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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 10:44 pm
by dreamer19
#341 Webcam Girl

Max is 17.Max is easy going. He likes to flirt and doesn't really pay much attention to what trouble it gets him into. He gets into fights with other guys over girls, and it doesn't really phase him. His parents are divorced and his father is about to get remarried. Isabel should be included as his sister.

Liz is 18. She lives on her own and has been doing webcam shows for the past few months. She is selective with her customers and if they start to bore her she moves on. She likes to please herself and that takes precedent over all else. Though she may seem uninhibited, the real girl instead is nothing compared to the webcam girl.

Must start chatting online doing a couple webcam shows.
Must have Liz only doing softcore stuff, nothing freaky.
Both must be show to be very insecure and unsure about themselves. They must be shown to be suffering from some sort of mental illness, whether it be anxiety or mild depression...
They shouldn't be what you'd expect of a playboy and webcam girl.

I already have a banner, because I wasn't working on this myself, but I decided not to write it. Let me know if interested.

Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 1:30 am
by Zanity
#342 M/L, M/M

Max and Liz have never met.

Max is happily married to Tess and Liz is happily married Kyle Valenti... or so they think.

Kyle is a professional athlete, Liz is a scientist (medical research), Max is a corporate attorney, Tess is a travel agent.

They all live in Boston.

Kyle and Tess are having an affair. Max and Liz meet when they follow their respective spouses to the same hotel room. Max is furious and contacts a friend of his who happens to be the best divorce attorney in the state and them to represent both Liz and himself in their respective divorces. They each end up taking their exes to the cleaners in the divorces.

At first Max is just helping Liz to spite Kyle, but during the process as they spend time together they become friends. After the divorce they end up hanging out together along with Liz's best friend Maria and Max's best friend Michael.

Michael and Maria take an instant dislike to each other which quickly morphs into a firey and passionate relationship. Max and Liz each start having moments where they look at the other and feel something more than friendship, but they shake it off... they pain from their last relationships is still to raw to even think about a new one. And what's more they both know the other one isn't ready for a new relationship either.

Those moments however become more and more frequent and start lasting longer and longer. Until one time when they are both experiencing one such moment they end up kissing.

Both still hurting from the past, they progress their relationship slowly until they eventually get married.

There are several obstacles in their path including but not limited their exes trying to work their way back into their lives.

Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 10:50 am
by uw51
#343, M/L, CC, AU

Brigadoon is a musical from 1954. Gene Kelly plays an American Tourist that – with a friend - gets the lost in the Scottish Highlands.

In the fog they stumble across a bridge into a village that is stuck way in the past. It is a very mysterious Scottish village that appears for only one day every hundred years, though to the villagers, the passing of each century seems no longer than one night. The enchantment is viewed by them as a blessing rather than a curse, for it saved the village from destruction.

According to their covenant with God, no one from Brigadoon may ever leave, or the enchantment will be broken and the site and all its inhabitants will disappear into the mist forever.

Of course one of the tourists (Max) falls in love with one of the towns beauties (Liz) and she returns his feelings. But as night falls, he and his friend have to return into the ‘normal’ world.

Back in his old life Max finds out that he can’t forget Liz and after a while he starts to think of ways on how to find the sleeping town again.

That’s very roughly what I remember from the movie. Of course there are all kinds of things going on in this town. In the film they had a wedding. If you want to know more about it I’m sure you’ll find it in Wikipedia or somewhere else on the internet. But to be honest I don’t want it to be a copy of the film Brigadoon.

Anyway, here’s the challenge:
Must have’s:

Very important!!! I would like this story to be a funny romance. If the storyline needs some suspense its ok, but really only a little bit. If there are villains, they have to get rid of them very quickly, because I really want this to be mostly fluffy and funny.

Max and Liz are the main couple, then Michael and Maria and the rest of the pod-squad.
Max heals Liz, you decide why
There is a legend or prophecy that says that the two lovers can be reunited under certain conditions.

Your decisions:
Why the village sleeps for one hundred years and is only one day long awake in between
If you want aliens in it, but if you chose to have aliens in the story they have to be the original aliens, Max, Michael, Isabelle and Tess. The humans are also human in this story. I would like it with aliens but you decide.
Any healed human can receive powers
You can call Brigadoon anyway you like
If you want all of the pod-squad or just Max to return to the sleeping town
If you bring the town into the 20th century. If you bring them into the present, you chose the reason for it. Describe the troubles they have in the beginning with adjusting to our modern times.
If Max and maybe the others go back in time, describe how the have to adjust in the past.
If they can come back to visit their families etc.

I don’t care how long you write this story, but I have to say I personally like long chapters and long stories and fast updates ;^) but that's up to you! :lol:

I think that’s all I can think of right now.

This is my very first Challenge and I hope I have given clear directions.


Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 8:16 pm
by killjoy
AU with Aliens
Mostly K/T...but with M/L,M/M and A/I
Any Rating is Fine

You can twist the Roswell show story line to fit your story if need be...doesen't have to be one hundred percent like the show.

The idea is that while Tess was on the road with Nesado/before coming to Roswell and when Kyle was away at football/sports camp,he and Tess met some how,got the hots for each other and slept with one another.It was thought by the two to be a one time thing,never to see each other again.Guess their shock when Tess suddenly shows up in Roswell....not to mention when she finds out Kyle knows all about the alien stuff!

Now here's the thing....Sex is a big deal with Antarians,it's not something they do lightly.To engage in a sexual manner starts a mating ritual between two Antarians.So when Tess and Kyle...who has been healed by Max and now has Antarian features...sleep with each other a mating bond is formed between the two.

Of course neither of the two knows what has happened and Tess ever the secret keeper never tells Nesado of her having sex so he has no clue of it.When Tess comes to Roswell she and Kyle finds that their unknown bond draws them together.They can't understand why they can't keep their eyes off each other and why their bodies act the way they do when they are around each other.

Plus when either of them try something with another parson....IE Tess with Max...Kyle and any other flares the bond and not only makes the other jealous but the one messing with the other parson very sick and painful.


Tess and Kyle's meeting while on the road...can be done at the start of the story or in a quick flashback.Doesen't have to be a long thing just something showing it.


Both Kyle and Tess getting a jealous rage when the other is flirting with someone else and it causes their bond to flare up.

Michael putting his foot in his mouth over something....yes I know that's a given in any story :roll: :lol:

Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 11:18 am
by killjoy

AU All Human

Any Rating Is Fine

M/L,M/M,A/I and K/T

Liz is a famous romance writer,her books sell by the thousands.But as irony can be all though she writes all about romance Liz has no luck what so ever with it in real life.

Due to her success at writing Liz owns a huge old Victorian home in one of the best parts of town(what town is up too you).Not wanting to live alone in such a big house she invited her three best friends Maria,Tess and Isabel to move in with her and the four have been a small family ever since. Their lives are the normal boring...go to work,come home,go out on a few dates here in there.

But all of that changes one day when the police come knocking on Liz's door. Seems that one of Liz's neighbors is either doing some thing illegal or could be a wanted bad guy.The police need to stake him/her out but can't do it unless they do so from inside Liz's house.

How will four women who've lived by themselves for so long deal with being stuck in the house now with four cops.....Max,Michael,Alex and Kyle who are in the house twenty four/seven?

In this story Isabel is not Max's sister,you can give her whatever last name you want.

I have thoughts and ideas for this challenge.If anyone takes it you're free to take them and use them how you wish...or not use them if you don't like them

Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 8:03 pm
by killjoy
AU all human
Any Rating is Fine

Mostly M/L and K/T....M/M and A/I also

Kyle and Liz are undercover police officers and partners.They get called into to their boss's office and told that drugs...or something very bad is being sold in a local high school.Their job is too go in undercover to find out where the stuff is coming from and stop it.

Kyle is sent in under cover as the school's new PE teacher. But much to Liz's horror due to her young looks she gets sent in as student! Liz's hated school back when she was younger.She was always picked on for being a nerd and a book worm.She doesen't look back at school with fond memories.

When they go in under cover Liz gets distracted when she notices just how hot one of her teachers....Max(as if I had to tell you who :roll: :lol: ) is.She has the hots for him but has to remind herself over and over that she's pretending to be a student.

Max on the other hand also notices how hot his 'student' is and must fight his feelings.Even more when Liz slips and puts moves on Max.

Kyle on the other hand is hot for one of his fellow teacher's a Ms.Harding.And like Liz must not let it distract him from his job.But Tess is one of those look down her nose smart people who sees Kyle as a bad teacher and PE not a real subject worth her time.

Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 12:41 pm
by Roswellian117

Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 12:25 am
by Roswellian117

au no aliens

A fic based on the notebook. Max is Noah and Liz is Allie. Roles are reversed: Max is rich and Liz is poor. They do have sex that night in that old house by the piano. Max leaves and Liz is pregnant but he doesn't know obviously, his parent's hide the letter's. Max also takes the place of Lon so it's Max who gets hurt and it is his nurse who is Rosalie falls for him. It is just like the notebook but a role reversal and Liz is pregnant and has a little boy that she names Noah cuz that name is cute. If you wanna know more just pm me. I can go into further detail.

I'll even co-write if anyone wants to! I really want to do this myself but co-writing would be fun!~!

Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 11:08 am
by Whimsicality
#349 The Unaired Pilot Challenge

This may have been made a challenge before but as I haven't seen any stories based on it I'm going to go ahead and post it. As you may know there was a version of the pilot written that is quite different than the one we all know and love, a lot closer to the books for one thing, but it was scrapped when the show switched networks prior to filming.

Roswell Oracle has a copy of the script on her fabulous Archive Site (the link will take you straight to the script) and I would like to see someone write a fic as if that had been the first episode and take it from there.

This can be any pairing, CC or UC, but either way must be an ensemble fic with all characters and pairings given equal weight (or mostly equal, I understand if you just have to give your favorites a little more screen time ;-). I would like the fic to at least go through an entire alternate first season based on what could have happened if that had been the pilot but if you want to go further be my guest :-)

So you have an idea of just how different it is:
Alex and Maria find out about the aliens in the first episode.
Alex is accused of being an alien and taken for testing by the Sherriff.
There's more tension between the two groups and Alex and Maria threaten to go to the authorities together.
Instead of a picture of a body from years ago Liz is taken to the morgue and shown a new body with silver handprints on it.

As you can see there is a lot different and a lot of potential for a great AU story. I would write it myself if I didn't already have so many fics I need to finish but if you take this challenge up and want someone to bounce ideas off of I'm more than happy to help!

Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 6:52 pm
by Roswellian117
Killjoy i'd be interested in #281 if it's still available?