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Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 7:07 pm
by M
I narrow my eyes at my best friend, trying to work out what she is up to. Her brother just asked her mortal enemy out on a date, and he agreed and then some, and then she asks him to do her chores? What is that about? And she isn’t denying about Tom anymore. Hang on…
“Serena- so you and Tom are like a thing? What happened to earlier ‘we’re just friends’ ‘we just study’?

And you” I turn my gaze to Max. “ Not only are you asking out Liz Parker, but since when are you buddy-buddy with her brother? And why did you have to ask them bowling? It was going to be fun, and now its all going to be serious and cedar oil. I mean Maria Deluca? C’mon Max!”

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 7:54 pm
by Liz_Parker

I give Tess a pointed look and roll my eyes, then lean over and whisper to her.

"I figure this....if Max has to do my chores to then he'll never be done in enough time to go out on this so-called date with Liz, our mom never lets us out of the house till we're done, and Tom and me aren't really a thing, but I'm sure that I can get him to roll along with it, see where I'm going with this?", I ask smiling and sit back smiling at Max.

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 9:17 pm
by M

I smile at Serena's manipulations, but sit back to wait for Max to explain his reasons for turning our fun night out into a freakshow.

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 6:26 am
by isabelle

"No way, sis," I tell Serena. "If I'm going to do your chores, there has to be some benefit to me. Sounds like you're the only one getting what you want with that one. I'd rather have you do my chores so you can stay away from Kyle's brother." I give Kyle a look of sympathy with that one and then turn to Tess.

"As for Liz, she's the one who asked me out, in case you didn't notice. The bowling thing is different. It's a big group thing already. What's the harm in a couple more kids?" I actually hadn't thought she'd be available, but since she is, I'll be glad to spend the time with her. "Although you are right about Michael. I'm not sure I've ever really talked to him beyond just saying hi or something," I shrug. "But I guess I'm going to do it now."

I get up from the table and head for the back where I saw Michael go. I'm not really looking forward to this, but all-in-all, it beats being badgered by Serena and Tess...

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 4:26 pm
by Luvya

I walk over to Maria and smile slightly at her.

"Your going bowling with Michael Friday night" I whisper to her and then head off to get the orders for the group.


Somehow we've managed to get a whole group activity going with this whole Bowling thing and I'm not 100% about this now. It was fine with a couple of people but now 8?

How did I manage to get into this?

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 8:18 pm
by Liz_Parker

I roll my eyes at Max and look over at Kyle. "Why do older brothers have to be so annoying? All they do is pester and annoy growing up and once your old enough to care for yourself they still mess with anything.", I shake my head and lean back.

Looking over at Tess and Kyle I raise an eyebrow. "What would be so bad if I went out with Tom? He's not that bad of a guy, he's just a little....nervous".

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 6:35 pm
by isabelle

I knock softly on the door to the back room of the Crashdown. I’ve never actually been back there. “Hey Michael? It’s Max. Liz said you wanted to talk to me?” As Serena said, I’ve never really talked much to Michael. If he wants to talk to me now, it’s a fairly good bet it has something to do with the secret his sister shared last night.

“Yeah, yeah. Come in then,” he says, sounding gruff and a bit annoyed.

I step through the door and take in the small room with a few lockers, a TV, a sofa and several shelves stocked with napkins and such. Michael is opening a box and getting some fresh menus. “I’m working, ya know,” he says, making the antennae on his head bob. “So I can’t really talk much.”

“Oh, sorry,” I say, trying to sort it out. “I thought Liz meant now. I can come back.”

“No. Stay. This won’t take long,” he says, turning to face me. I see him glance about quickly, no doubt checking for anyone-else nearby. “So, you know now.”

I nod, slowly.

“Liz thinks she can trust you,” he says.

“She can. I promise. I won’t tell anyone unless you let me,” I tell him, sincerely. And I really wish he would. I’ve become a major secret keeper. The only one who knows about Kyle. The only one who knows about Serena. How I wish I could tell them all about each other. It would make it better for all of them, but they’ve all made me promise not to tell anyone.

Michael snorts. “That ain’t gonna happen.”

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 10:25 pm
by Luvya

I'm curious when Max goes back to talk to Michael. He's hasn't had any interaction with him since yesterday. I wish I knew what was going on. I'm suspisous. I know I am but I just want to know somethings.

"Hey Serena it's going to be fun with Liz being here anyway you and Tom will most likely be flirting and making me sick to my stomach" I say trying to make Serena feel better.

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 8:26 pm
by Liz_Parker

"Yeah least he can actually flirt...seems to me like most of the time your to scared to flirt", I laugh and take a sip of my coke and look at him.

"Who are you going to bring as your "date" to bowling?".

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 5:11 pm
by Luvya

"Hey I'm never scared" I scoff, "I just think it's a waste of time." I take a drink of my cherry/tabasco cola and smile, "and according to Tess it's a group of people hanging out" I point out, "So therefore you still could push Tess and Max together if you REALLY want to" I say knowing Max would kill me if he heard this.