Remember me (CC, AU, Mature) Thread #1

Like to Roswell Role Play? Like to roleplay for other shows too? Like writing fic, but want to write with others and play off their writing? Then you'll like this place

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Post by POM »


"Is that right..." I told him... Leaning closer to him, "Tell me...What else do you see?" I asked him.
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Post by madroswellfan »

I smile. "Well...i see the Universe... and I see how much you care for everything around you and couldn't bear to see anyone hurting. And I see how love and cherish each day."

Post by POM »


I reached out and touched his and I got a slight flash of something--but I ignored it. "You see all that? Are you sure your not just making this stuff up. Then the bell rang--I'll see you in 3rd. I have my Drama class right now...I might be able to audition right now..." I smiled at him.
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Post by madroswellfan »

"Liz, how could I ever lie to you. Good luck sweetie. I'm sure you'll do brilliantly. And hey if you don't get it then its there loss." I told her giving her a quick kiss. "See ya"
I walked down the corridors, heading towards algebra. At least Alex would be there to keep me company.
I walked into class and sat by him.
"Hey how was art?"

Post by POM »


Boring...we painted that stupid bowl again...Hey did you do the homework?" I asked him.


I walked into the classroom the teacher addressed everyone... "Okay, everyone who want to try out for the musical production go to the left side of the classroom, all those who just want to get this elective over with...go to the right.

I moved to the left side and got out the scene I was rehursing... the teacher came to address us...Okay..those trying out for the have to be able to sing as well as dance. go to the stage to learn the routine. I got up as well as three other girls. They taught us the rotine as well as the song included in the scene. "Okay..and a 5,6,7, 8 and goo..." the intrustor yelled and we started to the routiue one by one...with the male dancing partner. we are going to do the entire scene... I was the last to go on...I saw girls mess up there lines...and mess the dance movements...and there cue to start singing.

"Parker...up now.." I had five minutes to prove to them and everyone that I would be the person for the was a night club scene and I was to auditon for the new dancer /singer act. I entered the my lines...sang my solo and then broke out in the dance with the dance insturctior...are bodies moving as one...with passion and lust I tried to pull through...Everytime I touched someone though I got images of there past and there future and I tried my best to ignore it. I imagined I was dancing with Max. Everyone clapped as I ended my audition.

"Splendid Parker..just wonderful.." the teacher exclaimed. The class bell rang...and the teacher shouted above everyone...The parts will be posted on the door at lunch period." I grabbed my stuff and ran out to my locker to get my history books.
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Post by madroswellfan »

"You mean you didn't enjoy drawing the bowl again!" I said with mock horror. "I bet Michael loved it!" I said smirking, knowing he wouldn't.
The class commenced..and it was dull throughout. I kept thinking of Liz. Eventually the bell rang and I said goodbye to Alex. I then walked my way to history. Another chance to see Liz. Yay!

Post by POM »


I walked into the classroom, and sat next to Max... I was still a bit sweaty from the dance scene... " Hey Max...I missed you." I said as I kiss him on the cheek how was Math?' I asked as I slightly laughed.
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Post by madroswellfan »

"Well...boring but manageable thanks to you!" I told you smiling. "Thank you." I said kissing her. "So how did it go?" I asked her. "I bet you were great!" I told her smiling.

Post by POM »


"yeah..that's what the teacher said...but I'm gonna have to find out...did we have homework for this class?" I didn't remeber.
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Post by madroswellfan »

"No we didn't so don't worry sweetie. I bet you got it so smile. I bet you performed perfectly. So don't worry about it." I told her kissing her.