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Re: School For Troubled Teens (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 8 10/14

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 9:19 am
by L-J-L 76
Great Chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max, Liz and friends. So Liz wants to get Alex to find out things about Max and Isabel. wonder what Liz will give Alex if he find out. Wow Alex and Isabel being a couple that seems interesting. Wonder who is the couple making out by the lake. Is it Kyle and Serena?

L-J-L 76

Re: School For Troubled Teens (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 9 10/15

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 3:49 am
by Roswelllostcause
Eve Well Alex and Isabel have agreed to be each other's sex buddy at least!

Natalie36 Oh yes this group is something else.

Carolyn We might never know who it was down by the lake.

L-J-L 76 We will find out here what kind of deal Alex and Liz come up with.

Part 9

Isabel slipped out of the administration building. She had a name for Alex. She walked into the cafeteria to find him eating a bowl of oatmeal. She sat across from him and slipped a piece of paper across the table to him.

"What is that?"
"That Alex, would be the name of someone who might be willing to pass you some pills for your skills with a computer."
"Didn't take you long to get the name."
"I know how to get in anywhere I want when I want. Got into the records room."
"But there are over three hundred students here."
"Well, my brother told me what you told me about her sister. So I thought it was a good place to start."
"No problem."

Isabel walked off and Alex looked at Elizabeth Parker sitting at the table a little ways from him. She had a book open in front of her as she ate a bowl of cereal. Alex got up and headed over to her. He sat down across from her.

"What do you want Whitman?"
"I thought we could help each other out."
"Well you got something I want. I got skills to get you what you want. Good grades, information on anyone you want."
"What do you want you think I have?"
"Well since your sister died you have been on antidepressants."
"How do you know about my sister?"
"Max, traded me something to dig up dirt on you."
"He had no right! Look here Whitman, you tell anyone what you know and I will make you pay. Am I clear?"
"Good. Now I maybe willing to trade you my bottle of pills for the dirt on your roommate."
"How many pills we talking about?"
"Well it's a new bottle. I am to take two pills a day."
"What do you take?"
"We got a deal."
"You get the pills after you hand over the information."
"Of course."

Liz got up and left. Alex had to wonder what was going on with the girl.


Liz walked out of the cafeteria and went hunting for Max Evans. She found him on the dock by the lake and shoved him in.

"What the fuck Parker?" Asked Max as he came up.
"That is for sticking your nose into my life!"

Max pulled himself out of the water and stared at her.

"Maybe I shouldn't have gone digging. But you don't strike me as someone who should be fucked up. So I had to find out what happened. I am sorry about your sister."
"Don't you ever bring my sister up. Tell anyone about her and I will make sure that you will never be able to screw a girl."
"You wouldn't want to disappoint yourself like that."
"Cut the cocky shit."
"Oh you know that you like it."

Liz glared at him and shoved him back in the lake.

"Miss Parker! Come with me. Seems you need a visit to the headmaster's office." Said Mr. Turner one of the gym teachers.
"Keep your fucking hands off me." Said Liz

Max climbed out of the lake again watching them go. God Liz was sdo fucking hot when she was pissed off.

"Dude bet she is a firecracker in the sack." Said a male voice

Max turned to see a guy from his history class come from behind a tree smoking.

"I have plans to find out." Said Max
"Maybe after you are done with her. You can send her my way. So far I haven't had a real good lay here. Though got to say Tess Harding ain't real bad. But she needs work to really please a guy."
"I will think about it. I'm Max Evans by the way."
"Nick Markwell."
"Listen good Markwell until I say different Elizabeth Parker belongs to me. I will kick your ass if you so much as put one figure on her. We clear?"
"Sure Evans. Besides I don't fuck virgins. They suck."

Max watched as Nick walked off. He knew that he couldn't trust that guy. But he couldn't worry about him right now. He was soaking wet and it was cold. So he headed for his dorm to dry off.


Re: School For Troubled Teens (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 9 10/15

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 7:02 am
by L-J-L 76
Great new chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next Max, Liz and friends. Can't believe Isabel got what Alex needed. So Liz is on antidepressants because of her sister's death and Alex wants them. So Alex is going to give Liz information on Max. Boy is Liz mad at Max for getting information on her. Love how Liz kept pushing Max into the lake. Oh no Liz is in trouble. Great now Max is going to have to keep Liz safe from Zack and Nick. Just what Max needs. What is Liz's punishment going to be? Is Liz going to get kicked out? Will Liz have to leave the school? Will Max and Liz talk? Will Max and Liz fall for each other? Will Max and Liz get together? Will Max and Liz admit their feeling to each other? Will Max and Liz kiss? Will Max and Liz hang out together? Will Max be able to keep Liz safe from Zack and Nick? Will Liz get hurt? Will Max be there for Liz? Will Liz let Max be there for her? Will Max, Liz, Michael, Maria, Alex, Isabel, Kyle, Serena all graduate school? Max and Liz have a happy ending together? Will Max and Liz get married and have kids?

L-J-L 76

Re: School For Troubled Teens (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 9 10/15

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 7:51 am
by begonia9508
Must admit I like Liz! She kicks guys' s ass and they merit it anyway... :twisted:

Thanks EVE :mrgreen:

Re: School For Troubled Teens (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 10 10/1

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 3:53 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Yes Liz is on antidepressants. But doesn't mean she always takes them. Liz finds out her punishment here. Liz will not get kicked out.

Eve Oh yes this Liz is not afraid to tell a guy off or give them a little shove when need be.

Part 10

Liz sat across the desk from Mr. Quinn the headmaster of Raven Crest. The man looked to be in his mid forties. His dark hair was cut in a very short crew cut. He had a stren look on his face.

"Miss Parker, seems you are having a hard time adjusting to Raven Crest." Said Mr. Quinn
"So what?" Said Liz
"You miss at least one class every week. You talk back to your teachers. You show disrespect to other students. Oh and today you shoved another student into the lake. Care to explain what that was about?"
"Not really."
"It wasn't a request. Tell me what that was about!"
"We had a disagreement. He stepped into my personal space. I thought he might try something. I only meant to push him back. I didn't mean for him to fall in the lake."
"Was that the first time or the second?"
"You will have one month of detention in this building starting tomorrow morning. You are confined to campus for the next two months."
"That is such bull shit!"
"Miss Parker, you will learn to respect others is that clear? Oh and if you don't drop the fowl language you will get a lesson on how we handled that kind of attitude in the Marines. Do I make myself clear?"
"Good. You may go."

Liz walked out of the office and headed back to her dorm.


She turned to see Max just off the path. She headed over to him.

"So what did the jarhead do to ya?"
"One month of detention and can't leave campus for two months."
"Shit, that puts us at Thanksgiving break."
"What you tell him in case I got to go in?"
"We had a disagreement. You came into my personal space. Didn't mean to push you in the lake."
"I got it."

Liz walked off and Max grinned. He couldn't wait until he got her to agree to let him screw her.


Alex typed away at his computer it didn't take him long to get access to Max's file. Drinking, stealing and beating up smaller kids were the small time stuff. Max had been caught last year when he was fifteen having sex with a girl by her parents. The girl was actually a year older and no charges were filed. The girl did get pregnant and her parents forced her to terminate it before shipping her to live with some relative in Europe. When Max found out he stole and burned the girl's parents BMW. Well that was what the parents said. But there was no proof. He dug deeper and found what might be the real issue with him. Turned out both he and Isabel were adopted when they were they were six. They were twins. Their bio mom died of a drug over dose their father was long gone and had been living with their mom's boyfriend. A guy that seemed to have a thing for touching little kids in a sexual matter. Never had sex with them but still got off by putting his hands on them. That was so fucked up. But Alex was smart enough not to say anything to either of them about what he knew. He made a print out of the complete file. He placed it in a sealed envelope and stuffed it in his bag.


Max sat by the lake after Liz left him. He let his mind drift back to the day he lost his virginity to a girl that was a year a head of him. Gina had asked him over to her house. He was surprised that she even knew who he was.

Max rang the doorbell to the house in one of the wealthiest parts of Hondo New Mexico. Max was from a nice middle class neighborhood. So this was something to see. Gina smiled when she came down to the living room from her room. The maid had let him in.

"So glad you could make it Max." Said Gina
"Yeah. So what did you want to do?" Asked Max
"Well I thought that you and I could go up to my room and have some fun."
"What kind of fun?"
"Well I thought I could help you become a man."

Max smiled at the idea. Gina was one of the best looking girls in school. He followed her upstairs and to her bedroom. She pushed him down on her bed they started to make out. Gina pulled his shirt from his body his jeans soon followed it wasn't long before Gina laid over him in nothing but her bra and panties. He could feel his erection becoming even more painful by the second.

"Getting excited Maxie?" Asked Gina in a husky voice

He let out a groan as she rubbed her fabric covered heat over his groin. She unhooked her bra removing it. It was then Max flipped them over and pulled her panties from her. She smiled as he took charge. His boxers were on the floor before long and she guided him into her. He sank in and found out what he had heard in the locker room was true. She was no virgin. He started to thrust in and out of her she moaned with pleasure. She screamed as she hit her climaxed causing him to find his release. He laid next to her breathing hard.

"Not bad Max."
"Uh Gina, are we going to be OK?"
"It will be fine. I'm on the pill."

Max nodded then got dressed and went home.

She had lied. She had wanted to get pregnant. He still didn't know why. But her parents had been beyond pissed. He never did learn if the baby had really been his. She had sex with a lot of different guys. He had done a lot of crap but he never stole or burned that car. He never faced charges because there was no proof. Besides stealing a car wasn't his style.


Re: School For Troubled Teens (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 10 10/1

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 8:00 am
by keepsmiling7
Every day there is something new in the troubled teens history.
Liz on antidepressants......and Max at 15, will he ever know if he was the father or not
And our Liz missing class and talking back to teachers.......what ever will they do next?

Re: School For Troubled Teens (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 10 10/1

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 8:51 am
by begonia9508
Yeah! I know that girls, who are in the same age as boys, are more mature and I guess that's why Gina profited from Max... And he had to pay the price, if it was all, from him! :roll:

EVE :mrgreen:

Re: School For Troubled Teens (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 10 10/1

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 4:31 pm
by saori_1902
oh boy :shock:

Re: School For Troubled Teens (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 10 10/1

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 6:19 pm
by L-J-L 76
Great Chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max, Liz and others. Poor Liz she has detention for 2 months just skipping class, back talking teachers, Swearing and pushing Max into the lake. Wow that is a lot to get into trouble for though. Wow Max went through a lot. Feel bad for Max too though. Cool Alex found a lot of things about Liz and Max.

L-J-L 76

Re: School For Troubled Teens (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 11 10/1

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 5:20 am
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn Liz is on antidepressants, but doesn't mean that she always takes them. Max most likely will never know, unless it was a lie that Gina had an abortion.

Eve Gina was going to use whatever boy she could. Max just fell victim to her.

saori_1902 Thanks

L-J-L 76 Oh yeah Liz is in major trouble right now!

Part 11

Zack unzipped his pants and pushed Tess against the wall of boys bathroom hard he lifted her skirt he then pushed his penis into her hard. She let out a gasp at how hard he entered her but bit her lip as he pounded into her. Tess hung onto him as tight as she could. He was being rough not that he was ever gentle but he was still pissed that Max Evans interfered in him taking what was rightfully his. But it was only a delay. He would fuck Elizabeth Parker no matter what. It didn't take he long to get his release he pulled out and lowered Tess to the floor. He fixed himself while Tess worked on fixing herself.

"Uh I was wondering shouldn't we be using a condom?"
"Look, slut I have never and never will use a condom. If you get knocked up it's on you. But you ain't going to get a dime out of me or my parents."
"What about STDs?"
"That ain't my problem."

With that Zack walked out of the bathroom leaving Tess behind.


Liz sat at a table in the cafeteria picking at her dinner. It was listed on the menu as tuna surprise. Liz had to wonder if the surprise was that it wasn't really tuna.

"You are braver then I am." Said Alex sitting across from her.
"I take it you got what I want." Said Liz
"Yeah, but I should warn you. It's bad."
"I can take it."
"Hey, I was going to give it to you as long as you got the pills."
"I got them."

Liz dug into her bag and pulled out the prescription bottle. She passed it to Alex under the table and he passed her the envelope with the file he had on Max. Alex shoved the bottle into his pocket and walked off. Liz opened the envelope and pulled out the pages and started to read. She felt tears fall down her face as she read about Max and Isabel's early childhood. She never imaged that this could have happened to anyone. But couldn't understand how they ended up with him.

"What do you want to know?" Asked Max sitting next to her.
"Uh nothing." Said Liz
"I know what that is. Isabel and me were with him because our bio mom wanted it that way. She didn't know he got off by touching kids like that." Said Max
"I'm sorry."
"Nothing to be sorry about."
"You can ask me something personal."
"Why won't you report Zack?"
"There are a few reasons. One is I caught this guy stealing a test paper and told the teacher this happened when I was in six grade. He broke my arm. But the main reason is that I got beaten by a girl for going to the cops because she was hitting a kid she baby sat."
"So you're scared that Zack will come after you?"
"Yeah. Until my sister died my dad acted like I didn't matter. But after Jess died I had to be what she was. She wanted to go to Harvard and become a doctor. I don't want any of that. But my father is forcing it on me."
"So you rebelled?"
"Look I don't blame you for wanting to find out more about me. Find me after you are done reading through that. I will explain anything you want."
"Don't go telling anyone though."
"I won't."
"I promise what I know about you from the file I have I won't say anything."
"I do have one thing to ask. When you are ready tell me about your sister."

Liz looked at him with tears falling.

"I didn't mean to upset you." Said Max
"You didn't. It's just since Jess's funeral my parents never want to talk about her."
"Well, you can with me."

Liz smiled at him. Max smiled back. Not just one of his smirks that he had been walking around flashing since she met him either but a real smile.

"By the way Liz how much trouble you get in?"
"One month of detention to be served in the administration building and two months trapped on this campus."
"Shit just for pushing me in the lake when I was being an ass?"
"I have been skipping class and telling off teachers too."
"Well that takes us almost Christmas break."
"Look, Liz if you want maybe we can get together some time after we go home. My parents just live in Hondo that ain't too far from Roswell."
"Maybe. Might not work at Christmas but this summer could work."
"Yeah that would be good. If you are done eating that crap they call dinner I will walk you back to your dorm."
"Sound good."

Liz returned her tray and then they both headed out.


Zack watched as Liz left with Max. He would make that punk pay for getting in the way of him taking what he wanted. He could feel his dick becoming hard just thinking about when he would finally get to shove it nice and hard into her tight pussy. But for now he need to find some relief. He spied Pam Troy getting ready to leave. The other night she had been a fairly good ride. He was sure that he could get her to go for it again. He grabbed his jacket and went to catch up with her.