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Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 15 3/24/17

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 7:51 am
by keepsmiling7
Maybe small pieces of Liz's past are beginning to come out......
It probably won't happen all at once, but she does have to start some where.
Can she be tested for a chemical imbalance in her system?

Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 15 3/24/17

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 5:35 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Max has admitted that he feels more than friendship for Liz.

Carolyn Small pieces of Liz's past are starting to come forward. The answers to why Liz is doing what she is may lay there.

Part 16
Tommy grunted as he pounded into the girl below him. He had no clue of her name and didn't care. She meant nothing to him other then sex. He wished she was the bitch that destroyed his uncle's life. But that day was coming. No one was going to believe her when he finally had his way with her. She was nothing but a crazy ass bitch. He let out a loud grunt as he dumped his load into the girl. He rolled off her breathing hard.

"Not bad. We might need to hook up again." Said Tommy

The girl said nothing just cried. Tommy glanced at her then started to dress.

"You tell no one about this bitch. You do and it will be the last thing you ever say. Do I make myself clear?"

The girl just nodded and started to dress. She couldn't say anything.


Liz tossed and turned in her sleep. Carolyn heard soft cries coming from Liz. She started to get out of bed. But she couldn't remember if it was better to let the nightmare play out or wake the person. She was just about to risk it and wake Liz when Liz bolted up so that she was sitting screaming. Carolyn jumped out of bed in that second and crossed the room to Liz.

"Liz, it's ok. It was just a nightmare." Said Carolyn
"Carolyn, it was more then that. I think it was the memory of something that happened to me when I was little. Something that I blocked out."
"What do you mean?"
"What she is saying is that someone did something to her that her mind could not deal with at the time. But now something has triggered her memory. Which may explain her behavior." Said Dr. Davis
"Doctor, what can you do to help me?" Asked Liz
"You are going to have to do something you will not like. You have to remember what happened." Said Dr. Davis
"How do you do that?" Asked Carolyn
"Hypnosis Liz, I understand that might be scary. But it will help you in the long run." Said Dr. Davis
"I know. But I don't know if I am strong enough to relive it. What little I have started to remember scares me." Said Liz
"Liz, you won't fully be able to heal from your past until you face it." Said Dr. Davis
"Meaning I will never be able to love or fully accept love until I do." Said Liz
"Yes. Just think about it." Said Dr. Davis

Liz nodded and Dr. Davis left.

"You OK?" Asked Carolyn
"Yeah. Can I ask you something?"
"Why do you care? I mean you don't know me."
"I want to get to know you. I have never had very many friends."
"Never been any place long enough to make any real friends. I'm an Army brat. My dad is is a Major in the army. He is currently assigned to White Sands Missile Range."
"That is kind of far from here isn't it?"
"Uh nearly four hours away."
"So do your parents come see you at all?"
"My mom comes about once a month. In the four months I have been here my dad hasn't come once. He sent me one letter. Told me to get my head straight fast."
"That is horrible."
"Yeah well that is just how the Major is. My little sister hasn't come either. Not that I blame her for being scared. Though the doc said I might be able to go home soon."
"Are you scared?"
"A little. But thanks to the medication I no longer hear the voices."
"That is good."
"Yeah. Liz we should try and get some sleep."
"Night Carolyn."
"Night Liz."


Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 16 3/25/17

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 12:53 pm
by keepsmiling7
Hypnosis........that is scary.
But I hope it will help Liz to get well, even though it is difficult to remember the past.
It's been an eye opener for Liz to see her room mate has such a non-caring family. Carolyn has tried to be her friend.

Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 16 3/25/17

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 7:43 pm
by L-J-L 76
Hopefully Liz will be able to handle whatever she tried to block out. So glad that Carolyn and the doctor were there for Liz when she woke up. Tommy needs his dick tied to a electrical wire or put in a blender. Sorry but I really hate men like Tommy.

L-J-L 76

Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 16 3/25/17

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2017 5:48 am
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn The only way Liz is going to heal is if she remembers what happened and deals with it. It may seem like Carolyn doesn't have a caring family. But her older brother can't come to see her. West Point is in New York state. But she does have a family member near by who looks out for her.

L-J-L 76 It is good that Carolyn and the doctor were there after Liz's nightmare.

Part 17

Serena sighed as she shut her locker. She really didn't want to be in school today. She was still very worried about her sister. It was hard to talk to her friends about Liz because none of them could really understand what Liz went through. Serena didn't fully understand it herself. While she had been abused it had been no where near as long as Liz had been. Liz in a lot of ways was still that scared little girl that showed up that day. The girl who nearly started to cry on the first day of first grade when she found out that she wasn't going to be sitting next to the only person she had any level of trust in.

"So we heard that your sister is a nut case." Said a smug female voice.

Serena turned around to find Pam Troy, Courtney Banks and Lori Stevens standing there. Or as Serena and her friends liked to call them the blond airheads.

"Liz is not a nut case." Said Serena
"Yeah right. That is why she is locked up in the nut house." Said Pam
"You know nothing about what is going on." Said Serena
"We know that she tried to kill herself." Said Lori
"Liz didn't try to kill herself."
"Right that is why she took a knife to her wrist. But then again I guess you are lucky that when she snapped that she didn't go after you." Said Courtney

Serena could no longer hold her anger in. She dropped her books to the floor and lunged at Courtney. She tackled the girl to the floor and started to punch her. Michael and Kyle saw what was going on and pulled the two fighting girls apart. Isabel and Maria had been near by and kept Lori and Pam from ganging up on Serena. Michael held Serena who was trying to pull away to go after Courtney again.

"Hey come on Red calm down. She isn't worth it." Said Michael
"Michael let go of me! I am going to kick her stupid ass to the other side of the planet! You don't know what these bitches are saying about Liz!" Said Serena
"That bitch is just as crazy as her sister! If I didn't know better I would think they were real sisters." Said Lori

Isabel grabbed the shorter girl by her shirt and pushed her into the wall.

"If I were you I would keep my mouth shut. Liz and Serena are as much sisters as Max is my brother." Said Isabel coldly

Lori nodded and Isabel let go just as the principal and another teacher came up to the group. If there was one thing everyone in the Freshman class at West Roswell High knew. You didn't want to get on the bad side of one Isabel Evans. She had been known as the Ice Princess since first grade.

"What is going on here?" Asked the principal
"Serena Parker attacked Courtney." Said Pam
"Those three were making fun of my sister. They also said that Liz and I aren't real sisters." Said Serena
"That is a lie!" Said Lori
"Mr. Miller, Pam, Lori and Courtney came up to Serena and started making fun of her sister Liz. They were calling a nut case and saying she was crazy. That Serena was lucky that Liz didn't try and kill her." Said a boy
"What is your name?" Asked Mr. Miller
"Brian Larson sir. These three girls have been picking on Liz and Serena since first grade. Serena was wrong to go after Courtney like she did but they have been asking for it for a long time." Said Brian
"Thank you Mr. Larson. Miss Parker, Miss Banks let's go to my office and call your parents." Said Mr. Miller

Michael and Kyle released the two girl and they were escorted by Mr. Miller and a teacher to the office. Pam and Lori smirked as they walked off.

"Thanks Brian." Said Maria
"He no problem. Serena and Liz are both nice girls. I know Liz had it bad for a while. Tell Serena that I hope Liz gets better soon." Said Brian walking off

The gang then headed off to their classes.


Serena sat in a chair outside of the principal's office holding an ice pack to her hand. Courtney sat on the other side of the room with an ice pack held to her left eye where Serena had landed a couple of hard punches before they had been pulled apart. In side the office the raised voices of their mother's could be heard arguing with each other.

"I want that girl expelled for what she did to my little girl!" Yelled Vivian Banks
"Your daughter is the one that started it with her friends!" Yelled Nancy
"My daughter is a proper young lady! Nothing like those bastards of yours!" Yelled Vivian
"Proper young lady?! That is a lie! Your daughter is nothing more then a mean sprited brat! But I guess she had to learn it from somewhere." Said Nancy
"How dare you!" Yelled Vivian
"Ladies, now neither of the girls is innocent. They both were fighting. We have a very strict policy when it comes to fighting. Both girls are suspended for three days. They are not to be on campus again until Tuesday morning." Said Mr. Miller
"Mr. Miller, that is a problem Courtney is a member of the Junior Varsity Cheer leading squad." Said Vivian
"Mrs. Banks that is not my problem. If Courtney is found on campus before the end of the suspension she will be placed on academic probation as well. That would mean that she is off the squad. Am I clear?" Said Mr. Miller
"The school board is going to hear about this!" Yelled Vivian

The woman stormed out of the office told Courtney to come a long and they left the school.

"Mrs. Parker, I am truly sorry. But I can't let Serena get away with fighting." Said Mr. Miller
"I understand. Serena is just very protective of Liz."
"I understand. I did have a look at both your daughter's records. Elizabeth did not have an easy start to life."
"No she didn't. Goodbye Mr. Miller."

Nancy walked out and looked at Serena.

"Come on Serena. You have been suspended until Tuesday." Said Nancy
"I'm sorry mom."
"We will talk about this later at home with your father."

Serena nodded and winced as she picked up her backpack.

"We are stopping at the hospital I want that hand of yours looked at."


Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 17 3/26/17

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2017 8:01 am
by keepsmiling7
girls can be real nasty at times, and most of all hurtful.
At least Serena and Liz have caring parents.

Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 17 3/26/17

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2017 4:19 am
by L-J-L 76
Courtney, Lori, Pam need to get their sticks out of their ass and stop being mega bitches. Love how Serena stood up for Liz. And loved how Michael, Isabel, Maria, Kyle and Brain were all there for Serena. Hopefully Serena didn't break anything in her fight.

L-J-L 76

Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 17 3/26/17

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2017 5:40 am
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn Yes girls can be really nasty. But Liz has a great family and group of friends.

L-J-L 76 Pam, Courtney and Lori are nothing but mega bitches. We will have to see if Serena broke her hand on Courtney's face!

Part 18

Max walked out to join his friends at lunch and noticed that Serena was missing. He knew that he had seen her in math first period.

"Hey guys. Where is Serena?" Asked Max
"What you didn't here about the smack down between first and second period today?" Asked Alex
"I heard about it. I just don't know who was involved." Said Max
"Well the blond bimbo bitches started to trash talk Liz to Serena. Serena as you know can have a short temper. Well anyway Courtney said the wrong thing and Rena knocked her to the ground and beat the crap out out of her." Said Kyle
"Now both of them are suspended until Tuesday." Said Isabel
"Why didn't anyone stop her?" Asked Max
"Dude it took both Kyle and me to pull Serena off Courtney. Kyle then held the bitch back while I held Serena. Maria and Isabel were keeping Lori and Pam from ganging up on Red." Said Michael
"Where were you Alex?" Asked Max
"I had gym. Have I told you how much I hate dodgeball?"
"Only everyday Whitman." Said Kyle
"Is Rena OK?" Asked Max
"Courtney got the worst of it. You really don't want to piss Serena off." Said Brian walking up to them.
"Hey Brian, why don't you join us?" Said Maria
"Sure thanks." Said Brian sitting down.
"So Brian why did you come to Serena's defense like you did?" Asked Kyle
"Cause Liz ain't crazy. Yeah she has a lot of issues. But that don't make her crazy." Said Brian
"But why do you care?" Asked Isabel
"I got this cousin, Carolyn. She is a great girl. But she has issues and is at the same place Liz is." Said Brian
"What's wrong wrong with your cousin?" Asked Alex
"She is schizophrenic. She sometimes hears voices. 99% of the time she is not dangerous. Four months ago the voices told her to hurt her younger sister Amber. She didn't want to. But couldn't stop herself." Said Brian
"Are both of them going to be OK?" Asked Isabel
"Yeah. Carolyn is doing a lot better. Her mom can only come see her once a month. Her dad won't go. The Major's army career is more important to him then his daughter's mental health." Said Brian
"That sucks." Said Maria
"Yeah I don't think he is happy that his eldest daughter has a mental illness. He wanted both her and Amber to go to West Point. Carolyn has an older half brother he is currently in his last year at West Point. Matthew Steven Dawson the third. Before you ask my dad is Carolyn's mom's brother. His mom died not long after he Matthew the third was born. Blood clot traveled to her lungs and burst." Said Brian
"That is so sad." Said Isabel
"Yeah." Said Brian


Liz walked nervously into Dr. Davis's office. They were going to try the hypnosis to see if they could bring out the repressed memory. Liz wasn't so sure she wanted to remember what had happened that was so bad that she blocked it out.

"Liz, come on in and try to relax." Said Dr. Davis
"Doc I don't know if I can do this."
"Liz, we will go slow and I will stop it if I think that it is too much for you to handle. But the truth is I think you are going to remember it on your own at some point anyway."

Liz took a deep breath and sat down on the sofa and let it out. She noticed that Dr. Davis had closed the blinds and dimmed the lights. She also lit some soothing smelling candles.

"Ok Liz, I want you to lay down and try and clear your head. Listen to nothing but the sound of my voice."

Liz did as she was told. In less then five minutes she was in the trance.

"Liz, I want you to think back to your nightmare. Tell me what you see."
"I am in my room with Katie."
"Who is Katie?"
"My foster sister."
"Is she older or younger?"
"Lot older. She is thirteen."
"How old are you?"
"Do you and Katie get along?"
"Katie protects me from the scary man."
"Who is the scary man?"
"Not real daddy. But daddy I have to live with."
"Your foster daddy?"
"Does he hurt you?."
"Katie don't let him."
"Tell what happened while you are with Katie?"
"She tells me stories. It's bed time."
"Does Katie tell good stories?"
"Yes. She tells me one dad I will have a mommy and daddy that will love me forever."
"Sounds like a good sister."
"She is."
"What happens while Katie is telling you your stories?"
"Scary man comes in and hits Katie. He pulls her onto her bed. He rips her pajamas off her."
"What happens next Liz?"
"He takes off her underwear and his pants. He didn't have a shirt on when he came in. He then touches her girl parts and makes her touch his boy part."

*Oh please god don't tell me at three she witnessed some bastard raping her foster sister.* Thought Dr. Davis


Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 18 3/27/17

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2017 5:52 am
by L-J-L 76
Katie seemed like a great protector for Liz when she was 3. Oh god a 3 year old Liz witness her foster sister getting raped. Now that is very scary.

L-J-L 76

Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 18 3/27/17

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2017 2:32 pm
by keepsmiling7
That's when I would wish to have a gun........when the scary man comes and attacks Katie!
How would one ever get over the trauma of that??