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Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 9:13 am
by Anniepoo98
Howdy all~

I've been trying out a few new authors (because I am running out of Nora Roberts books to read LOL) and I thought I would pass them along...

Sandra Brown - Her books are sorta a hit and miss (at least to me). Ones that are really good through are... French Silk and Breath of Scandel.

Janye Anne Krentz - I just finished with her Eclispe Bay Trilogy. I thought that it was pretty cute... espically the first book.

I also just finished American Dream by Theresa Weir. That too was a pretty cute books. I have noticed that hers are pretty short. Usually 230-290 pages.

Well, those are my new offerings. Does anyone else here mainly stick to contempories? I'm always looking for new authors, but I've noticed that I don't really like the historical novels as much as I like contempories. So, if you have any great authors, please pass them my way.


Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2004 11:46 pm
by Ms. Anonymous
Hi Anniepool98,

my reply on the following page is mostly comptempory authors except for maybe two. I also prefer comtempory over historical romances. I hope my preferences help some :)

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2004 8:55 pm
by Zendorox
Anniepoo98 wrote: I'm always looking for new authors, but I've noticed that I don't really like the historical novels as much as I like contempories. So, if you have any great authors, please pass them my way.

Well.... not sure how you feel about SciFi Romance but since you are a Darkhunter fan ( I think) , I thought you might lean that way.

I highly recommend:

Susan Grant
C.J. Barry
Catherine Spangler
Patricia Waddell - Whispers
Robin T. Popp
Patti O'Shea
Susan Krinard - Just finished Kinsman's Oath, very good book.

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2004 11:43 pm
by Effluent Elegance
I'm looking for some romance novel recommendations. I've tried reading Harlequin's and, although they're nice, they're just a bit too nice for me. I need some sort of plot line to the story. I really enjoyed reading Nicholas Sparks' <u>A Walk to Remember</u> and <u>The Notebook</u>. There were a couple others of his that I've read, but I don't really get into the whole baby/child theme very well. Another book I thoroughly enjoyed was Anne Rice's <u>The Mummy or Ramses the Damned</u>.

My question to you guys is whether or not you can recommend any books or authors based on my preferences. I don't usually pick up a romance book unless I get a recommendation (I get lost in romance sections at the library). I enjoy contemporary romances, sci-fi, and war time romances. I don't like books that center around a couple's children. With that being said, I hope someone can help me out here. I'm hoping to fill up a lot of free time with a really good book and I've been dying for a good romance!


Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2004 1:03 am
by Lisette
Effluent Elegance ~
I totally understand what you mean. The main thing that kept me out of “romance” for so long was the overwhelming isles in book stores and libraries. My first suggestion, and something that really helped me, is go to amazon and type in the books you know you do like in the search. It will come back with books other people bought who also bought that book, as well as link to more similar books. This isn’t always a guarantee to something good, but it’s a start.

While I haven’t read any of the books you mentioned I know the general story of the Sparks novels; the heart wrenching, etc. I can’t say for sure how close my recommendations will be, I’ll try.

Most of Mary Jo Putney’s books are quite deep and angsty; The Bargain (my fav) is a bit lighter but revolves around a dying soldier and the deal he makes to marry a woman before she loses her inheritance. One Perfect Rose is also not to be missed.

Lord of Ice by Gaelen Folley
Lord of Fire by Gaelen Folley
Slightly Tempted by Mary Balogh -- all take place during the Napoleonic wars and deal with their soldiers and spies.
****all three are parts of series, but it is not necissary to read to other books to understand these ones and reading them out of order won’t spoil the others.

Jewels by Danielle Steel is also good. Much of it takes place in the time leading up to and during WW2, though the last quarter or so does deal some with their children.

I’ve heard that some of James Patterson’s novels have a Sparks feel to them, but I haven’t read any so I can’t say.

Susan Wiggs and Kathleen Woodiwiss both have books set during the American Civil War.

That’s all I can think of tonight, but I’ll post again if I think of more.

Hope that helps

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2004 9:44 am
by Effluent Elegance
Wow! Thank you so much. This sounds like a great list to get me going :D. And the idea is awesome too. Thank you :).


Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 8:28 am
by Earth2Mama
I am a major Romance novel person!

Some of my favorite authors:

Bertrice Small - Her Skye O'Malley series (I think I may have them all)
Constance Day O'Flannery - Love her Time Travel Series
Julie Garwood - Have tons of her stuff in paperback though
Catherine Coulter - Her Sherebrooke Bride Series is a must have
Fabio - Although he's only written 2 books that I know of, they both are very good
Kathleen Woodiwiss - love her...Love Her....LOVE HER!
Linda Howard - I feel in love with Rome in Sarah's Child
Nora Roberts - Her series on The MacGregor's is a definite MUST HAVE
Johanna Lindsey - Her historical novels are very good to read late at night, in the comfort of your bed

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 7:54 pm
by StormWolfstone
Romance novels are an obsession with me. My fave authors are

Constance O'Banyon - Especially her DeWinter Series and Native American Historical works.

Connie Mason- Everything

Madeline Baker- Everything

Margeret Moore- So far everything I've read by her is awesome

Miranda Jarrett - Especially her Sparhawk Series (and she is such a nice person to correspond with. If people write her she will personally write back as soon as she can. She and I have written each other off and on for seven years)

Goodness, I could go on and on about authors and books.... I used to collect all my favorites and at one point my mother threw out nearly four hundred books that I'd read and wanted to keep. I tried using the excuse that if she wants me to ever fulfill my dream of becoming a published romance novelist, she shouldn't be tossing out my research material... lol... she didn't care though.

My current book count (having started my collection over recently) is about 150.

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 8:50 am
by starlady
It's been a while but I wanted to drop a line and post a few new authors I have discovered:

Gaelen Foley: Just finished her Pirate Prince and was quite impressed. I have her new series in my TBR pile, so I'm looking forward to her stuff.
Lynsay Sands: She has a contemporary Vampire series that is hilarious!!
Lisa Cach: Another author of humorous books. George and the Virgin was quite a trip!
Justine Davis: Just read a short story of hers but was impressed enough to recommend her along.

Still reading tons but most are authors already mentioned.

Betina Krahn just published a new book (came out today).. Not Quite Married. This author is an automatic buy for me. She is a strong writer and adds just a touch of humor to her books to take the edge off the stories.

Lisa Kleypas is starting her new Wallflower series with the publication of Secrets of a Summer Night in October. Something new to look forward to.

Gotta go but keep on reading!!

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 6:24 am
by dream on
Someone mentioned Irish stories, and I couldn't resist. :lol: Can someone give me some names of the books, please? I've never read Nora Roberts, but sounds like she's pretty good.

Hi, Ellie! Wazzup, girl?

I read Sandra Brown, but somehow, she came off as a bit overdone. I've read almost all of J McNaught's stuff and she's really great, but all her storyline's are always too similar. I wish her heroines were a little more different from one another. Anyways... Kingdom of Dreams is a definite recommendation. I don't think she ever wrote a better story, even though Whitney, my Love was close. Johanna Lindsey also has some good reads.

And now I'm in desperate need of new names, lol. Thanks for the great list. Are any of these available on the Net?
