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Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 12 1/9/17

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2017 1:38 pm
by keepsmiling7
Interesting that the actors are the last to know what is going on in the script.
Love Liz's growing interest in Max.......but it's good to be sure and take it slow.

Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 12 1/9/17

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 5:41 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Liz knew how the season would end. But she didn't tell anyone. Max and Liz have feelings for each other.

Carolyn Only those in the scene were given the rewrite. Liz really does have growing feelings for Max. It will be a little while before she acts on them.

Part 13

Friday afternoon Max walked into the Starbucks that he had met Ava at and found her sitting at a table waiting.

"Hi Ava, I am just going to grab a coffee OK? The lawyer will be here soon." Said Max
"Ok." Said Ava

Max got his coffee and sat down with Ava just as David Fisher walked in. The lawyer walked over to them and smiled.

"Been a long time Max."
"Yes it has Mr. Fisher. This is my friend Ava. She needs your help." Said Max
"Yes Ms. Stevens right?" Asked Mr. Fisher
"That's right sir. Ava Stevens."
"Now from what Max told me you want to sue Zan Banister for both paternity and child support?"
"Yeah. Met him at a party after I been drinking he got me to have sex with him." Said Ava
"You are positive that he is the father of this child?"
"Yes sir. I was a virgin until that night. And I haven't had a boyfriend in over a year. Last one dumped me cause I wouldn't put out." Said Ava
"Ms. Stevens had you not been drinking would you have slept with Mr. Banister?"
"Hell no! I knew he was an ass before that night. Friend of mine had met him. Told me what he really like."
"Ms. Stevens are you sure you don't want to go after him for rape?"
"Mr. Fisher I am twenty one. Yes I was drinking and don't recall everything from that night. But at this point it would be my word against his in weather I agreed to sex or not. He don't believe in condoms. So I can't go that root." Said Ava

They talked some more and an hour later Mr. Fisher left. Max turned to Ava to see how she was doing.

"So you really are doing this?" Asked Max
"Yeah. I mean I got to. Someone needs to show that bastard that he can go around screwing girls unprotected and get away with not taking care of his kids."
"Think there are other girls he got pregnant?"
"With the number of girls he been with I wouldn't be surprised."
"Ava, I hate to bring this up but, were you tested for STDs and HIV?"
"Yeah more then once since that night. Always comes back negative."
"That's good. I just think you seem like a nice girl and don't want you to get sick."
"Thanks sweetie. I knew you would be someone I could trust. You know in that brother kind of way."
"Yeah. I like that idea."

Max walked Ava out to her car and then got in his own to head home.


Zan watched as his cousin left with the little slut that was going to try and get money out of him. He got up walked out of the coffee shop and lite up a cigarette. He took a long drag of it. He didn't know yet how he was going to do it but he was not going to pay that bitch anything. She had been like every other one night stand he had, had since he was fourteen. Everyone of them had wanted his dick in them. Even the ones that had said no. He knew better then they did. It was every girls dream to have sex with a star like him. He headed for his BMW and got in. Rath was having another party tonight. Lots of booze, drugs and ass. He sure needed a nice tight pussy to shove his dick into. He only wished it was going to be that prissy Elizabeth Parker's. Though all the girls on the show were tight asses. Kate Patterson was not much different than Parker. Only she would do sex scenes. As soon as they finished filming that scene Kate had shoved him out of the bed and onto the floor. Parker had, had the nerve to laugh at him! Well at least tonight he was sure to get at least one fuck.


Liz sat on her balcony staring out at the water as it lapped up on the beach. She knew that she should have been honest with Max. But the truth is there were only two people who knew what nearly happened to her when she was sixteen. Two people that she would forever be greatful to. They stopped it before it could happen.

Four and a half years ago.

Liz walked into the party with her best friend and her best friend's boyfriend. She could see that there was drinking going on. She was beginning to think that this was a bad idea to come. She smiled when Maria's cousin came up to her.

"Hollywood Parker! When you get back to town?"
"Hi Sean. A few days ago actually." Said Liz
"That's cool. Things are never the same when you are gone."
"Yeah you have no one to cheat off of in math class."
"Damn you hurt me Parker!"
"Yeah well, nice seeing you Sean. I'm going to go find something to drink."
"I'll go with ya."
"No thanks I'll be fine."

Two hours later Liz remembered being in a bedroom with Sean trying to undress her.

"Sean stop!"
"Relax Parker, you will enjoy this."
"No! Sean! I don't want to have sex!"

Next thing she knew Michael was pulling Sean off her and punching him. Maria had pulled her into her arms and held her. They took her home after that Liz didn't go to the police. But Sean did go to jail. He had raped another girl that night.


Liz knew why she didn't like Zan. He reminded her a lot of Sean. She could only hope that someone would be brave enough to take Zan down.


Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 13 1/10/17

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 6:33 am
by L-J-L 76
Zan and Rath are slim balls. So Ava met a lawyer and is seriously going after Zan for child support. Good for Ava. And great job for Ma for helping and talking to Ava. Poor Liz what happened to her was scary. But the good thing is Maria and Michael were there to stop the rape before it could happened. That is understand able why Liz is a little scared. Laughed when Kate pushed Zan out of bed. That was a little funny.

L-J-L 76

Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 13 1/10/17

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 10:17 am
by keepsmiling7
So glad the attorney will be going after Zan.
Congratulations to Ava for standing up for her rights.
Seems like Sean and Zan are cut from the same cloth.

Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 13 1/10/17

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 5:17 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Zan and Rath are major slim balls! Ava is very brave to go after Zan. What happened to Liz in high school is scary!

Carolyn Zan and Sean are cut from the Sam cloth.

Part 14

The night of the movie premiere arrived and Liz smiled when she opened her door to find Max dressed in a formal black suit. Looking closer she could see that it was Ralph Lauren.

"You clean up nice Mr. Evans." Said Liz
"Well I could say the something about you Ms. Parker."

Liz was in a black dress the came to just above her knees that had a single strap that went around her neck and was backless. She had pulled her hair back in a French twist and had on white gold diamond dangling earrings. She had on a white gold and diamond choker as well. She only wore light make up with just some rose colored blush and a dark pink lip gloss.

"Thank you. There is a limo waiting for us downstairs." Said Liz

Max stepped a side and let Liz out she locked her door dropping her keys in her cluch that matched the dress. He also noticed that she had on a pair of black two inch heels. He offered her his arm as they started down the stairs. The walked out of the building to see a black limo with the driver holding the door open for them. Liz climbed in first followed by Max. Once they were both inside the driver closed the door and got behind the wheel and they were off. Max looked around and found a bottle of sparkling grape jucie on ice.

"May I offer the lady some sparkling grape juice?" Asked Max
"Yes thank you."

Max poured them each of them a glass.

"To Liz Parker and her first horror movie." Said Max

Liz clicked her glass against his and they both took a sip.

"So you still going to be closed mouth about what happens to you?"
"Nope. Well the title is "The Baker House" the story is that a family was murdered in the house. I play one of the ten people named in the will. The family was wealthy and the only way for them to get the money is to spend a night in the house the murders took place in. But one by one they start to die."
"But you won't say if you die or not."
"You are evil Parker."

Liz just laughed. It was then they pulled up in front of the theatre that the premiere was being held at. Liz looked through the tinted window and could see fans and reporters. The driver pulled up to the red carpet and one of the security men came to open the door.

"Max, I want you to get out first. Then you reach out and help me out."
"Got it."
"Oh and let me handle the reporters."

The limo door opened and Max stepped out of the car. He held his hand out as did the security man. Liz took both their hands and they helped her out as flashes from cameras went off. Max offered her his arm which Liz took.

"Ready?" Asked Liz softly

Max just nodded and they headed up the red carpet. Fans were screaming and reporters were trying to find out who the good looking man on Elizabeth Parker's arm was. A reporter from Entertainment Tonight stuck her micophone in Liz's face.

"Elizabeth, who is this gentleman with you tonight?"
"This is just a good friend of mine." Said Liz
"Just a friend?"
"Yes just a friend." Said Liz

Liz lead Max away from the reporter and into the lobby of the theatre. Once inside Max saw a few other actors and actresses he recognized.

"Liz! Hey Max!"

They both turned to see Serena and Kyle walking over to them.

"Hey Rena." Said Liz giving her a hug.
"Hey Max, have fun with the wolves out there?" Asked Kyle
"Oh yeah. I don't think they are buying that Liz and I are just friends." Said Max
"Most likely not. Liz didn't give up your name right?"
"They are going to be digging until they find out who you are. They will then try and find out everything they can about you. They may even try and make out that something is there that isn't."

Max just nodded. It was then time to head in to take their seats for the start of the movie.

Liz laughed at the looks on Serena, Kyle and Max's faces an hour and half later when the movie ended.

"You have to be fucking kidding me Liz!" Said Kyle
"Valenti, you saw the movie. So you know it is true." Said Liz
"But you playing a killer! That is just so out there!" Said Serena
"Well Kimberly didn't do it alone! She had Ben helping her."
"But still you have always played the sweet nice type." Said Max
"That is why I took the role. It was different from anything I have done before."
"Now I will have nightmares about Julia going crazy and killing people!" Said Serena

Liz just laughed. It was fun to surprise her friends. She could just see Maria's reaction to the movie. She glanced at Max who had his hands in his pockets. He looked like he was trying not to get to close to her. She looked around and could see reporters all over the place all wanting to be the first to break the story that Elizabeth Parker had a boyfriend.


Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 14 1/11/17

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 5:59 am
by L-J-L 76
Love how Max was being such a gentleman. Glad Liz had Max, Serena and Kyle their for her new movie. Wow Liz surprised Max, Serena and Kyle by being a killer in her horror movie. So the reports are still wanting to know who Liz is with. The reports need to get a life. Can't wait for Michael and Maria to meet Max.

L-J-L 76

Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 14 1/11/17

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 9:14 am
by keepsmiling7
Max was the perfect date.........and I can just see the reporters digging into his background right now.
Liz seemed pleased that no one suspected her part in the movie.

Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 14 1/11/17

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 5:16 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Max was the perfect gentleman. Yes Liz surprised everyone by playing the killer in the horror movie. The it is the reporters job to report on the movie.

Carolyn Did you have any doubt that Max would be the perfect date? Oh the reporters are digging trying to find bout about Max. Liz is very happy that no one knew her part in the movie until it was revealed.

Part 15

"Damn it Maria help me with your damn bags!" Said Michael
"Chill Michael!"
"We are only here for a week and you felt the need to bring half your closet."
"Look Spaceboy you never know what you are going to need."
"Shit you act like you and Liz aren't like the same size or something."
"We aren't in some places."
"You need some help?" Asked a male voice

Both Michael and Maria turned to see a guy close to there age with dark hair and hazel eyes that looked almost amber.

"Yeah thanks man." Said Michael
"You moving in?"
"Hell no. We are in town to visit an old friend. My girl over there just over packed for a week." Said Michael
"My sister is the same way. Max Evans."
"Michael Guerin and my girl is Maria DeLuca."
"What floor you going to?" Asked Max
"Third. Apartment 316."
"Friends of Liz Parker. I live across the hall in 315." Said Max
"Oohh your the neighbor that Lizzie told me about! Damn she never said how good looking you are!" Said Maria
"Nice to meet you Maria." Said Max

Max grabbed two of the suitcases and started to head up the stairs.

"So Max, do you like our Lizzie in maybe a more then friends kind of way?" Asked Maria
"I think that Liz is a sweet young lady." Said Max
"You know you look a little like Zan Banister." Said Maria
"Well, he is my cousin. Not that I like to go around and admit that."
"Dude I wouldn't either if I were you. From what Liz has told us he is an ass." Said Michael
"Yeah he is." Said Max

They reached Liz's apartment and Maria knocked on the door. A moment later the door opened and Maria threw her arms around Liz.

"I missed you so much Lizzie!" Said Maria
"Missed you too Maria. Hi Michael." Said Liz
"Hey how you doing. No more covering co stars in coffee right?" Said Michael
"That was a one time only performance." Said Liz

Michael just smirked.

"Hey Liz."

Liz looked up to see Max.

"Hey. Let me guess you ran into them downstairs and Michael had been left to try and carry all the bags himself. But being the sweet guy you are you offered to help." Said Liz
"Yeah, well seeing as I would have been stuck behind them anyway it was just easier to help." Said Max
"Liz why can't you live in a building with an elevator?" Asked Maria
"This building was built before the Americas with disabilities act was passed. So therefore it is not required to have an elevator. But all the first floor apartments have been renovated to comply with it." Said Max
"How do you know that?" Asked Maria
"I'm in law school. Going to be an entertainment lawyer like my father." Said Max
"Nice." Said Maria
"Michael, you remember were the guest room is right?" Asked Liz
"Yeah. Come on Max let's take these bags to the room." Said Michael

Once the guys disappeared down the hall Maria grinned at Liz.

"So you like him."
"Maria, Max is just a very good friend."
"But you want more."
"It can't be more then friendship."
"Liz, you can't be scared for the rest of your life of trusting someone."
"I am not scared."
"Yeah you are. Have you told him what happened with Sean?"
"No, and you better not either."
"Liz, I don't get you sometimes. You will date but you won't let it lead to anything."
"Maria, my personal life is no ones business."
"Yeah well the tabloids are having a field day trying to find out the name of your mystery man from the movie premiere. Oh by the way Michael and I saw it opening night. You scared the shit out of me! You looked like you were enjoying being a bad ass."
"You figured out I was one of the killers before it was revealed?"
"Yeah! The close up of your eyes gave it away. I mean I am your best friend. The whole theatre were cussing when it was revealed. It was packed with people you grew up with."
"Yeah Liz. Tommy Waters nearly pissed his pants when he saw you holding the knife to that other chicks throat." Said Michael
"I had a lot of fun filming that movie." Said Liz
"So did you know you were going to be one of the killers?" Asked Maria
"That was the best killer reveal ever in a movie!" Said Michael
"Glad you liked it Michael." Said Liz

The four of them sat around Liz's apartment talking.


Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 15 1/12/17

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 8:06 am
by L-J-L 76
Wow what a way for Max to meet Michael and Maria. It seems Maria will never change. Maria is right Liz needs to try and move on. Liz had one bad experience with guy but Michael and Maria were there for her. But Liz is also right it may take time for her to get over what happened with Sean. It's not easy to get over what happened to her. So glad Max is getting to know Michael and Maria.

L-J-L 76

Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 15 1/12/17

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 5:12 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 That really was some meeting for Max!

Part 16

Zan laid in the bed taking a hit off the crack pipe while a girl with long brown hair sucked on his rock hard dick. This girl really knew what she was doing. He bucked his hips into face hard as she ran her tounge over his shaft. He enjoyed both regular sex as well as having girls give him oral sex. Not that he would ever suck on a girl's pussy. He grabbed her hair tightly as his seed poured into her mouth. He laughed as she started to choke on it. Once his seed stopped pouring out of him he released her hair. She was still choking as she looked up at him.

"That felt fucking good." Said Zan

The girl just looked at him. She was realizing that Zan wasn't like she thought he was. She started to get up to dress and leave when he grabbed her roughly.

"You don't think you are done do ya bitch? Blow jobs never fully get me off. The only thing that gets me off is a nice tight pussy."
"Zan, I don't want to have sex."
"You don't get it do bitch? You chose to come in here with me that was agreeing to us fucking."

He shoved her down on the bed ripping her panties from her. He took her hand and forced her to run it up and his shaft until it grew hard again. He then pushed her legs apart and rammed into her hard. He smiled as he ripped through her virginity.

"Zan stop! I don't want this!" She cried
"Shut up bitch." Said Zan slapping her hard.

He pounded into her hard and fast. He ignored her cries as he continued to use her to fill his need. He screamed as he finally felt his release. He rolled off her breathing hard. The girl laid next to him crying.

"Didn't expect a bitch like you who knows how to suck dick so well to still have her cherry. Not that it mattered to me. Now you get to tell your friends that a star was your first fuck."

Zan dressed grabbed the crack pipe leaving her on the bed not noticing the blood on the sheet.


Rath smiled as Zan came down the stairs. He admired the guy. Zan had sex with more girls then he could count. Yeah Zan repeated girls to. But for as long as he had known him he didn't go more then a few days without fucking some chick. While Rath on the other hand only got laid half as often.

"Hey man, how it go with that chick?" Asked Rath
"She great at sucking dick. But she still had her cherry."
"You took care of that right dude?"
"Hell yeah! You know me always got to get me some nice hot tight pussy."
"She still up there?"
"Yeah was crying like a little baby. Kept saying she didn't want my dick."
"Lot of them say they don't want no dick. But we know better they just don't want to be labeled a slut. But that is what they are."
"Think she good for another round?"
"Yeah man. Got some more crack?"
"Yeah over in the drawer by the fireplace. Man, I really think you try heroin. Smack gives you the best high!"
"Can't have the track marks from the needle. Don't forget I play a nondruggie on that stupid show."
"Just a guy who cheats on his girl with her cousin."

Zan went in search of more drugs while Rath headed up the stairs to give the girl another hard ride. But first he planned to shoot her up with heroin. They always are easier to deal with doped up.