 pm
by M

Just after I ask my question Max slides back into the booth. Did I miss anything?

'Only Kyle insulting me, to my face, and then trying to pretend its better because I'm sitting here, and then acting all self righteous about it. Serena does indeed have a date, but Kyle is cool with it because he has decided to tease Tom mercilessly. and then we were trying to figure out the effect of cedar oil on bowling balls.'
I almost go further and say something about how I'm sure Liz could do some scientific experiment to really know the answer definitively, but then I remember who I'm talking to and bite my tongue.
'How about you? I thought Michael and his antenna's had like abducted you or something. What did he want?'

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 11:15 pm
by isabelle

Tess' narrative is a bit hard to follow, but I get the idea that Serena and Tom really are an item now. Don't know how I feel about that. I'd like to follow Kyle's lead and have fun with it but I'm not really comfortable with that. I guess I'll just keep my mouth shut and commisserate with Kyle in private while I wait and see how it all turns out...

Then Tess asks me about Michael and his little, 'talk.' What can I say about that? I can't tell her, or anyone, about the alien issue, although truthfully Michael didn't even say that much. It was mostly me guessing what his concerns were...

I give an exaggerated shrug, looking at Tess. "I'm not really sure. He wasn't very talkative. He seemed to be concerned about me dating his sister, is all," I say and immediately regret the choice of words. Sure, Saturday is supposed to be a 'date' since she asked me, but one date doesn't really count as 'dating' does it? Friday is still a group thing.

"You know, for Saturday - " I shrug. "Liz will probably be hanging out with him and Maria on Friday, anyway."


Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 11:32 pm
by Luvya

"Hey does that mean your going to give Tom the big brother talk?" I ask with a smirk, "Seeing as you've managed to get it I don't think he should be spared" I smile wirly trying to get the topic off Liz and Max.


I can't help but watch Max go back to the table. I have this incrediable urge to go over and kiss him but I push it back.

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2005 10:15 am
by isabelle

I turn to Kyle, not quite getting his reference at first, but then I realize he was talking about Michael and what I told them that Michael wanted to talk to me about. Do I want to talk to Tom about dating Serena?

I look over and find Serena glaring through slitted eyes and if I'm not mistaken, rolling her fingers into a loose fist.

"Um, maybe not," I say quickly. "I think Serena would kill me if I tried." I smile at her, hoping to make the peace, and give a short laugh. I'm sure Serena can handle him, if needed. Although I may have to step in if things start to get serious... I won't let him hurt her. She is my sister...

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 3:31 am
by Luvya

I laughed slightly wondering what really went on with Max and Michael's talk.

"So everyone's alright with Bowling?" I ask with a slight smirk in Tess's direction.

If she want's to complain she can do it now.