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Re: From Rags to Princess (M/L, AU Adult) Pt 10 9/5

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2015 9:20 am
by max and liz believer
Of course it would be overwhelming for Liz to have Max so openly admit his feelings to her - and want to share a full Antarian bond with her. But I like the Queen; she'll get Liz to be more comfortable at the situation and then Liz'll probably realize that she wants it too - she wants it all - with Max :D

- Jo

Re: From Rags to Princess (M/L, AU Adult) Pt 10 9/5

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2015 11:47 am
by keepsmiling7
More attention paid to that's a thought.
I'm glad Max was honest with Liz, even if it made her run off.
Diane saved the day with her visit. I think someday Liz and the Queen will be great friends......sure hope so.

Re: From Rags to Princess (M/L, AU Adult) Pt 10 9/5

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2015 5:00 pm
by Natalie36
hope that talked works

Re: From Rags to Princess (M/L, AU Adult) Pt 10 9/5

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 1:54 am
by L-J-L 76
Great Chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max and Liz. I'm glad Liz and Serena worked things out. So Liz got Max to tell her the truth. I think Liz should be happy Max admitted he loved Liz. So Max asked Serena to help win Liz's heart. I can't wait to find out what Max will do. I'm glad that Diane talked to Liz and told her about sending Max to get Liz. And have her think about why Max wanted to help the farmers. What will Max do to win Liz's heart? Will Max win Liz's heart? Will Liz fall for Max? Will Liz admit her feeling? Will Max and Liz spend time together? Will Max kiss Liz? Will Max and Liz bond? Will Max and Liz be happy with the bond? Will Kivar try and stop the bond? Will Max and Liz get married and have kids? Will Max, Liz, Serena, Isabel, Diane, Philip live a long and happy life together?

L-J-L 76

Re: From Rags to Princess (M/L, AU Adult) Pt 11 9/6

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 5:25 am
by Roswelllostcause
Jo Liz, is a bit over whelmed and was not expecting that Max would admit he fell in love at first sight.

Carolyn Liz did ask Max to be honest. More is revealed about what is going on with the farms here.

Natalie36 Liz has come to a desission here.

L-J-L 76 Liz right now is still confused about what she feels. Diane gave Liz a lot to think about.

Part 11 Three weeks later

Liz walked into the garden she had made her mind up. Now she just had to get up the nerve to tell Max. She knew that she couldn't do this half way. That this would have to be a full commitment. She saw him by the fountain with a puppy. She couldn't help but smile. The puppy jumped into the fountain splashing Max with water. Liz let out a giggle. Max looked over at her and smiled.

"Glad you find it funny that the puppy won't listen to me." Said Max
"What's his name?" Asked Liz sitting down. The puppy jumped out of the water and onto her.
"Sorry." Said Max reaching to take the puppy.
"It's fine. It's only water."
"I know. My sister would throw a fit."
"I can just see the Princess doing that. But you forget I am a farm girl. I had a dog when I was little. Wolf was a great dog."
"You had a dog named Wolf?"
"Yeah. I was two when I got him. He died a year before I ended here. He was protecting me from a garther."
"Garthers are very strong and deadly."
"Yeah, my dad said they kind of looked like earth's grizzly bears."
"Well I don't think you just came to see my new puppy. So what is it Liz?"
"I have made my choice."
"Care to share?"
"I will go through with the bonding."
"You know that this is a forever thing?"
"I know what a bonding is. Max, the fact is no one will believe that I haven't been sharing your bed for the past year. But that isn't the reason. I have feelings for you."
"What kind of feelings?"
"Good feelings."
"Do you love me?"
"I don't know if it is love yet. But I want to. No I need to find out. But the truth is I can see myself spending the rest of my life with you."
"My father already signed the forms for your release. So let me see you wrists."

Liz bit her lip and held her wrists out to Max. He gently took one and released latch on the ban and removed it. Then did the same with the other one.

"So uh what happens now?" Asked Liz
"Well how about you have dinner with me tonight."
"I like that idea."
"Still haven't told me the puppy's name."
"He hasn't got one yet."
"Let me see."

Liz picked up the puppy and Max watched a faint glow come from her hands. She smiled kissed the puppy and placed him back on the ground.

"His name is Lucky."
"Liz what did you do?"
"I have always been able to communicate with animals. So I just asked him what he thinks his name should be."
"He likes you."
"Most animals do. I don't know why."
"I have an idea."

Max took Liz's face in his hands and leaned close and placed a very gentle kiss on her lips. Max pulled away and Liz turned away from him.

"Sorry I shouldn't have done that."
"It wasn't right."
"Max, I didn't pull away did I?"
"You already set me free. So I had the right to pull away. But I didn't. Max, while I am not sure what I feel for you is love or not, I am not afraid of you. I never was. If while I wore those slave bans you had ordered me into your bed for sex I wouldn't have feared you. I know that you would have been gentle as you could with me. The only one I truly feared that day at the market was Kivar. Yes other men touched me and looked me over but the fear I felt from them was nothing like when Kivar did."
"Liz, I promise that I will keep you safe."


Kivar looked at the report from his palace spy. This was not good! It seemed that stupid prince had plans to make that half breed slut his wife. He would not let that happen if he could help it. Though his plans to destroy the eastern farm lands was going well.


Re: From Rags to Princess (M/L, AU Adult) Pt 11 9/6

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 7:17 am
by Natalie36
mam oh man, kivar has got to go :?

Re: From Rags to Princess (M/L, AU Adult) Pt 11 9/6

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 11:09 am
by max and liz believer
Such a sweet kiss from Max. I'm happy with Liz's decision. Very happy :D

- Jo

Re: From Rags to Princess (M/L, AU Adult) Pt 11 9/6

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 1:33 pm
by keepsmiling7
Max was wise to release Liz........she is coming around now. And it will be forever.
But, what's Kivar got up his sleeve?
Looking forward to more,

Re: From Rags to Princess (M/L, AU Adult) Pt 11 9/6

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 9:01 pm
by L-J-L 76
Great Chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next between Max and Liz. I love Max and Liz moment. I'm glad Max decided to let Liz go. And Liz decided to bond with Max. I think it is cute the way Max and Liz is with each other. Wow Max just found out Liz has a power to talk to animals. That was a sweet moment between Max and Liz. I'm so glad Max and Liz are going to bond. Oh no Kivar is going to try something to break them up. I hope Max and Liz will bond before Kivar does something to Max and Liz.

L-J-L 76

Re: From Rags to Princess (M/L, AU Adult) Pt 12 9/7

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 5:20 am
by Roswelllostcause
Natalie36 Yes Kivar needs to go. But it won't happen for a while.

Jo Yes It was a sweet kiss.

Cartolyn Yes Liz is coming around. Got to wait too find out what Kivar is up to.

L-J-L 76 Yes Liz can talk to animals.

Part 12

Liz walked out to the garden later that day for the dinner she agreed to have with Max. She walked out to find a table set with candles. She knew Max was going to try and romance her. Not that he really had to try hard. She knew that she was falling for the handsome young prince.

"Good evening Liz." Said Max

Liz smiled at Max who was dressed in a dark suit. She had to admit that he looked very good in it. He pulled out a chair for her and she sat down. He then pulled out a single white rose and handed it to her.

"Thank you my prince." Said Liz

Max just smiled. He took the seat across from her and they spent the meal just talking and enjoying each others company.


The man crept onto the field and poured the chemical over it. Over the past year and a half he and others like him had gone to nearly every farm in the eastern region and used the chemical. It makes the crops worthless. Though his boss had spared a few farms that supported him. His boss really wanted this farm to fail. It was the farm owned by a human. He personally could care less about the humans on Antar. He didn't care as long as they didn't mix with antarians. He didn't care for those half breeds at all. They in his option should be wiped out before they were born. He made his way out of the field.


Kivar grunted as he pounded into the girl chained too the bed. He had been fucking her for nearly two years. Not that he cared. He soon planed to send her to the whore house he owned. She would spend years with men using her for their needs. Kivar had no plans on ever giving up using his slaves for sex. Yeah he would marry and have a son to take over his land one day. But he enjoyed his sluts to much to give them up.


Max watched Liz as they walked through the garden after eating. She was so beautiful. He only wished he knew what she felt for him. He knew that he loved her.

"Yes Liz."
"Why didn't you ever force me into your bed?"

Max stopped and turned to face her.

"Liz, while I was in my right to do that, and I know you had accepted your place as a slave. It wouldn't have been right. Just because you at the time were a slave didn't mean you should be abused. Tell me Liz, if I had forced you to have sex with me would you be so willing to go through a bonding with me?"
"I can't answer that."
"Because, I don't know. Max, I know that you have never treated me as anything but a lady. But we come from different worlds. I am nothing more than a poor farm girl. You are a prince. You have always gotten anything you wanted. I had to go without a lot in my life."
"You won't now."
"I realize that. But there are so many people going through the same thing I did. Your mother said something to me. I had to think about what she could have meant by it."
"What did she say?"
"That there is a reason the your family is looking into the farms in the east."
"It has something to do with the farm we found poisoned doesn't it?"
"Yes. Liz, most of the farms in the east are having some kind of problem. More than one has been found to have the same poison you found."
"Someone is doing this! This is being done on prepose."
"Yes. So far your father's hasn't been hit. But it very well could be soon."
"Max, if my father loses this crop he will lose everything. I reason I ended up being sold as a slave was because he had a number of bad years. He couldn't pay Lord Trayer back."
"Liz, I made your father a promise. I will do whatever it takes to help him. If I can't save his farm then I will find him a job here at the palace. He knows a lot about farming right?"
"Well, we do need a new adviser of farming."
"You would do that?"
"Yes. Liz can I ask you something?"
"Are you happy?"
"What do you mean?"
"It's a simple question. Are you happy?"
"Truth is I'm scared."
"Of the bonding?"
"But you still are willing to do it?"
"Max fear can only win if you don't face it. I know that you love me. Yes I know what you feel is love. It isn't that easy for me. The school I went to in the near by town to my father's farm. Was not a good experience for me. The human kids didn't want anything to do with me. The antarian ones were mean to me. Hybrid kids have it very hard in the smaller communities. I don't know much about the city ones."
"Liz, you shouldn't have been treated like that."
"It's the past."

Max watched Liz he knew it bothered her but didn't know how to help.