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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 12:21 pm
by nibbles2
^ I love that challenge Rod.


I was watching old episodes of Friends today and this idea came to me. Rachel had decided that the reason she was unlucky in love was because she made bad decisions, so she declared that from then on, Monica would make her decisions for her. It didn't go well naturally.


Maria and Liz (Isabel and Tess can also be in this but it must have Maria and Liz) are both unlucky in love. They agree that while they make decisions for themselves, they always seem to know what the other person should do. So they decide when it comes to matters of romance, the other person will make the decisions. For example: If a guy asks Liz out, she has to let Maria decide whether to accept or not and vice versa.

The rest is up to you.

Must be CC.

Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 3:55 pm
by RosDude
killjoy wrote:332#
M/M,K/T,A/I and M/L
Kind of a Roswell version of Omega Man/I Am Legend.

Most of the world's population has been killed off due to germ warfare.There are a small few who are immune to the bug but they are very rare.These 'lucky' ones roam the wastelands once called the US looking for food,sheltar while trying to hide and keep one step ahead of the Mutated.

The Mutated are humans who were not immune to the bug but weren't lucky enough to die quickly like most of the world's population.Sadly they were mutated into blood thirsty,mindless killing machines....think rabid dogs

Michael was a US Special Forces Soldier when the bug hit.Lucky for him he was immune.He spends his time riding his motorcycle across the back roads of USA trying to survive.He roams from ghost town to ghost town finding supplies when he can.If he does see the rare immune person they leave each other alone.

All that changes when Michael,low on gas,rolls into Roswell.Expecting it to be a ghost town like all the rest Michael is shocked to find a good size population still living there....Jim,Amy,Kyle,Tess,Alex,Isabel,Max,Liz and can add a few others if you want.Michael is not used to being around this many people and feels uncomfortable.But the townfolk are happy to see him and offer him a deal.

They have tons of supplies that they saved from the town.Only problem is that they've been fighting off attack after attack from the nearby batch of Mutated.If Michael will stay and will use his special forces army skills to help them kill of the Mutated that are trying to over run the town than he can leave with all the free supplies he can carry.

But will Michael,a loner since birth,stay and risk his life for a bunch of strangers? And what is it about that Maria girl that keeps getting under his skin?
Alright so I wanna take this. It's just too awesome to pass up. Plus both those movies were flipping awesome.


Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 7:44 pm
by killjoy
AU All Human
Any Rating Is Fine
M/L,Serena/Sean,K/T,A/I and M/M

Liz Parker and Serena Parker are twin sisters who look so much alike it's scary.Liz is dating Sean while Serena is dating Max.On a dare or a bet or however you want to do it both Liz and Serena decide to swap each other's life and see if they can fool the guys into believing they are the other sister.

Now here's the deal....both Liz and Serena think they are happy with their guy.But the time they spend with their sister's boyfriend proves that they are each with the wrong guy and the two sisters fall for the other guy.

How will each sister explain that they are now in love with the other's boyfriend? How will the guys react to this when they find out....and find out the fact they've been with/living with the 'other' sister?

Someone from the group find out what the sisters are up too and tell them they better be careful or tell the truth...Maria,Alex,Tess,Kyle...whoever you want it too be.

Tess and Sean are not bad people here and must not be shown as evil,mean or in a bad light that normally happens in Dreamer fics.

Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 8:24 pm
by CrashandBurn8321
Someone should really take #334. I was friends with and went to school with 4 sets of twins, and it was always fun to watch them change places for a day or two.

Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 4:13 pm
by killjoy
AU All Human
Any rating is fine

Max and Liz were once in love and in a good relationship.But that all ended when Liz was offered a very good promotion at work...only downside was that her new job required her to move across country,something Max wasn't up to doing.

So LIz had to make her choice....her relationship with Max or to advance her career...she chose to advance her career.She took the promotion and left to become the head of 'whatever you want her to be'.....but now years later Liz has come back.

Now she is THE boss and back in town.She has the power,control and praise that she's always wanted...but now she doesen't have Max.Now that she's back will she try and get him back?

For Max,Liz choosing her job over him crushed him.He didn't have a problem with LIz being powerful or making more money then him he just wasn't going to uproot and move across country.So when Liz did he pushed himself into his work to take away the pain.....but now Liz is back to open all those old wounds again.Still a tad angry what will Max do when LIz starts coming around again letting it be known she wants to see him?

The idea here is that LIz is rich and powerful has everything and anything she can want at her fingertips...but doesen't have the one thing she want's most....MAX.Max on the other hand was hurt and doesen't want to see her but she won't leave him alone and now he has to deal with her and his feelings that he buried all those years ago.

NO evil Tess is the only one I have right now.

Don't want a big fight over women in the work place here or why should Liz have to choose and that sort of thing..Max's way of thinking may not be's just his line of thinking

Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 12:13 am
by killjoy
AU With Aliens
Any Rating Is Fine
M/L,M/M,A/I and K/T

Okay here's the deal....everything leading up to the creating of the Royal Four and why they came to earth is still on target.Max having the huge crush on Liz and loving her for years is still on....but here's where things take a course off road and into the AU World. :wink:

Liz is not a Parker....nope....Liz's last name is in Kyle's twin sister and Jim's baby girl.How will Max....more importantly Michael and with the fact Max is in love with the daughter of their,at the time,number one bad guy(Jim)?

What wil Liz's dad and brother think of the shooting at the Crashdown when they hear about it? How will they react when they notices Liz keeping secrets from them? Plus how will they feel when Liz starts running around suddenly with the Evan's and that Michael kid doing god knows what?

Must Haves

Liz and Kyle have never dated now of course seeing how they are twin siblings.

Liz was born second in the twins there for making her the baby of the two...and even though she is the same age as Kyle he....and Jim...still treat her,love her and protect the baby of the family.

Tess still moves in with the Valenti's.....she's not after Max but the point is how will Liz deal with another woman living in her house when she's been the mother hen there for years since her mom left her and her brother and dad.

Liz....along with Maria and Michael....still work at the Crashdown...if you want to give the Parkers another kid to have that's fine.

Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 8:57 pm
by killjoy
A/I,K/T,M/M and M/L
Any Rating is Fine
AU,All Human

To everyone who knows her Isabel Evans is known as the Date Doctor.

There is no one she can not take under her wing and find the love of their life for them.For example...her biggest succes story to date is fixing up her very anti social friend Michael with the now love of his life(Maria).If she can do that for him she can do it for anyone.

But she had just met her biggest challenge Alex Whitman.

Both Liz and Maria come to Isabel and beg her to take their sad/lonely friend under her wing and have her change him and find him love.This is hard work seeing how Alex is even a tad bigger geek than he was on the show.He is VERY shy and fumbles and blushes while trying to talk to women...half the time never getting the nerve up to even try talking to them.He is an avid Star Wars and/or Star Trek fan who knows every line to ever movie/tv show by heart.And he has the fashion/social style of any nerd.

But Alex does have one great thing about him....he is the sweetest nicest guy Isabel has ever met.So over time as she changes him Isabel starts to fall for him.So when he's now able to talk to/date girls Isabel gets jealous and wants the old Alex back...the Alex that is hers as she sees it.

Must haves

No evil Tess

Either Alex hitting off with some girl later after Isabel changes him or some girl hits on him....this makes ISabel very jealous.

Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 8:39 pm
by killjoy
AU All Human

Tess Harding and Ed Harding are not only father and daughter but a very good con artist team.Tess is not one hundred percent into the con game but she loves her father and wants nothing more for him to love her back.But Ed is a cold fish who only cares about conning people out of their money.

Some how Ed finds out that Kyle's mom has died and she's planning on giving Kyle a very large sum of money in her will.Ed's plan is too go to Roswell and have Tess 'meet' Kyle,get to know him,get on his good side(anyway possible) and find a way to steal the money away from him.

Like I said Tess,wanting more of her dad's approval,is willing to take on this new con.But what Tess finds out is that when she meets Kyle and gets to know him the more she wishes the con was real.The more she sees how his dad Jim acts to Kyle makes her see how a real dad treats his child.And Tess starts to realize those fake feelings she has for Kyle may not be so fake after all.

But what happens with Ed still lurking around ready to pull the con? What happens if Kyle finds out why Tess came into his life?

Jim and Amy married with Jim being the great/normal dad for Tess to learn from

A happy ever after Tess/Kyle ending.

Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 10:18 pm
by dreamer19
#339 The Outsiders but Roswell style A/U with aliens
Taken by me
The aliens were found wandering the desert after the 47 crash. Would be set in the 1960s. Tess never existed. It's just Michael, Max and Isabel. Their circumstances have led them to leading difficult lives and all in foster care.

Alex, Maria and Liz are all upper, middle class well to do type crowd. They don't mix and mingle with those not in their crowd. It's just the way things have always been. You stick with your own kind, that's just how it is until...well, one of those strange trailer park kids stirs up trouble.

Isabel, Michael and Max start populating a local diner establishment by the name of The Crashdown. They are warned to go to their own haunts, but they group shows up the next day, not heeding the warning they received. The Parkers who own the Restaurant warns the regular crowd that they do now own the restaurant and all are welcome here. They back down after that.

Maria notices the blatant stares the tall, dark and dreamy guy is giving Liz. She jokes with Liz about having a secret affair with him. Only, this becomes a reality for Liz. After about a week or whatever time frame, Liz's ex spots her with Max.

A fight breaks out and Max ends up getting stabbed. The guy runs off and leaves Liz with a dying Max. Only he is able to heal himself. He reveals what he truly is and this leaves him no choice, he has to leave Roswell. But Liz doesn't just sit idly by, she follows him. He attempts to hitchhike is way out of town, but Liz picks him up her car.

And that is where the story can really begin.

PM if interested.

Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 8:19 pm
by killjoy
Okay the idea for this story comes from the Kurt Russel movie Solider.
AU All Human
Any Rating is Fine
M/L,M/M,A/i and K/T

This story will be set waaaaaaay into the future where humans have space planet to planet travel and colonies set up on distant worlds.

Max,Michael,Kyle and Alex are soldiers born in a lab and trained to be soldiers from birth.They bleed military and have NO clue what a normal life is like.From as far back as they can recall their whole life has been nothing but train,fight,kill.

Max is the leader of their four man squad,Michael is the second in can change Kyle and Alex if you need too...but what I saw was Kyle as the teams hand to hand fighting expert and Alex is their computer expert.

The idea is that they are put in hibernation and sent out on a space ship to fight in a far off battle.During their sleep the ship/computer malfunctions and takes them off course,crashing on some distant colony planet.

Here they meet the girls....maybe they are being over run by hostile aliens or in trouble due to something.Now the guys must find it in them to help the ladies.

But how will the guys function with no contact with the miltary command they've known since birth? How will four men who have done nothing but be soldiers their whole life function and live around 'normal' folks...or more importantly....around Liz,Tess,Maria and Isabel?

Isabel is not Max's sister here

No evil Tess

The guys can in no way repair their ship or make contact with their command structure

Some type of evil force trying to kill,capture or hurt the girls that the guys can fight.

Some type of party that the guys must go too and feel VERY out of place due to never going to any type of thing like this before.