Unbreakable - A Beautiful Lie (AU M/L ADULT) COMPLETE 5/5/17 + A/N 5/5/19

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Re: Unbreakable (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 46, 10/2/15, p. 40

Post by begonia9508 »

:twisted: :twisted: I am frustrated... when I thought they were on the right track, someone is coming and it is not certainly to make a friendly visit, eh? :twisted: :twisted: Maybe Isabel, averting them that the aliens are on their way the the house...

Anyway I am waiting really impatiently for more anf thanks! EVE
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Re: Unbreakable (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 46, 10/2/15, p. 40

Post by mezz »

I am not a happy chappy at the moment. I think I've managed to convince myself that it is a car that got lost and is using the driveway to turn around. *mezzi turns irresistible puppy dog eyes to Josephine* pleeeeeeaaaase :roll:

Otherwise I thought this too
Maybe Isabel, averting them that the aliens are on their way the the house...

I will go to bed chanting to myself - just a car turning around, just a car turning around....
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Re: Unbreakable (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 46, 10/2/15, p. 40

Post by keepsmiling7 »

After Liz's curiosity about Max's social network.......
And the lovely pancakes Max was cooking.......
You better be hiding where we'll never find you!!
I can't believe a car just drove up......and why are they here?
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Re: Unbreakable (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 46, 10/2/15, p. 40

Post by Morning Dreamgirl »

I'm considering posting something along the lines of:

"So my thoughts on this chapter..."

And then stopping. Just leaving it there. Like a cliffhanger. A Jo-level cliffhanger. :roll: :(

But there apparently are enough people who are ready to burst and since I'm not addicted and can quit at any time (*snort* yeah, right) I'll be nice and actually post my feedback. But I'm partially glaring at you at the beginning and the ending of it. :wink:

Every few chapters you post what I'm sure is my new favorite chapter. This one though is my absolute favorite so far. Of course if I re-read it all (yet again) I might have to put it in the top five. But I really think it's my favorite. It's the first time in the story where they're in their own little bubble and it's not purely mental. The few other times Max has been this relaxed around her it's all been telepathically because he didn't have a place where he could just be himself. For her to get to see that, to actually see him happy (versus just hearing it), and to be free to tease him - I loved it.

We get to finally see how it could be between the two of them if/when they can fight through this and get to live their lives together. It's peaceful and passionate, funny and protective. It's a perfect combination of the two of them. They bring out the best of each other and you can see it and feel it in this chapter. If Max's family saw him around her like this I'm pretty sure they'd be shell-shocked. He's guarded even around them (though maybe not quite as much as with everyone else) but with Liz he's working to remove all his guards.

I can see how Liz would want Max to have people he could turn to, talk to, get help from - all things she took for-granted to an extent until she started going through all of this. For Max to never really have that (even Isabel didn't really believe him about the bond) must hurt her given how much she loves him. Everyone should have someone (especially of the same gender) to be able to confide in and talk things out with. In some ways it's even more important for Max given his position where so many people (even in his society) want to take from him. Either because he's popular, his status in the alien society, his looks, etc.

I think that's one of the reasons she was attractive to him. She wasn't out to take anything from him. Of course the things she did want (answers) caused him the most physical pain. It's sort of an irony. Especially given that he wanted to be closer to her and remove her pain by answering any questions he could (as long as they wouldn't cause her more pain). That's why it's so refreshing to see them finally have this time together. They've fought for it and even if they still have a lot of things to fight through he finally has a time when he can answer her questions and he's trying to. (Though I don't think she'll have a lot of questions for too much of the night.) :wink:

It was sweet (for lack of a better word) to see him taking care of her by making her dinner. Even if they were pancakes. But then a small sugar high might be a good thing. More energy. :mrgreen:

For him to be able to take care of her by feeding her (which had to be tearing him up) was as much for him as it was for her. Maybe more so. It's sort of strange to think that her last actual "meal" was at the Evans' house. Had Max known what was coming he probably would have loaded her down with leftovers in addition to the bandages and pain meds. Or maybe just locked her away to take care of her himself. :wink:

And of course the tension that's building between the two of them was perfectly written. The fact that despite all that Max still told her she could stop at any time - god he loves her! (Just in case his overprotective behavior after the cookie crumbs didn't demonstrate that. :wink:)

I'm with Mezz. I'm hoping that it's just a car turning around. But that seems to convenient a cliffhanger, especially given the circumstances, time of night and the relative distance from Hondo to Roswell (where the aliens who use the house for a meeting place are). And if it was Isabel it seems like she would give them as much warning as she could by calling them or having Alex call them if she couldn't.


JO!! Get back here! The villagers are gathering. And I don't want you to have to go underground. :( :wink:
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Author's Note...

Post by max and liz believer »

Dear readers,

it seems as if you've succeeded in speaking to my bad conscience about leaving it there. So I'm crawling out of my hiding place (my back was starting to hurt anyway) and I'll be posting the next chapter in about an hour.

- Jo :roll:
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Re: Author's Note...

Post by Morning Dreamgirl »

max and liz believer wrote:Dear readers,

it seems as if you've succeeded in speaking to my bad conscience about leaving it there. So I'm crawling out of my hiding place (my back was starting to hurt anyway) and I'll be posting the next chapter in about an hour.

- Jo :roll:
The sarcastic side of me wonders what you honestly thought would happen when you dangle food in front of a pack of hungry lionesses. :roll:

The other part of me is glad you're coming out of hiding before your back gets too bad... And before people start gathering outside your place with bullhorns. :wink:
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Re: Author's Note...

Post by max and liz believer »

Morning Dreamgirl wrote:
max and liz believer wrote:Dear readers,

it seems as if you've succeeded in speaking to my bad conscience about leaving it there. So I'm crawling out of my hiding place (my back was starting to hurt anyway) and I'll be posting the next chapter in about an hour.

- Jo :roll:
The sarcastic side of me wonders what you honestly thought would happen when you dangle food in front of a pack of hungry lionesses. :roll:
I guess your determination surprises me sometimes... :wink:
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Post by max and liz believer »

I've decided to give you the next chapter ahead of "posting schedule", because I was starting to feel a bit bad. I'm being perfectly honest when I didn't intend to torture you. So I'm putting you out of your misery (somewhat). This might not be the chapter you're waiting for (probably not), but it provides some new information so I'm not sure if it's only a transition chapter (well, it probably is).

In other words, I wanted to get it out there so that we can sooner move on to more important things :wink:

Ashley (Morning Dreamgirl)
I'm considering posting something along the lines of:

"So my thoughts on this chapter..."

And then stopping. Just leaving it there. Like a cliffhanger. A Jo-level cliffhanger. :roll: :(
*laughs* :lol: :lol: You're funny... But you have a scary point :shock:
Every few chapters you post what I'm sure is my new favorite chapter. This one though is my absolute favorite so far. Of course if I re-read it all (yet again) I might have to put it in the top five. But I really think it's my favorite. It's the first time in the story where they're in their own little bubble and it's not purely mental.
:oops: :oops: Thank you!
It's peaceful and passionate, funny and protective. It's a perfect combination of the two of them.
They are perfect together, aren't they? Why can't the rest of the alien community understand this? :cry:

To Max, Liz represents freedom. She has a loving family, great friends and she's human. So yes, in that way she's attractive to Max. But obviously, that's not the only thing that attracts him. He's known her for a really long time. He admires her independence, her strength, her goodness and her intelligence. Amongst other things.
For him to be able to take care of her by feeding her (which had to be tearing him up) was as much for him as it was for her.
He's been wanting to do that for very long. Since he's had a chance to touch her over these last couple of weeks, he hasn't failed to notice how she's gotten smaller/thinner. But it hasn't really been his place to tell her to eat. He's had a suspicion about the reason behind her inappetence and that already makes him feel more than guilty, which prevents him from "setting her straight" when it comes to her eating habits.
And of course the tension that's building between the two of them was perfectly written. The fact that despite all that Max still told her she could stop at any time - god he loves her! (Just in case his overprotective behavior after the cookie crumbs didn't demonstrate that. :wink:)
JO!! Get back here! The villagers are gathering. And I don't want you to have to go underground. :( :wink:
Hopefully this will remove the immediate threat on my life... 8)

Thank you, babe, so much for the feedback!

Helen (Roswelllostcause)
Does it make it better that I didn't leave it there for too long...? :oops:

Thank you :D

L-J-L 76
So Max was trying to get Liz drunk
No, he wasn't. He was just trying to get her to relax :) Max wouldn't let her drink too much.

You'll get some more answers in this following chapter.

Thank you for the feedback!

Now you're just being mean. :twisted:
I will go to bed chanting to myself - just a car turning around, just a car turning around....
:| :roll:

Thank you for the feedback!

Eve (begonia9508) - Maybe it is Isabel. Or maybe not. Answer below :wink: Thank you for the feedback!

Carolyn (keepsmiling7)
You better be hiding where we'll never find you!!
Honestly, it was not the best hiding place... So I decided to wave my white flag and come back and update. Thank you for the feedback!


There was a beat of silence before he replied, suddenly very serious, ”I won’t hurt you, Liz.”

My mouth suddenly felt dry and I whispered self-consciously, ”I know.”

”You have the power to stop this at any time,” he continued, his hold on my hand tightening.

I met his eyes straight on and was surprised by the touch of anger in my voice as I said, ”I have no intention of stopping this.”

Did he still assume that I didn’t want this? That my body wasn’t falling apart just from him holding my hand right then? That I wasn’t even sure if I would still be able to walk once I got up from my seat? That I wasn’t sweating for no particular reason and not having heart palpations even though my heart was medically sound?

”I want this,” I added, tracing the dilation of his pupils. ”I want you.”

Like, right now.

He searched my face and opened his mouth to speak, when our bubble of privacy was interrupted by the sound of a car engine very close to the house.


”Crap,” Max breathed as he shot up from his seat so quickly that it wobbled on its legs and almost fell over. But neither of us noticed the subtle precarious fate of the chair as Max tugged on our still entwined hands and pulled me to my feet.

”Who is it?” I whispered, sudden deep fear twisting my insides.

”Doesn’t matter. You need to hide,” Max said tensely, his hand tight around my fingers, as he pulled me up the stairs.

I focused my eyes on my feet as his quick pace almost made me lose my footing. It felt like he was basically lifting me up the stairs, my feet barely touching the steps, and we reached the second floor in no time.

From downstairs, I heard the faint buzz of the car engine turning off and my breath froze on my dry tongue. I would have been paralyzed on the top landing of those stairs if Max hadn’t been in charge of moving my body. My feet stumbled across black tiled flooring and I ungracefully bumped into Max as he abruptly stopped and pulled a door open.

Still holding onto my hand, he grabbed my free elbow with his other hand and essentially reversed my body into a small dark compartment. Thick fabrics brushed against my back and I realized that I was in some kind of walk-in closet. I made the mistake of looking up into Max’s eyes and noticed the fear there, which instantly destroyed any small piece of calmness I might have had left.

A car door slammed shut outside the house. I was rooted to the floor, staring at Max. He hesitated, then leaned in and briefly brushed my cold forehead with his lips.

Pulling back, he whispered gently, ”Don’t be scared.”

At a loss for words, I nodded.

He mustered up a small smile, but I could tell from the way it failed to reach the crinkles around his eyes that it was mostly put on for my benefit. ”I’ll be right back.”

I nodded again as he stepped back, closed the door and cloaked me in darkness.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. It was less claustrophobic to have your eyes closed, not having to see how small the space was or how the clothes around you were leaning towards you, soaking up your oxygen.

I heard Max rush down the stairs and clearly heard the sound of dishes being moved (he was removing traces of a second person being here), before the front door opened.


I clenched my fists and squeezed my eyes even tighter at the monotone voice of Max’s father. I’m sure there was supposed to be surprise in Mr. Evans’ voice, but maybe it took an extra effort for an alien to actually add emotions to his voice.

”Oh, hi,” Max answered easily, the surprise very evident in his voice however. ”I thought I heard a car.”

”What are you doing here? It’s late.”

There was a pause before Max answered calmly, ”Not that late. I’m studying. I have this big test coming up and Isabel was bugging me.”

”You didn’t have to come all the way out here just to study,” Mr. Evans said, his voice still plain and lacking inflections. It was impossible to read anything out of the sound of his voice. ”You should have just told your mother or me that she was bothering you and we would have told her to leave you alone.”

”I know,” Max muttered. ”I just… I lost it.”

Mr. Evans sighed loudly. ”You have to learn to control your temper, Max. It’s getting you into a lot of trouble lately.”

”Yeah,” Max mumbled evasively and I wondered if his father was including me in his ’trouble’ reference.

”And I’m not gonna tell you again; you should really let us know when you drive away like this. You’ll make your mother worry.”

”I know,” Max agreed guiltily.

”Especially with what’s been going on lately. You’ve broken our trust on more than one occasion.”

”I’m sorry about that,” Max said, his voice so soft, borderline submissive, that I had to strain to hear his answer.

”Have you been cooking?” his father asked, abruptly changing the topic and I heard the sound of dishes being moved around in a sink.

”Food for the brain,” Max answered simply, his voice stronger again.

”I’m glad to see that you’re focusing on school again. You need the grades for medical school.”

”Right,” Max said distractedly and cleared his throat. ”So what are you doing here, Dad?”

”The community’s having a meeting,” Mr. Evans replied without pretense.

My heart dropped to my stomach. Max’s reaction must have been similar because there was a longer pause than what was considered normal before he asked, ”Tonight?”

”No,” Mr. Evans replied breezily and the sound of steps increasing and decreasing around the main room downstairs told me that Mr. Evans was moving around a lot. ”But I needed to check some things.”

”You didn’t tell me you were having a meeting,” Max said, confused suspicion in his voice, insinuating that he was usually informed of these things and quite possibly was invited to all of their meetings.

”You’re not invited,” Mr. Evans said like he was informing Max that he needed to pick up some milk. Not the least acknowledging that his statement might hurt.

”Why not?” Max’s voice was sharp and tense.

”Because the meeting is about you, son.”

I sharply bit the inside of my cheek. Oh no.

Even from my hideout upstairs I could hear the tremble in Max’s voice as he repeated, ”About me?”

”Don’t act so surprised, Max,” Mr. Evans said, the first audible emotion in his voice; amusement. ”The community is perturbed by your recent acts of defiance. Even in the light of our most effective means of punishment, you keep on breaking the law.”

”I-” Max started, but Mr. Evans voice was ice cold as he interrupted his son.

”You’ve disgraced our family, Maxwell. You continuously lie; to your parents, to your superiors. That stunt that you pulled with Sean at school-”

”Dad, I-” Max’s voice was almost pleading in his attempt at interrupting, but Mr. Evans pressed on.

”Again with Elizabeth Parker. There are suspicions that you never erased her memories, like I asked you to. That you lied straight to my face about having erased them. If that is true, it’s a very serious offense, Maxwell. Sean is under the impression that you have interfered with him bonding with Elizabeth-”

”She’s not ready yet!” Max erupted and my breath trembled as Max forgot his cool. ”You said so yourself! Sean has no right messing with her yet.”

Mr. Evans’ voice could freeze the hottest volcano. ”And you have?”

”She was hurt! I needed to heal her.” Max’s voice was growing in intensity and I winced as I heard his heart through his anger. I was afraid that Mr. Evans could hear it too. ”What good would she be to our community if I had let her die?”

”That’s fine,” Mr. Evans said. ”But you shouldn’t have bonded with-”

”Her injuries were too extensive for a superficial hea-”

”Don’t interrupt me, son.”

I took a step back into the hanging clothing. Letting the unfamiliar smells which had been incorporated into those fabrics envelop me as I tried to distance myself from the reality downstairs and also stop myself from running to Max’s defense.

He had saved me. He had saved my life. And his father was mad at him because of it.

”I apologize, sir,” Max mumbled, resistance at the implied submission clear in his voice.

Mr. Evans’ voice was calm as he continued, ”We’ve been over this. You should have healed what you could superficially and then hand her over to us to complete the task. You are not yet fully trained to make deep healing without bonding.”

There was a pause and I wondered if it was because Max was waiting to see if Mr. Evans was done talking and he was allowed to speak, or if it was because Max was unsure what to say.

”I thought it would be simpler if only I was involved. The post erasing process would be far less extensive.”

”Yes,” Mr. Evans said. ”That’s what I’ve been telling Sarge.”

”Then what?” Max bit out and I knew that he was back on walking a thin line. One didn’t speak to Mr. Evans like that. ”What is this meeting about? I’ve left Liz Parker alone. I’ve served the punishment for accusing Sean of forcing himself on her, and I overheard Liz telling her friend just today that she was Sean’s girlfriend.”

”That’s a positive development,” Mr. Evans said slowly and I got the feeling that he hadn’t been informed of that last piece of information prior to Max’s declaration. ”But the meeting is still on.”

There was a loaded pause and I returned to my previous position, leaning up against the door and pressing my ear against the wooden surface, wondering if they had just lowered their voices.

Then Max spoke. ”They don’t trust me.”

A shiver ran through me at the desolation and rejection in his voice. Even though Max seemed to very much dislike being an alien, he was still an integral part of a community. And like any other member of a group, he needed to feel included and accepted.

”You’ve given them plenty of reasons not to,” Mr. Evans replied. ”You’ve repeatedly jeopardized our control over our newest gaea, which is a serious offense.”

”I know,” Max mumbled.

”They want to discuss if you are to be re-educated.”

I frowned. Re-educated?

As I considered what this could mean, I noticed that the house had grown quiet and my pulse tightened and increased in my ears the longer the silence stretched.

Then Max said, with such a deep sound of rejection that my body curled in on itself, ”You’re sending me away?”

”If they rule you to be out of control…” Mr. Evans said slowly and I thought I hinted warmth in his voice. Could he actually be concerned for his son? Would Mr. Evans be on his son’s side and defend him in that meeting?

”Brainwashing,” Max mumbled and goosebumps spread over my skin.


”Don’t be ridiculous,” Mr. Evans said, his voice hard.

”Come on.” Max was annoyed. ”Let’s not sugar-coat it. It’s exactly what it is. I’ve been there before, remember?”

”It would do you good,” Mr. Evans said, as if he was talking about taking vitamins, instead of going through a washing out process of the brain.

”If they force me…” Max’s voice trailed off and I desperately wanted to see his face right then, to see what had stopped him.

Amusement had returned to Mr. Evans. ”You’ll do what? Run away?” He laughed shortly. ”There’s nothing out there for you on your own. Turn your back on the society and you’ll be as good as dead. You’ll be without protection, without cover, at risk of getting discovered for what you really are. And you won’t only be hiding from humans, but also from us. Out there - without our consent - you’re a liability. You know that. They can’t risk you walking around and accidentally blow our cover.”

Max sounded offended and rightfully so, I thought. His dad had basically just threatened his life. ”You really think I would talk about us?”

”What if you were caught, son? Tortured for information? Would you keep quiet or break?”

”I wouldn’t-”

Mr. Evans interrupted Max’s objection, ”My suggestion is that you don’t run away.” His voice softened as he said, ”You’re one of us. You’re my son, Max. I care for you.” He sighed. ”This Parker girl has always got you twisted up in knots. You need to forget about her, I’ve told you over and over again. She’s not yours. Find yourself some other girl. There are so many girls out there. After all, we need to carry the healing ability on.”

I bit my lip against the tears threatening to develop. Mr. Evans wanted Max to create a family. With someone else. Someone who would be accepted by Max’s family. By Max’s community.

Someone that was not me.

No, I needed to procreate with Sean. Or maybe procreation was never part of the plan. Maybe I was just supposed to be a childless sex slave.

”The meeting is tomorrow,” Mr. Evans said in the absence of a reply from Max and I found myself once again wishing that I could see Max right then. Touch him. Comfort him. Because I knew, on some fundamental level, that this was breaking him apart.

”I don’t want you anywhere near this house then. Not even for studying. You are not to tell them that you know of the existence of this meeting, understood?”

Max’s voice was faint as he replied, ”Yes,” before distractedly adding, ”Sir.”

”That’s my boy,” Mr. Evans said, a happy tone to his voice which made anger flare hotly in the center of my chest.

He didn’t even understand that he had hurt his son. That he had just turned his back on his own flesh and blood.

With a merry sigh, Mr. Evans added, ”Now. Your mother will be wondering about my extended absence. I’ve been here too long. I need to find those protocols.”

”Of course, Dad,” Max said, a toneless dejection in his voice that scared me.

But it was quickly forgotten in light of hearing Mr. Evans’ footsteps on the stairs. My heart rate quickly sped up, the sound of my blood roared in my ears as I took a step back into the clothing, trying to cloak myself inside the clothing if by chance Mr. Evans would sense me being there or something (you never knew with aliens, right?) and open the door.

I held my breath, my whole body tensing, as I heard his footsteps pass outside the door. I relaxed some when I heard them walk away, before my body repeated the same procedure as the footsteps returned a couple of minutes later.

But he had no interest in the small compartment, instead quickly descending the stairs.

”Call your mother, Max,” Mr. Evans said. ”She’s expecting you for dinner.”

”I already told Isabel to tell you-” Max started.

”No arguments,” Mr. Evans cut off the conversation plainly and without any words of goodbye. I heard the front door open and slam shut. I listened to the silence draping itself over the house as a car door slammed shut outside of the house, followed by the revving of an engine and the subsequent sound of a car driving away until even the outdoors were quiet.

Last edited by max and liz believer on Tue Jul 04, 2017 1:42 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Unbreakable (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 47, 10/3/15, p. 41

Post by Morning Dreamgirl »

I did tell you that I could be stubborn and persistent.

I have a feeling about this one. And I don't think it's a happy feeling.
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Re: Unbreakable (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 47, 10/3/15, p. 41

Post by Roswelllostcause »

NOOOO! That is so not the plan! Max is to bond with Liz! They are to have a happy life together! Sean, his dad need to go away forever!

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