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Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2003 2:56 pm
by soppysophs
Reflections Of A Sad Max
After ‘Its Too Late And Its Too Bad’ Max thinks about what happened (& what he believed happened)
It’s a rebel’s fic BUT with Dreaming at heart-ull understand
/\ Means flash
Probably NC-17- Sexual content, & swearing

~Max Room (He’s thinking)~
I made love to Tess, NO I fucked Tess-that’s all it was. I remember what happened: When I closed my eyes I don’t see a blond haired, blue eyed gerbil BUT a brunet with dark soulful eyes; an angel. When I came I know I shouted her name /Max & Tess fucking “LIZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”\ In my mind I made love to Liz, in heart I know I fucked a fucking gerbil (I made the biggest mistake of my life). In my mind Kyle fucked Liz, in my heart I know Liz is still a virgin; I don’t know how I know BUT I do. & I know that when I see Liz im gona treat her like dirt because it’s the only thing I can do; I cant be around her as her friend because i want her so mutch, so all I can is pretend I hate her, all I can do is make her hate me.

~soppysophs :mad:

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2003 2:58 pm
by soppysophs
*Means thought

*Great I almost died…..again!* Liz Parker thought dully
*Someone up there really doesn’t like me. When I was originally shot, when I was hit by a car in 6th grade, when I was mugged in Florida, Pierce Or Nasado might have killed me, whatever was going on with the flashes & today Brody/Larek would have taken a whack at ending my life. It just, just hasn’t been the same since I pretended to sleep with Kyle. Ugh everything I’ve had to go thru. That’s it if no one else can then ill end my life, it might be nice; whereva I go whatever I do*

Dear Maria
Im gona miss you. You were the best friend a person could wish for & I hope things work out with Michael. I have to do this, my life has been miserable ever since the whole Future Max incident. By the way my journal is in my bedroom/bathroom wall five bricks up, five bricks in from the balcony. Good luck chica.
Love Liz

To Everyone
Im gona miss all of you. Michael take care of Maria forme. Alex don’t give up on the Wits(‘S’). Isabel be nice to Alex, he really loves you. Max, bye. Kyle don’t ever tell. Tess im sorry we didn’t get to be good friends.
Mum, Dad I love you, But I need to do this.
I Have A Destiny To Die

After Liz had riten her notes she went out to her balcony *Eerything happens out there, one more thing wouldn’t hurt* Liz then walked over to the wall, got up & stood on the top & looked down.
“Bye Max” Liz whispered, looked back up & walked off the edge & fell to her death.

^For two weeks Max didn’t leave his room, not even for the funeral, until one night about midnight, he climbed out his window & visited Liz’ grave^

“Why Liz, why did you have to do it?” Max asked Liz’ tombstone tears tear's threatening to over-spill his eye’s
“Im sorry” Max said in a horse whisper, tears flowing freely down his face, he looked at Liz’ grave once more before turning & running away

~soppysophs :mad:

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2003 3:00 pm
by soppysophs
Killing Tess (& Time) Fanfic
Same as Departure BUT they find out 10minites before
/\ Means sounds

~In The Granolith Chamber~
“You killed Alex! YOU BITCH!!” Michael spat out, then punched Tess so hard that she fell to the ground /THUD!\
“I treated you like a sister &, & this is how you repay me!” Kyle then kneed her in the gut /WHACK!\
“I wanted to believe you, you kill the one guy I could ever love!” With that Izzy rippled open Tess’ uterus leaving it forever damaged killing any-baby that could be in there. “OWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!! It was never supposed to be like this, if you would of just gone with Michael; gone with your destiny” Tess said standing up
“NO! YOU try to pair Michael with Isabel & then you take Alex away from me for good! YOU COW!!” Maria then kicked Tess in the shin with the side of her platform shoe, making sure Tess would fall back to the floor /BOOM!\
“YOU, YOU tried to ruin my life, & you almost succeeded, you don’t deserve friends!” /SLAP!\ Liz’ ring had twisted round opening Tess’ left cheek
“OW, Max do something!”
“NO!!!!!!! YOU, Bitch, you don’t deserve to live!!!!!!!” Max then used his powers to cut open Tess’ hand preventing healing /RIP!\
“You, never change that’s why I had to mindwarp you into believing that we had sex!”
“Alex?” Liz questioned when she saw what she believed to be her dead best mate
“Its me, now lets get out of here before this thing launches” The gang left the Pod Chamber leaving Tess lying on the floor

“Alex, OhMiGod!!!!”
“She’s gone. Now I wont you to know something: you make each other stronger, Max you need Liz, Michael I know sometimes you don’t believe it BUT you need Maria. Isabel…”
“…Alex I know, I never told you BUT I love you”
“I know Izzy, But there is someone else out there for you”
“What about Tess?” Kyle asked
“Yup Kyle. Look I don’t want to give to much of your futures away but Liz what ‘FM’ told you will still come true. You will all have to work hard for love BUT remember that your significant other loves you & remember wherever you go whatever you do ill b watching you; apart from when you do the nasty then ill look away. Tess will be taken care of by Khivar. & GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!! I love you guys”
“We love you to Alex” Maria said with tears in her eyes
“I’ve got to go”
“Bye” was then chorused by 6teenagers as Alex disappeared


~soppysophs :mad:

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2003 2:20 pm
by soppysophs
Season 3

Busted-A Little Girl Talk

Disclaimer: I own nothing
Summary: Maria & Liz have a little talk after Busted
Rating: YTEEN

“You robbed a convenience store?” Maria DeLuca asked her best friend over some strawberry ice-cream
“Yeah” Liz Parker replied letting out a giggle
“Hard to believe, isn’t it?” She asked
“Yes, I mean its like what the hell happened to ‘little innocent Lizzie Parker’?” Maria asked in amazement
“I duno, its just, I love Max & I just had to help him” Liz said eating another spoonful of ice-cream
“You regret it?” Maria asked
“Kinda. No, yea I do. It’s soooooo unfair, I love him & I cant be with him” Liz said sighing
“Can I start calling you ‘Juliet’” Maria asked tring to lighten the mood
“Romeo, oh Romeo, where for out thy Romeo, refuse thy father & deny thy name…….” Liz trailed off
“You miss him don’t you” Maria questioned concerned
“Like a limb” Liz said sighing again

The End

~soppysophs :mad:

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2003 2:22 pm
by soppysophs
Michael The Guys And The Great Snapple Caper

Disclaimer: I don’t own anything L
Summary: Max & Mr Parker’s talk extended Mr Parker =GIT!
Rating: YTEEN

“You would take her away from the people she loves because of me?” Max asked angrily
“Yes, to keep her safe” Mr Parker replied
“Away from all her friends & family, to keep her out of trouble?” Max asked in disbelief
“Yes” Mr Parker responded
“Don’t tell me, you have her best interests at heart?” Max asked sarcastically
“You’re going to deny her happiness because of me?” Max asked still astonished
“Max, you stay away from my daughter!” Mr Parker said razing his voice
“Mr Parker, she’s not a little girl any more, she’s a grown woman, & she can control her own life, please if you care at all about your daughter, then PLEASE don’t send her to Vermont” Max said before exiting the Crashdown


~soppysophs :mad:

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2003 2:25 pm
by soppysophs
Significant Others
One of my little eppi tags, kinda random, ‘coz I didn’t see all of the eppi.
Rating: YTEEN
Pairing: M/L
Disclaimer: I own nothing, blah-blah.
Summary: after/before Significant others, whatever J

Dear Max
I had a dream about you last-night, well I always dream about you; but this dream was different, special. I woke up in a strange room, & I saw you looking into my eyes, you were smiling brightly, I saw a little bundle in your arms. I sat up & you handed me this bundle, it was a baby, our baby. Then my parents came in a small boy walking in front of them. He was our first child, & in my arms I was holding out second child, a little girl, she was sleeping, she looked so small, so beautiful. I saw something shinny on my hand, it was a wedding ring, my wedding ring.
Then Maria, Michael & Isabel walked in, all of them smiling brightly. I felt so right, so normal. I looked back at my parents, I remembered they couldn’t have been happier when we got married, then my alarm clock went off. I woke up & started to cry, because it wasn’t real, it wasn’t going to happen.
Love Liz
P.s. thinking about you, always, see you in bio J


~soppysophs :mad:

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2003 2:27 pm
by soppysophs
Secrets & Lies
Disclaimer: I own nada L
Rating: YTEEN
Summary: One of my eppi tags J Ummm, its bound to suck, what can I say, I didn’t have much inspo
Pairing: M/L
Langley took his foot off of Max’ neck.
“Leave me alone,” Langley said letting Max get up.
“I need my son back” He replied, rubbing his neck.
“Look, Zan, or should I say Max? I know what you’ve done & I know how you screwed up”
“I want my son” Max said
“Max go back to Roswell; you’ve got a lot of people there that care about & love you” Langley retorted turning his back on Max
“My son Langley” Max persisted
“Do you ever think about what your doing to your parents, those two people couldn’t care about you more”
“MY SON!” Max practically shouted.
“Isabel, Michael, Maria, Kyle; your friends” Langley said thoughtfully
“Look” There is no-one I care more about then my son, NO ONE!” Max fought back getting angry
“You wana tell Liz that? Hmmm, lets see, you broke her heart, what was it 6 times? She still loves you! You got her arrested, & yup she still loves you. Either she’s insane or she’s the one, the person who could not love you more unconditionally. Oh, & Max don’t worry about your son”
“Leave Liz outa this. Why shouldn’t I worry about my son?” Max said irritated
“He doesn’t exist” Langley said facing Max
“But!” Max started
“It was a mind-warp. Max go back to Roswell, back to the people that love you”


~soppysoph :mad:

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2003 2:29 pm
by soppysophs
To Have & To Hold

Summary: TH&TH tag, what did Max & Liz talk about when they danced?
Paring: M/L
Rating: YTEEN
Disclaimer: I only own naughty thoughts about Jason & Colin

“You dad’s not gona come over & kill me is he?”

*Giggle* “No, I told him if I wana dance with you, then I’ll dance with you”

“& he’s ok with that?”

“He doesn’t have much choice”



“Can you believe Izzy’s married?”

“No, it all seems to have happened so quickly”

“Would it be ok to ask if that, might be us soon?”

“Well, I would like that to happen, BUT it might be a good idea to wait till after my dad’s dead”

“Hmm, that’s a point, but I promise you this Miss Parker, we will get married, we will”


~soppysophs :mad:

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2003 2:30 pm
by soppysophs
Summary: A phone conversation between Max & Liz, set during Interuptus
Paring: M/L
Rating: YTEEN
Disclaimer: All I own are dirty thoughts of Jason & Colin

“Max be careful”

“I will”



“Good. Max, I love you”

“Don’t worry, every-things gona be ok”

“Ok, but I just can’t help but worry”

“I’ll deal with this, you deal with your father”

“Ok, bye”



~soppysophs :mad:

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2003 2:32 pm
by soppysophs
Behind The Music

Summary: another of my eppi tags
Paring: M/L
Rating: YTEEN
Disclaimer: I only own naughty thoughts about JB & CH

“Is Michael okay?” Liz asked after kissing Max
“I, don’t know he’s really messed up” Max said sitting Liz in his lap
“Would it be wrong to say I feel sorry for Maria?” Liz asked snuggling in to Max
“No, I guess she has been thru a lot” Max replied stroking Liz’ hair
“They, they both have problems, but hopefully they will be together in the end, they make a good couple” Liz said thoughtfully
“Yeah. Do you think that will ever happen with us?” Max inquired kissing her neck
“Well, I havent got any ‘old flames’ & I don’t think I could ever bring myself to leave you & your ears” Liz said with a giggle
“Ok, their large! So the only reason you’d stay with me is for my Vulcan ears?” Max asked nibbling Liz’ neck
“Yeah, that & the fact I love you. Oh, who am I kidding it would have to be the larger than life ears” Liz said giggling
“Aw, thanx” Max said sarcastically
“Im kidding, their cute, really, oh & fun to nibble” Liz replied smiling
“You’ve never nibbled my ears!” Max said matter-of-factly
“Oh, sorry, next time we have sex I will” Liz said keeping a straight face
“NEXT TIME!?!?” Max said pulling away a little
“Awwww, your so cute” Liz said pinching Max’ cheak
“Hey!” Max said feigning irritation
“Max, really I love you” Liz said snuggling into Max again
“Ok I love you too” Max said holding Liz tight to him
“But, it would be nice if you nibbled my ears” Max said after a little silence
“Ok” Liz said & started gently biting Max’ left ear
“Hmmm” Max moaned
“Better?” Liz asked
“So what was that about having sex?” Max asked


~soppysophs :mad: