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Post by isabelle »


Tess and I start to dance and I try to let the music put me in a better mood. It's not working quite as well as Tess's smile. Especially not after I notice that Liz is now dancing with the guy she was talking to before.

Tess moves in, dancing more closely than before, touching me as she moves. It does make it a little easier to concentrate on the dance and I try to ignore Liz. Afterall, I knew she'd have a boyfriend. I just hadn't expected to see Trevor and the other guys all oogling her, too.

With an effort, I turn my attention away, watching only Tess as we move through the dancefloor. "You dance really well," I tell her. She seems to be a natural. Of course, I know that she and Isabel took two years of dance lessons, so maybe that is a factor, I think, allowing a wry smile cross my face.
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Post by StormWolfstone »


I had to make certain he was alright, as he finally answered, I could see the confusion in his gaze without having to look into his mind. "Yeah, yeah, I'm okay," he starts and I sigh in relief.

"Who's that?" He asks me and I simply shake my head as I see some blonde walking toward us.

"Hey Is," obviously he knows her. Still, I'm considering whether I should send her away, mix her thoughts so she doesn't remember for the moment why she was over here, but I catch a thought from Alex that makes me change my mind.

Looking at Alex, I tell him softly, "If you want more answers, I'm going to be at the bar for an hour. Don't mention anything to anyone for now."

Without another word, I walk away, knowing that at the moment it will be better to make certain that no one else knew anything about Anna. I made my way to the bar and took a seat, sending a quick thought out to my brother. Anna didn't leave any lingering damage on Alex. We made it in time.


One girl had moved away, as had the guy by the time I reached Alex's side. When I did, the other girl was moving away also. "Hey Is." Alex greeted me and I smiled.

"Are you alright, Alex? I'm not quite sure what I saw, but I know that something strange just happened and I was worried." I told him softly, looking at him carefully and trying to assure myself that he was alright, that nothing was wrong.
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My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by BrokenAngel »


I nodded slightly to Cameron before she slipped away into the crowd. An hour. I glanced at my watch as Isabel was apparently studying me. To see if I'm okay, I figured.

I looked back up at her, the complete confusion still written across my face. I guessed I was okay. I just felt a little off right now, like I was just coming into my own again.

I nodded slowly at Isabel, not wanting to lie, but not wanting to worry ehr either, so deciding instead to go for what I thought was the middle of the road. "I'm alright," I said to her,"I'm not really sure what happened. it's just left me a little distracted..."

I took in a deep breath, trying to clear my head and trying to smile more genuinely at her as I asked,"So how are you enjoying the club so far?"
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Post by emmylala »

ooc: sorry Storm, I think I may have goofed, I hope this fixes things some.


A second later and its over, I'm back to normal. I glance over at Kyle, I don't think he saw anything. I let out a long sigh of relief. I decide it was a bad idea to bring this up in the first place, so I take back the amulet from him and put it in my back pocket.

I look across the room and notice Max dancing with Tess, and not a few feet away, I see Liz dancing with a guy I definately don't recognize, she looks like she's having fun. I decide I need some air, so I look over at Kyle and say.

"Uh...Kyle, I'm not really feeling so hot, I think I'm going to go to the ladies room...we can talk later, ok?"
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Post by M »

OOC: Hope it's ok :oops:


You dance really well

'Thanks Max, you know I had a little help with that ' I say, winking to let him know I'm mostly kidding.

I take his hand and pull him deeper into the crowd of dancers until we are in the center of the dance floor. I can't hear anything except the hypnotic beat and I can only see Max, illuminated by the flashing lights. The colours change the way his face looks from moment to moment, but, as usual, he pretty much always looks good.

I lose myself in the music and him and right now and he has started concentrating only on me, no longer looking for Liz every few minutes. As we dance we move closer together until we are pretty much moving in sync and I have to say that I think he is ruining me forever after.

I can feel his muscles as they flex against my damp skin and his breath is hot on my cheek. I try hard to ignore the feelings of lust bubbling up in my stomach by thinking about the fact that Max is Isabels BROTHER, and she'd KILL me, and he loves LIZ. But it's like fighting a losing battle and each moment I have to fight myself more and more not to just lean in and kiss him.
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Post by isabelle »

OOC - 'M', it's Great! :wink:


Tess' dancing becomes more and more impressive and I have to do my best just to keep up with her. Maybe Mom was right and I should have gone for lessons with Isabel but I had no intention of doing it at the time...

Tess looks so hot as she dances. She touches me, turning in my arms, leaning back against me, her head touching my shoulder briefly as she gyrates.

My fingers skim over her trim waist and bare arms. Her eye are half closed as she looks at me in many quick glances as she moves and turns. Beautiful, graceful ... seductive.

I stop in the middle of the dancefloor and she turns, her hand sliding from mine for a moment before returning as she pauses, looking into my eyes. "Uhh. I think I want to go sit for a while..." I tell her, lamely. "... thirsty..."
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Post by StormWolfstone »


"I'm alright," Alex tells me and adds, "I'm not really sure what happened. it's just left me a little distracted..."

I can't help but feel a bit worried about the situation. "So how are you enjoying the club so far?"

I shrug, "It's not bad. I probably should get back to the VIP section. Drake was sent for drinks and will probably be back there with them by now. I just wanted to make certain everything was alright." I told him. I knew that it probably sounded strange coming from me as I added, "If you want to talk about anything, feel free to come and get me."

With a sigh, I release his arm and turn to walk away, knowing that if I didn't, I might be stupid and give into something that I wasn't certain was a good idea.
A List of All My Fics

My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by M »


Max seems to be in the same position I am, caught up in the music and looking at me with heavy eyelids, however just as it seems we might go too far he stops moving completely. I stop, half surprised, half relieved and look at him as he stutters out Uhh. I think I want to go sit for a while... thirsty he somewhat idiotically mimes drinking from a glass, but I smile and nod.

'Ok, do you mind if I join you?' He shakes his head and I place my hand on his shoulder lightly, so we don't get separated on the way back to our table. I can still feel the spark of attraction, but I firmly tamp it down and concentrate on being friends. I think of all the reasons Max Evans is not attractive, and all the problems it would cause. I try to remember when we were little and he and Michael would torture Isabel and I, making fun of us, spoiling tea parties, generally being a nuisance, but then I remember when I fell of my bike and he healed me, his gentle hands carressing my skinned knees and elbows. OK! All thoughts of carressing end here!

We resume our seats at the table, however the ease of a few minutes ago is gone. I look at him, unsure what to say or how to fix it, hoping he will so I don't have to.
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Post by isabelle »


I lead Tess back to our table, wondering what's the matter with me. It's rediculous to even be thinking about Liz. She's not like us. I could never risk any sort of relationship with her - besides the fact that I just haven't the faintest idea how to talk to someone about feelings like that. I could never let her know what I am - I can't let anyone get that close...

If I'm ever going to be with someone, it would have to be someone like us ... and the only two girls I know like us are Isabel and Tess. Isabel's my sister. Tess has been so much like a sister - She's been Isabel's best friend since even before we knew that she was like us - it's hard to think of her as something different. But really, she's the only choice I have, unless I want to be alone for the rest of my life....

And there'd really be nothing wrong with being with Tess, either. I mean, I like Tess a lot. She's cute and funny and VERY pretty... She's just not Liz.

I gotta get over Liz. I gotta. I need to stop imagining what it might be like. It can never be...

With a sigh, I pull out a chair for Tess and push it in a little after she sits down. Remembering why I told her we were leaving the dancefloor, I take a long sip of my drink. ... And actually, I do feel better. It is kinda hot out there, in more ways than one.

Look at her, dancing with that other guy... a human guy. That's the sort of guy she's going to end up with. It's only right...

"Thanks for the dance," I tell her, giving Tess a genuine smile. It had been rather enjoyable and much better than sitting here brooding all night. "We'll have to do it again, later."

I grope around for another topic of conversation and fall back on the missing kids and the ones walking around so lifelessly... "If we're going to try and find out about those missing kids, maybe we need to start with the ones that are here, " I suggest, quietly. In the noise of the club, there's little chance that we'll be overheard, but it's still better to be safe. "I'd love to try to 'heal' one of them and see if there's something I can fix, but I don't know how I'd be able to get close enough to do that. Maybe Isabel can dreamwalk one of them... or even one of the missing kids." I suggest, thoughtfully.
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Post by emmylala »


As I get up and leave Kyle by himself, I think about going over to Michael and talking to him. Our conversations are usually pretty light and I could use some mindless chatter right about now. Anything to get my mind off of other things. Just as I’ve resolved myself to heading over to him, I notice my sister and Max have left the dance floor and returned to their table. I watch as Max looks at Liz dancing with that cute guy and can’t help but wonder to myself what he's thinking.

The way he and my sister were dancing earlier suggested that there might be something between them, only I'm pretty sure Max is into Liz, so the whole thing is very confusing.

Tess and I are close, but she's never brought up Max as a potential boyfriend. Sure, she talks about how the guys at school are always asking her out, I mean...she's a petite blonde with blue eyes and she's a cheerleader for Christ sake, what guy wouldn't be into her.

Given the fact that she could have all these guys, I can't understand why she would pursue Max. Besides the fact that he's the strong and silent type, not the typical jock that Tess usually dates, he's Isabel's brother…I thought that would make him automatically off limits.

Ah, but I’m forgetting something, women love to pursue men that are off limits, men they can’t have, so maybe that’s what she’s doing…well, there’s only one way to find out, I think to myself as change course and head over to Tess and Max’s table.

I walk over to where they’re sitting and say “Hey, sis…when did you get here?” as the words escape my mouth, I get the funny feeling I’ve just interrupted a private conversation.
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