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Re: Saving the World (AU, M/L, Mature) Pt 12 7/2

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 4:04 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Yes they are going a ways out into the desert.

Eve Jeff thought he was doing what was best tyo keep Liz safe.

Part 12

Max sat in a booth in the Crashdown after school. He knew that Liz was off with Serena. He was surprised when Jeff Parker sat down across from him.

“Mr. Parker.”
“Max I don’t know if Liz told you she isn’t speaking to me.”
“Yeah. She also told me that Serena is her sister.”
“Yes. I want to know if she is handling it ok.”
“Mr. Parker I know that you love Liz. But I will not be a spy for you. When Liz is ready to talk she will come to you.”
“Liz is so stubborn sometimes.”
“You don’t have to tell me that. Mr. Parker I don’t think that Liz will be happy if she sees you talking to me and I have had her mad at me before. I don’t want that to happen again.”
“Will you try and get her to talk to me.”
“Mr. Parker I am not going to get into the middle of whatever is going on with you and Liz. It’s not my place.”
“Max please.”
“I’m sorry Mr. Parker. I can’t betray Liz.”

Jeff nodded and left Max alone.


Liz climbed out of the car and followed Serena to a spot about twenty yards from the car.

“Liz I want you to try and move that rock with your mind.” said Serena
“Serena I don’t know how.”
“Liz it’s easy. All you have to do is see the rock in your mind and where you want it to go.”
“I’ll try.”

Liz closed her eyes and took a deep breath and did as she was told. It didn’t move at first. But after a few minutes the rock had moved about a foot.

“It hardly moved.”
“Liz it’s going to take time to get stronger. But the fact is that isn’t going to be your strongest ability. You get flashes from Max right?”
“Yeah so?”
“The flashes were just the start of your powers. As was the way you reached Max in New York. But you will be able at some point see peoples futures when you touch them.”
“Oh so I will be a real psychic? Not like that quack Miss Cleo?”
“Yeah. But you will have to touch the person or something of theirs to see the future.”
“Oh fun. So I won’t know when the Detroit Lions will win the Super Bowl?”
“Not unless you meet a player that wins with them.”
“Oh well I guess I won’t be able to beat the Vegas odds on that one.”
“Liz there is more to work on.”
“What did you want me to try next?”
“I want you to blow the rock up.”
“Oh and how do I do that?”
“How about thinking of it as Tess’s head and seeing it blow up?”
“You really think that would work?”
“One way to find out.”

Liz closed her eyes and did as Serena said and the next thing she knew the rock was dust.

“Cool.” said Liz

They worked for another hour before heading back to Roswell.


Re: Saving the World (AU, M/L, Mature) Pt 12 7/2

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 6:01 am
by L-J-L 76
Great Chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max and Liz. I'm glad Max is staying out of whatever is going on with Liz and her dad. I can't believe Jeff is trying to get Max to help talk to Liz. But I'm glad Max said no. Hopefully Jeff and Liz will talk soon and work out their problems. So Liz can move a rock with her mind. Liz can blast that is so cool. I like how Serena said think of the rock as Tess's head. Now that was great and cool. Will Serena and Liz stay out in the desert a little longer? What will happen while Serena and Liz are out there? Will Serena and Liz find out Liz has more powers then moving a rock, visions, and blasting? Will Max be at the Crash Down when Liz gets home? Will Liz tell Max about her powers? What will Max do when he finds out what Liz can do? Will Max be happy or shocked? Will Max want to help Liz with her powers? Will Max and Liz talk? Will Max and Liz kiss? Will Max, Liz, Serena tell the others about Liz's powers? What will the others do when they find out? Will the others be happy or worried? Will Tess come and attack them? When will Tess come after Liz? Will Max and the other protect Liz? Who was Liz talking to on the phone? Will Tess and the person attack Max, Liz and others? Will a war start? Will Max, Liz and friends fight? Will Max, Liz and friends win? Will Max, Liz and friends tell the parents the truth? What will the parents do when they find out the truth? Will the parents be helpful and understanding or scared? Will Max, Liz, friends and parents live through the war? Will Max, Liz and friends live in peace? So sorry for the questions I was just wondering. Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max, Liz and friends.

L-J-L 76

Re: Saving the World (AU, M/L, Mature) Pt 12 7/2

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 10:25 am
by keepsmiling7
Max was very wise to stay out of the Liz/Mr. Parker situation.
And yes, it would be easy for me to blow up a rock thinking it was Tess's head.
Love it!

Re: Saving the World (AU, M/L, Mature) Pt 12 7/2

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 1:22 pm
by begonia9508
Oh! really practical, this power, seing a rock and making of it dust...
And I would have thausend other possibilities, using powers... I whish! :lol: :shock:

Thanks EVE :mrgreen:

Re: Saving the World (AU, M/L, Mature) Pt 13 7/3

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 4:26 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Max is going to stay out of what is going on with Liz and her dad.

Carolyn Max isn't stupid. He knows if he tries to get Liz to do something she doesn't want to it won't end well for him.

Eve Don't forget that was just Liz's first try at her powers!

Part 13

Tess watched as Liz climbed out of the car of the she hadn't seen before. Tonight she would kill the human. Then she would tell Max that the others would die if he didn't do what she wanted. But that would have to wait until after dark. She couldn't let anyone know that she planned to kill Liz Parker. Max would lose his human parents next. Then the rest of the stupid humans.

“Tess just the person I wanted to see.” said Isabel coming up to her.
“What can I do for you Isabel?” asked Tess sweetly
“Get the hell out of Roswell forever.”
“Why would I do that?”
“Because if you don't then you will have to deal with not only me but Max and Michael as well. And stay away from Liz Parker if you know what is good for you.”
“I don't understand why are you mad at me?”
“I know you are planning to kill Liz. But here is the thing Liz is never going to be alone long enough for you to get close to her. Oh and you can tell Kivar he can go to hell.”
“This isn't over Princess.”
“Oh I think it is. You aren't going to get Max ever. So get the hell out of Roswell or you will die.”
“Kivar is stronger than any of you. He is going to win and then Max is going to be my love slave.”
“God do you know how sick you sound? Now get lost.”
“We will meet again Isabel and don't think I won’t kill you because I will.”
“Not if I kill you first.”

Tess left and Isabel ran up to Liz's room.

“Isabel what are you doing here?”
“Liz, I'm spending the night and so is Maria.”
“Tess is planning on killing you. I just confronted her and promised her that you would not be left alone long enough for her to get close enough to kill you. The ring Serena gave you will protect you from mindworps but not her other powers. I told her to leave Roswell or she will die. But that doesn't mean that she will leave. We have to be careful.”
“Isabel I don't get it. There was a time when you wanted Max to stay away from me. Why help me now?”
“Because if I don't then the world could end. I kind of like my life on Earth I don't know about you. But I would rather help you then let Kivar win.”
“Good point. Besides from what I heard from Max I could end up owing you my life.”
“I don't know what to say.”
“I like you better than I have ever liked Tess. So don't worry about it. We will have fun tonight.”
“If you want you can call Serena and have her spend the night too.”
“I don't think so.”
“What is going on with you and Serena?”
“Did she tell you that she is my sister? Or that my father it turns out is an alien?”
“Ok that explains your mood.”
“Liz have you talked to your dad?”
“No and I don't plan too.”
“I think you should. But I can't force you too.”
“Isabel, I just need time. He lied to me my whole life. I have a sister that I don't know.”
“He had his reasons for not telling you.”
“Well if he thought he would be able to keep me out of this mess by not telling me then he was wrong.”
“True. I heard that Serena was going to work with you on your powers.”
“Yeah. I blew up a rock.”
“Yeah but if science doesn't work out for me I have a great future as a psychic.”
“Lucky me.”

Isabel laughed and wished she had taken time sooner to bond with Liz.


Re: Saving the World (AU, M/L, Mature) Pt 13 7/3

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 8:17 am
by begonia9508
Oh! If I wanted the proof that Tess was psycho; I have it now... what's a stupid girl! EVE :lol: :roll: :mrgreen:

Re: Saving the World (AU, M/L, Mature) Pt 13 7/3

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 10:18 am
by L-J-L 76
Great Chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max, Liz and friends. I really hate Tess. DEATH TO TESS! I can't believe Tess thinks she can kill Liz and get Max to follow her. God Tess is very crazy. Need to put her in the crazy bin. I'm so very glad Isabel stood up against Tess and threaten her. I'm glad Isabel went to see Liz and talk to her. I'm glad Isabel can understand where Liz is coming from. Wow Liz can blast and see things happen in the future. That has got to be cool. What is Liz, Isabel and Maria going to do at the sleep over? Will Liz tell Isabel and Maria about her powers? Will Tess attack at the sleep over? Will Isabel and Liz stop Tess? Will Max find out about Tess's attack? Will Tess attack Max? Will Max go and see Liz? What will happen when Max goes and sees Liz? Will Max and Liz talk? Will Max and Liz kiss? Will Max and Liz sleep together? Will Liz get pregnant? Will Tess try and attack Liz when she is alone? Will Max, Isabel, Michael, Serena be able to save Liz? Will Jeff be more protective of Liz? Will Jeff and Liz talk? Will Jeff and Liz work things out? Will Liz find out about her mom knowing? Will Jeff and Liz finally act like a family? Will Serena and Liz become friends? Will Serena and Liz become close? Will Serena help Liz find out more about her powers? Will Serena help Kyle? Will Tess and Kivar start a war? Will Max, Liz and friends fight the war? Will Max, Liz and friends win the war? Will Max, Liz and friends live through the war? Will Max, Liz, Michael, Maria, Alex, Isabel, Kyle, Serena all get married and have kids? Will the parents find out? What will the parents do when they find out? Will the parents help Max, Liz and friends in the war? Will the parents live through the war? So sorry for all the questions I was just wondering. Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max, Liz and friends.

L-J-L 76

Re: Saving the World (AU, M/L, Mature) Pt 13 7/3

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 2:38 pm
by keepsmiling7
So glad Isabel is protecting Liz. She needs all the help possible from the evil Tess.

Re: Saving the World (AU, M/L, Mature) Pt 14 7/4

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 5:28 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Liz talks a little with Jeff in this part.

Eve Yes Tess is beyond crazy!

Carolyn Yes Isabel is going to stay close by Liz.

Part 14

“Sorry I’m late.” said Maria walking into Liz's room.
“It’s ok. Liz was just telling me that Serena said she is going to be psychic.” said Isabel
“That is great. I won't have to drive all the way to Hondo to see Madam Vivian any more.” said Maria
“Who is Madam Vivian?” asked Isabel
“This psychic that Maria's mother swears by and Maria dragged Alex and me too.” said Liz
“Oh and what is in your futures?” asked Isabel
“Well she told me that Michael and I have no future.” said Maria
“She told Alex that he would never have a romantic relationship with you.” said Liz
“Maybe she was picking up on the fact that Tess was going to kill Alex. Who knows maybe we changed that. Now tell us about your future Miss Parker. Are you the future Mrs. Maxwell James Evans?” asked Isabel
“James? Max's middle name is James?” asked Liz
“He never told you? You never picked it up in those flashes?” asked Maria
“The flashed were just memories and feelings Maria. Nothing big really.”
“So Liz did the psychic say you will marry Max?” asked Isabel
“Then it's good that I am getting to know you better.” said Isabel
“Yeah I guess your right.”

Just then there was a knock on the door.

“Come in.” said Liz
“Liz I thought you and your friends would like some snacks.” said Jeff
“Thanks. Uh dad can we talk for a minute?”
“Be right back.”

Liz left with her dad, and Isabel looked at Maria.

“What is that about?” asked Isabel
“Not sure.”

Liz paced in the living room before speaking.

“Dad, why didn't you tell me about Serena?”
“I was trying to keep you safe.”
“I had a right to know I have a sister.”
“I made a mistake. Liz I always wanted you and Serena to spend time together. But I didn't know what would happen if you did. You seemed to have no sign of powers. I thought if you were around Serena that you could get hurt.”
“I do have powers dad.”
“I know. They were just dormant. Liz if I could change the past I would. But you should have told me the truth about the day you were shot too.”
“I know. It's just I made a promise not to tell.”
“You told Maria and Alex.”
“I had too. Or risk losing my two best friends.”
“Then you let Jim and Kyle in. You should have told me that you had found the Royal Four.”
“You know about them?”
“Yes. I was on the ship with them. I am no protector I was trying to get away from Kivar. Zan’s mother made me promise that if I was ever in a place to help the Royal Four that I would, and she would let me leave with them. So I did. Until now I never knew where they were.”
“I thought only two aliens besides the pods lived through the crash?”
“There were three of us. The two protectors and myself. I wasn't injured so I helped hide the pods and left before the government showed up.”
“Dad, I understand a little better. But that doesn't mean that I forgive you.”
“I know. Tell your friends the truth about me and let them know I am here to help them.”

Liz when back to her room to spend time with her friends.


Re: Saving the World (AU, M/L, Mature) Pt 14 7/4

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 10:53 am
by keepsmiling7
The truth is known now about Liz's dad.........and her powers.
Tess scares me.........I hope everyone will be able to prevent her evil deeds.