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Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 2:17 pm
by isabelle
OOC -- I thought Max and Michael were in the kitchen talking. Guess they moved at some point?


Before Michael responds to my suggestions about the level of Trevor's manipulation, he's here. Trevor calls out suggesting that Michael's 'friend' will have to leave before he talks to Michael. 'Friend'? Suddenly he acts like he doesn't know my name, that he doesn't know me almost as well as he knows Michael. Only a few hours ago, he was sitting with me at the crashdown pretending that he didn't know our secret already. All this time, he's known and he's never told us that he was the same. He manipulated the situation to be placed with Michael, to get close to us, and yet, he didn't tell. We kept our secret because we didn't know about Trevor but he was playing us for fools.

I feel myself tensing up as I look at the wall separating us. I don't know what Michael's feeling but I'm beginning to be angry.

"Seems to me that you owe us all answers," I say, keeping my voice as neutral as possible.

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 11:05 pm
by magikhands

“Is there something wrong?” Kyle asks after I stop him.

I sigh, not really sure what I wanted to say. Kyle is a friend. A close friend. We've been that way since we were young. And now I find out he's different. But that's not what is bothering me. What's bothering me is what he will think when he finds out that I'm different. I have a feeling that after Max and Trevor's little display earlier, that the truth will be out about us. Will he see me as a freak? Will he not want to be around me? He's one of my best friends aside from my family. Then I've still got Maria to deal with.

I stop walking and look at Kyle, my mind racing. Should I tell him right now or wait for him to find out later?

Making up my mind, I take a deep breath before speaking. "I have something to tell you Kyle and you'll probably hate me for keeping it from you."

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 11:12 pm
by magikhands

"Seems to me that you owe us all answers," Max says, his voice even but I can sense the anger in his words.

"Max." I warn him. Trevor meant no harm. Ok, maybe my 'brother' was a bit harsh with his words, and yes, he was showing Max his rude side, but it was late...a lot had happened tonight. We were all tired.

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 8:41 pm
by StormWolfstone

"Seems to me that you owe us all answers," I hear Max reply and as I walk around the corner, my expression is an empty glare.

"Max," My brother's tone holds warning and I shake my head.

"Relax, Mikey." I say, though I don't look his way, my gaze remains on Max as I continue, "Maxwell will get his answers when or if I am ever ready to give them. However, I don't answer to anyone. I am not going to kiss his feet or his ass. However, Max, if you would like to make it home without injuries that you can't heal on your own, I suggest you get your ass out of my home so I can talk to the only one of you that shares some of my DNA."

I decided to leave it like that, allowing both Max and Michael to take in what I'd just said. Let's see how Max handled that bit of news, shall we?

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 11:34 pm
by magikhands

Share DNA? What the hell? And how the hell did he know that Max had the ability to heal? Until tonight, we've always...and I mean ALWAYS been careful of using our powers in front of anyone. Always afraid to reveal ourselves. But tonight...all rules went to hell when Alex was attacked. Ok, maybe not all of it.

There was Maria and what happened between us. My stomach flipped just thinking of her. I couldn't wait to see her again. To touch her. To hold her. To kiss her.

But first, there is this business with Trevor. Why does he think that we share DNA. I'm not human. Well, not techically. Trevor admitted to being able to do telakanesis...

"Holy shit." I whisper to myself. Turning to look at Max, not sure if the pieces that are falling into place in my head are right or not, I shake my head.

"Just go Max. I'll come by when we are done." I say trying to hide any of the emotions suddenly flashing through me and hoping that Max will see that he needs to leave.

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 5:52 pm
by KatnotKath
OOC: this probably sucks, but I'm trying desperately to catch up on here so I'm sorry and appologise in advance. Hopefully the next will be better, and sorry again.


I blush as Teresa says that she's known how I feel about Max for a long time. I remember a couple of times when Maria's said similar to me in the past too, although of course I've always denied it... I've said that it's not true, although of course I knew it was. I was just scared though, scared of letting him get close, scared of getting involved with him and then something happening to reveal I'm a freak and him running away...

Well, now he knows, he knows everything, and he's not running... I smile softly, and then blink, realising that my sister is speaking again, and then swallowing as I listen to her question.

It leaves me in something of a quandry, tell the truth, all of it, and betray a confidence, or lie to my sister... It's not much of a choice really is it...? Swallowing, I bite down on my lip and hesitate a moment before nodding slightly. "H-he did Teresa yeah...he explained everything..."

I don't elaborate though, and I don't know if I pains me to say that, and I hope she realises that. I don't want to hide things from her, I don't want these secrets, but I just... I shake my head and look at her. "G*D don't you hate how complicated life is...?"

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 10:10 am
by isabelle

My glare softens to an open-eyed stare. What is Trevor going on about? He knows about my healing? And implying there's something I can't heal? I've always been able to heal anything I've tried... And then the kicker. I glance at Michael. Trevor says he shares DNA with him. -- the only one he shares DNA with, so it's not like he's just saying he's an alien, too. He's really Michael's brother? Or something different? Cousin? Who knows...

"Holy shit." Michael wishers. "Just go Max. I'll come by when we are done."

I pinch my lips together for a moment, not sure what to say. I can tell that Trevor doesn't want me here, but I've been Michael's brother, too. At least, we've always believed that. Now... Michael says he'll come by after but what if Trevor won't let him? Or if he makes Michael promise not to tell? He seemed pretty intent on keeping this information to himself.

Still, I guess I don't have any options. I have to trust Michael to fill me in later. How I wish I could somehow listen in from a distance.

"Okay," I say, reluctantly. "I'll see you then."

I spare Trevor one more look -- a look of questions and concerns, not just for what he knows but for Michael. Please don't let this change anything between him and me -- and then I let myself out of the house.

Closing the door behind me, I lean on it for a moment, hoping I'm making the right choice. I guess it's time to head home and see if Isabel is still awake. Maybe I should have had her and Tess with me before I went to Michael's tonight. Now, all I can do is hope...

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 10:43 pm
by StormWolfstone
ooc: Really shouldn't... but taking the time to write a quick post here... though I'm hoping it won't suck.


I can see that Michael is shocked by my words, that he might well be putting small amounts of what I said together. However, I still wait until Max finally makes the determination to go. I wait, watching as the door closes behind me and then remove the stone from my pocket to help focus my energy as I sound proof the entire house in order to make certain that if anyone decided to listen in, they couldn't hear through the walls.

Once I was done, I turned to look at Michael before grabbing a snapple from the fridge as I spoke, "Sorry if you feel I was rude to Max, Michael. I'm just not in the mood to explain myself to anyone other then you at the moment." Turning to glance back at him again, I move to lean against the wall.

"You are my younger brother, Michael. Flesh and Blood. In fact, some of your blood came from me when they were splicing the genetics for you. Time on Antar is different, the cycles are slower. If I'd been here on Earth, I'd have aged greatly." I stop, looking at him carefully while I sip on my drink, giving him the chance to digest what I'd just said and I planned on letting him guide what explanations came first.

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2006 10:13 pm
by StormWolfstone

"I have something to tell you Kyle and you'll probably hate me for keeping it from you." Tess states as she stops walking and looks at me. I can’t help but wonder what it could be that she wants to tell me that she is so certain will make me hate her.

With a shake of my head, I step over to her and place my hand on her shoulder, “Tess, that couldn’t ever happen. Look what I’ve spent years keeping from you… I mean… you don’t hate me for that, right?” I say and again shake my head, “I’d never hate you, Tess.” I state this and I mean it. Tess means so much to me. She’s always meant a great deal to me. She’s been like family, the best friend I could have. I’ve thought of her as a friend for years and realized once not long ago that my feelings had even grown into something more.

I wish I knew a way that I could really ease whatever it was that was bothering her. Ease her concerns. I can only listen and hope that she’s able to see my sincerity.

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 9:32 am
by StormWolfstone
This game will be closing unless someone wants to restart it or take it over.