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Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 4:56 pm
by KatnotKath

What’s he thinking…? The look on Michael’s face means that he’s completely unreadable… Which I can’t say is a good thing…

If he doesn’t want to talk to me about it, that suggests it’s even worse than what I imagine… What were they doing to him… What might have happened if they had been a few minutes later…?

I can see that he’s about to try and brush off my questions, but I shake my head silently, hoping that he will understand that I need to know. I want to be there to help Max, but to do that I need to know what happened…I need to face what they did to him otherwise how am I supposed to help him get over it…

Biting down on my lip, I wait in silence for his answer.

I notice him looking over at the door at the door and can’t help thinking he looks almost as though he’s about to cut and run. If he was, he apparently thinks twice about it though and finally he begins to speak.

“It was bad, Liz, just like Isabel said. They drugged him, they hurt him.. You can see that…”

He looks over at Max as he trails off and my eyes follow, my gaze drifting down and my hand tightening over his. He looks so peaceful…just like he’s sleeping normally…

I know better though…he’s exhausted…emotionally and physically… I dread to think about what really happened to him in there and I can see that Michael is probably thinking similar thoughts and doesn’t want to say anymore, but I need to hear it.

“Michael..what happened…?” I ask him again, trying desperately not to let my voice shake by failing miserably. I reach up, touching Max’s face, running my fingers over his hair and then down his arm.

I know that he’s here now, and that’s the important thing, but what he’s been through… I want him to know that I’m here… I look at Michael. “Please, tell me Michael…”

He straddles his chair again and looks back at me. “We got into the building okay, but we couldn’t get past the security in the labs. Isabel tried to dreamwalk him, but it was hard for her…”

He goes on to tell me that Nasedo appeared and helped them, but then breaks off. I’m about to press for him to continue, but he continues before I have chance. “When we got there, he was – he was… You saw his chest, Liz. They were about to cut him open…”

“Oh God no!” I almost choke on a sob as I struggle, trying to force back the tears and stop myself crying. I have to be strong…I can’t fall apart…Max needs me to be strong… I shake my head, unable to speak for a moment. The things I imagined…this was probably worse… “You got him out though…he’s okay, he’ll be fine…” I say more to try and convince myself than for any other reason. I know that it won’t be easy, but he’s here…

I try and tell myself these things over and over, just trying to make it better, but all I can think, is that I nearly lost him…I could have lost him… A few minutes later, and it could have been too late.

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 7:01 pm
by isabelle

I see Liz pale and I quickly try to assure her, although what I have to say is hardly re-assuring. "I don't think they were going to kill him, yet, but it could have been a lot worse. They'd already done a lot of other things, too, I don't even know what." I shake my head, knowing that I'm only making things worse, as usual....

"Tess made them see stuff that wasn't real and Nacedo and I got him out. Nacedo stayed behind and there were gun-shots. I didn't see him after that. I don't know if he got out or not. I already told you Valenti got shot. I don't know what he was doing there or why he was trying to help us..."

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 9:17 pm
by isabelle

The alarm rings at 4:45 and I immediately roll over onto the floor and start my push-ups. Feeling invigorated, as always, I follow up with a few chin ups and then throw on some gym shorts and running shoes for my morning jog.

As I head to the front door, I notice the table lamp is still on. That's really odd. Dad is never out all night long. He must have come in and forgotten to turn it out. I pause for just a moment, trying to decide if I should check on him. Just as I put the thought out of my mind, certain that Dad can take care of himself, I see a movement. A shape on the couch that suddenly moves and stands up.

"Who the hell are you!" I shout. Damn. Dad's other gun is in the dining area. Can I possibly get it with this guy standing here? "How did you get in here?"

"Easy, Kyle," says the man, reaching into his jacket. I leap forward, tackling him and grabbing his wrist. When I pull it out, he's only holding a wallet.

"I'm Agent Saunders from the FBI," he says from the ground under me. "I was sent to protect you."

I grab the wallet and examine his ID while still sitting on him. It looks okay to me, so I let him up. "Protect me from what? Where's my dad?"

"I don't know," he says. "I was sent to protect you."

"Tell me something useful," I demand. He merely assumes a guarding stance, feet apart, hands together. I wish I could see his eyes behind those dark glasses.

"Great. Then be a statue. I'm gonna go grab a shower," I tell him. "Assuming that's okay?"

Statue-man says nothing, so I head back for my bedroom. I grab my cell phone and my car keys and creep out the window. In a moment, I'm running for my car. I start it up, race out of the driveway and dial the station. "Hey Hanson," I say when he answers. "It's Kyle. What's up with my dad? What's going on?"

"I don't know," he says. "He didn't come back last night."

"Back from where?" I ask. I'm still really pissed at that stupid agent and I'm nearly shouting at Hanson.

"He went out last night about five o'clock with the Parker girl."

"Liz? Where to?"

"I don't know. Listen, Kyle. There's going to be an FBI agent over there to look after you -"

I hang up. The FBI agent is not what I need. I just escaped my own house because of him. What the H*ll is going on? Hanson said something about Liz. Maybe I should head over there and see what I can find out.

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 12:47 am
by CandyDreamQueen

The room is spinning fast…too fast. Everything is blurry and I can’t concentrate on anything. All I see is white. Everything so blindingly white.

That’s when they come in. All these ‘doctors’ in lab coats. They surround me, from all sides. Grabbing me from everywhere.

“No! Leave me alone!” I scream, but as I feel the lips from the words I can tell that there is no sound coming out of my mouth.

I scream as loud as I can, but still no sound

Then he walks in, agent Pierce. He smiles at me. That homeboy friendly smile. Then he pulls out a scalpel still wearing that same smile.

“No get away from me!” I try and scream again, but still there is no sound.

They grab me and I can feel as they begin to strap me strap me down on the bed. Then Pierce begins to advance on me.

“Stop, stop!” still no sound. He’s getting closer and closer.


I wake up screaming, and I’m immediately relieved to hear the sound of my own voice.

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 7:24 pm
by KatnotKath
OOC: hope this works


“I don’t think they were going to kill him, yet, but it could have been a lot worse…”

I nod silently, not really knowing what I can say… I mean how do you respond to that… They hadn’t been going to kill him – yet – but they would have eventually, and who knows what they might have done to him, put him through first…

“They’d already done a lot of other things too. I don’t even know what…”

I know that, I can sense that…the look in his eyes, the way he’s curled up like a baby… I dread to think of what they had already done before they got there…

I know that Michael is only trying to help, but I have to say in all honesty that it’s really not… It’s making her think more about all this stuff instead of less… And yet, somewhere, deep inside, I can’t help feeling that maybe that’s a good thing… I just need to know what happened…

“Tess made them see stuff that wasn’t real and Nacedo and I got him out. Nacedo stayed behind and there were gun-shots. I didn’t see him after that. I don’t know if he got out or not…” He pauses a moment, I think to collect his thoughts some, and then continues his tale. “I already told you Valenti got shot. I don’t know what he was doing there or why he was trying to help us…”

Now it’s my turn to respond. This isn’t going to be easy, because I know how adamant Michael is about not telling anyone, but I couldn’t just sit around there not being able to do anything and just waiting… “H-he was there because I told him about what happened…” I look at him. “I told him everything…”

As I say this, what Michael said before suddenly sinks in. Valenti got shot… Jim Valenti, Kyle’s dad, got shot because he was trying to help Max… What if it was bad…what if he didn’t make it…? A tear slips out the corner of my eye and I try to blink it back. I can’t think like this…I don’t know what happened…

A cry pulls me away from these thoughts anyway, and my eyes immediately fix back on Max. The peaceful slumber he was experiencing a moment ago seems to be gone, and he’s tossing and turning. Every couple of seconds he seems to cry out, but I can’t make out a word of what he is saying. Oh God…what do I do…how do I help him…?

I reach out hesitantly, putting my hand over his again and squeezing it. “It’s ok Max…it’s only a dream…it’s ok…” I tell him softly although I’m pretty certain he won’t hear me…

A few moments later he cries out again, louder this time, and his eyes shoot open. I reach down to brush some hair out of his face, repeating my earlier words. “It’s ok Max…it was a dream…it’s ok…” I tell him before reaching down and kissing the side of his cheek. I want to do so much more, but this isn’t the time… “I’m here Max…I’m here for you…”

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 12:37 pm
by CandyDreamQueen

The first thing that I see when I open my eyes is Liz, and a huge flood of relief flows through me. Then I here Liz’s voice and that helps to sooth me more as well.

“I’m here Max…I’m here for you…”

I take her hand in mine and bringing it to my lips and kiss it to reassure myself that she here with me.

“It was just a dream.” I repeat her words. But that’s not really true. It’s more than a dream. It’s a memory of what happened to me in that place.

No longer wanting to go back to sleep, I sit up off of the cot next to Liz.

“I’m sorry. I’m okay now.” Then I notice that there are tears in her eyes that suggest that she has been crying. I reach up and wipe them away with my hands.

“Please don’t cry.” I can’t stand to see her like this because of me. “What’s wrong?” I know that she’s still upset over what has happened, but it seems like there is something more.

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 12:44 pm
by isabelle

She told Valenti. She told him!

Before I can even begin to process this information, Max starts thrashing around and soon wakes up with a strangled scream. I take a step forward, but stop right away. What am I thinking? Liz is already sitting right there. She's cooing at him and making all the comforting motions.

When I woke up from nightmares I used to go to Max. Being there always helped. I was safe when I was back with him and Isabel. Now, when he needs someone, I can't even return the favor. He's got Liz.

"So," I say, shoving my hands in my pocket. Then I change my mind and run them through my hair, looking everywhere but at the lovebirds. "So, I'll, uh... I'll go watch the door then. You two, you know, rest." I look around once more, thinking I should say something more but nothing comes to mind.

"Glad you're safe, Maxwell. See ya," I say, turning away. I walk back to the entrance and reposition my chair so I can keep watch some more.

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 6:39 pm
by KatnotKath

Max takes my hand, drawing it up to his lips and kissing it gently, I smile and lean over to go further and press my lip against his for a moment.

“It was just a dream…” He repeats my words, but I can see in his eyes that it was far more than that… I don’t know what he was dreaming, but whatever I do, I can’t change what he’s been through… All I can do is make sure that I’m here for him… Make sure that I give him the support he needs and show him that when he wants to talk, I’ll be here to listen…

“I’m sorry. I’m ok now…” Max sits up and reaches over, wiping the tears from my eyes.

Fat lot of good I am aren’t I…? I’m supposed to be worrying about him and trying to calm him, not the other way around…

“Please, don’t cry…”

I bite my lip and look down a moment. “I’m sorry…” I tell him softly. He asks me what’s wrong, but how do I answer that… I was worried I was going to lose him – but that reminds him of everything that he’s been through, and I’m hoping desperately I’m wrong about what might have happened to Valenti. I shake my head. “Don’t worry…I’m ok Max…”

I can’t bring myself to voice what I fear… Not only did I tell Valenti about then, which I’m pretty sure will make Michael crazy, but more, what is something has happened to them… He’s a good man…as he proved when I went to him… He was scared of things that he didn’t understand, but when it comes to it, he’s not another like the FBI…

I swallow, trying not to think about this and am barely aware of Michael as he tells Max he’s glad he’s ok and heads away from us.

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 10:01 am
by isabelle
What happened to everyone-else? Tess? Alex? Isabel? Maria?


I'm driving up to the crashdown when I spot him - a guy with slicked back hair in a dark suit, dark glasses and a radio ear-plug in his ear. Slowing down, I take a look around and spot another across the street in a car. They're here, too, watching the crashdown. I ease right on through the intersection and continue south on main street.

What the hell is going on here? An FBI agent in my livingroom. My dad is missing. And other agents are staking out the crashdown and the UFO museum. Could this have anything to do with Evans? My dad's been warning me about him and as much as I hate it, he's with Liz now. Maybe she figured something out about him and they're after Max together now.

That thought brings a smile to my face as I keep on driving. I haven't the faintest idea where I'm heading right now, I just need the time to figure out what to do. If Liz is working with my Dad to nail Max, then she should be ready to come back to me, again.

I'm just leaving Roswell and coming into Mountain View when I spot Evan's jeep outside of the Mountain View Savings Bank. What's he doing here? Does he know where my dad is? I look around but I don't see my father's patrol car or any obvious FBI agents. Maybe they don't know that Max is here...

I park my car a few spaces away from the jeep and as I get out I see Maria's mother's Jetta is right there, too. This is getting very strange. Why would Maria come out here to do her banking?

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 1:17 pm
by Roswell4ever1
(OOC- Oops, sorry. I had not seen the last post!)


I finish withdrawing my money and walk over to the window while waiting on everyone else to finish. "Shit! Guys, we have company. Kyle's here."