Alternate Universe Challenges

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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by Roswellian117 »

Killjoy i'd be interested in #281 if it's still available?

Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by dreamer19 »

#350 AU with Aliens Any rating

This just occurred to while I was in the bathroom lol.

The crash happened and the pods hatch in 89 like they did in the show. The difference being that the fourth alien is Liz. She does hatch along with the rest of them.

The six-year-olds walk together, but they are never found by the Evans. In fact nobody in town ever knows they even exist. They end up wandering in the desert until Riverdog finds them.

A bulk of the story would involve stories of them growing up in that environment with the Native Americans.

Max and Liz are both healers, Isabel does the dream-walking and Michael does manipulation of the mind.

Alex and Maria are human, when everyone is in their teen years, these two decide to make a trip to the desert, stopping at the reservation. They end up hanging out with the pod squad and become friends.

You can add Tess and Kyle if you want. But Tess must be human.

The pod squad starts hanging out with their new friends in town. The locals get suspicious, especially the sheriff who starts question the kids. And eventually makes his way out to the reservation.

Something happens to Maria and Alex, a car accident or something and both are near dead, but are saved by Liz or Max or both.

The sheriff witnesses what happens. He doesn't know what to think.

But there was another who saw and he or she gets the media involved.

Aliens in Roswell--becomes a big story and attracts the FBI.

What are the aliens to do...that can be up to you.

Must haves:
Max and Liz must be a couple.

PM if anyone's interested. I would also be interested in cowriting this with someone. :D

Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by dreamer19 »


AU with or without aliens
Any rating

Guess who?

Maria's getting married. But nobody knows to who. She just announces it one day to her loved ones.

She won't tell anyone because she's afraid they will try and talk her out of it. They would find out soon enough.

Michael grows increasingly jealous when Max breaks the news to him. Him and Maria had never been exclusive and for the past two months, he hadn't spent much time with her.

But this sure shocked the hell out of him. It becomes his quest, along with everyone else to find out who Maria is marrying.

And they are all in the shock of their lives when her fiance is revealed...herself.

I Me Wed, lifetime movie was an inspiration for this challenge.

Must haves:
Nobody can know who Maria is marrying.
Michael must be extremely jealous.
Max and Liz are married.

PM if anyone's interested.

Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by dreamer19 »

Taken by Roswellian117

AU with or without aliens

Liz is part of a polygamist community. She is 16 and about to be "married" off to someone twice her age.

Max is a local highschool student. He sees Liz one day when her "family" travels in town to go shopping. He actually finds a moment to try and talk to her.

Max goes to the commune to see if he can talk with her again.

Liz confides him about her upcoming nuptials.

Max offers to help her escape.

You can take the story anywhere you want after that.

Can include any other couples or characters are your leisure.

PM if interested. :mrgreen:
Last edited by dreamer19 on Mon Jan 11, 2010 9:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by nibbles2 »


Somebody, can be whichever of the characters you like (known as X for the rest of the challenge) has a massive crush on another character (Y). It's long lasting and all consuming to the point that they haven't been on a date with anybody else in ages and is a purchase of night-vision goggles away from being an actual stalker.

Unfortunately Y has no interest in X.

One of X's friends, decides that X has to get over the crush so they ask Y to go out with X and be dull and boring so that X will get over the crush and move on. How it plays out after than is up to you.

My only stipulation is that it must be CC.
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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by killjoy »

killjoy wrote:297#
AU All Human
M/L,M/M,A/I and K/T
Taken by Roswellian117
All eight members of the gang were very close and the best of friends back in high school.But sadly as things go they drifted apart due to the demands of an adult life.But Liz ever the sunshinny happy go lucky isn't life just grand type person she is has a plan to change all of that.She comes up with the idea that she'll get the old gang back together for a weekend get together.She rents a large cabin from one of those winter mountain retreat type places.The idea is the gang will spend a weekend in the cabin and the surrounding area getting to be close friends again.

Now from the start Liz has problems getting her dream up and running.When she calls each person to sit up the weekend each has some excuse why they can't go.Liz has to plead,beg and/or blackmail each person to agree to go.Of course when some show up at the cabin or at Liz's for the trip they grumble and are not to happy.

But the biggest problem comes from the weather.Not long after the group gets there a freak once in a hundred years type snow storm hits.The storm causes them to be stuck in the cabin nor can any help get to them....they are stranded there now with one another.

Ohhhh the great wonders of a group of people being stuck at some place they didn't want to be in the first place.

I've got many ideas I can share with anyone who wants this and is willing to hear them :mrgreen:
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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by tabata »

This morning i was by my fireplace and listenin to this wonderful song by Mark Knoplfer and I thought immediately about Michael andMaria!
What about a story that starts like this?
who could be interested in it?
must be Candy assured and M/L A/I K/

We only knew each other by letter
I went to meet her off the train
When the smoke had cleared and the dust was still
She was standing there and speaking my name
I guarantee she looked like an angel
I couldn’t think of what I should say
But when adam saw eve in the garden
I believe he felt the selfsame way

I handed her up on the wagon
And I loaded up her trunk behind
She was sitting up there with the gold in her hair
And I tried to get a hold of my mind

Do you think that you could love me mary
Do you think we got a chance of a life
Do you think that you could love me mary
Now you are to be my wife

We finally headed out of the station
And we drove up the home trail
And when we came on the farm she laid a hand on my arm
I thought my resolution would fail
And I froze as she stepped in the doorway
Stood there as still as could be
I said I know it ain’t much, it needs a woman’s touch
Lord she turned around and looked at me

Do you think that you could love me mary
Do you think we got a chance of a life
Do you think that you could love me mary
Now you are to be my wife

We had a prairie wedding
There was a preacher and a neighbor or two
I gave my golden thing a gold wedding ring
And the both of us said I do
When the sun’s going down on the prairie
And the gold in her hair is aflame
I say do you really love me mary
And I hold her and I whisper her name

Do you think that you could love me mary
Do you think we got a chance of a life
Do you think that you could love me mary
Now you are to be my wife
give me life. give me pain. give me myself again. Tori Amos - Little Earthquakes
he's chasing tornados.Talula (the tornado mix)

candy - dreamer - stargazer - lamptrimmer
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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by killjoy »

AU All Human
Mostly M/M...but with K/T,M/L,A/I

In this story Michael is very anti what he was on the show.He is nice and sweet but a tad on the shy side with women.Michael is a down on his luck actor who has yet to get his BIG break....or any break to be honest.He lives in a small apartment and across the hall from him lives Maria.

Now Michael has always had a BIG thing for Maria but due to his being a tad shy around her and Maria's love for bad boys nothing has ever come of it. Maria would more go for Michael's bad boy twin Rath...the brother who lives back home and is always in trouble.The brother he's always telling Maria about.

But one day Michael goes out for a part in a movie/tv show....the part is of a punk biker.So recalling what his brother looks like Michael buys some clothes,fixes his hair and goes to the part looking like Rath.On the way back from trying out for the part he runs into Maria in the halls of the aparment complex.Right of the bat Maria thinks that Michael is Rath and she is very attracted to him.Michael is just about to tell Maria the truth when much to his shock she starts to come on too him.Than against his better judgement he pretends to be his brother in order to score some time with Maria.

Michael tells Maria that he is Rath and that 'Michael' got a part in a movie and is far away filming and he's there to housesit.Things between Rath'Michael' and Maria takes off and Micheal is happier than he's ever long can he keep up the act of being someone he's not? And what will happen when Maria finds out who he really is?

Must haves.....easy one here

NO evil Tess.....that's it.
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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by killjoy »

All Human
Any Rating is Fine

Liz and Max meet some how and have a fun fling/date/weekend.They both are ready to date but are shocked when the topic of work comes out.Seems that both Max and Liz work for two different companies.Two companies that are fighting it out for control of some market.The two companies hate each other and would not look kindly to two of their big wigs dating each other.

So now Max and Liz must carry on a sordid little love affair off the radar and keep it hidden.But how long are they willing to keep this up? What will give up first? Their relationship or their caring for their jobs? Which one is more important to them? And what will their companies think if they find out?

MUST HAVES....just one

NO EVIL all...none.
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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by DramastarOF06 »

AU Could be with or without aliens, you decide.
Any rating, preferably on the more adult side.

Liz went away to college, not in New Mexico, and hasn't spent more than two weeks at a time with her parents since. Whie in college she met Maria Deluca and her boyfriend Michael. She also made friends with Kyle and Alex, could be from work or from home. Two months before Liz is set to graduate she finds out that her father was diagnosed with cancer and isn't given a good prognosis. Liz feels guilty for not being close to her family sooner but makes a decision to make it up to them before her father dies.

Liz's idea is to get married so that her father could give her away and they could have their father daughter dance, and so that her dad knows that she'll be ok after he's gone. Her plan includes getting an annulment after her father dies. Liz asked Kyle and Alex, who can not help her in that way, Alex because he has a new girlfriend, Isabel. Once news of Liz's plan spread through their group Isabel offers her brother as a suggestion.

Max lives in Boston and works somewhere with a high paying job. He doesn't have time for a relationship. Isabel arranges for the two of them to meet when Liz goes home to be with her family. **Max could be getting paid or some kind of compensation out of the deal. Now they have to convince Liz's family that they are in love and want to get married before Liz's father dies.

Must Haves:

--Liz and Max do not like each other.

-- Maria and Isabel try to help Liz and Max fake their relationship.
-- Jeff doesn't fall for it at first but starts to get on board with the relationship.

-- Before the wedding Max and Liz have to bond over something and start to become friends.
-- It is the author's choice is Jeff lives or dies
-- The story must eventually be M/L and have the cannon couples.
**Tess can be Liz's friend from home or something.

PM me if you are interested.
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