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Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 2:13 am
by madroswellfan
I pout like a little kid. "Pweaseeeee" I say hopefully. "You can go if you want...." I add "But I will just be sitting here...waiting for you...nekid." I say grinning.

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 3:02 am
by POM

"Naked huh?" I smiled at him..."Well I guess another session of love making wouldn't hurt." I pulled his face towards mine and sank into a deep loving kiss.
"Mr. Evans...take me now.." I smirked.

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 5:10 am
by madroswellfan
"With pleasure" I say before capturing her mouth once more. I quickly remove the clothes she had just put on. "That was...a...waste of time" I murmur as I kiss her.

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 9:35 pm
by POM

Walking into the nursary, to find Mary sitting there with a very fussy Phillip in her arms, while Scarlett is chilling on her bed looking at the ceiling and smiling. "Hey he giving you a hard time? Where are the new parents at anyways?" I looked around the room, then back at Maria and make way to her.


In between kisses I reply to him, "Well...I...thought....I... could...tear...myself away from you long...long enought to go check on our kids...but..I-I thought...I...was wrong..." I moaned as he began to kiss my neck. "I don't know how you do it??" I started but I was starting to get lose in everything that I don't think I finished the thought.

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 10:54 am
by madroswellfan
"How what?" I ask her breathlessly, not wanting to let her go.

I hear Rath come in. I glance up and smile. "Hey. A hard time? Nah, this one's just a little tyke aren't you Phillip" I say smiling at the handsome baby.
"I believe the parents are ...erm...sleeping" I say carefully, knowing that Rath would know what I mean. "So are you ok?" I ask with a smile.

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 5:33 am
by POM

"How you k-keep me so intoxicated with your after all this time your not tried of making love to me... that with the way I look, that Y-you still love me for me." I breath out in between kissed and moans of love.


"I'm fine...why would you ask?" I was curious to what she had to say.

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 6:10 am
by madroswellfan
" just look...I don't know.... lost....and bored....and a little bit jealous of a certain king." I say smirking.

I moan as she says those amazing things. "Because your you Liz. And I will never ever get enough of you. I love you Liz. How could I ever tire of my goddess." I ask as I hold to her for dear life.

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 12:27 pm
by POM

I was amazed by what she was implying... but I couldn't get the words out of my mouth to say anything..."Um...I...I--" I tried to get the words out but I looked like a fish gasping for air. Taking a deep breath, and saying to fast that you could barely understand me, heck I didn't even understand myself! "Idon'tKnowwhatyouaretalkingabout!!!" I looked down at the ground.


With his response...I deepened the kiss... "Enough t-talking... Make love to me...My H-H-Husband..." I pleaded with him.

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 1:20 pm
by madroswellfan
I frowned. Why did Rath have a problem about talking about....that.
I turn back to the babies. "Ok" I said. "Well, Im sure your busy..." I said trying to hint he should just go. Im not in the mood now. I thought we were doing ok, since we were engaged and all....I sigh. I don't know. Rath is so....difficult.

I grinned at Liz. "My pleasure" I purr before taking her once more. "God Lizzie" I moan.

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 10:02 pm
by POM
"Mary I'm sorry... I want you more than I ever did before but isn't--I mean...can't they sense sexual tensions...I wouldn't want to say anything to get into there little minds." I blushed as I looked at her.


"Zan...yes...yess... yessss... harder... Zan Faster...please...OMG..." I screamed out as he obyed my commands.