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Re: High and Dry - AU/Adult/CC - Ch 24 - 4/29/14

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 2:31 pm
by keepsmiling7
This is not getting off to a smooth start......maybe when they reach the resort and have a few drinks things will get better.
You made my day.....I was so happy to see this update, but now I want more.

Re: High and Dry - AU/Adult/CC - Ch 24 - 4/29/14

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 3:51 pm
by sarammlover
I think Tess was rude to kyle because she was so mean to him in high school and now she is embarrassed because she thinks he is hot. But I am glad he didn't let her apologize just yet. I think she needs to spend some time thinking about her actions and words and she needs to grow up.

And Liz...I feel bad for her. DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA. That's all this group has been so far. But Alex and Isabel are totally adorable and I love them together.

We will see how Max and Maria end their fake relationship adn how long it takes for Max and Liz to hook up! OOH! Can't wait for more!


Re: High and Dry - AU/Adult/CC - Ch 24 - 4/29/14

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 4:59 pm
by Roswelllostcause
Nice part. Can't wait to see what happens now that they are on the island.

Re: High and Dry - AU/Adult/CC - Ch 24 - 4/29/14

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 8:25 am
by CandyliciousLovah
Oh. Oh, my feels-shattered heart. I hope that Kyle & Tess can mend fences soon, because yeah...they just need to!

Re: High and Dry - AU/Adult/CC - Ch 24 - 4/29/14

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 1:01 am
by HypnotiqBlueEyes
The group has finally made it to the island & now the real fun & craziness can begin! I can not wait to see what happens next... Please hurry back soon with more!


Re: High and Dry - AU/Adult/CC - Ch 24 - 4/29/14

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 6:13 am
by begonia9508
Oh yeah... I don't know what was Liz thinking, when she invited this nest of vipers on the insel... :lol:
They are acting like kids, while they got the possibility to go in Paradise for free... without even thinking about the fact that - without Liz invitation - they would never had had the opportunity to go there, because its expensive as hell! At least, not so young...

Maybe being under the coconuts trees will calm some of them! :lol:

Waiting for more and thanks! EVE :mrgreen:

Re: High and Dry - AU/Adult/CC - Ch 24 - 4/29/14

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 6:13 am
by begonia9508
Oh yeah... I don't know what was Liz thinking, when she invited this nest of vipers on the insel... :lol:
They are acting like kids, while they got the possibility to go in Paradise for free... without even thinking about the fact that - without Liz invitation - they would never had had the opportunity to go there, because its expensive as hell! At least, not so young...

Maybe being under the coconuts trees will calm some of them! :lol:

Waiting for more and thanks! EVE :mrgreen:

Chapter 25

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 11:55 am
keepsmiling7: If ya think the start was rough already, then prepare for some more, lol.

sarammlover: Tess has to learn that Kyle’s not the same guy anymore, he won’t take her shit any longer. :)

Drama… that’s quiet the right word… ;) *muhaha*

Roswelllostcause: Thanks!

CandyliciousLovah: They maybe will. Lol.

HypnotiqBlueEyes: Well, they are not at the resort yet…

begonia9508: She surely was up for some trouble. ;) And this is only the beginning…

Chapter 25

Liz looked around when they reached the small street, trying to figure out where the transport would wait for them.

“Over there,” Kyle pointed at a small man with shabby clothes. He was holding up a shield that said ‘Parker’ and ‘Maldives Kariduu Luxus Resort’.

“Oh, right,” she waved at the man with a friendly smile.

“For a Luxus Resort, the guy looks like a sleazy bum,” Michael commented with a frown on his face. The small motorboat next to him didn’t look very promising either.

“Yeah,” Kyle agreed with a snort. “Bet the employees don’t see anything from the money people spend to stay there though.”

The group approached their transport shortly after and Liz stretched her hand out to greet the other man, who could be the Captain or the deckhand. His hair was filthy, his clothes dirty and he hadn’t shaved in weeks. “Hello, I’m Liz Parker.”

The man nodded and took her hand briefly. He gestured to the boat behind him, where two other similar looking men waited and helped them with the luggage.

“They look kinda creepy,” Maria whispered to Max.

“You have prejudices, Miss Deluca?” he teased and tugged on her hand, helping her into the small boat safely.

Their bags were placed in a small room below deck while they all sat down in the small seating area on deck. “Thank God, Alex and Izzy decided to stay a while longer, huh?” Tess rolled her eyes when the boat was already pretty crowded with the few of them.

“Indeed,” Kyle and Maria agreed. “You sure this’s the right boat?” she hissed at her friend.

Liz nodded. “He had the sign, right?”

“Just relax,” Max said and leaned back as far as possible to let the sun shine in his face. He dipped one hand into the water behind him and splashed some of it up. “We’re in paradise, remember?”

“Max,” Maria squealed and tried to get away from the water, but he held her in place. “Stop it.”

“It’s only water,” he said in amusement and repeated the move.

Michael rolled his eyes at the bickering, wishing he was anywhere but here. He was glad when one of the crew started the engine, drowning all sounds from the others. In no time the boat shifted into open water and the building housing the airport became smaller and smaller until it was completely gone.

“How long will the ride last?” Liz asked one of the men when he passed them to sit on top of a red box at the very end of the boat.

He looked at her in confusion but didn’t answer.

She frowned and gestured at her wristwatch. “Time?”

Again, the guy didn’t say anything until one of his buddies – the one driving the boat – said something to him in their language and waved him off. “90 minutes,” he answered instead.

“Okay, thank you.” She turned to look at Kyle. “I can’t believe they hardly speak any English. You’d think something like this would be required at a resort like this.”

“Maybe they’re just locals who get hired for these jobs and don’t belong to the resort’s staff.”

“It must be that,” she agreed and relaxed again. Ninety minutes would be a long time and hopefully no one would get seasick.


Michael shifted in his seat in an attempt to hide the fact that he was only minutes away from puking. The constant up and down of the small boat was too much for his nearly empty stomach. When would they finally arrive? It felt like a lot more than 90 minutes had passed and they had passed countless small island resorts, but obviously none of them had been theirs. His eyes followed the three weird native men, but they hadn’t done anything other than exchange a few sentences in their language.

Suddenly the motor died down and he frowned because the driver hadn’t done anything that indicated the stop was planned. It sounded a lot more like a motor dying down from a lack of gas.

The group exchanged worried glances when the staff didn’t seem to be surprised. Two of them headed down the small steep staircase and seconds later their luggage flew through the small opening onto the deck.

Kyle looked around the boat. There was no land in sight so what the fuck was going on? He shot a look at Guerin, who was watching the guy at the rudder.

“What’re you doin’?” Max got out of his seat first and took a few steps towards the hatch.

“Sit,” the one who knew a few broken words in English said.

“The hell I will. Why’d we stop?”

“Max,” Maria shrieked when one of the men below deck appeared with a machine gun in his hands. He pointed it at him carelessly and made a movement towards the sitting area.

“Alright, man,” he muttered slowly and walked backwards with his hands lifted at his sides.

“Fuck,” Kyle hissed and leaned back slightly to talk to Michael behind Liz’ back. “We’ve got a problem, man.”

The other guy snorted. “You think?” His eyes stayed with the two man on deck and shifted to the third when he came up as well, carrying the last of their stuff. He was also carrying a similar gun and threw a third towards his buddy at the rudder.

“Oh my God, what’s happening?” Maria clutched Max’ arm when he sat down next to her again.

Two of the men started to open up their bags and went through their things, putting everything valuable in a plastic sack, while all the other stuff like clothes or shoes landed on deck or in the water.

“We’re getting robbed,” Liz said wide-eyed and in shock.

Robbed was one thing, Michael thought, killed was another. They needed to do something and quick. The men hadn’t tried to hide their faces from them, which meant they probably didn’t plan to let them go once they had found what they wanted. “I’ll take the dick with the longer hair,” he muttered towards the guys, referring to the man in charge.

Kyle nodded. “I’ll take the one with the black tee shirt.”

“Oh my God, are you planning to mess around with them?” Tess hissed, scared. “They’re going to kill all of us.”

Their conversation came to a stop when lead guy came towards them and his sharp gaze moved over each of them. With the tip of his weapon, he pointed at the wristwatch on Kyle’s arm and opened his other hand, palm up.

“You gotta be kidding me,” he muttered, but opened the metallic clasp anyway and placed it into the waiting hand “Man, Cher herself gave me that watch after I was in one of her videos.”

The guy shoved it in his pants pocket and moved on, stopping at Liz next, his eyes clearly excited about the huge diamond ring on her slim finger. “Ring,” he barked and held his hand out again.

Liz swallowed hard while her eyes lay on the fine metallic band. It felt weird to pull it off after such a long time carrying it without any interruptions, but at the same time it didn’t feel as bad as it probably should have.

Impatiently, the guy snatched it out of her grasp and shoved it into his pocket as well, moving forward again until his gaze stopped at Maria’s cleavage.

“Please, not this,” she said and covered the fine necklace with her hand. “It’s not worth a lot of money.”

Michael clenched his hands at his sides. He knew how attached she was to the simple golden band with her name on it. Her father had given it to her at her at a birthday shortly before he had left the family. It was the only thing she had from him.

The guy grabbed her arm painfully and shook her, gesturing to the necklace again. “Give it,” he shouted.

“O-okay,” she agreed fearfully and fumbled with the fastening. Reluctantly, she placed it into his waiting hand.

Kyle checked on the other two men, they both had their backs to them while they went through their luggage. “Now, Guerin,” he muttered and slapped Max’ arm.

Michael reacted quickly and threw himself at the leader while he was facing his sister. He gave the guy’s lower arm a hard hit with as much strength as he could pull up and was relieved when the move caused his hand to open and the gun fell out of his grip. Out of the corner of his eye he could see that Max and Kyle had thrown themselves at the other two men, but he had to concentrate on his own opponent.

While the girls were making scared noises and cries, he wrestled with the leader on the slippery deck of the boat. He had the upper hand in the fight until a loud sound cracked trough the air.

“Max!” came the desperate shout in the the voice of his ex and he looked up and saw her boyfriend on the ground, one hand clutched around his upper arm as blood spilled through his shirt and fingers. Though the man he had attacked was on the ground as well and apparently unconscious.

The moment of distraction was enough for the lead guy to gain some strength again and he managed to land a good hard punch at his open side. Michael felt the air leaving his lungs and pain spread through his whole upper body, but he forced himself to stay where he was and reacted quickly enough with a counterpunch before the other guy could make another grab for his weapon.

“There’s another boat,” Tess shouted and stood on her seat, waving to get their attention.

Maria climbed over the seats to reach Max, her worry divided between her ex and her best friend. “How bad is it?” she asked, breathless from her racing heart.

“I think the bullet just grazed my arm,” he muttered through clenched teeth, his eyes on the fight between Kyle and the other man.

“They saw us,” Tess yelled, relieved when the other boat was clearly coming in their direction.

Liz narrowed her eyes. “There’s Kariduu painted on the hull. I think that was our original transport. Maybe they saw us and followed,” she agreed and the kicked one of the guns on the ground so the robbers couldn’t reach it.

It only took seconds before the larger motorboat approached them. The fight between Kyle and black shirt guy and Michael and leader guy wasn’t over completely, but they had the upper hand and were both on top of them.

“Thank God, you’re here,” Liz cried tears of relief when the second boat stopped next to them. “We were tricked to get onto this boat and-”. Her voice died down when all three of the men on deck of the ‘Kariduu’ pointed weapons at them.

One of them yelled something in their native language and the other two came to the railing and jumped onto their boat. Michael and Kyle stopped their fights when guns were pointed at their heads. They stood up slowly while everyone else just froze in shock and fear.

The only remaining man on the larger boat shouted something again and a moment later his buddies started to throw everything they had collected in the plastic bags onto the ‘Kariduu’. The men who had been fighting with Michael and Kyle got up from the ground and went to change boats with the almost still unconscious third man between them.

That’s it, Maria thought, they’re just going to kill us and no one will ever know who did it. If anyone ever found them. She couldn’t help but think about her mom and how bad she would take the news.

Liz clutched her hand tightly, her body shaking because she was scared for her life as well. “Don’t look at them,” she whispered and hugged her friend. “I am so sorry. This is all my fault.”

“No it’s not,” she disagreed. If they were going to die, then no one should feel guilty about it. She squeezed her eyes shut and waited for the shots to come.

Tess stood rooted next to her brother, her body so taut, she was sure it would break in half if someone knocked her over right now. “I’m sorry I forced you to come,” she mumbled, her voice full of regret.

“Don’t worry about it now,” he dismissed her. Putting the blame on each other wouldn’t do any good right now. His eyes shifted between Valenti and the men on the other boat. They both knew their chances weren’t looking good and there was nothing they could do about it. With slow moves they brought their larger bodies in front of the girls, although it was obvious that wouldn’t help if they fired on them and waited until they were down.

An evil grin spread across the face of the guy who had navigated the larger boat. He said something to his men and then lifted his weapon directly towards them.

So many things were rushing through Michael’s head right now. Had he really made the right choices a few years ago? Should he have told Maria the truth and let her decide if she still wanted to be with him?

His thoughts were interrupted when gunfire interrupted the silence and after what could have been five or six shots, the men laughed and their motor revved up before they drove past them, making the water splash against his taut body.

Re: High and Dry - AU/Adult/CC - Ch 25 - 6/17/14

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 7:22 pm
by nitpick23
Good part. I was afraid that you weren't going to come back and add to this story.

Sounds like some kind of set-up, like they knew the gang was coming. The bandits didn't seem to care if they left everybody alive so they must not have come from the island.

Hope the next part arrives sooner.

Re: High and Dry - AU/Adult/CC - Ch 25 - 6/17/14

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 10:19 pm
by HypnotiqBlueEyes
So happy to see you back with a new part, and wow, what a part it is!! How in the world could everything go so bad so quickly! It seems as though the "pirates" knew Liz and her group were going to be arriving that day!? If this Island resort was supposed to be so luxurious then couldn't precautions have been taken!? What will the group do now & how will everything get taken care of for them! Please tell me this is all some joke or rouse!? Please hurry back sooner with the next part! I have to know what happens next!!
