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Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 12:38 pm
by Lorastar

I remember the good ol' days when this thread had way too much activity. Where did everyone go? Too caught up in the college courses, I suppose. Lizabeth, Rachel, everyone, COME BACK. *laughs*

It's my day off. I'm bored. Someone come talk!


Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 2:23 pm
by FallenMagic
I think I've done this a longtime ago but here I go again... :D

Screenname: FallenMagic
Name: Rida
Class: 2008
Location: Pakistan
Birthday: Feb 5th
Scholastic Interest: Marketing
Dreaded Subject: Managerial Economics :x
College: Institute of Business Management
Plans for the future: To take over my dad's firm
Extracurriculars: Publications head in the Entertainment and Publicatrions Society at uni, fanfics of course, PS, shopping!
Anything else you'd like to share?: Currenty planning on being as lazy as possible...I got vacations after 10 months so I'm gonna enjoy them to the max and then I'm heading tothe states in a month for a 6-week seminar :)

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 7:20 am
by irish_girl
Screenname: irish_girl
Name: Orla
Class: 2010
Location: Dublin, Ireland
Birthday: May 19
Scholastic Interest: French & Spanish Translating & Interpreting
Dreaded Subject: Dunno yet I'l tell you in 3weeks when I start! Yay cant wait!
College: Dublin City University - the best :D
Plans for the future: To become a much in demand translator & be filthy rich! lol
Extracurriculars: In college? Couldn't tell ya :P

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 5:59 pm
by erinkatie
oo oo ooo ooooo. i am a student! i guess it's perfect for this thread.

screen name: erin katie
name: erin katie (yeah my creativity amazes me too sometimes.
class: high school:2003, college: dec. 2006. almost there!
location: long island, new york for school and new hampshire for home.
birthday: december 5th. ew the dreaded 22 is this year.
scholastic interest: i am a geek. i love school. i am a humanities/ creative studies major: Writing, Art, Philosophy, Art History, Lit., and French.
dreaded subject: math i suppose.
college: right now i'm at Hofstra University
plans for the future: hopefully Columbia for grad. school next fall.
extracurriculars: i like excercising my brain.;)
other crapola: i love jane austen, reading, watching sci-fi movies, i love sam adams cherry wheat, i have some sweet freckles, writing is awesome, i love to paint, i like to collect books esp special editions of things, music is really great and i listen to everything, no joke, everything, i think laughing is probably the greatest thing in the world, speaking french makes me feel worldly and paris is beautiful, the clear night sky makes me nostalgic and happy.


Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 1:34 pm
by Erina
Screen Name: Erina
Name: Irina
Class: 2008 (2010)
Location: Latvia
Birthday: September 7th
Scholastic interest: Economic
Dreaded Subject: hmm, philosophy?
College: University Of Latvia
Plans for the future: To have a really good job
Extracurriculars: none in uni; I had plenty in high school, now I don't wanna anything!
Anything else you'd like to share?This is a very hard semester.

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 2:01 pm
by Heavenli24
Hey, I'm a student again now, so I can fill this out :) :

Screen name: Heavenli24
Name: Kirsten
Class: 2007
Location: Bristol, UK
Birthday: 31st May
Scholastic interests: (Physics of) Seismology/Volcanology
Dreaded subjects: None - I'm doing research in the subject of my choice
College: University of Bristol
Plans for future: Either a PhD or a job in Seismology/Geophysics (although I'd also love to be a writer - this science stuff is my fallback, but will most likely end up being my career!)
Extracurriculars: I'm a member of the Dance Society, but have not yet made it to any classes :roll:.
Anything else you'd like to share? I don't feel like I'm doing any work right now, because it's a research degree and the research hasn't started yet!

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 7:30 pm
by madroswellfan
Screen name: madroswellfan
Name: Melanie
Class: 2009 i think..
Location: Egham, UK
Birthday: 8th October
Scholastic interests: Mathematics
Dreaded subjects: Mathematics lol! (Don't you love english all one subject degrees! lol!)
College: Royal Holloway, University of London
Plans for future: Accountant
Extracurriculars: Lets see... Im the webmaster and shadow music director for music theatre society, I'm one of the final 20 contestants in the X-Factor for Charity contest at RHUL (X-Factor is like Pop Idol but you can enter in groups as well by yourself), and I'm in Jazz band and Wind band.
Anything else you'd like to share? Mathematics can be hard, easy, nice, boring, interesting and evil all at the same time!!! *bangs head on desk with the all the woooork!

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 2:51 am
by FaithfulAngel24
Screen Name: FaithfulAngel24
Name: Melissa
Class: 2009
Location: Alabama
Birthday: January 24th
Scholastic interests: English/ Communications
Dreaded subjects: Mathematics (I hate numbers)
Plans for future: My dream job would be The Editor and Chief of Cosmopolitan ,but I’ll probably settle as the guidance councilor for the local high school and work as the Sponsor of the school newspaper.
Extracurricular: I have a rather large family and they keep me pretty busy. I spend my free time reading and writing fan fic. Watching my favorite shows on the air now: Grey’s Anatomy, Veronica Mars, Supernatural, One Tree Hill. (Yes I am a CW Whore)
Anything else you'd like to share: Yes, I am really passionate about music even though I don’t play an instrument and I can’t sing to save my life. Heart felt lyrics are my poetry.

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 4:01 pm
by rie482
I've probably filled it out... but oh well...

Screenname: Rie482
Name: Marie or Rie... I prefer Rie
Class: if it means when I'm gonna finish... 2009
Location: Bath, United Kingdom
Birthday: 18th october
Scholastic Interest: English Literature
Dreaded Subject: Cultural studies because it's my elective
College: Bath Spa University
Plans for the future: Teacher
Extracurriculars: Fanfic and partaying slightly
Anything else you'd like to share?: I've just read genesis... and I wasn't bored or confused... what the hell?!?!

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 8:25 pm
by Chione
Screen name: Chione
Name: Haden
Class: 2010
Location: At the moment? Charleston, SC. Next semester I'm hoping to be in Columbia, SC.
Birthday: 20 May
Scholastic interests: History, Music Performance, Creative Writing
Dreaded subjects: English (I've NEVER had a good English teacher) and Math
College: Currently: College of Charleston, Hopefully: University of South Carolina
Plans for future: A novelist who owns a cupcake shop, and a mother =)
Extracurriculars: Singing in the choir, voice lessons, musical theatre stuff, writing, reading, painting, drawing, pretty much anything I have time to do
Anything else you'd like to share? Not that I can think of. I seem to have chronic headaches though . . . puts a monkey wrench in the whole studying-doing homework-writing-concentrating thing.