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Re: Money or Love (AU, Adult, M/L) Pt 11 3/24/18

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2018 9:59 am
by Roswelllostcause
roswell4life I think it is a safe bet that Max will be able to help Liz to heal. Ass for Bobby and Liz's mother they will still cause trouble.

Carolyn Sisters are very smart.

L-J-L 76 Max and Isabel have a good relationship.

Part 12

Liz took a deep breath as she followed Serena into a house she hadn't been in, in a very long time.

"Liz, relax. This is your home. You have always been welcome here. Dad even kept your old room for you." Said Serena

Liz tried to force a smile. But she couldn't hide her nervousness.

"It's about you girls got here."

Serena rolled her eyes and smiled at her sister.

"Well Mikey not all of us drive like we are in the Daytona 500." Said Serena
"Shrimp I told you not to call me Mikey." Said Michael

Serena just smiled and stuck her tongue out at him. Michael just shook his head.

"Hey Liz, I put your stuff in your room." Said Michael
"Thanks Michael. Um is my dad around?" Asked Liz
"Yeah he's in his office going over some paperwork for the restaurant." Said Michael.
"Mikey be a sweet brother and take our suitcases up to our rooms. I will take Liz to dad's office." Said Serena
"Fine. Oh Liz, mom wanted me to double check that you are still allergic to almonds." Said Michael
"Yeah. I am." Said Liz
"I'll let her know."
"Come Lizzie." Said Serena

Liz followed Serena through the house to her dad's office. As they walked down the hall she noticed framed pictures of Serena, Michael and herself.

"I always gave dad one of the picture you gave me. He loves you Liz and misses you." Said Serena
"I miss him too." Said Liz

Serena knocked on the closed office door.

"Come in." Said Jeff
"Hey dad." Said Serena walking in and sitting on the edge of the desk.
"Serena, sit in a chair." Said Jeff

Serena hopped off the desk gave Jeff a hug and sat in one of the chairs across from him. That was when Jeff noticed Liz still standing in the doorway. He just opened his arms. Liz walked across the room and right into them crying.

"I really missed you daddy." Said Liz
"I missed you too sweetheart." Said Jeff

Neither noticed Serena using her cell phone to snap a photo of father and daughter. Jeff pulled back and really looked at Liz. He frowned when he saw the brace on her left arm.

"Your arm hasn't fully healed?" Asked Jeff
"I have to have surgery. Two of the ligaments are damaged. They need surgery to repair them."
"Liz, I really hope we can do something about getting you away from that boy." Said Jeff
"Daddy, I got those papers from mom's."
"That's good. I will give them to Philip in the morning to see if he can find away to get you out of this mess your mother got you in."
"Oh mom is back from Europe and was not pleased to find Serena and me at her house." Said Liz
"I can imagine. Rena are you ok?" Asked Jeff
"Dad, I came to terms a long time ago that, that woman never loved me." Said Serena
"Serena, I should never have asked you to go with me." Said Liz
"Liz, I could have said no. I wanted to see where you grew up." Said Serena
"I love you Rennie." Said Liz
"Love you L izzie. By the way you better not tell Michael about that old nickname. He will never call me anything else ever again." Said Serena
"I'll think about it." Said Liz with a smile.

Serena rolled her eyes knowing that her twin was only teasing her.


Re: Money or Love (AU, Adult, M/L) Pt 12 3/25/18

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2018 12:13 pm
by keepsmiling7
This is just what Liz needs..........a loving and caring family to surround her.
Sorry she has to have surgery.
Hope all goes well with the contract and that Phillip can break it.

Re: Money or Love (AU, Adult, M/L) Pt 12 3/25/18

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2018 4:31 am
by L-J-L 76
So glad that Liz is with family that love her. And not with someone that want to use her for money. Hoping Liz will go through with the surgery for her arm. Love the way Serena and Michael are with each other. Got fingers cross Philip can get Liz out of the contract. Love the Jeff and Liz moment.

L-J-L 76

Re: Money or Love (AU, Adult, M/L) Pt 12 3/25/18

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2018 10:55 am
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn Yes this is what Liz needs. Liz does need surgery but it may be delayed a bit.

L-J-L 76 Liz, in a very loving environment for the first time in a very long time. It is something she really needs right now.

Part 13

Bobby walked into his father's six bedroom house. He smirked at his father's current wife. His fourth stepmother if he remembered right. She was not much older then he was. His father only cared if the bitch gave him more boys. His mother was sent away after her second pregnancy resulted in a girl. His first stepmother did have a boy. But the boy was a retard. Doctor called it downs syndrome or something like that. His father deemed the brat useless and sent both packing. His second stepmother had twin girls and was sent packing. Now his current stepmother had had two boys. Vincent who was three and two month old Lucas.

"Bobby, where is your girl?" Asked his father walking into the living room.
"Bitch wanted to see her daddy." Said Bobby
"You need to get that girl under control."
"Dad, I know you made that deal with the bitch's mother. But I think she more trouble then she worth. I mean she complains because we fuck every time I take her out."
"Bobby, girls like to be romanced." Said Pam softly
"No one asked you. Go check on the boys." Said Raymond coldly.

Pam Troy Jackman sighed and went to check on her sons. She had been a senior during Liz Partner's freshman year of high school. That was also when she had started having sex with Raymond Jackman. She had become pregnant with Vincent a month before she graduated high school, two weeks before her eighteenth birthday. She hadn't been a virgin when she started to have sex with the ex pro football player. In fact she had lost her virginity at fourteen when one of her mother's boyfriends got drunk one night and raped her. She married Raymond because he said that she wasn't keeping his kid from him. But she knew that if the Vincent had been a girl or even Lucas she would be on the street. From what she could tell Bobby was worse then his father. She looked in on her baby boy sleeping in his crib. She then went to the next room to find Vincent playing with his blocks on the floor. The three year old looked up and smiled.

"Mama look."

Pam smiled and knelt down by him.

"That's great Vinnie."
"Mama is daddy angry?"
"A little. He thought that Bobby's girlfriend was going to spend Christmas with us before Bobby has to go to Florida for the big football game."
"Lizzie not come?"
"No Lizzie wanted to spend Christmas with her daddy and sister."
"I like Lizzie. But Bobby hurt her."

Pam sighed knowing it was true. More then once she noticed the bruises on the younger woman when she was over.


Michael watched Liz across the table as she slowly ate her dinner. He could see she wasn't eating very much. He wondered if that asshole had done more damage to Liz then any of them realized.

"You feeling ok Liz?" Asked Michael
"Yeah, just not very hungry. I'm sorry Nancy everything tastes good. But I'm just not hungry tonight." Said Liz
"It's ok honey. I am just happy you decided to come home for the holidays." Said Nancy
"Me too. May I be excused? I want to go start unpacking."
"Go a head sweetheart." Said Jeff

Liz got up clearing her dishes then headed to her room.

"Jeff, have you looked into finding a therapist for Liz? She has been abused both by that jerk and by her mom. Her mom may have done more harm emotionally then any of us know." Said Michael
"I have a list. But it will be up to Liz to go. I know she said that she wants to get therapy. But it is up to her to go through with it." Said Jeff
"Dad, I didn't want to bring this up to Liz. But there is the possibility that she could be pregnant. Yes our mother had her on birth control. But we all know that it isn't 100%. She did tell me that Bobby stopped using condoms the night her broke her arm." Said Serena
"If your sister is then we will deal with it as a family. If I have to do to you sister's emotional state have her declare unfit and take custody of the baby myself." Said Jeff
"Jackman, would fight it if it's a boy. I had know some people who went to school with him. His dad dumped every daughter he had along with their mothers and his son that has downs syndrome." Said Michael
"Don't worry, we will not let them get their hands on any child Liz might have." Said Jeff

Liz wiped a tear from her face. She had over heard what her family said. It made her feel truly loved something that she never felt from her mother.


Re: Money or Love (AU, Adult, M/L) Pt 13 3/27/18

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2018 11:18 am
by L-J-L 76
God I hope Liz is not pregnant by that asshole Bobby. Liz needs to be with Jeff, Nancy, Michael and Serena. They love her more then that bitch Lisa ever did. Maybe Liz needs see a
therapist and maybe take a pregnancy test. Poor Pam she is in a loveless marriage. Can't believe Bobby's father is a jackass. Will Liz see a therapist? Will Liz take a pregnancy test? Is Liz pregnant? Will Liz stay with her family? Will Lisa and Bobby come and find Liz? Will someone be with Liz if Lisa and Bobby come to Roswell? What will Liz do while in Roswell? Will Liz hang out with Michael, Serena and friends? Will Liz talk to someone? Will Max and Liz get to know each other? Will Max and Liz become friends? Will Max and Liz hang out together? Will Max and Liz fall for each other? Will Max, Michael, Serena be there if Liz needs them? Will Max and Liz get a happy ending together?

L-J-L 76

Re: Money or Love (AU, Adult, M/L) Pt 13 3/27/18

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2018 5:41 pm
by keepsmiling7
Bobby's father is such a jerk.......just hope he will pay for this someday, the sooner the better.
I really hope Liz isn't pregnant......
But if she is, she has a loving and caring family to support her. It's years late, but here now when she will need it the most.

Re: Money or Love (AU, Adult, M/L) Pt 13 3/27/18

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2018 4:12 pm
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 You have to wait and see if Liz is pregnant. Yes Pam is in a loveless marriage. Yes Bobby's father is a jackass. He had to learn to be one from somewhere!

Carolyn Bobby's father really is a jerk. Liz does have a loving family to support her now. If she is pregnant then they will be there to help her.

Part 14

Liz pulled on her jacket and headed out of the house shortly after sunrise. It had been a long time since she had spent any time in this neighborhood. She had been ten the last time. If she remembered right there was a school with a playground a couple of blocks from her father's house. It was the school Serena had gone to for elementary school. She would have gone there too if she hadn't been taken away by her mother. She found the school and headed for the swings. She sat on one of the swings and began to think. She knew that there was the very real possibility she could be pregnant. She had food poisoning two days before the frat party and couldn't keep anything down. In fact she had spent fours in the student health center hooked up to I.V. fluids. She had missed a couple days of her birth control pills during that time. So the fact that Bobby stopped using condoms the night of the frat party may have resulted in her getting pregnant.

"Are you ok Liz?"

Liz looked up to see a very concerned looking Max in front of her.

"Uh yeah Max."
"Are you sure? I know whatever is going on isn't any of my business. But I want to be your friend."
"Max, I can see why Serena thinks of you as such a good friend. But I need to figure out who I am first."
"Liz, I can help you if you let me."

Liz bit her lip, a habit she had since she was a little kid. It was a habit that her mother always yelled at her about.

"Max, my whole life I have done what others wanted me to do. First my mother, who picked the only boyfriend I have ever had. Who told me to have sex with said guy to keep him happy. Then I did what Bobby wanted. If I dared to defy Bobby he hurt me to try and force me to see things his way."
"Liz, I want you to find yourself. I would never tell you what to do. I just want to be your friend."
"Max, I may not be an expert when it comes to relationships. But I am not blind. I have noticed how you look at me. I think you want more then friendship. But you know I need time. So you are offering friendship in the hopes that when I am ready to move into a new relationship that it will be with you."
"Ok I admit it. But there is no pressure."
"I know. Serena has always been a good judge of people."
"Why don't you let me walk you home? My dad should be there soon to look over those papers you got from your mom's."
"Ok. But only if it isn't out of your way."
"I live next door to you."

Liz felt a slight smile form on her lips.


Bobby growled as he watched his bitch walk off with that nobody. Very soon he would make her pay for thinking she could dump him. He owned the bitch. He would be the only one that would fuck her. He would of course keep his side bitches. But Elizabeth Parker will always belong to him.


Re: Money or Love (AU, Adult, M/L) Pt 14 3/28/18

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2018 5:12 pm
by L-J-L 76
OK. Someone seriously needs to cut Bobby's penis off and shove it down his damn throat. Or hang him by his dick to a live wire and watch him burn. Sorry but guys like that should be in prison or hell. So glad Max was there for Liz. And so glad that Max and Liz talked. Hoping Liz is not pregnant and hoping Philip found away to get Liz out of the contract.

L-J-L 76

Re: Money or Love (AU, Adult, M/L) Pt 14 3/28/18

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2018 5:50 pm
by keepsmiling7
How handy it is to have Max living next door to Liz's fathers house.
I'm sure Max will be very patient with Liz, and prove that he is a good friend.

Re: Money or Love (AU, Adult, M/L) Pt 14 3/28/18

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2018 2:40 pm
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Unfortiontly Bobby is going to be around for a while yet. Max is always going to be there for Liz.

Carolyn It is nice that Max's family lives next door to Liz's dad. Max is going to let Liz pick the pace of how things go between them. Though he does want to show her how a real man would treat a woman.

Part 15

"So Philip do you see anything that can help Liz?" Asked Jeff
"There are a few things that seem strange to me. Liz is eighteen right?"
"Yes. Why?"
"Well the date on this contract is when she was fifteen, and looks to be signed by her."
"Wouldn't it be invalid if she signed it at fifteen?"
"Yes. It would also be invalid if your ex signed her name. I need to speak to Liz to find out what she knows."
"Be honest with me. Will Liz be forced to be with that boy?"
"Raymond Jackman has money and good lawyers. One way out is if Liz were to get married before Bobby gets a pro contract, or he never makes it to the pros."
"Damn it! If I had been able to get Liz from Lisa none of this would be going on."
"Jeff, none of this is your fault. Lisa is the one to blame."
"Philip, Liz needs to see a shrink because of that woman! She doesn't care about Liz or Serena. She took Liz because she knew she could break her!"
"Dad, mom hasn't fully broken me. If she had I would be with Bobby and his family right now."

Jeff and Philip turned to see Liz standing in the doorway to the living room.

"Liz, I'm Philip Evans, your father's lawyer. I need you to look at some thing." Said Philip
"Sure." Said Liz walking into the room.
"Liz, have you looked at this contract?" Asked Philip
"Not closely."
"So you never signed this?" Asked Jeff

Liz looked at the line where her name was signed.

"No. That isn't even how I sign my name." Said Liz

She pulled out her student ID card and showed her dad and Philip. Philip took it and looked at both signatures. The one on the ID was slanted as if a right handed person signed it, and the letters close together. While on the contract it was more open and slanted as if a left hander signed it.

"Jeff, I am no expert. But they aren't even close." Said Philip
"Dad, mom must have signed my name to this." Said Liz
"Philip, is that legal?" Asked Jeff
"Yes and no. If Liz were to young to understand what she is signing then it would be. But Liz, seems to be a very bright young lady. So I would say she would have even at fifteen understand this. Hell, this is written at a third grade level."
"So what Lisa did was not legal?" Asked Jeff
"Since she seems to have done it without Liz's knowledge yes. But it will be a hard fight."
"So what are my other options?" Asked Liz
"Well, the only one I see is to get married to someone else before he is drafted." Said Philip

Liz shook her head and ran from the room.

"That won't be easy Mr. Evans. Liz doesn't know many guys. There is Michael, my boyfriend Kyle and your son Max." Said Serena
"Serena, how is that possible?" Asked Jeff
"That ass is very controlling. He Wouldn't let Liz talk to anyone he didn't approve of. That meant no boys. He broke her arm for speaking to Max at a party." Said Serena
"Why isn't that boy in jail?" Asked Philip
"His father gave the school a lot of money to get him out of trouble." Said Jeff
"I take it that Liz's wrist hasn't fully healed from it being broken?" Asked Philip
"There is some damage to ligaments. She will need to have surgery to repair them." Said Serena
"I wish someone would teach that boy a lesson about how you treat a woman." Said Philip