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Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 8:29 pm
by Fehr'sBear

Hurrying to Algebra, or some other pointless class where I'll more than likely sleep, I pat my pocket again, and make sure the pass is there. That is, the pass that I shove at the teacher if I feel any little full moon changes come early. Usually it doesn't start until way after the sun has set, but you never know...

And then there's the whole thing where I've decided to stay away from Maria today, in case, because of the full moon, there are any more problems like last night. Not that I didn't enjoy last night, but the whole endangering people thing isn't high on my list. I don't want it to happen.

Head down, I enter the class and take a seat in the far back, praying that the professor won't notice me. I wonder who's in this class?

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 3:03 am
by Queenie_B40

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 4:39 am
by Queenie_B40
Sahar_ansari40 wrote:HEY WHY DID U STOP? PLEASE KEEP GOING! :D :?:

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 4:31 pm
by isabelle

"At least I had a bit more control than I did last night huh...?" Liz says, dimishing her efforts. That's so not right, although I do understand it. I know she's uncomfortable with her powers, but she's good. I wish she could see that and be proud of it. "You were pretty good yourself you know..."

I glance at my hands, a bit embarassed now that she's the one giving praise. I do my best and I try hard but I know I'm not the best one out there. I glance away, pushing open the door for her before I turn back to face her again.

"So...what've you got planned for tonight...?" Liz asks, changing the subject from the simulation room. Maybe she didn't want to talk about that. I suddenly wonder if I'm staring at her. I hope she doesn't think I'm stalking her or anything. I have to be sure that she doesn't see anything more than 'friendship' or she'll gone, I'm sure.

"Nothing, really. Maybe a little work on that essay on the Renaissance," I say. It had been my plan. The paper's not due for another week but I'm just about done with my research. Still, I can think of nicer ways to spend the night. Say, the way I spent the time last night.

"... unless you have some more hot chocolate to share." I smile at her as we walk to the next class. I can almost feel my eyes twinkling. "Or I can treat, if you like."

We can go into town and stop at the little icecream shop -- but that will probably be too much like a date. Gawd, I've probably already scared her off, anyway. Please don't let her think I'm creepy...


I'm feeling a little self-concious here in algebra. This was the class I blew off yesterday when I ended up just hanging out with Jess and then going out and -- well that doesn't matter. What matters is the teacher probably noticed that I wasn't here yesterday and I don't have an excuse. I didn't get the homework. It's not a good day to be me.

Sitting near the back, I'm opening my book and hoping that nobody's paying attention to me when I notice Jess sneaking in. He's almost hiding as he slips to the back of the class. I turn away and don't watch but a moment later, I have to look back.

Yup. It's Jess. He's acting like he didn't see me. Is it possible he didn't? I really don't know if it's co-incidence or not that we haven't run into each other. I really want to talk to him before his changes start.

"Hey," I say, softly. I don't know what else to say so I leave it at that. I give him a slight smile and a nod, wondering if he'll talk to me.

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 9:14 pm
by KatnotKath

"Thanks..." I murmur again softly as Max holds open the door for me. It's such a little thing really, but it's a part of who he is I know, and I think it's sweet...

I walk out onto the corridor and then turn back, waiting for him to join me. When I ask about his plans, he responds about working on his assignment again and I nod, before starting sightly as he continues, faltering slightly in my step pattern although I recover quickly.

He's suggesting spending time together again... Only hot chocolate or coca, or ice cream it seems as he suggests going into town... Whatever we did, it would just be as friends of course, because that's all we are, but still... "I-I'd like hang out a bit more I mean..." I offer him a small smile.

"W-would you mind sticking around here for it though...I just..." I trail off, not really wanting to admit that I rarely go into town unless dragged there by Maria. I know it's stupid of course, because no one out there knows exactly 'what' we are, but the thing is that I'm scared of what I might do, and I just feel safer...

"I-I was going to be doing some baking later, but I'm sure can put it off until tomorrow, unless you're happy to hang in the kitchen a while..." I look over at him with a twinkle in my eyes. "Do you like brownies...?"

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 9:30 pm
by isabelle

Baking? I wonder about that as she turns down my invitation. Maybe it was too forward. It was too much. Jeez, I don't want to scare her away. At least she's still offering to do something-else. It's still her idea, but I guess that's okay. I want to offer her things to do, too, but I'd rather do something she likes instead of making her endure something she isn't all that fond of.

"I love brownies," I tell her with a soft smile. It beats the huge grin I want to wear. Maybe next time I go into town, I'll buy her a new tin of chocolate or something. Maybe ... maybe we can grab a DVD from the library or something, too. But that's next time. I don't think we can watch a DVD in the kitchen...

"I haven't done any baking since I was a little kid. It sounds like fun," I say. It does, too. Almost anything would be fun if I were doing it with her.

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 4:49 pm
by Fehr'sBear

I'm keeping my head down and pretending to take notes as the class begins, even as I begin doodling small things on paper when I hear a quiet "Hey," from in front of me.

When no one responds right away, I look up, and come face to face with Maria. "Oh, hey Maria." I didn't see her there. So much for staying away.

"I didn't know you were in this class..." smooth Jess. Real smooth.

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 2:30 am
by KatnotKath
OOC: Hope this works, tell me if you want anything changed



Did I really just do that? Did I really just invite Max Evans to do some baking with me...? Well, I guess I was really expecting to be putting it off until tomorrow as I said I could...

But he didn't, and now I'm stood here trying to work out if he's serious, or just kidding me...

Of course deep down I don't think he'd do that, but nor do I think that a teenage guy would usually choose to hang out in a kitchen... To eat the brownies once I was done sure, but to be around while I'm cooking them...? I stand there a little dumbly, before realising I still haven't responded and blinking as I try and respond. "I-If you're sure...I honestly don't mind putting it off though, if you prefer..."

After making the offer, I pause a few minutes and then decide to add something more. "Maybe we could watch a movie in the common room while it's cooking, if you're sure you're okay with it though..." Something perhaps a little more fun for him, and it's true that there would be a lot of sitting around... "Unless of course you just want to talk..." I shrug, finding myself backtracking, feeling increasingly nervous and unsure about what I'm doing. "Really, I'm cool with whatever you want...although I'd really rather stay back here..."

I'm making myself sound like a total dweeb perhaps, but I can't deny I'm more comfortable on campus than off... When I'm in town, I'm always concious when I see others from school that they seem to shy away from me, as though they're worried about being seen with me - perhaps because if something went wrong with my powers, ordinary humans wouldn't be the only ones to fear...

I bite down on my lip as the thoughts run through my head, trying to push them back and ignore them, but it's difficult. I swallow and look at Max. "As I said yesterday, I just don't go into town much..." I offer by way of explanation, not bothering to go into 'why', although I'm pretty sure he could take a good guess...

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 7:30 pm
by isabelle

"No, it's fine," I say, trying to reassure Liz. She looks almost scared and I hope it wasn't anything that I said or did. "I'd love to make something with you."

I'd love to make a lot of things with her. I've often thought about how nice it would be to be partnered with her on one of our projects for school, but we usually don't have partners for anything outside of the simulation room. Making brownies should be fun. I always did like baking with my mom. I wonder why we stopped doing that.

Then she mentions a movie in the library. Was she reading my mind? Can she do that? Should I even ask?

"A movie could be fun, too -- although I'm guessing the brownies will be done before the movie. But then we can eat them while we watch the ending," I add with a smile. I decide not to dwell on her aversion to going into town. I can guess why she doesn't like it. I don't like the idea of her shutting herself off here, but I'm not going to push. Not now. Maybe in a few months or something if she's more comfortable.


"I didn't know you were in this class..." Jess says.

"Well why would you?" I ask with a grin. "It's your first day, afterall." We could have both caught this class yesterday but we'd spent the time hanging out in his room instead. Hmm. Concidering that, I really should be trying to pay more attention so I can catch up, but right now the only thing I want to focus on is right here -- not at the front of the class.

"How are you doing?" I ask. I'm not even sure exactly what I'm asking. There's last night to concider, or his impending change, or his dealings with the classes and the simulation room. I'll accept an answer to any one of them...

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 12:06 pm
by KatnotKath
OOC: not the best sorry, I'm struggling just now, hopefully the next will be better...


"Okay...if you're sure..." I manage another small smile as Max assures me that he would like to make something and there's a strange look seems to pass over his face as I mention the movie... I don't know why, but it's gone a moment later and as he agrees it could be fun, but points out the brownies won't take that long, I smile again and nod. "Sounds nice..." I respond softly, and I mean it... Doing anything with him on campus sounds great, and suddenly I feel a whole lot more relaxed and at ease than I have in a long time... Maybe it's thanks to that chat we had last night...

I pause a moment in thought at this before resuming walking, looking over as we head down the corridor. "So what sort of movie are you thinking of? If I'm choosing the baking activity, only fair you get to choose the film you know..." I point out with another smile.