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Re: Unbreakable (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 47, 10/3/15, p. 41

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 7:18 pm
by Natalie36
that is so sad :cry:

Re: Unbreakable (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 47, 10/3/15, p. 41

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 7:42 pm
by mezz
Well, thank you. I think :?

He's expected for dinner? How late is dinner? They left in the dark. Mezzi confused.

How is Max going to handle this? Obviously he's going to need to be comforted by Liz. She will do that. But what of the bonding? Surely that's not going to be delayed. To delay is dangerous. But Max being brainwashed again is also going to be dangerous. Actually, he needs the strong bonding to combat the brainwashing. And Mr E's frank discussion gives no indication of his being on Max's side at all. Max really is on his own. Perhaps nothing has changed. Max is still as isolated as before. His life is still as much in the balance as before. Liz's life is still in danger. Mr E didn't seem to be overly annoyed that Sean was doing the wrong thing. It's so sad that no-one (except those as powerless as him) is actually on Max's side. The alien system is so stringent. Is that the word? It's like a suffocating straight jacket. Maybe only to those who are 'leaders' in the community but in fact merely pawns. Mr E being pure Alien I guess, can cope with that position ok. Max, having compassion and passion and humanity can't cope with being used and in effect, abused by his own.

This is actually one of the saddest chapters so far. Thank you for coming back. I was actually not going to turn on my computer because of the disappointment of not having a resolution. (As you can see. My addiction was too strong :oops: ) This scenario was one I hadn't thought of. Unless, of course........ Perhaps I'm grasping at straws. Perhaps Mr E knows what is going on? Perhaps he came so all his boxes were ticked concerning His role. A way to appear innocent so he still has a position to bargain from after the bond is to strong to break and the issue is about what to do now, rather than how to stop things from happening. Perhaps he really does know what Max is doing and this is his way of keeping his own nose clean? After all, he would have had many years of politics that Max doesn't have. If Mr E. is passionate about what he is discovering about the Gaea and his role in the strengthening of the community through better knowledge and use of Gaea's then he would not be happy about the overstepping and disregard of him that Sarge is showing. It's a long shot. I will think that until you show different. I can keep my tenuous sanity that way at least. :roll: :wink:

Very interested to see the fall-out between Max and Liz. It actually has the potential to make the bonding even stronger as their dependence on each other will be more vital. Perhaps their despair will make it impossible for Max to negotiate the situation any more and Liz will, through the comforting, actually initiate the bonding now. That, perhaps, seeing as I believe Liz isn't a normal Gaea, could actually be necessary and important to creating an unbreakable bond.

Re: Unbreakable (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 47, 10/3/15, p. 41

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 7:55 pm
by L-J-L 76
Great Chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max and Liz. Max and Liz screwed up Max and Liz moment. Starting to really really hate Sean, Sean's father and Mr. Evans. Can't believe their going to have a meeting to decide if they should brain wash Max or not. Glad Max hide Liz. So someone left the house. Who left the house? Was it Max or Mr. Evans? Will Max come and get Liz from her hiding place? Is Max and Liz's moment ruined? Will Max and Liz try to fix it and continue? Will Max and Liz sleep together tonight? Will Max and Liz bond tonight? Will Max and Liz's bond be really strong? Will Max and Liz's bond be unbreakable? Will Max and Liz try and hide their bond? Will Max and Liz act like nothing happen? Will Max bond with Liz before Sean tries? Will Mr. Evans, Sean, Sean's dad brain wash Max? Will Max be able to protect Liz? Will Liz be able to protect Max? Will Max and Liz run away? Where will Max and Liz go? Will Max and Liz be safe? Will Max and Liz keep meeting in secret? Will Sean keep visiting Liz and mind warping her? Will Liz be able to break through Sean's mind warp? Will Max and Liz sleep together tonight? Will Max and Liz bond? Will Max and Liz's bond be really strong? Will Max and Liz have a happy ending together? Will Max and Liz meet in secret? Will Max and Liz keep sleeping together? Will Liz become pregnant by Max? Will Max and Liz finish high school together? Will Max and Liz go to college together? Will Max and Liz get married and have kids?

L-J-L 76

Re: Unbreakable (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 47, 10/3/15, p. 41

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 9:36 pm
by Morning Dreamgirl
My fear was realized. It was Philip. My primary concern was that he was going there with the intention to stop them, having found out somehow what Max was planning. I think this scenario is even worse though.

On the one hand I want to strangle Philip for going along with the society as far as using people and basically approving the (possible) life long rape of women. Especially in regards to someone he's known since she was a little girl! I get that there are heartless people and psychopaths out there but sometimes I think the full-bloods take it to an entirely new level.

On the other hand he basically warned Max when he didn't have to. He's trying to pull Max back in to "walking the line" before he can no longer provide protection for him. I doubt Philip wants Max to be "re-educated" but at the same time if it's a choice between that and a death sentence, it's easy to see why he would vote in favor of that.

It's also interesting that he's known about Max's "infatuation" with Liz for so long. Obviously he probably didn't care about it too much or give it too much weight given that Max was always a "good boy" in their society. Plus with all the girls that Max has supposedly dated he probably figured that Max's infatuation would eventually wear out. But after all of this started happening (and after he's obviously tried to cover for his son) you have to wonder if he's yet to realize that Max won't give her up. Isabel realizes it. Max knows he no longer can. And I imagine that (even if Max tries to hide it) Philip realizes the same thing. Maybe he sees the "re-education" as a way of him being able to save Max from the danger that is Elizabeth Parker.

Even if they managed to separate the two of them I wonder how long Max would have to be "re-educated" before he would be "willing" to move on. Just how difficult would it be for them to make him submissive again to the point where he would (one day) start a family with someone and pass on the healing ability? Obviously I don't think they'd succeed it Max and Liz were able to double-bond but if that happens what then? If Max were to try and run he'd be hunted by his own kind. I can't imagine they would do anything less if they discover Max is still violating all their laws.

You're going to enjoy this... I actually don't have a clue yet as to how Max and Liz are going to get themselves out of this situation even with a double-bond. (If such a thing is possible.)

Honestly, at which point does Philip finally turn his back on his son for the "honor" if not outright survival of the rest of his family? And Max can't allow himself to be taken away and "re-educated" because then Liz is defenseless and will very likely be killed. Regardless of what they'll do to him, if he's gone and they realize what happened (and what she knows) then she's as good as dead. So how do they stay together against an entire society who is willing to do whatever it takes to keep them apart?

Beyond the fact that a double bond will (hopefully) make them stronger how do you manage to take on an entire society so set in their ways? Even if they manage to get some kind of exemption or special status for being bond-mates instead of just bonded there are still those who aren't going to be happy (Sean and the Sgt. come to mind). Plus any other military members who might now feel threatened that they could potentially lose their gaea-human. And what does that do to the Evans' family social standing? In the military branch having a gaea-human gives you a boost. So it would seem to be even more so for Max and his family given that they'd be the first ones to have a gaea-human being with a healer and then the fact that Max and Liz would be bond-mates on top of that would also greatly increase it. Yet the underlying g truth is that it basically put the entire community at risk during the process.

And lastly, as far as the Max/Liz dilemma goes - how in the heck does Liz come out of this with not only her memories in tact but also accepted by the society? Every human thus far has to be accepted by the society or (I imagine) their mind is wiped and the alien or hybrid has to find someone else. Given that she's only sixteen, gone along with breaking their rules, obviously isn't married to Max and is the cause of all this upheaval... How does all of that get dealt with so that they bring her in as a member? Of course that's the easy part to solve. If she does manage to overcome all of that to take her (rightful) place by Max's side, how does she accept them? How does she find peace in living within their rules and restrictions - many of which are necessary for their very survival - without growing animosity? Especially if she and Max have children (which, even if she hasn't thought about it until Philip mentioned it, Max had to have - even if only after their connection was formed and he realized her feelings for him).

My goodness, Jo! Could you write a more heart-wrenching chapter? (And, NO, that is not a challenge! :roll: )

Every time Liz has been in pain Max has immediately done what he can to help her, to alleviate that pain. And now that he's in pain (by the words his father spoke and everything they meant) she's stuck in a closet unable to run to him and comfort him. His very life is being threatened and she can't do anything to make it better. He might not have ever liked his alien heritage but it was the only place where they knew of his genetic makeup and weren't scared of or repulsed by him. They honored him because of it. And though he had to have an idea that they were starting to turn against him, to hear it so bluntly cuts to the bone. And if it hurt Liz that badly to her all of those things leveled at Max, I can't imagine what it fully did to him.

Dear lord, let them not fight in the next chapter. When their emotions run high it tends to boil over in anger. Let's have it boil over into something else instead. Because at this point they're both basically "dead" tomorrow anyways - even if just mentally and emotionally. Unless you have a really big magic card up your sleeve. Like glowing and bond-mates and lord knows what else. :roll: :wink:

And, lest I sound ungrateful, thank you for posting the very next day! I knew you couldn't ignore the cries of many. We'll have to remember that for next time. ;)

EDIT: Mezz sometimes I think we share notes or something. The thought crossed my mind about Philip warning his son while at the same time playing a very dangerous game of politics to keep him safe. And I think with the emotional tensions running at an even more extreme high their bonding will be even stronger now. (If we assume, according to a hint that Jo left in feedback, that real emotions create a stronger bond then false or forced ones.) So technically Philip showing up (whether on purpose knowing Max would be there or not) created a perfect scenario for a stronger secondary-bond between M/L.

Re: Unbreakable (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 47, 10/3/15, p. 41

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 3:59 am
by Alien_Friend
I am glad Max and Liz were able to be honest and open with each other as they drove. At least they can understand now here each other is coming from now.

It was so sweet of Max to do all he did to put Liz at ease and have her relax and feel safe with him. (That goes the same for Liz even) Between holding her hand, those endearing kisses, making her a meal. I'm sure now every time she encounters pancakes she will always think of. You definitely got the date vibe especially with Max's dad showing up to kill the mood. :lol: At least they were not caught having sex.

I wonder if Mr. Evans totally spoiled their plans and whether or not they will still go through with having sex since that meet about him is coming up. It might be able to save him from whatever their sentence is.

It's hard to say if it is safe to continue staying there kit seem. I just hope they don't waver and go through with the plan before it's too late.

Tremendous chapters. I am at the edge of my seat awaiting more. :D

Re: Unbreakable (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 47, 10/3/15, p. 41

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 9:17 am
by L-J-L 76
So sorry for bothering you will you please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to find out who is in the house with Liz? Will Max and Liz bond that night? Will Max bond with Liz before Sean tries? Will Max be brain washed? Will Sean mind warp Liz? Will Sean try and bond with Liz? Will Max and Liz go on the run? Will Max and Liz protect each other? Will Max and Liz's bond be really strong? Will Sean be there waiting for Liz? What will Liz do? Will Max and Liz's bond be unbreakable? Will Isabel, Alex and Maria help Max and Liz? Will Max and Liz be safe together? Will Max and Liz keep meeting in secret? Will Max and Liz keep having sex? Will Liz become pregnant with Max's baby? Will Sean kill Liz and Max? Will Max and Liz go on the run? Where will they go? Will Max and Liz be safe? Will Max and Liz have a happy ending together? Will Max and Liz get married and have kids? Again so sorry for bothering and for all the questions I was just wondering. Please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really really soon? I can't wait to find out who is in the house with Liz and what is going to happen next for Max and Liz.

L-J-L 76

Re: Unbreakable (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 47, 10/3/15, p. 41

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 12:38 pm
by keepsmiling7
Who would expect.......Phillip no less.
I guess Max did a good job of erasing the presence of a second person .
So the community will rule on Max being out of control......
I don't like the way this is going!

Re: Unbreakable (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 47, 10/3/15, p. 41

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 10:52 am
by L-J-L 76
So sorry for bothering you will you please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to find out who is in the house with Liz? Will Max and Liz bond that night? Will Max bond with Liz before Sean tries? Will Max be brain washed? Will Sean mind warp Liz? Will Sean try and bond with Liz? Will Max and Liz go on the run? Will Max and Liz protect each other? Will Max and Liz's bond be really strong? Will Sean be there waiting for Liz? What will Liz do? Will Max and Liz's bond be unbreakable? Will Isabel, Alex and Maria help Max and Liz? Will Max and Liz be safe together? Will Max and Liz keep meeting in secret? Will Max and Liz keep having sex? Will Liz become pregnant with Max's baby? Will Sean kill Liz and Max? Will Max and Liz go on the run? Where will they go? Will Max and Liz be safe? Will Max and Liz have a happy ending together? Will Max and Liz get married and have kids? Again so sorry for bothering and for all the questions I was just wondering. Please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really really soon? I can't wait to find out who is in the house with Liz and what is going to happen next for Max and Liz.

L-J-L 76

Authors Note

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 2:39 pm
by max and liz believer
Hi everyone,

if you haven't figured it out yet, I generally aim towards keeping a posting schedule of giving you a new chapter approximately every three days. Which should mean that there should be an update today. But there's not.

The chapter is ready and waiting, but I don't have the time to put together the answers/replies to your feedback because this week I'm having is crazy. Right now I'm already behind on my schedule for the evening and I just came home. I should've been in bed 2 hours ago (getting up at 4 a.m. for work), but instead it's 10 p.m. and I'm slightly hungry because I haven't had time to eat dinner and I can't now because I need to sleep.

And this is how it's going to continue up until Friday.

I'll try my very best to use breaks here and there to work on getting the update ready, but to not get your hopes up, there might not be an update until Friday. Just saying... :oops:

Sorry :oops: I know I left the story at a rather precarious place :? but RL is going out of my control.

I'll be back!

- Jo

Re: Unbreakable (AU M/L ADULT) A/N 10/6/15, p. 42

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 3:38 pm
by Morning Dreamgirl
The good news is you didn't leave us hanging after hearing a car engine. Otherwise some readers may have dropped dead or started a man hunt. :wink:

Hope you get more sleep the rest of the week than you're getting tonight!