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Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 3:55 am
by Lizzie_Parker17
Im here.
This is me breathing...
This is what I think to myself as I walk through the busy streets. Which is more than I can say about the rest of my family. Its hard to complain when you know your alive.

I turn around briefly making sure Im still being followed by my 2 companions. Both of them are nice enough sure...but thats not why I agreed to this mission.

Tess is the chosen one.

She may not believe it, but that doesn't make it any less true. Tess is the key to stopping the war! The only way to make sure that no other family gets butchered by some blood thirsty army. The only way to make sure no young girls get left alone... to fend for this fuckin crazy world.

Girls like me.

But what you live through only makes you stronger.
Wisdom. Easy to say harder to accept.

As I shake these thoughts from my head I focus on the issue at hand. Protect Tess. Find a fuckin ship. Get the hell outa here. As if on cue Maria speaks up "What about that ship?"

I look to the ship and see one of the most gorgeous creatures I have ever seen walk down the ramp. I must admit my thoughts are not the purest at the moment. Men very rarely shake me. This man...

...well he shook me.

OOC: Sorry for taking so long to post. Its been my birthday week...I have been partying! NEways its says Liz takes an instant dislike to Max, my post didn't go with that, but Max hasn't spoken yet, and from his description I have a feeling he will be a bit arrogant lol. NEways great so far keep up the good work everybody


Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 5:59 am
by Fehr'sBear
sorry it's taking so long guys, I'll get another Byron post up ASAP.

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 12:57 pm
by ~Ruby~
I hope that you enjoyed your birthday week, Lizzie_Parker17

Just to let everyone know that I probably won't be posting over the weekend. Its my cousin's Christening on Sunday and there's so much to do. Plus, I'm working all day tomorrow.


What about that ship?” Maria says, pointing discreetly in the direction of the nearest ship.

I follow her gaze and silently study the ship. It looks exactly the same as any other ship but that doesn’t stop the shiver that runs down my spine. That could be the ship that saves me from a fate worse than death. That ship might be my salvation.

A tall, dark haired man walks down the ramp of the ship. He scans the area and I quickly look away in case he looks in our direction. I really don’t want to draw any unwanted attention to us. I wait a couple of seconds before I look back towards the ship. The man has been joined by a girl who looks around my age. She’s covered in oil and dirt and she’s smiling impishly up at the man. I feel jealous stir in my stomach. She seems happy and apart from the oil that covers her, normal. I wish I was normal. I think I remember what it was like but it seems like it was a lifetime ago.

“What happens now?” I ask, looking between Maria and Liz. “Do we go and ask them if we can speak to the captain?”

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 4:49 pm
by ~Ruby~
Where did everyone go?

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 5:22 pm
by Fehr'sBear

Sitting at the counter, I let myself space out as everyone around talks about pointless things. All of the sudden, Michael breaks my focus, well, unfocus, with a completely out of the blue question. "Wanna go get a drink?" Looking up at him, I cover the surprise. Usually I'd rag on him, say something to get under his skin, but today I think his invitation is worth taking. After all, what guy goes to the bar alone to pick up a girl? They think it's creepy.

Before I can reply, Kira pops in with a question of her own, aimed to annoy me. “You‘re being awfully quiet, Byron. Was it something I said?” She asks, and I just smirk at her, responding quickly.

"What Kira? Sorry, your mouth was moving before, but I really wasn't listening." Then, turning to Michael, I grin. "Yeah, sure man." This should be an interesting trip planet-side. I really need a break. Flying a ship takes a lot out of you.

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 6:31 pm
by ~Ruby~
I'm waiting for either a Liz or Maria post. And I'm probably going to wait for a Michael post before I post for Kira again.

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 6:16 am
by ~Ruby~
Its been over a week since anyone posted. Where did everyone go?

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 1:56 pm
by OnDragonflyWings

I throw a small smirk in Kira's direction at Byron's words. And I wonder to myself how she can make herself stay confinced on this ship. I know she went through some really gruesome version of hell down there, but who knows when we'll stop again.

"Enjoy the ship," I say over my shoulder as I head out of the kitchen, assuming that Byron is going to be following me.

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 2:19 pm
by ~Ruby~
I'm assuming that Alex and Isabel haven’t left yet. If they have left then let me know and I can quickly edit my post!


"What Kira? Sorry, your mouth was moving before, but I really wasn't listening." Byron says responding quicker this time and then he pointedly ignores me. He grins in Michael’s direction, who had muttered something about a drink. "Yeah, sure man."

Well, way to go about hurting a girl’s feelings. You would think that they would have the manners to inviting me along on their little outing. Wait, what am I talking about? Michael, Byron and manners. Same sentence. That’s just crazy thinking. Anyway, they probably don’t want me ruining their fun or hurting their male egos. Heaven knows, I would probably have more luck with the ladies then what they would.

"Enjoy the ship," Michael calls over his shoulder as he heads out of the kitchen.

“Oh, I will.” I grin and wave. I turn to Alex and Isabel, who are for some reason still hanging around the kitchen. “You guys better get going otherwise you’re going to end up stuck on the ship with me all day. Go and have some fun.”

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 5:43 pm
by Fehr'sBear

I watch as Michael smirks at Kira's reaction to my comment. I bet she wasn't expecting me to actually have a comeback. But, well, that's her loss. "Enjoy the ship," he adds over his shoulder as he gets up and leaves the kitchen to Kira, Alex, and Isabel. I just grin at her and follow, waiting until we're out in the hallway to talk again.

"So, Michael. Why the sudden niceties?" I ask with a smirk, knowing full well he's leaving the ship for the same reasons as me, and figured his chances might double if he didn't just look like a creepy perv drinking at the bar by himself, waiting to pick up girls. But usually I'm either pissing me off or it's the other way around. We don't