Unbreakable - A Beautiful Lie (AU M/L ADULT) COMPLETE 5/5/17 + A/N 5/5/19

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Re: Unbreakable (AU M/L ADULT) A/N 10/6/15, p. 42

Post by mezz »

Hopefully the shakes won't be overly noticeable by then. It's fairly mild at present. Poor Max standing devastated in the kitchen and Liz still trapped in the wardrobe. I imagine they'll be ok though for a little while. It'll give them some time to come up with the next step. 8)

Look after yourself.
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Re: Unbreakable (AU M/L ADULT) A/N 10/6/15, p. 42

Post by begonia9508 »

At that point in the story and if I was Liz, I would run away... go somewhere who no aliens live because I believe they still haven't conquered Earth, no? :twisted:

The way Mr Evans is talking about Liz is the same as would an expert would talk about insects! :twisted:

Thanks EVE :twisted:
- Les jouissances de l'esprit sont faites pour calmer les orages du coeur!
- On reconnaît le bonheur au bruit qu'il fait quand il s'en va!
- L'amour vous rend aveugle et le mariage vous redonne la vue!
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Re: Unbreakable (AU M/L ADULT) A/N 10/6/15, p. 42

Post by begonia9508 »

No reason to be sorry and we understand fully that you can concentrate your life on your computer!
Emergencies are what they are and must be dealt with!

Thanks anyway and it give me times to calm myself after last part which let me wishing I had alien power and would kill all these bastards! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :mrgreen:

EVE :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
- Les jouissances de l'esprit sont faites pour calmer les orages du coeur!
- On reconnaît le bonheur au bruit qu'il fait quand il s'en va!
- L'amour vous rend aveugle et le mariage vous redonne la vue!
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max and liz believer
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Post by max and liz believer »

Five things;

1. I'm back! One day early because of a schedule change about tomorrow's work :D Which means that I won't have to get up at 4.50 and can stay up a bit longer to post this for you.

2. Thank you so much for understanding about me leaving you without any updates... <3

3. I thought you would consider the previous chapter a transition chapter. I'm glad to see that it apparently wasn't received that way, because I'm not a big fan of transition chapters myself. Plus, the chapter seemed to evoke both thoughts and strong emotions, which is my secret delight about writing.

4. This is the longest chapter I've ever written. Ever. My chapters regularly have an average of 6 pages. This one has 20. So my recommendation is to not start reading this if you're on your way to work and have five minutes to spare, or if you're stressed and can't sit still. Instead, grab a piece of chocolate, make yourself a cup of tea or some coffee, and prepare yourself for the chapter I could not get myself to cut up into pieces.

5. I wrote the following chapter (a couple of weeks back) while experiencing excruciating tooth ache (from compression injuries to a nerve, causing inflammation) which prevented me from sleeping for 48 hours. I honestly think my brain is wired the wrong way if I write stuff detailed below while literally wishing that someone would knock me out so I would be (momentarily) free from pain.

On to your feedback... :D

Ashley (Morning Dreamgirl)
On the one hand I want to strangle Philip for going along with the society as far as using people and basically approving the (possible) life long rape of women. Especially in regards to someone he's known since she was a little girl!
I totally agree :?
On the other hand he basically warned Max when he didn't have to.
Exactly. Glad you noticed. Philip didn't have to tell Max about the meeting. In fact, Philip wasn't allowed to tell Max about the meeting. Hence, he put himself in risk there. Why?
It's also interesting that he's known about Max's "infatuation" with Liz for so long.
Consider this: Max has, on occasion, been healed by his father. Even though - as mentioned in the previous chapter - Philip is more advanced in his healing, meaning that he can probably heal very deep injuries without connecting, there is the possibility that Philip has at some point actually connected to his son in order to heal him. Has he seen stuff in Max's head then? Felt his emotions? His feelings about a certain brunette that seems to take up a great deal of Max's thinking?
Maybe he sees the "re-education" as a way of him being able to save Max from the danger that is Elizabeth Parker.
Philip grasping at the last straw. Yeah, maybe.
Even if they managed to separate the two of them I wonder how long Max would have to be "re-educated" before he would be "willing" to move on.
A very important question. Hints to this are coming up in a future chapter.

Loved your speculations about how Max and Liz should be able to get out of this. There doesn't really seem to be a way out, does it? Which is what has almost turned Max crazy with frustration and hopelessness this whole time. Which is why he hasn't dared to give himself hope - or Liz - that having sex might deepen the connection. Which is why he even for a second considered giving Liz up to Sean - even if he knew it was against her will - because at least she would be alive. At least they wouldn't be standing alone against a whole society harboring otherworldly mental and physical powers.
If she does manage to overcome all of that to take her (rightful) place by Max's side, how does she accept them? How does she find peace in living within their rules and restrictions - many of which are necessary for their very survival - without growing animosity?
I don't see her accepting them. She has already expressed how much she hates their rules and the manner in which they treat the ones that don't follow their laws. I think it would be really hard for her - with an intact memory of course - to just "move into" Max's society and family.

But I don't think she's really thinking about that right now...
My goodness, Jo! Could you write a more heart-wrenching chapter? (And, NO, that is not a challenge! :roll: )
*ahum* :wink:
And, lest I sound ungrateful, thank you for posting the very next day! I knew you couldn't ignore the cries of many. We'll have to remember that for next time. ;)
I tried loud music and even earplugs. No avail.

Thank you for that (always) analytical feedback!

Helen (Roswelllostcause)
NOOOO! That is so not the plan! Max is to bond with Liz! They are to have a happy life together! Sean, his dad need to go away forever!
YES! Of course. Why can't those dumb aliens understand this?

Thank you for the feedback!

Natalie36 - Thank you :D

He's expected for dinner? How late is dinner? They left in the dark. Mezzi confused.
I actually did my research on that one. We've reached the beginning of December in the story and according to the beautiful net of information the sun sets really early in Roswell, New Mexico, in December (just like in Sweden). The sun sets at 4.50 p.m. to be exact. And Max picked Liz up not too long after they got home from school. Which means that it's getting close to supper.
But Max being brainwashed again is also going to be dangerous. Actually, he needs the strong bonding to combat the brainwashing.
This is what they are hoping that a "double bond" will do. That it will actually be strong enough to stand against those forces that are working against them. But these are still just hypotheses. It's not like anyone actually knows if something like a double bond actually exists.
And Mr E's frank discussion gives no indication of his being on Max's side at all. Max really is on his own.
Maaaybe... :roll:
Mr E being pure Alien I guess, can cope with that position ok. Max, having compassion and passion and humanity can't cope with being used and in effect, abused by his own.
Yes... :( And with there bound to be more hybrids in the future (since there are not that many pure aliens around and a lot more humans to procreate with), they really should start to consider changing those laws. Because hybrids are more human and have a completely different span of feelings than purists, and they might feel inclined to revolt against these rigid rules.
Very interested to see the fall-out between Max and Liz. It actually has the potential to make the bonding even stronger as their dependence on each other will be more vital.
The two of them - alone - against the world. Yeah, it might just make them stronger. As long as the emotions that are the result of everything going on around them doesn't weaken them. :?

Thank you so much for the feedback (and for checking the board for the latest update, even though you were almost too disappointed to turn on your computer :oops: ) !

L-J-L 76
So someone left the house. Who left the house? Was it Max or Mr. Evans?
You'll find out soon enough :roll:

Thank you for the feedback and all the bumps!

I'm sure now every time she encounters pancakes she will always think of.
:lol: Yeah, probably.
At least they were not caught having sex.
:shock: That would've been disastrous - on more than one level.
Tremendous chapters. I am at the edge of my seat awaiting more. :D
:oops: Thank you

Thank you for the feedback!

Carolyn (keepsmiling7)
I guess Max did a good job of erasing the presence of a second person .
I guess (hope) so... :roll:

Yes, the community really thinks that Max is out of control by now :? Thank you for the feedback!

Eve (begonia9508)
At that point in the story and if I was Liz, I would run away... go somewhere who no aliens live because I believe they still haven't conquered Earth, no? :twisted:
No, they haven't :roll: But they have ways of tracking her down unfortunately...

Thank you for the feedback!


But it was quickly forgotten in light of hearing Mr. Evans’ footsteps on the stairs. My heart rate quickly sped up, the sound of my blood roared in my ears as I took a step back into the clothing, trying to cloak myself inside the clothing if by chance Mr. Evans would sense me being there or something (you never knew with aliens, right?) and open the door.

I held my breath, my whole body tensing, as I heard his footsteps pass outside the door. I relaxed some when I heard them walk away, before my body repeated the same procedure as the footsteps returned a couple of minutes later.

But he had no interest in the small compartment, instead quickly descending the stairs.

”Call your mother, Max,” Mr. Evans said. ”She’s expecting you for dinner.”

”I already told Isabel to tell you-” Max started.

”No arguments,” Mr. Evans cut off the conversation plainly and without any words of goodbye. I heard the front door open and slam shut. I listened to the silence draping itself over the house as a car door slammed shut outside of the house, followed by the revving of an engine and the subsequent sound of a car driving away until even the outdoors were quiet.


I didn’t dare to move from my hiding spot, afraid that Mr. Evans would still be lurking around.

Instead I remained there until I heard footsteps on the stairs. The door was quietly pulled open.

His face was noticeably different from when he had left me earlier. It was like his life force had been drained out of him. His eyes flickered over my face, but he was avoiding meeting my eyes.

”Are you okay?” he asked.

My heart ached and tears were threatening to fall at the cloud of rejection around him. Instead of answering, I left the hiding space within the hanging clothes, closed the distance between us and wrapped my arms around his rigid body, pressing my cheek against his chest.

”Are you okay?” I countered and he didn’t respond for the longest of moments. His arms hanged passively by his sides, his body remained unyielding and closed off as I tightened my embrace.

”I’m fine,” he said quietly, completely devoid of emotion.

I took a shuddering breath, pulled back and looked up at him. Placing my hand against his cheek, I forced him to look at me, ”Hey. It’s me.” There was a sparkle of something unreadable in his blank eyes. ”You don’t have to be brave around me.”

I saw him swallow and felt a tremble run through him. Raising to the tip of my toes, I softly brushed my lips against his. I pulled back slightly to see that his eyes had drifted closed, a pained expression on his face.

My heart clenched painfully before I reached up again and fused our lips together in a firmer kiss, capturing the shudder that moved through him, before I put my arms around his neck, forcing him to bend slightly to accommodate our difference in height as I coaxed his mouth to open and deepened the kiss.

At the same moment as his arms (finally) moved to circle my waist, I felt the comfortable hum at the back of my mind and with every brush of my tongue against his, with every finger I pushed through his hair and every circle he was painting with his hands across my back, the hum grew stronger.

Until it cracked wide open.

His sharp inhalation hinted that he could suddenly feel me again; every single emotion. Tightening my hold on him, inching even closer as I pressed my body against his, I wanted it to be returned. I wanted him to take his walls down.

”Let me see you,” I whispered against his lips.

His fingers curled into the back of my sweater as he whispered back, ”No.”

I might not be able to read his mind, and I could barely sense his feelings, but still his unspoken addition to that refusal whispered through the air.

Not right now.

”Don’t hide from me. Please. I need to feel you.”

He pulled back, emotion now clear and stormy in his eyes with the light from the hallway behind him highlighting the blush of desire on his cheeks.

”Please,” I whispered again, sliding my hands down the front of his shirt. He captured them around the wrists when they reached the middle of his abdomen. His hold burned alluringly against my skin and he just held my wrists as he dropped his eyes.

I frowned, worried. Without his eyes, I had completely lost contact with the emotional play on his face. ”Max?”

Then his eyes blinked up and his gaze sucked me into the inner workings of Max Evans. My next breath was deep while blind-sided as his thoughts rushed towards me.

He can’t just send me away. I never want to go back to that place. He’ll remove you. He’ll remove you from my mind.

He trembled as he looked at me and I had no thoughts of my own, my mind occupied with listening to his.

This was not the same as when he had been speaking to me in an orderly fashion, controlling what sentences and thoughts I heard. This was even different from earlier today, after our ’interaction’ in the Eraser Room, when Max had let his walls down. This was uninhibited, uncontrolled and unorganized. The inner jumbled ramblings of an alien-human-hybrid teenager.

I love you. I love you so much. I can’t lose you. Please don’t be afraid of me. If Sean lays one hand on- Who am I kidding? I’ve already exposed you to Sean. I put you in a lot of danger. What did he do to you?

My reciprocating pictorial memories of Sean in the gym, pushing his cold hands up my abdomen, underneath my shirt, as his tongue forced itself into my mouth and he restrained me against a wall were unintentionally pulled to the surface where Max could easily view them.

All air seemed to leave him and his hands moved from my wrists to cover the backs of my hands, cradling them in his palms as he mumbled in anguish with his eyes drifting close, ”Oh God…”

I blushed with mortification while simultaneously feeling the blood drain from my body. This was the reason alone why I had (accidentally) turned off (or paused) our bond the first time. So that he wouldn’t see. Perhaps the universe was mocking me, because my humiliation produced the nauseating memory of Sean brushing his fingers over my breast, the sound of his insinuations of what he wanted to do to me whispering through my mind and into Max’s.

”I’m sorry,” I whispered, looking up at his closed eyes. ”I didn’t want you to see that.”

He swallowed and shook his head slowly before opening pitch dark eyes, fueled with an anger that was barely being restrained judging from the trembles of his hands over mine. ”No, don’t apologize. I need to see this. I need to see what I caused.”

It was not your fault, my mind told him.

Even if we hadn’t been connected right then, it would have been easy to see that he didn’t believe me. He seemed to forget that my mind couldn’t lie when open to him like this. I truly believed that it wasn’t his fault.

Sean did that,” I voiced, pulled at my hands so that Max’s hands shook off mine and I could touch him again.

His guilt was deafening through the connection. And it quickly invoked other negative emotions and thoughts in him, like a snowball increasing in size and speed as it tumbled down a steep hill of anguish.

His chest rose and fell with aggravated harsh breaths as he pictured what he would do to Sean, in such a vicious dark way that I almost shied away from him. But I remained rooted in my spot, because the ’wishful thinking’ about Sean’s possible demise didn’t harbor any malicious thoughts and Max wasn’t enjoying his own images of his hands around Sean’s throat or watching him fall to the bottom of a cliff. His thoughts were not even necessarily vengeful, mostly protective. The thoughts were permeated with his love for me, with the need to eliminate anything that could cause me harm.

And naturally, as his mind killed Sean over and over again, in every way possible, thoughts of his father started creeping into his mind. And I started to understand the doubts he’d recently developed about his father. His mistrust about his father actually being one of the ’good guys’, rocking a life-long foundation of belief.

A mistrust that had arisen as a result of his father’s behavior towards me, in light of their most recent conversation downstairs.

He should be on my side. He’s my father. He should accept how I feel about you and help me protect you. I shouldn’t have to hide you from my own father.

His thoughts swirled as he pressed his forehead against mine, burying his hands in my hair and breathing in my air.

I don’t want to force you. I never want to hurt you. Never. You’re so beautiful. All the colors… I can’t lose you. What if it doesn’t work? What if it will all be for nothing? He’ll win. They’ll all win. And we’ll lose.

”It won’t be for nothing,” I whispered, my cheeks wet from my tears. ”We will have each other, at least for one night-”

Then they’ll make us forget.

I shivered at the darkness of his thoughts. Of the insecurities and the self-doubt. This was not the strong and confident Max I knew. Granted, I hadn’t had many opportunities to see inside his mind up until this point, but I realized that the conversation with his father really must have greatly rattled him in order to suck all the positivity out of him.

The mental version of his voice was dark and hopeless as his mind continued (too upset to take notice of my observation, apparently), This is why I didn’t want to show you. You don’t need to know all of this.

And I felt him pull away, the telepathic connection fading.

”No,” I said agitatedly, briskly moving my hands to his face and pulling his lips down to mine. ”Don’t shut me out.” I tasted my tears on our unified lips as I felt him reciprocate my kiss.

He groaned against my lips, his thoughts mumbling, I love how you taste. I love how you smell.

”I love you,” I whispered, my voice trembling with a sob.

A large part of me was afraid I would be rejected again, his reaction to my confession in my bedroom of being in love with him still very clear in my head.

I’m an idiot. For reacting that way. I was trying to protect you. Trying to prevent you from getting too involved.

”I know,” I whispered audibly, because I was still more comfortable with talking out loud than through thoughts (even though there was a big ’risk’ that he had already heard my answer in my thoughts before I voiced it).

It hurt you, he observed.

Yes, my mind truthfully replied. There was nothing but truth in the world of telepathy. You crushed me.

The feelings rushing over me at my confession almost crushed me again. His guilt for the pain he had caused me was so intense and overwhelming that my knees buckled.

His arm around my back prevented me from crumbling to the floor. Instead, he lifted me off my feet, my legs automatically wrapping around his waist, his hands burying into my hair as he pressed my lips against his in a demanding kiss while he backed out of the small closet space.

”Max,” I whimpered, holding onto his shoulders to support my body against his, until he helped me out by moving his hands from my hair to brush along the curve of my behind, keeping my body in place with a firm grip at the back of my thighs.

I moaned, my whole body tingling as his thoughts started to blur just as much as mine as the sensations and our feelings took precedence over the situation. Our feelings flowed and blended across the connection, making it difficult to discern who was feeling what, rather making us feel everything in unison at once.

Well, I assumed he was feeling it too.

He captured my bottom lip between his teeth and answered my speculation with a hoarse, ”I do.”

His reply pulled another whimper out of me and my legs tightened around his waist. There were so many strong and unfamiliar feelings whipping through my body at that point that I wasn’t even sure how to handle them. How to contain them - if that was even something I wanted to do.

I hadn’t noticed Max moving us down the hallway - me being too occupied with the feel of his hands on the back of my thighs, the burning kisses devouring my lips and his tight abdominal muscles unyielding against the place where the tight embrace of my legs around his waist connected my lower body with his - until he brought us into a dark room, fumbling blindly for the light switch.

The change of scenery brought some active thoughts back into my blurred mind and as he flicked on a soft yellow floor lamp, bathing the room in a warm yellow hue, the face of Max’s father - coupled with fear and a touch of paranoia - swam in front of my mental eye.

Max pulled his head back, separating our lips, connected large pupils with mine as he gently lowered me onto my back, onto a bed, thinking across the connection, He’s not coming back. We’re alone.

”Are you sure?” I whispered, my breathing short and erratic. Looking up at him, all dark and magnificent above me, teased forward a natural shyness.

”He’s not coming back,” Max replied, slowly climbing on top of the bed, hovering above me, his knees on the outside of my hips as he kept a couple of inches of air between our bodies while resting his weight on his elbows.

His eyes were soft as he leaned down and placed a slow kiss on my tender lips, ”You’re okay. We’re okay,” making me suspect that he had noticed my sudden shyness.

Heat was throbbing through me, making me simultaneously antsy and uncomfortable. An unfamiliar restlessness made the blood roar in my ears, my pulse quicken and my heart beat full and strong.

His heart was beating just as hard, just as fast. I looked up into his eyes, which had taken on a warm hue of dark hazel, and concentrated on not letting all of my unfiltered thoughts reach him.

All my fantasies about him, about us, naked together.

I was unintentionally setting myself up to fail, because as soon as I concentrated on pushing my private musings through a mental strainer and just letting him see the most G-rated parts of my creative imagination, all of those forbidden images sped to the front of my mind and became plastered on the main screen for Max’s viewing pleasure.

But instead of teasing me or even pulling away, his eyes widened with darkness in the fraction of a second before he attacked my lips with a groan. He devoured my gasps, deliciously bruising my lips, as I felt his lower body rest on mine.

By primal reflex, my body arched up against his, stroking the length of the front of my body with the length of his, and my body tightened in response to the hardness in more than one place of his body.

”Jesusfuckingchrist,” Max fired off in a breathy mumble at the contact and, before my body had straightened out again, Max’s lips started following the curve of my throat on my arched upper body, licking and nibbling his way down my feverish skin while his hands caressed down the sides of my ribcage, over my sweater, while my fantasies played out in high definition in our minds.

My embarrassment over what my mind was willingly sharing with Max quickly dissipated as his hands pushed underneath my sweater, bringing the material up my chest and - while briefly disconnecting his lips from my skin - pulled the sweater over my head.

I didn’t see where it ended up after that. I was focusing 150% of my attention on the overwhelming sensation of Max’s lips kissing a trail across my right collarbone in the direction of the indent between my clavicles, while his hands were everywhere.

”Oh God,” I mumbled, as his fingers traced the ridges of my ribs and fluttered up the sensitive skin of the underside of my arms.

Was it possible to become warmer with less clothing on?

His intimate thoughts, sporadic amongst the erotic segments of my fantasies (which kept on changing according to the direction Max’s touches was taking), were making my thighs clench and my hips move restlessly beneath his. His thoughts were a mixed commentary of soft compliments, adoration of my body, reflections over the softness of my skin and fascination over how he could make my body tremble and flush in response to his touch.

He brought my arms up over my head, tracing his fingers down across the softly flexed palms and, again, back down the underside of my arms as he kissed his way down my breastbone, pausing momentarily at the one-inch section where that lacy feminine bra crossed my sternum.

I felt his breath reverberate through my whole being in its staccato as his realization hit me. That he was on a bed, with me. Half-dressed me.

He stilled and looked up into my flushed face, astonished admiration in his eyes.

My face grew warmer, my body tighter with anticipation and the air around us crackled with energy as I sank into his thoughts of disbelief. Him never thinking that he would find himself in this situation. Never thinking that I would love him back and - even in the case that I did love him back - that he never would be allowed anywhere near me. Not like this. Never like this.

The inner workings of his mind were painting such a perfect, warm image of me that I found myself wondering who I really was. How could I look so different to him compared to how I had seen myself in the mirror just a couple of hours earlier?

Through his eyes, I was beautiful.

Through his eyes I was shimmering. It almost looked like I was surrounded by colors.

As I frowned, he mumbled, ”You are. You’ve always been surrounded by colors.”

Maybe it was that his declaration was almost poetic, or the fact that our merged love was smudging the lines which decided that I loved him and he loved me - instead making us love each other. Maybe it was the warm and dark nuances to his voice, or the burning remnant touch of his lips on my chest.

Or maybe I just simply couldn’t wait any longer.

With a frustrated groan, I brought my arms down over his shoulders, impatiently stroking down the outsides of his toned back and sought out the hem of his shirt. As my short arms tried to reach down the length of his back, I inadvertently brushed his torso with mine. I inhaled deeply as he put his forehead against mine, and there was only determination in my action as I pulled on his shirt, staring into his changing eyes as I pulled it over the back of his head.

He lifted slightly, shrugging the shirt off him and captured my lips in a heated, hungry kiss.

His skin was so warm as it came into contact with my own semi-nudity. I was momentarily distracted by the sensation of his trimmed abdomen against my softer stomach and every small fine hair on my skin seemed to become enticed as they brushed against his skin with every harsh breath flowing out of my chest, his kisses catching my breaths.

By instinct, my hips arched up against his as I pulled away from his addictive mouth, to deeply inhale only to exhale in a loud short staggering breath, hooking my fingers through the loops at the top of his jeans, tempting his hips downwards, making our lower bodies deliciously collide.

His groan vibrated against my throat as he kissed down my jugular and I fluttered my short nails up along his back. In one swift movement, he removed his mouth from my skin, brushed his hands down the sides of my upper body (creating almost painful goosebumps in the sweep) while he came to sit up, suspending his body in the air above my thighs.

My chest was moving quickly up and down with every breath as I met his heated eyes while he stared down at me. I might have felt exposed with him looking at me like that, with such open hunger, but there was nothing in his mind that I should feel exposed about. I pressed my thighs together and an almost pitiful sigh rolled off my lips.

You’re too far away.

My thought spurred him on and he quickly leaned forward, hooked his hands under my arms and pulled me into seated position. Not really sure how he had done it, I found myself sitting on his lap, my thighs vibrating with desire against the outsides of the jeans concealing his hips, his arms wrapped around my back.

There was no need to voice a consent or ask if I was okay; he could find all the information he needed in my head. And with my wanting mind (and body) guiding him, his adept fingers unhooked the clasp of my bra. His hands slowly caressed down the top of my shoulders, down my arms, as he brushed the bra straps away making the bra fall off my breasts.

The look on his face, the primitive darkening of his eyes and the erotic thoughts in his mind as he slightly separated our upper bodies and looked down at my exposed chest, were enough to tighten my insides. Something all-consuming was unfolding inside of me, my blood vessels pulsing with strong energy. I was dimly aware of the muscles of his arms flexing against the sides of my ribcage as my head fell backwards and my nails dug into his biceps.

A brief, confused thought raced through my head (What’s happening?), before tingles exploded throughout my body prior to an intense heat spreading through my sex, eliciting a hoarse cry from my mouth.

But Max seemed to possess the explanation to my confusion as he held my body in place, molding my sensitive breasts to his chest and brushing gentle lips against the side of my exposed throat.

”Let go,” he mumbled and I did just that, letting a prickling sensation of cold and warmth spread up my back as my body first tightened in ecstasy before it eased out in satisfied tranquility.

When the overwhelming feelings calmed down around me, and I became lucent enough to register his thoughts (because my own mind was incredibly blank at the moment), I realized from the perfect wonderment coloring his mind that I had just had my first orgasm.

I pulled my head back up, staring at him with my mouth hanging open. Was that even possible?

There was a playful grin on his face which made my whole body flush even in the height of the glow from the orgasm.

”Maybe we shouldn’t have joked about death by orgasm earlier,” he mumbled and I felt the laughter move through me. I let myself relax in the satiety my body was enjoying.

Who could have known that Max Evans would bring me to orgasm just by removing my bra?

He moved his hands around to my front and up the ridges of my ribcage to cradle the weight of my breasts in his hands. I gasped, my body sensitive and ridiculously responsive in the aftermath of my climax.

”No one could have known that,” he whispered against my hair as he loosened his fondle of my breasts and let the heels of his hands lightly brush my hard nipples as he moved his hands up over my collarbones and up my neck.

My body had been momentarily calmed by the release, but it was very quickly being teased back into desire as Max moved his hands down across my shoulder blades and urged my back to arch against the support provided by his hands while he placed a trail of open-mouthed slow kisses down the gentle swell of my right breast.

His tongue flickered over my nipple and I bit my lip hard enough to draw blood to control the scream of pleasure, as my hips pressed up against his lower abdomen and my fingers tightened in his hair.

”Max,” I mumbled while our minds panted with desire and boiled with longing.

Maybe it was no wonder that I had orgasmed before the main event when this whole time I wasn't only experiencing my own built up sexual frustration but also his. With his every stroke of my body, I didn’t only feel the way the small nerve endings reacted in my skin to the pleasure, but also how it felt to touch my own skin - through Max. I had the almost surreal sensation of my own nails digging into my own back when they in reality were attacking Max’s back.

I was only semi-aware of him lowering me down on my back as his mouth changed its attention from my right to my left breast. My body was a quivering mass underneath him and my uncomfortably wet panties were a testament that I was ready for him, in every way possible.

Following my train of thought, his hands - trapped between my back and the bed cover - moved downwards to the natural curve at the small of my back, his fingers dipping inside the edge of my jeans, running along the edge of my laced panties under my jeans.

I could feel how he struggled to hold himself back, how almost painful his desire for me was within the restraints of his jeans, and how he trembled with the fierce passion fondling my nipples with his lips had created in him.

There was an acute reluctancy in him as he pulled back from my breast, the odd feeling of the chilliness of the room caressing the wetness left on my breasts from his mouth making us moan in unison, before he returned his attention to my stomach, kissing down the midline to my navel. Moving slowly and taking his time to taste my skin. Simultaneously, he brushed his palms up my abdomen, up over my ribs and let them slide, with a delicious pressure, up and over my aroused breasts. His broad torso brushed slowly along the insides of my still clothed thighs as he gradually moved down my body, his hands caressing down the sides of my exposed chest.

His warm lips stopped on the border of my buttoned up jeans and he looked up at me.

Through his mind, I followed the trail his eyes traced up the flat expanse of my stomach, over the swell of my breasts, up my flushed neck (which was showing signs of his earlier nibbles) and landed on my brightly flushed cheeks, my clear and dark eyes.

I gasped at the vision before him - myself through his eyes - and at the emotions running through him as he just looked at me silently. Fierce protectiveness and primal possessiveness, all rolled up in one intense overpowering emotion.

Due to the bridge between our minds, there was no doubt in either of our heads that we both wanted this. So Max didn’t need to audibly ask for my permission when he unbuttoned my jeans and slowly pulled the zipper down.

He kept his eyes on my face the whole time, watching and cataloguing my reactions. My desire wet the back of his knuckles as he brushed against my panties while pulling the zipper all the way down, and his body shifted uncomfortably when his own ache was making itself more and more known.

He dropped his head, pushed his hands inside my jeans and underwear, over my hips, and placed a lingering fleeting kiss on the top of my sex when it was revealed to him as he slowly pushed the remainder of my clothing down my legs.

The sight of the top of his dark head between my legs coupled with his kiss and the feel of his hands brushing along the outside of my legs as he pulled my jeans off, was almost enough to send me into the second orgasm of my existence.

He moaned, still in tune with my thoughts (it was impossible not to be), and freed the pants from my feet, pulling off my socks at the end.

The coldness of the room - witnessing of it being unused for long periods of time - brushed over my now completely naked body. But I wasn’t cold. I couldn’t be. Not when Max was kissing along the curve of my foot, working his way up the inside of my calf, while his hands fleeted along the outsides of my legs.

I pulled my legs together, partly to hide me, but also to decrease the ache.

He looked up at me, giving me a half-smile that made my toes curl and my fists tighten around handfuls of bed sheets, and brushed his hands across the top of my thighs to the sensitive surface of the inner thighs, gently pushing my legs apart again.

”No, you don’t,” he mumbled.

I whimpered, my hips lifting as I fought against his gentle pressure at keeping my legs separated. ”Please…”

He lightly graced my inner thigh with his teeth, the sensation bordering on painful which sent a paralyzing heat straight to my wet center and my back arched off the bed.

”Please,” I moaned. I wasn’t sure how much more I could take. The pleasure was almost painful.

Then his lips moved to the curve of my groin and I stilled. I was acutely aware of his breaths fanning over the skin at the junction and my body had stopped functioning in anticipation of what he would do.

Our connection didn’t work very well at keeping secrets, however, so I had a fairly good (very vivid and detailed, actually) idea of what Max was planning to do.

But that knowledge didn’t subtract from the explosion vibrating through me as he placed an open-mouthed kiss over the top of the concentrated bundle of nerves at my center.

He didn’t wait out my orgasm this time, as it trembled through me even more powerful than the first one, instead stroke his tongue through my folds. Experimenting, nibbling, tasting, moaning. He followed my every thought, my every mental and vocally unspoken ’Oh, that feels good’ and ’No, further down’ and ’Right there. Yes!’, to build my pleasure up. Adding fingers to tease and please, to prolong and provide. He used the heel of his hand to add pressure, his other hand to skim around my hips, up my abdomen and occasionally firmly grab my hips to keep my squirming body still under his ministrations.

I lost track of how many time he brought me to the peak. How many times I floated above my body and how many times I begged him to stop because I wasn’t sure I could take any more pleasure. He seemed obsessed with my body, with my reactions, and the feelings that floated even through him every time I reached culmination.

But his own need for release was becoming increasingly apparent in our minds and I was amazed by his self-control, him not having lost it already. My own orgasms seemed to never reach full completion as his unfulfilled ache drummed in the background.

So after the umpteenth orgasm, I managed to bring weak and tired arms down to grab a hold of his ears, pressing my palms against the well-defined angles of his jaw, and coax his attention to my face. There were no words needed as I interrupted his gentle kissing across my sweat dampened abdomen and instead moved up my body.

I cried out in a combination of pleasure and pain as the rough denim material of his jeans brushed against my highly sensitized inner thighs and clit as he moved between my thighs. He collapsed his forehead against mine in a mutual feeling of painful pleasure, as he shared my experience, and mumbled breathlessly, ”Sorry.”

I looked up into his eyes, sweat droplets sprinkling my forehead and the top of my cheeks, and leaned up to kiss him. There was a taste on his lips that I didn’t recognize and my body tightened with (seemingly) unsatisfied lust as I realized that I was tasting myself on his mouth.

”Better than pancakes,” he mumbled, and my laugh was slightly winded as I shook my head.

”Not better than your pancakes.”

He looked deeply into my eyes and I was acutely aware of our short breaths making our upper bodies brush against each other in an erratic pattern.

I brought my hands up to gently brush my fingers through his damp hair and his eyes drifted close at the caress.

”I really love you,” I whispered, surprised by the strong emotion shooting through me, making my voice break.

His eyes opened and he looked at me silently for a long time, making sure that I could see his response clearly in his eyes, before he gently pulled my bottom lip between his, keeping his eyes locked on mine.

I could feel the sobs lurking at the back of my throat and my voice was wobbly as I whispered, desperately, ”Don’t ever leave me.”

He swallowed, his eyes a bottomless sea of sadness. ”’Til death do us part,” he promised solemnly. A tear escaped my eye and slowly rolled down my cheek. His thumb brushed it away as it slowly stroke across my cheek.

I nodded haltingly, his chosen phrase having even more meaning in our situation, and tightened my hands against the nape of his hair to hold my tears back, even if I knew that he could already feel my tears - so there was no need in not letting them loose.

But instead of commenting on it, he placed a slow kiss on my cheek in the memory of my tear, before placing another kiss at the corner of my mouth. Slowly, he moved over my face, adorning my eyelids, my eyebrows, my temples, my forehead, my chin, the line of my jaw, with his tender lips.

With every kiss the fire gradually burned brighter inside of me and the responding effect in him made us tumble quicker towards the barely restrained need for each other.

And spurred on by the liberties he had taken with my body, the view he had of me in his mind, I became brave and bold, halting his renewed ministrations of my body by raising up on my elbows, causing him to look down at my naked chest as my breast dipped in another type of fullness at the change in position.

I smiled as I almost felt the heat of his gaze burning through my chest and gentle pushed at his upper body. He looked up, frowned, and searched my mind. His eyes widened as he reached my intention and he sat back on his heels as I came up on my knees and put my hands on his thighs.

We swallowed in unison as I found my balance on my knees in the soft mattress and moved my hands to his upper body. I glanced up at him, absorbed the dark lust in his eyes, before I diverted my eyes back to the perfection that was Max Evans’ torso. My bottom lip naturally folded between my teeth as I traced my fingers slowly down the planes and ridges of his front, watching the goosebumps spread, saw his chest rise in strained breathing and felt the impossible further hardening of his erection through the bond.

Unable to stop myself, I leaned forward and kissed him, just above his navel. He inhaled sharply and I let the sound sink into me and fuel my desire to explore every inch of the man in front of me. The only man I had ever touched in this way. I let the tips of my fingers flutter along the sides of his body (because I had already learnt that he liked that) as I slowly kissed his exposed abdomen. I felt the muscles ripple under my sore lips and felt his hands fists in my hair as I dipped my tongue into his belly button.

I loved that I could elicit such reactions in him. I loved that I could give him this kind of pleasure.

”So do I,” he mumbled and I laughed softly against his skin, making him moan in response at the vibrations it created.

I pulled back, and fascinated, traced my index finger along the line of hair running from the bottom of his navel only to disappear into his jeans.

My eyes dropped lower, to the unmistakable bulge at the top of his jeans, and I swallowed again.

”You can touch,” Max whispered gently as my nervousness floated between us.

My eyes flickered up to his and as our eyes connected, he took my hand and brought it on top of his erection.

My eyes widened. Rock hard. I winced. That must hurt.

He laughed quietly. ”I’m sure you can do something about that.”

”So much faith,” I mumbled and shook my head at the monumental task, which had him move my hand to the button of his jeans instead, the invitation clear.

My hands were shaking as he let go off me to let me work on his jeans. The button was no problem. The zipper on the other hand…

I licked my lips, before I gently pushed my hand inside his pants, folding my palm around his full length. His sharp inhale at the intimate touch was all the encouragement I needed. Letting my hand protect him, I pulled the zipper down against the back of my hand before letting my hands slide around his backside, feeling the firm muscles in his ass which made my heart jump erratically.

I shifted restlessly, letting my center rest against the heel of my foot to try and alleviate the building ache, as I started pushing down his jeans. He pushed up on his knees, forcing me to move with him, and I felt his eyes on me the entire time I was moving his pants down his legs.

His legs were hairy and I found the feeling of his hair under my palms as I brushed them down his firm thighs highly erotic. He was so different from me. Where he was hard, I was soft. Where he was large, I was small.

He put a finger under my chin, angled my head upwards and brushed a kiss against my lips, before he climbed off the bed and removed the jeans completely. My eyes were fixed on the lower parts of his body as he also removed his black boxers.

I swallowed deeply as he came into view. Max Evans in all naked glory.

And it was glorious.

My breath hitched and tumbled in my chest, my body had forgotten how to breathe, and I caught the amused smirk on his face before he climbed back on the bed, leaned over me and forced me down on my back using only the proximity of his body.

”Breathe, Liz,” he whispered against my lips and my lungs did the opposite as he slowly stretched out on top of me, flushing our naked bodies together. ”Breathe.”

”How?” I practically squeaked as I felt the hairs on his legs brush intimately against my inner thighs as he settled between my legs. His erection pressed into my soft abdomen as he rested on his elbows over me.

He brushed some errant hair away from my forehead and mumbled, ”Just sink into the feeling.”

I slowly let out a breath and a short laugh to ease the sexual tension, ”That’s kinda the problem here, Max.”

We fit perfectly together, he whispered intimately in my mind and slowly moved against my body.

”Oh god,” I whispered.

Death by Orgasm. Death by Orgasm.

He laughed softly into the curve of my neck at my thoughts, but I saw through the connection that he was just as affected as I was. That he was biting the skin at the top of my shoulder right now because he was trying to restrain himself, when all he wanted to do was move inside of me.

I moaned at his thoughts. ”Not helping.”

”I need you,” he mumbled.

I replied by pushing at him lightly, and there was only a second of hesitation before he followed, letting me flip our positions so that I was on top of him. We froze in that position for a moment, allowing the sensations to float through us. Of me looking down at him and his muscular upper body, of him looking up at me and my breasts covered in marks of love which were slowly turning darker. Of my wet center pressed against his happy trail, with no barriers, and his strong hands pressed possessively into the softness of my thighs.

”Liz…” he said slowly, with a hint of warning, as he read my mind.

But I just smiled at him, feeling curious and adventurous, as I lifted off him, put my ass in the air and bent over to brush my lips against his chest. His hands moved to my waist, tight in their hold, and I traced the developing goosebumps with my tongue as I moved further south.

His body tightened under my ministrations and just before I met my goal, I looked up at him, at his tight facial features, at the frown of concentration on his forehead and said quietly, with a hint of teasing, ”Breathe, Max.”

He groaned and pried one eye open to look at me. Something he probably shouldn’t have done, judging from his intense reaction through the connection. His hips trembled under me and I felt his hands in my hair as he rose to his elbows, whispering, ”You know this is going to be over very quickly if you do that.”

”Do what?” I asked innocently, as I looked in fascination at the part that set the male body apart from the female. ”This?” I ran a light finger up the entire length of him, marveling at the velvet texture over the hard member.

Fuck!” he groaned and fell back on the bed.

I watched it twitch and tremble as I folded my hands around it, and I was highly aware of how it felt as Max’s unfiltered thoughts exploded through the bond. He was very large in my hand, an observation that briefly rocked my confidence.

How would this work? How would he fit? I will disappoint him. I won’t be enough. I will be-

And then his hands were cradling my face, his lips hot and urgent against my mouth. A shudder of deep desire jolted me as he spoke straight into my mind; Stop that. We will fit. We were made to fit together.

I was trembling as he pulled back, feeling slightly ridiculous as I caught the concerned look in his eyes. Of course he would fit. Women gave birth to giant human heads all the time, didn’t they?

A smile played at the corner of his mouth and he nodded. ”Yeah, I can’t compete with that.”

”Thank Goodness,” I mumbled, soaking up his smile and my hand accidentally flexed around his member.

His eyes snapped to my hand with a sharp inhale and my eyes followed his gaze.

Right. Where was I?

He looked back up at me, barely hiding his smirk at my boldness, but apparently enjoying it. Leaning back on his elbows, he invited me to continue. And I did.

Guided by the curiosity in me; the fascination with a piece of anatomy that was completely foreign to me (and seemed to have a life of its own), and the constant feed of Max’s thoughts and emotions, I moved my hands up, down and around his length.

A new type of fire was building in me at Max’s reactions, as his pleasure became mine and my sole goal became to please him as much as possible. It didn’t take long until his control broke and the most beautiful sense of completion diffused around us.

My hands trembled from the indirect orgasm, but I couldn’t help but wanting to taste him, wanting to touch my lips to the now much softer member. He barely had a chance to come down from the high before I ran my tongue up his length, making his hips shoot off the bed in surprise.

”Jesus,” he mumbled. ”Liz…”

I smiled as I glanced up at him through my eyelashes. That look alone made him start to swell in front of my eyes and I watched entranced, for a second, before I brought my lips down around him.

But he didn’t let me go on for long, my cheating through the connection about what he liked, making him ready far too quickly.

I yelped as he quickly pushed himself up into a seated position, grabbed me by my upper arms and basically threw me down next to him. I laughed breathlessly before I grew still in anticipation, resting on my back. I was completely at his mercy.

He was through taking his time. His movements were restless and heated, his fingers leaving scorch marks over my skin as he kissed and suckled my skin. He barely came up for air before capturing my mouth with his, tangling our tongues together, doing to my mouth what he wanted to do to my body.

I curled my fingers into the sides of his waist, flushing his body with mine, and he brought a finger down to run through my soaking folds.

I moaned as he groaned, ”God, you’re so ready.”

Yes, ’ready’ was one word for it. It felt like I had been waiting forever.

Gently kissing the tip of my nose, he surprised me by pulling away, allowing the slight chilliness of the room flow over my exposed body. I had time to frown in confused insecurity at him, before he reached down towards the floor and I saw, in his mind, what he was looking for.

I let out a relieved breath and let myself sink back into the bed. While he retrieved the foil packet from the back pocket of his jeans, I had a moment to breathe and let the happiness I was feeling right then move warmly through my body.

I swallowed as I glanced at him, saw him putting the condom on, and had a beat of that - by now - well-known nervousness.

His amazing eyes looked over at me and he narrowed them in mock admonishment. ”Don’t be nervous, beautiful.”

A smile trembled on my lips and I shook my head in denial. I don’t know why I even tried to convince him of otherwise, but I naturally fell back on the very female need to cover every bad feeling up with a, ”I’m fine.”

He looked at me with thoughtful suspicion, making my toes curl, and I rubbed my thighs restlessly together. His husky voice stilled my loud beating heart as he said, ”Yes,” and added in a deep groan as he crawled up the length of my body, ”Yes, you are.”

I felt like his deliberate misunderstanding of my statement called for an eye-roll, but instead my back arched off the bed as he draped his body over mine and captured my lips with his. His kisses were hot and passionate, making every cell in my body want him. Creating a drive inside of me that was almost painful. A drive to join our bodies.

He felt it too, because his breathing changed - becoming heavier and almost strained. He continued kissing me and I my mouth was right there with him, meeting every turn, every stroke, every caress.

Slowly, he pulled away, resting his forehead against mine with our breaths harsh and loud around us. Lifting his head he caught my eyes and I felt like kissing him again at the complete devotion and love I found in there.

I needed him so much.

Even without a thread of fabric between us and our bodies so intimately flushed that we could have been mistaken for one body, I needed more.

He searched my eyes for another second, before lifting off my body slightly and reaching down to guide himself towards my entrance.

There was a silent question in his eyes as he looked back at me, and I nodded in response, and felt him push against me. My back bent and a breath escaped me as he slowly entered me. I met his intense eyes as he gauged my every reaction, and concentrated on accommodating him. I was waiting for the pain, expecting it even. But except for the fact that the feeling was completely foreign, making me feel a slight discomfort, there was no pain.

”You okay?” he asked in a trembling breath, his eyes tracing the faint frown on my forehead and his mind - probably unconsciously - searching my body for pain.

There were small shudders moving through him at the exertion it took to move slow, to give me time to adjust to the feel and fullness of him.

I nodded and commanded softly, ”Kiss me.”

I didn’t have to ask him twice. He captured my lips while he moved the whole way in. My gasp drowned in his mouth and he released my tender lips, dropping his forehead against mine as he focused on staying as still as possible.

My breathing was heavy and slow as I let everything wash over me. Not just the physical sensation of being as close to him as I could possibly get, but also the emotions humming around me, sharpening my sense and heightening my awareness. I was blending into him, falling into the warmth that was his essence. And when I looked up at him I saw the colors around him too. The colors he could see surround me.

I gasped, marveling at the beauty.

Slowly I moved my hands up the sides of his back, over his shoulders and stopping at the top of his trembling biceps. His forehead lifted from mine and our eyes locked the second I urged his body down on mine by the persuasion of my hands.

The act had him move inside of me and my teeth graced his shoulder as I got lost in the comforting and safe feeling of his weight on top of mine.

Testing the ground, I slowly pulled my knees up closer to my waist, letting my heels slide along the backside of his muscular thighs, simply indicating that he should start moving. Even if he didn’t understand that sign, he would understand the desire building in my body.

Keeping his body on top of mine, without a breath of air between us, he started moving. The close contact of our bodies created a slow friction everywhere our skin met and the feeling that had first been foreign and a bit uncomfortable, was quickly becoming natural as we moved together.

We were both so worked up, so inflamed with need and pent up sexual frustration, that it didn’t take long before we reached the edge. I knew from the fleeting algebra equations that Max was solving in his head close to culmination that he was pacing himself and waiting me out before letting himself go.

So when the bottom gave out and the world disappeared around me in a cry of pleasure, Max found my hands and tightened his fingers around mine above my head as he muffled a cry of sweet ecstasy against my neck.

Before his tight hold on my hands even had a chance to loosen, we were brought into the flash.

”Leave her alone. She’s just a child.”

I looked at the unfamiliar grown-ups around me as an odd feeling moved through me, making me shake. I wanted us to leave. Why couldn’t we just leave?

”Mommy, let’s go,” I whispered and my mom’s larger hand tightened around mine. I looked up at her in the search of a comforting look, for reassurance. But she was still looking at the men.

I had never seen her like that before. She was scaring me nearly as much as the strangers.

”Then you shouldn’t have brought her here, Nancy,” a tall, blond man growled from the corner and I found myself shrinking into my mother’s side, hiding behind her leg.

”You didn’t really give me much choice, did you?” mom snapped and I let go of her hand to instead wrap my arms around her thigh. I squeezed my eyes tightly shut and buried my face in the familiar smell of my mother’s clothes. ”She’s too young to remember. I’ll explain it to her.”

I heard someone laugh softly. But it was not a happy laugh; it made my hold tighten on the only person I knew in that room.

”You talk like you have a say in this. When did you
ever have a say in this?”

I jumped as my mother raised her voice. She rarely ever did that. ”I have a say in what happens to my daughter!”

My body was so taut from the threatening atmosphere that I flinched as my mother brushed her hand across the top of my head.

”You’re only postponing the inevitable,” a voice said. I was having difficulties putting faces to the voices. They all sounded the same. Like the evil men in the cartoons on TV.

My eyes flew open in fear as I felt my mom move in my petrified hold, but I relaxed some as I watched her lean down towards me, her eyes large and wet.

”Why are you crying, Mommy?” I whispered, because I hated to see her cry. Mommy wasn’t scared of anything. Not even the evil blue monsters under my bed. The ones with claws.

”Baby,” she said quietly. So softly that I had to concentrate to hear her. ”Do you remember where the front door is?”

I nodded, biting my lip, as I kept my eyes fixed on her face.

”When I squeeze your hand, I need you to run towards that door, open it and run outside. Don’t look behind you and don’t stop. Run just as fast as you did at Maria’s yesterday, remember?”

”When I was a hero,” I whispered, clearly remembering how I had dressed up in red tights and tied a scarf around my neck as a cape, ready to save Maria from the evil man, portrayed by Maria’s English bulldog.

I had run fast then.

My mother smiled faintly. ”That’s right, honey. Find a good hiding spot and wait for me, okay?”

I shook my head in confusion. She wasn’t coming with me? ”But…”

”I’ll be right behind you,” mom interrupted and pressed a kiss to my forehead.

”How nice,” one of the men said, startling me. ”It’s just a wipe, Nance. No need to make such a big deal out of it.”

My mom straightened, loosely took my hand, and as I looked up at her, she was staring at the men again.

When I squeeze your hand

I concentrated on her hand around mine, afraid that I might miss her squeeze.

”Do you even know what those things do to a developing child’s brain?” mom asked. She sounded stern. Really stern.

Then she squeezed my hand. Tightly.

Even though I had waited for it, it still surprised me, leading to that she had to squeeze again, even harder, before I got my legs working, released her hand and ran.

”Really?” I heard one of the men say when I escaped. He sounded bored.

My eyes were focused on the doorway, which I remembered would lead to a hallway, where the front door was. My heart was hammering in my chest and the room seemed bigger than before, because my legs weren’t fast enough.

I stumbled on the edge of a carpet and probably would have fallen if a boy hadn’t appeared in front of me, stopping my fall, almost making us fall over together.

”Max, get out of there,” one of the men said, annoyed, as I searched the boy’s face. He was a child, just like me. My eyes met his large dark ones and I made a snap decision to trust him. I moved around the new addition to the group and tried to hide behind him. He was a bit taller than me and I desperately tried to hide behind his shape.

”Who are you?” the boy asked, looking over his shoulder at me.

”I need to go outside,” I whispered breathlessly. ”Can you help me?”

”Maxwell, bring her over here,” the dark-haired man said with a sigh and I glanced over at my mother’s fearful face before looking behind me and seeing a woman coming out in the hallway - blocking my way to the front door.

It was weird that the men didn’t just walk over and grab me. That’s what my parents did when I had done something wrong. But my parents were never scary. They always tried to explain what I had done wrong and afterwards they always hugged me. These men wouldn’t hug me. I didn’t want them to hug me. And I was very relieved that they seemed too bored to even go after me.

I scrunched up the back of the boy’s sweater in my hands and tried to hold back my tears.

”Why?” the boy called Max questioned.

There was a moment of silence, which I used to tug on his shirt, making him take a step backwards with me - crossing the threshold into the hallway.

”You are to do what you are told, Maxwell.”

”You were hurting her mommy,” the boy said, confused. ”Why?”

The grown-up that had scolded the boy just now sighed, ”Damn it,” and started to cross the floor towards us.

Fear exploded in my chest.

”Help,” I whispered and searched out the boy’s hand. He made me feel safe. Even though the evil men seemed to know him, he didn’t seem to be like them.

When our hands touched, something sharp tickled up my arm along with an almost painful heat, and my legs buckled.

”What the-?”

I was faintly aware of the boy named Max falling to the floor along with me as angry and confused voices filled the room, before someone roughly grabbed me and pulled me away from the boy.

As our hands separated, everything went dark.

I gasped, my gaze focusing on him. He was still weighing my body down with his, still clasping my hands, still buried inside of me. The sweat had yet not dried on our still heated bodies and our breaths were still shallow and quick in our chests.

”Did you see?” I breathed, a very anxious sensation fluttering in my chest.

”It was one of your memories,” he whispered, confirming that he had indeed shared the flash with me. ”But I was in it.”

”We were kids,” I said, perplexed.

He filled in my confusion, ”But we didn’t know each other that young.”

”You didn’t even move here until…after you were six, right?”

But I saw the answer to his question in his mind even before he tried to think up an answer. Another detail about Max’s life that had been fed to public image of the Evans family.

Apparently, Max and Isabel were born in Roswell and lived here until they were five. But then something had happened and they had been-

I frowned, looking through his memories on the matter. ”’Transferred’?”

I found the term odd for a small child, but it was the one I had caught in his mind.

”Something happened,” Max said quietly. ”Something that warranted erasing my mind and ’reprogramming’ me.”

”Re-education,” I said slowly, thinking back to the conversation between his father and him earlier.

”Maybe that was it,” Max voiced equally slowly. ”The flash. Maybe that was what happened. Something happened between us just before you…you…”

”Passed out?” I guessed. I was confused. Confused about how to react to this. In a way it kinda made sense that Max and I had met before. But… ”Did you connect with me?”

He frowned at my query, searching his mind for the possibility. I watched him go through the flash, searching out the details and turning them back and forth. It was fascinating; watching how his mind worked. My thighs tightened around his hips, my insides clenching around him, and his eyes flickered to mine in surprise.

Confusion gave away to a smile as he read my body and mind. ”Is this turning you on?”

I blushed. Even in the position we were just in and all the things we had just done to each other, I managed to blush as he called me out on my need for him.

”I just love the way you think,” I admitted with a self-conscious smile that made him chuckle softly.

It was a relaxed sound, a happy sound. I let my thighs fall out to the sides as he shifted against me and I couldn’t help but moan as he slowly pulled out of me.

He sat up next to me and coldness washed over me at the loss of his body. My body instantly acutely missed him, even though he was only a couple of inches away. I watched him dispose of the condom, but both of our minds were occupied with going through the memory our climax had just showed us.

He laid down and stretched out next to me, placing his arm across the lower part of my abdomen and resting his cheek against the top of my left breast.

”You look abused,” he said quietly, curious amusement dominating his voice.

I buried my hand in his hair and angled my gaze down the length of my naked body, looking for what he was referring to.

I scoffed in mirth as I agreed with his statement. My whole body seemed to be covered in hickeys, some darker and more prominent than others. ”Good thing I’m in bed with a healer then.”

”I don’t know,” he pronounced slowly, languidly tracing the kiss-induced bruises over my hip, doing funny things to my breathing. ”I kinda like the idea of you being marked by me.”

I giggled. ”How archaic of you.” But to be honest, I loved that he had marked me. That he had claimed me in the most primordial way.

He lifted his head slightly to place a soft kiss just above my nipple. ”I’ll take the healing under consideration.”

My breath fluttered in my chest at the intimacy of his gesture, and I smiled, my hand threading back and forth in his thick hair. ”You do that. I don’t think my dad will appreciate this checkerboard fashion.”

”He usually sees you without clothes?” Max questioned, making me blush with mortification. Again.

”I’m just assuming that my neck looks about the same,” I retaliated. I remember you spending quite a lot of time there. ”And he can certainly see my neck.”

He lifted his head off my chest and looked up at me, his eyes darkening with deep possession, that he was trying unsuccessfully to hide, as he noted his love bites coloring my throat. He glanced up at me with the most innocent boyish expression. ”Maybe I’ll just remove those ones.”

I melted at his compromise, at the love coursing through me. He kept his eyes on me for a long second before he shifted and pushed himself up towards my face. I shivered with delight as he semi-draped his body over mine, covering my left leg with his right thigh, and looked down at me seriously.

”How are you feeling?” he asked, sober sincerity permeating every syllable.

I tried to come up with the correct phrase, with the best description for the magic we had just been through. I settled for, ”Reborn.”

He nodded slowly, taking this in along with everything I couldn’t put into words which was flowing through my mind. ”And…alien-wise. Anything different?”

An odd sense of loss brushed me, which I quickly tried to stow away. But the disappointment in my voice betrayed me, ”No.”

Nothing odd except for the memory flash.


He shook his head, his concerned thoughts matching mine. ”No.”

I felt my heart slowly drop. So this was it. It really had just been one night. One magical night that were never to be repeated, because nothing special had happened to our bond. Nothing seemed to have been doubled in strength and nothing seemed to have been added.

”Let’s not think about that now,” Max interrupted my gloomy thoughts. ”If this is our only night together, let’s make it count.”

I sadly fluttered a finger down the side of his face. ”You’ve already made it count.”

But as soon as his lips had gently brushed mine and he had settled back against my chest, my mind was back to considering escape routes. Trying to come up with the best place to go underground with Max.

And even though we never voiced it out loud or acknowledged the similar pathways our minds were taking, we were both thinking of secret identities and being together forever while on the run as Max pulled a blanket over a chilled bodies and we drifted off to sleep.

Last edited by max and liz believer on Tue Jul 04, 2017 1:44 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Unbreakable (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 48, 10/8/15, p. 43

Post by Morning Dreamgirl »

Yay! Now to bribe everyone in the house to leave so I can read uninterrupted. *laughs*
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Re: Unbreakable (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 48, 10/8/15, p. 43

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Great part! Hopefully scumbag Sean won't be able to do anything to Liz now! So it seems that Max and Liz did meet a very long time ago and both had their memories wiped. Why do I really think that the memory wipes are a very bad thing long term?

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Re: Unbreakable (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 48, 10/8/15, p. 43

Post by keepsmiling7 »

I understand why you couldn't break up the flow.....
That was so hot we had to call the Fire Department!
My favorite part was Max acknowledging his fault in causing the Sean encounter with Liz.
So sad........Liz and her mother.
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Re: Unbreakable (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 48, 10/8/15, p. 43

Post by mezz »

Bit difficult to put things into words after that chapter. :shock: They certainly enjoyed themselves, didn't they. :oops:

So I'll keep things short. I suspect that the true nature of the stronger bond won't be discovered immediately. (I am sooooo wanting to know what happens when the awaken.) The initial bond wasn't understood between them initially. (well, perhaps the word 'initial' isn't so correct ) And now we know why Max wasn't immediately aware of the bond's strength increasing after the healing. He's always been bonded with Liz to some extent but had his memory wiped. I'd love more explanation on what happened there. Mr E knows about that. I wonder if he's been monitoring it? Just a touch and zap and .... so many questions to be answered.

Interesting that Liz was able to see the colours surrounding Max.

I'm glad you posted that in one long chapters. Beautifully done.
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Re: Unbreakable (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 48, 10/8/15, p. 43

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Great Chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max, Liz and friends. Wow Love the way Max and Liz were when they were making love. Glad Max was so loving and tender with Liz. so glad that Max and Liz love each other. Wow that was some vision Max and Liz got. So it seems Max and Liz are going to go another around. What are Max and Liz going to do the day after? Will anyone tell/ know Max and Liz slept together? Will Max and Liz go on the run? Where will Max and Liz go? Will they be safe? Will Max and Liz get a happy ending together?

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Re: Unbreakable (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 48, 10/8/15, p. 43

Post by begonia9508 »

The longest love scene in the Roswell history! :shock: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

That was fantastic and I could feel all the feelings that Max and Liz had, as they joigned together and I don't believe that 'nothing happened'... It happened but it will be obviously shown later, in the future!

It is even possible that now, Sean can't rape her mentally because she isn't the same as before and Sean was looking for raping her... I am not afraid for the word, because for me, it was what he was doing with her, rape her! (You know, me and my theories!!! :roll: :roll: :wink: I was always like that!) :lol: :lol:

And next time, they will find the explanation about the scene Liz and Max saw, at the end...

So I am going to read again that part (1/2 an hour! to read!!!!)

Compliment, that was really hot and certainly not easy to write!!!

Thanks for all your works! EVE :mrgreen:
- Les jouissances de l'esprit sont faites pour calmer les orages du coeur!
- On reconnaît le bonheur au bruit qu'il fait quand il s'en va!
- L'amour vous rend aveugle et le mariage vous redonne la vue!
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