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Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2006 9:57 am
by KatnotKath
OOC: not at all sure this is any good, but I figured it was time I put something up, and great appologies for the delay. Tell me if you think it should be changed?


As the lecture ends, there's a scramble by everyone to gather their books and get out of there. Well, by everyone except me perhaps... I know a lot of people think it makes me sound like a complete dweeb, but what can I say - I enjoy my studies... Of course that might have something to do with how close I came to not being able to go ahead with them... Just thinking about everything that's happened really does make my head spin, and there are times when I really can't believe I'm here...

Worthington... Pretty impressive considering how my grades were looking at one time last year... And I'm actually staying in the dorms... That's the bit which sometimes I do wonder if I made the right decision about... It's not like I wouldn't have been able to stay with Max and some of the others, we'd have been closer, and it would have been easier for sure - less to hide for starters - but it wouldn't have been the 'college experience'...and besides, I'm not sure I would be ready for the idea of 'living' with Max...

Not that I don't love him - I do, with all my heart... But we've been through so much, and well, I guess with that much history, nothing is ever simple... As the rush begins to subside, I begin to gather my things, shoving my file and book into my bag as I stand up and make my way down to the front.

I'm trying, I just... Maybe we did the too much, too soon again? The connection we share is so overwhemling at times, it can be difficult to slow down, and maybe that's what I thought I was making us do by staying on campus... He asked me to marry him, and I said yes, but it's something we never talk about, and maybe that's for the best... Waiting...

It's just...complicated...much like everything else...

Sometimes I even wonder if we should be together, although I don't want to think like that, it's just that we have so much history, and it's hard to forget, and much as I try to move on, there are certain things, like stuff with Tess, that it's hard to ignore... I want things to work between us, of course I do, I just...don't know... It's as though there's this gap opening between us, however much I try to stop it, and I don't know what to do about it...

Or maybe I do? Maria's said herself that living with Michael seems to be working... Am I being stupid, refusing to take that step, or would it be more stupid to take that step as a solution, and not because I really want to...?

Sighing, I thread my fingers through my hair, pushing it back from my face as I move towards the door. Why do things have to be so complicated...? It's like nothing can ever be straight forward and-

My shoulder brushes against the door jarm and I gasp, my head suddenly filled with a series of images which throw me off balance by their intensity...


I blink and turn around, hearing my name called out, and forcing a smile as I try not to loose the images in my mind.

"I just wanted to tell you that last essay you did was very good - I'm extremely impressed you know..."

At any other time, those words would delight me, but right now I need to get somewhere quiet and calm to sit down and focus... "Oh...thanks..." I respond awkwardly.

"Are you okay...?"

He looks at me in concern, and it's all I can do to force another smile. "What, oh yes Sir...I was just thinking...sorry..." Excusing myself as best I can, I exit the room, hurrying to the end of the corridor and turning to the left, sinking down onto the floor for a moment and closing my eyes, blocking out the sounds of students walking back and forth on the main passage and when I'm done pulling out my phone and dialling a number.

It rings twice, and then picks up. "Hey Liz, how are you doing?"

I bite down on my lip, trying not to think about the happy edge to his voice that I'm about to ruin as I speak. "A-actually, not so hot..." I pause briefly before continuing although not giving details since I'm concious of being in a public place.... "We've got trouble coming...big trouble..."

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2006 6:09 pm
by isabelle

"We've got trouble coming...big trouble..." Liz says.

The feeling of pleasure at getting a call from Liz changes to concern at her words. And more than her words, her tone of voice. There's a hint of near fear.

I glance at the calendar, trying to remember her schedule for today. I have all her classes memorized but suddenly that certainty has flown. It looks like she just got out of her last class of the day. Good. That means we should be able to get together. I've got a Literature class in an hour but I can blow that off if this isn't settled by then.

"What's going on? Should I come get you?" I ask. There are so many possibilities racing through my mind, each worse than the last. Anything from the FBI to Khivar or even just some stupid jock giving her a hard time. I know it's not her professors. She's a whiz of a student and doesn't have any trouble there.

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2006 7:50 pm
by madroswellfan
“It’s just another random party although it’s spose to be a big one though. Yeah the beer well be flowing tonight.” Uh oh... this might not be good...I've never tried alcohol before. I really never have wanted to. Alcohol is just a way to make people less... aware of there surroundings.

“Oh don’t worry the guys probably wont do anything. Just bring your girl friend and they’ll leave you alone. And if they don’t I’ll just have a little word with them.” I'm gonna like this guy! He's rather cool!

“Or just go somewhere else for the night that’s what I’m probably gonna do cause the parties here suck."
I really don't think the boys will forgive me for not showing up. I really can't afford to be turned out of this place. I smile at him and say, "Sounds good but... I really don't wanna fall out with the guys... I'd better show up to at least this one out of goodwill. But thanks for saying you would take care of the guys." I smile at him, "I think me and you are gonna get on just fine."

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2006 8:27 pm
by madroswellfan
She's still so beautiful. She looks different...but still... she looks perfect. Even though she's older and...debatively more wiser... she still looks like the Buffy I love...loved. Loved. I left. Period. I can't....I can't go back to that. I can't start thinking like that. Things are over between us. They have been for a long time. I guess its just...hard not to think of her that way.... especially after... after the day that... that made everything so clear. Buffy doesn't remember that day. But I do. I know how it felt to have her in my arms... to be with her in bed again and again... to be in love together forever. I became human for one day...and it felt great. Except that.... it wasn't. If I hadn't turned back time Buffy and I would have died. And she has to fight the good fight. And so do I. So no love for Angel. Buffy will learn to love again... but I won't.

”No, it’s not.” See. Straight to the point. That's Buffy. “I wish it was …but as it is the world appears to be in a peril and you know the drill.” Hmm... why do I get the feeling she doesn't want to see me. Maybe its her body language. I just get the feeling that she would rather be almost anywhere else than here. She hasn't even looked at me.

“The Watcher’s Council asked me to move here. To Boston I mean. Apparently there’s a old nasty trying to rise and if I don’t stop it the world as we know it will be gone.” So the council know about it too. Well... thats not a good thing I fear. And then she looks up into my eyes. If I had to breathe I know right now I would have trouble doing so. “I resisted at first. The move I mean ,but then I started having these horrible nightmares. I was fighting this horrific battle and there was all these people that I don’t even know ,but seemed so real to me.” A horrific battle. Well thats more than what... what Doyle told me.

She pauses a moment before saying, “In my dream I didn’t save some of the people. I tried but I failed. I…I need you help. Have you heard anything about a powerful being stirring up trouble?” I look at her for a moment before stating. "You... you might want to sit." I state as I wave towards my chair. I generally prefer to stand when I'm talking to someone... its not like my body needs to sit. "Do you remember that when I came to visit I had a friend in my office... his name was Doyle." I pause for a moment before saying, "His last vision...before he died..." I pause for a moment as I feel a wash of guilt for not saving pass over me. "He said that he saw a dark evil coming. He said it was not of his earth."

I stop gazing at her and start pacing so I don't have to look at her. Of course my pacing makes no sound at all. "He also said that at a frat party a guy was going to die." I pause a moment and looks at for a moment before saying, "By the way... you look great."

I realise what I said and start pacing again. Must stop this strangeness now. I have to focus. "I've been researching other dimensions but....I haven't found anything yet. But I reckon it might happen tonight at a frat party at the "Omega" house." I swallow before looking at her, "Cordelia hasn't come in yet but... when she does I'm sure she will come check out said frat party with me.... do you know anything else?"

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2006 8:31 pm
by Fehr'sBear

"Why Dean... your delivaring my christmas card yourself this year? Three months early?" Sam says opening the door. I look at him for a moment, hating to sound like a dad even in my head, but well, he looks older.

"Hi Dean, nice to see you. Same to you Sam," I say sarcastically, grinning. "Nice welcome bro. Why the hostility?" I can understand why he's a bit angry. I mean, he did sort of quit the family business for a reason. And he can probably tell why I'm here.

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2006 8:35 pm
by madroswellfan
"Hi Dean, nice to see you. Same to you Sam," If he thinks even for a moment that he's gonna get away with that he's got another thing coming!
"Nice welcome bro. Why the hostility?"

I roll my eyes at him as I come out into the corridor and shut the door behind him. "Dean, whatever it is you want me to do... I'm not interested. Whatever... THING is in town I'm not taking care of it! I like my life as it is thank you very much. You want to spend your life chasing... THINGS then you go ahead and do that. But don't drag me into it."

I fold my arms. "Thats why your here isn't it." The look on his face says that it is. "See ya Dean. Happy hunting." I turn my back on him and head towards the door.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 3:19 am
by KatnotKath
OOC hope this works Isabelle, tell me if you want it changing though.


I can tell from the new edge to Max's tone as he asks if he should come and pick me up that he's recognised the tone in my own voice. He knows me well, and unfortunately after everything we've been thorugh it's not an unusual thing to have heard I'm sure... I'm sure that he's wracking his brains for thoughts on what might be wrong, and I wish I could share it with him, but right now I can't...not here...

I bite down on my lip, swallowing and nodding although I know he can't see me. "Y-yeah, that sounds like a good idea... How about I meet you at the front gates...?" I suggest softly, beginning to stand up and pushing some books that are spilling out onto the floor back into my bag and lifting it back over my shoulder. "I-I'll explain everything when I see you..."

I swallow, my chest tight as I think about what I saw, my eyes now scanning around as I move back out into the main stream of students in the hallway. "I-I'm gonna grab a few bits and pieces from my room before you get here, just in case..." I trail off, not wanting to finish that - not so much in case I have to stay overnight or something - I have a couple of bits and pieces at the house anyway, it makes sense...

No, in case we have to leave... I don't want to think it, but what I saw... I bite down on my lip and swallow. "I love you...see you soon..." My voice is little more than a whisper now, loud enough to Max down the phone I'm sure but drowned out by all the chatter and movement around me.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 12:35 pm
by isabelle
OOC -- it looked fine to me, Kat. Let me know if this needs any changing...


My concern goes up as Liz agrees to being picked up. Something has definately scared her and that makes me scared, too. I need her to be safe. She says she'll explain when I get there and I can hear the sounds of the crowds of students around her so I don't bother to ask her things she won't be able to answer in public.

"I-I'm gonna grab a few bits and pieces from my room before you get here, just in case..." she says, trailing off at the end.

She's packing up? What did she see? She didn't say anything about warning Michael and Isabel but it sounds like she's worried about leaving. I put down my drink, no longer feeling thirsty. I was going to invite her to the party down at Kyle's frat. Looks like those plans may have to be cancelled.

"I love you...see you soon..." she says.

"I'll be there," I promise. "I love you, too."

As I hang up the phone, I pause for just a second trying to remember where everyone is. Isabel's at the shop, but where is Michael? I haven't seen him in a bit.

"Michael!" I shout as I take off up the stairs. "Are you here?"

I'm not stopping to look for him, I just hope that if he's here he'll answer me. I head for my room and run for the bed. Passing my hand over the wall above the headboard, I create a cut in the sheetrock. Pulling off the piece of wall, I take out the bag that holds the orbs.

I really hope I'm over-reacting. I was getting used to this place. Starting to really think that I could have a real life again. I don't want to have to run for my life. I don't want to do that to Liz and the others, either. Whatever Liz saw, maybe it's something we can handle and ride out. We've done it before but I can't make predictions until I know what we're facing.

"Michael!" I call again as I seal up the hole, repairing the plaster and wallpaper so nobody would ever know it had been opened. In a moment, I'm heading down the hall to Isabel's room where the destiny book is hidden. The healing stones are hidden in the car so we'd have them in an emergency. I'll hide all of this in the car with the stones before I get Liz. Normally, we didn't want them all in the same place but if we might be leaving, then we need them.

As I dash, I flip open my cell phone again, dialing up Isabel's cell number. I hope she answers quickly.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 4:54 pm
by KatnotKath
OOC: looked wonderful to me, there's nothing much in this one I'm afraid, but thought I'd try and put something up, hope it doesn't suck!


I know I'm worrying him, and I hate that, but I have to tell him, and I can't do it over the phone... Another shiver runs through my spine as I head back to my dormroom, thinking about the content of my vision. Such evil, such coldness... Death and destruction... I bite down on my lip as I move silently through the corridors and head up the stairs.

Passing a couple of girls I know, I greet them with a distracted 'hi', and even manage to stand and pretend to listen for a moment as one speaks of a party that she's having next week, butmy mind obviouly isn't on it, and I excuse myself as quickly as possible to retreat down the corridor and into my room, hunting for my key in my bag as I come to a stop outside, more than tempted to use the 'easy' way, but ever concious that Lana might be in, and of letting her see something she shouldn't...

Of course it's possible I'm not going to have to worry about her anymore I guess... I bite down on my lip, trying not to think like that, attempting to remain positive even as I begin to gather a few photographs and such, telling myself that I'm likely overreacting, and everything's going to be fine...

But the images keep replaying in my head, and they're hard to I grab a small overnight bag and slip the things inside. Adding my diary - which might not be as revealing as the orginal, but is just as important to me, and my laptop since it seems pointless to leave it, I close up the bag quickly and check the time.

Should I call any of the others? I didn't ask Max to, and didn't mention doing so either, mainly because I want him to tell me I'm over reacting, but what if I'm not, especially for Isabel...

The clock seems to blink in response at me - although I know that's impossible - reminding me that time is short and grabbing my small bag, leaving my books on the desk, I switch off the light and slip back out of the room quickly, taking the back stairs in the hopes of avoiding anyone who might question my leaving...

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 7:26 pm
by Fehr'sBear
ooc: I'll get a Dean post up soon, but where's our Michael?