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Re: A New Home (AU, M/L Adult) Pt 9 6/16

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 11:30 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Liz knows she needs to try and get to know Max. But she is still very unhappy.

Eve Liz knows deep down that this is what best for her. She is upset that Max's family let woman be used for sex.

max and liz believer This really is a whole new world for Liz. Max knew that he had to be honest with Liz, he knew that she wasn't going to let it go. Max really is a gentleman, he just had to show it to her.

Part 9

Liz sat at a table in the library with her personal teacher. She was going over antarian history. Liz personally didn't find it very interesting. Actually it was kinda of boring in her opinion.

"Elizabeth! Pay attention! This is very important for you to know."
"Miss Cartha this is boring."
"If you don't know the history how do you expect to help lead Antar as queen?"
"I don't want to be queen! I never wanted to come here!"
"Elizabeth, weather you want this job or not you have been chosen for it. My job is to teach you what you need to know for that job. Now tell me is there a subject that you enjoy learning about?"
"OK. If we can get through the next half hour and complete the whole history lesson with you able to answer three questions correctly I will let you out early and will prepare a science lesson and maybe even a lab of to go with it. How does that sound?"
"You are going to bribe me?"
"If that is what it takes to get you to learn this."

Liz bit her she thought about what Cartha was offering. She still didn't understand why humans were being brought to Antar.

"Well Elizabeth? Have you made your choice?"

Liz spent the next half an hour learning about a war Antar was in over a hundred years ago. Then did her quiz questions which she aced. She left the library and headed for the garden. She was lost in thought and didn't hear him come up behind her.

"Nice to see you didn't die of boredom in Cartha's lessons." Came a male voice behind her.
"Just leave me alone."
"Liz, I understand that you didn't come here by choice. But there is nothing we can do to change things. In a couple years we will marry weather either of us likes it. But the thing is this whole thing would be easier on both of us if we tried to become friends."
"Look you're highness, I want nothing to do with you. So just leave me the hell alone!"
"Damn it! I have no clue what Serena saw in you to make her think that you would be right for me. All I see in a stubborn, hard headed bitch!"
"You did not just call me a bitch!"
"Just calling it like I see it."
"Well you are an ass!"

Liz ran down the path that led out of the garden and to the lake. Max took off after her. He caught up to her as she reached the lake. She was on the small dock and slipped and fell in. He watched her for a second. He thought she would swim to the shallow water and get out. But she didn't. That was when he saw that she was fighting to stay above the water. That was when he kicked off his shoes and pulled off his shirt and jumped in after her. He reached her as she was about to go under. He grabbed her and swam her to shore. He pulled her out of the water. She was coughing and spiting out water. Max laid on the shore next to her catching his breath. Liz looked over at him.

"Are you OK Max?"
"Yeah. What about you?"
"Yeah. Uh thank you for saving me."
"You're welcome. Liz do you know how to swim?"

Liz bit her lip and turned away from him. She really didn't want to answer the question.

"No I can't swim."
"It's OK. You can learn if you want."
"I would like that. I just didn't ever have a chance. The lake near where I lived was bad. If I had gone in it I could have gotten really sick, maybe even died. Clean drinking water was hard to find."
"Would you like me to teach you?"
"Yeah that would be great."
"OK, let's get you home. You should rest and a doctor should look you over to make sure you are really ok."

Liz just nodded. Max pulled his shoes back on and wrapped his shirt around Liz. She tried to stand up, but her knees buckled and she when back down to the ground. Max just reach down and picked her up. He carried her back to the palace.


Re: A New Home (AU, M/L Adult) Pt 9 6/16

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 12:30 pm
by Natalie36

Re: A New Home (AU, M/L Adult) Pt 9 6/16

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 12:39 pm
by begonia9508
Great part! Is the water in Antar poison for humans? It could be... anyway, she started to see Max with other eye now... Positiv! :lol: EVE :mrgreen:

Re: A New Home (AU, M/L Adult) Pt 9 6/16

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 1:45 pm
by max and liz believer
Okay, I really didn't approve of Max calling her a bitch. But I can see how she's getting on his nerves; playing with fire (and Max's control of his emotions). But, of course, he redeemed himself by saving her from drowning. That's always a plus :roll: And if he's going to be teaching her swimming lessons from now on, they'll have a lot more "one-on-one" time. That's promising… :wink:

Thank you!

- Jo

Re: A New Home (AU, M/L Adult) Pt 9 6/16

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 3:25 pm
by L-J-L 76
Great Chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max and Liz. I like the way the teacher bribed Liz. I can't believe Max and Liz called each other names. I guess they were both trying to let off some steam. I'm glad that Max was there to save Liz. I think that is very sweet that Max wants to teach Liz to swim. I don't like how Max said Liz needed to get checked out though. Is Antar's water poison to humans? Will Liz be fine? Will Liz be able to go to her science lessons? Will Max teach Liz to swim? Will Max and Liz try and get to know each other? Will Max and Liz become friends? Will Max and Liz hang out and talk? Will Max tell Liz about her parents? What will Liz do when she finds out? Will Liz let Max hold her? Will Liz run to her room? Will Max and Liz fall for each other? Will Max and Liz admit their feelings? Will Max and Liz kiss? Will Liz go with Max to the balls? Will Max and Liz see Kivar and Nicholas? Will Max and Liz talk to them? Will Liz stay away from Kivar and Nicholas? Will Max be protective of Liz? Will Liz save Liz from danger? Will Max, Liz, Michael, Maria, Alex, Isabel, Kyle, Serena, Philip and Diane have a happy ending together? So sorry for all the questions I was just wondering. Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon. I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max and Liz.

L-J-L 76

Re: A New Home (AU, M/L Adult) Pt 9 6/16

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 6:42 pm
by saori_1902
I can not wait for her swim lessons. :mrgreen:

Re: A New Home (AU, M/L Adult) Pt 9 6/16

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 6:43 pm
by saori_1902
I can not wait for her swim lessons. :mrgreen:

Re: A New Home (AU, M/L Adult) Pt 10 6/17

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 11:13 am
by Roswelllostcause
Natalie36 Thanks!

Eve No the water isn't harmful to humans. Because Liz almost drowned Max just wants to make sure she is really OK by having a doctor look at her. Yes Liz is starting to see Max differntly and that is a good thing!

max and liz believer Max shouldn't have called Liz a bitch. But she has been getting on his nerves with the way she has been acting. Oh I think the swimming lessons might end up being a very good thing for them. :wink:

L-J-L 76 No the water isn't poison! Max is just being overly cautious with Liz.

saori_1902 You will have to wait a little longer for those swimming lessons!

Part 10

Max paced outside of Liz's room. There was a doctor in the room with a long with his mother. He looked up to see Serena coming down the hall.

"How is she?" Asked Serena
"I don't know Rena. When you spoke with her did she tell you that she can't swim?"
"No. She really wasn't too fore coming with information." Said Serena
"Rena, how is it you only know some things but not everything about someone?"
"Max, I can't read minds you know that. I can just read people. Like under that stubbornness Liz puts out is a scared little girl."

Just then the door opened and the doctor and Diane came out of the room.

"Dr. Kara will she be OK?" Asked Max
"Elizabeth, will be fine. Just needs some rest." Said Dr. Kara
"Max, you and Serena may go in." Said Diane

Max and Serena when into the room and found Liz in bed.

"Hi." Said Liz softly
"Hi. How you feeling?" Asked Max
"That's good."
"Max, I meant it when I said yes to you teaching me to swim."
"I will be happy to."
"Thanks. I know that I have been a real bitch. It's just that I am scared."
"That is very understandable." Said Serena
"I never blamed you for being upset. I mean when I was told that I would marry a girl I had never met from another planet I wasn't too happy about it." Said Max
"But you didn't have to leave your home and family behind. I did. Don't say anything either of you. I know that coming here is better then staying on Earth. But it doesn't change that this isn't my home. A home has love, and I don't feel that way about anyone here."
"We get that. Liz, maybe in time you will change your mind. Just let us be your friends." Said Serena
"That is going to take some getting use to. Very few people could be trusted so I didn't have friends."
"Liz, we will take things slow OK?" Said Max
"Max, we should let Liz rest. Besides we need to get ready for the family dinner. The good news is mom will get you out of it, on doctor's orders. The only way the King can be over ruled is by a doctor for someone's health." Said Serena
"Get some rest Liz." Said Max
"Ok. See you both tomorrow?"
"Yes." Said Max

Max and Serena left and Liz fell to sleep.


Kivar watched as the young girl entered his bed chamber. He was dressed only in his shorts. She wore nothing but a robe. She was shaking in fear.

"Take it off bitch!"

She dropped the robe and Kivar threw her onto the bed. He removed his shorts pushed her legs apart. He forced his dick into her and began to move in and out of her roughly. She hated how her body responded to what he was doing to her. She knew what he was doing was wrong. She knew that not all on Antar were like this monster. But if she ever got out of this hell would any man ever seen her as anything but a whore. She was sixteen and been going through this for nearly two years. She was only greatful that he hadn't called for Kat to come to his bed. That girl was still sore from him raping her two days ago. When he finally had his release he rolled off her and she as quickly as she could got out of the bed grabbed her robe and made her way with the guards back to the tiny room she shared with Kat. Once she was in the room and the door locked she sat on her bed mat and cried. She felt someone place a gentle hand on her. She looked to see Kat had sat next to her.

"Jenny, we will get out of here. You just got to believe."
"No man will want us. We are nothing but whores!"
"Jenny! I get that things are bad for us. That things are really bad! But if you give up hope then that monster wins!"
"Kat, you have been here a couple days. I have been here two years! Now just leave me alone!"

Kat sighed. She wished that there was a way for the two of them to get away from this monster who it seemed had broken the closest thing she had to a friend.


Re: A New Home (AU, M/L Adult) Pt 10 6/17

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 12:07 pm
by begonia9508
Nice that Liz finally could talk to Max and Serena without agressivity... Most of the time, it shows her fear and dissatisfation in her life... :?

Thanks EVE :mrgreen:

Re: A New Home (AU, M/L Adult) Pt 10 6/17

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 12:27 pm
by L-J-L 76
Great Chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max and Liz. I'm glad Liz is fine. And also Max will teach Liz to swim. I'm really happy Max, Liz and Serena are talking in calm voices. I hate Kivar for the way he is treating Jenny and Kat. Some one needs to kill Kivar really really soon.
